#it could also be the pmsing on top of it but i can’t stop crying haha
theboltcutters · 2 years
my boyfriend told me that he’s still hunting for garfield merch for me in japan and that it was one of the only things making him feel close to me while he’s gone and im like ugly crying lol
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reid-fiction · 6 years
The 4 Times Spencer Gives You His Jacket
In which three times mean “nothing” but the fourth time means everything.
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(Gif credit to @pequish8) 
The first time it happens, you think nothing of it. 
In the dead of winter, you are eternally grateful that the BAU has a strong heating system or else your office would be an ice cube. But the morning you walk into the briefing room and swear you can almost see your breath in front of your face, you know it’s going to be a long day. You wrap your arms around yourself and shiver uncontrollably.
“Why is it so cold in here?” you ask, glancing over at Garcia who is bundled up in a heavy sweater and mittens.
“Something’s wrong with the heater,” she answers, grimacing. “Someone’s supposed to be in to fix it later today.”
“I wish I’d brought something warmer to wear,” you mumble, silently cursing the thin blouse you had chosen to put on that morning and the fact that you had left your jacket in the car.
You were hoping that you would warm up as the morning went on but you managed to only get more and more chilled as the hours dragged. That was one of the things about your body; once you caught a chill, it was extremely hard for you to warm yourself back up.
Being constantly cold also made it hard for you to focus on your work. You sat at your desk, attempting to fill out a report, but couldn’t stop sniffling and rubbing your hands together as you tried to get the blood pumping again.
“You okay?” Spencer asked from his own desk.
“Are you not freezing?” you retort, raising an eyebrow. “It’s so cold in here.”
“I don’t really notice changes in temperature,” he shrugs. “My body is usually pretty good at adjusting itself.”
“Lucky you. Teach me your secrets.”
Your reply was dry, but Spencer only chuckles. He had known you long enough to tell the difference between banter and actual annoyance. He also knew that you became more sarcastic if you were too cold, too hungry or...for lack of a better term...PMSing. Instead of replying, Spencer simply shrugs off his suit jacket and tosses it over to you.
“What’s this for?” you frown.
“I don’t need it. You can wear it for the rest of the day to warm you up.”
You don’t even hesitate before pulling your arms through the sleeves, sighing instantly at the warmth left over from Spencer’s body heat, and finally relaxing back into your chair.
“Thanks,” you say, shooting him a smile. “I’ll try not to spill ketchup on it at lunch time.”
The second time it happens, you’re too shaken up to notice.
You were normally incredibly cautious on cases, especially if you were on the front lines of a potentially dangerous situation. But, you were also only human and couldn’t prepare yourself fully for every single possible scenario.
That was how you found yourself bleeding and bruised in the back of an ambulance while a paramedic tended to your wounds. It had been the fault of your own carelessness but Morgan - who had been your point man while capturing the unsub - had assured you not to blame yourself. The unsub had zigged when you assumed he was going to zag and you got caught in the crossfire. Thankfully, your external injuries seem to be nothing more than a broken rib and some lacerations, but the image that is fixed in your mind is one of the unsub on top of you, pointing a gun at your head, and telling you to close your eyes. 
There had been about three seconds where you were convinced you were about to die. You had heard his gun click which was followed by a loud blast. But, instead of seeing a white light, you felt the unsub slump all of his weight on top of you. It wasn’t until you heard Morgan shouting your name and felt him roll the now-dead unsub off of you that you dared to open your eyes. You were still alive, but you couldn’t stop shaking.
Upon their arrival, Morgan insisted that the paramedics take you to the hospital but you were adamant that you were fine. The rest of the team arrived on the scene shortly after and you can see Spencer and JJ come running in the direction of the ambulance. 
“(Y/N), are you okay?” JJ asks, sounding worried. “We heard that things went south.”
You open your mouth to try and answer, but you can’t seem to form any words. The image of the unsub’s gun at your temple etched into your memories. Instead, you just nod and quickly turn your head away so neither of them see the glistening of tears that are forming in your eyes.
“I’m going to debrief with Morgan,” JJ says, reaching over to give your arm a squeeze. “Reid, keep an eye on her?”
Spencer nods as JJ leaves the scene, and he sits down beside you in the ambulance. He knows better than to ask questions. You’re always quiet after a tough case, and this is not the first time he has seen you injured. It is, however, the first time that he’s been truly afraid for you. He and the rest of the team had been back at the police station when the whole debacle went down, and he only had the broken sounding voice of Derek calling for backup and the yelling of your name over the phone to try and piece together what was happening.
He notices that you’re shaking as well. Likely from left over adrenaline, as it was quite humid outside. You still haven’t turned back to look at him, and he knows it’s because you don’t want him to see you cry. Not that he would have cared at all or thought any less of you for it. But he knew how you were about showing what you thought was a weakness. Maybe someday you would sit down and tell him exactly what had gone down during this case, but he wasn’t about to try and pry it out of you right now.
Instead, he slips off the FBI jacket he had been wearing and carefully places it around your shoulders. You don’t say anything, but Spencer can briefly see your hands come up and tug the collar of it just a little bit tighter around yourself and that’s enough for him to know that you appreciate it. 
The third time it happens, you’re not even awake to see it. On a long flight back from a case in California, you find that you can no longer keep your eyes open any longer. The words you are trying to read in the case file are starting to swim in front of you and you can’t help but yawn every two minutes. JJ finally looks up at you from across the aisle and smiles.
“(Y/N), go lay down and rest for a bit. We still have another 3 hours until we get back. That stuff can wait.”
Normally, you would have argued with her, but your body was screaming at you to take a nap. The case you had been on the last few days had been draining and you hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep. You knew the case files would still be there once you landed.
Nodding at her in agreement, you stand from your seat and shuffle over to the couch which is half occupied by Spencer. He glances up from his own case file when you plop down on the other end and start to stretch out.
“Mind if I snooze for a bit?” you ask, not wanting to disturb him as your feet get dangerously close to his thigh.
Spencer shakes his head, watching you as you curl your arms around the small pillow that lays near the arm of the couch and let out a contended sigh. He’s not fully aware of just how long he’s watching you, but he can’t seem to look away. He can’t help but feel as though you’re missing something; his sudden overwhelming urge to take care of you taking even him by surprise. You had mentioned to him once that you slept with multiple blankets at home because you liked to feel as though you were a caterpillar in a cocoon. Without thinking about it, he slowly eases his arms out of his sweater and very carefully places it around you, glancing up at your face to make sure his movements aren’t disturbing you. Though it isn’t large enough to cover all of your body, it’s enough to keep you warm. He knows it will help you sleep better. 
When he finally sits back into his own seat, his eyes catch JJ’s only a few rows away. She is looking at him, knowingly. 
“What?” Spencer asks, keeping his voice low to not wake you.
“Why don’t you just tell her and get it over with?” JJ says, shaking her head as she motions to your sleeping form.
“Tell her what? What are you talking about?”
His eyes shoot from JJ over to Morgan, who is giving him a similar look, and Spencer can feel himself growing more anxious and uncomfortable.
Neither of them say anything else and return to what they were doing, but Spencer can see that they’re both still smirking. He looks back over at you and notices that, in your sleep, you have pulled his sweater up under your chin and are cuddling into it with a dreamy smile on your face.
Something about that image makes his heart catch in his throat. The sudden thought of you cuddling up to him instead of just his sweater enters his mind out nowhere, and it’s such a strong feeling that it actually causes him to frown in confusion. 
You had worked together for almost three years. Spencer found it very easy to be comfortable and friendly around you and, although he did feel a strong sense of protectiveness and wanting to take care of you, he felt that way about all the other team members as well. But Spencer could safely say that he had never once had the urge to cuddle with Morgan.
He’s suddenly thinking about your laugh and the way your nose scrunches up when Morgan makes a bad joke, and how you like to eat your lunch and read a book at the same time, sometimes concentrating so much that you miss your mouth completely when you try to take a bit. He’s thinking about how much you love animals and how you’ll go out of your way to pet any dog you come in contact with and talk to them like they’re a human being. Or how you absolutely adore Henry and beg JJ to bring him in for a visit as often as she can, and how you once went out and bought Garcia a new pack of rainbow-colored pens because you knew they were favorite and her last one had just run out of ink. 
He’s thinking about all the times you’ve taken care of him over the years; how worried you looked when he was in the hospital after his Anthrax scare and how you listened so intently for hours when he told you about his mother, just sitting there and letting him vent and confess all of his fears without saying a word.
Looking at you now, all he wants to do is bundle you up in his arms and have you nap on his lap instead but he knows he can’t do that. You’re a colleague but, more than that, you’re his friend - one of the best he has - and he’s not about to screw that up because he thinks you look cute when you’re asleep. Instead, he takes a breath and wills himself to look away and go back to his reading, trying desperately to repress all of his unexpected new feelings for the rest of the plane ride home.
The fourth time it happens, it all starts to make sense.
The weather forecast had not predicted rain that day, and yet, you and Spencer suddenly found yourselves caught in an absolute downpour while you were walking home. Normally, you would take the bus or get a ride with someone else in the office, but it had been such a lovely May morning that you decided to get outside for some fresh air. Since Spencer only lived a couple blocks away, he offered to walk with you and you weren’t about to turn down his company. 
Now though, you are highly regretting your decision. You hadn’t brought an umbrella with you, or even a jacket, and everything you are wearing from head to toe is completely soaked. The rain is still pelting down on both of you and Spencer has absolutely no idea what to do. All he can think of is to take off his own jacket - one he’s suddenly very thankful he thought to bring that morning - and hover it over both of your heads as best as he can, trying to shield you from the rain.
It’s not a perfect fix, but it keeps the worst of it off of you while you continue to walk - much more quickly now - in the direction of home.
Despite the situation and unexpected annoyance of having to now dry out once you got home, you can’t help but be suddenly very aware of just how close Spencer is to you. Granted, he’s trying to cover both of you with a fairly small piece of fabric, but it’s still something you notice. His clothes are soaked as well but you swear his body heat is still radiating and it causes tingles everywhere you can feel it on your skin.
Spencer is colleague but, more than that, he’s your friend - one of the best you have - and this sudden onslaught of being hyper aware of his proximity and the fact that you’re reacting with nervousness is new to you. 
He’s always gone out of his way to make you comfortable - you’re weren’t blind to that - but you figured that was just his way of being a friend and showing that he cared. But then there were also the moments that you had caught him looking at you, only to turn away quickly when he was aware you had seen him. He also wasn’t much for physical contact with anyone, but you had noticed him reach out and grab your arm to steady you when you were off-balance, or offer a hand to help you get up or out of a car. He had literally shielded you with his own body on several occasions and been the first one to wish you a Happy Birthday every single year and follow that up with a very genuine hug. 
As he now continues to hold the jacket over your head, you notice that his arm has come down to rest lightly on your shoulder. You imagine it may just be because he’s tired of holding his arm up, but you also know that you don’t want him to move it. 
The rain slowly starts to calm down and you peer out from under the cave of his jacket to test the skies. When you’re both convinced that the worst is over, Spencer lifts his arm to take the jacket away and you surprise yourself with how disappointed you are. 
Trying to shrug it off, you turn to him and laugh a bit at the state of things. His hair is clinging to his face and hanging over his eyes so much that he can barely see.
“You look like a drowned sheepdog,” you giggle.
Spencer laughs, shaking his hair out of his eyes and looking down at you.
“You’re not much better off,” he says. 
He absentmindedly reaches over and gently swipes a stray piece of wet hair away from your face and you can’t help but feel your breath catch and your heart stop when his fingers brush over your skin. Spencer seems to notice the sudden switch in atmosphere as well and quickly pulls his hand back.
“Sorry,” he mumbles.
He frowns a bit. “Why, what?”
“Why are you sorry?”
“Well, I...uh, I just didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he stammers.
You pause a moment, focusing your gaze directly at him.
“You never make me uncomfortable,” you finally state. “In fact, I feel more comfortable with you than I do with anyone else.”
“You do?”
You nod. “You’re really good at reading me. You never force me to talk when I’m upset, you keep me out of harm’s way, you’re always checking up on me. I guess...you make me feel safe.”
It’s Spencer’s gaze on you now that starts to make you think you’ve said too much. But when you seem him slowly start to inch his face closer to yours, you finish he movement for him. Balancing on your tip-toes, you press your lips to his, holding them there for a few seconds before retreating. 
There is a brief moment of awkward silence as both of you try and figure out what the next proper thing to say is but, to your surprise, Spencer speaks first.
“So, uh...I guess we should probably sit down and figure this out?”
You nod, smiling sheepishly and turning in the direction of your house.
“We should. I have hot tea, warm blankets and a dryer you can put your clothes in. Why don’t we start there?”
“That sounds good.”
You both start walking again with Spencer’s wet jacket now slung over his arm. It takes a few seconds but you eventually feel a hand at your side gently grazing over your own until you take the plunge and lace your fingers in between his. 
You have a feeling the outcome of your conversation is going to have a happy ending. 
Tag List:
@cynbx @gabriellewritermua  @wheresthewater @toomanyfandomsshreya @thatisthemagic @helayes @marvelouspotterhead @randomfangirl1415 @criminally-me
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psi-groovin · 7 years
a really long ramble about mostly nothing but sort of about what’s been going on in my life: a short novel
What the hell am I doing with myself.
I just sit and wait everyday everyday everyday everyday wait wait wait waiting waiting wait gonna sit and wait til Halloween. All the decorations are up I put them up myself on September 30th and I wore really bad shoes while doing it so it felt like I was walking on bone after multiple hours of stringing lights and small ghosts made out of old marching band t-shirts.
Well here we are. October 10th. I turn 23 in two days. Tonight I gotta go over to my old high school and help coach the color guard cos I said I’d do that about a month and a half ago but I’m finding that they don’t really need my help at all. Also being back there with all those people is just triggering some sort of ptsd in me. I get frustrated and thrust right back into the fray of being in high school with a bunch of girls who don’t give a shit and some who are only there to try and show off. The ones who only talk about band. The Academy, Blue Devils, etc. I don’t know what else to call them except for show-offs. “Look how dedicated I am to this I spent thousands of my parent’s dollars to stand in the back of the field and wave a flag around.” Yeah, good for you. Is that money well-spent? Did you learn anything at all? “Oh this is how we do it at The Academy.” Well guess what, this isn’t The Academy anymore. You’re back in high school with our marching band. This is how we do it here.
See, ptsd. That shit isn’t even related to what I’m dealing with now at the high school. I just keep getting thrust back 4-5 years and experience the same frustrations I did then.
No, now it’s more like I just feel useless. I’m not really good enough (or I guess I don’t have enough training) to be a good coach, but at the same time sometimes I’m the only one helping the girls while the instructors just sit and watch?? But most of the time I just sit there and wait for the head coach to tell me to do something, like repping a certain flag routine while he goes and checks on the weapon line.
I just don’t know. I don’t want to do it anymore but I’m also really fuckn tired of sitting there for two hours while I do nothing. Honestly, it’s probably my fault and I should take some initiative but its something that’s so against my nature that I can’t bring myself to do it. I think the other coaches are afraid of me cos I don’t really talk much. I really just want to quit helping, but I said I’d help and I hate to back out and potentially let them down, even though it seems like they couldn’t care one way or another if I lived or died. So here I am.
It’s currently 5 in the morning. I sent off an application to an airline in Tucson so I’ll be going down there for an interview on the 19th. But it’s in Tucson so I think they’re hiring specifically for Tucson, so I might not be able to do this. Unless I am able to move to Tucson which I don’t really want/have the means to do.
I’m frustrated. I’m in life’s waiting room. I get called in to do one thing and then I have to go back to the waiting room and wait wait wait wait wait o shit look it’s yer birthday woohoo alright let’s go back and wait some more o shit look it’s Halloween.
How do I break this cycle.
How do I break off a piece of that kit-kat bar.
My sister and I went to the store sometime last month around midnight because we were craving cake and were surprised to find that Fry’s was doing a flash sale on Halloween candy. We bought a bag of snickers and kit-kat. The snickers are all gone now.
Whenever we buy Halloween candy we always get one of those big ass mixed bags from Costco but you gotta make sure you get the mixed bags without twizzlers in them cos otherwise everything in the bag will taste/smell like licorice and it ruins the taste of the chocolate so we get a mixed bag of chocolate stuff mostly and I make sure to take out all the snickers and save them for myself cos I’m just a freak for that peanuty nougaty chocolatey goodness.
Kills my teeth though.
I drank some red wine tonight because I have cramps and I read somewhere that red wine helps so I drank some and my teeth got stained a nasty color. It’ll probably just brush off but it was nice to see my teeth turn about the same color as Chop Top’s from Chainsaw 2.
Speaking of Chainsaw, someone commented on the Chop Top/Nubbins drawing I did that’s on Redbubble. Something about how he wished he could assault anyone who would “buy this gay shit.” I deleted the comment of course. I thought about flagging it and reporting it but I didn’t want to trouble RB. Now if the guy comments on my shit again with some more offensive and horrible stuff like that, then I’ll report it.
I’m not upset, per say, by it, but it is a little upsetting to me. The whole situation. Like there are still people out there who are homophobic and insecure enough in their niche genre fandoms that they get offended when I draw a cute picture of two wacky brothers from some famous horror movies?? For real? That’s what’s upsetting to me. The horror fandom tends to be a little elitist, like the metal fandom is famous for. Like… did what I draw bother someone so much they felt the need to comment THAT on it?? What the hell, dude. Just live and let live. For fucks sake.
Am I mad? Not really. Just upset. And like I said, I’m upset because that guy’s way of thinking still exists. I’m not mad that he didn’t like it. I’m mad that he was upset enough to comment some angry shit on it. Like just move on.
Have I beaten this topic to death yet?
My sister got a call from a company in Virginia that if she gets the position, she’s gonna move out there. I want to go with her too. Get a job at Chipotle to help pay the rent. Then continue the airline search.
I don’t know much about Virginia, but I’m pretty much willing to move anywhere as long as it’s not Phoenix or Tucson. Sedona’s gorgeous, Kingman’s gorgeous.. like whenever I have to drive back to Phoenix I want to die. Why does anyone live here it’s a fuckn horrible mass of gray and brown. It’s hot, everyone is angry, traffic is terrible 80% of the time .. why does anyone choose to live in Phoenix. Everywhere else in Arizona is like “ohh, this is why people move and live here.” but PHOENIX… Phoenix can shove a rosebush up its ass.
Grandma’s not doing so good. I meant to ask dad about her today because yesterday he said she went to the ER. We went up to visit her for her birthday and the whole trip was really stressful but it might’ve been extra stressful because I was probably PMSing. We hung up some pictures in her apartment so it looks more like a home, but its still kind of exhausting being around her, especially because she complains a lot. My aunt who takes care of her is always so stressed out with her. I feel for her.
I don’t know. I also didn’t get much sleep because we all shared a room and my sister and dad were snoring really fuckn loud. I kept waking up before my alarm and then thinking I had overslept and then looked at the clock and it had only been like a minute or not even. It was a plus though when we went back to the hotel after dinner with grandma and caught about half of a Jeff Lynne’s ELO concert in Hyde Park on tv. That was pretty groovy.
Also the first night we were there we walked across the street and got a bunch of French fries for a midnight snack and there were two girls in the restaurant who I was facing and they were singing along to some song on their phone and I caught their eyes and they couldn’t stop laughing. So then when I caught their eye again when they were singing/dancing in their seats I started dancing too and they broke up laughing all over again. When they left they waved at me, smiling. I felt good.
If I was in high school I’d feel really insecure about the whole situation. I’d have thought they were judging me or something. I know now that they weren’t. We just had a good moment together and I’m really happy about it. I’m smiling as I type this. I’ve grown a lot since high school.
What the fuck have I been doing for the past month besides all this random rabble I’ve been talking about? Is anyone going to fucking read this? Besides me? This feels really good to type, by the way. This is something I like to call Mind Masturbation, where your brain just shits out all it’s thoughts through your fingers. It feels soooooooooo good and my brain just feels .. clean. Like I’ve gone in there with a toothbrush and massaged all the old shit that’s been building up in there. It feels cool and fresh, like when you get your shoulders massaged. Healthy blood flow.
Anyways, the entire past month has been mostly me mourning the death of Tobe Hooper. I’ve since been catching up on all the works of him I’ve missed and crying my eyes out that we lost such an adorable and really thoughtful (and I mean that in the sense that he thought about things a lot, stuff people don’t normally consider. Like he stepped back a lot and looked at everything and just thought about it. Magnificent. You don’t get that much in people it seems) man. Body Bags was great, and I love John Carpenter as the Coroner and Tobe Hooper’s own cameo toward the end. The Apartment Complex was also fantastic and I just love it and I wanted to see if I could buy it on dvd but it seems its only really available on vhs which is .. neat but also pretty worthless to me. I highly recommend The Apartment Complex, if anyone has read this far. It’s a fuckn delight.
I think I’ve probably jerked off my brain enough to where there’s not much else that’s weighing on my mind anymore. I feel a lot better than I did about 30 minutes ago. I was all wound up and stressed, and now I’m a little less wound up and stressed. I feel slightly better. Writing shit like this really does help get it out of your head.
Well, to anyone who bothered to read this, I hope you found some enjoyment because this was mostly just for me. I hope it wasn’t a complete waste of time. Now you know what I’ve been up to sort of lately and why I haven’t really been on tumblr. Sometimes you just need a really long break. It probably feels longer than it actually has been but that’s another thing: the days feel like they’re crawling by as I wait in life’s waiting room.
We’ll stop there before this thing ends up being a novel.
Thanks for stickin around. Love you all. Glad we could all witness me jerkin off my brain today.
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Loving You | Min Yoongi x Reader - Part 2/2
Note: Here’s a part two that makes you think who? Talent who is she? I don’t know her. Anyways, I’m pmsing and that writing that last one made me really emo so let’s get to the crispy fluff! I also got so much good feedback which I appreciate so much you have no idea, it really motivated me to want to finish this and work on some other ideas!
Summary: It’s been years after you’ve last seen Yoongi. You have been studying dance and became a choreographer. What happens when one of your old professors asks you to choreograph for a high profile group. Who knows what will happen when Yoongi and you meet again.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, and Swearing
Part 1
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“From the top! 1,2,3,4!” I count off for the dancers and watch as they all practice in sync to my choreography. Their moves are fluent and graceful which puts the biggest smile on my face. 
When the dancers came to an end I can’t help but applaud them and they do the same to me. I laugh and playfully bow when I hear a door open and clapping coming from the entrance. I turn to see one of my old professors and excuse myself to talk to him. It had been a while since I had seen him.
“What brings you all the way to Korea?” I say to him. I went to study abroad which is where I had met some of the best choreographers and professors in the world.
“I’m here to visit a friend, I thought I’d drop by to say hello to one of my favorite students.” he says laughing. 
I raise an eyebrow, “What are you really here for?”
“You’ve always known me,” he says laughing, “I actually came here to offer you a job.”
I perk up, “I love the sound of that.”
“One of my fellow choreographers was injured and needs to choreograph some dances for this big group. It’s a high profile job, but I’m very busy. So, I thought you’d be interested.”
“Are you sure about this?” I say becoming excited about the offer.
He nods, “I know what you’re capable of, I wouldn’t have came to you if I didn’t think you could do it. Plus I already told him you said yes.”
I pause to laugh for a second, “Then I have to accept.”
“So you said yes, right?” (Y/B/F/N) said.
“Of course. He said it was high profile. Some big K-Pop group. He sent me the songs I got to choreograph and they’re pretty good,” I say sipping my drink.
“What group is it?”
“I think they’re called BTS.”
(Y/B/F/N) spits the coffee out all over the table, “BTS?!”
People start to look and I calmly say, “Yeah, and?”
“I can’t believe you don’t know about them. Oh wait, I can. Do you ever get out?”
I look up and say, “I go out.”
“Name the last time that you went out that wasn’t for dance or me.”
I pause to think, “I, I go out.”
(Y/B/F/N) hums, “Okay. If you say so.”
“I feel like you would like Suga.”
“Suga?” I say laughing, “Trust me, I would never like a guy named Suga.”
“From what I’ve seen you haven’t liked anyone since we’ve met. When are you going to finally start dating?”
“What are you my mom?” I say laughing a bit at the comment she made.
“I’m being for real. I have not seen one guy the entire time we have shared an apartment.”
“I guess I’m just not looking for anyone right now. I don’t need someone to tell me that I’m worth something.”
(Y/B/F/N) puts a hand on their heart, “You have grown so much.”
I laughed because I knew they were right. I did change when I got into university. I felt more confident in myself. I didn’t feel like crying anymore, I knew what I wanted and now I wanted to focus on my happiness. To say that I didn’t miss him would’ve been a complete lie, but now I had a life and things that I needed to do. I didn’t have time to look at the past anymore, just the future.
The next morning I woke up to (Y/B/F/N) yelling, “Hey, you got to wake up before you miss the train.”
“Crap, what time is it?”
“Time for you to hurry up. Don’t forget that I’ll be picking you up for dinner with the girls today.”
I rushed to get ready and took the train to the building address. I ran into the building when I heard something drop but didn’t think to pick it up. I ran into the room to see the boys warming up. I scanned the room but my eyes fell on one of the boys who’s back was towards me. He looked so familiar but I couldn’t remember where I had saw him before.
“There you are, let me introduce you to the boys,” my professor says and the boys line up to meet me.
I go through and the boys introduce themselves to me until I get to the last man at the end of the line. I put my hand out for him to shake and say, “Hello, my name is (Y/N).”
He looks down at me slowly and shakes my hand saying, “Yoongi”
I stand there shocked looking at the man standing before me. I didn’t know whether to be happy or angry. Happy because he followed his dreams and made it or angry because I was trying so hard to just forget him. I notice that he had changed in some ways and was even more handsome than before.
“Yoongi,” I say before snapping myself out of the trance and focusing my attention to the others by saying, “Alright, let’s get started.”
After an hour of practice the boys seemed to be understanding the choreography better than I had expected. Their movements were smooth and in unison. I couldn’t help myself but to look at Yoongi knowing that after all these years this is what he had been doing. I then realized that he was lacking in a part of the dance.
“Yoongi,” I said walking closer to him while the others made “ooh” sounds, “Try that part for me one more time.” 
I focused on his movements and took another step closer before saying, “You have to move your hips with your foot in one clear movement, try again.”
He tries again but still fails so I walk closer to him and grab onto his hips. I move him until he creates the right movement and then I look up to him. He smiles down at me for a second before my attention snaps when I hear one of the boys say, “Looks like Yoongi is trying to take all of the choreographer’s attention for himself.”
Yoongi hits the man and I walk back to the front to continue teaching them the rest. The practice continues with two more incidents where Yoongi was lacking but other than that the practice went well. The boys were fun to be around and could always know how to crack a couple of jokes. Before we all knew it the practice was over and I was grabbing my things to leave. 
As I walked out the door to find (Y/B/F/N)’s car I heard someone call, “(Y/N)!”
I didn’t turn around because I had already knew who it was and continued to walk to (Y/B/F/N)’s car faster until I heard him say my name again and then say, “You dropped your phone.”
I turn around to him surprised and gently take my phone back before saying, “Thank you.”
“Hey, can we talk?” He says looking to me as I turn my head back towards him.
I stand shocked for a moment before saying, “I’m sorry but I really have to go.”
I reach for the car door only for (Y/B/F/N) to drive off quickly and yelling back, “I’ll drive around the block!”
I sigh and around to see a smiling Yoongi before he gestured me to walk beside him. I sigh and walk over to his side and we stay like that in silence.
“So,” he says and turns to me, “It’s really you.”
“It’s really you too!” I say trying to keep some kind of conversation with him.
“You look beautiful,” he says to me and I laugh a bit.
“I could say the same for you,”  I say before I have the chance to make myself stop.
“You did it,” he said looking at me smiling.
“Did what?” I say before thinking of the reason him and I were meeting in the first place, “Oh yeah, well you did it too! For a second I thought you were gonna just give up on it.”
He stops walking and I turn towards him. He says, “I need to tell you something.”
“Yoongi,” I say quietly.
“After the fight, I couldn’t get you off of my mind. I went to your house when you were at University every day. She would always say how you were a waste of time and that I should stop moping and do more important things. She said that she didn’t know why I was so upset because she was my girlfriend and you weren’t. You weren’t my girlfriend,” he says looking at me with glossy eyes.
“Yoongi, stop,” I say trying to hold back any tears.
“She brainwashed me into thinking that she was everything and I was nothing. I never realized that when she wasn’t there, you were. No matter what happened you were always there through thick and thin. It took me so long, too long to figure out the truth,” he says and looks to me.
“What’s the truth?” I say trying to not let my voice shake.
“The truth is,” he steps closer to me, “I love you (Y/N), I always have.”
Before I can stop myself I turn around and walk away saying, “I have to go.”
I run back to (Y/B/F/N)’s car but before I can enter, I’m turned around and feel a warm pair of lips on my own. Before I can savor the moment he pulls back and looks at me with desperate, pleading eyes. I take a moment to think of my choices. I can leave or I can give in, after a second I make a conclusion and say, “Fuck it.”
I pull him in close and I kiss him hard. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist and back. I run my hands through his short, smooth strands of hair. I feel him smile into the kiss as he pulls me even closer than before. I stand there and kiss him back thinking how much everything and nothing has changed. I smile to myself before I hear a honk and laugh. 
I pull away swiftly and let go of him but he still holds on to me, “I really have to go this time.”
“So what does this mean?” He says smiling down at me and I laugh before kissing him one last time before getting into the car.
After we drive away I can’t wipe the smile off of my face and I hear my phone vibrate, “See you tomorrow, babe.”
I smile and (Y/B/F/N) looks over and says, “I told you, you’d be a Suga girl.”
I laugh and hit playfully before they ask, “I want all of the details.”
They look at me for a second and then back at the road, “It’s a long story.”
Awww, isn’t that cute. See! I told you there would be fluff! Ok so I know I’m a little shit because I was like this will be uploaded tomorrow and that definitely did not happen but here it is. It felt like the world was against me when I finished this up because I clicked post but then it didn’t work so I reloaded on accident and half of the story was just gone. To say I wanted to die was an understatement.
Anyways! I hope you all enjoyed this thank you so much for all being so positive and for reading this story it was so fun to make. Also, if you have any requests be sure to message me. I don’t have any at this moment so it’s just first come, first served. I do have some oneshots that I’ll be posting from a whole bunch of totally different fandoms so yeah. Stay tuned for more. Thank you so much for reading, peace!
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useyourrwords · 6 years
Tag // The Liebster Award
I am feeling the love guys!
I have been gone for months and I know I haven’t been forgotten because while I was gone I was nominated for this award by the always sharp and murdery Krystin @ Here’s The Fucking Twist! 
Go and check out her answers to the questions she was given! Or even just check it out just to see photos of her super fucking cute pets!
This award is great because there’s such a variety of questions and answers and it helps bring exposure across the blogging world!
AND it’s run by an Aussie so I’m inclined to like it that little bit more!
Krystin’s Questions
Honestly, these are all super great questions and I have no idea how the hell I’m going to come up with my own!
I’m the worst at coming up with questions. I always hated whenever I was assigned to interview someone is school because it meant I had to socialize for one, and then on top of that I had to create questions for the people I was being forced to talk to!
That makes it sound like I hate being tagged in things like this…I promise I don’t!
The reason I much prefer these types of things than the assignments from high school years past is because I get to socialize in the comfort of my own home, behind a screen with other introverts who love books as much as I do!
I’ll still struggle to come up with questions though.
     1. If You Could Have Any Fictional Character Come To Life, Who Would You Choose?
I have too many favourite characters and most of them would probably try and kill me.
Maybe I’m struggling so much to choose one because I don’t really want any of them to come to life. I might be the only one here, but I like my favourite characters in their books because honestly?
I’m scared I might not like them in real life! Also, how am I going to enjoy my favourite books if all the characters are just out and walking about in my world?
If I had to pick I might choose Monty from The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue.
Just to get his version of Shakespeare works because that would be hilarious!
     2. What Popular Book Do You Actually Hate?
A Court of Thorns and Roses!
I absolutely hated that book, liked the second one though but God damn was the first one hard to get through.
Tamlin reminded me of everything I hate. Feyre’s choices made me want to scream and Nesta pissed me off any time she was on the page.
3. If You Have A Boat, What Would You Name It?
Well, this is a question I wasn’t expecting!
It would probably be something literary because that’s how I name almost everything.
The Bard.
After my favourite character Lila Bard from the Shades of Magic Series!
     4. Favourite Quote?
Oh god, there are so many! I can never just pick one!
So, I’ll pick one that I recently came across last night and that I shared with my mum. It very poignant for us after the last year.
A woman’s first blood doesn’t come from between her legs but from biting her tongue. -Meggie Royer, The No You Never Listened To
     5. What Is The Scariest Book You’ve Ever Read And Why?
I’ve not read any really scary books but I have read one that was so creepy it had my heart pounding.
Frozen Charlotte by Alex Bell.
     6. List Your Top 3 Favourite Movies Of All-Time.
Krystin! Why are you trying to make me so decisive! This is just plain cruel!
Love, Simon She’s The Man I’m going to cheat and also add the first two Kingsman movies here as well because I fucking love them for the same reason I love She’s The Man – they’re fucking ridiculous and I have a crush on the main character Thor Ragnarok
They’re the three that come to mind first, but I could probably have given a list of 20!
     7. What’s Your Favourite Ice Cream Flavour
Usually anything with lots of chunks of stuff in it! I don’t like just normal plain ice cream. After my year long obsession with Ben and Jerry’s in 2015, I can’t go back to basics!
But if I could to pick up any ice cream I’d probably go with the Clusterfluff from Ben and Jerry’s!
It’s peanut buttery goodness and also I just really love saying Clusterfluff.
And now that I’ve googled it, it looks like they don’t have it in Australia anymore!
I guess I should pick another one then!
I really like the Connoisseur Matcha Green Tea one!
I also just discovered the Connoisseur Hazlenut Icecreams and OMG I could inhale those if I didn’t have any self-control.
     8. Who Would You Want To Play You In A Movie About Your Life SO Far?
That means I need to pick someone my age!!
God, I have no idea.
Shannon Purser?
But she’d have to wear a wig or dye her hair.
     9. When You’re Having A Bad Day, What Do You Do To Make Yourself Feel Better?
Different things;
I read or watch Youtube. 
A couple of years ago I was getting really moody when I was PMSing and would go out of my way to get into to arguments so mum would just yell at me to go watch Youtube for a while and calm down.
If I want to use my brain then I’ll usually blog.
Usually, all I need is to just write a post where I vent about everything and get it out of my system and then delete most of it, just keeping a little bit in my post.
If I want my brain to turn off completely then I watch trashy reality TV.
If I want to feel like my life is less of a shit show, then shows like Real Housewives are great. If I just want a laugh and maybe a little cry then RuPaul’s Drag Race is always a good option.
If I just need to cry, like get it all out, then watching something I know will have me crying is always good.
I tend to pick up Grey’s Anatomy for this. But more often than not I’ll stumble onto something sad when I need it.
If I just need a really good laugh through my tears, then progressive sitcoms work wonders.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine helped me get through a particularly bad time.
Seriously it was the only thing that could stop me from crying for so much as a split second one night.
     10. What’s your Favourite Season?
It’s the perfect mix of cold but not too cold that it makes my FMS flare up and cause pain.
     11. What Books Do You Have On Request At The Library?
Go by when I’m writing this up it’s
Lumberjanes, Vol 9 Lumberjanes, Bonus Tracks Rat Queens, Vol 5 Giant Days, Vol 7 Giant Days, Extra Credit Princeless: Raven the Pirate Princess, Book 2 I Hate Fairyland, Vol 3 Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.
I always have a lot of holds on at any given time because I put a hold on the next graphic novel of my favourite series as soon as I finish the one previous because they take the longest to get a hold of usually.
  My Questions
What TV series best represents your life?
What do you think is your true identifier? (You know the thing people say when they’re trying to tell someone who they’re talking about but one or both people don’t know your name.)
What is one lesson that you want to bestow on the generation below you?
If your pet could text you, what kind of texts would you get from them? (If you don’t have a pet right now, any pet you’ve had will do!)
Describe your life in 10 hashtags.
What’s your craziest ‘I can’t fucking believe this happened to me/I can’t believe I did that’ story?
Which author would you want to turn your life into a book?
Who is your internet crush? Someone who you talk to online. Can be an ‘I want to date you’ crush or a friend crush!
What is your favourite recipe? Share it! I just want recipe ideas.
What would your drag name be?
What book/TV show/film do you think is highly underrated? Give it a shout out!
I tag;
Jillian @ Jillian The Bookish Butterfly
Destiny @ Howling Libraries
Melanie @ Mel To The Any
Avery @ Red Rocket Panda
Nicole @ The Bookworm Drinketh
Em @ Runaway With Dream Thieves 
Marie @ Drizzle And Hurricane Books
Jamieson @ Jamishelves
Carrie @ Carrie’s Book Reviews
Dani @ Touch My Spine Book Reviews
Olivia @ Purely Olivia
Bonus Tag;
 Krystin @ Here’s The Fucking Twist!
I know you’ve already done this twice but I really want to see your answers to my questions so I’m tagging you again for selfish reasons.
However, you don’t have to do it if you feel twice is enough.
I look forward to reading everyone’s answers!
Coming up with these questions were really hard but I’m actually pretty proud of the ones I came up with!
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