#isueda wilder
raven-ink · 4 years
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WTW Tarot Event - Death
Key words:  transformation, rebirth, endings, closure, liberation Theme: Endings WIP: The End of her Reign TW: Major character death. Comments: I’ve only redacted one bit of information in this. However, this isn’t the fact that a major character dies. 
Isueda pretty much lay on top of Nora, her knife deep within Nora’s gut. Both of their breathing was laboured after the lengthy fight. But it had now come to an end. Nora Belle, the woman who always seemed young and immortal, would now welcome death. But first, there was one more thing she had to do.
     ‘The nymph was right. I’ve never been just a woman.’ Her voice was raspy. She sounded like all her years of living were finally catching up to her. ‘So now, I gift to you the ruling of Monsters.’ She coughed, blood spurting onto Isueda’s shocked face. ‘But that’ll make you much more, seeing as you are already the [redacted].’
     There was a pause between them. This was news to the young girl, who had only recently come about her abilities. She didn’t even feel that she had grown into those abilities yet. Isueda breathed shakily. ‘You lie even on your death-bed.’
     ‘Just remember, as we mortal deities must, you will always be sacrificing others for your own gain.’ Nora’s soft fingers pressed gently at Isueda’s spine. She would feel the power drift out of her as she died. Isueda would feel nothing but the lifeless body beneath her as she pushed herself to her feet.
     Though, as she climbed down the building, she felt. . . invulnerable. She wasn’t worried about her foot mis-stepping on a window ledge. She felt graceful, but not at all more powerful. Perhaps she was right, Nora Belle lied after all with that dying breath.
     As she reached the ground, Isueda saw Lucile and Fyk at the treeline, encouraging children to run back to the nearest town. The mansion was on fire behind her. But she kept walking away, sword gripped tightly in her blood-soaked hand.
Taglist: @ofbloodandflowers
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raven-ink · 4 years
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WTW Tarot Event - The Fool
Key words: beginnings, innocence, new energy, potential, idealism, risk-taking Themes: Beginnings (this isn’t how the novella will start, but it is certainly what kicks off the story!) WIP: The End of her Reign Comments: I was playing with present tense / past tense, so there may be a few mistakes where I haven’t reverted back to past tense correctly. 
Isueada was torn from her younger brother kicking and screaming. The heavy pour of rain drowned out the sound of her voice as she called for him to run for help. Though, they both knew very well that no help would come to this part of the forest. She glanced down to see a hand coming to close down on her mouth while the other arm wrapped around her waist. She took her chance to bite down — hard. The attacker yelped and released their grip on her. The moment they do, Isueda ran for Selwyn who sat crying in the mud. 
     As she ran for him, in a blur of seconds, a crossbow bolt flew through the rain and pierced the second attacker directly in the neck before he was able to get his hands on Selwyn. Isueda grabbed the boy's face and urged him to his feet, ‘Get to the house. Geraldine is still alive.’
     Their parents however were not alive. Isueda shook her head, there was no time to linger on such a thought.
     The next few seconds were crucial for the remaining attacker. By the time Isueda had pulled her small knife out, the attacker reached her. They grabbed hold of her shoulder and spun her around. Isueda shoved her brother away, scratching his face with her knife in the process. 
     The attacker leant down to touch the fallen. In mere seconds, all three disappeared through a cloud of black smoke. 
     Selwyn did not turn back to that spot where his sister was. He ran for the cottage, where his parents lay dead at the kitchen table. The travelling trader, Geraldine, rushed downstairs from the attic to hold him. She was already planning on their exit. This home was no longer safe.
Taglist: @ofbloodandflowers
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raven-ink · 4 years
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WTW Tarot Event - The Wheel of Fortune
Key words:  cycles, fate, change, luck, optimism   Themes: destiny and fate WIP: The End of her Reign Comments: I have officially started to use Lucile instead of Sephonia for this lovely nymph character. It might take some time getting used to.
Seven years of knowing Drakon and yet Isueda still couldn’t understand why they believed they were destined to follow Lucile. 
     ‘It is my destiny to be here with her. Then, when she leaves, I will go with her.’ They sounded so ominous that Isueda had to laugh. ‘You have a destiny too. If I could tell you, you would not be laughing.’ Now, she frowned. Drakon let out a breathy laugh.
     ‘If destiny exists, I hate them. Because that would mean it was destiny for my parents to die and my brother to be separated from me.’ Isueda shoved her practice sword back into its holder. She sighed and looked back up at Drakon sorrowfully. ‘Do you mean it? Is destiny really that much of a-’
     ‘Destiny is what you make of it.’ They cut her off as they hung their shield on the wall. Drakon pondered for a few moments. ‘I can say that throughout the bad, there is good. You just need to figure out what that good is yourself, Isueda.’
Taglist: @ofbloodandflowers
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raven-ink · 4 years
Last line tag - thank you for tagging me: @anomaly00 (I did a bit more than one line for context).
Here is something from The End of her Reign. TW: for a bit of little mention of murder.  
She scrunched up her nose. ‘Pfft. Everyone was looking at her.’
‘Anyway. I already read about this girl. Don’t go there, Isueda.’ Lucile’s warning sent a chill down her spine. Isueda picked up her book and turned her back to the nymph, who continued talking anyway. ‘She has magic similar to Wren’s but. . . unmatchable. The no killing rule in the Tournament sounds like it came because of this girl. Someone threatened her, and they were later found with a bouquet of flowers stuffed down his throat.’
‘That’s not powerful. I could do that, without abilities.’
‘They found that the flowers grew from his lungs. They were taking root in his dead flesh.’ 
Isueda paused in her steps. ‘Oh.’ After slowly turning to face Lucile’s warning eyes, she said: ‘I like that girl.’
I am tagging some people, feel free to disregard this!: @fictional-semantics @ofbloodandflowers @thatsmybluefondue @cheshawrites @pulitzers-world @spillme @silverncats
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raven-ink · 4 years
Find the Word Tag
Thanks @sprigofbasil !
The words to search for in the WIP were: night, sun, source, mark, and follow.
This is a tale of a girl who was taken from her younger brother. As she grows, his face in her memory does not. He still remains the scared little boy that she scarred with her nails as she was pulled from him in the dark of the night. His soft, brown eyes remain full of worry in her mind.
Isueda was tucked in a quiet alcove of the library, a book tucked under her nose, when the sun finally rose over the horizon. As the light flickered through the window, she licked her fingertips and put the candle flame out, not missing a word as her eyes danced across the page of a lengthy book titled The Trouble of Politics in Port Klemmene.
‘What about you, Wren?’
‘I’m not powerful enough to need a source other than myself. It’s the same as most magic folk. Except for someone like Dhad, with base strength.’
‘I suppose at this two week mark, I should properly introduce the Tournament.
‘Every seven years, we allow anyone who believes they are ready to enter the Tournament. The prize? You are able to leave these premises to repay your debts to me. Once those are repaid, you are free to wreak havoc wherever you please. Though, of course, you are more than welcome to stay at my side to continue training newcomers.’
‘Drakon,’ Isueda put a hand to her chest. They spooked her a little. ‘Sometimes I wonder if you secretly follow me and not Lucile.’
‘Lucile is where my destiny lies. You are simply nearby.’
‘That makes me feel important.’ She murmured sarcastically. Drakon shifted in front of her, almost camouflaged in the darkness. Fortunately, they wore the helmet she had found hidden in an upper room for them to wear. It was evil looking — a personal joke that suited them well. 
This was actually super fun! I’ll be tagging @viawrites-andacts @hollowsentinel @fictional-semantics @ofbloodandflowers
Your words are: confuse, perfect, impossible, fortune, and picture. (Or, a synonym to these if you need to)!
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raven-ink · 4 years
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WTW Tarot Prompts - The Hanged Man
Key words:  acceptance, sacrifice, perspective, feeling trapped, crossroads, decisions, letting go Theme: letting go, sacrifice WIP: The End of Her Reign
Nora’s final words hang in Isueda’s mind as she swings her sword at the guardsmen charging at her. Her back was turned away from the place that she had called home for seven years. She could feel the heat against her back from the fire that Ohen had started. Weapons crashed against one another. But all of it was drowned out when she realised. . .
     ‘You will always be sacrificing others for your own gain.’
     Isueda turns around. There. She sees it so faintly in the distance. A hand is reaching out from a small, barred window at the bottom of the mansion. ‘The dungeons,’ she whispers. Then, she screams, ‘The dungeons.’ She could hear the children screaming now. They were screaming for someone to help them before. . . 
     ‘Ohen, turn it off!’ Isueda screamed. ‘Ohen!’ As she ran, she continued to scream Ohen’s name. She heard Ohen scream back at one point something along the lines of: ‘Turn it off?! You turn it off!’ As she ran towards the children, panicked tears streaking down her face, her sword and shield protected her from any oncoming slaughter. 
     She was on her knees by the small grated window when she heard the voice behind her. ‘Isueda.’ It was a warning. ‘We need to go.’ She felt a soft touch on her shoulder. The tears were still streaking down her face. She ignored the voice and tried with all her strength to pull out the metal bars. She could see the smoke in the dark cell underneath.
     ‘Isueda,’ the grip on her shoulder became tighter. She turned to see Drakon. 
     ‘Please. You can help these children. We need to get them out.’
     ‘There is no time, let’s go.’ Drakon didn’t stop to hear Isueda’s cries, her arguments, her reasons for staying behind to save the children. ‘They are gone.’
Taglist: @ofbloodandflowers 
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raven-ink · 4 years
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