#it comes to no one's surprise when phantom's ghost doctor diagnoses diana with ghost lycanthropy
thenewgirl76 · 3 months
It starts off more or less the same. Justice League learns of both the past and present Ghost King, Justice League with JLD's reluctant help summons Ghost King of present hoping to gain another supernatural ally. Justice League learns said king is a child managing all his responsibilities by the skin of his teeth, and offers to help him however they can.
It goes a little differently while becoming acquainted with some of King Phantom's most trusted associates. Specifically when it's Wonder Woman's turn to see how well she holds up against a ghostly opponent with the proper counter measures by sparring with Wulf.
Everything's going smoothly up until Wulf accidently nicks Diana with his claws. It takes so many assurances to let the young king know of any changes or side effects she experiences just to keep him from spiraling.
Not wanting to further burden him Diana does the complete opposite, much to everyone's horror. She doesn't call on Phantom when she becomes overwhelmed by her now heightened senses, especially the hearing and smelling. She refuses to call him when she develops the rather mortifying habit of licking Batman or Superman's face along with anyone else she holds fondness for.
She won't inform him when she keeps picking fights with Hawk Woman and Vixen. And she digs her heels in even further when she starts scarfing down concerning quantities of meat.
She only becomes convinced to let King Phantom know of her predicament when Flash purposely provokes her into exhibiting food aggression by bringing his hand too close to one of the many steak sandwiches on her plate. Once the horrifying realization that she almost literally bit his hand off, and afterwards threatened to leave the speedster with a bloody stump if he ever touched her food again hits her, Diana finally relents and calls up Phantom. Much to the rest of the League's relief.
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