#israel cassol
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egobrazil · 2 years ago
Israel Cassol que trocou tradicional marcha nupcial por Lua de Cristal
O influencer Israel Cassol e sua afilhada Ana Sofia Cassol, embarcaram no Navio da Xuxa na última sexta-feira (24) e desembarcaram hoje (27). Registrando momentos marcantes de shows e reencontros no MSC Fantasia, os seguidores de Israel notaram a ausência do marido do apresentador nas fotos e vídeos postados por ele. Após mais de 30 perguntas diárias sobre Rupert G. durante esse tempo no Navio,…
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mixbrasilcombr · 2 years ago
Apresentador Israel Cassol fala sobre etarismo no meio gay
Israel Cassol, apresentador do programa Israel Cassol Show na COM BRASIL TV, revela situações de etarismo e homofobia que vive desde quando voltou ativa na carreira artística aos 38 anos. O influencer que hoje tem 41 anos, admite que recebe críticas constantes em sua rede social: “O que essa bicha está fazendo aí? Olha a idade dessa ‘POC’!“, reproduziu Israel. Para o influencer, “as pessoas estão…
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opspro2005 · 3 years ago
Glad to see that awareness is being raised, meanwhile, the USA is being attacked by a corrupt dementia patient, an unpopular sleazy whore, a drunken hag alchoholic, and China is prepping another hypersonic missile test.
We’re a goddamn laughing stock.
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uiarazagolin · 5 years ago
“Sem esteriótipos e com adoção gay”
“Sem esteriótipos e com adoção gay”
“Sem esteriótipos e com adoção gay”.  Astro de filmes gays quer contracenar em par romântico com Cauã Reymond “Sem esteriótipos e com adoção gay”
O ator brasileiro Israel Cassol ficou reconhecido por seu trabalho em dois filmes com temática gay produzidos em Londres, são eles: The Cost of Love (2011) e Seeing Heaven (2010).
Quando soube do sucesso da cena de sexo gay entre os globais Cauã…
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minutosvaliosos · 3 years ago
Primeiro brasileiro na Playboy gastou R$ 300 mil em procedimentos estéticos para posar
Primeiro brasileiro na Playboy gastou R$ 300 mil em procedimentos estéticos para posar
SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – Israel Cassol, 40, foi o primeiro brasileiro a posar para uma capa da revista Playboy fora do território nacional. O apresentador foi destaque na Playboy da Suécia de março, e revelou que gastou cerca de R$ 300 mil em procedimentos estéticos para as fotos e para estrear no Carnaval. Segundo sua assessoria, Cassol gastou R$ 75 mil com uma Lipo HD e R$ 5 mil com…
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midiag4posts · 3 years ago
Apresentador do SBT passa por cirurgia de emergência - Novelando
Apresentador do SBT passa por cirurgia de emergência – Novelando
Apresentador do SBT passa por cirurgia de emergência. Foto: Reprodução Instagram O apresentador do SBT, Israel Cassol, precisou passar por uma cirurgia de emergência após sofrer uma lesão no quadril. Nos Stories do Instagram, o jornalista apareceu deitado na cama do hospital e explicou a sua situação aos seguidores. + Novo jogador do Barcelona compra Ferrari de R$ 3 milhões+ Azimut Grande…
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boainformacao · 4 years ago
Blogueira afirma que Lucas Guimarães estará na próxima edição de "A Fazenda"
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Fábia Oliveira, colunista de 'O Dia', publicou nas primeiras horas desta manhã em sua coluna que o penedense Lucas Guimarães estará na próxima edição reality da Rede Record, A Fazenda. A coluna descobriu que Lucas Guimarães, marido do influenciador Carlinhos Maia, assinou contrato com a Record TV para participar de 'A Fazenda'. Segundo fontes da coluna, embora o influencer estivesse bem empolgado com o convite da emissora, ao mesmo tempo ele estava meio indeciso quanto a sua participação no principal reality do canal. Segundo esta colunista soube por fontes de dentro da Record, nesta semana a produção começa a recolher as malas nas casas dos peões e, na segunda quinzena deste mês, já começam os exames médicos. Logo após os exames e o teste de Covid-19, os participantes já iniciam o pré-confinamento, que excepcionalmente este ano deve durar 15 dias por conta da pandemia. O objetivo é garantir que ninguém seja infectado pelo novo coronavírus nas vésperas da estreia, que está marcada para o dia 8 de setembro. Além de Lucas Guimarães, nós já havíamos antecipado as participações de outros peões: Jojo Todynho, Mc Mirella, a ex-miss Brasil Jaquellyne Oliveira, Cristiane Maravilha, o raper Krawk e o sertanejo Mariano, dupla com Munhoz. A coluna também noticiou o nome do fashionista Israel Cassol, mas ele usou as redes sociais para dizer que testou positivo para o coronavírus e por conta disso, não poderia sair da Europa, onde mora, para vir ao Brasil. Read the full article
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uberaba-cidadesbr · 4 years ago
Para criar imagem de “ativista ambiental”, brasileiro cata lixo em Londres – 05/06/2020
Faz tempo que o brasileiro radicado em Londres Israel Cassol, 38 anos, dono da maior coleção de bolsas da grife
The post Para criar imagem de “ativista ambiental”, brasileiro cata lixo em Londres – 05/06/2020 appeared first on Cidade de Uberaba.
from Cidade de Uberaba https://uberaba.cidadesbr.net.br/mg/para-criar-imagem-de-ativista-ambiental-brasileiro-cata-lixo-em-londres-05-06-2020/ via https://uberaba.cidadesbr.net.br/mg
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buenosairesnews · 5 years ago
Influencer boasts a 101, 000 collection of designer Hermes bags
Israel Cassol, 38, who is from Brazil but lives in London, not only boasts a 101, 000 Hermes Birkin bag collection, but goes on holiday at least once a month and eats out every night, Buenos Aires news today
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mrnyce-watch · 5 years ago
#Mr_Nyce_Watch Fashion Alert
“When it comes to fashion, there is no masculine or feminine, wrong or right, Fashion has no sex” – says Israel Cassol, a Brazilian model, actor, and ... from The Fashion Team via #Mr_Nyce_Watch
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piranot · 4 years ago
Marido de Carlinhos Maia, Lucas Guimarães estará em A Fazenda 12
Mais um nome que contemplará  A Fazenda 2020 foi descoberto pela colunista Fábia Oliveira. Trata-se de Lucas Guimarães, o marido do influenciador digital e humorista Carlinhos Maia.
Foto: Reprodução
Segundo Fábia Oliveira, o rapaz já teria assinado com a Record, mas, mesmo empolgado com o convite para A Fazenda 12, Lucas Guimarães também está meio indeciso quanto a sua participação no principal reality do canal.
O casal costuma ser “cancelado” constantemente nas redes sociais, se envolve em diversas polêmicas, e estes poderiam ser um dos motivos da apreensão de Lucas Guimarães em participar de A Fazenda 2020.
A produção da Record já começa nesta semana a recolher as malas nas casas dos peões e, na segunda quinzena deste m6es, já começam os exames médicos.
Fique por dentro das últimas fofocas das celebridades, notícias de entretenimento e tudo sobre os reality shows em nosso GRUPO DE FOFOCAS DO FACEBOOK.
Logo após o check-up e o teste para a Covid-19, os futuros peões de A Fazenda 12 iniciarão o pré-confinamento, que excepcionalmente este ano deve durar 15 dias por conta da pandemia. O objetivo é garantir que ninguém seja infectado pelo novo coronavírus nas vésperas da estreia, que está marcada para o dia 8 de setembro.
Além de Lucas Guimarães, Fábia Oliveira também antecipou as participações de outros peões: Jojo Todynho, Mc Mirella, a ex-miss Brasil Jakelyne Oliveira, Cristiane Maravilha, o raper Krawk e o sertanejo Mariano, dupla com Munhoz. A coluna também noticiou o nome do fashionista Israel Cassol, mas ele usou as redes sociais para dizer que testou positivo para o coronavírus e por conta disso, não poderia sair da Europa, onde mora, para vir ao Brasil.
O post Marido de Carlinhos Maia, Lucas Guimarães estará em A Fazenda 12 apareceu primeiro em PIRANOT.
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lucamoreirareal · 5 years ago
"Eu errei em colocar a caricatura do presidente", diz fashionista por uso de saia com caricatura de Bolsonaro e Hitler
“Eu errei em colocar a caricatura do presidente”, diz fashionista por uso de saia com caricatura de Bolsonaro e Hitler
O fashionista brasileiro Israel Cassol criou uma discussão nas redes sociais nos últimos dias ao usar  uma saia durante um ensaio fotográfico em Londres. “O post não era para convencer as pessoas a usarem saias, era pra chamar atenção para  a intolerância nas ruas, que infelizmente, não permite que sejamos tão livres quanto a constituição afirma que deveríamos ser, em nos expressarmos como…
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lovacedon · 6 years ago
Veja a lista dos 513 deputados federais eleitos no Brasil
Veja a lista com os 513 deputados federais eleitos pelo Brasil nos 26 Estados e no Distrito Federal:
Distrito Federal
Flavia Arruda (PR) Erika Kokay (PT) Bia Kicis (PRP) Julio Cesar (PRB) Professor Israel (PV) Luis Miranda (DEM) Paula Belmonte (PPS) Celina Leão (PP)
Delegado Waldir (PSL) Flavia Morais (PDT) Dr. Zacarias Calil (DEM) Francisco Jr (PSD) João Campos (PRB) Glaustin da Fokus (PSC) Zé Mario (DEM) Magda Mofatto (PR) Professor Alcides (PP) Rubens Otoni (PT) Lucas Vergílio (SD) Adriano do Baldy (PP) Elias Vaz (PSB) Célio Silveira (PSDB) Alcides Rodrigues (PRP) José Nelto (PODE) Major Vitor Hugo (PSL)
Mato Grosso
Nelson Barbudo (PSL) Jose Medeiros (PODE) Emanuelzinho (PTB) Neri Geller (PP) Carlos Bezerra (MDB) Dr Leonardo (SD) Professora Rosa Neide (PT) Juarez Costa (MDB)
Mato Grosso do Sul
Rose Modesto (PSDB) Fabio Trad (PSD) Beto Pereira (PSDB) Tereza Cristina (DEM) Tio Trutis (PSL) Vander Loubet (PT) Dr. Luiz Ovando (PSL) Dagoberto (PDT)
Mara Rocha (PSDB) Jéssica Sales (MDB) Alan Rick (DEM) Dra. Vanda Milani (SD) Flaviano Melo (MDB) Perpétua Almeida (PCdoB) Jesus Sérgio (PDT) Pastor Emanuel (PRB)
Camilo Capiberibe (PSB) Acácio Favacho (Pros) Vinícius (PR) Aline Gurgel (PRB) Professora Marcivania (PCdoB) Luiz Carlos (PSDB) André Abdon (PP) Leda Savala (Avante)
José Ricardo (PT) Delegado Pablo (PSL) Atila Lins (PP) Silas Câmara (PRB) Capitão Alberto Neto (PRB) Marcelo Ramos (PR) Sidney Leite (PSD) Bosco Saraiva (SD)
Edmilson Rodrigues (PSOL) Cristiano Vale (PR) Elcione (MDB) Vavá Martins (PRB) Priante (MDB) Nilson Pinto (PSDB) Júnior Ferrari (PSD) Celso Sabino (PSDB) Delegado Éder Mauro (PSD) Beto Faro (PT) Olival Marques (DEM) Cássio Andrade (PSB) Airton Faleiro (PT) Hélio Leite (DEM) Paulo Bengtson (PTB) Joaquim Passarinho (PSD) Julia Marinho (PSC)
Léo Moraes (Podemos) Expedito Netto (PSD) Mariana Carvalho (PSDB) Lucio Mosquini (MDB) Jaqueline Cassol (PP) Silvia Cristina (PDT) Dr. Mauro Nazif (PSB) Coronel Chrisóstomo (PSL)
Haroldo Cathedral (PSD) Jhonatan De Jesus (PRB) Dr. Hiran Gonçalves (PP) Nicoletti (PSL) Shéridan (PSDB) Edio Lopes (PR) Otaci (SD) Joenia Wapichana (REDE)
Tiago Dimas (SD) Osires Damaso (PSC) Vicentinho Junior (PR) Eli Borges (SD) Carlos Henrique Gaguim (DEM) Professora Dorinha (DEM) Dulce Miranda (MDB) Celio Moura (PT)
JHC (PSB) Arthur Lira (PP) Marx Beltrão (PSD) Sérgio Toledo (PR) Nivaldo Albuquerque (PTB) Isnaldo Bulhões (MDB) Severino Pessôa (PRB) Paulão (PT) Tereza Nelma (PSDB)
Pastor Sargento Isidório (Avante) Otto Alencar Filho (PSD) Bacelar (Podemos) Prof. Dayane Pimentel (PSL) Jorge Solla (PT) Zé Neto (PT) Antonio Brito (PSD) Alice Portugal (PCdoB) Afonso Florence (PT) Caetano (PT) Waldenor Pereira (PT) Ronaldo Carletto (PP) Valmir Assunção (PT) Josias Gomes (PT) Marcelo Nilo (PSB) Daniel Almeida (PCdoB) Cacá Leão (PP) Sérgio Brito (PSD) Lídice da Mata (PSB) Mário Negromonte Jr. (PP) Elmar (DEM) Adolfo Viana (PSDB) Pelegrino (PT) Isaac (PCdoB) José Nubes (PSD) Cláudio Cajado (PP) Márcio Marinho (PRB) Felix Mendonça (PDT) Arthur Maia (DEM) João Roma (PRB) João Bacelar (PR) José Rocha (PR) Paulo Azi (DEM) Leur Lomanto Jr (DEM) Uldúrico Júnior (PPL) Alex Santana (PDT) Igor Kannario (PHS) Pastor Abilio Santana (PHS) Tito (Avante) Raimundo Costa (PRP)
Capitão Wagner (Pros) Celio Studart (PV) Luizianne (PT) Guimaraes (PT) Mauro Filho (PDT) Idilvan (PDT) AJ Albuquerque (PP) Robério Monteiro (PDT) Moses Rodrigues (MDB) Pedro Bezerra (PTB) Genecias Noronha (SD) Domingos Neto (PSD) Denis Bezerra (PSB) André Figueiredo (PDT) Roberto Pessoa (PSDB) Leonidas Cristino (PDT) Heitor Freire (PSL) Eduardo Bismark (PDT) Jose Airton (PT) Junior Mano (Patri) Dr. Jaziel (PR) Vaidon Oliveira (Pros)
Josimar Maranhãozinho (PR) Eduardo Braide (PMN) Márcio Jerry (PCdoB) Júnior Lourenço (PR) Rubens Jr. (PCdoB) Pedro Lucas Fernandes (PTB) Edilázio Jr. (PSD) Aluísio Mendes (Podemos) André Fufuca (PP) Cléber Verde (PRB) Bira do Pindaré (PSB) Juscelino Filho (DEM) Júnior Marreca Filho (Patriotas) Hildo Rocha (MDB) Zé Carlos (PT) Gil Cutrim (PDT) João Marcelo (MDB) Pastor Gildenemyr (PMN)
Gervásio Maia (PSB) Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP) Wellington Roberto (PR) Dr Damião (PDT) Hugo (PRB) Frei Anastacio (PT) Wilson Santiago (PTB) Pedro Cunha Lima (PSDB) Efraim Filho (DEM) Julian Lemos (PSL) Edna Henrique (PSDB) Ruy Carneiro (PSDB)
João Campos (PSB) Marília Arraes (PT) André Ferreira (PSC) Sebastião Oliveira (PR) Pastor Eurico (Patriota) André de Paula (PSD) Luciano Bivar (PSL) Felipe Carreras (PSB) Eduardo da Fonte (PP) Silvio Costa Filho (PRB) Daniel Coelho (PPS) Fernando Filho (DEM) Danilo Cabral (PSB) Raul Henry (MDB) Wolney Queiroz (PDT) Fernando Monteiro (PP) Gonzaga Patriota (PSB) Augusto Coutinho (SD) Túlio Gadêlha (PDT) Ricardo Teobaldo (Podemos) Carlos Veras (PT) Bispo Ossésio (PRB) Renildo Calheiros (PCdoB) Tadeu Alencar (PSB) Fernando Rodolfo (PHS)
Rejane Dias (PT) Capitão Fábio Abreu (PR) Assis Carvalho (PT) Flávio Nogueira (PDT) Júlio César (PSD) Iracema Portella (PP) Margarete Coelho (PP) Marcos Aurélio Sampaio (MDB) Dra. Marina (PTC) Átila Lira (PSB)
Rio Grande do Norte
Benes Leocadio (PTC) Natalia Bonavides (PT) Mineiro (PT) João Maia (PR) Rafael Motta (PSB) General Girao (PSL) Walter Alves (MDB) Fábio Faria (PSD)
Fábio Mitidieri (PSD) Laercio Oliveira (PP) Fabio Reis (MDB) Gustinho Ribeiro (SD) Joao Daniel (PT) Bosco Costa (PR) Valdevan Noventa (PSC) Fábio Henrique (PDT)
Sargento Fahur (PSD) Felipe Francischini (PSL) Gleisi Lula (PT) Luizão Goulart (PRB) Sandro Alex (PSD) Leandre (PV) Paulo Martins (PSC) Gustavo Fruet (PDT) Giacobo (PR) Hermes Frangão Parcianello (MDB) Christiane Yared (PR) Diego Garcia (Pode) Luciano Ducci (PSB) Aliel Machado (PSB) Sérgio Souza (MDB) Ney Leprevost (PSD) Pedro Lupion Dem Luisa Canziani (PSB) Boca Aberta (PROS) Ricardo Barros (PP) Zeca Dirceu (PT) Rubens Bueno (PPS) Schiavinato (PP) Filipe Barros (PSL) Luiz Nishimori (PR) Toninho Wandscheer (PROS) Vermelho (PSD) Enio Verri (PT) Aroldo Martins (PRB) Aline Sleutjes (PSL)
Rio Grande do Sul
Marcel Van Hattem (Novo) Onyx Lorenzoni (DEM) Giovani Cherini (PR)  Paulo Pimenta (PT)  Marcon (PT)  Marlon Santos (PDT)  Lucas Redecker (PSDB)  Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL) Heitor Schuch (PSB) Henrique Fontana (PT)  Carlos Gomes (PRB) Bohn Gass (PT) Danrlei De Deus Goleiro (PSD)  Covatti Filho (PP) Márcio Biolchi (MDB)  Alceu Moreira (MDB)  Afonso Hamm (PP) Maria Do Rosário (PT)  Pedro Westphalen (PP) Giovani Feltes (MDB)  Bibo Nunes (PSL)  Jerônimo Goergen (PP) Sanderson Federal (PSL)  Osmar Terra (MDB)  Maurício Dziedricki (PTB)  Pompeo De Mattos (PDT)  Daniel da TV (PSD) Marcelo Moraes (PTB) Afonso Motta (PDT)  Liziane Bayer (PSB) Nereu Crispin (PSL)
Santa Catarina
Hélio Costa (PRB) Daniel Freitas (PSL) Professor Pedro Uczai (PT) Caroline De Toni (PSL) Geovania De Sa (PSDB) Carlos Chiodini (MDB) Fabio Schiochet (PSL) Angela Amin (PP) Carmen Zanotto (PPS) Celso Maldaner (MDB) Peninha (MDB) Darci De Matos (PSD) Ricardo Guidi (PSD) Coronel Armando (PSL) Rodrigo Coelho (PSB) Gilson Marques (Novo)
Espírito Santo
Amaro Neto (PRB) Felipe Rigoni (PSB) Da Vitória (PPS) Helder Salomão (PT) Sergio Vidigal (PDT) Dra. Soraya Manato (PSL) Norma Ayub (DEM) Foletto (PSB) Lauriete (PR) Evair de Melo (PP)
Minas Gerais
Marcelo Alvaro Antonio (PSL) Reginaldo Lopes (PT) Andre Janones (Avante) Paulo Guedes (PT) Aurea Carolina (PSOL) Gilberto Abramo (PRB) Cabo Junio Amaral (PSL) Eros Biondini (PROS) Weliton Prado (PROS) Rogério Correia (PT) Padre João (PT) Misael Varella (PSD) Rodrigo de Castro (PSDB) Hercílio Coelho Diniz (MDB) Stefano Aguiar (PSD) Patrus Ananias (PT) Zé Silva (Solidariedade) Aécio Neves (PSDB) Lincoln Portela (PR) Eduardo Barbosa (PSDB) Diego Andrade (PSD) Emidinho Madeira (PSB) Marcelo Aro (PHS) Lafayette Andrada (PRB) Pinheirinho (PP) Subtenente Gonzaga (PDT) Margarida Salomão (PT) Odair Cunha (PT) Dr. Mário Heringer (PDT) Bilac Pinto (DEM) Fred Costa (Patriota) Domingos Sávio (PSDB) Paulo Abi Ackel (PSDB): Dimas Fabiano (PP) Tiago Mitraud (Novo) Newton Cardoso Jr (MDB) Vilson da Fetaemg (PSB) Leonardo Monteiro (PT) Lucas Gonzalez (Novo) Doutor Frederico (Patriota) Igor Timo (Podemos) Euclydes Pettersen (PSC) Julio Delgado (PSB) Delegado Marcelo Freitas (PSL) Franco Catarfina (PHS) Charles Evangelista (PSL) Léo Mota (PSL) Luis Tibe (Avante) Al�� Silva (PSL)
Rio de Janeiro
Helio Fernando Barbosa Lopes (PSL) Marcelo Freixo (PSOL) Alessandro Molon (PSB) Carlos Jordy (PSL) Flordelis (PSD) Daniela do Waguinho (MDB) Otoni de Paula (PSC) Luiz Lima (PSL) Telíria Petrone (PSOL) Delegado antônio Furtado (PSL) Dr. Luizinho (PP) Sóstenes (DEM) Jandira Feghali (PCdoB) Rodrigo Maia (DEM) Aureo (SD) Wagner Montes (PRB) Rosangela Gomes (PRB) Hugo Leal (PSD) Sargento Gurgel (PSL) Vinicius Farah (MDB) Major Fabiana (PSL) Pedro Paulo (DEM) Altineu Cortes (PR) Gutemberg Reis (MDB) Paulo Ganime (Novo) Marcelo Calero (PPS) Luiz Antônio (DC) Soraya Sanyos (PR) Christino Aureo (PP) Felício Laterça (PSL) Marcio Labre (PSL) Juninho do Pneu (DEM) Benedita da Silva (PT) Lourival Gomes (PSL) Glauber Braga (PSOL) Wladimir Garotinho (PRP) Chris Tonietto (PSL) Alexandre Serfiotis (PSD) Clarissa Garontinho (Pros) Professor Joziel (PSL) Daniel Silveira (PSL) Gerson Azevedo (PHS) Chico D’Angelo (PDT) Chiquinho Brazão (Avante) Paulo Ramos (PDT) Jean Wyllys (PSOL)
São Paulo
Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL) Joice Hasselmann (PSL) Celso Russomanno (PRB) Kim Kataguiri (DEM) Tiririca (PR) Tabata Amaral (PDT) Policial Katia Sastre (PR) Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL)  Capitão Augusto (PR)  Pastor Marco Feliciano (PODE) Baleia Rossi (MDB)  Vinicius Poit (NOVO)  Luiza Erundina (PSOL) Renata Abreu (PODE)  Rui Falcão (PT) Alexandre Frota (PSL) Ivan Valente (PSOL) Marcos Pereira (PRB) Carlos Zarattini (PT)  Marco Bertaiolli (PSD)  Marcio Alvino (PR)  Guilherme Mussi (PP)  Arnaldo Jardim (PPS)  Alex Manente (PPS)  Bruna Furlan (PSDB)  Carlos Sampaio (PSDB) Nilto Tatto (PT)  Ricardo Izar (PP)  Vitor Lippi (PSDB)  Tenente Derrite (PP)  Cezinha de Madureira (PSD) Fausto Pinato (PP)  Luiz Philippe O. Bragança (PSL)  Alexandre Leite (DEM)  Paulo Freire Costa (PR)  Enrico Misasi (PV) Rosana Valle (PSB)  Samuel Moreira (PSDB)  Vanderlei Macris (PSDB) Rodrigo Agostinho (PSB)  Jefferson Campos (PSB) David Soares (DEM) Coronel Tadeu (PSL)  Vinicius Carvalho (PRB)  Eduardo Cury (PSDB)  Miguel Lombardi (PR)  Eli Corrêa Filho (DEM)  Gilberto Nascimento (PSC)  Geninho Zuliani (DEM)  Alexandre Padilha (PT)  Arlindo Chinaglia (PT)  Professor Luiz Flavio Gomes (PSB) Roberto Alves (PRB) Junior Bozzella (PSL)  Paulo Teixeira (PT)  Milton Vieira (PRB)  Carla Zambelli (PSL) Paulinho da Força (SD)  Luiz Carlos Motta (PR) General Peternelli (PSL)  Maria Rosas (PRB)  Vicentinho (PT)  Abou Anni (PSL)  Alencar Santana  (PT) Orlando Silva (PC do B) Adriana Ventura (NOVO) Roberto de Lucena (PODE)  Herculano Passos (MDB) Alexis (NOVO)  Guiga Peixoto (PSL)
Veja a lista dos 513 deputados federais eleitos no Brasil
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yes-dal456 · 8 years ago
It's the faith talking: How religion may reduce alcohol abuse
"If I start going back to church, I'd have to stop the smoking and drinking." -- actress Katherine Heigl More than a few New Year's resolutions for 2017 will involve reducing alcohol use or stopping drinking altogether. A lot of people will not succeed. What may give them a better chance, however, is having a strong faith, research suggests. A new wave of studies provides insights into the myriad ways religion appears to protect against alcohol abuse. One of the latest studies suggests faith may reduce alcohol abuse by providing a sense of meaning in life that is lacking in people more likely to turn to alcohol. And that's not all. Faith also may play a role, the study found, by reducing exposure to a mass media that extols alcohol use. Those glorifications range from associating beer drinking with life on a beach surrounded by beautiful members of the opposite sex to portraying alcoholics as lovable scamps or charming rogues in popular TV shows such as "Two and a Half Men" or "Mad Men." Sorry, Charlie. Religion and alcohol Religious groups have different perspectives on alcohol use. Some such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prohibit it outright. Other groups such as the Catholic Church use wine in the celebration of the Eucharist. (And there is this old joke: How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb? Two, one to call the electrician and one to mix the drinks.) But there is nearly universal teaching against alcohol abuse among faith groups. The message seems to have been effective. A survey of some 100 studies found that nearly all indicated that religious affiliation and practice had a positive effect on preventing alcohol-related problems. Several studies in recent years across multiple disciplines have found factors from attending worship to social support to spiritual well-being to the importance of religion in one's life are associated with lower alcohol use and fewer instances of abuse such as binge drinking. In a new study, researchers in Israel explored some of the underlying psychological reasons for the alcohol-faith connection. They surveyed 110 young adult men who self-identified as either Orthodox Jews or secular. Secular participants reported higher weekly consumption of alcohol, as well as a greater craving to use alcohol compared to Orthodox participants, the study found. At the same time, the Orthodox men studied reported higher levels of meaning in life and lower efforts at searching for meaning, along with lower exposure to the media through outlets such as television and the Internet. The connections were consistent with past research that indicated people who feel their lives have no meaning or purpose are more likely to drink. This "existential vacuum" can lead to alcohol use as a source of relief from emotional suffering, the researchers noted. "Our findings suggest that the beneficial effect of religious belief and practice over alcohol consumption is largely explained by the higher sense of meaning in life that characterizes religious individuals compared with those who identify themselves as secular," the researchers reported in the journal Mental Health, Religion & Culture. Less exposure to mass media portraying alcohol in a positive light also played a role, they suggested. "It is possible that highly religious young adults consume less alcohol due to the fact that they are restricted from using 'unhealthy' media," the researchers said. Fighting back Popular culture is not giving up. In a recent episode of "The Odd Couple," two of the main characters each follow up a night of heavy drinking to forget their problems by putting a straw into separate bottles of liquor. Cue laugh track. Religious communities, however, are playing a substantial role in the struggle against alcohol abuse Societal attitudes have led many congregations to drop prohibitions on activities such as homosexual behavior and sex before marriage. But they have remained relatively steadfast or have even increased their efforts to address public health issues such as alcoholism. The 2012 National Congregations Study found nearly four in 10 congregations reported opening their doors for groups, classes or events supporting people dealing with alcohol or drug abuse. One study of fast-growing churches in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) showed the percentage having special rules on drinking alcohol increased more than five-fold, from 2 percent in 2002 to 11 percent in 2011. Not all the influence is positive. Shame and guilt over violating religious norms keep many believers from seeking help. And ceding too much control over their lives to God may lessen personal efforts to deal with problems such as alcohol abuse. But the research indicates that believers who work cooperatively with a divinity they perceive as loving and merciful, in congregations where members care for one another with compassion and understanding, have powerful resources to prevent or recover from alcohol abuse. And maybe a few more resolutions will stick in a nation where an estimated nearly 88,000 people die each year from alcohol-related causes. Cue sober reality. Image by WELSTech Podcast, via Flickr [CC0] Image by Tiago Cassol Schvarstzhaupt, via Flickr [CC BY 2.0] David Briggs writes the Ahead of the Trend column for the Association of Religion Data Archives.
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imreviewblog · 8 years ago
It's the faith talking: How religion may reduce alcohol abuse
"If I start going back to church, I'd have to stop the smoking and drinking." -- actress Katherine Heigl More than a few New Year's resolutions for 2017 will involve reducing alcohol use or stopping drinking altogether. A lot of people will not succeed. What may give them a better chance, however, is having a strong faith, research suggests. A new wave of studies provides insights into the myriad ways religion appears to protect against alcohol abuse. One of the latest studies suggests faith may reduce alcohol abuse by providing a sense of meaning in life that is lacking in people more likely to turn to alcohol. And that's not all. Faith also may play a role, the study found, by reducing exposure to a mass media that extols alcohol use. Those glorifications range from associating beer drinking with life on a beach surrounded by beautiful members of the opposite sex to portraying alcoholics as lovable scamps or charming rogues in popular TV shows such as "Two and a Half Men" or "Mad Men." Sorry, Charlie. Religion and alcohol Religious groups have different perspectives on alcohol use. Some such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prohibit it outright. Other groups such as the Catholic Church use wine in the celebration of the Eucharist. (And there is this old joke: How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb? Two, one to call the electrician and one to mix the drinks.) But there is nearly universal teaching against alcohol abuse among faith groups. The message seems to have been effective. A survey of some 100 studies found that nearly all indicated that religious affiliation and practice had a positive effect on preventing alcohol-related problems. Several studies in recent years across multiple disciplines have found factors from attending worship to social support to spiritual well-being to the importance of religion in one's life are associated with lower alcohol use and fewer instances of abuse such as binge drinking. In a new study, researchers in Israel explored some of the underlying psychological reasons for the alcohol-faith connection. They surveyed 110 young adult men who self-identified as either Orthodox Jews or secular. Secular participants reported higher weekly consumption of alcohol, as well as a greater craving to use alcohol compared to Orthodox participants, the study found. At the same time, the Orthodox men studied reported higher levels of meaning in life and lower efforts at searching for meaning, along with lower exposure to the media through outlets such as television and the Internet. The connections were consistent with past research that indicated people who feel their lives have no meaning or purpose are more likely to drink. This "existential vacuum" can lead to alcohol use as a source of relief from emotional suffering, the researchers noted. "Our findings suggest that the beneficial effect of religious belief and practice over alcohol consumption is largely explained by the higher sense of meaning in life that characterizes religious individuals compared with those who identify themselves as secular," the researchers reported in the journal Mental Health, Religion & Culture. Less exposure to mass media portraying alcohol in a positive light also played a role, they suggested. "It is possible that highly religious young adults consume less alcohol due to the fact that they are restricted from using 'unhealthy' media," the researchers said. Fighting back Popular culture is not giving up. In a recent episode of "The Odd Couple," two of the main characters each follow up a night of heavy drinking to forget their problems by putting a straw into separate bottles of liquor. Cue laugh track. Religious communities, however, are playing a substantial role in the struggle against alcohol abuse Societal attitudes have led many congregations to drop prohibitions on activities such as homosexual behavior and sex before marriage. But they have remained relatively steadfast or have even increased their efforts to address public health issues such as alcoholism. The 2012 National Congregations Study found nearly four in 10 congregations reported opening their doors for groups, classes or events supporting people dealing with alcohol or drug abuse. One study of fast-growing churches in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) showed the percentage having special rules on drinking alcohol increased more than five-fold, from 2 percent in 2002 to 11 percent in 2011. Not all the influence is positive. Shame and guilt over violating religious norms keep many believers from seeking help. And ceding too much control over their lives to God may lessen personal efforts to deal with problems such as alcohol abuse. But the research indicates that believers who work cooperatively with a divinity they perceive as loving and merciful, in congregations where members care for one another with compassion and understanding, have powerful resources to prevent or recover from alcohol abuse. And maybe a few more resolutions will stick in a nation where an estimated nearly 88,000 people die each year from alcohol-related causes. Cue sober reality. Image by WELSTech Podcast, via Flickr [CC0] Image by Tiago Cassol Schvarstzhaupt, via Flickr [CC BY 2.0] David Briggs writes the Ahead of the Trend column for the Association of Religion Data Archives.
-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2iJPu12
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buenosairesnews · 5 years ago
Influencer boasts a 101, 000 collection of designer Hermes bags
Israel Cassol, 38, who is from Brazil but lives in London, not only boasts a 101, 000 Hermes Birkin bag collection, but goes on holiday at least once a month and eats out every night, Buenos Aires news today
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