Guys .... the first time was hilarious. Dont get me wrong but ........... MY BABY IS OVER HERE LOOKIN LIKE A DAMN BABOON BECAUSE SHE KEPT GOIN! I told her about 4 times if she ends up bruising her face she is still going to school. Finally she stopped but guess what?!?!? TOO LATE !!!!! 😭😭😭 SHE GOT A DAMN CIRCLE BRUISE Y'ALL How do I explain this to the teachers tomorrow!?!?!?! She did herself SO DAMN DIRTY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #thesekidsmustbestopped #thesekidsarewild #middlechild #middlechildsyndrome #sheislostandcannotbefound #someonecallthepopo #sendhelp #ineedtherapy #jesustakethedamnwheelanddontgiveitback #saveallmoms #lawdhelpusall #sendwine #whatinthequaruntinebaboonlookinshitisthis #nowimjustmakinguphastags #instagrammom #instagramblogger #blogmom #momofwildones #momofgirls #imsodamntired #istilldiedlaughing https://www.instagram.com/p/CE24LCEHdfo/?igshid=1rwsdksdqn1wb
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