#isola event: maskerade festival
isolaradiale · 2 years
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On the 20th of October, a low rumble shook throughout the city as invisible cameras pointed the image on every digital device towards the hole in the center of the city. Nothing rose from it, but as if like magic an old castle materialized from a blizzard of bats that manifested and scattered about. Each bat carried a tiny envelope. An invitation. One personally delivered to each and every citizen in the city with haste.
“Dear honoured guest. We await your attendance at the the Bodaciously Booful Ball at Costumed Carl’s Castle at the city’s centre. Please come in costume at your earliest convenience, and please enjoy your stay. Just remember, the castle will disappear when Halloween comes to an end.”
It was an unusual invitation, but even more unusual was the venue. Regardless of the time of day, if you stepped onto the castle’s property it would be the moment dusk turned to night, with a sky full of beautiful stars. Of course, this wasn’t any ordinary castle. From the courtyard to the halls, it is decorated like a haunted house. There may even be some real skeletons from Cotes lurking around, but don’t worry they’ll just be serving your drinks. 
The real draw of the castle is the glamorous ballroom. The ideal setting for a relaxing date or to meet some friends, with generous helpings of food that respawn as soon as they are consumed. The music here ranges from modern hits to classic melodies, yet if you desire to hear a certain song or musical genre, strangely it seems that’s what will play to both yourself and anyone in your group.
So kick back, break a leg, and make wonderful Halloween memories! ...Or you could venture into the rest of the castle, which is a verifiably horrific haunted house. But these horrors will not harm you! You have Costumed Carl’s guarantee!
attending the ball or haunted house is not required for event participation, it’s just a cute little addition to the event for the final stretch!
if you do visit the castle though, your character will be given the following:
OUTFIT ORB A “magical” orb that allows your character to store outfits inside, permitting them to instantly change their outfit at will. Simply register pieces of clothing that you own by pressing them against the translucent, digital orb for them to be absorbed within the orb’s hammerspace. Then control the closet menu by double tapping the orb, bringing up the holographic menu where you can use your mind to assemble outfits and, when you want to change, swap them! There are a few caveats however:
you do not need to claim the orb via the masterlist nor galaxy blog, simply add it to your character’s inventory after writing a post that takes place in the bonus setting!
as the outfit orb was originally a reward for doing a trick or treating post on the 31st, this is still a valid way to claim it. you can find more information on that method here along with extra details about the outfit orb.
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replacementdream · 2 years
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Looks like somebody finally came across the ascension candies while in her costume..
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originskey · 2 years
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Now that the event info is up, here’s an interest check for interactions! The TL;DR is:
Kratos dressed up as a demon
Is still largely Kratos, but less uptight and disciplined than usual
Is mostly around to observe other people, and is still a bit of a loner
Activities you’ll most likely find him:
MENACING MONSTER MASSACRE (or, namely, getting people out of trouble who go too over their head (especially any of his students!) He may not have his angelic powers, but he does still have his sword!)
If you’re interested in interacting with him, give this a like and we can plot! Or if you’d rather just throw out a starter that’s good and dandy too!
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prieldi · 2 years
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okay so ngl, peter’s kind of a wallflower and he has no close friends so he’s not going to be jumping to dress up and participate in too many of the more party-like festivities unprompted or on his own, but:
picture perfect pixie appeals to him because he wants to see the pixie village even though the pixies probably don’t like him because he is definitely the guy who can’t help himself from curiously touching their things or hovering at the edges of their miniature village and just staring at them. a menace to pixie society. BUT, he’s good at photography!!! so this is right up his alley, AND it means he finally gets to see the pixie village up close. talk about the coolest thing ever!!
aside from that, you can catch peter being interested in some other things unrelated to any of the special activities, such as:
the candy instantly replenishes? OKAY BUT HOW
seek answers by looking under the bowl. and above the bowl
tip the bowl upside down to empty it of contents and then watch it instantly refill
repeat above step until surrounded by piles of candy but still without answers
the candy transforms people into what they’re dressed up as?? HOW
is this also magic??
open up the candy. see how it works. candy dissection???
...he’s not limited to any of these particular things though, as it really just depends on what happens! but anyway, this post also serves as an event plotting/starter call (meaning i’ll message you to discuss ideas), capped at three!
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starcall · 2 years
@physicks​ — event starter!
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❝ oh, eyun, ❞ she approaches her fellow warrior at the monster mash, finding her on the sidelines of the little gathering. ❝ i see you have also prepared a costume for the festivities. you look lovely. ❞
her eyes trail back to the many folk twisting and twirling the night away. ❝ are you fond of such events? i admit i seldom had the opportunity to celebrate all saints’ wake in eorzea. ❞
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curseshared · 2 years
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“I don’t know if I’ll be partaking in this... I think I’ve spent enough time wearing masks.”
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underteika · 2 years
“By me father’s anchor, it be the wicked witch of the churnin’ seas!”
It’s quite an entrance to make, swinging in from a rope to the floor like that. It’s amazing what a little confidence of a costume can do, huh?
“Ye won’t be believin’ the plunder I’ve taken!”
...And by that, they mean reaching into a bag and pulling out a little cellophane bag with some chocolate coins in it. It’s tossed over to Zal.
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“Feast yer tastebuds on that one, ye salty sea cat. There be gold in them.”
...Caramel. There’s caramel in the candy.
“Best be countin’ yer blessin’s I be so generous a captain, aye...”
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guardiancypress · 2 years
Spending the preceding weeks in observation had him deem the candy safe to consume, particularly if he was careful about it. Nothing too bloodthirsty nor dangerous for others, which made this quite a conundrum, indeed. Thus, he considered whom he would ask to attend the ball with him, and had a mischievous thought.
A careful, and mischievous thought. Something entertaining, and something that would place a reminder of their ‘date’ for them both. Elegant wings came from his back, incandescent, glimmering like ripples on the water, that same clear of a blue spring that one could gaze into forever. His ears had gained a curve to them, playful as his hair, now perhaps a tad longer, curled around them.
His outfit was something to behold, robes draped across him in white, blue, and purple as jewelry glittered. Fanciful enough to resemble the pixies from the maze, and yet elegant enough to evoke the image of nobility among said pixies. His eyes seemed to change color, and with a bit of make-up to complete the look, he was finished.
And bowing slightly before Tequila, before holding a hand out to him. Stretched enough so the other could behold him in the glory of his costume.
“Were dressing for a festival always as easy as eating a treat, then perhaps I would be inclined to join more often.” A small chuckle, “As a representative of the pixies at this party, and out of fear for slighting them twice too many times,” a small wink before he continues.
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“I must naturally ask you for this dance. And perhaps your arm for the evening after?” His smile was, perhaps, a tad more genuine than usual. Perhaps it was due to the mischief he felt he was up to? Certainly, it could not simply be the company...
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splicermisraaks · 2 years
While others in attendance at the large building gathered in the middle of the spacious room, Misraaks opted for hanging to one side, close to the masses of food. Some of them looked quite strange compared to any typical human delicacies. In truth, he had been tempted more than once to try something but that would mean taking off his helmet. He can already imagine the horror it might cause for those who may happen to glance in this direction at that particular moment. Well, only the ones unfamiliar with all manner of creatures and beasts.
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So this whole time, the Eliksni instead chose to simply appear uninterested in the feast well within his reach, grumbling quietly to himself as if he were the victim of being reluctantly dragged along.
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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“All things considered, I can’t really say I have any real experience with fancy parties... I don’t really know what to do.”
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strigistricken · 2 years
Time to go over Eda’s situation for the Maskerade Festival 2022!
She won’t be having any ascension candies, nor will she be buying a costume. She’s got her costume right here!
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She’s going to be going around transformed into her harpy form! She can only fly for 30 minutes with its current limitation, but there’s no such limit on how long she can stay in the form! Since she hasn’t taken a candy she’ll still be her ever-charming self.
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spiderstaff · 2 years
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Doing another starter ad for the event since I’ve got a ton of ideas for these costumes !! Her costume info is here, lmk if you have a preference, or i’ll choose at random !
Leaving it uncapped, but I might be selective !
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fellstcr · 2 years
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        ||. one last maskerade starter call ! this time specifically only featuring ascension candy!byleth in the MONSTER MASSACRE !!
                     (open to those who haven’t got event threads w byleth already !)         ❤ for a starter of various lengths | cap of 2 | no cap for cast-mates
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originskey · 2 years
“With all the monster heads I’ve brought back to the base, I’ve earned... quite a bit of money patrolling the swamp.”
It wasn’t his intention, but it is a nice bonus!
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“Perhaps I can treat all of us to a really nice dinner, or have some kind of cook-out, now that I can afford to splurge a little. Invite my class, too...” ... “I’m, not really sure how one goes about that kind of thing though.”
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twohundredpower · 2 years
for the maskerade festival, lloyd will be cycling through two different costumes! 
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to start, he’ll be dressed up as fang-- an alternate version of himself from one of the tales of mobile games! fang works for the white lions, a group of knights sworn to protect the capitol and keep things peaceful for everyone. as fang, lloyd is a little more standoffish than usual; he takes his job very seriously, and will go out of his way to make sure everything around him is in order (this includes stopping certain clowns from causing trouble). during this particular story setting, lloyd has lost all of his memories of his friends, so he won’t recognize anyone from home.. or any of his spirale friends, since he’s going to think that he’s actually fang. expect some confusion, intent desire to get back to eden to maintain his post, and some shock if you call him by his real name (no one’s supposed to know it!).
you might also see lloyd walking around as a werewolf from time to time! he’s going to be Very hungry, with big cravings for steak and other meat.. and whenever he’s in that particular costume, he’ll be staying far away from the forge. there’s way too much silver in there..
his personality will remain about the same, but he’ll definitely be a bit more.. dog-like. as if he could even act more like that than he already does.
you’ll be able to find lloyd at the following events!
heckin’ halloween hunt
menacing monster massacre
ofiuco’s monster mash
mistwood’s merry maze
this post will also serve as a starter call, so feel free to hit the like if any of this interests you! capping at 4 for the time being!
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starcall · 2 years
@lightblume​​ — event starter!
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❝ oh, are these ... ? ❞ once again a guest in the white mage’s home, lyra immediately takes notice of two costumes laid out, which she surmises is for the current festivities that are taking place in spirale. after learning about her relationship with a certain fellow scion, seeing the pair of garbs only made her gaze soften. in the heiress’ mind, it was endearing to know two companions shared such a deep love for one another. ❝ they are lovely. i believe they will suit you and g’raha very well. ❞
her fingers gently trace over the fabrics of tsuru’s dress, admiring its make. ❝ i have not celebrated all saints’ wake since i lived in the hinterlands, ❞ she was but a young girl then, and those were much happier days. ❝ i am — rather unsure of what to do for this occasion, let alone what to wear. i am ashamed to admit i do not believe myself suitable for any such costumes, fanciful or otherwise. ❞ a shy one, she was. perhaps she shall simply sit out or observe from the sides.
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