#it as a show doesn't revel in being unkind
flavia8 · 4 months
I've come to the conclusion that I can read and enjoy the most fucked up literature as long as it doesn't feel mean. It's hard to explain but as long as the book/manga/comic/whatever doesn't feel mean spirited I'm totally down.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Tommy F wouldn't do it and he's standing in the way he won't let them look at the machine in Antarctica. I believe the machine is in place and it's been used that's the evidence there's nothing else to use it for down there the hole would be too tremendous it would be gigantic and 11,000 mi wide hole just doesn't get up and walk away okay the machinery being used is going to be detectable you couldn't have used it on anything else but what we're talking about one of two things and a pair of silicon did it too it was used twice it would be even worse now come on all you have to do is check that machine is a pump there's some kind of melting thing that door it's going to it's going to show this open and then used and nothing else is going in and out of there it is a huge event weird storms and so forth and Magnum has no reason to have opened it at all there's nothing that had to go in that way and he doesn't reveal things by doing that
Zues Hera
Is something silly happening to me we didn't use the machine and I'm having them check it the results are somebody used it and there's a lot of use this is going to suck these things are very evil I understand what he's saying it might be to get people to go up there and to take over in the Max and they planted but they're all retarded and had their brains worked on and Dr Miller there was the most unkind person I've ever seen on his mom he's evil okay that guy is nuts he'll squished down and he couldn't handle it it went sick on everybody in this computer thing is completely nuts I've never seen anything so sick in my life we've got to we've got to take pictures and send them to you we don't have anything to use it on we did not bring something that big in there we're building something big and we don't want to be detected this is going to suck I could have just told you I could have just shown you now in a war and he's right we need people we need everybody we have
Tommy f
We're going to publish this is huge
We have a lot going on in the spring for bugs from above and they're not giving us any warning or allowing him to have it I'm going to file charges now you people are nuts just so dumb
Thor Freya this is a huge Revelation it's massive for people here you people don't know what's going on you're a bunch of assholes they're going to shut your mouth one way or the other
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