#isut cross haven
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
The Dragon Saga
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Inspired by this post from @shameless-whumper​
Cross tore into the fancy paper eagerly, forgetting to be gentle – the way Finn had with her gift. Noe opened his mouth to say something, probably some lecture about manners, but a sharp glare from Brexton stopped him. He returned his attention to the whelp, anxiously awaiting his reaction.
He lifted the stuffed animal out of the box, shooting Brexton a confused glance. “What– what is it?”
“It’s a dragon”, Brexton explained, trying not to let disappointment settle in. He watched Cross stroke its fur – turquoise, just like the boy’s hair – before looking it over thoughtfully.
“I’m next!” Maiti exclaimed beside Brexton, pulling a package out and hurrying to hand it off to Einnet.
Thankfully, this distracted the others from Cross’s lackluster response.
“I can see that, but what’s it for?”
“It’s for… Haven’t you ever had a stuffed animal before, pup?”
Cross shook his head, clearly confused by the concept. With a sigh, Brexton left his chair, claiming a spot on the sofa next to Cross. “You sleep with it”, he explained, scooping it out of Cross’s limp hands and giving it a quick hug for emphasis.
Brexton pressed his face into his palm, deciding that he probably should have listened to Noe and just bought Cross another blade, instead.
Cross climbed out of the bathtub, dripping water all along the tile floor as he stood, unsure of what to do next. It made sense, given that he’d only been to the palace once or twice before – under extraordinary circumstances, at that. “I need something to sleep in.”
Brexton spat, setting his toothbrush on the side of the sink and meeting the boy’s good eye in the mirror. “Grab one of my tunics. Second drawer on the right.” He brushed through his damp hair, collecting it into a ponytail, and remembering the other thing he’d meant to tell him. “And dry your hair before bed”, Brexton called after Cross, shaking his head as the whelp streaked out of the bathroom without a towel.
He could hear him in the next room, puttering around. By the time Brexton came out, Cross was wearing one of his shirts, the fabric practically drowning his small frame, but he still appeared to be looking for something.
Brexton caught up to him, draping a towel over his wet hair and doing his best to get him to sit still and actually use the damn thing.
Cross scrubbed at his hair for all of two seconds, then tossed the towel aside, scanning the room quietly while Brexton tugged his underpants on. “Um, Brext… have you seen that…” He spun his head when Brexton turned to look at him, but not before he could catch the sheepish expression on his face, or the way his cheeks were glowing. “The t–toy dragon. Where’d you put it?”
Brexton reached out, cupping the boy’s chin and swivelling it so he could get a better view of his face. “And here I thought you didn’t like it.”
Cross worried his bottom lip, shaking his head as much as Brexton’s grip would allow. “I never said I didn’t.”
He let go, sweeping his hand over Cross’s hair before retrieving the dragon from the end table drawer, where he’d shoved it when he thought the gift was a failure.
“You’ve got everything?” Brexton questioned, doing a quick once over of the room to make sure none of Cross’s meager belongings had been left behind. “You’re sure?”
“Y–yeah. I’m all packed.” Cross was halfway out the doorway, already, slinging his rucksack over his arm while he walked. “I just have to say goodbye to Finn and Noe, and then–”
A tuft of turquoise caught Brexton’s eye, poking up from beneath the blankets, and he hurried to grab it. “What about this?”
“Oh, uh… I thought maybe you could hang on to it for me?”
Brexton furrowed his eyebrows, staring down at the plush dragon, the same one Cross had clutched tightly every night for the last week. He’d bought it under the impression that the boy could use it to sleep better while he was at sea, without him around, so it made no sense to keep it there in the palace.
“You don’t want him, after all?” He flipped the toy over in his hands, frowning at its embroidered grin.
“No, it’s not… It’s just that…” Cross huffed, scrambling over to yank the toy away. “Nevermind, I’ll take him!” He hugged the dragon to his chest, heading down the hallway ahead of Brexton.
“You pick up Cross at the dock, and we’ll get the rooms settled.”
Brexton nodded, watching Finn and Noe walk off in the direction of the inn. It only made sense that he should go, since he was most capable of withstanding the persistant chill that filled the air, despite it being mid-spring. The others were better suited to being indoors in this type of weather.
He shoved his hands into his pockets, not that he needed the warmth, and made his way down to the harbour, where he sat on one of the rickety old docks and watched the ships come in. It was about half an hour before the Purring Wench touched land.
Cross appeared seemingly out of nowhere, running straight for Brexton, with the occasional quick check over his shoulder, back in the direction of his father’s ship. His feet were bare, and wet, but his grin was as wide as could be when he grabbed Brexton’s hand, tugging him back toward town.
“Shouldn’t you say goodbye to your father, first?”
“Nah, already did. Let’s go, I can’t wait to see everybody again!” Cross squeezed his hand tighter, holding it until they were just outside the inn.
“Shit!” Brexton swore as he tripped, barely catching himself before he slammed face first into the wall. “Don’t just leave your things around, you damn mutt!”
Bending to lift the whelp’s rucksack from where he’d dropped it on the floor on the way in, he spotted a burst of colour. The dragon, which had been knocked free of the bag when he kicked it, was peering up at him from halfway under the dresser.
He picked it up, running his fingers over the poorly done stitches that held it together. They were set too wide apart, with bits of white cotton visible between them.
“What’d you say?”
Brexton hardly heard him emerge from the bathroom, or as he walked over, coming to a stop next to him.
“I– I can explain that!” Cross blurted out, snatching the stuffed animal away. “I mean, it… I j–just…” He sniffled, a thin stream of tears trailing down his cheek before he swiped away at them with the back of his hand. “I tri-tried to kee–keep him safe, b–” His slender shoulders shook, the fragile words giving way to a sob.
Brexton was on his feet in an instant, wrapping an arm around Cross’s shoulders and dragging him to his chest. He held him close for a few minutes, then murmured, “You really suck at sewing.”
Cross nodded against him, chuckling nervously through his tears. “I… I know it.”
Brexton let him go, taking the dragon back. “Here, I’ll show you how to do it.” He held his hand out, then added, “Give me a knife.”
Cross dug through his trouser pockets, retrieving a pushbutton blade and handing it to him. “You’re not mad?”
“Should I be? He’ll be easy enough to fix, pup. Besides, I bought him because he reminded me of you, and now…” He reached over, tangling his finger’s through Cross’s hair, smiling when the whelp leaned into his touch. “He looks even more like you than ever.”
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Cats! 1
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Chu: Okay, but hear me out. Cat. Boys.
Gawd! Alright, guess we're doing this as a bonus thing, even though I haven't finished her other prompt (Kids!) yet.
Catboy Brexton: I am a human, do not treat me like a cat, it's insulting.
Catboy Cross: If there's a chance you will feed me, I am 1,036% a cat!
He glanced up from his school work, annoyed at the distraction, especially since he'd been on the verge of solving a particularly troublesome equation, one that had been bothering him all through class.
One of the girls surrounding his desk pointed behind her, toward the classroom door. "Noe Kiga's asking for you."
He pressed his face into his palm, refusing to look at the group of girls. It was bad enough, hearing them erupt into a fit of obnoxious giggles. With a sigh, he slammed the book shut, climbing to his feet and storming past them.
"I told you not to do this!" He insisted, fixing his eyes angrily on the older boy. "It's bad enough I have to live with you, the least you could do is not interfere with my school life."
"I know, but..." Noe faltered as Brexton started to walk away, hurrying to fall into step with him. "You have lunch next period, right?"
"I am not eating with you."
"Did I ask? Skip it, I have something to show you at home." He grabbed Brexton's shoulder, forcing him to hold still before he could get to the cafeteria. "Finn found this cat last night and–"
Seriously? All this was about some stupid animal Finny had dragged home? Brexton huffed, placing a hand over Noe's and yanking it off of his shoulder.
"I've said it before, right? Just because I'm a..." He caught himself in the nick of time, his cheeks burning as he became acutely aware of how crowded the hallway around them was. "It doesn't mean I actually like cats, get it?"
"I know it. But this one, um... He might hold some personal interest?"
Brexton's eyes narrowed as he peered at Noe, wondering if he was implying what it sounded like. "Fine. I'll grab my outdoor shoes and meet you near the gym."
Brexton fumbled with the house keys, anxious to find out more about this stray Finny had picked up. He didn't have to wait long, because the boy was standing by the door when it opened, pacing, waiting to lunge past them as soon as he could.
Noe caught him easily, hindering his plans for escape. Brexton looked him over as he fought and scratched against the hold, frowning with disdain.
"Mangy little thing, isn't he?"
"Pretty light, too." Noe agreed, carrying the boy to his bedroom and setting him down on the bed. "Quick, get the door."
Brexton slid it shut, standing in front of the only exit with his arms crossed, practically daring him to make another attempt.
"He's just a kitten..." He mused as it calmed down, sniffing at the air in the room.
Brexton watched him closely – noticing the way he tilted his head any time they moved, relying on multiple senses to place them in the room.
Intrigued, he came away from the door, approaching the boy. When he reached toward his face, he was met with sharp teeth, sinking into his finger hard enough to draw a few drops of blood.
"Hey!" Noe shouted from behind him, reaching for the cat. "You can't just–"
Brexton held up his hand, silencing him. Staring curiously at the boy, he brushed his thick fringe aside, the discoloured iris beneath confirming his suspicions. "It's not his fault, I surprised him. He's blind in this eye."
He heard Noe step forward, humming at the discovery. "Yeah, so he is... I guess I missed that."
"It was pretty clear from his body language. His hearing's good enough, though. Watch..." Brexton stood, taking several steps across the room while the kitten used his ears to track him. "Has he said anything, yet?"
"Yeah but it wasn't... I don't think he's from around here." Noe shrugged his shoulders, careful to get closer to the boy on the side where his good eye was. He scratched behind his ears, chuckling to himself when the cat leaned into his touch. "I thought maybe you could..."
"It doesn't work like that. I can tell certain things from his scent, but that's about it."
"I see... That's too bad." Noe raised to his feet again, waving Brexton out the door.
The kitten showed no interest in following them, choosing instead to curl up on the bed, tucking his gangly legs to his chest. 
"Think he'll eat tuna?" Noe questioned, digging through the cabinets in search of something to feed the boy.
Brexton wanted to complain about the cliché, to accuse him of treating them like actual cats, except the smell of fish when the can opened made his stomach growl loudly, undermining any protests he might have made.
Noe laughed, waving the can under Brexton's nose before setting it down on the counter to grab a bowl. "Should I make two servings, then?"
"No." Brexton lifted himself onto the counter, swinging his legs over the edge as he took his time to consider the situation they were in. "So, we have a child who reeks of fear, doesn't understand a word we're saying, and probably thinks we've trapped him in this house... Don't put mayo in it, just give it to him."
Noe shot Brexton a sceptical glance before shrugging, rummaging through the drawer for a pair of chopsticks.
"Finny doesn't... uh, did he change in front of her?"
"Afraid she'll learn your little secret?" Noe teased, already halfway back to the bedroom. "Don't worry, he was a cat up until I woke up this morning." He set the bowl on the bed, stepping back to give the kitten some space. He trilled, his nose twitching as he zeroed in on the bowl, more cat than human – the exact opposite of Brexton. "Hey, are they always boys?"
"Father says so. He's pretty sure it passes through the same gene that determines gender... always male, and always sterile. A complete anomaly, as far as science is concerned."
"Have you ever met another one before?"
As the boy scooped up the tuna with his hands, completely ignoring the chopsticks, Brexton had to resist the urge to step in and show him how to eat it properly. "No... There's so few of us, and most don't live very long. They get rejected by their birth parents, and end up alone on the streets – probably what happened to him." He knew it was stupid to worry about it. This was simply what happened to boys born like them, and sparing this one wouldn't change anything about that fact. Still, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do with him?"
"Well," Noe scratched at the back of his head, looking the boy over with pity. "Finn can't keep him, that much is clear. I suppose after he finishes his lunch we can just let him go back out–"
The boy changed back into a cat, his tuna-covered paws dirtying the covers of Noe's bed as he licked at the wet food in the bowl. He kept his face turned to Brexton the entire time, ears high and alert. Brexton stuck his tongue out, insulted by the insinuation.
If I wanted your food, I'd go get myself some...
"I wonder why he's a cat again..."
"I don't think he knows how to control it, yet." Brexton scooped him up, ignoring his frantic mew as the food bowl got further away. It served him right for thinking Brexton was a thief. "You really are a kitten, aren't you?"
It was a shame, really. If this boy could figure out how to change form at will, he'd be able to pass himself off as one or the other. In that case, he'd have a shot at being adopted as someone's child, or – far more likely – their pet.
"Hey, Noe... let me keep him for a couple days." Brexton held the under his arms, his back stretching so he could stand at his full height. "See if I can't teach him a thing or two."
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 5, Part 4: Gunpoint
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Kinda mad at myself, cuz this was a big deal update, and I’m not happy with how it came out. But… I have to get things up and not stall out, so here it is. Maybe I’ll come back and fix it after nano.
Too many, so I put them in the actual chapter.
Terracia, present day
The next time Brexton woke up, he was on the sofa, with an impatient Pasenro shaking his shoulders.
“Did you hear me? I said he’s awake!”
He shot upright, his head spinning from the sudden motion. Instinctively, he looked down at his arms, surprised to find them empty, even though he could swear he’d just been holding a baby.
A dream?
“Did I… Einnet, is she…?”
Maiti laughed, shaking her head at his confusion. “You fell asleep with your nephew, so she took him back to our room.”
‘We haven’t decided on a name yet’, 'We’re going to have a ceremony’, and now 'our room’.
He shook his head, wondering if he wasn’t reading too deeply into things. Maiti liked women, and had no qualms about letting everybody know it, but Einnet… Well, she’d married his brother, and had a son with him.
“Are you and–” No, he couldn’t bring himself to pry in their business. If they wanted him to know – assuming it was even true – then they’d tell him eventually. Besides, it would be too embarrassing if he was wrong. “You were saying something?”
She groaned, tugging his arm until he stumbled to his feet. “I said, Cross is awake! He hasn’t said anything yet, but he’s more responsive than he was. I thought maybe, once he sees you…”
Brexton freed his arm, running ahead of her and taking the steps two at a time, wide awake now that he knew Cross was waiting for him.
He threw the door to the bedroom open, startling Finny, who was half-asleep beside the bed, her fingers tangled in Cross’s limp hand.
Cross, too, turned his head toward the door, which Brexton took as a good sign.
“Pup?” He approached the bed slowly, almost afraid that he was still dreaming, and any sudden move would jar him awake. “How do you feel?”
Behind him, Maiti caught up and whispered something to Finny before the two of them left the room, giving Brexton a chance to bend down, kissing the top of Cross’s head. He flinched away from the contact, but otherwise held perfectly still.
“Maiti did a good job, right? I was really scared for a while there…” He waited, but Cross didn’t answer.
He went through a lot, Brexton reminded himself, claiming Finny’s abandoned seat and sinking against the cushions. Probably more than we even know…
A bowl of thick tan mush – oatmeal, probably – sat cooling beside him on the nightstand, apparently untouched, so he lifted it, bringing it into Cross’s view.
“Are you hungry, sweetheart? I could– Do you want me to feed this to you?” He raised the spoon, suppressing a sigh when Cross made no move to take it from him, or to let him spoon the food into his mouth.
His hands shook as he returned the bowl to its spot on the table, but he did his best to keep his tone light. “How about a walk? We’re near enough to the beach, if you’re feeling up to it. I’ll… I’ll check with Maiti, see if she thinks it’s okay to take you out.”
He stood, half-expecting Cross to call out to his back, to ask him to come back, or… Something. Instead, the room was silent as he shut the door behind him.
The wicker chair, with its large wheels, was suited pretty well to carting Cross over the worn paths near Maiti’s house. Brexton would rather do without it, but Cross either couldn’t or wouldn’t walk of his own accord, so he would have to make due with the chair for now.
What he hadn’t considered was how it would work on the beach. The wheels dug into the soft sand immediately, halting the chair’s movement so suddenly that the jolt nearly dumped Cross right out. He whimpered, the first sound Brexton had heard from him since he woke.
“Sorry, pup. I guess I didn’t think this through enough.” Brexton reached over and stroked a hand through his silky turquoise hair, finding its length bittersweet.
He loved Cross’s hair this way, loved the way it fell in waves over his slim shoulders. Unfortunately, he knew the only reason it was so long was because he hadn’t been able to cut it while he was confined, and his captors hadn’t bothered to do it for him. Or maybe they let it get long on purpose, knowing how much he hated it for making him look 'girly’.
He forced himself to look away, resolving to cut it short for him once they got back to the cottage.
“What do you think? It’s a nice view, right?” Brexton heaved a sigh, stepping past the wheelchair to stare out at the sea. “I can’t push you any further, but if you want to get up, we can walk down to the edge there, and–”
“Laltins ulast ya ke bi. (The bonds must not be broken.)” Cross muttered the words so quietly that Brexton almost thought he’d imagined it.
"Did you say someth…” He spun around, eyes widening in horror.
Cross stood on shaking legs, his pistol clutched in both hands, pointed directly at Brexton’s head.
“Laltins ulast ya ke bi”, he repeated, more forcefully this time.
“Cross, baby… Put the gun down.” Brexton held his hands up, mentally scanning the horizon.
They were far from the cottage, too far too be heard if he called for help. He’d either have to talk Cross out of… whatever it was he was planning to do, or incapacitate him.
The latter would be easy, but it was the last thing Brexton wanted to do.
“This is an order!” His command would have sounded far better, if he could have kept the tremble out of his voice. “Don’t make me hurt you. Not when– I just got you back, so don’t make me do this.”
Cross took a step forward, adjusting his aim. “Laltins ulast… ya… ke… bi.” His eye was focused, but hollow, with no sign of his true self to be found.
Brexton knew it all too well. This vacant stare, the odd behaviour, he’d seen it all before. It was exactly like that other time, when Torin had…
“You’re… Is he making you do this? Te pef bi! (You are mine!) You obey me, not him!” He let his anger guide him, the mija coursing in his veins spurring him forward.
This wasn’t Cross, not really. It might be his body, but his mind… That was locked away, being kept docile by a mixture of drugs and mind games.
We didn’t rescue him, he was released…
The thought sickened him, but he relished the feeling, letting it take hold deep in his core, along with all the fear and rage.
“You have no right to refuse me. Put the gun down!” He was close, close enough to feel his mija arcing outward, seeking Cross’s body, desperate for an outlet.
“Brext?” Cross’s grip wavered, and for a split second, Brexton relaxed, believing he’d gotten through to the pup.
He shouldn’t have.
Cross regained his control over the pistol, spinning it to point it at his own head. “Te vu glùkek. (I love you.)”
Say it!
“Don’t do this, Cross.”
“I acted without permission… I thought– I wanted to make everything better. For you, and me… For everyone. I'm–” He hiccoughed, choking back a sob as tears began streaming down his face. “I’m sorry, Kiga. I can’t… He’s in my head. He’s trying to make me…” He pulled the hammer back, pressing the barrel tightly against his temple. “I’d rather die, than live without you. T–te vu glùkek.”
Tell him, fucking coward!!!
Brexton stood, frozen in place, feeling more powerless than he’d ever felt in his entire life.
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Kids! (Part 4)
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I almost didn't post this, thinking it was too much, but the person who prompted me liked it (said we already know Brexton has some fucked up ideas about interpersonal relationships, and it's cute that he's being overprotective of Cross at any age), so here we are. I promise that this is not foreshadowing little Brexton doing something horrible to little Cross. Brexton is just paranoid.
Brexton leaned against the doorway and watched as Finny led the boys down the stairs to the main floor of the inn.
"I'll hire a room for them, so why don't the three of you–"
"Only one room?" He spun his head, catching sight of the egomija. "Shouldn't– they should probably sleep separately."
"What are you talking about? You sleep with Cross all the time."
"That's exactly what worries me." Brexton pushed himself off the doorframe, cocking his eyebrow as he approached Noe. "I share a room with Cross, yes, but there's not a whole lot of sleeping involved. Do you see the problem, or would you like me to elaborate?"
"Please, don't!" Noe held up his hand to stop him, irritation painted all over his face. "I get your point, but they're just children. I doubt they even know about such things."
Brexton looked away, smoothing a hand over his ponytail. Little Cross might not know about things like that yet, but–
Brexton might... He's already bullying the pup, too.
The very thought of it – that this other version of himself might be the one to trigger the littler Cross's descent into nightmares – turned his stomach.
He patted down his trouser pockets, grimacing when he found that he'd left his cigarettes back in the room.
"Look, you had a crush on Einnet when you were young, right? So it's safe to assume that you're– that he's not interested in boys, yet."
Except Cross was the one who changed all that. Besides, it's not attraction I'm worried about...
"But he thinks Cross is a girl, and a pretty one at that. And I was awfully fond of Marek, too."
"That hardly counts. Everyone thinks Marek is... attractive." Noe cleared his throat, avoiding Brexton's curious stare. "Don't give me that look, mijako. We've all seen him. And the resemblance to Finn is... I hope she stops taking after him before she's that age, or I'll have to protect her from an entirely different sort of threat."
Brexton nodded in agreement, before realising that they were getting off track.
"If it's going to bother you that much, I'll get them their own rooms."
He was about to let the matter end there, until another important detail dawned on him. "Wait, shit... but Cross doesn't sleep alone." He leaned his head against the wall, groaning in frustration. He had no idea when Cross started having trouble sleeping, so the boy might very well have the same problem.
"Make up your mind, Brexton."
"Ugh... This is all so confusing." He rubbed at his eyes, trying to decide which way was best. "If Brexton is ten, then Cross is what... five, maybe six? I'd like to think even I wouldn't stoop that low. Let them sleep together."
Noe headed toward the stairs, and Brexton was about to go in, until something else occured to him.
Noe spun around, a low growl escaping him. "What now?!"
"Say they... hit it off, then–"
"You just said that it wasn't an issue."
"Not that." Brexton waved his concern away, though he wasn't completely convinced it was a good idea himself. "Just, what happens when they meet again in six years? Will they recognise each other? Will I wake up one day and suddenly think I've been dat–" Nope. He still wasn't ready for the d-word. Plus, Cross would lose his mind if he found out he'd said it – probably take off on him again. "With Cross for three years instead of one?"
"I have no idea. I've never been stupid enough to tamper with the past before, so I really couldn't answer those questions."
He let Noe leave, accepting that nothing in his life was certain anymore – if it ever even had been – then went back inside the bedroom.
"We're gonna take the whelps out while Noe gets them a room", he explained, claiming his spot on the bed beside Cross. "Finny's already outside with them, so you should grab your shoes, and–"
Cross rolled to face away from him, tugging the blankets up until barely any of him was visible. "The two of you can handle it, right?"
"I guess so... You don't want to come?" Brexton leaned over, yanking the cover down so he could see some of him, at least.
"Mm... I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna stay in bed today."
"I didn't, uh... Are you hurting anywhere?" He reached out, stroking a thumb across the mark on Cross's neck, and looking him over with concern.
Cross's cheeks flushed a pleasant shade, which crept up to his ears as he playfully swatted Brexton's hand away. "Idiot! It's nothing like that. I'm just tired is all."
"That's a relief." He bent down, placing a kiss over the bruise. "I'll keep them out for a while, so get some rest."
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Kids! (Part 3)
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Mija: magic
Egomija: Bonded mage
"Magical doubles, maybe?" Finny suggested, her eyes trained on the boy who was calling himself Brexton.
Noe shook his head, following her gaze before looking back to the real Brexton. "No, doubles would be the same age. I think we can safely rule it out."
"Magical doubles, plus some sort of age spell, then..." Finn countered, then chewed her lip in thought. "Age spells are easy enough, but to duplicate a whole perso– two whole people. It'd be easier to create a golem than that."
"Like I said, let's forget doubles. There's too many details that are exactly the same to be simple disguises, either."
Cross returned to the group, heaving a sigh and resting his head against Brexton's shoulder. He reached around, rubbing Cross's arm to lend the pup some comfort.
"Well?" Finn demanded, impatient as always.
"Everything he said is right. Papa's name, the ship, the place he was found... There's not a single hole in his story."
"Mine, too. Let me guess, he went to bed ad usual, but suddenly he was here."
"Yup. He saw a room full of strangers and did what he– what we do best." Cross whimpered, rubbing at his forehead. He tugged his hand away suddenly, eyeing the small mark on his finger. "Maybe it had something to do with the spell?"
"What spell?" Noe demanded, taking a measured step toward them.
Brexton frowned, wishing Cross hadn't said anything in front of the egomija. "Nothing. Nothing that would have caused this, anyway."
"But it's only the two of us, and we both put our blood in, so–"
"Show me the spell, Cross."
Cross looked to Brexton for confirmation, but he shook his head, silently insisting that Cross ignore the command.
"I– I don't know what book it was in?"
"Fine. If you don't want help, then we'll just–" Noe grabbed Finny's hand, dragging her toward the door.
"We really should tell him", Cross whispered, standing on his tiptoes to bring his face close to Brexton's ear. "We have no idea what we're doing. We're in completely over our heads, here."
Noe stopped at the entrace, waiting for them to change their minds. He knew they would stop him before he left with Finny, and it was that smug attitude that pissed Brexton off the most.
"Damn!" He left Cross to retrieve the book, angrily flipping to the right page and handing it to Noe. "This is pointless. I still say they're some sort of trick. Spies, or–"
Behind him, the little 'Cross' broke into a loud wail. Finny rushed over, trying to console him, but all she got him to do was point a finger of accusation at the other boy.
"I only– I tugged her hair a little, as a j–joke." The older boy confessed, holding his hands up defensively, and looking to Brexton like he was expecting some sort of backup.
"Why would you do that?" Finny questioned him, hugging the crying boy to her chest.
"Her... her face is so pretty, and I– I don't know, it just made me want to bully her."
Cross turned to Brexton, rolling his eyes and snorting indignantly. "He's Brext, alright."
Brexton's shoulders sank as he nodded his concession. "Yeah, that's definitely me."
Noe ignored their exchange, reading over the spell. "I don't get it, what exactly were you trying to accomplish?"
Brexton explained the spell to Noe, giving the others a chance to calm the child version of Cross.
"How many times do I have to say 'no shortcuts' before you and Finn get it through your thick skulls?" Noe growled, whacking him in the arm with the spellbook.
"So the spell did go wrong?" Cross asked, returning to the conversation at hand.
"No! For a spell to go wrong, there first has to be a way for it to go right. The mija couldn't do as it was told, because you literally cannot send things back in time. So it sort of... guessed at it's intended purpose." He glared at Brexton, tossing the spellbook onto the table and disrupting several scattered papers in the process. "You can't send things back in time, because they either didn't exist then, or they're already there. No matter how you look at it, it's impossible."
"So, the boys can't be sent back, either? What will happen to them? Or to us..." Cross chewed at his painted nails, beginning to pace the floor until Brexton grabbed him, holding him still.
"I said you can't send things back. The boys belong there, it's a totally different thing. They should go back to their own time and place, once the spell wears off. The problem is, I have no idea how long it'll take."
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Kids! (Part 1)
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Haha! A friend gave me this great prompt about Brexton and Cross, and it was soo good that my brain cooked up the entire story on the spot, and just wouldn't stop bugging me about it! But~ it doesn't fit the main story, so here it is as bonus chapters.
Onai: Princess
Mijako: Apprentice mage
Brexton groaned, slamming the book in front of him shut with a thud loud enough to make Cross jump in his seat. "It's been months, and we've hardly made any progress!"
Cross stood and walked around the table, wrapping his arms around Brexton's neck. He placed soft kisses against him cheek in an effort to cheer him up, or maybe distract him.
"I know you're frustrated. I am, too. But everyone is counting on us."
"Yeah, no pressure..." Brexton grumbled, but he managed to flash the pup a grateful smile for his efforts.
"If only Noe hadn't–" Cross melted against him, tucking his chin on top of Brexton's head. "Think how much further we'd be by now if he'd shared Torin's notes with you right away."
He rubbed his temples, nodding in agreement. Noe had kept the journal a secret for months, maybe even longer... If they only knew about it earlier, they might even be done decoding it by–
Brexton tugged Cross forward, planting a deep kiss on his lips. When he pulled away, Cross arched his eyebrow, staring at him with amusement.
"What was that for?"
"Because you're a fucking genius, that's why!" Brexton shot out of his seat, digging through the stack of books he'd had delivered to the inn. "We'll send the journal back in time, to our past selves."
"Can you do that?"
Brexton shrugged, prying a book from the middle of the heavy pile. "As long as it's a non-elemental spell, I can do anything I want."
"No, I mean– aren't magical shortcuts just a recipe for disaster?" Cross closed the distance, peeking around Brexton's arm as he flipped through the pages.
Brexton shot him a dirty look, scowling at the warning. "I hate it when you sound like him."
Cross did his best to look apologetic, but it did little to ease his annoyance. It had sounded exactly like the sort of thing Noe would say, if he were aware of this plan, and the last thing he wanted to be reminded of was Finn's bond, or the man's endless lectures. He turned back to the book, trailing his finger down the page until he found the right spell.
"Good news, we have everything we need to make this work."
"Why does it need" Cross read over the spell, wrinkling his nose in distaste. "Blood, yuck!"
"It's to help the object locate us... We'll do one from each of us, just to be on the safe side. Then the journal will be sure to find one of us."
"Are you sure about this? It doesn't mention time here, anywhere." He slid the book out of Brexton's hands, reading the spell more carefully. "In fact, it specifically says it's for sending the object to another location."
Brexton flicked him lightly on the forehead, ignoring the sceptical look in his eyes. "Which one of us is the mijako?"
"So trust me, sweetheart. All I have to do is play around with the words a little. It'll be fine."
Cross coughed, swatting away smoke, even though the entire room was filled with it. "I don't think it worked." He eyed the journal on the table warily, holding it up for Brexton to see.  "The journal's still here, so–"
"Of course it is. If we sent it to ourselves, then it only makes sense that we'd still have it, right?"
Brexton watched Cross's mouth form a small 'o' of understanding as he set the journal back down and began sifting through the notes.
"Oh no, Onai..." Brexton scooted behind him, encircling his narrow hips with his hand and resting his head on his shoulder. "That's enough work for now. I'm hungry."
"Yeah? I can go downstairs and have something sent up. What do you wa–"
"You!" Brexton grinned devilishly, lowering his hands to work at the buckle to his belt. "I want you, pup, and I'm not taking no for an answer."
Cross giggled, lifting the hem of his thin tunic to keep it out of Brexton's way while he worked. "You are devious."
Brexton sunk his teeth into his neck, humming his agreement.
"Brext... Brext, wake up..."
He heard Cross calling him, but he had no interest in getting up, yet. He was warm and comfortable, curled around Cross's naked body under the heavy blankets, and if he could have things his way, he'd never move again.
He tightened his hold around Cross's ribs, bringing him closer against his chest and tangling their legs together, trying to coax the pup to go back to sleep. "Just a few more minutes..." he lied, purring the words into the top of Cross's head.
"I think– You should really see this. Now!"
"If you want to go again, you have to let me rest first." Brexton scolded him quietly, refusing to open his eyes.
"No, ass!" Cross slapped his arm, the impact jolting him fully awake. "There's a– just look!"
Reluctantly, he opened his eyes, following Cross's pointing finger to the end of the room, just outside the bathroom door. His gaze met the wide, startled silver eyes of a young boy – one that looked disturbingly like himself.
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
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Molano: The word Cross is looking for is souvenir, or momento.
"Did Cross and Brexton get along right away?"
No, no they definitely did not.
'If you feed a stray, it will surely keep coming back for more.'
Brexton's father had said it to him, more times than he could count. He watched Cross Haven – that filthy, feral, isut child – bounce around Finny, barking loudly for her attention, and his gut churned with contempt.
Cross was the literal definition of a stray. His food: any scrap of affection given to him. He was weak, pathetic... He was everything that Brexton's father had taught him not to tolerate.
He couldn't convince the others to starve him out, until he gave up and left them alone, but that wouldn't stop him from kicking the whelp if he came sniffing around Brexton, begging for handouts.
"Finn, look at this!" Cross grinned eagerly at the young Onai, his message far too clear. 
'Tell me I'm a good boy, shower me with praise'.
He ran up the shore to the rest of the group, the stupid smile never faltering as he held out his hands to show Finn what he'd dug up for her. She fawned over the handful of meaningless garbage, a verbal scratch behind the ears. More food to tempt the stray.
Brexton turned, sickened by the display. He marched further up the beach, eager to put as much distance between himself and Cross's incessant yapping as possible.
The dog chased after him, panting at his heels. "I got one for you, too, Brext!" He held it out proudly, like he'd achieved something worthwhile.
Brexton sneered and kept walking. His approval didn't come as cheap as Finny's, and he'd already decided that this mangy stray would never get so much as a scrap from him.
"Hey, wait! This one looks like a, like a star, see... Finn said that you like stars, so I saved th–"
Cross frowned, a much better look for him than that annoying, self-satisfied grin. "I mean, yeah, but it's a... a, um... molano? A memory."
"Not the sea biscuit", Brexton corrected his misunderstanding, turning to close the gap between them and looming over the whelp. "You. You're worthless. I have no use for unruly mutts. Understand?"
Before Cross could answer, Brexton snatched the dirty thing out of his hand, hurling it back out toward the sea. A flicker of hurt crossed the boy's face, but it didn't matter. Why should he care about a dog's feelings?
"Go play fetch with someone else, if you get it."
Cross elbowed him in the stomach, hard, nearly knocking the air out of his lungs. "Bastard! Who wanted you to have it anyway? I only brought it because Finn said I should!"
So, the whelp has teeth...
Brexton arched an eyebrow, studying Cross with new found amusement. "Obeying commands? Exactly what I'd expect from a mutt." He reached out, gripping Cross by his mangy, turquoise scruff. "You know what you do to a bad dog?"
Cross shook his head, trying to wrench free of the hold, which only pulled his hair harder.
Brexton chuckled, throwing him down onto the sand at his feet. "You break them."
"Get fucked!"
He smirked, watching Cross scramble back to his master. Maybe, having a stray to kick around would be more entertaining than he thought.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 5, Part 2: Portrait
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Te japùi tsvùp: You belong to me, said in Cross’s native language
mija: human magic
kekol: measure of distance
Terracia, present day
They should have seen it coming. It wasn't the first time they'd had to rescue one of their own from the enemy's grasp, so it should have been obvious that the mission was going just a little too well.
Brexton, specifically, had noticed how easy it was to find and free the isut. His ego told him that they were simply getting better at this, or perhaps their opponent was so worn down, so beaten back, that this was now the best they could do.
The part of him that was just relieved to have Cross in his arms again, well, that part didn't care much about the why or how of it.
They'd done quite a number on him – torture, probably... though Brexton wouldn't be surprised to find that his enemy had inflicted this much damage just for fun, or maybe out of spite, if he had even an inkling of what Cross meant to Brexton. No matter the reason, the boy needed a great deal of mending, but Brexton could take care of him while Finn and Noe covered travel. Once they got him to Maiti, everything would be perfect.
"Just hang in there, sweetheart", Brexton reassured him, cradling the boy's head in his lap as the wagon bounced over rough terrain. "Just a little further, now."
Cross was silent.
That was the most jarring detail, the boy who never shut up, not uttering a single syllable through their entire journey. He stared up at Brexton with his good eye, but didn't seem to see or hear him at all.
His other eye, Brexton learnt almost immediately upon recovering him, was completely destroyed. It made his chest ache, to think he'd never see that sight again... Cross without his eye patch, something he never showed to anyone but Brexton.
I should have painted his portrait...
At some point, Brexton lost to exhaustion, though he had no idea when. He woke to the sudden lurch of the wagon coming to a halt.
Finny was the one to hoist herself up into the wagon, though Brexton wished it were Noe. She shouldn't see Cross like this, not only because he was her best friend, but also because he'd never let her see him weakened. Not if he could help it.
"Has he said anything?"
"Not yet" Brexton arched his back, trying to get a look through the door behind her, but all he could see was darkness. "Please tell me we stopped because we're here."
"It's not much farther now, but the pass is too narrow for the wagon." She dropped her rucksack – one of Cross's old ones, that he'd given her for fourteenth birthday – onto the bench beside Brexton and busied herself with stocking it full of bandages and other first aid supplies. "We'll have to go the rest of the way on foot."
Brexton stretched as much of his body as he could without moving Cross off of his lap. "Any idea where we are?"
"Noe figures it'll take us about an hour to get there."
He was underestimating, either because he forgot that the humans weren't as resilient as he was, and were already nearing their limit, or – more likely – because he didn't want to worry Finny with the details.
Brexton tried to remind himself that none of this was out of the ordinary, and that compared to when they had to smuggle Einnet out of Terracia, things were still going fairly well. "Take other supplies, too. Bandages won't do him any good if he dehydrates."
She nodded, stuffing the pack full of provisions until there wasn't any more room. It would be too heavy for her. Her leg would give under the strain, and then they'd have to make a choice, abandon it or let the Onai suffer in silence. No one would let Finny shoulder a burden like that, so the answer was obvious. 
Brexton let her do it, even though he knew all of this. She'd feel better by helping, and the supplies they used before that point might be the difference between getting Cross to a healer or burying him.
She paused, glancing over her shoulder and waiting for him to go on.
"Give us a minute, keep Noe out. I'm gonna change his bandages before we leave."
She climbed back down, disappearing into the night.
"Okay, pup. It's just you and me..." Brexton shifted Cross off of his lap, laying him onto the bench. "This might sting a bit, sorry."
He'd undressed Cross a million times before. The mural of lash scars across his back, the narrow 'v' of his hips, that constellation of freckles just to the left of his outie belly button, all of it was more familiar to Brexton than even his own body.
At least, it had been.
Now the landscape was all different: thinner, bonier, littered with new wounds and bruises. The enemy had taken this work of art and done everything he could to destroy it. The bastard even branded him, right on the spot where Brexton loved to leave his own mark. No way that wasn't personal.
Brexton's hands trembled with anger as he cleaned as many of the injuries as he could before wrapping Cross again.
"Wake up, baby. Say... something, anything. At least call me a pervert for undressing you."
Brexton sighed, leaving his motionless body to grab a bottle of water from beneath the opposite bench. He yanked off the cap, filling his mouth with water, then lifted Cross's shoulders enough to pass it to him without drowning him.
"Te japùi tsvùp", he whispered, barely even bothering to part their lips to choke the words out. "You belong to me, so don't even think of giving up. Don't you dare die without permission."
Behind him, someone cleared their throat. "Are you done? Hand him down here, let's get going."
"No. I'll carry him. You worry about Finny and the pack." He gathered Cross in his arms, cursing at how much lighter he was than usual.
Noe scooted out of his way as he exited the wagon, but he wasn't ready to concede the point. "Finn will be fine, I can move faster with him than you can."
"Shut up, I've got this." He shifted Cross into the most comfortable position he could find. 
It was a matter of pride, not logistics. A man should carry his own.
"What's this scar?" Finny asked, collecting her friend's limp hand. "Did they do this, too?"
"Uh... No. That's, he's had that for awhile now." Brexton ducked his head, thankful that the darkness would hide at least some of his embarrasment.
Finny didn't need to know about that mark, and he wasn't sure she'd understand what drove him to make it, or that it had been done with Cross's enthusiastic permission.
Sure enough, they made it about two hours before they had to stash the supplies in the woods and move on, with Finny clinging tightly to Noe's neck.
Her mija lit their path, acting as a guide of sorts, but it got dimmer as she began drifting in and out of sleep, always shaking herself back to life just before the glow disappeared entirely.
Noe was the only one who was wide awake and making good time, requiring less rest than the humans. Even his strength wouldn't hold out all night.
"This isn't working." Brexton complained, readjusting so Cross was over his shoulder, the way a mother would carry a baby. Even in this new position, the weight was still too much. "It's too dark to see anything. For all we know, it could be another..." He paused, trying to run the numbers in his sleep-addled mind.
"It's seventeen kekol, but that's counting the distance from where we left the wagon", Noe supplied, hoisting his own burden higher, which roused her again.
Finny let go long enough to rub at her eyes, then moaned sleepily, "That many?"
"Maiti lives as far away from everything as she can, Koja. Camping isn't really an option, either. There's no guarantee he'd make it through the night."
"What about a flare?" Brexton gestured to the star filled sky, wishing he'd thought of it sooner.
"Could be dangerous. No telling what we'd attract." Noe frowned, glancing around them. "We're already taking a risk with Finn's light."
"We'll keep moving. If anything comes looking, we'll be long gone. But if Maiti sees it, she might come out to meet us." It was worth a try, and much better than doing nothing, which seemed to be the current plan.
"I guess we don't have much of a choice." Noe shot several streams of flame into the sky, then nudged Finny to dispell her mija.
A few minutes passed, and nothing happened. Then, by some miracle, a light in the distance answered their call.
Finn was the first to spot it, bouncing happily against Noe's shoulders. "Over there, look!"
Sure enough, the signal repeated itself. Once, twice. Feeling more energised now that they had a clear goal in sight, the party hurried off in the direction of the flashing lights.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 5, Part 1: “I might just kiss you”
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erenolij: an olij (brothel) that deals specifically in ereno (young male prostitutes)
onai: princess
Terracia, 1 year ago
Brexton never could quite learn his lesson. This was true for just about everything, but especially when it came to the isut boy. Which is how, despite already knowing that it was a bad idea, he found himself drinking with Cross, the two of them hiding out in the stairwell of Maiti's home so they could hear each other speaking over the sounds of their friends' raucous laughter that echoed through the rest of the small house.
He wasn't sure which one of them had insisted that they share a room for the night, despite the opportunity for other arrangements. He suspected that was Cross's doing. The pup had always been kind of funny about who he let his guard down around, after all.
He also couldn't remember just how long ago they'd excused themselves from the party to go off on their own, except that it had still been light out at the time, and it wasn't anymore.
His head swam, and Cross laughed next to him, his face lighting with excitement as Brexton regaled him with embellished tales of his adventures, painting himself as the hero of each story, even though they both knew better, that he was more often the cause of trouble than the solution to it.
"And then," He grinned, knowing that his next words would get a proper rise out of Cross. "There was the time I rescued some pretty boy from being sold to a erenolij."
He smirked victoriously, watching Cross's face burn a deep shade of crimson.
"Stop it!" Cross insisted, whacking him in the shoulder, which sent ash from the tip of Brexton's cigarette flying all around their feet. "If I remember correctly, you were the one who tried to sell me in the first place, and Finn did most of the resc..." Cross stopped, his head jerking to bring Brexton into full view, the eye that wasn't hidden flying wide with realisation. "Did you just call me pretty?"
"Dunno, I'm kinda drunk." Brexton shrugged, taking another slow drag off of the cigarette before pressing it to Cross's lips. "I  might have. Do you mind it?"
Cross shook his head slowly, hitting the cigarette before Brexton could change his mind and take it away. Again.
"I– I don't care!" He finally answered, going out of his way to blow the smoke in Brexton's face. "Speaking of drunk... Is there any whiskey left?"
Brexton held up the half full bottle, shaking it between them. "Not for you, Onai. I think you've had enough."
"Hey!" Cross pouted, reaching for the bottle as Brexton switched it to his other hand, holding it away from him.
The motion brought him close to Brexton, their sides pressed against each other. It shouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for two boys who slept next to each other on a regular basis, but it felt good. Really, really good.
Good enough that Brexton held the bottle further away, determined to make Cross work even harder to win his prize.
"Why are you", He made another grab at it, grunting with the effort. "Such a jerk all the time?"
Not one to be beaten easily, Cross dropped himself onto Brexton's lap, straddling him to keep him in place while he snatched the bottle away. If he knew this was playing right into Brexton's hand, he did a great job of not letting on.
Instead, he beamed down at Brexton, holding the bottle up like some kind of award before downing another gulp of whiskey.
Brexton seized the opportunity, snaking an arm around Cross's slender waist, squeezing tight enough that he couldn't wriggle free.
"Brext!" He tried to pry Brexton's arm away, but he held tight, refusing to be budged.
"You don't mind, right? This is kinda comfortable." Brexton goaded him, running his other hand through the back of Cross's hair, still enchanted to be much longer than usual because they hadn't yet gotten around to cutting it after their latest mission. "Besides, there's something I'm really curious about..."
"What... what's that?" Maybe he was concious of it, maybe he wasn't, but Cross keened his hips forward, sliding further down on Brexton's legs until he was sitting right on his thighs, just a hair away from feeling the undeniable proof of how ridiculously enthralled Brexton was by him. His head lolled back, pressing harder against the pads of Brexton's searching fingers.
That's right, don't pay attention. Just relax...
He found the place where the strings of Cross's eyepatch met, and started to work at the knot.
"What's under your patch?" Brexton mused, his grip tightening even more, because he suspected Cross might try to get away before his curiosity was satisfied. "Come on, I've seen everything else. I want to see all of you" he pressed, not waiting for an answer before tugging the strings apart. He yanked the patch away from Cross's face in one fluid motion, letting it drop to the ground.
Cross tried to hide, ducking to let the thick fringe that covered half his face fall even further over his eye than usual. The sight was almost adorable enough to distract Brexton from his goal. Almost, but not quite.
"Hey, look at me, sweetheart. Don't get shy, now." Brexton gripped his chin, yanking until he was facing him again. When he was certain Cross had stopped trying to pull away, he brushed the curtain of hair aside.
The sight of Cross's face, his whole face, sucked the breath from his lungs. "You're stunning..."
"Asshole!" Cross sulked, slamming his fists against Brexton's chest. "Don't tease me..."
"Who's teasing? You're so pretty, I might just kiss you." He hadn't meant to say it out loud. Not tonight, and not ever.
Up until now, it had just been an unspoken game they played, to push each other right up to the limit, but no further. There was always an invisible line they dared not pass. For Brexton's part, it was because he knew that if he pushed beyond that barrier, once that line was passed, there'd be no going back for him. He'd been in way too deep for a long time, now.
"Might?" Cross wiggled until he was leaning away from Brexton, cocking an eyebrow at the unexpected confession.
Cross didn't know. He had no idea what sort of danger he was inviting. If Brexton had any sense, he'd end this here and now, and excuse the slip as a mere consequence of being too drunk – if Cross ever bothered to bring it up again. It would be torture to pretend, but it was far preferable to the alternative.
Brexton reclaimed the bottle, setting it on the landing beside him. "Yeah, I might..." He lifted his knees, sending Cross sprawling against his chest. "Do you want me to?"
Cross grabbed onto his shoulders, trying to steady himself. He whimpered a soft, 'mhmm', the heat from his breath tickling against Brexton's lips.
It was too late to turn back now. Brexton was sick and tired of being careful, and if Cross wanted this, too... If he wanted him of all people, then he'd be damned if he was going to hold back anymore.
He slammed his lips against Cross's, grabbing the back of his head to drive him further into the kiss, if such a thing were even possible.
A single word echoed in Brexton's mind, growing louder and more demanding as his tongue probbed the depths of Cross's mouth.
A dark voice, which would lead them both down the path of ruin if Brexton gave into it. But Brexton, being a man who never learned his lesson, listened.
"You're mine", he murmured, tearing himself away from Cross's lips to trail kisses down his neck. "Say it!"
The silky smooth flesh beneath his lips rippled with Cross's laughter. One of his warm, delicate hands found its way to Brexton's cheek.
"Idiot. I've always been yours."
He'd regret those words, regret giving himself to someone like Brexton. There was no way that any of this would end well. Brexton sank his teeth into Cross's throat, marking him, deciding that none of that mattered, as long as he could finally have what he wanted most.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
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Prompt by @whumpster-dumpster
Cross rolled around in the bed, groaning in agony. His whole body ached, and he couldn't suppress the constant shivers creeping up and down his spine, no matter how many blankets he piled on top of himself. He was so miserable that he only barely registered it when he rolled right off of the edge, landing in a bundle of fabric on the floor.
The door to the bathroom popped open, Brext hurrying into the main room to investigate the sound. He stood over Cross, shaking his head as he nudged him with his bare toes.
"I told you this was gonna happen. Get up, whelp."
Cross flopped onto his back, but made no effort to get back on the bed. "I live here now. Just... just leave me to die..." He moaned, swatting away Brext's hands when he tried to lift him. "No wonder your powers went crazy."
"Don't remind me. Get back on the bed, so I can take your temperature."
"Nngh... Don't wanna..." This time, he let Brext lift him onto the bed and tuck him back in, but he turned his head, refusing to accept the thermometer – partly because he knew that Brext would only be more overbearing if it turned out his fever wasn't breaking. "Just get in already, so I can sleep."
"Listen here, pup," Brext huffed, climbing on the bed to pin Cross down, an easy feat given his current condition. “I can stick this thermometer in your mouth or I can stick it somewhere less pleasant. It’s up to you.”
Cross's eyes flew wide at the implication, and he opened his mouth obediently, wrapping his lips around the glass tube.
Brexton leaned forward, bumping his cool forehead against Cross's hot one, and whispered, "Good boy. Now stay still for a minute, and I'll bring you some water."
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 3, Part 4: Proud
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Griaria, 4 years ago
"Food!" Cross dropped Brexton's hand when the inn came into view, running off ahead.
Brexton maintained his easy-going pace, content to hang back and watch the pup bounce excitedly.
He was just getting to the door when a hand grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back.
"I want to talk to you."
He glanced to the door, where Cross was waiting, watching them through the window, and nodded for him to go ahead, then turned to face Noe.
"I followed Cross to the beach, and I–"
"Why? Afraid I was going to hurt him again?" Brexton crossed his arms, reminding himself that he shouldn't let Noe spoil his good mood.
"No. Well, yes... But not in the way you're thinking." Noe fidgeted with the brim of his hat, his jaw ticking.
Brexton nodded slowly, considering his words. "You heard him, right? He said he wants to be just like me."
"That must have made you feel pretty good."
"You're wrong. It isn't what I want." Brexton sighed, running a hand through his hair and choosing his words carefully, trying to puzzle out exactly what it was that rubbed him the wrong way when Cross said it. "I want the pup to be better than me. I want him to look at my choices, to see a guy like me and think... 'what a piece of shit, I want nothing to do with someone like him'."
Noe cleared his throat, peering past Brexton to the window. Brexton followed his gaze, rolling his eyes when he spotted Cross still waiting there.
"I have a question for you, and I want an honest answer."
"Would I lie to you?" Brexton smirked, but it was obvious that Noe was being serious, so he added, "I'll do my best."
"If you really think that way, if you meant everything you said to Cross on the beach, then why do you treat him the way you do?"
The question caught him off guard, not least of all because he wasn't aware that Noe had been paying any attention to his interactions with Cross.
"You're always teasing him, and acting like he isn't tough enough... I guess I just don't understand it. I know it's not really my business, but– I mean, he said he wanted you to be proud of him, and you just brushed it off. After everything that happened, you couldn't even give him that much."
"You wanna talk about proud?" Brexton chuckled, his smile genuine this time.
"Someday, the wrong fucker is gonna try to hurt that whelp, and he is gonna cut their damn hand off. That'll be the proudest moment of my entire life."
Noe was clearly surprised by the answer. He recovered quickly, locking his eyes onto Brexton with a curious stare, like he was trying to read his thoughts. Maybe he didn't know if Brexton was telling the truth... Not that anyone could blame him for being sceptical.
"What if it's your hand?"
Brexton laughed, patting Noe on the shoulder. "It probably will be." With that, he spun around, leaving Noe to figure it out for himself.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 3, Part 3: “Now? Now you listen  to me?”
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Pasenro: I said I’d explain this later, right? Maiti’s the perfect example. A pasenro is a high elf who left their strict society and set off on their own, or was exiled. They usually end up as hermits (like Maiti) or make small societies.
Griaria, 4 years ago
Brexton blinked his eyes open, feeling like he hadn’t slept in years. Every part of him ached… No, not ached… It was more like a numb, throbbing sensation. Not quite painful, but definitely unpleasant.
“And he’s back…” Above him Maiti clapped her hands together, grinning down at him.
So, it got this bad…
He did his best to smile appreciatively at the Pasenro. “Thanks for coming all this way…” he mumbled, his head still foggy from sleep. “What would we do without you?”
“You would have been fine in a few days, but he wouldn’t have fared nearly as well.” Maiti shook her head, the smile on her face fading quickly. “As it was, I’d say he had maybe a few minutes left. If that.”
“He?” Brexton turned, suspecting he knew exactly who she was talking about, but telling himself that it couldn’t be true.
Sure enough, Cross was curled up on the bed beside him, his face buried into Brexton’s side. It was almost like any other morning that he woke up next to Cross, except, of course, that today was much different. Much worse.
“What was he doing here?” Brexton demanded, putting some much needed space between himself and the boy.
“I don’t know.”
“I’m not asking you.” Brexton had no interest in Maiti’s answer. She wouldn’t know what happened, anyhow.
He sat up, craning his neck to see around her, to the man standing behind her, trying to avoid looking his way.
“Why was he here?” he demanded, sounding the words out slowly in an attempt to keep his temper in check, mostly because Cross was still close enough to get caught in the crossfire if he lost control again.
“I told him to stay away. I even got him his own room, so he wouldn’t have a reason to be in here, but…” Noe shook his head, refusing to finish the explanation.
“His own room?” Brexton stood unsteadily, despite Maiti trying to coax him back on the bed. “You tried to make him sleep alone?”
“Brexton, you shouldn’t be standing, yet”, she whispered, resting a hand on his shoulder, but he ignored her, taking several shaky steps toward Noe.
“Do you have any idea how… You’ve never seen what it’s like for him, what he goes through every single night.” Brexton was trembling now, adrenaline coursing through his veins so strongly that it made his stomach turn, but he couldn’t stop himself. “You tried to make him sleep alone? What the fuck were you thinking?”
“The bed wasn’t big enough, and Finn was–”
“Finny can sleep alone. She gets that option, because she hasn’t been through what he has.” Brexton felt bad for bringing her into it, and he knew she’d also been through a lot, especially lately, but he couldn’t help but notice that Noe had managed to keep her safe all night.
“Don’t yell at me. I’m the one who told you not to come in the first place. If you had just listened to me, then none of this would have happened.”
“If I had list…” Brexton laughed. He laughed because he couldn’t believe how absurd Noe’s feeble exuse was, and because if he didn’t laugh, he would punch him right in his stupid face. “What did I tell you? If I get bad, keep the whelps away and get Maiti here!”
“I tried to–”
“Oh, you tried? You didn’t try hard enough did you?! He could have FUCKING died!”
“You need to calm down.” Noe’s voice was calm and even, but there was an edge to it that only served to make Brexton more furious.
He stormed past Noe, recognising that he was in no condition to take him on, and swung his fist, slamming it into the mirror over the dresser. The glass shattered, digging into his knuckles.
“Brex!” Maiti hurried to his side, trying to get a grip on his arm so she could heal him, but he yanked himself out of her reach.
“Don’t! I want it to hurt…”
Behind them, Cross groaned, rolling over in the bed.
“He should wake up, soon.”
He was sure Maiti meant to reassure him, but the last thing he wanted to do right now was face the pup. Not now, and maybe not ever again.
“Tell him… Tell him something, I don’t know.” Brexton sighed, tucking his injured hand against his chest and hurrying out of the room, before Cross could spot him there.
“I can’t believe he’s blaming me for this”, he could hear Noe saying before the door closed.
Brexton sat on the beach, soaking his bloody hand in the salty water. The pain was fading, no matter how badly he wanted to hold on to it, to drown in it and never resurface.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I just wanted to…
It didn’t matter what his intentions were, the fact was that everything was ruined now. All his big plans amounted to nothing – as usual.
Serves me right for trying.
“Brext?” Cross approached him carefully, an unneeded reminder that he was something to be feared.
A monster…
“How’d you find me?”
Cross plopped down in the sand beside him, even though he wished the whelp would keep his distance. It would be better that way, safer. It was what he deserved.
“You’re drawn to water, same as me.” Cross shrugged his slender shoulders, taking a blade out of his pocket and using it to draw designs in the sand. “Do you want to talk about it?”
It wasn’t fair to decide that on his own, though. After all, Cross was the one who’d nearly been killed, all because he couldn’t control his powers. The least he could do was hear him out.
“I was surpised. I thought–” Cross’s voice cracked, but he sighed and went on. “I thought you’d be there when I woke up.”
Really? Of all the things to be upset about, that was the one he chose? It made Brexton mad all over again, mad at himself for what he’d done, and now for not being there when Cross needed him. He’d acted selfishly, and in the process he only hurt him more.
He had no way to deal with that anger, so he did the only thing he could – the absolute worst thing he could.
“Did it at any point occur to you to go get help?” He wanted this to be Cross’s fault, desperate to blame anyone but himself. “That maybe you were in over your head?”
Cross dropped the blade in the sand, drawing his knees up to curl in on himself. “Of course I did. I– I tried, but… but you wouldn’t let me go.”
‘I tried’.
It was the only answer anyone was inclined to give him today, and frankly he was getting sick of hearing it.
“Before that!” Brexton growled, finally turning his head to look at him.
“I don’t know …”
If he didn’t know, then who did? Wasn’t he the only one there? The only one in control of his own thoughts?
“Think hard, pup.”
“Maybe…” Cross squeaked, hugging his legs tighter. “Yes.”
Ice water filled Brexton’s veins, but he fought to control it. He was always fighting, and it was getting exhausting. “Why didn’t you?”
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to blame Cross for what happened, and he knew that. On the other hand, if the stubborn mutt had only listened to Noe, then everything would have been fine.
“What the fuck were you trying to prove, pulling a stunt like that?”
Cross shook his head, his mouth opening to answer, but no sound coming out.
“Answer me!”
“I wanted to…” Tears rolled down his cheeks, but Brexton was in too deep now, too lost in his self-righteous fury to care. “I wanted you to see that I can be strong, too. That I can 'bear it’.”
His stomach churned, because now he knew for a fact that he had no one else to blame for this but himself. His constant pushing, his attempts to make Cross strong enough to handle the shitty life that had been thrust upon him, and protect himself when Brexton wasn’t around, those things were exactly what had nearly got him killed.
“Now? Now you listen to me?”
“I thought I could be strong, and– and that for once I could take care of you. I… I just– just wanted you to be proud of me. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Yeah, well you failed pretty spectacularly, didn’t you?” He curled his fist, squeezing drops of blood through the raw flesh. “You want me to be proud of you? Then stop acting like a damn child! You think that was being strong? There’s a difference between being strong and endangering yourse–”
That’s exactly what I did!
He rubbed his forehead, realising that the person who really needed to hear this lecture wasn’t the boy sitting beside him.
“I’m sorry, Brext. I didn’t mean for this to…”
Brexton reached his arm out, wrapping it around Cross and yanking him until he was pressed against his side.
“Stop, don’t apologise. This one’s on me, I knew I was getting sick, and I knew what could happen if it got bad, but I still came. I told myself that it was for your sake, but I think that I, fuck…” He swallowed hard, tucking his face into the whelp’s shaggy hair. “Maybe I just wanted to believe that you needed me here. I got greedy, because no one else has ever looked up to me before, and that felt–”
“Finn looks up to you, too.”
“No, Finny looks up to her version of me… This, this idol she has built up in her head.” Brexton frowned, wondering if he was explaining it well enough, or if it even made any sense in the first place. “You’re the only one who’s seen me – the real me, and still thinks there’s something worthwhile there, that I’m someone worth admiring.”
“Of course you are! I,” Cross squirmed away, until there was enough distance between them to look Brexton in the face. “I want to be just like you.”
The words struck him hard, knocking the air out of his lungs. He stared at the whelp, speechless.
There were about a million things he could think of to say, but the only one that came out was, “Just be yourself, pup.”
Cross didn’t answer, but his stomach growled loudly, spoiling the moment.
“When was the last time you ate?”
“Um…” He watched Cross chew his lip, trying to remember. Finally, the whelp shook his head, ducking sheepishly. “At least a day or two.” It was a lie, which meant it had been much longer than he was letting on – probably dangerously long.
Brexton stood, brushing the sand off of his trousers, and held out his hand to the pup. “Come on, let’s get you some breakfast.”
Cross took his hand, letting Brexton pull him to his feet. He tried to let go once he was standing, but Brexton held on tight, shaking his head. “Let’s just stay like this, alright?”
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 3, Part 2: Delirium
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nifùmakut: second in command on a ship
O kemai: I don’t…
Va: Stop
Warnings: Everyone’s triggered and delirious Brexton is creepy.
Griaria, 4 years ago
Idiot! Thinks he can push me around… He’s not my bond, so there’s no reason I should have to take orders from him!
Cross tip-toed past Noe’s door, stopping once to hold his breath and count to ten when the floor creaked. The inn was silent, all the other occupants sleeping soundly. Then, a voice broke through the quiet. Brext’s voice, though he couldn’t make out what he was saying.
He’s awake!
Forgetting all about being sneaky, Cross sprinted down the hall, bursting through the door to their room. Brext was awake all right, sitting up in bed and talking frantically. Some of it, he couldn’t understand – Brext knew a lot of languages, but they only shared one in common.
“Plea– no!”
That, he heard all too clearly.
“Brext…?” Cross closed the door as quietly as he could, creeping across the room to stand beside the bed. “You are awake, aren’t you?”
“O kemai… I don't– no, I can… I can control”, his eyes moved rapidly around the room, but somehow it seemed like he wasn’t really seeing anything.
Cross waved a hand in front of his face, but he didn’t respond, except to start talking to some unseen person again.
“I’m not… I’m not like Torin! I can control it, so just… Please!”
Was this what Noe was so spooked by? But, it didn’t look dangerous. If anything, Brext was… scared. He shouldn’t have been left alone here in this conditon.
“No, don’t!”
Hesitantly, Cross reached out, brushing Brext’s sweat-soaked hair away from his face. “Don’t you see me? You’re having a bad dream.”
“I have to…” Whatever he’d meant to say was cut off by a whimper, and he flinched away from Cross’s touch. “I’m better than him!”
Cross hesitated, wondering how he could help him if he didn’t even know he was there.
“No! I…” He called out, then groaned, like something was causing him a great deal of pain. The sound sent chills down Cross’s spine.
He took a step back, peeking over his shoulder at the door. Maybe he should get Noe again…
No! He didn’t even help any.
Tears ran down Brexton’s cheeks, freezing solid before reaching his chin. “Don't– don’t do this… I’ll do bet–”
It was just a nightmare, right? Brext had settled his bad dreams plenty of times before. Now, it was time to return the favour, his turn to be there when Brext needed him.
He reached out, shaking Brext’s shoulder. “Wake up already”, he insisted, but Brext still wouldn’t focus on his face.
“I can do better, I– s…wear! Dad, no!”
Cross’s eyes shot wide, his jaw going slack with surprise. Brext had never so much as mentioned his parents before. Even on the rare occasion when they talked about Argus and the ship, he didn’t offer any information about his own family. Were they– was this why?
Cross climbed into his lap, cupping Brext’s cheeks in his hands and turning his face toward him. “Look at me, I’m… I’m right here.”
“Please, don't– no! NO!”
It was terrifying, watching the person he looked up to the most fall apart like that. Terrifying and, just a little bit fascinating.
“No, it hur– I can’t…”
“Please, just look at me!” Cross pressed harder against his face, shifting his weight to sit more comfortably. “You’re okay, you’re here, with me.”
“I can’t take it… Plea…” His skin, which had felt almost normal, started to grow colder. Ice formed on the tip of his nose, and on his bare shoulders, which Cross hurried to brush away.
“I’m right here! Why don’t you see me?” Getting frustrated, Cross raised up on his knees, bumping his forehead against Brext’s. “Just wake up…”
“Pu… Pup?”
He breathed a sigh of relief, sinking back on his legs to look up at him. “It’s okay. You were just dreaming.”
“Where… why are you here?” Brext gripped his arms, pressing so tightly that there would surely be bruises. “I told him not to bring you here!”
“He tried, but I didn’t want to sleep alone, and–”
Without warning, he was tugged to Brext’s chest, and squeezed hard. “It’ll be fine. Just don't– don’t let him see you. I’ll hide you, so… I won’t let him hurt you, promise.”
“Who are you talking about?” Cross tried to pull back, but Brext was too strong. “Noe wouldn’t do that.”
Brexton shushed him, digging his fingers through into his scalp. “Just, just trust me. I’ll protect you.”
This was getting too weird, and Cross was starting to think that he was in over his head, and that maybe – just maybe he should have heeded Noe’s warning.
“I think I should get Noe.” He pushed against Brext, but every time he got a little space between them, he clung that much tighter. His back throbbed from the pressure, but there was nothing he could do to break free.
“No! Stay here! You can’t leave… It’s not safe.”
“Va! Let me go. I’m gonna get some help, that’s all.”
“I said ‘no’!”
His voice was loud. Too loud. It reminded Cross of the nifùmakut, and the other men on his father’s crew. He flinced, a loud whimper escaping his defenses. Trying to keep his breathing even and remember that he was safe with someone he trusted – the only person he trusted – not back on the ship, hiding in the dark, he willed himself to think of something, anything, he could do to snap Brext out of it, or get help to come.
Loud… Maybe…
The rooms were right next to each other, and the walls in these old inns were never very thick. Maybe, if he just yelled, Noe would hear him… He opened his mouth, preparing to scream, but Brexton clamped his hand over his mouth and nose.
He didn’t have time to panic. A cold shock ran through his body. He knew this feeling, knew it all too well… It was just like the first night they’d stayed together, or all the other times Brext had used his powers to get his way.
“What did you… You just…?”
“You don’t need Noe. I’ll keep you safe.”
Cross nodded slowly, taking long, even breaths. It would be fine. His lungs weren’t frozen, so he had some time left. Brext would unfreeze him soon, he always did. It was just like earlier, on the beach, when he took his foot off Cross’s stomach and offered him a hand, instead. Just like every time he teased him. In a minute or two he’d laugh and say he was just kidding. That it had all been some elaborate game.
I can bear it… I can bear it, because that’s what men do. You’ll see, Brext. I can be strong, just like you…
Shivers ran up and down his spine, but he stayed quiet and clung to Brext’s neck, waiting for him to get tired of this game.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Person A: “If you think I’m going to agree to this, you’ve got another thing coming!”
Person B: “Who said we needed you to agree?”
prompt by @write-it-motherfuckers​ here
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“I can’t read this.” Noe sighed, handing the paper off to Brexton.
He took it, skimming over the words, his frown deepening. “It’s a ransom. We give them 3,000, they release Maiti.”
“I’d say they’ve drastically underestimated what a good priestess is worth.“ Noe relaxed, nodding his head thoughtfully. "Sounds reasonable enough. How much time do we have to–”
“There’s a catch…” Brexton stopped him, crumbling the note in his hand.
“Why don’t I like the sound of that?”
“They want Finny to bring the ransom. Alone.”
An awkward silence choked the room, and Brexton was pretty sure they were thinking the same thing.
“Absolutely not, there’s no way I’m sending her into danger.” Noe paced the length of the floor, chewing at his nails in aggravation.
Brexton nodded, though he hated to agree with his worst enemy.
Second worst, for the moment…
The door to the room opened, Cross letting himself in quietly. “Finn’s finally asleep. Any word from the–”
Noe stopped pacing, exchanging a glance with Brexton before they both turned their sights on the petite boy in the doorway.
“Do you think they know what Finny looks like?” Brexton questioned, grinning as he advanced on Cross, wrapping an arm around his slender shoulders and leading him further into the room, like a lamb toward the slaughter.
Noe shook his head, poorly suppressing a laugh behind his closed fist. “I doubt it.”
“Wha– what’s going on? Why are you guys looking at me like that?” Cross looked from Brexton to Noe, then back again. “What’re you–”
“Have I ever mentioned how pretty you are, pup?” Brexton practically purred, gripping the boy’s chin and bringing his face closer, so he could get a better look at him. “Why, I’d say you’re easily as pretty as a–”
“Princess”, Noe finished for him, circling around to the back of Cross to look him over.
“Whatever the two of you are up to, my answer is no!” He shook his head furiously, trying to turn around to bring Noe into view, but Brexton held him tight.
“Well, if you don’t want to protect your future wife, I guess there’s nothing we can do about it…” Brexton drawled, still refusing to let go despite his words.
“Protect Finn? How?”
Could the whelp be any more predictable? It was almost too easy to manipulate him.
“You’re what… 4'6?” Noe mused, tapping his chin in thought.
“I’m 4'9!” Cross fumed, trying again to free himself. “What’s this about protecting Finn? What do I need to do.”
“Nothing much. Just dress up like her, is all.”
Damn! Leave it to Noe to suck all the fun out of a situation. Brexton had been so enjoying watching him squirm, too.
“No! No, no way. Not doing it!”
“You persuade him, I’ll go find a dress.” Noe marched out of the room, leaving Cross at Brexton’s mercy.
“If you think I’m going to agree to this, you’ve got another thing coming!” Cross was so adamant, so sure that he had any say in the matter.
It was adorable, really.
"Oh, sweetheart…” Brexton laughed, yanking Cross closer to kiss him on the cheek, loving the way he floundered from the contact. “Who said we needed you to agree?”
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 3, Part 2: “Just a peek” (2)
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Va: Stop
Mija: magic, specifially the kind that humans can use, although most people extend the word to Noe’s magic, even though he isn’t human
Griaria, 4 years ago
Cross stirred, his body so heavy that it felt like a lead weight. On top of that, he was cold – so very, very cold. He blinked his eyes, recognising that something was out of place, but unable to pinpoint it. His mind was groggy, refusing to cooperate with him.
Turning his head – the only part of him he could easily move, he found Brext sleeping deeply, his face so close to Cross’s that he could feel the chill of his breath.
Actually, he could see his breath, even in the hazy light of the room. That definitely wasn’t normal.
He tried, again, to move, but it was useless. Brext’s body was coiled tightly around him, like a pit viper. Cross gasped, piecing together what was happening.
He’s stealing my heat.
Normally, Brext was oblivious to how cold he was. Cross had often pointed it out, only to watch the older boy shrug and say he was used to it. Things had to get pretty bad before Brext could notice on his own, and even worse than that before he’d do something like seek out a source of warmth.
Tonight, he was colder than he’d ever been – even colder than he was in the bath earlier.
“Brext!” Cross tried, prying a hand free from under the arm that clutched him too tightly, and using it to shake his shoulder. “Wake up!”
He didn’t know what could be causing Brext’s condition. A nightmare, maybe? He shook him harder, but there was no response whatsoever.
‘I have to heat his core’.
Cross wasn’t sure how things worked with Brext, but Noe had been able to help him, so it stood to reason that he would be able to figure this out, too. If only Cross could get to him…
He tried harder to free himself, but the more he struggled, the tighter Brext clung to him.
“Brext, let me go.”
He clenched his teeth as Brext’s hand pressed against his back, yanking him even closer.
“Va, Brext… Wake up already!”
This was getting completely out of hand. If he didn’t get help soon, they might both be frozen solid by morning. He reached down and grabbed Brext’s arm, using all of his strength to tug it off of his body. Without giving him a chance to latch on again, Cross untangled his leg from between Brext’s much longer ones, then shot out of the bed.
Shit! Still naked…
He headed for the bathroom to grab his shorts, wishing he’d been able to bring a fresh change of clothes with him when he jumped ship. He found them in a heap on the tiled floor, along with his tunic, and tugged them on so hastily that he nearly tripped over the tub in the process.
As soon as he was decent, he rushed out of their room to bang on the next door over. It took a few minutes of pounding before he got an answer.
The door flew open, a pair of lilac eyes staring down at him with obvious annoyance. “What?!”
“It’s Brext,” Cross blurted out, too panicked to care that he’d disturbed Noe in what was probably the middle of the night. “He– he’s cold.”
Noe sighed, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “He’s always cold, Cross. Go back to sleep.”
“No, I mean he’s really cold. He was clinging to me for warmth, and… and I can’t wake him up.”
Noe sighed again, turning to take a longing look at his bed. “I warned that idiot…” He stepped into the hallway, tugging his door closed behind him.
Cross tried to follow him back to the room, but Noe held out a hand to stop him.
“Stay here. There’s no telling how dangerous–”
“Brext isn’t dangerous!” Cross spat, pushing against Noe’s outstretched arm, only to be yanked back roughly.
“He’s always dangerous”, Noe insisted, then quietly added, “Even moreso tonight. Just– just give me room to work. If it’s safe for you to return to the room, I’ll tell you so.”
Cross relented, only because arguing was wasting time that could be used on fixing… whatever the problem was. He paced up and down the corridor, waiting for Noe to come back.
After what felt like a lifetime, Noe opened the door.
“I need to grab some supplies. Stay. Here.” He hurried back into his own room, returning shortly with an overstuffed rucksack.
“Isn’t there anything I can do?” Cross questioned, getting fed up with standing in the hall doing nothing.
“… Go downstairs and see if anyone’s at the front desk.”
“And if they are?”
“You know how to send word to Maiti, don’t you?”
Cross nodded, though he couldn’t for the life of him understand why Noe would have him summon her. She hated crowded towns, and there was no way Brext was bad enough that they needed to bother her with it.
Just, heat him up… What’s so hard about it?
Noe disappeared into Cross’s room with the bag, leaving him with nothing else to do except head downstairs.
Send for Maiti…
Cross fumed, smacking his hand against the metal bell on the front desk.
Treating me like I’m useless… I just want to help Brext!
He leaned against the wood counter, frustration mounting with every passing second. Who did Noe think he was, anyway? Telling Cross he had to stay out of his own room, assigning him pointless busywork… It was enough to make him want to scream!
I shouldn’t have even gone to him.
He hit the bell again, taking his frustration out on it. Once, twice…
“Enough already!” A man came out of the back office, and snatched the bell off the counter. “What do you want, kid?”
“I need to send a message. It’s urgent.”
Cross sat on the floor beside the door to his room, idly flipping a silver letter opened he’d pilfered from the office. It’d been over an hour now, and there was still no word on how Brext was doing.
The door to Noe’s room opened, and Finn poked her head out into the hall. “Cross? What’s going on?”
He caught the blade’s handle, and tucked it away into his pocket as Finn slid to the floor beside him.
“I don’t know. There’s something going on with Brext, Noe’s in there with him.” He was tired of explaining it, so he shrugged, deciding to leave it at that.
Finn’s hand found his, giving it a tight squeeze. “If Noe’s handling it, then you don’t need to worry so much.” She reassured him, flashing him a soft smile. “He’s really good with healing mija, Brex will be fine.”
Then why is Maiti coming?
He didn’t say it, just rested his head against hers. Despite his nap earlier, he was tired… Exhausted, really. He wouldn’t be able to sleep, but at least he could rest for a minute.
Finn reached up, running her fingers through his scruffy hair. He hummed his thanks, nuzzling into the touch.
“How come you keep your hair so short?”
He almost laughed. He would have, if he were in a better mood.
“I don’t.” He shrugged, suppressing a whimper when her hand stopped moving. “The truth is, it’s long most of the time. I chop it off right before we make land.”
He wouldn’t explain the rest – that he did it so Brext wouldn’t tease him about being 'girly’, not that it really helped with that. At this point it was more habit than anything.
Finn giggled at the confession, but thankfully let the subject drop.
“You should sleep.” She was right, of course, but it just wasn’t possible.
Someday, he’d have to learn how to sleep beside her. It was what married couples did, after all… sleep next to each other, in the same bed. Every night. He wasn’t ready yet, so he stretched his limbs, scooting off of her to lean against the wall, instead.
“Nah, I slept a lot earlier, so I’m wide awake. You can, though, if you want.”
She surprised him by laying her head in his lap, so he took the opportunity to return the favour from earlier, tangling his fingers through her thick curls.
I don’t deserve you… and I couldn’t even guard the Bridewealth…
As if she could read his thoughts, she rolled onto her back and grinned up at him, taking his hand and pressing it against her warm cheek.
He did his best to smile back. “Close your eyes, Finn. Noe won’t forgive me if I keep you from your beauty sleep.”
Her pretty blue eyes fluttered shut, the sound of her steady breathing helping Cross relax, even if he still couldn’t fall asleep.
A few minutes later, the door finally opened. Noe stepped into the hallway, disapproval written all over his face as he stared down at the two of them.
That was nothing new, so Cross ignored it. “Is he better, yet?”
“He’s… he needs to rest.” Noe sounded every bit as weary as Cross felt. He knelt down, collecting Finn in his arms. “After I put her to bed, I’ll hire you another room.”
A room? By myself?
Cross leapt to his feet, shaking his head furiously. “You said I could go back in.” The only thing that kept him from yelling was the fact that he didn’t want to wake Finn. “You said it!”
“I said you could go back if it was safe”, Noe hissed, nodding toward his door. “Help me out here.”
He turned the knob so Noe could get in, but stayed right on his heels. Noe placed Finn on the bed, tucking the blankets around her.
“Why isn’t it safe? Give me one good reason why I can't–”
“Because you are a child, and right now, you’re in my care. If anything happens to you…” He trailed off, apparently thinking better of what he’d been about to say. “Could you just listen to me, for once? Believe it or not, I know what I’m talking about.”
I’m not in your care!
He bit the words back, sitting down on the bed next to Finn.
“I’ll go get you a room.”
It would be easier to just let him do it, even if he had no intention of staying put. As soon as Noe thought he was in bed, he'd go back to sleep. Then, there’d be plenty of time to go check on Brext, to see if there was any real reason to stay away.
Just a peek… I can decide for myself.
0 notes
fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 3, Part 1: “Just a peek” (1)
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nifùmakut: second-in-command aboard an isut ship
Glùntsù! Pom! and Kùhox tekat! Yun upom glùkek…: Cross being adorably excited about getting to sleep in a bed. “Yes! Bed! So soft! I love beds…”
Onai: Brexton’s teasing Cross by calling him a princess
Warnings: Um, underage nekkidness (non-sexy, just a bath), and child abuse (not depicted but pretty obvious), Brexton being, well… Brexton
So, the prompt isn’t even in this one, and that’s because it got SO long that I removed/rewrote the entire intro, and it was still too long, so I ended up cutting it into two parts.)
Griaria, 4 years ago
Cross swam as hard as he could, until it felt like his lungs would explode from the effort. His arms and legs ached, and the sea water stung his torn open back, but he told himself that it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, now that he’d pried himself free from the grip of the nifùmakut and thrown himself overboard.
In about an hour, the ship would beach, but that was fine. He just needed to keep any of his father’s crew from spotting him on land. He had a whole month to spend out of water while the Purring Wench was careened, and there was no way he was going to spend even a second of it in captivity.
A burst of pure adrenaline hit him, fueling him with everything he needed to make the final push to shore. He surfaced from the water, stumbling across hot sand and flopping onto his back on the beach. Keeping his eyes closed to keep them clear of salt water, he focused on trying to calm his erratic breathing.
“A drowned pup?”
Cross’s eye, the one that wasn’t covered with a wet patch, shot open in surprise. He blinked up at the man leaning over him, trying to focus despite the harsh sun silhouetting him.
His mouth opened to greet him, but all he managed was a surprised squeak as the toe of Brext’s boot dug into the soft flesh of his stomach, the pressure slowly growing until he was sure he would burst. His back gave an answering scream, begging him to cry out, to make Brext stop, but he clamped his mouth shut, refusing to make a sound.
After all, enduring this for a little while was far preferable to losing face in front of Brext. Anyway, he’d get bored soon enough.
The older boy laughed, lifting his foot and offering Cross his hand instead. Cross slapped it away, rolling onto his stomach and forcing himself up – first onto his hands and knees, then his feet. After all, a man doesn’t need help from anyone.
“What are you doing here?” He winced at the hoarseness of his own voice, knowing that the pained edge to his words wouldn’t go unnoticed.
“I could ask you the same thing”, Brext countered, brushing off the question. “The boat’ll come right up to shore if you wait, you know. Why is it you’re always wet when I find you?”
“Just impatient, I guess”, Cross lied quickly, trying – and failing – to shake the sand off of his soaked clothing, to look just a little bit more presentable. “Who wants to be stuck on board when land is already in sight.”
Brext hummed at the answer, then turned and began to walk away, back to the direction of town.
Cross winced, his legs threatening to give out beneath him.
“If you don’t hurry up, I’ll leave you here.” Brext called back, his pace never faltering.
Ignoring the pain, he broke into a run, determined not to be left behind.
“So… What are we doing?” He tried not to sound too eager, not to let on about how much he’d missed everyone in the months he’d been away.
“Noe and Finn are making arrangements at the inn.” Brexton shrugged, peering down at him. “After that, well… What do you want to do?”
Cross stretched his tired arms above his head, his mind fixed on the one thing he’d missed almost as much as being part of Finn’s group. “I wanna lay in a bed!” He could already feel the fluffy pillows, the thick blankets that felt like they were melting, becoming part of himself, and that great, full-body sleep that he only ever seemed to achieve while Brext was around – the kind where his mind woke up before the rest of him, and he could just stay there content and tingling. “Maybe for a day or two…” He exaggerated, grinning at the thought.
“Bed it is, then.”
It was strange for Brext to agree so quickly. Usually he had some plot, some scheme he’d been cooking up, just waiting for Cross to come back so he could use him as a pawn.
Not that Cross ever minded it. He’d gladly play whatever part was asked of him, so long as it gained him Brext’s attention, and maybe, someday, his approval.
“Really?!” His feet moved faster, eager to get him to the inn.
“We have a whole month, right? I don’t see why we shouldn’t relax a little.”
“Glùntsù! Pom!” Cross took a running start in the doorway, doing a somersault onto the bed. He closed his eyes, already feeling all of his cares vanish. “Kùhox tekat! Yun upom glùkek…”
“Why do you do that every time? I swear, even Finny is more mature than you are.” Brext scolded, setting down his bags on top of the dresser. “Get off of there, you’re filthy.”
“Finn’s an adult, she has to be more mature.” Cross stuck his tongue out, refusing to budge from the comfort of the mattress. Instead, he grabbed a pillow and buried his face into it, loving how crisp and cool the fabric cover felt against his skin.
Brext snatched it away almost immediately, shaking off the sand that had transferred from his hair. "She’s also younger than you are.“
"Yes, but technically I’m not an adult until I’m twenty-one. I swear, you guys have it all wrong!”
“No, we just don’t pretend that adults are still children so we can keep using them for what basically amounts to slave labour.” Brext countered, smirking like he’d just won some contest.
Cross opened his mouth to argue, but he couldn’t think of a single way to poke holes in his logic.
Damn him!
All he could do is mutter, “That’s not true.”
“Whatever. Here, take this downstairs and get us something to eat.” He tossed a small wad of cash onto the bed next to Cross, then stripped his clothes off on the way to the bathroom.
Cross ignored the command, hurrying to follow after Brext before he could slam the door on him.
“Don’t just barge in here.” Brext said that, but he didn’t bother trying to shoo him out of the room. He turned the tap as high as it would go, until the water coming out was practically boiling, filling the small room up with steam.
“It’s fine, isn’t it?” Cross pressed, shrugging out of his tunic before tugging his belt loose. “We’ve already seen each other plenty of times.”
Brext climbed into the tub, rolling his eyes at the question. “That isn’t the point, and you know it.” The chill from his body clashed with the hot water, sending a fresh cloud billowing across the space. “You’ll get sick.” Despite his protests, he gathered his legs up, making room for Cross in the tub.
“I never have before." Cross eased himself into the fridgid water, suppressing a shudder. He could swear it was even colder than usual – a lot colder, but he didn’t dare comment for fear that Brext would kick him out of the bath. "Besides, there won’t be any hot water left, even if I wait.”
Brext handed him a washcloth and a bar of soap, before taking up his own, lathering it and scrubbing his chest.
He’s so much bigger than me…
Cross watched him, crestfallen. Every time they parted ways, he did so with a certainty that he would stand on even ground the next time, and that Brext would finally stop seeing him as just an annoying child, some friend of Finn’s that was – at best – handy to have around.
Pup, his brain supplied, adding to his dismay. Whelp…
Instead of vanishing, it seemed like the distance between them only continued to grow. It was getting harder and harder to believe he would ever catch up. Was five years really such an insurmountable difference?
Brext lifted his head, arching an eyebrow at him. “The water’s too cold, isn’t it?”
Cross’s cheeks flamed when he realised he’d been staring, and he shook his head, maybe a little too adamantly. “It– it’s not so bad.”
He made it a point to look down, keeping his eyes on his own body as he dragged the scratchy cloth across his stomach half-heartedly, wondering if he’d ever compare to Brext.
“Come here, I’ll get your back for you”, Brext insisted, breaking through the haze of his thoughts.
He raised his eyes to see him gesturing impatiently.
My back…?
He had no idea what his back looked like, but he could tell from the sting that still lingered there that it wasn’t pretty. Brext would see it sooner or later, but he’d been hoping to keep it hidden for at least the first day or so, to give the raw flesh a chance to heal first.
Except it hadn’t really been a question, leaving him no room to refuse. Without bothering to reply, he turned around, scooting back until he was situated between Brext’s bent knees.
There were several seconds of silence, which were much more chilling than the water.
Brext gripped his shoulders, pushing him forward until his chin was hovering above the surface of the water.
“Shit…”, he heard Brext curse under his breath.
He held him still with one hand, running a finger over a particularly sore spot, the temperature of the water dropping even more, until ice started to form around the edges of the tub.
“Brext!” Cross snapped him out of it, prying himself free of the tight grasp.
“You were caught stealing again, weren’t you?”
“Something like that…” Cross lied, pretending to be overly focused with scraping the ice off the tub’s edges.
“For Finn’s bridewealth?”
The truth was that the bridewealth was gone. It had been for a long time. He couldn’t admit it, though. What would he think if he knew Cross had failed to protect the very thing he’d been working so hard to collect?
A real man wouldn’t have lost it.
Swallowing hard, he looked over his shoulder, showing Brext the most carefree face he could possibly hope to make. “You caught me.”
The washcloth stung when it touched him, soap seeping into fresh cuts. Cross hissed, and even though he tried to stay relaxed, his body clenched in pain. He had no idea what expression he was making now, except that it must be pitiful.
“Bear it”, Brext mumbled, pressing the cloth back into place. “These’ll get bad if they’re not cleaned.”
Cross did his best not to squirm away, to bear the pain like he was told. “It, it’s not so–” He inhaled sharply, grinding his teeth together as a last ditch effort to not scream. “…so bad.”
“You really like living at sea? I mean, even with–”
“Of course I do!” Cross blurted the words out hastily, refusing to let Brext suspect otherwise for even a second. “I get to sail all over the world, I don't have to go to school, and my father…”
At the mention of Argus, the cloth pressed too hard. “My hand slipped.”
Cross nodded, reminding himself not to tense up.
The washcloth dropped into the water next to Cross, while Brext’s fingers worked their way up his neck, then massaged soap into what was left of his hair. He tugged at the straps of Cross’s eyepatch, untying it with one practiced motion.
“D–don’t look!”
Behind him, Brext chuckled at his outburst. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Onai.” He scooted forward so he could reach the fringe, his chest resting against Cross’s shoulderblades. The rise and fall of his breathing – paired with the pads of his fingers as they returned to their task – was practically hypnotic.
“You know, someday I’ll be a Yant, just like my father.” He talked to distract himself, and because he was determined to keep up the ruse that he actually liked being aboard his father’s ship.
Brext didn’t reply. He pushed against the top of his head, coaxing him under the water. Cross took a deep breath, sinking down and waiting for him to finish rinsing the soap from his hair.
Is this what having a mother is like?
If he could, he would have laughed at the idea.
More like an older brother. One who’s a jerk most of the time.
He surfaced, his teeth chattering together no matter how hard he tried to stop them.
“Idiot! I told you it’d be too much for you!”
Before Cross could even think to deny it, Brext scooped him out of the tub, racing into the next room to deposit him roughly on the bed. Blankets were swept up and wrapped so tightly around him that he could hardly move.
“Y-y-o-ou” No matter how hard he tried, the words were impossible to get out. Groaning in frustration, he wrangled one hand free, reaching for Brext and catching him by the wrist.
“No, no way. You know I can't– I’ll only make you colder.”
“It-s fi-fine.” Cross promised, then added, “Th-the b-lan-blankets–”
Brext ignored him, throwing on a fresh pair of trousers and storming out of the room.
There was nothing left for Cross to do but huddle under the blankets, shivering so hard that he wondered if he’d ever stop, and wait for him to come back.
Brext reappeared almost immediately, with a frazzled Noe on his heels. Cross begrudged the intrusion, but it made sense – even if it did seem unnecessary.
Noe rubbed his hands together as he approached the bed, peeling back the blankets enough to expose Cross’s stomach.
“Hey! Shouldn’t we keep him covered?” Brext protested, only to be silenced by an angry glare from Noe.
“I don’t want to hear that from you. I warned you before we even came here that…” Noe sighed, hovering his flat palms over Cross’s chest, moving them slowly up to his shoulders, and back down to his waist. “I have to heat his core, and to do that, I need the blankets out of the way.”
The two of them kept bickering, but Cross couldn’t keep track of their conversation. His eyes dipped shut, the comfortable warmth Noe was radiating lulling him right to sleep.
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