#iso hd
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upthespiralstaircase · 2 months ago
Untitled by lemonhats Via Flickr: Fuji HD-P Fujinon 2.8/38mm Fujijilm Natura 1600 On tumblr: theatreofthemundane.tumblr.com On Instagram: lemonhats
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ultralowoxygen · 8 months ago
Untitled by lemonhats Via Flickr: Fuji HD-P Fujinon 2.8/38mm Fujicolor Natura 1600 On tumblr: theatreofthemundane.tumblr.com On Instagram: lemonhats
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newfalco · 1 year ago
Fecha para Super Mario Eclipse, proyecto desarrollado sobre Mario Sunshine de Gamecube
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arconinternet · 1 month ago
The Castle (Classic Mac, Blue Line Studios, 1998)
You can download and run the CD-ROM adventure game, from the end of the era when CD-ROMs caused creativity to run rampant, by following these instructions:
Download the_castle_v110.zip from here or here. (If you want to try it before committing to a bigger download, the second link also has a demo version, which is also here. Unzip it.
Open this in-browser emulator and, when it's finished starting up, drag the .iso file found in the .zip onto it to insert the virtual CD-ROM.
Open Infinite HD and create a new folder it it. Drag THE CASTLE from the CD's folder into it, then scroll down the CD''s window and drag 'The castle DATA' onto it too; it's a folder, and a big one, so be patient.
When that's finished, open THE CASTLE in the new folder.
TIP 1: Mouseover the Apple on the lower left, then click 'Settings' when it appears, then turn on Swap Control and Command Keys'. Then, Ctrl+Space will show and hide the menu bar in-game.
TIP 2: To keep a save file between sessions, quit the game, then drag it into Saved HD.
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world-of-lang · 7 days ago
if you're reading this play final fantasy ix. download duckstation, download an iso and play it.
or if you'd spend money on it, buy it from steam and get the moguri HD mod.
listen, you can't live your life without having played final fantasy ix, i know what i'm talking about, trust me
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diegosouzalions · 3 months ago
amg como seu computador aguenta tanto desenho???
O meu laptop tem 500 GB, mais um HD externo de 500 GB, soma 1 TB, e ainda tenho alguns ISOs de jogos pra complementar xdd
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 13
AMANDA: I think we got punished. BUFFY: What? KENNEDY: (nervously) We, uh...we followed her. And it was- VI: It didn't work out. BUFFY: You guys, it was a trap. It's not her fault. That could've just as easily happened to me.
~~End of Days~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Triple Drabble: Broken-Hearted by badly_knitted (Cordelia, Xander, PG)
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Home Coming by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, E)
Desperate and Chained by JammySmut (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Bloodbath by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, R)
Family by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Home Again by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Sacrifice by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Buffy's Chosen by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Worthy of Her Choosing by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Mic Drop by Apache Firecat (Buffy/Spike, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Many, Many - ch. 1 by Nixiet (Buffy/Giles, E)
Streaming Life - ch. 1-2 by VerticalCouch (Giles/Jenny, Giles/Ethan, Giles/Jenny/Ethan, G)
When Faith Came to Town - ch. 1 by red_jacobson (Faith, Buffy/Xander/Cordelia, E)
Please Hold- My Soap is On by once_in_a_while (Giles/Spike, M)
The Shadow Within - Ch. 1 by Fmfan1980 (Faith, F/F, F/M, E)
[Podfic] Tatters - ch. 1 [reading of Tatters by Martha] by SEF_podfic (ATS ensemble, Stargate SG-1 and The Sentinel (TV) xover, T)
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A Series of Fortunate Betrayals - ch. 2 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Big Bad...Poodle? - ch. 3 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, R)
Mysterious Destinies - ch. 21 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
First Love - ch. 3 by Spikesgirl28 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Masquerade - ch. 3 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Be Back Before Dawn - ch. 16 by Blissymbolics (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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First Love - Ch. 3 by Spikesgirl (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Revelations - ch. 6 by Niamh (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Eyes Forward, Monster - ch. 1-8 [collection of one shots] by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: i love you. no, you don't. but thanks for sayin' it. by tenderjock (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: ive seen some of ur black buffy posts and theyre AMAZING... by pzyii (Dawn, worksafe)
Meme: [Willow] by paperpuzzles (Willow, worksafe)
Moodboard: moodboard: wesley x fred by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: moodboard: fred x wesley x gunn by courtillyy (worksafe)
Gifset: iwryfanficmarathon's 20th anniversary bangel + locations ↳ cemetery by ptieuca (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Gifset: [Buffy and Spike in Season 5] by clarkgriffon (Buffy/Spike, mostly worksafe)
Gifset w/script: ANGEL ✦ SCRIPT TO SCREEN ⇥ 3.13 “Waiting in the Wings” by cangelgifs (Angel/Cordelia, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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I find Showtime (episode 7x11)….bad? by Forward_Activity1473
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Fic recs: Myriad Recs [Spuffy and Cangel fic recs] by apachefirecat
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ISO: thequeenofsastiel needs some Spangel songs.
ISO: samandcolbyfan is looking for Caitlin and Barry or spike and Buffy RP anyone?
[Fandom Discussions]
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Send me a ship to rate! [Buffy/Cordelia] by takaraphoenix
I would argue that Buffy is somehow even more [the most character ever] by paperpuzzles
Ask answered: does Zuko [from Avatar] remind you of Angel at all? by fishyupmywishy
POLL: Spangel or Spuffy? by thequeenofsastiel
POLL: which Buffyverse unpopular opinion do you at least partially agree with? by ohrupie
POLL: a little bit of a ship war but like... just for fun? best Buffy ship? by terapsina
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What If: They said no? [to Wolfram and Hart] by nightshade and others
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The First [was not a good Big Bad] by No_Introduction_4136
James Marsters Cameo (discussion) by nooneormaybesomeone
Anyone still listening to Rewatcher? [the podcast] by ewdayvid
Blu Rays on EBay [bootleg and discussion of HD and DVD] by bcakebeefcake
Jane Espenson episodes - what do you think of her humor? by foreseethefuture
... all the times someone asked [Buffy] what she/we should do. I found 18 by diehardnick
The greatest missed opportunity... [full BTVS and ATS crossover] by SnooSongs4451
[Spike gives you a choice:] staying dead, or being a vampire. What do you choose? by quoththeraven1990
Who has the best quotes in the show? by AnyNeck1885
[Buffy and Faith and fighting styles and Buffy vs. The Beast] by cigarettesonmars
Tara holding the Tower tarot card by rfresa
Five by Five - AtS S1E18 [how does Angel enter the apt?] by Physmo55
Dead Things [Katrina and injuries] by CleanUpOnAisle10
Wesley's most fierce "rogue demon hunter" moment, followed by hunger by sirtch_analyst
What's your headcanon for Angel and Buffy's reunion in S6? by porkchop_2020
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malavoie1 · 7 months ago
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Peekaboo Frog in Water Lettuce
The backyard pond at our old house was a lively spot, hosting about half a dozen frogs each year. To take the shot, I carefully approached the pond. The frogs were accustomed to our presence, which made it easier to get close without startling them. I waited patiently, focusing on one frog peeking out from the water lettuce.
Shooting hand-held at the long end of the range of a 55-300 zoom, I used a high shutter speed and shake reduction to ensure a sharp image. A mid-range aperture ensured I had enough depth of field while adding a slight blur to the foreground and background foliage which added depth to the image.
The day I took this photo, the weather was sunny, and the pond was partially covered in shade. The partial shade over the pond provided soft, natural lighting, while the bright sunlight enhanced the frog’s vibrant green and brown skin against the dark water. Overly bright areas of the image were taken care of by burning-in during post-processing.
Processed with Affinity Photo v2 and Topaz Photo AI.
Camera: Pentax K-3
Lens: HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mm F4-5.8 ED WR
300mm / ƒ/10 / 1/500s / ISO 1600
Taken: Aug 27, 2016
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glg-archive · 4 months ago
welcome to glg-archive!
i reblog xlx and x4x terms. this blog is unaligned on discourse.
the key for the shortenings i use is under the cut. it's a collection of as many as i could find (as well as some i made up myself), with no repeats. it's also not just genders either despite the blog name.
if you're the coiner of any of the below terms and you want the shortening changed, or if you want your term added to the list, let me know!
A - agender AB - abinary ACE - asexual ACRYST - oracrystular AE - aurethesia AETH - aetherine AH - anisohormonal AI - ainuline ALIA - aliagender ALLI - allion ALT - altumen AM - ambonec AMORETTO - valovarose AN - androgyne ANGE - angelichti ANB - anonbinary ANM - anemoire ANNB - androgynous nonbinary APH - aphelean APL - aplatonic APO - apogender APR - aporagender AQ - aquarine AQP - aqueerplatonic ARO - aromantic AROA - aroace AS - aspec ASEN - asensual ASTIA - aneastian AT - atrinary ATG - aeterignis ATN - aeternic ATX - aeternix AU - autigender AUTI - autistic B - binary BETREER - gloeyeeric BG - bigender BGF - bigenderfluid BLANK - genderblank BN - binaryn't BU - butch CA - carrifestex CAT - catgender CATACLYST - extinclypse CG - carnoguron CH - chaokleine CM - cis man CN - caiene CR - crystaline CT - comuniterm CW - cis woman CWV - ciwavia CY - cyberaveir D - demigender DAEM - daemoniaku DAR - darcluberis DAT - datesime DB - demiboy DBX - dubstextro DC - demicis DD - dardowffin DEU - deursity DG - demigirl DI - dimensen DIA - diastine DK - drag king DQ - drag queen DRE - dreandna DROTIO - liquldrotion ECCE - eldorr EK - elekissal EP - epicene EV - everithe EX - existerra EXL - exulancian FB - femboy FE - femme FEM - feminine FER - feruvel FG - faunagender FLFU - fluidflux FLRG - floragender FLUX - genderflux FM - femman FNB - fem-aligned nonbinary FRE - freelekour FUR - furrean GEM - gemgendered GF - genderfluid GFAU - genderfaun GFK - genderfuck GFLR - genderflor GG - gothgender GNC - gender nonconforming GOOZER - oozsteren GOT - gorture GP - genderpunk GQ - genderqueer GV - gendervoid GVA - gender variant H - human HD - hedoxine HK - hardkoria HM - headmate HOW - howabeiyn HR - occunous HV - hivensect HYP - hypnoceras HYR - hyperromantic HYS - hypersexual I - intersex IB - inbissiec ICG - icegender IG - intergender IMO - imosril IND - indetermined INS - instinctant INVER - invernoric IP - ipsogender IREN - musirenar ISO - isogender ITH - itherine J - juxera K - kenochoric KIMED - kimeditive KV - kasvionan L - luxine LB - loverboy LENEL - bachiangest LES - lesbian LIB - libragender LM - lumenoir LP - lepritch LSB - lesboy LTM - lestroy LUNI - lunian M - man MA - macarshric MASC - masculine MCH - mechaneve MG - multigender MGAY - mspec gay MI - mione MIN - minalence MIS - mislypec MLES - mspec lesbian MN - monachoric MNB - masc-aligned nonbinary MOPO - polymono MTURI - mspec turian MUS - musicgender MV - maverique MW - manwoman N - neutral NAU - nauticaean NB - nonbinary NBM - nonbinary man NBN - nonbine NBW - nonbinary woman NC - non-cis ND - neurodivergent NE - neutrois NEOP - neopronouns NEP - neptunic NG - neurogender NH - nonhuman NM - non-man NR - nurse NTH - nethros NU - null NW - non-woman O - outherine OB - objectum OBK - objectkin OMINGEL - angelettric ORANIV - floranivor P - pangender PA - patient PALETTE - paletelour PF - polyfluid PG - polygender PNC - pronoun nonconforming PV - proxvir Q - queer QM - queer man QW - queer woman RICUS - mirricusion RISMON - daemyrui ROSET - rosetoric RS - rosenion RVL - revulamour S - slasherval SB - subtliden SM - system member SN - sanguirum SOLI - solian SP - soporine STELLI - stellian STIOUN - constiounth SYN - synthroin SYSTF - system transfem SYSTM - system transmasc T - trans TAGEN - transagenrine TAPO - transaporine TB - tomboy TDRO - transandrogynous TE - tenethesia TECHIE - futechinel TFEM - transfem TFM - transfemmasc TG - turigirl TH - therian TM - trans man TMASC - transmasc TMAV - transmaverine TOMNI - transomnine TN - transneutral TNC - trans nonconforming TR - terine TRB - techrobai TRI - trigender TVD - transvoid TW - trans woman TX - tudexitii TXE - transxenine UNB - unaligned nonbinary UR - uranic V - valene VLV - valovarose VISCUS - nikutcheral VL - velocier VP - vampgender W - woman WF - warfaren WIST - wisteric WV - warrven X - xenic XE - xenogender XB - xenoboy XG - xenogirl XM - xenic man XW - xenic woman ZAB - zabainal ZG - zodiacgender 0 - none 2S - two spirit
tags with no change/shortening: allo, any, bear, bi, cub, femmasc, ficto, hunk, mspec, omni, otter, pan, ply, twink, twunk
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woodyallen2 · 5 months ago
Pentax 645Z Review
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Medium-format cameras offer truly spectacular resolution, but until now, it's always come best camera alongside a difficult compromise. With the Pentax 645Z, that changes. Building on 2010's 645D, the Pentax 645Z offers features that are rare or in some cases unique in a medium-format camera. Pick up its weather-sealed body, and you'll find both live view and video capture on offer, not to mention an extremely wide sensitivity range, 27-point phase-detect autofocus system -- and compared to rivals, very swift performance too! And of course, you'll get the incredible detail-gathering capability of medium-format, plus a really big, bright viewfinder. Is it time you considered moving up from full-frame? Read on and find out!
Pros Phenomenal resolution and detail; Great high ISO performance; Rugged, weather-sealed body; Huge, bright viewfinder; Fast autofocus works well in low light; Swift performance for a medium-format camera; Good battery life; Shoots Full HD video
Cons Quite bulky compared to an APS-C or full-frame DSLR; Autofocus points clustered near center of frame; Most lenses aren't weather-sealed or optimized for digital; Prone to aliasing artifacts (but so are most high-end cameras these days); Attracts a lot of attention from passers-by
Price and availability Available since June 2014, the Pentax 645Z is priced at US$8,500 body-only.
Back in early 2010, Pentax launched the 645D, a medium-format digital SLR that it had been developing for the previous five years. It might have been a long time coming, but it was nonetheless exciting for it. The 645D leapfrogged rivals Canon, Nikon and Sony with two-thirds greater sensor area than a full-frame sensor, yielding a unique look and shallower depth of field. At the same time, it was vastly more affordable than offerings from medium-format makers like Hasselblad and Phase One, yet rugged enough to be used in the field.
Pentax 645Z Review -- Front view with lens The reason Pentax -- since taken over by Ricoh -- could offer its camera at a more attractive price-point than other medium-format products was pretty simple. Much of the design work for the 645D could be shared with the company's mass market, APS-C DSLRs, where Hasselblad and Phase One -- neither of which sells consumer SLRs -- had to bear the entire cost of development solely with their medium format products.
While Pentax lacked (and indeed, still lacks) a full-frame DSLR, the 645D served both as an aspirational model for the enthusiasts to look up to, and as something genuinely different to attract pros for whom that resolution and medium-format look was more important than high-speed capture. And boy, did it ever offer a lot of resolution by 2010 standards. (In fact, it's only recently that we've started to see cameras with smaller sensors catching up.) When we first put the 645D in our lab, we were amazed to find that it picked up details we'd never even noticed in our test scenes -- details that we couldn't even see with our own eyes, until we pulled out a magnifying glass to confirm them.
Pentax 645Z Review -- Weather seals Just like the medium-format film cameras in whose footsteps it followed, the 645D was never going to be a mass-market camera. Medium-format is an even smaller niche than it was in the film days, but the 645D was nonetheless a very important camera for the company, and its followup -- the Pentax 645Z -- is no less important.
Just like its predecessor, the Pentax 645Z shares much with Ricoh's flagship APS-C DSLRs -- and with four years of development having taken place on the APS-C front since the 645D was launched, there was no shortage of new features for it to inherit. But the most important feature of them all is at its very heart, a brand-new, Sony-sourced 51-megapixel CMOS image sensor. It's coupled to a PRIME III image processor, as first seen in the K-3, and the 645Z also inherits that camera's 27-point SAFOX 11 autofocus and 86,000 pixel RGB metering systems.
The 645Z's new image sensor allows a spectacularly wide sensitivity range, especially by medium-format camera standards, covering everything up to ISO 204,800 equivalent. It also provides both live view and Full HD movie capture capabilities, neither of which its predecessor was capable of. And performance has taken a big step forwards, at least compared to other medium-format cameras. This still isn't a sports shooter, but it'll shoot at almost triple the speed of the 645D. You'll also be able to review photos post-capture in less than half the time.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year ago
Do you think any of the compilation of FF7 enhances the original game?
With full disclosure: I've never played any of them. I've only heard about them.
Dirge of Cerberus came out before I had a PS2, and by the time I had a PS2, it already had a pretty dire reputation. I've never had a PSP, so Crisis Core was right out (until the recent HD remaster, I suppose).
The only Compilation material I have first-hand experience with is Advent Children, and I hate Advent Children.
There's nothing stopping me from looking at the games now, I suppose. I've had ISOs downloaded for Dirge and Crisis Core for literal years now, it's just a case of the "never got around to it"s. Came closer to starting Crisis Core more than a couple times over the years, though.
Generally, I think these materials are to be feared, and hearing they might be incorporating elements from them into episodes of Final Fantasy VII Remake has me scared to death. I don't want Angeal or Gackt Genesis to be canonical.
Much like going back to Shadow the Hedgehog and injecting this Alien Blood Pact into his origin after the fact, going back and injecting all this new lore about SOLDIERs being winged Angeals angels muddies so much of the water around why Sephiroth is iconic. At best, it's going back to the well and saying "You like Sephiroth? We have more Sephiroths! We have a Sephiroth played by Japan's ultimate real-life bishonen hot guy!"
Don't explain things that don't need to be explained. It's a top ten rule of storytelling. It's okay. You don't have to shine a light on every single corner and crevice of a world. You're not a deep sea explorer, you're just trying to tell one really good story. And even if you somehow manage to pull that off, future stories can and will ruin your One Good Story if you tell them badly enough.
That being said I know more about why to be afraid of Crisis Core's prequel lore expansion than I do about Dirge of Cerberus. I basically have no idea what Dirge of Cerberus is about outside of the fact it might involve the Turks? And the controls are bad? No idea.
But generally I do not like or want them. Maybe if I actually play Crisis Core I'd warm up to it more, but from the outside it looks like it also contributes to the general feeling that after Final Fantasy VII came out, nobody really understood what those characters were and everybody got flanderized in some really weird, annoying directions.
Like, the common one is that in the supplemental material around Advent Children, Barret wants to use mako energy from the Shinra power plants to solve that movie's toothless pandemic, and when he's told he can't do that, he invests in becoming an oil baron instead. Can you believe that? The leader of an eco-terrorism sleeper cell, whose primary goal is saving the planet, wants to use the very tools that harmed the planet and others that will further harm the planet.
There's comic irony, and then there's just character assassination.
They are bad additions.
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gwimgamer · 1 year ago
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd English Patch - Hunting Adventures Await!
"Subscribers, your support means the world! More gaming thrills ahead. Stay tuned and game on! 🎮✨ #GWIMGaming"
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Greetings, fellow hunters! Prepare to embark on an epic journey into the untamed wilderness with “Monster Hunter Portable 3rd English Patch.” While it’s true that the English translation isn’t 100% complete, fear not, for this patch unlocks the thrill of the hunt and most essential features in the world of Monster Hunter. As a fan of the series, the chance to experience…
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ultralowoxygen · 2 years ago
Untitled by lemonhats Via Flickr: Fuji HD-P Fujinon 2.8/38mm Fujicolor Superia Premium 400 On tumblr: theatreofthemundane.tumblr.com On Instagram: lemonhats
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heybaetae · 1 year ago
Actually, your answer was really interesting because I did not know any of these things! :D Also can I just say, even though you very rarely talk about your experience with cameras/film, it's so nice when you do! I love seeing people talk about something that they are passionate about and/or have relevant experience in.
If I remember correctly, even their bangtan bombs/eps and run bts episodes used to be better quality a few months or years ago. They obviously do not need to be as good as their docus (i love break the silence's quality AND editing so much!), but I noticed a few CCs talking about how it got worse. Why do you think they switched?
oh good i was kinda worried i came off a bit snobby with that response when i totally didn’t mean to 😭 i’m really only just speculating and applying my own knowledge of cameras to what i’ve observed, but i’m no expert and could of course be wrong. i definitely don’t claim to know better than a professional film crew, but in my experience working on sets and learning about what types of cameras work best for the overall product and will provide the best results, it’s been interesting (and frustrating as a cc lol) to see the quality steadily reduce in things like run bts and bangtan bombs. my theory as to why they’ve downgraded to cheaper cameras for those types of media in recent years? besides it being cost effective, well…frankly, they don’t have to hire people with previous experience on any type of film crew to do it. and i’m not saying they don’t have people around who know what they’re doing and are using great, high quality equipment when a situation calls for it—but i think they ALSO have inexperienced staff who they put in charge of the “b-roll” cameras for content that isn’t as prioritized as what the bigger documentary cameras pick up. so like youtube stuff for example. or even most stuff they release on memories dvds. that inexperience comes through a LOT in those videos these days, especially when it comes to simple camera settings like adjusting the white balance to the light in the room or changing the ISO to give a slightly brighter image. really simple fixes that are instead consistent nuisances. i hate to say it so bluntly but i really don’t think some of these staff are taught to use a camera properly at all seeing as they have become a bit careless about it. if you’ve ever seen fan videos from afar of the boys and you notice like one random person trailing behind some member with a small camera in one hand, that’s the kind of thing i’m talking about. proper film crew members are usually distinguishable by the bigger shoulder cams and extra gear they’re wearing, especially if there are extra bodies around them with lights and better mics. that candid footage is fine and it works in certain contexts, i’m not trying to completely disregard certain job roles because i’m sure it’s not easy trying to catch everything all the time, but for a company with so much money it’s a bit laughable how lazy, for lack of a better word, they’ve become when it comes to providing decent footage of certain moments. but sometimes it later turns out that a professional doc crew caught those same moments from other angles! i’ve noticed that happen and we’ve already seen it in one of the disney trailers with the moment they were nominated for their first grammy.
bangtan bomb, cheaper HD camera:
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beyond the star doc series, 4K movie camera:
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another example…
love yourself concert dvd, cheaper HD camera:
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bring the soul doc series, 4K movie camera:
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different qualities, aspect ratios, white balance, color grading, just overall better version for the content it was used and intended for. :)
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walkshootfilm · 1 year ago
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May 2019 - July 2019
Kodak HD Power Flash Disposable Camera + Kodak ISO 800 (pre-loaded)
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years ago
what version of persona 3 would you recommend?
Honestly, that's a tough question.
As it stands, I feel the best way to experience Persona 3 for the first time is through Persona 3 FES. Unfortunately, that game has been out of print for years, so you're gonna have to find an NTSC PS2 ISO of it online somewhere and play it on an emulator.
And you'll definitely want to play it on an emulator, because then you can add a cheat code that will allow you to control your party members during battles. (An absolute necessity, because this feature is not available by default, and the AI has a tendency to be somewhat braindead)
It also contains an exclusive epilogue chapter called The Answer, which is not found in any other version.
Not to mention, there are also mods available that upscale the graphics to HD and convert the game over to a widescreen aspect ratio, though I wouldn't bother with those unless you really hate seeing stretched or pixellated graphics.
Your only legal option to play Persona 3 at the moment though is through Persona 3 Portable, which saw a "remastered" re-release on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch earlier this year.
If you're going with that version, get it on Steam so you can mod it, because that port has a bunch of issues that fans have already made fixes for. I made an Essential Mods list a few weeks after launch, but it's outdated now and I haven't had a chance to remake it yet.
Really, it all depends on whether you think the addition of a female protagonist route is worth sacrificing animated cutscenes and 3D overworlds. Persona 3 Portable basically turns the story presentation into a visual novel.
Or if you think an RPG from 2006 is a little too dated and janky for your tastes, you could just wait for the remake next year.
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