isabelguerra · 1 year
remember when i lost my mindand posted the like 20k iszo wizard docs kiss scene. what was i on
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nocacoa · 7 months
Então iszo é tipo um Instagram, só que com o total de 0 seguidores
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albertsubricaray · 11 months
Israel-Palestine Conflict
The attacks were unprecedented in tactics and scale as Israel has not faced its adversaries in street battles on its own territory since the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. According to ALJAZEERA, The eviction of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948, the Nakba, is a crime that Israel and the world have yet to atone for. What else could anyone possibly call all the massacres, razed homes and theft of land but a catastrophe? That catastrophe — the Nakba — occurred 75 years ago, when Zionist militias drove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, an act many describe today as ethnic cleansing. In late 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, with just 33 votes in favour. Palestinians rejected the UN’s partition plan as an obvious violation of Palestinian rights, and warned of the coming devastation. (It didn’t take long for the killings to start.) On March 10, 1948, the Zionist Haganah paramilitary adopted Plan Dalet, which laid out a strategy to ethnically cleanse Palestine. A month later, in the village of Deir Yassin, Zionist militias killed more than 100 men, women and children — one of several massacres that served to terrorise Palestinians. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the creation of the state of Israel, which led to the first Palestine-Israel war — and a massive refugee crisis. Zionist forces would go on to capture 78 percent of Palestine, with the rest divided into what are now the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.Today, the Nakba continues with forced evictions and near-daily killings of Palestinians, committed by what many see as an apartheid state, all while the rest of the world stands by and watches.Hamas is an Islamist organization with a military wing that emerging in 1987 out of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamist group that was founded in the late 1920s in Egypt. Militant from Gaza fired thousands of rockets towards Israeli towns on October 7, before breaking through the heavily fortified border fence with Israel and sending militants deep into Israeli territory. There, Hamas gunmen killed more than 1,400 people, including civilians and soldiers, and took 199 hostages, according to Israeli authorities. Hamas is an islamists Organization, The group like most Palestinian function and political parties, insist that israel is an occupying power and that it is trying to liberate the Palestinian teritories. Israel responded, According to Ibrahim, Hadas, Gold, Lauren iszo, Amir Tal, Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder, Richard Allen Greene and Hande Atay Alam, CNN. It is rare for Palestinian militants to be able to make it into Israel from Gaza which is sealed off and heavily watched by Israel’s military. As the day unfolded, the IDF said it was fighting in 22 locations, later adding that its operations has seen “ground and aerial forces thwarted hundreds of terrorists in the area surrounding the Gaza Strip and southern Israel.”They both want the land, Palestinians say restitution laws in Israel are unfair because they have no legal means to reclaim property they lost to Jewish families in the late 1940s in what became the state of Israel.Drawing on biblical prophecy and history, the Jews have centred much of their attention on the religious city of Jerusalem, which Muslims and Christians also revere deeply. The Temple Mount in the heart of the Old City is the thorniest bone of contention, housing some of the holiest sites in all three religions. The recent attacks have escalated as a response to what the Palestinians perceive as Jewish settlers trying to grab a firmer foothold in the Old City and eventually take over complete control — a fear symbolic of the decades-old religious tensions that have drawn battle lines between the two communities.
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fahrni · 11 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ���️
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Where did the week go? I supposed getting to the weekend so quickly is a sign of how much I’m enjoying work.
My coffee is at the perfect temperature, time to have some. I hope you enjoy the links as much as I do putting them together.
Ibrahim Dahman, Hadas Gold, Lauren Iszo, Amir Tal, Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder, Richard Allen Greene and Hande Atay Alam • CNN
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the country was “at war” on Saturday, after Palestinian militants in Gaza fired a deadly barrage of rockets and sent gunmen into Israeli territory in a major escalation of the long running conflict between the two sides.
Indiscriminate murder is a terrorists trait. Hamas did just that, killing innocent civilians as they attacked Israel.
I hate war. So many innocent people in Israel and the Gaza Strip will lose their lives over this. Yes, blame Hamas. They’re the assholes who caused this, but in the end innocent folks will die, and that is unacceptable.
I felt this way about invading Iraq and Afghanistan when we did it.
Nothing good will come of it. 😢
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Kevin Purdy • Ars Technica
How a 23-year-old first-time Firefox coder fixed a 22-year-old bug
I love stories like this. It just took someone focusing on the problem to provide what turned out to be a fairly simple fix. 👍🏼
Gleb Tsipursky • Fortune
Unispace found that nearly half (42%) of companies with return-to-office mandates witnessed a higher level of employee attrition than they had anticipated. And almost a third (29%) of companies enforcing office returns are struggling with recruitment.
I love working from home but if WillowTree said I had to return to the office or lose my job I’d go in. We have a great facility, everything you could want right in the building! But I still prefer home. I have a quiet space, configured the way I like, and I can walk up stairs to have a coffee with my wife or do dishes during lunch. 😃
Dan Moren • Six Colors
But as anybody who’s ever tried to troubleshoot iCloud problems can tell you, when it goes wrong, trying to fix it is an exercise in frustration—as I learned recently, in a particularly spectacular fashion.
Thankfully I haven’t run into these issues. The only thing that goes wonky on me is Music. When I stop the stream after work it won’t start back up in the morning when I press play. This has been an issue for years. I’ve learned to just close Music and reopen it. Problem solved.
The iCloud syncing issues is something that’s held me back from adding that support to Stream. Even though I make a feed reader I’m a fan of other readers and I keep up with NetNewsWire. They get a lot of support questions about why their syncing doesn’t work the way folks expect.
I will eventually add this support because Stream for Mac and iOS will need to sync at some point. Of course I need to finish Stream for Mac. 🤔
Matt Wojciakowski • Microsoft Learn
Linux is an operating system, similar to Windows, but with many different versions due to the nature of being open source and fully customizable. To install Linux, you must choose an install method and choose a Linux distribution.
I linked to this because it’s a how-to for installing Linux, on a Microsoft site! 😳
Katie Robertson • The New York Times
The Washington Post is cutting about 240 jobs across the organization as it tries to offset challenges with digital subscriptions and advertising, according to a companywide email on Tuesday.
The jobs market is so scary right now. I hope everyone hit by the layoff is able to find work quickly.
Sean Hollister • The Verge
Unity, the company behind the game development engine of the same name, has just announced that its president, CEO, and chairman John Riccitiello “will retire” effective immediately.
And all the Unity developer community cheer!
Hopefully this will lead to a better situation for the company and developers who rely on Unity to build amazing games. 🤞🏼
Jason Snell • Macworld
Apple is destroying the Mac by trying to make it safer
As I said earlier about iCloud I haven’t been bitten by these sorts of issues, knock wood.
Tom Warren • The Verge
Microsoft has finalized its $68.7 billion deal to acquire Activision Blizzard, the publisher of Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Diablo.
What a crazy deal! Microsoft has purchased franchise games before and I can’t imagine what they’re going to do with these absolute gems! Hopefully they don’t screw them up. That’s always the fear. 👾
Dave Rogers
I think that the whole world may be a lot like Israel in 50 years. Perhaps sooner. You can decide if that’s a good thing.
Dave and I share similar feelings about the state of the United States and the world.
I’ve expected civil war to break out here in the United States. We have radical white supremacist organizations and the like of the Proud Boys who could potentially cause big damage here if they could get organized. The only thing that stands between them and the rest of us is a functioning government, oh, and a citizenry not willing to watch the country descend into chaos.
Gabe Bullard • Nieman Reports
Six months later, we can see that the effects of leaving Twitter have been negligible. A memo circulated to NPR staff says traffic has dropped by only a single percentage point
This is good news for NPR and hopefully more news organizations will take that lesson and leave X.
I still believe they should have their own Mastodon instances or band together to create on instance committed to all news organizations.
Now that WordPress have added ActivityPub support it may be easier than ever for news orgs to have a presence on Mastodon.
They should probably participate in Thread and Bluesky to see how things shake out.
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Matthias Pfefferle • WordPress
Exciting times are here for all WordPress.com users! The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all WordPress.com plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers.
Here we go! WordPress is a huge win for ActivityPub and the open web. Hopefully Tumblr and Thread will follow soon.
I will take this opportunity to point out an indie shop who have fully embraced ActivityPub and integration with Mastodon: Micro.blog. If you’re a blogger and also enjoy a social timeline check them out.
Nolen • eieio.games
I made a game. It’s called Flappy Dird. It’s Flappy Bird inside MacOS Finder.
I’ve seen my fellow Visio developers create games inside Visio using shapes and VBA. Two come to mind; Tetris and Asteroids, but I digress.
This game kind of takes the cake because it’s in an OS provided, very important, component.
Really clever. 🥳
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cartasavincent · 1 year
o relógio batia quase oito e meia da manhã quando as pequenas hélices do ventilador começaram a diminjir sua velocidade de trabalho, naquele momento eu não dei muita atenção até ouvi o apitar dos outros móveis da casa darem sinal de estarem sendo desligados, havia faltado energia naquela manhã. se você pudesse ver entenderia perfeitamente o porquê de eu comparar esse acontecimento com aquelas cenas de filme que marcam o início do fim do mundo. e a falta de energia dentro de casa não chegava nem perto de ser o mais assustador, talvez pelo sol ainda estar iluminando o dia e não haver espaço pra escuridão? (que pra ser honesta nada me assombra, mas iszo é assunto pra outra conversa) o mais assustador naquele momento foi sair a fora e presenciar o caos de semáforos desligados, trânsito congestionado e motoristas achando que apertar a buzina do carro realizaria o milagre de um espaço especialmente feito pra eles se abriria e ficaria livre pra que pudessem passar... sem sombra de dúvidas seres humanos no trânsito são a prova viva de que apesar de sermos os mais evoluidos na cadeia somos ao mesmo tempo extremamente burros arrogantes e ignorantes, eu sei que você entenderia isso e provavelmente discordaria, logo, me desculpo aqui por nem sempre conseguir ver o belo de tudo e amar as pessoas, prometo que estou trabalhando nisso... e sabe de algo engraçado? foram cerca de três horas sem energia na cidade e apesar de essa queda não estar nos meus planos, não considero tão ruim assim, foi um tempo desperdiçado de forma bem produtiva e com certeza você entenderia, se estivesse aqui...
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iszoffxi · 2 years
Listen here you vile fuckers. Since you fuckers think that harassing players is fun and an entertaining show, prepare yourselves because you are getting mass reported. I don’t give a fuck if you are on a different server, I will hunt you down to get you banned. You vile fuckers love to hide behind anon accounts and mock up accounts, so let’s see if you still keep sending questions when you are getting reported everyday.
I know it’s you behind this blog Stardancer, you fucking crazy psychotic bitch who has just made up a story to get some attention. You probably don’t get any attention from anyone in real life and that’s why you are making up stories about me. Are you that jealous of Jess? you fucking cunt. Allyzon, you sick bitch, you were fucking niggas to get a green card so your testimony isn’t real, it’s all just a made up sob story to get some dick, too bad I don’t want to put in you anymore, but before this lying board for cries for attention, I still did because I thought you were fucking hot, even if you raw dogged a nigga who can’t progress in this game. Brakiss you are a vile fucker, you know what you have done, and I am gonna expose your shit because I am tired of leeches and motherfuckers like you. I hope you die. Samuraiking you are a disgusting lying piece of shit, I carried you through this fucking game and made you relevant, same as you Sourpatchmizfit, you claim Jess is your friend but here you are sucking up to these fuckers behind my back, you can die choking on my dick you fucker.
You think its funny to harrass me and then say I am a pedo? I am gonna report all of you motherfuckers I hope you die. I will continue to find out who is behind this and you will be reported too. Die motherfuckers.
I have no way of confirming if this is Iszo or not, but this is a remarkable facsimile of his speech pattern! We have the limited vocabulary (vile/fuckers, repeated at least five times because he knows no other words), we have the violent misogyny, we have the racism, we have the rapist fantasies, we have the delusion of grandeur, we have the narcissist rage! Wow, and yikes!
If this is a copycat, you really nailed his “racist incel spree shooter” vibe perfectly! I have to assume that this is a fake Ask, only because this is such an ugly look for the actual Iszo to say and believe these things.
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bruhbertwest · 5 years
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iloveninjaturtlee · 4 years
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Neon Iszo, Cherry Ruso and Clover Seamair.
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renzomt · 4 years
Ik ben begonnen met mijn boek! Het heeft in mijn opinie al een goed begin, dus ik heb voor jullie een kleine samenvatting
Claire Collinet houdt van kunst en heeft zelf een kunstzaakje in Parijs. Ze gaat graag naar het park en verkoopt van alle kunstwerken. Op een mooie avond in Parijs komt ze thuis aan zoals gewoonlijk, maar ze voelt zich bekeken en als ze achter haar kijkt ziet ze een man staaren naar haar. Ze wordt bang en porbeert sneller haar sleutel pakken en rent naar binnen. Voor de rest van de avond gebeurde niks en voor de rest van de maand ook. Een maand later gebeurd het opnieuw, maar het is een andere man en elke avond was hij daar, werd ze paranoïde misschien is het gewoon een arme stakker. de avond daarna zat die arme stakker er niet meer, dus ze ging gewoon naar binnnen en had zin in een bad want na haar bad had ze een date en ze kon haar radio luid zetten want de buurman boven haar iszo doof als een pot en de buurvrouw onder haar is weg.
Als ze in bad zit met ogen gesloten voelt ze een hand op haar en worden haar longen met water gevuld door het water uit het bad en niemand die deze verschrikkelijk scene hoort.
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myghyuu · 2 years
mt bom provocar a namorada da * isso só prova o quão corna ela é e sabe lidar com iszo
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elranki · 2 years
Épica noche de Reggaeton en festival Los Reyes del Flow en Perú
Épica noche de Reggaeton en festival Los Reyes del Flow en Perú
La primera edición de Los Reyes del Flow Fest presentado por A51 Festival, se llevó a cabo el último sábado 21 de Mayo en la ciudad de Lima.
El epicentro musical urbano se dio en La Pelousse del Jockey Club, con la participación de los artistas de talla internacional Arcangel, Jowell y Randy, Ángel y Khriz, Mariah Angeliq, Ñejo y Berto Ex Trebol Clan.
Por los locales, la apertura del festival la dio Zika Boy, para luego dar pase a la artista revelación peruana Alli Cruz, quien fue posteriormente invitada al escenario por el colombiano Iszo para interpretar el remix del éxito «No Hace Falta Nada», canción que se anda posicionando fuertemente a nivel nacional.
Con la presencia de Berto El Original se encendió aún más el festival, interpretando los mejores éxitos de Trebol Clan. Para luego, Leo Fabre junto a su orquesta completa darle el toque salsero urbano al festival, donde el público no dejaba de gozar y bailar.
Minutos más tarde, hicieron su aparición en el escenario Ángel y Khriz, quienes arrancaron al ritmo de «Na de Na», para luego seguir con otros éxitos como «Fua», «Carita de Ángel» y «Ven Báilalo», entre otros; el momento romántico de la noche llegó con «Ayer La Vi», para despedirse ovacionados con «Me Enamoré».
Pasada las 10 de la noche, Mariah Angeliq conocida como La Tóxica hizo su primera presentación en Perú, donde no pudo faltar «El Taxi», «Un Perreito», lo más reciente «Hey Siri» y la canción que la expandió mundialmente «El Makinon», con la cual sólo tuvo palabras de agradecimiento por todo el apoyo y cariño brindado.
El siguiente en decir presente en Los Reyes del Flow Fest fue Ñejo El Broko; sus éxitos como «Mamisonga», «Y Si La Ves», «Algo Musical» y «No Quiere Novio», hacían de ésta una noche de fiesta. La cual explotaría aún mucho más cuando llegó el turno de Jowell y Randy, interpretando bien pisando el escenario «Safaera», para hacer luego un recorrido por toda su trayectoria musical en sus 20 años de aniversario; canciones como «Shorty», «Sensación del Bloque» y «Fuera del Planeta» fueron de las más coreadas, donde hicieron un paréntesis y cantaron «Sólo Por Ti», canción que normalmente no forma parte de su repertorio pero que consideran se volvió la favorita del público peruano.
Finalmente, pasada la 1 de la mañana hizo su entrada Arcangel «La Maravilla», interpretando éxito tras éxito sin parar, para volver de ésta una noche épica al invitar al escenario a Jowell y Randy para el clásico «Agresivo», algo que sólo habían podido presenciar el público del Coliseo de Puerto Rico y que ahora también lo vivía Lima.
Al finalizar con la presentación, Arcangel agradeció a los asistentes bendiciéndolos a su estilo. “Son el mejor público que eh tenido, siempre dándolo todo. Cuando quieran que venga yo voy a venir. Bendiciones para todos ustedes hoy, mañana y siempre”, finalizó el máximo exponente del género urbano.
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peachydyoung · 6 years
Oo my Seventeen ult is Wonwoo , like I’m so whipped it’s tragic but Minghao is also wrecking me constantly ugh I just love everyone so much I’m a disaster 😂😭💛
Wonwoo is so sizinsjs skizoskskzs iszo ooof
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iszoffxi · 2 years
Fun Fact: Iszo and his sheep followers have the hardest time beating the newer content because you can’t summoner burn it. Do you guys think he is gonna be back for Sortie? Maybe he can Astral Conduit a boss.
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grusik · 4 years
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Correct - Iszo-Cmf-Zpc by oerendhard1 https://flic.kr/p/2kAPoP4
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jensooarts · 4 years
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fotosefestas · 7 years
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beM iszo (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro)
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