#istg they shouldve been canon already
itskorikash · 3 months
Trikey fic I've had in the making and CANT FINISH HELP WHY DOES WRITERS BLOCK EXIST:
"Do I…do I fucking what?"
Michael was currently pinned down on his own fucking couch, atop him being none other than the psychotic cannibal himself.
What was an evening hangout session turned into angry reminiscing, specifically North Yankton. But, Trevor didn't mean to take it there. He never does, does he? All he ever wants are honest answers. It's what he deserves after all.
But these answers weren't about if Brad was actually in prison, or if Michael had been working with the feds. Trevor already knew the answers to all of those. This was something deeper.
Much deeper.
"You heard me, Townley. I don't want to repeat myself." Trevor spat in his face. Michael looked at him dumbfounded. He seized his struggles to get free, simply staring Trevor straight in his eyes. Those red, crack induced bug eyes.
What was it that Trevor was so adamant about hearing from his ol' best friend?
Trevor sighed, chuckling to himself. "Seems you're gonna make me anyway, fuckface. Do you love me, Michael?" And that answers it.
Michael slightly smiled. He meant it in a friendly way, of course. Trevor knows he has a wife so that immediately scratches out that other option…then again, having a significant other never stopped Trevor from anything.
Michael sighed, "Of course I love you, buddy. Is all this really necessary?" Michael began to raise his hand to put on Trevor's arm, but was immediately restricted again. Trevor glared daggers. "Here you go, not taking SHIT about this seriously. I want the real answer, De Santa. The truth, not the cover up."
Michael's smile vanished. An unsettling realization hit him that Trevor did mean what he hoped not. Michael nervously laughed. "Trev..you know I'm married."
Trevor snarled, "Oh that's fucking rich..coming from the fat fuck that lives in strip clubs, getting his fuckin tits hard over anyone but the one he married!!" Michael gulped. "That's not the fucking point, T. The point is-"
"That you're a fucking liar, Michael. Always was one, and always will be. So the last thing I will EVER believe is that you truly love Amanda."
Michael glared. Of course it would come down to this. Him reconsidering his own love for his wife. To be fair..he wasn't in love with Amanda anymore. He had a love for her..that went as for as any toxic relationship could.
Were they happy with each other? Hell no. She slept around every week, and Michael resided in strip clubs as Trevor said, so who would believe the two if they said they loved each other?
However..Trevor being the one to make him ponder this, he always feared. What about Trevor made him so..on edge around him all the time? Or..what about himself?
Did he love Trevor? The answer was too clear. Through the putrid stench of the man, and loud, belligerent exterior, he knew there was a heart under it. One broken. One begging for love.
For Michael's love. But would he really accept it if it was given?
"..If I'm a liar, Trevor. Would you really believe me if I told you I loved you?"
Trevor's eyes widened slightly. He took in a breath and held it for a moment. Michael took that as his response. But pushed further.
"Trev…I think I know the real question we need to be asking here.." Trevor looked away, with an indescribable facial expression. Michael attempted once again to raise his hand to Trevor's face. Trevor allowed it, easing into Michael's touch ever so slightly.
"Trevor…do you love me?"
Trevor laughed. Wholeheartedly laughed. "Ah…Michael De Santa, Michael fucking Townley... I've mourned you for a decade. I've tatted your name on my body." Trevor moved Michael's hand again. He put his hand on Michael's throat and squeezed tightly.
"I've relived every moment I spent with you in my mind every single day."
Michael put his hand on Trevor's arm, attempting to get him to not choke him to death. He knew it was all too good to be true. He didn't hurt him that bad, he couldn't have..
Could he?
"Mikey..The gods above and below couldn't dare compare their love for the world to my love for you."
Michael's eyes widened. Was Trevor actually serious? Of course he fucking was. Trevor was a maniac, a manic serial killer, a day and nighttime cannibalistic, mentally ill drug addict.
Even a wrong blink in his direction and you'd find half your arm blown off onto the ground in front of you. Shit, he'd do it for fun. For sport.
But even aside from his psychotic ways..one thing he always cared about was loyalty. And people he loved.
And Michael was one of the many few he still cared about to this day.
If not, the only one.
"Michael..if I could have anticipated the shot that..that 'killed you'...I would have let myself die if that would have told you my love for you."
"Don't fucking call me that if you're not gonna do something with it De Santa."
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