#it gets worse if i don't work. during lockdown i lost so much weight none of my stuff fit me anymore
oreana-galena · 2 months
It's nice to finally have myself be happy with my hair again. Like, geez.. you never realize how good you had it till it's actually gone. And I do mean that.. lol
I was suffering through extreme hair loss all my life, but I was always told it was many things; the main two being the fact my curly hair was so thick that large chunks had to fall out all the way to a possible thyroid issue.
Spoiler alert: none of that was true.. lol What it was was severe anemia.
And boi did that stuff nearly lay me flat. It started to go after my hair because it was better than going after my organs. But that doesn't mean I don't suffer from slight brain damage now no thanks to the lack of oxygen my body was getting for many years.
Nearly losing all my hair to nerve damage and what not--it took me having to self-diagnose just to find the issue.
After 4 years of taking iron pills, I finally have my hair back to normal. My motor functions are still a bit weak but I'll blame the C virus for exacerbating that.
Normally, I wouldn't care what my hair looked like, but sadly, I have a narcissist for an adopted guardian who nearly caused me to die from an eating disorder years ago. So yeah. I couldn't afford to ever have her see me looking less than perfect.
But it sure is nice to have my hair coming back in thick again.
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