deadxbhxaccount · 4 years
Here. Have a cute little drabble while I work on stuff
Cryo! Reader x Diluc
Gender Neutral
Words: 289
The first time he kissed you, your icy cold lips had left with him a startling reminder, one he hadn’t quite been prepared for. He was undoubtedly Fire and you, were Ice. The feeling of your lips against his left a soft tingling feeling, a lingering chill, a sort of spark that left him unsure and cold but oh so aching for more.
The first time your skin touched his, your fingers intertwined ever so softly. The feeling was undeniably powerful, the chill your fingertips left against his hand lingered like the morning sun and slowly faded like a wilting flower.
The first time he embraced you, he truly understood the differences that stood between you. A raging fire and a frozen ocean simply did not mix. Yet somehow, in some way, he felt an incredibly strong desire to be within your arms. To touch you as he had no other, to love you as he would no one else. The sensation of your touch on his hands, your kiss over his lips, your body against his. Everything left a lingering need, a burning ache for more he simply couldn’t understand and maybe, he didn’t want to.
You gave him back all the things he had deemed forgotten. You filled him with such joy he couldn’t hide his smile anymore, held him so softly his heart refused to quieten. You cared for him so lovingly, embraced him all too eagerly and always left him with a gentle tingling reminder that you had been in his arms and would be again, very soon.
Perhaps, the ache, the sensation, the lingering feeling of the bitter winter he once hated... Wasn’t so bad. If he got to be like this, with you.
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deadxbhxaccount · 5 years
((I still can’t believe that this seemingly inconsequential quote of his from a completely different game that he just so happens to cameo in explains so much of his behaviour as WheatDOS in Portal 2.
Like it just ties everything together. He IS a roleplay loving dork. He IS into theatrics. He wasn’t acting evil because he’s literally evil but because he’s a nerd who’s in way over his head (Literally stated by Erik Wolpaw, the lead writer of Portal 2) who uses roleplay as a coping mechanism and who was pretending to be a James Bond villain as an attempt to try and mask his own growing sense of fear and panic over a situation that has since spiralled out of his control.
I’m still amazed at how this little quote of his from a completely different game explains so much about Wheatley as a character and how he behaves.))
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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hey guys just wanted you to know that i just found the absolute worst car in existence
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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req’d by @catsarecutebutaliens
constant heathers mood
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
Parent: yells at and threatens child over a mistake
Child: doesnt want to spend time with them afterwards
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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req’d by @warriorprose
aaahhh more for the collection
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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Some Ko-Fi sketches from today!! For @rubybelladonna, @newtalax, and @majormeilani!
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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the best shape is who you are !
raise your hand if you’re not from a mold!
(Reblogs r appreciated!!)
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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The continually inspiring magic of HRT. Live your truth!
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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A creepy little series
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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The struggle
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
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Pokemon gives me life so have this. 
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
‘I shoulda left you on that street corner where you were standing’
…’butcha DIDNT’
This took a bit to make but it was wooorth iiittt
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deadxbhxaccount · 6 years
Hyde! You don’t know how to use an umbrella!!
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