#istanbul convention summary
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Istanbul Convention
New Post has been published on https://hazirbilgi.com/what-is-the-istanbul-convention-what-are-its-features/
Istanbul Convention
What is the Istanbul Convention? What are its features?
The Istanbul Convention is a human rights convention prepared by the Council of Europe, which includes articles on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. 
The Istanbul Convention, which consists of 12 chapters and 80 articles  , includes various rights not only for women who are victims, but also for children who are exposed to sexual abuse and psychological and physical violence.
Istanbul Convention for Turkey
The convention, of which Turkey was the first signatory with a parliamentary decision , was signed in Istanbul on 11 May 2011 and entered into force in 2014 and started to be implemented internationally in 45 countries, including European Union countries and other countries. 
The international convention, which includes articles on gender discrimination and the prevention of violence, has been implemented for ten years to protect victims of domestic violence. Despite the objection campaign of  many women’s rights defender associations and non-governmental organizations with the slogan ‘ Istanbul Contract Keeps Alive ‘, Turkey withdrew from the contract with the official statement made by the Presidency of Communications on March 21, 2021.
The justification for the cancellation of the Istanbul Convention was explained as “Turkey’s manipulation by a segment trying to normalize homosexuality, which is incompatible with social and familial values”.
What are the basic principles of the Istanbul Convention?
The articles and application methods in the Istanbul Convention are shaped within the framework of some basic principles. The principles defended and taken as basis in the contract and the purposes of the contract;
Preventing domestic violence
Protecting women from violence
Promoting equality between women and men
Driving a trial, prosecution and support policy with a holistic approach
It is valid in peacetime and in situations of armed conflict.
What is the definition of domestic violence according to the Istanbul Convention?
With the regulation made regarding the implementation of the provisions in the articles of the Convention, the concept of domestic violence is defined comprehensively. According to this; All acts of physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence in the family or between former spouses and individuals living together, whether or not the perpetrator shares the same residence with the victim.
What is the definition of violence against women according to the Istanbul Convention?
According to the Istanbul Convention, the definition of violence against women is; It is defined as all kinds of threats, coercion, restriction of freedom, physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence that constitute human rights and violation in public or private life.
What measures and supports are provided for victims of violence in the Istanbul Convention?
According to the convention, various trainings and awareness should be conveyed primarily for the reduction of violence throughout society. Various provisions and measures have been taken to eliminate the victimization of women, children and homosexuals who have been subjected to violence and to prevent this situation from recurring. Some of these measures and supports are as follows:
Raising public awareness about domestic violence and sexual abuse through the information sector and media institutions,
Providing legal and psychological support for women and children who are victims or witnesses to violence,
Establishment of shelters for the shelter of victims of violence,
Employment to provide health services and economic independence,
Having a free support hotline that can be called at any time of the day,
Perpetrators of victims of violence have the right to compensation,
Annulment of forced and underage marriages,
Accepting various verbal and non-verbal behaviors as sexual harassment in addition to physical behaviors of a sexual nature,
Prohibition of female genital mutilation,
Preventing forced abortion and sterilization,
Victims of domestic violence, perpetrators or other persons at risk are ordered to leave the residence for a certain period of time and not to come into contact with each other,
Physical and psychological stalking for the purpose of harassment or violence is considered a crime.
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Hello, dear Citizens, and welcome back to Jacobin Fiction Convention. I’m not feeling too great today so please forgive me if this review seems shorter and a little half assed. But I didn’t want to cancel the promised review yet again so here we are.
So, this movie came to my attention completely by accident during a flight from Moscow to Istanbul a while ago. The synopsis included the year 1789 and the setting is France, so you can BET that I was immediately curious and watched the entire thing in one sitting.
(Btw, it’s available on Amazon prime in French and English, but can be watched for free online in the Russian dub.)
That being said, this movie is far from flawless and still warrants a full review, so let’s begin today’s meeting in earnest, shall we?
2. The Summary
This movie tells the story about Pierre Manceron, a former chef who decides to leave his position when his noble employer and said employer’s friends mock Manceron’s new dish and generally impede his creativity.
After the scandal, Manceron and his son move in with a family friend and open up a small tavern, but the former chef decides not to create new dishes ever again. Little does he know, a mysterious woman named Louise is about to cross paths with him.
Eager to become Manceron’s apprentice in cooking and to make sure he begins to cook again like he used to, Louise nevertheless seems to have an agenda of her own and the secrets she keeps might just ruin everything.
3. The Plot
Overall, it’s a good story with nice pacing and structure. Of course, this story of the first restaurant in France is pure fiction but it is a fictional movie that doesn’t pretend to be a documentary, which is awesome.
Also, while Frev isn’t at the center of the story, it is mentioned quite a lot and is, in fact, part of the reason why the main villain, the former employer, gets his comeuppance in the end. It also overlaps with the storyline of opening a completely new type of eatery, since gone are the days of dingy inns and lavish feasts of nobility.
Aside from all that, I loved the found family trope used in the story, as over its course Louise bonds with Manceron and his son, thus finding a new family and a new purpose in life. I could’ve been fine without Manceron and Louise falling in love though, but that’s just me.
4. The Characters
At first, Pierre Manceron came off as a cliché reluctant cynical mentor so I was prepared not to care about him much. I was pleasantly surprised though, since he gets some nice development later on and he is realistically flawed. He is a womanizer, he can be a stubborn mule and he does attempt to hit on Louise after finding out she used to be a sex worker (read: kiss her). Luckily, his behavior is never romanticized by the narrative.
To his credit, Manceron quickly realizes that Louise isn’t okay with this treatment and never attempts to pull those stunts ever again and grows out of his time period-accurate views on women. For example, while initially correctly stating that most apprentices are young men, he does eventually begin to teach Louise and really begins to respect her, even helping her humiliate the shit out of the villain in the end.
Louise herself is my favorite character though.
I think making her a middle aged woman instead of a young ingenue is quite a bold choice. She too is flawed and at first only needs this apprenticeship to seek revenge on the noble who used to employ Manceron. Her past is troubled and includes becoming a widow and losing all of her children, for example.
However, she later genuinely becomes attached to her mentor and to his son and gets her revenge not in the way she originally wanted, but in a way that is far more harmless and doesn’t put her loved ones at risk.
Louise is also the proverbial brains behind the establishment she and Manceron open up and comes up with the majority of the innovations they use in the restaurant, like menus and specials of the day.
Benjamin, Manceron’s son, is a young adult interested in the works of the philosophers of the Enlightenment and in the upcoming revolution. He’s an idealist, sometimes to a fault, but he’s a genuinely nice guy who accepts Louise even before Manceron himself does, this avoiding the “jealous kid” trope.
Jacob, Manceron’s friend who takes him and Benjamin in, is a fairly minor character but I did like him. He’s a bit of a drunk, but a very caring man.
Duc de Chamfort, the main villain, is an ass. A typical pompous noble believing only nobility should have access to tasty food since only they can “appreciate it”. He is also a metaphorical thread connecting Louise (the woman he wronged in the past) and Manceron (his former chef whom he claims to respect but treats like shit), thus becoming a catalyst for the entire storyline. Fortunately, he does get a satisfying humiliation when the heroes trick him into eating at their restaurant while surrounded by people of lower class and confronting him about his crimes.
These are the most noteworthy characters in my opinion.
5. The Setting
I liked the setting, even though some female costumes aren’t accurate due to lack of shawls (fichu) that would usually cover up the cleavage.
Other than that, it’s pretty good in terms of scenery and costumes. I especially liked the changes in the color scheme and the lighting as the shabby inn is transformed into a much more welcoming restaurant.
As for the food, it looked just amazing!!!
I also loved details like confusion about how to spell Manceron’s name (fixed spelling didn’t exist).
6. The Acting
Isabel Carré (Louise) is my favorite here, but most actors did an amazing job. I found the duke a bit hammy, but I think it’s probably the screenwriter and director who are to blame. Or maybe it’s because creating a somewhat comical villain was the whole point.
7. The Soundtrack
Not exactly a masterpiece, but quite good.
8. The Conclusion
To sum up, this movie is a pretty good fictional story about found family, changes in the food industry and the French Revolution.
Not a perfect movie by any means, but I found it pretty enjoyable so you can check it out if you want.
With that, today’s meeting has officially come to an end.
Stay tuned for updates, everyone!
Citizen Green Pixel
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sogiescwatcher · 2 years
Let’s take a quick look at the UN documentation for the next UK submission to the Universal Periodic Review.
They’ve published three documents: a report submitted by the UK, a compilation of information by the UN Human Rights Office, and a summary of the various submissions by civil society organisations.
Alongside this they’ve published the original submissions.
Let’s take a look…
1. The National Report
The UK says it is committed to respecting human rights and upholding its international human rights commitments. But…
… the UK doesn’t plan to ratify the United Nations Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (UNCPPED) or the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (UNCRMW). Because UK domestic law already protects these groups, apparently.
Moving on, the UK has ratified the Istanbul Convention. It highlights that Scotland plans to incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law.
Paragraph 10 is interesting as it includes commentary on the proposed Bill of Rights, which will, ahem, “continue to give further effect into UK law the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), with a remedy for a breach of a Convention right available in UK courts.”
It also suggests there’ll be a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. But “Consensus, including between the Northern Ireland parties, is needed before any agreement can be reached on what such a Bill of Rights should include.”
The report next goes on to look at specific issues and characteristics. On non-discrimination against LGBT people in particular, the UK highlights the introduction of equal marriage. It also highlights gender recognition reform in Scotland. And Scotland’s plan to ban conversion therapy.
Before we leave this report, I note that the UK also says it supports a recommendation from the previous UPR, by Spain, to “dedicate more resources to fight against negative stereotypes in the media, against the most affected minority groups (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons, Gypsies, Muslims, refugees and persons granted asylum).”
In my next post, I’ll look at the compilation of UN Information…
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
The Hammer and the Screw
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Summary; Getting a call out of the blue from fellow agent August Walker, fresh from a six month long mission in the middle east, you accept his invitation to his apartment for dinner. What follows more that satisfies your appetite. Set before Mission Impossible Fallout
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader (Moodboard note: female images are for wardrobe inspo only - no description of race or body type used in the story)
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Mission Impossible
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Food Play, Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Anal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms.
Authors Note: In this story, August looks like the above actor in the black and white photo - irl that is Can Yaman, a Turkish actor who on his insta posts looks quite like Henry in his Walter Marshall era. 
I do not run a masterlist or tag list, however if you follow @angryschnauzerwrites and put that blog onto notifications, you'll then get an alert every time i post new work.
The Hammer and The Screw
Slipping your wallet into your leather jacket you smiled at the clerk and took the bag she held, nodding thanks before heading out the door. Ten minutes later you'd dropped the flu meds off at your teammates apartment and stepped out onto the sidewalk, taking a deep breath of the city night air when your phone quietly rang with MC Hammer's most famous track;
"Well fuck me, look who's back in the country" you muttered to yourself before hitting answer;
"You old devil, long time no speak"
August's quiet chuckle greeted your ears;
"How's my favourite psychopath?" His rich tones teased you.
"Good. Just dropped flu meds off at O'Briens, then going to look for some trouble to get into. You know how antsy i get between jobs"
"That i do" 
You heard the rattle of pans in the background;
"What can I do for you, Hammer?"
"Need someone to catch me up on the last six months. The job in Istanbul kept me out of the loop"
"Sure, let me grab something to eat and i can meet you"
"Come over. I'm making pasta"
You paused, you'd never been to August's place, he tended to keep to himself, but thanks to your rather violent skillset with a sharp knife you and he had regularly been paired on missions in the past when non Geneva convention methods had been needed to extract information. You worked well together and were regularly the two most feared agents in the bureau.
"Ok. Do you need me to pick anything up?"
"Grab something sweet"
He gave you the address and hung up, leaving you wondering if this was a booty call or a pre-monday private debriefing.
You'd made it into the hallway of August's apartment building past security with ease, knocking on his door as you leaned on the wall waiting for him to answer. As the door opened you held up the bag containing the pint of ice cream you'd grabbed from the Bodega a few blocks away;
"I got Stracciatella... fuuuuck me…" your train of thought was thoroughly interrupted when you saw August. He looked like someone from a dollar store romance novel, his hair long and pulled back to the nape of his neck with a leather tie, his strong jawline covered in a thick and healthy beard. His skin was a deep olive tone from the middle eastern sunshine, and he wore a simple white shirt undone to mid chest with a pair of faded denim jeans.
With a laugh you stepped forwards, taking his cheeks in your palms as you gently turned his head side to side to get a better look. His blue eyes sparkled as you took him in, before he wrapped a heavily muscled arm around you and swung you into his apartment, shutting the door with his other hand;
"C'mon my little Screw, catch me up on all the gossip"
He set you down and your heeled boots clicked on the marble tile as you followed him. His name for you was one that many people referred to you as, but he was the only one to do it to your face. If August was the CIA's Hammer, you were known as the Screw, shortened from Screwdriver and referring to the time you'd used your knife and had literally screwed it into a suspect's kidney, slowly over the course of 12 hours in order to get the coordinates of the Anthrax. Even Hunt hadn't been able to get that suspect to crack.
The kitchen was simple and open plan, a pan of pasta bubbling on the stove as the ingredients for a sauce lay chopped on a thick olivewood board on the counter. August delicately plucked the bag containing the ice cream from your fingers, his warm skin brushing against yours. He set it into the freezer before grabbing two imported beers from the fridge, using a lever from a bottle opener to pop the caps as they weren't twist offs and handed you one. Holding his own out he clinked it against yours and you both drank.
"To getting into trouble"
"The best kind" you replied before taking a sip and setting the bottle down before shucking your jacket off and setting it over the back of the barstool that sat at the far side of the large kitchen island to watch as August cooked.
Looking up you saw him taking in your outfit, a smirk playing on your lips;
"What? You don't like it?"
He chuckled and went back to stirring the pancetta and garlic;
"I guess i've figured out what kind of trouble you were looking to get into tonight then"
You knew the top you wore was an eyeful, a cropped top with cutout in the centre of your chest, the exposed underwires perfectly framing and pushing your breasts to the centre, but the leggings were also helping emphasise the curves of your hips and ass. Turning in the seat you arched your back and stuck your ass out;
"Do you like the Tiktok leggings?"
"The what leggings? Are you even wearing underwear?"
"Tiktok. Social media app"
August cocked an eyebrow;
"I've only just got the hang of Twitter. And you dodged my other question"
"Did i?" You paused, grinning; "Your pasta is boiling over…"
August cursed and went back to preparing dinner, catching him up on the agency gossip from the last six months as he served the food and carried it to the table. Grabbing the beers you followed and thanked him as he held the chair out for you.
The meal was mouthwatering, August's culinary skills a surprise, and yet the biggest surprise was still his appearance. Your eyes continued to wander down his chest, before following the path of his arms and shoulders, admiring how his size had increased with the physical nature of his undercover assignment. By the time you'd had your fill of pasta the beers had been replenished and you were softly buzzed with the alcohol and the atmosphere. August cleared the dishes, and as you watched him move you were transfixed watching the way his body moved beneath the expensive cotton of his shirt. 
"Aperitif?" He offered; "Before we hit the gelato? Did you want to grab it?"
Nodding you went to the freezer as he poured two glasses of Amaretto, recalling your preference from a mission a few years ago. By the time you'd grabbed spoons August was already sat on the couch, drinks on the low table as he watched you approach, his knees wide apart as he clasped his hands behind his head;
"Time for you to feed me Little Screw"
If he hadn't been expecting what you did next he hid it well, as instead of stopping and sitting next to him, you climbed onto him, straddling his legs. With a grin you settled and hooked your feet beneath his knees, curving your back slightly to allow room between you so you could handle the tub of ice cream. Popping the lid you dug a spoon in and scooped a small amount out, lifting it August’s lips, transfixed as his bearded jaw moved and he took the spoon into his mouth;
“Delicious” he muttered as the ice cold treat melted on his tongue; “So, what has Hunt been up to since I've been gone?”
“Squirrelled away in Ireland for the last few months, still working on the Syndicate but you know what he’s like, covert but everyone knows what he’s up to. Hell, the man can’t even do an Irish accent, did he think an annoying American in a sleepy little Irish village would go unnoticed?” you rolled your eyes, meeting August’s gaze. Somehow your bodies had slid closer together, had August raised his knees, you weren’t sure, the beers stronger than standard American domestic brands you were used to. Now finding yourself straddling his lap you dug into the ice cream and lifted another spoonful to his lips, watching as his tongue darted out a little and you realised you wouldn’t mind that tongue being elsewhere. 
Your lapse in attention to your task at hand suddenly caught you out when the ice cream on the spoon had started to melt without you noticing, a large drip landing on August’s exposed chest where his shirt was unbuttoned;
“Oops” you muttered, pushing the spoon into August’s mouth and leaving it there as you ducked your head down and licked the dribble of white cream from his chest, raising your gaze to his as your tongue traced further up his skin than necessary. 
“You little Minx” he muttered, before tossing the spoon aside and lifting your chin with his knuckle until your lips were level with his; “That tongue…” he grunted before surging forwards, his mouth meeting your own with a fierce kiss. There was no preamble of tentative pecks, no teasing the seam of your mouth, not with August Walker. His tongue was in your mouth as yours was in his, swimming together as teeth clashed. 
With the ice cream long forgotten as the carton sat on the shelf behind the sofa, the kiss deepend and slowed, becoming more sensual as hands started to roam, your fingers instinctively winding into his long hair, plucking it from its tie as it cascaded around his face. His large hands smoothed over the fleshy globes of your ass, an appreciative hum resonating through his throat as he experienced the full effect of the form fitting leggings. Running his warm palms over the curve of your back he pushed his fingertips between the fabric and your skin, sliding down and cupping your ass again, before one hand slid to the centre and he hooked a finger over the narrow band of lace that held your pathetic excuse for underwear in place;
“I knew it” he muttered into your mouth, before moving to press kisses along your jaw and down your neck, sucking on the smooth skin as his beard left a wake of tenderness behind it. However when his advances were halted by the high neck fabric of your top he let out a low growl; “Well this has gotta go”
You let out a whine as he pulled his hands from your leggings, only to grab onto the sides of your top and utter a single command;
“Arms up”
Obediently you raised your arms over your head, August pulling your top up and off, before resting back against the cushions;
“Now those are some perfect titties” he muttered, cupping them in his large hands, lowering his head to take a nipple into his mouth, his beard scratching against your skin again and sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine. Writhing on his lap you could feel the promising bulge in his jeans pressing against your core, enticing you to move and push your body to his. He moved his attention to the other breast, rubbing the first nipple between his thumb and forefinger, the teat still wet from his tongue as his thumb teased it. 
As you clung to his shoulders his hands found their way into your leggings again, warm on the globes of your ass and this time he lifted his wrists to make the stretchy fabric slide down until your rear was exposed. With your spine arched they sat perfectly around the top of your thighs, the rough fabric of his jeans pressing against your soaked core, your movement already shifted the tiny lace thong to the side and was brushing against your sensitive petals. August moved one hand until it was splayed cross your back, pushing you up and further to his mouth as he continued his ministrations with his mouth on your chest, and it wasn’t until he broke his contact and sat back, resting both hands on your hips to lower you did you realise his other hand had been unzipping himself. The blunt head of his dick pushed through your folds, seeking out his target until he angled your hips and pulled you down, splitting you in two.
“Oh my god, August… You’re too big…”
“Nonsense” he grasped your hips tighter, pulling you down until you were fully seated in his lap, his thick shaft making you feel like a marionette dancing by the light of flames, but the burning was coming from deep within you as your tight body protested against such an intrusion. You were shaking and whimpering, your head resting on his shoulder as you felt his hand slide between your bodies and seek out your clit;
“Shhhh, you can take the Hammer, I knew you could. Now let's get that little pussy happy again. You’re such a good girl, taking me so deep” he muttered against your ear as you felt the calloused pad of his finger find your pearl and start to rub soft circles against it. He dipped his fingers down and ran them around the seam of your hole, stretched tight around his girth and he chuckled;
“Oh you are stretched out, aren’t you my little Screw? Had no idea you were this tight, if i had i would have ensured that last mission we did lasted considerably longer, can’t believe i’ve been missing out on a cunt this good”
Somehow he managed to rub at your clit whilst his other hand firmly moved your hips to ride him, your body slicking and growing accustomed to his size. As the pleasure surged through you your hips took on a life of their own, grinding down onto August’s lap and drawing every last inch of your bodies together for exquisite pleasure. 
“Look so good riding me” August praised, his blue eyes almost black with lust as you writhed on his lap, breathless from the way his body made you feel; “Little Screw, am i too big for you? Or do you like it to hurt?”
“August… I need more…”
As you moved on his lap he started to thrust up into you, pulling your walls apart and he pillaged deep within you. His hands moved round to your ass, gripping harshly at the soft flesh, before you felt his fingers seek out where your bodies were joined, unaware of his ulterior motive as he doused his hand in your slick juices. It was only as a thick digit pressed against your asshole did you tense for a moment, but as August's lips caught yours you relaxed and he sunk his finger in up to the knuckle. Double stuffed you rode him hard, desperate for release, filled to the brim with him. When a second finger slid in alongside the first you screamed and your orgasm released instantly, your womb in full spasm as you came so hard you went limp in his arms, your head fallen against his shoulder as the world dulled around you.
You are first aware that you’ve moved as August reaches the doorway to his bedroom, being carried in his arms as he walks to his bed and sets you down, stripping you of your remaining clothing before lifting a bottle of water to your lips;
It was not a request, it was a command, and as you took the bottle from him and sipped at the cool liquid you watched as he stripped before you, his shirt slowly unbuttoned to reveal a muscled chest with a dark tan, jeans slipping from his legs and you watched his thick thighs frame his magnificent cock as it bobbed side to side, still firmly proud and erect. Plucking the bottle from your hand he set it down before crawling over you, slotting himself between your legs as they naturally parted and wrapped around his waist, his hardness sliding into your soaked hole as he started a slower grind to make love to you on the expanse of high end egyptian cotton sheets. With each thrust he tilted his hips up into you, every vein and ridge on his dick pulling at your sensitive velvet walls;
“I’m not letting you go now” August muttered, pressing kisses to your neck and chest
“Anything you want” you were almost delirious with pleasure; “Anything August…”
“Kashmir. Go to Kashmir, wait for me” Looking him in the eyes you held his face as he rocked into you; “Little Screw, you know we were both destined for more”
“Yes…For you, anything”
“Five days, say you’ll be there. A new start”
“I’ll be there”
Pressing his lips to yours he doubled his efforts, filling your eager body over and over as you writhed beneath him, in awe of his body and mind, knowing there was more than he was telling you, but willing to do whatever he wanted. When your orgasm came you took him with you, your mouth hanging open in a silent scream as he pushed in one final time and you could feel him filling you with his thick seed, a heavy weight in your womb as rope after rope of his creamy spend filled any void left inside you and spilled from between where your bodies were joined. 
48 hours later you were sore and tired, but ready to accept the next part of your life. August had received a call from Sloane instructing him to be ready to depart for Germany in six hours, Ramstein Air base being his rendezvous point for whatever chaos Hunt was causing. 
Standing in his bathroom wearing just his white shirt, you circled around August as he sat on the edge of the bath, clippers in your hand as you reluctantly trimmed him of his gorgeous long hair and beard.
“It’ll grow back” he reassured you
“I know, but I liked the way it felt against my skin. I liked running my fingers through your hair as your head was between my thighs”
“So leave it a little long on top, and we’ll see what we can do about the beard” he reassured you with a laugh, watching in the mirror as you trimmed his hair perfectly, long enough on top that his hair still held its natural curl, before eventually setting the clippers down.
“There, I'll let you do your beard. You know what you’re comfortable with. I’ll go and put a pot of coffee on”
A few minutes later you heard water running before August stepped out of the bathroom, wearing nothing more than a towel and a smile. His thick beard had been trimmed into a neat moustache, that on anyone else would have looked ridiculous, and yet on August it just fit right. Wrapping his arm around your waist he pressed a kiss to your neck before you turned, running your fingers over the bristles on his upper lip;
“It's different, but it works”
He surprised you by lifting you onto the counter, falling to his knees as he parted yours;
“Let's see how well it works then shall we?” cocking an eyebrow.
Whatever August had planned for the future, you were one hundred percent along for the ride.
Angsty (with happy ending) sequel: The Screws Turn
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helenasobanskacas · 3 years
Service: a Summary
Student Council Work
Researcher at Association 61 (Stowarzyszenie 61): a Polish NGO campaigning for transparency in the Polish politics 
Volunteering for the Polish Women’s Strike
Learning outcomes
1. Identify own strengths and areas for growth
Representing a group of over 20 students in the School Council, I addressed diverse concerns of both teachers and students while remaining faithful to my own opinion. Moreover, volunteering at Stowarzyszenie 61 I could explore my area of interest: politics, while also contributing to the local community. Experiencing the erosion of women’s rights in my home country: Poland, I volunteered for the Polish Women’s Strike, campaigning for women’s reproductive rights and the introduction of comprehensive sexual education to school curricula. Furthermore, I co-organised a 2020 event during which multiple women dressed as handmaids from Margaret Atwood's dystopian ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, as a sign of protest against the Polish government's plans to leave the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Working at the Student Council taught me the challenges of successful diplomacy. I also encountered an unfamiliar environment while at Association 61, an NGO campaigning for transparency in the Polish politics. Operating the Association’s database was also difficult and I needed my colleagues’ assistance to work more efficiently. At the same time, becoming involved with the Polish Women’s Strike I met with more experienced activists, which sometimes proved intimidating. Nevertheless, as I got to know them I developed new skills associated with planning a protest and contacting the relevant authorities.
3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
In order to get involved with the Student Council, I needed to present a programme to my peers. At the same time, I had to write to Association 61 representatives to ask about volunteering opportunities, developing social communication skills in the process. Planning a demonstration while at the Polish Women’s Strike also developed my organizational skills.
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Volunteering for the Student Council, I accepted all associated responsibilities, having to attend Council meetings every Monday. Researching the national elections at Association 61 I had to meet the organization’s internal deadlines, which required commitment and perseverance. As I was tasked with completing a specific stage of organizing a demonstration of the Polish Women’s Strike, I also needed to demonstrate commitment as well as perseverance.
5. Demonstrate skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively
Working at the Student Council taught me the challenges of teamwork. At the same time, I learned how to listen respectfully to proposals from my peers regarding different issues arising within the school community. Following my research volunteering time at Association 61, I have grown to appreciate the benefits of teamwork, as all employees cooperated to ensure the provision of information on politicians to the general public. Similarly, in the Polish Women’s Strike all activists worked together to make sure that the demonstration is safe for all participants.
6. Demonstrate engagements with issues of global importance
Working at the Student Council I recognised that I can address global issues such as conflicts of authority in a local context. Moreover, researching the national elections for Association 61 I could engage with traces of corruption and nepotism in the Polish state: an issue plaguing other countries too. Working at the Polish Women’s Strike, I could situate myself within the wider framework of transnational feminist movements, since the Strike cooperates with Argentinian feminists on the issue of legalising abortion.
7. Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Addressing student-teacher conflicts while working at the Student Council I frequently needed to consider the ethics of my choices and actions. Furthermore, my research at Association 61 encouraged me to reflect upon the ethical aspects of politics, as I was frequently confronted with instances of widespread corruption. Campaigning for legal abortion within the Polish Women’s Strike prompted a reflection upon the ethics behind pro-choice and anti-choice/’pro-life’ conflicts between rival activists.
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thenewbuzwuzz · 6 years
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Wow, did these people pick the worst possible platform and target audience for their political ad or what. Summary: "Let's protect our values by taking a stand against migrants, prides, and the Istanbul convention!"
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rusocialpod · 3 years
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So you'd like to see my Fluent in 3 Months language missions? You've come to the right place! I set up Fluent in 3 Months to share language hacking tips and to tell the real, gritty stories of how language hacking works for me. For over a decade I travelled around the world, and whenever I was in a new country for more than a few days, I set myself the mission of learning and speaking as much of the language as I could in that time. In 2009, I began sharing these stories on my blog. These are "case studies" in language hacking, if you like. Later, I started sharing missions where I’d learn the language of one country while living in another country - such as learning Arabic while living in Brazil, or learning Japanese while living in Spain. More recently, I've settled down in New York, and my new mission has been creating language courses. Meanwhile, Fluent in 3 Months has grown into a team, and other team members (including my partner, Lauren) have taken on the mantle of language missions. Below are all my language missions - and all the Fluent in 3 Months language missions - with all the glory and all the "failure". Remember that a cornerstone of language hacking is the willingness to make mistakes - and I'm completely open about where things went well, and where they went wrong. I’ll keep adding to this list as new missions are published on Fluent in 3 Months. I’m sure you’ll find something in these missions to inspire your own language learning. Here they are - enjoy! And please leave a comment to let me know about your language missions. Benny's Czech Mission (2009) Is it possible to become fluent in a language in 3 months? Combining learning languages with your hobbies: My first video in Czech! Hitting a brick wall in your language progress Why Czech isn’t as hard to learn as you think Benny's "Become Brazilian" Mission (2009) My next mission: Become Brazilian in 3 months! Summary of month 1 in the mission to become Brazilian Summary of month 2 in mission to become Brazilian Mission complete! Partial success – What will Benny’s next mission be? Benny's Hungarian Mission (2010) Mission: Conversational Hungarian in 3 months My first weeks in Budapest: Hungarian mission update Why Hungarian is easy Speaking with mistakes quickly is better than speaking “perfectly” slowly Benny's Thai Mission (2010) Mission: Read and speak Thai in 8 weeks Any phonetic script can be learned in just a few hours Reading Thai and its tones isn’t as hard as you think Don’t just stand there… Say something! Getting along with other learners & conclusions of Thai mission Benny's Advanced German Mission (2010) German 3 month mission: Sit C2 exam First Week in Germany, No English. Here’s How I Did It First month in Berlin & 8 language 6 dialect tour of my flat I’m Fluent in German! Exam Results and Analysis Are Germans Rude? Killing the Stereotypes Is it True that German is Hard to Learn? Benny's Tagalog Mission (2011) New Language Mission: Speak Tagalog (Filipino) in 2 months Tagalog: a fun language to learn in the Philippines! Challenges in the Philippines + video in Tagalog Benny's American Sign Language Mission (2011) Next mission: American Sign Language! Settling in, first impressions of American Sign Language & video tour of my house American Sign Language: It’s not all in the hands Video in ASL: Gallaudet university, city of American Sign Language and Deaf culture 6 languages, 1 singer, 1 signer Benny's Dutch Mission (2011) Fluent in TWO months: The Dutch mission! 25 Speed Dates in Dutch 6 week level of Dutch Dutch vs. German: What’s the Difference? Benny's Klingon Mission (2011) New mission: Speak Klingon in time for the Star Trek convention Tour of my home… in Klingon! Benny's Turkish Mission (2011) New mission: Speak Turkish in two months! First week in Istanbul, where I live & first (video) attempt at Turkish! Getting by a few weeks into learning a language: my Turkish haircut (& ear burning) experience Why Turkish isn’t as hard as you think! Istanbul not Constantinople, Benny’s music video in Turkish Benny's Mandarin Mission (2012) Benny travels China: the real point of the mission to speak Mandarin as quickly as possible Language Mission: Mandarin in 3 months! Benny’s first video attempt in Mandarin: 2 weeks after starting The only way to get far quickly is to get out of your comfort zone (my typical day learning Mandarin) Progress report: Thoughts on one month of learning Mandarin & some FAQs Benny’s 1 month level of Mandarin: Lantern festival interviews! The underestimated usefulness of pre-fluency (My 2 month Mandarin video) The simple guide to adding captions/subtitles to Youtube videos: My 2.5 month Mandarin video Mandarin level up mission (Singapore edition) Improving Mandarin for Singapore visit Interview in Mandarin with TV presenter and Chinese teacher Yangyang Benny's 10-Language Mission (2012) My Polyglot Summer mission: Improve TEN languages to the next level (with lots of videos) Mid-summer language mission update! (Clues of next mission coming) Two polyglots speak a dozen languages in a mall in Ohio: Benny and Moses level up! Fluent in 3 months: 11 language polyglot overview of the website Benny's Arabic Mission (2012) Learning Egyptian Arabic to fluency in 3 months… in Brazil! Benny’s new language mission! How to start learning a language: Full account of day 1 of my #Fi3M mission Solving specific problems rather than trying to learn everything: My first ever video in Arabic (reading) The most important skill a traditional learning approach will never teach you (+2 month Arabic video) How I learned to speak Arabic while living in Brazil Standard Arabic or Local Dialect – Which Should You Learn First? Typical day learning Arabic for the Irish polyglot Watch Benny Speaking in Arabic Benny's Polish in 5 Hours Mission (2013) Mission Impossible? Polish in 5 Hours Benny's Japanese Mission (2013) Japanese project: Reach fluency in 3 months… in Spain [INTRO VIDEO] English words in Japanese: Music video with Japanese learners First month learning Japanese: How things are going so far, initial impressions of Japanese, and Burning Questions for Benny Very quick look at Benny’s current Japanese level Benny’s Japanese: Skype conversation over the half-way point [+ new language discussion channel] Benny’s first time speaking Japanese in person? Not quite! Japanese project conclusion: Wrapping up the learning part & getting ready to travel Benny's American Accent Mission (2013) The American Accent mission: Learning about phonetics and sentence rhythm in English to help with OTHER language projects! The American accent mission: Singing Sinatra, and getting phonemes corrected Brian Kwong's German Mission (2013) 3 Month Mission To Get To Know My Father-In-Law Through German: 3 Lessons Learned Scott and Vat's "Year Without English" Mission (2013-2014) A fluent in 3 months mission from the outside: Scott and Vat’s first week speaking only Spanish A Year Without Speaking English Lauren's Esperanto Mission (2014) New language mission! Week 1 of a monoglot’s first language learning journey (Benny coaches his girlfriend to learn Esperanto) My girlfriend learns Esperanto: Week 2 update and spontaneous conversation! Benny & Lauren’s plane, train & automobile travels: Week 3 of Esperanto learning Week 4 of Lauren’s project: Chat in Esperanto Lauren’s Esperanto project: Week 5 on Skype 6 biggest lessons from learning to speak my first non-native language [Final video] Lauren's Russian Mission (2015) New Mission: Russian in 2 Months Lauren’s One Month Russian Update What’s it like to start learning a language?: Lauren’s 6 Week Update My system for learning the Russian cases (with examples) Holly's Portuguese Mission (2016) New Mission: Introducing Holly’s Portuguese in 3 Months Mission Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: Day 0 Video Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: 1 Month Update Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: 2 Month Update The post Fluent in 3 Months: All Language Missions appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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the-insomniac-cat2 · 3 years
3 Presidents, 2 Chairs. (well one of them was a woman so...)
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At their meeting with Recep Erdoğan, president of Turkey, the two Presidents of the EU were only given one chair next to him. EU Commission president, Ursula von de Leyen, was left standing, till she found a place on the sofa.
It's laughable that it should happen during a visit that was in part to discuss women's rights.
This link is to a really good summary of what happened, including a look at what happened in the past, when both EU presidents were men. (can you guess?)
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Last month, Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention, created to curb violence against women - it was signed in 2011 by 45 countries and the EU:
Conservative critics have said it "promotes LGBT+ education and goes against traditional family values" with some pointing to how the treaty defines gender as a "socially constructed" category.
I think maybe 6 of my followers will read this. If you do please reblog. Women's rights are under threat the world over. We all need to wake up and keep an eye on what our leaders are doing and how they call out other countries. Have your leaders made any comment to Turkey about this?
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passagetoistanbul · 4 years
Boat tour on the Bosphorus
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Discover the Bosphorus on a boat.
Between all the activities you can do while staying in Istanbul, you can’t miss to take a boat trip on the Bosphorus, it’s a magical moment, something unique.
The Bosphorus Strait, which separates the city in half and connects the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea is one of the symbols of Istanbul. Two large suspension bridges span it (soon to be three) and a unending stream of boats pass through it 24/7.  It is a unique strait in the world of 32 km in length, splitting a city in two, but also Europe and Asia.
During your cruise on the Bosphorus you will admire a splendid panorama of the city; many monuments are fully visible only by boat, like the great palaces of Dolmabahce and Beylerbeyi, the University of Galatasaray and many more … You can also and especially admire the 620 Istanbul’s Yalis (the large wooden houses dating from the Ottoman Empire) and the two suspension bridges. Some days you even see dolphins.
Here is a summary of the different cruising options you will have in order to discover the Bosphorus :
– The public cruise boats that offer short tours of two hours, and longer tours tours with a stop on boats up to 150 people.
– A cruise in a small group with a maximum of 12 participants and a guide
– Renting a private boat.
The different types of public tours:
Short tours
Eminonü : these are the most popular touristic tours and are always cited in conventional guides, but we do not recommend them because you will be poorly seated, the boats are not comfortable and always too crowded. Two companies conduct those tours:
– Sehir Hatlari : departures are at 2:30pm and returns at 4:30pm . The price is 10 TL.
–  Turyol : departures every hours from 10am to 7pm. The price is 12TL.
You also have departures from other neighborhoods (this is the option we recommend if you want to have a public short cruise):
From Kabatas : 4 departures every day, 10:30am – 12:45pm – 2:45pm – 4:45pm. The price is 12TL.
From Ortakoy : departures from 1pm every hours.The price is 12TL.
We recommend the cruises on the Bosphorus leaving from Kabatas or Ortakoy, the boats are more comfortable and above all they are generally less crowded than those departing from Eminönü. You can also be served a snack and drinks on board.
Long tours
It is not possible to make reservations for these tours, you can purchase your tickets directly from the pier.
If you are in Istanbul for a short stay we advise you to opt for the short cruise of the Bosphorus. The real difference between the long and short option is that the boat stops three hours in the neighborhood of Anadolu Kavagi. This area, except some very touristic restaurants and shops doesn’t present much interest.
Sehir Hatlari : there are two departures a day from Eminonu, one at 10:35am and one at 1:35pm. There are five intermediate stops, and after an hour and a half of navigation you’ll arrive in the neighborhood of Anadolu Kavagi. The price for the round trip is 25 TL.
Dentur Avrasya : There is one departure per day from Kabatas at 11:15 am, and like Sehir Hatlari the tour lasts 6 hours and stops for 3 hours at Anadolu Kavagi. The price is 12.5 TL
Rent a boat
Renting a private boat is more expensive than the group tours, but you will enjoy a personalized welcome with a captain and a crew at your disposal. We will organize the itinerary with you, and we can also organize some activities on board.
For more information about our cruises: discover the Bosphorus on a yacht
Cruise the Bosphorus in small private groups:
We now propose you to embark on our collective private group cruises, aboard comfortable and spacious boats and accompanied by a member of the team Tooistanbul. To navigate in harmony with the richness and beauty of the Bosphorus.
For more information about our service: collective cruise in Istanbul
Rent a sailboat in Istanbul:
Want to get away? to relax on the Sea of Marmara? discover the Princes’ Islands? then this business is for you. Throughout the day you can bathe in small coves before you go in a restaurant on one of the islands of the archipelago. For the more energetic we can arrange a half day during which you will assist the captain in his maneuvers.
Click for source.
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trunewsofficial · 5 years
UN Expert: ‘Credible Evidence’ MbS Ordered Khashoggi Murder
The United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Executions has called for a full investigation into Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s role in the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard has submitted a full report to the UN Human Rights Council. The following is the full text of that report’s executive summary: Mr. Khashoggi’s killing constituted an extrajudicial killing for which the State of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is responsible. His attempted kidnapping would also constitute a violation under international human rights law. From the perspective of international human rights law, State responsibility is not a question of, for example, which of the State officials ordered Mr. Khashoggi’s death; whether one or more ordered a kidnapping that was botched and then became an accidental killing; or whether the officers acted on their own initiative or ultra vires. The killing of Mr. Khashoggi further constituted a violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (thereafter VCCR) and of the prohibition against the extra-territorial use of force in time of peace (customary law and UN Charter). In killing a journalist, the State of Saudi Arabia also committed an act inconsistent with a core tenet of the United Nations, the protection of freedom of expression. As such, it can be credibly argued that it used force extra-territorially in a manner ��inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” Further, the circumstances of the killing of Mr. Khashoggi may constitute an act of torture under the terms of the Convention Against Torture, ratified by Saudi Arabia. Finally, the killing of Mr. Khashoggi may also constitute to this date an enforced disappearance since the location of his remains has not been established. The Special Rapporteur has determined that there is credible evidence, warranting further investigation of high-level Saudi Officials’ individual liability, including the Crown Prince’s. She warns against a disproportionate emphasis on identifying who ordered the crime, pointing out that the search for justice and accountability is not singularly dependent on finding a smoking gun and the person holding it. The search is also, if not primarily, about identifying those who, in the context of the commission of a violation, have abused, or failed to fulfill, the responsibilities of their positions of authority. The Special Rapporteur has found that both the investigations conducted by Saudi Arabia and Turkey failed to meet international standards regarding the investigation into unlawful deaths. Saudi officials were present in the Saudi consulate and residence in Istanbul from 6 to 15 October during which time they presumably investigated the killing. However, the Special Rapporteur was not provided with any information regarding the evidence they may have collected during this period. The Saudi Public Prosecution made public a few of their findings on 15 November but the statement was light on details, limiting itself to a few general allegations. Other statements regarding the actions and responsibilities of specific individuals were a welcomed step. However, the Special Rapporteur notes that some of the individuals allegedly referenced in these statements and the identity of 11 perpetrators currently on trial do not match. Further, the Saudi authorities have yet to disclose the whereabouts of the remains of Mr. Khashoggi. The Special Rapporteur found that under the terms of the VCCR, Saudi authorities were under no legal obligation to grant access to the Consular premises to the Turkish investigators. However, Saudi Arabia was under an international obligation to cooperate with the Turkish authorities in the investigation of the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. Such cooperation necessarily demanded that they gave access to the consulate to the Turkish authorities in a prompt and effective fashion and in good faith. Consular immunity was never intended to enable impunity. The Special Rapporteur found credible evidence pointing to the crime scenes having been thoroughly, even forensically, cleaned. These indicate that the Saudi investigation was not conducted in good faith, and that it may amount to obstructing justice. Turkish investigators, accompanied by Saudi investigators, only had access to the Consulate on the 15th October for 6 hours and to the Consul residence on 17th October for around thirteen hours, where they also had to search the whole consular vehicle fleet. Their scientific and forensic inquiries were limited to “swabbing” and they were not allowed to drain a well located in the residence. The limitations imposed by Saudi Arabia on the Turkish investigation cannot be justified by the need to protect Consular operations. Turkish investigators decided not to search the Saudi Consulate without proper authorization from the Saudi authorities. The Special Rapporteur found that this was the appropriate way to proceed: creating an exception to the VCCR grounded inviolability of the Saudi Consular premises for the purpose of an investigation would have been unnecessary and disproportionate. She also found that Turkey’s fear over an escalation of the situation and retribution meant that the consular residences or consular cars were also not searched without permission even though they are not protected by the VCCR. The Special Rapporteur regrets that it appears no international body or other State came forward with an offer to “mediate” between the two parties to negotiate prompt and effective access to the crime scene. This could have been done to also help de-escalate the crisis, protect equally the VCCR and human rights, and address as well the fear of retaliation. Instead, it appears that other Member States pondered rather only their own national and strategic interests. The United Nations either considered it had no evident means of intervention or elected not to intervene. In retrospect, it is evident that the ultimate casualty of these considerations was justice and accountability for Jamal Khashoggi. On the basis of credible information at her disposal, the Special Rapporteur has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that either Turkey or the United States knew, or ought to have known, of a real and imminent or foreseeable threat to Mr. Khashoggi’s life. There was credible evidence to suggest that, had Mr. Khashoggi returned to Saudi Arabia, or been lured there, he would have been detained, possibly disappeared, and harmed. These risks were not linked to his life or presence in his countries of residence, namely the US or Turkey. She did not secure credible evidence that US authorities had intercepted the Saudi Crown Prince’s communications or that such intercepts had been assessed before the time of the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. The killing of Mr. Khashoggi has highlighted the vulnerabilities of dissidents living abroad, and the risks they are facing of covert actions by the authorities of their countries of origin or non-State actors associated to them. The States of the countries where they have found residence or exile are under an obligation to respect their human rights, and protect them against violence by the States of the countries they have escaped from. This obligation should entail, namely: • The duty to protect is triggered whenever Governments know or ought to know of a real and immediate threat or risk to someone’s life; • Such an obligation to protect includes, but is not limited to, a duty to warn the • individual of an imminent threat to their life; • The obligation to protect, including the duty to warn, is imposed on all Governments agencies and institutions, and thus includes Intelligence Agencies; • The obligation to protect applies regardless of the status of citizen or alien on the territories of the State; • The obligation to protect, including the duty to warn, demands that risks assessment take into account whether some individuals may be particularly at risk because of their identity or activities, such as journalists or human rights defenders; and • The obligation to protect, including the duty to warn, may be triggered extra-territorially, whenever States exercise power or effective control over individual’s enjoyment of the right to life. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has taken timid steps towards addressing its State responsibilities in terms of prosecution and reparation. But these stop short of what is required under international law. The accountability gap is all the more worrying given that it concerns a crime that has received an unprecedented level of attention and outcry internationally, including official public condemnation the world over. The on-going trial in Saudi Arabia of 11 suspects in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, while an important step towards accountability, fails to meet procedural and substantive standards. The trial is held behind closed doors; the identity of those charged has not been released nor is the identity of those facing death penalty. At the time of writing, at least one of those identified as responsible for the planning and organizing of the execution of Mr. Khashoggi has not been charged. The Government of Saudi Arabia has invited representatives of Turkey and of the permanent members of the Security Council to attend at least some of the hearings. However, the Special Rapporteur has been told that this trial observation was conditional upon agreement to not disclose its details. Trial observation under those conditions cannot provide credible validation of the proceedings or of the investigation itself. It is particularly concerning that, given the identity of the observers, the institution of the UN Security Council itself has been made complicit in what may well amount to a miscarriage of justice. In view of her concerns regarding the trial of the 11 suspects in Saudi Arabia, the Special Rapporteur calls for the suspension of the trial. To date the Saudi State has failed to offer public recognition of its responsibility for the killing of Mr. Khashoggi and it has failed to offer an apology to Mr. Khashoggi’s family, friends and colleagues for his death and for the manner in which he was killed. The Special Rapporteur obtained information regarding a financial package offered to the children of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi but it is questionable whether such package amounts to compensation under international human rights law. The restructuring of the Intelligence Services announced by King Salman is insufficient. There has been no subsequent information elaborating on the impact of the restructuring (or any other measures) on the decision-making, training, and codes of ethics of the Security Agencies, to name a few issues of concern. Instead, one would expect the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to demonstrate non-repetition including by releasing all individuals imprisoned for the peaceful expression of their opinion and belief; investigating all allegations of torture and lethal use of force in formal and informal places of detention; investigating all allegations of enforced disappearances and making public the whereabouts of individuals disappeared. It should also undertake an in-depth assessment of the actors, institutions and circumstances that made it possible for the execution of Mr. Khashoggi to be carried forward and identify the reforms required to ensure non-repetition. The Special Rapporteur believes that the killing of Mr Kashoggi constitutes an international crime over which States should claim universal jurisdiction. The killing of Mr. Khashoggi is a violation of a jus cogen norm. It violates the VCCR and the prohibition against the extraterritorial use of force in times of peace. The circumstances of the execution may amount to an act of torture under the Convention Against Torture. It is a continuing case of enforced disappearance since the remains of Mr. Khashoggi have not been located. It concerns a journalist in self-imposed exile. His execution has an enduring international impact. The Special Rapporteur is concerned that legal accountability for the execution of Mr. Khashoggi is being made difficult to obtain. The trial underway in Saudi Arabia will not deliver credible accountability. Turkey has not initiated proceedings yet and hopes for credible accountability are weak in a country with such a track record of imprisonment of journalists. Jurisdictional challenges and the impossibility of conducting a trial in absentia mean that a trial in the US will face many challenges. The Special Rapporteur makes a number of proposals for how some of these issues may be addressed while warning that no one proposal on its own will deliver credible accountability. The Special Rapporteur emphasizes that the search for accountability and justice should include other means, including political, diplomatic, financial, symbolic. Actions to celebrate and recall the life of Jamal Khashoggi have an important part to play in ensuring public accountability for his execution. In a statement following the release of Callamard’s report, the U.S. State Department said: “The United States supports [Callamard]’s global mission to investigate extra-judicial, summary, or arbitrary executions. State Department officials met with her, at her request, to discuss several matters, including Jamal Khashoggi’s killing. We are determined to press for accountability for every person who was responsible.” (Photo Credit: U.S. State Department) source https://trunews.com/stream/un-expert-credible-evidence-mbs-ordered-khashoggi-murder
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rightsinexile · 7 years
European Court of Human Rights,  Khaldarov v. Turkey (no. 23619/11), [Articles 3 and 5]
The following is a summary of a ruling the ECtHR delivered in favour of an Uzbek asylum seeker in Turkey who complained of a violation of Articles 3 and 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The summary was published by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE); it has been slightly amended to conform to the newsletter style. The ECtHR ruling, made on 5 September 2017, can be found here.
The ECtHR ruling in the case Khaldarov v. Turkey (no. 23619/11), concerns an Uzbek national who arrived in Turkey legally in 2008 on a visa valid for one month and who had been detained in 2010 on grounds of lack of valid identity document and illegal entry into Turkey. After three days, he was sent to Istanbul Kumtapı Removal Centre, which was allegedly overcrowded and in poor conditions. The applicant made an asylum claim and was released after nearly two months in that Removal Centre. He complained before the ECtHR of a violation of Article 5 (under all its paragraphs) and Article 3 ECHR.
Regarding his complaints under Article 5 ECHR, the Court reaffirmed its previous case-law and found a violation of Article 5 §§ 1 and 5 with regard to the absence at the material time of clear legal provisions in Turkish law on procedures for ordering the detention of foreigners and providing remedies to receive compensation. The Court also concluded that Turkey failed to inform the applicant of the grounds for his continued detention, which also had the effect of depriving of all substance the applicant’s right of appeal against his detention – thus, it found a violation of Article 5 §§ 2 and 4.
Finally, with regard to Article 3 ECHR, the ECtHR recalled that it had already found that the material conditions at the Kumtapı Removal Centre led to violations of Article 3 ECHR (see, for instance, Yarashonen v. Turkey). Since Turkey did not present any evidence or argument justifying a departure from the Court’s previous decisions, the ECtHR found a violation of Article 3 ECHR in the present case as well.
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learnspanishfans · 7 years
Fluent in 3 Months: All Language Missions
So you'd like to see my Fluent in 3 Months language missions? You've come to the right place! I set up Fluent in 3 Months to share language hacking tips and to tell the real, gritty stories of how language hacking works for me. For over a decade I travelled around the world, and whenever I was in a new country for more than a few days, I set myself the mission of learning and speaking as much of the language as I could in that time. In 2009, I began sharing these stories on my blog. These are "case studies" in language hacking, if you like. Later, I started sharing missions where I’d learn the language of one country while living in another country - such as learning Arabic while living in Brazil, or learning Japanese while living in Spain. More recently, I've settled down in New York, and my new mission has been creating language courses. Meanwhile, Fluent in 3 Months has grown into a team, and other team members (including my partner, Lauren) have taken on the mantle of language missions. Below are all my language missions - and all the Fluent in 3 Months language missions - with all the glory and all the "failure". Remember that a cornerstone of language hacking is the willingness to make mistakes - and I'm completely open about where things went well, and where they went wrong. I’ll keep adding to this list as new missions are published on Fluent in 3 Months. I’m sure you’ll find something in these missions to inspire your own language learning. Here they are - enjoy! And please leave a comment to let me know about your language missions.
Benny's Czech Mission (2009)
Is it possible to become fluent in a language in 3 months?
Combining learning languages with your hobbies: My first video in Czech!
Hitting a brick wall in your language progress
Why Czech isn’t as hard to learn as you think
Benny's "Become Brazilian" Mission (2009)
My next mission: Become Brazilian in 3 months!
Summary of month 1 in the mission to become Brazilian
Summary of month 2 in mission to become Brazilian
Mission complete! Partial success – What will Benny’s next mission be?
Benny's Hungarian Mission (2010)
Mission: Conversational Hungarian in 3 months
My first weeks in Budapest: Hungarian mission update
Why Hungarian is easy
Speaking with mistakes quickly is better than speaking “perfectly” slowly
Benny's Thai Mission (2010)
Mission: Read and speak Thai in 8 weeks
Any phonetic script can be learned in just a few hours
Reading Thai and its tones isn’t as hard as you think
Don’t just stand there… Say something!
Getting along with other learners & conclusions of Thai mission
Benny's Advanced German Mission (2010)
German 3 month mission: Sit C2 exam
First Week in Germany, No English. Here’s How I Did It
First month in Berlin & 8 language 6 dialect tour of my flat
I’m Fluent in German! Exam Results and Analysis
Are Germans Rude? Killing the Stereotypes
Is it True that German is Hard to Learn?
Benny's Tagalog Mission (2011)
New Language Mission: Speak Tagalog (Filipino) in 2 months
Tagalog: a fun language to learn in the Philippines!
Challenges in the Philippines + video in Tagalog
Benny's American Sign Language Mission (2011)
Next mission: American Sign Language!
Settling in, first impressions of American Sign Language & video tour of my house
American Sign Language: It’s not all in the hands
Video in ASL: Gallaudet university, city of American Sign Language and Deaf culture
6 languages, 1 singer, 1 signer
Benny's Dutch Mission (2011)
Fluent in TWO months: The Dutch mission!
25 Speed Dates in Dutch
6 week level of Dutch
Dutch vs. German: What’s the Difference?
Benny's Klingon Mission (2011)
New mission: Speak Klingon in time for the Star Trek convention
Tour of my home… in Klingon!
Benny's Turkish Mission (2011)
New mission: Speak Turkish in two months!
First week in Istanbul, where I live & first (video) attempt at Turkish!
Getting by a few weeks into learning a language: my Turkish haircut (& ear burning) experience
Why Turkish isn’t as hard as you think!
Istanbul not Constantinople, Benny’s music video in Turkish
Benny's Mandarin Mission (2012)
Benny travels China: the real point of the mission to speak Mandarin as quickly as possible
Language Mission: Mandarin in 3 months!
Benny’s first video attempt in Mandarin: 2 weeks after starting
The only way to get far quickly is to get out of your comfort zone (my typical day learning Mandarin)
Progress report: Thoughts on one month of learning Mandarin & some FAQs
Benny’s 1 month level of Mandarin: Lantern festival interviews!
The underestimated usefulness of pre-fluency (My 2 month Mandarin video)
The simple guide to adding captions/subtitles to Youtube videos: My 2.5 month Mandarin video
Mandarin level up mission (Singapore edition)
Improving Mandarin for Singapore visit
Interview in Mandarin with TV presenter and Chinese teacher Yangyang
Benny's 10-Language Mission (2012)
My Polyglot Summer mission: Improve TEN languages to the next level (with lots of videos)
Mid-summer language mission update! (Clues of next mission coming) Two polyglots speak a dozen languages in a mall in Ohio: Benny and Moses level up!
Fluent in 3 months: 11 language polyglot overview of the website
Benny's Arabic Mission (2012)
Learning Egyptian Arabic to fluency in 3 months… in Brazil! Benny’s new language mission!
How to start learning a language: Full account of day 1 of my #Fi3M mission
Solving specific problems rather than trying to learn everything: My first ever video in Arabic (reading)
The most important skill a traditional learning approach will never teach you (+2 month Arabic video)
How I learned to speak Arabic while living in Brazil
Standard Arabic or Local Dialect – Which Should You Learn First?
Typical day learning Arabic for the Irish polyglot
Watch Benny Speaking in Arabic
Benny's Polish in 5 Hours Mission (2013)
Mission Impossible? Polish in 5 Hours
Benny's Japanese Mission (2013)
Japanese project: Reach fluency in 3 months… in Spain [INTRO VIDEO]
English words in Japanese: Music video with Japanese learners
First month learning Japanese: How things are going so far, initial impressions of Japanese, and Burning Questions for Benny
Very quick look at Benny’s current Japanese level
Benny’s Japanese: Skype conversation over the half-way point [+ new language discussion channel]
Benny’s first time speaking Japanese in person? Not quite!
Japanese project conclusion: Wrapping up the learning part & getting ready to travel
Benny's American Accent Mission (2013)
The American Accent mission: Learning about phonetics and sentence rhythm in English to help with OTHER language projects!
The American accent mission: Singing Sinatra, and getting phonemes corrected
Brian Kwong's German Mission (2013)
3 Month Mission To Get To Know My Father-In-Law Through German: 3 Lessons Learned
Scott and Vat's "Year Without English" Mission (2013-2014)
A fluent in 3 months mission from the outside: Scott and Vat’s first week speaking only Spanish
A Year Without Speaking English
Lauren's Esperanto Mission (2014)
New language mission!
Week 1 of a monoglot’s first language learning journey (Benny coaches his girlfriend to learn Esperanto)
My girlfriend learns Esperanto: Week 2 update and spontaneous conversation!
Benny & Lauren’s plane, train & automobile travels: Week 3 of Esperanto learning
Week 4 of Lauren’s project: Chat in Esperanto
Lauren’s Esperanto project: Week 5 on Skype
6 biggest lessons from learning to speak my first non-native language [Final video]
Lauren's Russian Mission (2015)
New Mission: Russian in 2 Months
Lauren’s One Month Russian Update
What’s it like to start learning a language?: Lauren’s 6 Week Update
My system for learning the Russian cases (with examples)
Holly's Portuguese Mission (2016)
New Mission: Introducing Holly’s Portuguese in 3 Months Mission
Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: Day 0 Video
Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: 1 Month Update
Portuguese in 3 Months Mission: 2 Month Update
The post Fluent in 3 Months: All Language Missions appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.
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giveuselife-blog · 8 years
International's Most Stunning city
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International's Most Stunning city
Defining a metropolis may be difficult, but Hugh Newell Jacobson can also have managed a manner to do so, however describing the beauty of a town and in fact naming the top Maximum Beautiful Cities in an International, may be a venture which could most effective be described as herculean. splendor, as they are saying within the age vintage clichéd way, lies in the eyes of the beholder and therefore, this list is absolutely subjective.
pinnacle Most Lovely Cities inside the Global
Steeped in records, artwork, and way of life, Barcelona is a port city and the second one largest metropolis in Spain, which is likewise domestic to one in all the biggest names in football, FC Barcelona. The town leads the world, wherein the design enterprise and gastronomical experimentation are concerned. The affection for design is likewise apparent inside the stunning structures that dot the town. an inexperienced cowl that can be extensively attributed to its sixty-eight parks and the paintings tough, play tough vibe that is seen for all and sundry on the 7 beaches that it boasts of, Barcelona is likewise one of the Maximum disabled-pleasant Towns within the World, thanks to the enhancements it had to make in guidance for the 1992 Olympics.
Buenos Aires
The capital and the most important metropolis of Argentina, Buenos Aires is known for its cultural vibrancy and cosmopolitan population. Porteños or humans of the port as the residents of Buenos Aires are recognized to showcase their live way of life, meals, style, and percentage a deep rooted love for their traditions. This town that is heralded as one of the Most Lovely Cities inside the World, turned into founded in 1536. domestic to one of the greatest opera residence inside the International, Teatro Colon, L. A. Boca’s pressed tin homes, and the passionate dance, Tango, Buenos Aires, is a town this is surely well worth a go to.
Cape City
one of the Maximum Beautiful Towns inside the World and additionally one of the Most famous destinations for tourists to Africa. With stunning pictures of the world seashores and the famous Desk mountain, that gives a wide-ranging view of the town at a height of three,500 toes above sea stage, the town is a stunning pictures of the world potpourri of natural splendor, fantastic architecture, with homes constructed in the Cape Dutch style, and a rich background. The city is the legislative and financial capital of South Africa with a mixture of people from exclusive races inhabiting it. within the latest beyond, Cape Town has topped a number of lists bringing up the pinnacle Maximum Stunning Towns inside the World.
Chi-Town, Chi-town, Windy town, 2d metropolis, the town of Huge Shoulders; it’s miles incredible, the number of epithets the metropolis has been awarded. A few humans may additionally question the inclusion of this town in the listing of the Most stunning pictures of the world Cities in the World, but this metropolis with its cultural dynamism manages to seize the heart of anybody who visits it. Some different feathers in its cap is that we owe the emergence of skyscrapers, deep-dish pizza and The united states’ first African American President to the city of Chicago.
Renaissance structure, the artwork capital of Italy, and Global background Website online, Florence broadly appears as the last preserved cradle of the Renaissance. Tourism is the Maximum huge enterprise in Florence, with thousands of vacationers visiting it in an unmarried month. Traditionally, Florence is the primary home to Italian fashion. Maximum International well-known style houses, which might be now located at Milan, were first based in Florence. The Duomo remains the architectural masterpiece in the city wherein one is spoiled for desire.
Hong Kong
4 of the tallest homes within the International – want I say greater approximately the architectural spectacle that is Hong Kong. And this kind of buildings is picturesquely set towards a mountain as a backdrop. This city that is a special vicinity of the human beings’ Republic of China, is without a doubt one the Most Beautiful Towns within the International. This city is a perfect instance of,’east meets west,’ mixing its conventional Chinese background with the values that it imbibed during the British regime. Hong Kong is domestic to numerous famous martial arts performers like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and well-known directors like Wong Kar-wai.
The cultural & economic capital and the most important city in Turkey, Istanbul is an active metropolis which derives its kick from the innumerable coffee homes and rooftop eating places, which might be all the time brimming with people. The bazaars are all the time crowded and the commuter ferries are continually playing human beings. The structure of the town adds to the splendor, with fantastic domes, minarets, mosques and the Most awesome series of frescoes which date lower back to the Byzantine generation.
Sweeney Todd very famously sang, “There’s no place like London”. Although he can also have had only awful things to mention approximately the town, we cannot prevent gushing about this mega-town that was founded nearly 2 millennia in the past by way of the Romans. art, amusement, tune, lifestyle, literature, and even movies – you call it and London commands its presence inside the discipline. From the picturesque view that the London Eye offers you, to the nearly model like Buckingham Palace guards and the Massive Ben, London tour guarantees enough tourist spots and attractions for every person and every choice.
The big apple metropolis
The big apple, I like You, these days released film will pay homage to the city this is the financial capital of the UsaA. The Large Apple is captured in its many moods and attractions however the film still fails to do justice to the metropolis, that is genuinely one of the pinnacle Maximum Beautiful Towns within the Global. Tom Wolfe had one famously said, “subculture just seemed to be within the air, like a part of the climate”. Not anything appears more true for Big apple metropolis, which can boast of being the middle for numerous movements which include the Harlem renaissance, jazz dance, hip hop and summary expressionism. Of route, the fact that it is home to Broadway, Ellis Island, Instances Rectangular, Rockefeller middle and the Significant Park is just a nice afterthought.
The Most romantic metropolis in the Global, the home to the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Notre Dame de Paris which have been the surprising settings to many films, Paris remains ‘the metropolis of goals’ for Maximum current day tourists. Once the sector leader in Most cultural and creative hobbies which includes movies, style, philosophy or even gourmand meals, these days Paris metropolis is preventing a warfare to hold the cultural background. however, that does not take away from the reality that this excellent town remains one of the Maximum Beautiful Cities inside the Global and will preserve to inspire writers and poets alike.
Rio de Janeiro
Carnival, Samba, and a fantastic herbal coastline – Rio de Janeiro which literally way the River of January is an all yr birthday party. It is also domestic to the Corcovado & Sugarloaf mountains, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer, that’s extensively considered the largest art deco statue in the Global. these days it is Brazil’s number one vacationer attraction and is also the host of the 2016 summer season Olympics. The metropolis has a vibrant night time existence and is an attractive destination for a number of the Maximum celebrities within the International.
The metropolis with one of the Maximum Lovely skylines in the World. Shanghai become a hugely cosmopolitan town of China, that suffered a setback in the Mao generation. these days it’s miles back in full pressure, competing for the title of the Most advanced Towns in the International. it’s far economically robust, has no fewer than 18 structures which can be taller than 200 meters including the Oriental Pearl Television Tower, which is nearly 468 meters excessive. Shanghai owns the popularity of the cultural and monetary center of East Asia.
Say Sydney and the first factor that pops into your head are the Opera house, with its expressionist cutting-edge layout and shell-like shape. Sydney is the topmost locations for immigrants to Australia and is the reason its multi-ethnic populace. Although the current racial assaults had been a purpose of the situation, it does not do away with from the truth that the city nevertheless remains a tourism haven. It has a grand Mardi Gras procession and New 12 months fireworks show that unearths its manner into Tv monitors across the world.
Fluorescent incandescents, thoughts-numbing pace, technology, which to a not-Tokyo to (people of Tokyo), will appear like from A few light years inside the future, the Wall Avenue of Japan, in no way-ending skyscrapers. Only a few of the numerous photos which are symbolic of the city, Tokyo in reality, in its very own futuristic fashion deserves to be on the list of the Maximum stunning pictures of the world Cities within the World. The buzz of the city looks as if a cover for the actions of the track, fashion, structure, animation and most significantly Manga. The city is established and ordered and has more restaurants with Michelin stars than Paris and London combined. It also has the difference of being one of the Most expensive Cities inside the World.
Visitors are continually dumbfounded by using this city floating on water, which has been constructed on 117 islands connected by way of one hundred fifty canals, four hundred bridges and innumerable pavements. When your public transport takes the shape of boats or gondolas, how can one no longer call it one of the Most Beautiful Towns inside the International? Traditionally, Venice turned into presupposed to be the link between the East and the West. The metropolis which has been the setting of many literary masterpieces, consisting of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, has been for a clearly long time the favorite destination of tourists.
Wish this listing of Most stunning pictures of the world Cities within the International has been illuminating to Maximum of you. While the splendor of an area is inherent, it’s far the human beings of the town that give it the man or woman that tourist generally tend to love. This could now not be an all-inclusive listing of the Most stunning pictures of the world Towns within the Global, however, we have tried to make it as expansive as possible.
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Research Report
This should be a summary of and a critical reflection on your research process so far. You should try to give the reader a sense of the process you have been through - your journey, your thoughts and decisions along the way and what has informed the choices you’ve made. Try to be as honest and as critically reflective as you can.
Please extend boxes as required (length 1000-2000 wds)
Name: Elif Abacı                                          
 Major Project Title
(Or working title - how and why did this title develop?)
Every Child Smiles In The Same Language is the working title of my project. In this project I am focusing on the children who needs help in my hometown Istanbul/Turkey. There are many children in different nationalities as I focused on Turkish, Kurdish, Syrian refugees etc. As this project’s message, there is no different between any children. They all need to be happy and peaceful without suffering in the middle of the war or begging people for money on the streets, with ripped clothes. The smile of the children in my portraits represents every child all around the world. That was the reason I thought this title was the most suitable one.
Research Methods
(What methods have you used during this phase of the project and how have they helped you develop your ideas and inform your major project proposal?)
The main method was looking at other photography projects similar to mine. To see their perspective about the same topic and their photographic eye for the children gave me inspiration, it helped a lot to see another examples for the similar subject as it makes it easier to get out of your own rights and rules and be flexible with trying new different things. I had chance to go to some exhibitions related to my subject as well which gives you the opportunity to see how other photographers represent their works. I was constantly following the news and social media as well to catch any other volunteer work, any photography project or any video made for children. When I was in London I always got in touch with the volunteers for my charity organisation so they collected all the needs and reported me if they found out any new family or children in different locations. After I started my shootings in Istanbul, there were always few people around me so I listened their recommendations and any opinion they suggested me to do. I also asked many people for feedback when I started to do my editing process.
 Pilot Project
(What have you achieved through the development of your pilot project/s? What have you learned from the process? Identify the main concepts that might direct or drive your major project.)
Some part of my life was always connected to those people who needs help and support. It doesn’t matter if I was studying or working or whatever, I was always there for them. The major project is the final and most important one for my university education. So I wanted to put together the two important things, photography and children. During the development of my pilot project, I improve myself a lot to talk with strangers without hurting their feelings. I have learned how to be next to them like their friend but continue your shootings and recordings at the same time without making it too obvious. I had chance to print my portraits in the print space, which gave me a huge difference experience about the printing process. Definitely the main concept that might direct my major project is the happiness, interviews and face expressions in the portraits and videos. Whatever I change or remove from my pilot project, I will stick on the idea of their happiness and feelings.
 Audience and Context
(Has a consideration of Context and Audience made you think about your project in a particular way? Have you been aware of the histories, conventions and audience expectations of particular contexts? Have you considered different contexts and how have you responded to them?)
 I tried to ignore the idea of doing whatever fits to my mind only. That’s why, I always cared about what audience would think and I always analysed any feedback for my project. The idea of taking the second portrait with the things that children wants, came from other people as well, it wasn’t my plan but I considered it and it was better than what I was planning to do, so I changed the shooting plan depends on that. Some people suggested me to write down and plan every single question and ask the same questions for each child. I ignored that suggestion because I wanted to create questions depends on the life and the story of that child. It would hurt their feelings.
 Production and Presentation
(Discuss the production methods you have been exploring through your pilot project. What effects do these different approaches/ visual strategies have on the work?  What choices have you made in the refinement of your visual approach and why? Is the approach you have chosen effective in communicating your ideas to the identified audience?)
At the beginning my idea was taking two different portraits of each child one right after I went next to them and one after we talk and helping them, so I could catch that smile on their face. Then this idea changed depends on the suggestions and feedbacks. I felt like I have to explain everything about the project more deeply otherwise it would not be clear for the audience especially if they don’t know me. So for the presentation; Firstly there will be a brief about the charity organisation so people wont think that I helped them for the project only. Secondly there will be a video showing the locations and the interviews, and then lastly there will be the main portraits of 7 children. I am also planning to add other portraits of children, the sizes can be smaller compare to main portraits but I think it would be more effective with more smile of children. The reason I want to show it in different productions such as photography and video is it will help audience to understand everything faster and easier. So I believe it is going to be effective in communicating my ideas to the audience.
Visual References / Bibliography
(List the key visual and critical references you have explored during the research process. Discuss how useful these references were for the project and what you learned from them).
Photographic Work: Olivia Arthur, Bruno Barbey, Ian Berry, Werner Bischof, Chien-Chi Chang, Bieke Depoorter, Thomas Dworzak, Nikos Economopoulos, Cristina García Rodero, Philip Jones Griffiths, Erich Lessing, Lorenzo Meloni, Moises Saman, Jerome Sessini, David Seymour, Chris Steele-Perkins, Newsha Tavakolian, John Vink, Patrick Zachmann
Exhibition: I Welcome Refugee-Magnum Photos Exhibition, Suriyeli Çocuklar Fotoğraf Sergisi (Syrian Children Exhibition), UNICEF Turkey Exhibition-Children of Syria
Book: The Color of Home (Mary Hoffman), Why Are People Refugees (Cath Senker) Four Feet, Two Sandals (Karen Lynn)
Article: Crisis in Syria: Refugees by Jethro Mullen (CNN), Still time to help child refugees (The Guardian), Refugees and Displaced People (The New York Times), Feeling Terror, Finding Refuge (National Geographic), Syria’s War (BBC)
At the beginning of this project, I just had few ideas and few plans about what I wanted to do. Even if I was with these children before the project doesn’t mean that I know everything about what they have been through so far. Without reading, researching and finding inspirations, my idea would be very limited and meaningless. I Welcome Refugee exhibition was another step for me to learn and think more deeply about Syrian children’s past in the war. Every article that I have read gave me another perspective of understanding.
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