#it could probably actually seriously hold up against the G. brella when it comes to the tankiest targets
hazelplaysgames · 5 months
i really liked. it's technically still Rolling, off of the wall and onto the basket case. just fun.
oh oh oh, i have an EXCUSE to talk about this now. can you believe the Grizzco brella was actually buffed in 3 from 2? the max damage went from 60 to 80. at 5 shots per second, that's now 400 damage per second! the now buffed Tenta brella, 360 per shot every 51 frames, can peak at 423. G. Brella needs ANOTHER buff in my opinion, the pellets do 15 per, why isn't it 90 instead of 80?
honestly, it's really not a huge lead in the first place, i am exaggerating a bit, but for a Grizzco weapon, i have higher standards.
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