#istg in what fucking language do we have to say that we ALREADY work 6 days a week?
umiwomitai ¡ 1 year
next person to complain about our part of the store being closed on sundays gets eviscerated 😀
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socksnstuff00 ¡ 2 years
would u mind describe all these melt downs 😂 I love ur funny reactions
oh yes Annie! absolutely lmao just now i was looking for something to distract me from work.
first of all shoutout to @ilovethisgame-andiloveyou for the awesome compilation 💜
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Christmas 2021. Not only bitch woke up and choose murder for Christmas but it was the first time she acknowledged us the shippers so this is basically how we confirmed she knows we know lmao also this pic gave us the confirmation that no one really needed that they were indeed “rommates” in Manchester. Wonderful :D
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2. Titan’s Bday (2021). Everyone was walking on their tiptoes around this one and it was a whole mess cause someone took it from someone’s private account and we all had to act like the pic didn’t existed until Clementine went and posted it herself like “yeah we did spent her bday together, so what?” ending once and for all the whole mistery .. and our lives ofc lmao
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3. 1rst send off game against Mexico AKA my favorite game of all time! The whole experience was magical but when they posted the pic after the game it was the cherry on top of the cake. I say THEY cause Thermometer also posted it and istg I cried lmao the interwebs went WILD lol even a “straight” friend of mine who’s a football fan of Telephone sent me the pic not knowing I was already obsessed with it lmao. I ascended for sure.
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4. Walking for oneness (2021). Such a nice and serene shot and also posted on a random Sunday when no one of us was expecting it. To tell you I screamed lmao they’re so in sync and she decided to show us more of their cute rituals. Also some of the funniest comments from the deniers lmao.
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5. Tokyo 2021. Istg she posted this one to let us know they found time for a little date while they were at the olys lmao. They’re so cute! I really love their faces in here. Everyone else were together doing whatever and these two in their own world .. like always 😉
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6. Teasing us like this is a game lmao (London 2021) this one made us update our deduction skills lmao we all become sherlock for a day xD from the sneakers to the purple vest to the body language and the pose lmao conclusion? 100% pure gay
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7. 3000m hi (2021) AKA the one that broke us all. I mean, I still look at it and I cant believe it exists and she posted it herself, gay on main! Look at them, just LOOK AT THEM! This is the gayest shit I have ever seen lmao I remember I received the notif and literally dropped my phone. Hell im still freaking out nowdays xD I don’t think I will ever be over it. As I said before, they’ll have to post a pic making out to outgay this one!
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8. London good bye (2022) WAGging era at its finest.The beginning and the end of one of my fave eras of them all. also No one can convince me she didn’t posted this pic to let the world know the exact reason why she decided to spend her vacays in the UK lmao.:D look how cute they are. How proud Cocaine is of her girl and how incredibly happy Tusi looks of having her wife there for her. Fucking priceless T.T I might cry again
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9. Couple’s photo (2022) this one im currently on the middle of the melt down lmao. as I said, I saw it in the morning while i was omw to work and I literally had to park on a random gas station so I could release some pressure lmao. I DIED, y’all interacting with a ghost now xD
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nightwingshero ¡ 4 years
1 to 25 for Whitney xoxo
Wow, you really went for it, huh? Lol under the cut, my dear x
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1. What’s their go to pick up line/flirting tactic?
Whitney is obvious as a flirt (when she can actually flirt), and it shows in her body language: hair flipping, touching your arm and giggling at anything funny you say, crossing her legs, puffing her chest out a bit, and leaning in close to you. She’s going to wait for you to make the first move, and you will because she will have you eating out of the palm of her hand. Jedi mind trick, because sure, you think picking her up is your choice...when that decision was made before she even started talking to you. 
2. Can they dance?
Nope, not really. While Whitney does work out (she’s not shy from doing physical activity), she hardly ever dances. She believes its silly and she would rather be saved from the embarrassment. 
3. Underwear style?
Silk and lace. Usually in the colors of light pink, white, or shades of gold. 
4. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, or paint?
All of them. Whitney went to school for art and she uses a lot of different mediums. Paint is her favorite, though, and she has a sun room she uses as a studio. 
5. What was their childhood stuffed animal of choice?
A fuzzy teddy bear her mother bought her not long before she died. It has a red ribbon/bow around it’s neck and sits in her armchair in her bedroom. 
6. What’s their sleeping positions?
Whitney doesn’t move around a lot in her sleep. Mostly it’s on her back, but sometimes she sleeps on her side. 
7. Do they snore?
Oh, hell no. Whitney wouldn’t tell you if she did, to be honest. Snoring is above her and ladies don’t do that. 
8. What do they act like when they’re drunk?
Ha! Look, I’m just gonna tell you now: Wren and Jane are the worst influence over her, I swear. Anyway! White girl wasted, I’m telling you. Mostly with tequila though. She’s the fruity drink kind and she’s a light weight...it doesn’t mix well for her. Now, if it’s wine or she’s only had a little to drink--she’s just a little more emotional. 
9. Sweet, sour, salty, or savory?
Sweet. She bakes a lot and loves it. She likes sour drinks, but that’s about it as far as that goes. Whitney has a complicated relationship with salty foods, she tries to eat healthy, so she doesn’t really eat a whole lot of salty things. 
10. Can they play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?
No, not really. She knows some basic piano, but not a whole lot, so she doesn’t really count it. She does sing though and helps with the choir. 
11. What would their favorite book be?
Little Women
12. What is their guilty pleasure?
Already answered! 
13. If they got a new pet, what would they name it?
Something super cute and adorable, like Pumpkin or some shit. She had a small white dog named Snow White once...she’s not original. 
14. Beach house, cozy snowy cabin, treehouse in a forest, or desert paradise?
Already answered!
15. What would their favorite board game be?
Life, Connect Four, Candy Land, and Trivial Pursuit (although Wren and Rowan kick her ass).
16. What do they smell like?
She’s gonna have more of a floral scent, mostly roses. She will also smell like whatever she decided to bake--apple or blueberry pie, sugar cookies, etc. Honey, vanilla, Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume, and Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume.
17. What’s their favorite smell?
Florals, mostly. Anything citrus and some woodsy scents--sandalwood, cedar, and pine (although you won’t catch her dead in the woods). She loves maple and pumpkin spice (she’s one of those), honey, and brown sugar. 
18. If they were drunk, what would they get a tattoo of?
God, Wren would fucking try...Whitney would get a butterfly tattoo, she so fucking would. And yes, probably in the form of a fucking tramp stamp, especially if Wren has anything to do with it. (Istg, Wren and Jane live to corrupt Whitney). If not, she would get it on her hip or get one of those badass under-the-boob tats. I could also see her getting something simple between her boobs--Wren would totally get one with her. 
19. Describe their laugh.
Bells, honestly. I know that sounds weird. But it’s not too different from Wren’s, but Wren’s is more...wholesome. If that makes sense? Like, Whitney has a higher note to it, but its a bit sharper, while Wren’s is a tad bit high-pitched, but more full. I don’t know if I’m explaining this right. 
20. Hoodies, knit sweaters, wool coats or just a blanket to stay warm?
Knit sweaters and blankets quilts. Whitney is warm and loves things like that. She’s very homey underneath the materialistic uptight front she has (mostly thanks to Nancy and some of Joseph). She’s genuinely loving and caring, not the condescending southern rot-your-teeth sweet she uses on her enemies or the Resistance. Whitney is very much “let me cook you a good meal, you’re skin and bones, and have some hot chocolate with 30 blankets--we can watch Hallmark movies together. Or Nicholas Sparks. Do you like Nicholas Sparks?”. She will definitely be a knit sweater kinda girl. 
21. Are they good with their hands? How do they deal with household-type maintenance?
She’s useless, maintenance wise. Good with her hands? With gardening (the only acceptable time to be dirty) and painting, yes. Baking? Absolutely. Fixing things? Hell no. Woman has no idea what she’s doing, she would probably die changing a light bulb. 
22. If they had a custom car horn, what would it be?
Heaven Is a Place on Earth or Pocketful of Sunshine. If Wren’s rigging it, it’s gonna be I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston or Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey....Killer Queen is also on the table.  
23. Favorite carnival attraction?
Cotton candy stand and the carousal. 
24. Showers or baths?
Baths, all day long. She’s a self-care queen, and will either do bubbles, bath bombs, or rose petals. There are candles involved most of the time with a glass of wine and something she can watch Netflix on. 
25. What’s their ideal day like?
A bright sunny day painting next to the pond in her backyard with music lightly playing in the background. Maybe with some friends over for company. If it’s raining, she’s gonna be in the sun room painting or enjoying a classic movie--like Titanic or something. 
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literallyprentissstwin ¡ 6 years
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Week 7: Monday, June 25th to Sunday, July 1st 2018 
bonjour y´all and welcome back to a new week of my reading list. it´s tuesday when i´m typing this and i already have like 18(!) up until now, so prepare for an ass long list hahah. 
as usual, i picked out my fav stories i read over the week. please don´t be sad if you didn´t make it on the list. it´s just a little sneek of what i read in a week, this is far from everything i read during one week, these are just the fics i loved the most. every writer is unique and awesome in their own way, so shoutout to all of us writers!!! 
i really hope you´ll enjoy the list & don´t forget to leave some love and feedback to the authors! 
- aileen 
1.) Secrets Don´t Deserve Funerals II JJ by @alittlelessthanfandomimagines 
cute perfect ugh. i don´t have any words bc i´m speechless. thank you for adding a new part, i´m in heaven. i love emma´s and jj´s relationship a lot & i really hope spencer gets his sh*** together! great work :) 
2.) Survivor - Chapter 6 & 7 by @docspencerreid 
ugh okay part 6 hurt me so so good and i just love penelope with my whole heart. it´s so so heartbreaking, but so so good. spencer broke my heart as well. and then, part 7...holy shit. why are you doing this to me? like they finally “confessed” their feelings for eachother and then BOOM. i´m crying. can´t wait for the second part :) great job :) 
3.) It Should´ve Been Me by @tenaciousarcadeexpert 
this was a fabulous fic for my challenge :) and wow wow wow my poor heart, i mean who needs a heart anyway? the angst oooooooo god, i was at the edge of my seat. SO.GOOD. i´m beyond speechless. great work & well done! i loved evrey second of it :) 
4.) Petrichor by @dontshootmespence 
cute as fuck. i love when he talks facts and statistics. beautiful, just perfect. my ice cold heart is happy. also RELATIONSHIPGOALS. 
5.) Nightmares by @doctor-daddy-spencer-reid 
this was so beautiful oh my gossshhhh. the emotions, the angst, hurt/comfort = perfectly combined. spencer is such a good boyfriend ugh and you´re so talented, i´m gonna brb crying. 
6.) When We Were Young - Spencer Reid by @playlist-reid 
aw aw are you all trying to kill me with your fics? it´s only tuesday and i already died multiple times (i wrote this part of the list on tuesday hahah). perfect, golden, a must read. 
7.) Later // Spencer Reid by @spencerthepipecleaner  
ANGST OH YES!!!!! but death ugggghhhhh....it´s still so so so good and i loved reading it so so  much! you are all so talented! 
8.) Losing Faith and Family by @alittlelessthanfandomimagines 
this is another fic for my challenge thihi. god this was so good, like you really had me. the angst was def there and i was so sad but then i read the end and ugh awww my heart. great work! 
9.) What are You Doing? (Luke Alvez x Reader) by @dedeimagines 
cute cute cute. adoreable. i love me some good Luke fics and this was a really good one. also Garcia was pretty amazing in it :) well done! 
10.) Drowning by @moonlit-martyr 
masterpiece. i mean it. masterpiece. you are so so talented, this fic was so well written & so good! every emotion was covered. god, so good! 
11.) A Secret Rival by @abcreid 
the end = savage. also i loved how spencer always interrupted her = jealous????? the team was hilarious. great job! 
12.) Sleepless Nights // Spencer Reid by @itsmeedee 
DAD!REID!!!!! *runs around screaming in 20 different languages* this was everything & more. cutenesss overload. though the flashbacks make me sad, please tell me you didn´t kill off the baby´s mom ugh. 
13.) Article of Faith - Chapter 16 & 17 by @dontshootmespence 
aw it´s still so underrated, GO READ THIS SERIES I BEG YOU. okay so part 16: this moment between PG and Pretty Boy was everything. also the relationship between Billiw and Reid makes me happy; they are so cute fml. part 17: he goes to visit the team ugggh. and also the reference to the donuts and when emily came back omg. i like how he continues to support her and how he nevertheless shows interest in what she is doing although he might not like it. such a good bf. i love it so much! great work! 
14.) Chinese Takeout by @inkstainedfanfics 
i loved this fic. it was so so cute and so well written. the end tho :) great work! 
15.) Coffee by @therealtrashhere 
cute cute cute. also, the team was hilarious. can I have someone in my life who also brings me a cup of coffee everyday? maybe spencer himself? thank you! loved it a lot :) 
16.) Number One by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
you had me at angsty. like i´m always there for angst. no matter what. this was so good, like for real. but please don´t fight babes :(((((
17.) Infiltrated: Part 7 by @stunudo 
i think it was beyond time that i add this series to my list. i just needed to do some catching up first, before adding it and let´s just say that this series deserves an award. it only gets better and better from part to part. it sometimes gets confusing but just bc i am so dumb, but it´s so good. go read it! 
18.) question for question by @uncomfie 
you are literally the queen/king of the derek morgan fics. you´re so so good and talented, it hurts. teach me please! i loved it so much ugh. i love a protective derek morgan and i miss him a lot. great work :) 
19.) I´m Sorry by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
this was a fic for my challenge and i loved it so so much. the angst, omg. my heart ugh. aaron boi ugh what are you doing? but seriously, this boy is too precious for this world. he always wants to protect everyone from this cruel world. you can only love him. the end holy shit. i did not expect this. i hate scratch. well done! 
20.) target - part two, three & four by @uncomfie 
ok folks, if you´re looking for a really good series, this is it! recommend 10/10. this is giving me life istg. one of the best angst series i read so far. they are one hell of a couple, i´m in love. it breaks my heart to see derek so devasted and lost and helpless, my poor baby. but the end was making up for everything. the suspense, and angst, i´m in heaven. def gonna reread it soon. go check it out. it´s so good! well done! 
21.) Long Day? (Spencer x Reader) by @ourhappylies 
cute cute cute. i loved the relaxed reactions of the team & how they all already knew. profilers ahahahhaa. also spencer is so cute, it hurts. well done :) 
22.) Broken // Emily Prentiss by @itsmeedee 
this has been an entry for my challenge. i gave you my fav prompt i had on this list and you used it so well. omg you played the ian doyle card. when i read it, i swear my heart stopped for a minute. my heart broke for emily omg, how could you do this to my baby? preach you for an amazing fic. i loved reading it a lot. the end was soo goood! recommend 10/10!!!
23.) Happy Ending by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
cramps are shit, worst part of these special weeks yk. but it was so cute and aww spencer, how are you a genius hahahahhaha. also this convo between emily & Y/N and the sarcasm, i´m loving it. the end was so cute, my heart melted. 
24.) Thalassophobia I Matt Simmons x Reader by @youvebeenwinchesterd 
yes, an amazing matt fic <333 there was a little bit of angst, a lot of suspense and some cute shit at the end. the perfect mix. my emotions were in overload. this was so good. i really liked it. matt is so cute. well done :) 
25.) Please be okay (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @dedeimagines 
angst & fluff = AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. my poor spencie. he´s so scared :(((( but the end turns out to be happy thank god! it was a shorty, but really good !:) 
26.) High School Rom-Com by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
angsty stuff omg. i´ve been blessed this week. the team is so adoreable and caring and comforting omg. also, I loved Luke a lot in this fic. the end made me swoon :)))))
27.) Have It All by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
relationship goals, for real. the reader is so understanding & supportive. caring. this was so freaking cute. i can´t cope. 
28.) Redamancy Pt. 3 by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
i love this tension between Ella and Luke. and i also love penny in this story a lot. also protective luke is my religion. this is so good! 
29.) I Love You >> Spencer Reid by @eideticreid  
wtf this was so freaking cute???? i´m shook. like really. was this even real? i also cried happy tears while reading this. well done! very well written:) 
30.) A Reunion // Aaron Hotchner by @literallyreid 
another fic for my challenge, y´all are blessing me with your talent. okay, this was really good. like really really. i loved reading it a lot. it also made me miss Hotch an extra lot more, but that´s okay. great work :) 
31.) eleven blocks by @uncomfie 
she did it again. another awesome derek fic. why are you so good at this????? i loved reading this a lot. it was perfect ugh. the end was everything! well done :) 
32.) Alive or Not by @abcreid 
and another fic for my challenge yey :) this was so perfectly angst holy hell. the open end, omg really???? btw i think i swear too much but i can´t help myself. oh and btw your english is really good, so don´t worry!!! :) 
33.) Jealousy by @boywondxrreid 
this was so good. i love how blind reid is. the team was so cute and supportive, understanding and caring. also reid at the end, worrying about the reader. but i´m happy everything turned out well :) 
okay, this has been this weeks list! i really hope you liked it! leave some love to the authors and their stories. we´ll see each other again next sunday! have a good week!
- aileen 
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