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novobacwilting · 2 years ago
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Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis
#Bacillus #Thuringiensis #israelensis #bacillussubtilis #bacillusthuringiensis
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pancakeke · 2 years ago
I was looking up insecticides and came across a reddit thread where someone was like "I used neem oil, clove oil, cinnamon, and vinegar but nothing works :("
which drives INSANE. influencer brained essential oil fanatics who do not understand the scope of organic products need to do like an extremely basic google search into this shit because there are plenty of natural/organic insecticides that actually work.
This is a natural compound made from fermented bacteria (saccharopolyspora spinosa) and kills ants, fruit flies, leafminers, mites, mosquitoes, spider mites, and thrips. This comes in a spray and a dust.
Bacillus thuringiensis and its subspecies.
This is a species of bacteria that can control a wide range of pests depending on which subspecies you use.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (BTi) is used to kill the larvae of flies, mosquitos, and fungus gnats. This is the bacteria used in Mosquito Bits** granules and can also be purchased as a spray or dust.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (BTk) kills wormy type pests like gypsy moth caterpillars, tomato hornworms, cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, cutworms, and leaf rollers. It will kill non-pest caterpillars though so be careful with this one. This comes in a spray.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. san diego works for certain beetles/weevils but not all. Look up a list to see what it's effective against if you have a beetle problem.
There are other ones but idk if they're really commercially available.
**I see people applying Mosquito Bits ineffectively all the time and then they assume the product doesn't work. Don't just sprinkle the bits onto your soil (they aren't effective unless the bacteria is well washed off and allowed to permeate the surrounding soil, plus they eventually decompose and mold).
Fill a clear pitcher with water and add a tablespoon or two of bits. let them soak for 30 mins, stir, and then use that water for your plants. This ensures an even distribution of the bacteria over the plant's soil. If you retain like 1/8 of the pitcher of water and fill it back up you can get several applications out of your spoon of bits. dump the spent bits and replace with fresh ones once the water in your pitcher gets too clear.
There's other stuff that can work for specific insects in specific environments (inorganic dusts, sticky traps, utilizing beneficial predators like chickens, wild birds, or wasps) but they have enough drawbacks that I wouldn't recommend those things without knowing your exact situation.
Be extremely wary of any DIY/home made "insecticides". At best their effectiveness is deceptive (the "insecticide" does nothing but through its application you are mechanically removing pests by washing or wiping them away), and at worst they may cause harm to your plants.
Lastly, never put any kind oil on your plants. It doesn't matter what people say about neem. Plants breathe through pores in their leaves and oil covers those pores up.
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repelprotect · 10 days ago
What Does Pest Control Do for Mosquitoes?
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Mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance. They can turn a pleasant evening outdoors into an uncomfortable ordeal and pose serious health risks by transmitting diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and the Zika virus. Effective pest control for mosquitoes is essential not only for comfort but also for health and safety. But what does pest control do for mosquitoes, and how can it help you regain control of your environment? Let’s dive into the science and techniques behind mosquito pest control.
Pest Control Nairobi
Understanding the Mosquito Lifecycle
To effectively manage mosquitoes, it’s crucial to understand their lifecycle. Mosquitoes go through four distinct stages:
Egg: Female mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water. This can include anything from ponds and puddles to water collected in flower pots or discarded tires.
Larva: Once the eggs hatch, larvae develop in the water, feeding on organic material.
Pupa: The larval stage transitions into pupae, which remain in the water and do not feed.
Adult: Finally, adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupae. They require blood meals to reproduce, which is why they bite humans and animals.
Understanding this lifecycle helps pest control experts target mosquitoes at various stages to break the cycle and reduce their population effectively.
Inspection and Assessment
The first step in pest control for mosquitoes is a thorough inspection of the property. Pest control professionals identify breeding grounds and areas where mosquitoes are most active. This process typically involves:
Identifying standing water sources such as bird baths, clogged gutters, or poorly drained areas.
Examining shaded areas where adult mosquitoes rest during the day.
Analyzing the extent of the infestation to determine the appropriate control methods.
Eliminating Breeding Sites
Mosquitoes rely on stagnant water for breeding. One of the most effective pest control strategies is removing or treating these water sources. Pest control services often recommend or implement the following measures:
Drainage: Eliminating standing water by emptying containers, fixing drainage issues, and unclogging gutters.
Parricides: Applying parricides to water sources that cannot be removed, such as ponds or fountains. Parricides kill mosquito larvae before they can mature into adults.
Water Treatments: Introducing biological controls, such as Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), a natural bacterium that targets mosquito larvae without harming other wildlife.
Adult Mosquito Control
Controlling adult mosquitoes is another critical aspect of pest control. Several methods are used, depending on the severity of the infestation and the specific needs of the area:
Insecticide Sprays: Pest control professionals often use insecticides to target adult mosquitoes. These can be applied as:
Residual sprays: Applied to vegetation and surfaces where mosquitoes rest.
Fogging or misting: Used for larger outdoor areas, especially during peak mosquito activity.
Traps: Mosquito traps attract and capture adult mosquitoes using carbon dioxide, heat, or light to mimic human presence.
Natural Predators: Encouraging the presence of mosquito predators, such as bats, dragonflies, and certain bird species, can help reduce populations naturally.
Pest Control Nairobi
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Approach
Many pest control companies use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to combat mosquitoes. IPM combines multiple strategies for sustainable, long-term control while minimizing environmental impact. This approach includes:
Prevention: Educating homeowners about how to prevent mosquito breeding on their property.
Monitoring: Regular inspections to track mosquito activity and identify potential issues early.
Control Methods: Using a combination of physical, biological, and chemical controls tailored to the specific situation.
Benefits of Professional Pest Control for Mosquitoes
Hiring a professional pest control service to manage mosquitoes offers numerous benefits:
Expertise: Professionals are trained to identify and address mosquito issues effectively.
Customized Solutions: Pest control companies provide tailored treatments based on your property’s unique needs.
Safety: Professionals use products and methods that are safe for humans, pets, and the environment.
Long-Term Results: Comprehensive pest control strategies ensure lasting protection against mosquitoes.
Health Protection: Reducing mosquito populations lowers the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
DIY Mosquito Control: Is It Enough?
While there are many DIY methods for controlling mosquitoes, such as using citronella candles or mosquito repellents, these are often insufficient for severe infestations. DIY solutions can provide temporary relief but typically lack the effectiveness and long-term impact of professional pest control services.
Tips for Preventing Mosquito Problems
In addition to professional pest control, there are steps homeowners can take to reduce mosquito populations:
Eliminate Standing Water: Regularly check for and remove stagnant water around your property.
Maintain Landscaping: Keep grass trimmed and vegetation well-maintained to minimize mosquito resting places.
Use Screens: Install and repair window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
Apply Repellents: Use EPA-approved mosquito repellents when spending time outdoors.
The Future of Mosquito Control
Advancements in technology and science are leading to innovative mosquito control methods. For example:
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Scientists are developing genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce populations by preventing reproduction.
Smart Traps: High-tech traps that use artificial intelligence to identify and capture mosquitoes more efficiently.
Eco-Friendly Solutions: Research continues into environmentally safe products and methods for mosquito control.
Pest Control Nairobi
Mosquito pest control is a multifaceted approach that combines knowledge of mosquito behavior with targeted strategies to reduce their populations. By addressing the problem at its source, removing breeding grounds, and implementing effective control measures, professional pest control services provide relief from mosquitoes while protecting public health. Whether you opt for professional help or take preventative measures on your own, reducing mosquito activity is a vital step toward creating a safer and more comfortable environment for everyone.
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emy-2024 · 5 months ago
طرق مكافحة البعوض شركه مكافحه القوارض في الصديق
مكافحة البعوض تعتمد على عدة استراتيجيات للحد من انتشار البعوض وتقليل مخاطره الصحية. إليك بعض الطرق الفعالة التى يقدمها لكم الروابط الكويتية لمكافحة الحشرات :
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 1. التخلص من مواقع التكاثر
- التخلص من المياه الراكدة: البعوض يتكاثر في المياه الراكدة. لذا، يجب التخلص من أي مصادر للمياه مثل أوعية الزهور، الإطارات القديمة، أو أحواض الطيور.
- تنظيف مصارف المياه: تنظيف المصارف والمجاري المائية لتجنب تراكم المياه.
 2. استخدام المواد الطاردة للبعوض
- رش المبيدات الحشرية: يمكن استخدام المبيدات الحشرية المخصصة لقتل البعوض في الأماكن التي يتواجد فيها بشكل كبير.
- الطاردات الشخصية: مثل الكريمات أو البخاخات التي تحتوي على مواد مثل DEET أو البيكاريدين.
 3. تركيب الحواجز الميكانيكية
- الناموسيات: استخدام الناموسيات حول الأسرة لحماية الأشخاص أثناء النوم.
- تركيب شباك على النوافذ والأبواب: لمنع دخول البعوض إلى داخل المنزل.
 4. استخدام المصائد
- مصائد الضوء فوق البنفسجي: تجذب هذه المصائد البعوض وتقضي عليه بواسطة تيار كهربائي.
- المصائد الكيميائية: تستخدم مواد جذب لجذب البعوض إلى داخل المصيدة.
 5. الحلول البيولوجية
- إطلاق الأسماك: بعض أنواع الأسماك مثل أسماك "الجامبوزيا" تتغذى على يرقات البعوض.
- البكتيريا الطبيعية: استخدام بكتيريا مثل Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) التي تقتل يرقات البعوض دون الإضرار بالبيئة.
 6. التوعية والتعاون المجتمعي
- التوعية بأهمية التخلص من مصادر تكاثر البعوض والحفاظ على النظافة.
- التعاون بين السكان والسلطات المحلية لتنفيذ حملات مكافحة البعوض على نطاق أوسع.
الالتزام بتطبيق هذه الطرق يسهم في تقليل انتشار البعوض والحد من الأمراض التي ينقلها مثل الملاريا وحمى الضنك.
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ludwigshafen-lokal · 6 months ago
Ludwigshafen Plage: Die Schnaken
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Das Wichtigste in Kürze
- Aktuelle Situation: Die Schnakenplage in Ludwigshafen ist aufgrund außergewöhnlicher Witterungsverhältnisse besonders stark. - Gründe: Hohe Niederschläge und Hochwasser seit November 2023 bieten ideale Bedingungen für die Vermehrung der Stechmücken. - Maßnahmen: Die KABS setzt auf biologische Bekämpfungsmethoden und Bürgeraufklärung. - Tipps: Bürger sollten stehendes Wasser vermeiden, um die Vermehrung der Mücken einzudämmen. Das Wichtigste in Kürze Ursachen der SchnakenplageWitterungsverhältnisse Klimawandel Maßnahmen zur BekämpfungBiologische Bekämpfung Bürgeraufklärung Auswirkungen auf die BevölkerungGesundheitliche Risiken Lebensqualität Präventive MaßnahmenTipps für Bürger Unterstützende Maßnahmen der Stadt Zukünftige HerausforderungenAnpassung an den Klimawandel Forschung und Entwicklung Fünf neue Fragen zum Thema "Ludwigshafen Schnakenplage"
Ursachen der Schnakenplage
Witterungsverhältnisse Die Schnakenplage in Ludwigshafen und Umgebung ist dieses Jahr besonders schlimm. Verantwortlich dafür sind die außergewöhnlich hohen Niederschläge und das Hochwasser am Oberrhein seit November 2023. Diese Bedingungen haben optimale Brutstätten für Stechmücken geschaffen​ (swr.online)​​ (swr.online)​. Klimawandel Der Klimawandel spielt ebenfalls eine Rolle, da die milderen Winter und frühere Frühjahrswärme die Schnakenpopulationen begünstigen. Die Kommunale Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekämpfung der Schnakenplage (KABS) hat seit dem Frühjahr vermehrt Einsätze zur Bekämpfung der Larven durchgeführt​ (swr.online)​​ (swr.online)​.
Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung
Biologische Bekämpfung Die KABS setzt auf biologische Methoden zur Bekämpfung der Stechmücken. Der Hauptwirkstoff Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) wird sowohl am Boden als auch aus der Luft ausgebracht, um die Larven der Stechmücken abzutöten. Diese Methode gilt als umweltfreundlich und effektiv​ (swr.online)​. Bürgeraufklärung Die Stadt Ludwigshafen ruft die Bürger dazu auf, stehendes Wasser in ihren Gärten und Höfen zu vermeiden. Wasserbehälter sollten ausgeleert oder abgedeckt werden, um den Mücken keine Brutplätze zu bieten. Diese präventiven Maßnahmen können die Schnakenpopulation erheblich reduzieren​ (Wochenblatt Reporter)​.
Auswirkungen auf die Bevölkerung
Gesundheitliche Risiken Neben der Belästigung durch Stiche können Stechmücken auch Krankheiten übertragen. Die asiatische Tigermücke, die ebenfalls in der Region gesichtet wurde, kann beispielsweise das Dengue-Fieber übertragen. Daher ist die Kontrolle und Bekämpfung der Schnakenplage auch aus gesundheitlichen Gründen wichtig​ (Wochenblatt Reporter)​. Lebensqualität Die Lebensqualität der Bewohner wird durch die Schnakenplage erheblich beeinträchtigt. Aktivitäten im Freien, wie Gartenarbeit oder Grillabende, sind durch die hohe Schnakendichte oft nur eingeschränkt möglich. Besonders betroffen sind Gebiete entlang des Rheins, wo die Mückenpopulationen am stärksten sind​ (swr.online)​.
Präventive Maßnahmen
Tipps für Bürger - Wasserbehälter abdecken: Vermeiden Sie stehendes Wasser in Gärten und Höfen. - Regelmäßige Kontrollen: Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig potenzielle Brutplätze wie Regentonnen und Eimer. - Natürliche Feinde fördern: Fördern Sie die Ansiedlung von natürlichen Fressfeinden wie Vögeln und Fledermäusen​ (Wochenblatt Reporter)​. Unterstützende Maßnahmen der Stadt Die Stadt Ludwigshafen arbeitet eng mit der KABS zusammen und unterstützt die Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Schnaken. Darüber hinaus werden regelmäßig Informationen und Tipps an die Bevölkerung weitergegeben, um die Eigeninitiative zu fördern​ (swr.online)​​ (Wochenblatt Reporter)​.
Zukünftige Herausforderungen
Anpassung an den Klimawandel Langfristig wird es wichtig sein, die Strategien zur Bekämpfung der Schnaken an die sich verändernden Klimabedingungen anzupassen. Dies erfordert sowohl technologische Innovationen als auch eine kontinuierliche Aufklärung der Bevölkerung. Forschung und Entwicklung Die Forschung zur Entwicklung neuer biologischer Bekämpfungsmethoden muss intensiviert werden. Dabei spielen sowohl lokale als auch internationale Kooperationen eine wichtige Rolle, um effektive und umweltfreundliche Lösungen zu finden​ (swr.online)​​ (swr.online)​.
Fünf neue Fragen zum Thema "Ludwigshafen Schnakenplage"
- Welche langfristigen Auswirkungen hat der Klimawandel auf die Schnakenpopulation in Ludwigshafen? - Der Klimawandel begünstigt mildere Winter und feuchtere Frühjahre, was die Brutbedingungen für Schnaken verbessert. Dies könnte langfristig zu häufigeren und intensiveren Plagen führen. - Wie effektiv sind die derzeitigen biologischen Bekämpfungsmethoden? - Biologische Methoden wie der Einsatz von Bti sind umweltfreundlich und haben sich als effektiv erwiesen. Jedoch können extreme Witterungsbedingungen ihre Wirksamkeit einschränken. - Welche gesundheitlichen Risiken gehen von der asiatischen Tigermücke aus? - Die asiatische Tigermücke kann Krankheiten wie Dengue-Fieber, Chikungunya und Zika-Virus übertragen. Ihre Ausbreitung stellt daher ein erhebliches Gesundheitsrisiko dar. - Wie kann die Bevölkerung zusätzlich zur Bekämpfung der Schnaken beitragen? - Durch die Vermeidung von stehendem Wasser, die Förderung natürlicher Fressfeinde und die Teilnahme an Aufklärungskampagnen können Bürger aktiv zur Reduzierung der Schnakenpopulation beitragen. - Welche neuen Technologien könnten in der Zukunft bei der Bekämpfung von Schnaken helfen? - Neue Technologien wie genetisch veränderte Mücken, die sterile Nachkommen produzieren, oder innovative Fallen könnten zukünftig eine Rolle spielen. Die Forschung in diesen Bereichen wird stetig vorangetrieben. Read the full article
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years ago
Assuming they are the same mosquito dunks that I'm familiar with that only have B.t. in them, specifically Bacillus thuringiensis serotype israelensis, they are safe for everything except for mosquitos and their close relatives like fungus gnats.
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flavjourneys · 9 months ago
The Role of Mosquitoes in Ecosystems: Balancing Nature and Public Health
Mosquitoes are often viewed as annoying and dangerous due to their role in spreading diseases such as malaria, dengue, and Zika. However, they do play a role in ecosystems and the environment. Let's take a look at their ecological role, the reasons they might have evolved, and how to combat them without harming the environment.
Ecological Role of Mosquitoes
1. Food Source: Mosquitoes larvae are a food source for fish and other aquatic animals in freshwater ecosystems. Adult mosquitoes are also prey for birds, bats, and other insectivores.
2. Pollinators: While mosquitoes are known for feeding on blood, only females do this for reproductive purposes. Both male and females mosquitoes primarily feed on nectar and plant juices, helping with pollination. Some plant species particularly in tropical regions, rely on mosquitoes for pollination.
3. Nutrient Cycling: Mosquito larvae play a role in nutrient cycling in aquatic environments. As they feed on organic matter in the water, they contribute to the breakdown of organic materials, which can promote plant growth.
Why Mosquitoes Were Created (or Evolved)
From a scientific perspective mosquitoes evolved as part of Earth's biodiversity. Like all living organisms they evolved to fill specific niches and interact with other species with ecosystems. While their presence can be problematic for humans due to disease transmission, they are part of the complex web of life playing a role in food chains and ecosysten dynamics.
How to Combat Mosquitoes Without Harming the Environment
1. Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of natural predators like bats, birds, dragonflies, and certain fish species. Providing habitats for these predators can help reduce mosquito populations.
2. Eliminate Breeding Grounds: Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Removing stagnant water from flower pots, bird baths, tires, and other containers can reduce their breeding sites.
3. Biological Controls: Some bacteria like Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI), target mosquito larvae but are harmless to other organisms. BTI can be used in ponds or other areas with standing water to reduce mosquito populations.
4. Mosquito-Repellent Plants: Planting mosquito-repellent plants such as citronella, lavender, and marigolds can help deter mosquitoes from your garden or outdoor spaces.
5. Natural Repellents: Use natural mosquito repellents such as essential oils from citronella, eucalyptus, or lemongrass, to ward off mosquitoes without harming the environment.
6. Traps and Barriers: Consider using mosquito traps that attract and capture mosquitoes without harmful chemicals. Additionally, using mosquito nets and screens on windows and doors can prevent mosquitoes from entering living space.
7. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about mosquito-borne diseases and effective prevention methods can help communities combat mosquito-related problems without resorting to harmful chemicals.
By combining these methods, you can reduce mosquito populations and their impact on human health while maintaining a healthy and balanced environment.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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readingrecap · 10 months ago
🦟 Mosquito Control Spraying 4/16
AERIAL APPLICATION TO CONTROL MOSQUITO LARVAE via helicopter flying low directly over wetlands today TUESDAY April 16, 2024 beginning 7:30AM. The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project will be conducting a helicopter application of the biological larvicide, Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis), to control mosquito larvae. Areas currently being evaluated in Reading are located…
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covenawhite66 · 11 months ago
Phoresy is when pseudo scorpions attach themselves to another animal to be transported to another location to increase its range of movement.
They ride on mammals and birds to different insect orders and even other arachnids.
Withiidae family of pseudo scorpions, includes 37 genera and 170 species.
An observation of phoresy by pseudoscorpions on a scorpion host is recorded for the first time worldwide.
A thorough study of Birulatus israelensis has been conducted.
March–November, field observations, and video recordings in the vicinity of the ant nests between August–November.
From the Eastern part of Israel from southern Golan and the Sea of Galilee in the north, to the Dead Sea area and Central Negev in the south.
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entomoblog · 1 year ago
De faux scorpions utilisent de vrais scorpions comme moyen de transport
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Des chercheurs ont capturé un pseudoscorpion faisant du stop sur un vrai scorpion, et c'est la première fois qu'un tel covoiturage interespèces est observé dans le monde. Les pseudoscorpions, également appelés, peut-être un peu injustement, "faux" scorpions, sont de minuscules arachnides qui ressemblent à moitié à leurs homonymes plus grands. Ils possèdent des pinces (pédipalpes) semblables à celles des scorpions, mais n'ont pas la queue piquant
  Guru Med | 25 Jan 2024
  L’étude publiée dans la revue Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters : Hitching a ride on a scorpion: the first record of phoresy of a myrmecophile pseudoscorpion on a myrmecophile scorpion et présentée sur le site de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem : Tiny Pseudoscorpion Rides on a Scorpion observed for the First Time.
  The main study area in the northern part of the Jordan valley, where Birulatus israelensis and Nannowithius wahrmani were found; b-c. Nannowithius wahrmani phoretic on a Birulatus israelensis; d. Nannowithius wahrmani (Photo a. and c. by Y. Zvik, b. by S. Aharon, d. by S. Warburg)
  Bernadette Cassel's insight:
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novobacwilting · 3 months ago
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zenkoigarden · 1 year ago
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bugoutpest · 1 year ago
Mosquito Control Solutions QLD
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Mosquitoes are a nuisance pest that can also spread diseases such as Ross River virus and Barmah Forest virus. They require water and nutrients to breed.
The best protection from mosquitoes is to minimise their breeding sites around your home. This includes regularly cleaning gutters, draining long lasting puddles and making sure all unused items like bird baths, flower pot saucers and pet drinking bowls are empty and replaced with clean water. To know more about Mosquito Control Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
Mosquitoes breed in standing water, laying their eggs in the moist, cool environments where they hatch into larvae (the immature caterpillar-like form of mosquitoes). Larvicides kill these larvae before they reach the flying adult stage and can break the life cycle.
Hinchinbrook Shire Council conducts regular aerial spraying of granular larvicide in the municipality to target mosquito breeding areas that cannot be treated by hand. The product sprayed is VectoBac WDG which contains Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and Saccharopolyspora spinosa to control mosquito larvae. This naturally occurring bacteria acts specifically on mosquito larvae and is not harmful to people, pets, plants or other wildlife.
Alternatively, you can use slow release granules such as ProLink pellets to kill mosquito larvae in plant pots, bird baths, rain gutters, old tyres and other domestic/commercial breeding sites. These granules contain S-methoprene which simulates the growth hormone in insect larvae to stop them from maturing and reproducing. This product can also be used in larger scale mosquito larvicide applications such as wetlands, swamps and marshes to reduce the numbers of mosquitoes and midges.
Mosquito larvicide sprays kill mosquito larvae, preventing them from maturing into adult mosquitoes that bite and spread disease. Licensed mosquito control professionals can apply Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered larvicides using backpack, truck, or airplane-mounted sprayers to treat standing water where mosquito larvae are abundant.
These products, known as ultra-low volume (ULV) sprays, dispense very fine aerosol droplets that stay aloft to kill flying mosquitoes on contact. The optimum droplet size for ULV sprays is between 25 and 50 microns in diameter, which minimizes exposure and risks to humans, animals, cars, and buildings.
Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis) and Spinosad (Spinosadexternal icon, marketed as Teknar, Aquabac, and Vectobac) are two naturally occurring soil bacteria registered as larvicides for use in mosquito control. When ingested by mosquito larvae, they produce crystallized toxins that destroy the larvae’s digestive system and lead to death. Larvicides last only a few weeks in water and pose no risk to nontarget animal species or the environment when used according to product label directions.
There are several natural or organic mosquito repellent granules on the market that will help control the mosquito population without the use of chemical spray. These granules will have to be reapplied every 2 or 3 weeks.
Mosquito repellent granules are easy to apply and offer a non-toxic, biodegradable alternative to pesticides. These granules contain lemon grass, mint and garlic oils that are very effective in repelling mosquitos, while also improving the quality of your lawn and landscaping.
These granules can be applied with a sprinkler or broadcast spreader, and are safe for people, pets and plants. They should be applied 12 hours before a desired area is to be occupied, such as for outdoor weddings or parties, pool and patio areas, campsites, picnics and cookouts. One 5 lb container will cover up to 4,000 square feet. These granules can also be used in conjunction with liquid insecticides such as pyrethrin or talstar. They are not as effective for adult mosquito control as a chemical such as Onslaught, Suspend SC or CyKick CS because they do not contain microencapsulation and will break down in the sun or water over time.
Mosquito control solutions that apply pesticides as space sprays (ground and aerial) are a valuable tool to quickly limit mosquito adult numbers and the transmission of diseases they carry. Modern ultra-low-volume technology and engineering controls have been developed to minimize the environmental impact of these applications. However, social concerns remain.
Adulticides are used to kill mosquitoes on contact and provide rapid control of local mosquito populations during an outbreak. These products are typically applied as space sprays to areas where mosquitoes are most active – usually around dusk. To know more about Mosquito Control Solutions, visit the Bug Out Pest Solutions website or call 0426263320.
Non-chemical approaches to mosquito control include eliminating breeding sites – for example, draining or chlorinating pools, covering or emptying swimming pools that are not in use, cleaning out gutters and drain traps, and keeping fish ponds clean. Other methods include insect repellents and zappers. In addition, wearing loose long-sleeved clothing and pants can help reduce mosquito bites.
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palavradigital-blog · 2 years ago
Itabuna adere ao uso do novo larvicida para combate ao Aedes aegypti
A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS) adotou o larvicida Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (BTi) para o controle dos vetores Aedes aegypti e Aedes Albopictus, visando a diminuição dos casos de dengue, zika e chikungunya no município. Segundo a diretora de Vigilância em Saúde, Maristella Antunes, o município segue a recomendação da Diretoria de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado da Bahia…
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don-lichterman · 3 years ago
What is Bti? How does it work? Is it safe?
What is Bti? How does it work? Is it safe?
Mosquitoes use standing water to breed, which is why you should make sure there isn’t any standing water on your property. But what if you can’t get rid of the standing water? That’s where Bti becomes useful. If you can’t empty, scrub or cover items that hold water you can use Bti to kill off any mosquito larvae that could be hatching in there. So, what is Bti? Below is information from the EPA…
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mundoagrocba · 5 years ago
El INTA generó un biolarvicida para hacer frente al dengue
El INTA generó un biolarvicida para hacer frente al dengue
Se trata de una formulación líquida que permite controlar al mosquito Aedes aegypti –transmisor del dengue– desarrollada por el Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola (IMYZA) del organismo. Puede reemplazar o complementar productos comerciales de síntesis química y cuenta con potencial para su industrialización. Es una herramienta biotecnológica que respeta el cuidado del ambiente.
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