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Reading. And loving Deep Work by Cal Newport. This quote leapt out at me. As you may know I am very interested in productivity. But it’s not because I want to be industrious. In fact I’m always surprised when people tell me how busy they think I am. I’m really not busy. I am ambitious though. And I really want to make things happen. I have dreams and I want to make them real. And I want to feel spacious. And find the most direct and effective route. So much of the time the struggles we put ourselves through are pointless. Because there really is another simpler easier way. That’s the way through I am looking for. Or the one that has the most beautiful engaging scenery to make the journey a delight. Sometimes if we just step back and ask. Is there a simpler / easier / more fun way of achieving this. There is. And doing that instead saves so much time. Anyway. That’s my musings for this evening. I’m really not that busy. #calnewport #calnewportdeepwork #deepwork #imreallynotthatbusy #iamnotbusy #iamenough #iamnotbusyiamproductive #iamnotbusyjustfocused #isthereaneasierway #isthereaneasiermorefunway #morefun #lessbusy #dolessgetmoredone #thisartistslife #artmaters #focusonthewildlyimportantgoal #wildlyimportant #4dx #wildartjournaling #wildartjournal #artjournal #notbusy #lazyambition #lazybutgenius (at Brighton, England, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFsQnFnHIg4/?igshid=1fi8r7fvby38j
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