#iso 10002
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sistempatent · 2 years ago
ISO 10002 Nedir Nasıl Alınır?
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ISO 10002 Nedir?
ISO 10002, müşteri memnuniyeti yönetim sistemi için uluslararası bir standarttır. Bu standart, müşteri şikayetlerinin etkili bir şekilde yönetilmesini ve çözülmesini amaçlar. ISO 10002'ye uygun olarak belgelendirilmiş bir sistem, bir kuruluşun müşteri memnuniyetini artırmasına ve itibarını güçlendirmesine yardımcı olabilir.
ISO 10002 Nasıl Alınır?
ISO 10002'yi almak için aşağıdaki adımları takip edebilirsiniz:
Araştırma yapın: ISO 10002'nin gerekliliklerini ve uygulama sürecini anlamak için ISO'nun resmi web sitesi veya kaynakları gibi güvenilir kaynaklardan bilgi edinin.
Hazırlık yapın: Kuruluşunuzun mevcut müşteri şikayet yönetimi süreçlerini gözden geçirin ve ISO 10002 gerekliliklerine uyumlu hale getirmek için gerekli düzenlemeleri yapın.
Bir belgelendirme kuruluşu seçin: ISO 10002 belgelendirmesi için yetkilendirilmiş bir belgelendirme kuruluşu seçmeniz gerekmektedir. Bu kuruluşlar, ISO standartlarını değerlendirmek ve uygunluk belgesi vermek için akredite edilmiştir.
Başvurunuzu yapın: Seçtiğiniz belgelendirme kuruluşuna başvurunuzu yapın. Başvurunuzun kabul edilmesi durumunda, bir belgelendirme süreci başlatılacak ve belgelendirme planlaması yapılacaktır.
Belgelendirme süreci: Belgelendirme süreci, belgelendirme kuruluşunun kuruluşunuzdaki müşteri şikayet yönetimi süreçlerini ve uygulamalarını değerlendireceği bir dizi denetim içerir. Denetimler, ISO 10002 gerekliliklerine uyumunuzu belirlemek için yapılır.
Doğrulama: Denetimlerin başarılı geçilmesi durumunda, belgelendirme kuruluşu ISO 10002 uygunluk belgesini size verecektir. Bu belge, müşterilerinize ve paydaşlarınıza ISO 10002 standartlarına uyumlu olduğunuzu gösterir.
ISO 10002 belgesi almak için belirli maliyetler ve süreçler bulunmaktadır. Başvurduğunuz belgelendirme kuruluşu, maliyetler ve süreçler hakkında size daha fazla bilgi sağlayabilir.
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etkinyonet · 1 month ago
Referans: Acıbadem PY
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esgagile · 1 month ago
Getting Your Company to Benefit from ISO Certification
Agile Advisors provides ISO Consultancy in Dubai, Businesses aim to differentiate themselves in today's competitive market by increasing consumer trust, quality, and efficiency. Getting ISO certified is a solid strategy to do this. Certifications from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are widely accepted standards that assist businesses in streamlining operations, guaranteeing product quality, and raising customer satisfaction. Here's a closer look at the benefits of ISO certification for your company. ISO certification is a quality indicator that instantly boosts your company's legitimacy. It shows stakeholders, clients, and consumers that your company complies with globally accepted standards. Gaining more trust can help you draw in new clients and keep current ones.
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We as an ISO Consultancy in Agile Advisors, ISO standards strongly emphasize process optimization, which aids companies in cutting waste and streamlining processes. By using ISO-certified methods, businesses may find inefficiencies, enhance resource management, and guarantee more efficient processes. For instance, the Quality Management Systems standard ISO 9001 is highly sought after because it denotes a dedication to providing reliable, superior goods and services. For example, the Environmental Management Systems standard ISO 14001 promotes sustainable practices and resource efficiency, lowering expenses and their environmental impact. ISO accreditation guarantees that your company puts the demands of its clients first by upholding high standards of quality.
Being an ISO Consultancy in Sharjah, Customers who are happy with your business are more likely to become devoted supporters, return, and refer others to it. The client Satisfaction and Complaint Handling standard, ISO 10002, offers a methodical way to handle client complaints and guarantee successful results. ISO certification may make international markets accessible. Businesses must adhere to ISO standards in several nations and sectors to be eligible for partnerships or contracts. Being accredited can help your company become a preferred option for clients worldwide. For instance, to compete on international projects, businesses such as manufacturing and construction frequently need to meet the requirements of ISO 45001, the Occupational Health and Safety standard.
As an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, ISO standards provide frameworks for risk identification and mitigation, guaranteeing adherence to legal and regulatory obligations. For instance, firms may protect sensitive data and lessen the possibility of cyber-attacks by implementing ISO 27001, which deals with information security management. ISO certification also indicates due diligence, lowering the possibility of fines or legal concerns resulting from noncompliance. Employee training, position clarification, and the promotion of a continuous improvement culture are frequently necessary while implementing ISO standards. As a result, employee morale and productivity may increase. Employees are more engaged and driven when they see how their job fits the larger business objectives.
In our role as an ISO Consultancy, An ISO certification might differentiate your company in non-required sectors. It's a valuable differentiator, demonstrating your dedication to quality work and ongoing development. As a result, customers and investors may find your company more enticing. Even while getting ISO certification costs money upfront, there are significant long-term savings. A more robust bottom line may be achieved through increased productivity, decreased waste, fewer mistakes, and improved risk management. ISO certification offers a route to sustainable development, increased productivity, and international recognition—it's not just a badge of pride. It may revolutionize your company, whether your goal is to increase consumer trust, streamline processes, or enter new markets.
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
Başkan Bozbey, “Türkiye'de yeni bir başlangıcın mimarı olacağız”
Başkan Bozbey, “Türkiye'de yeni bir başlangıcın mimarı olacağız”
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Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi ve BUSKİ Genel Müdürlüğü, sahip oldukları kalite belgelerine yönelik Türkiye Standartları Enstitüsü (TSE) tarafından yapılan denetimleri başarıyla tamamlayarak kalitesini bir kez daha tescilledi. Başkan Bozbey, “Kalite Yönetim Sistemi ve EFQM modeli konusunda da ülke çapında takip edildiğimiz bir süreci başlatmış olacağız” dedi.
BURSA (İGFA) – 520 yıl önce dünyanın ilk kalite standardının hazırlandığı Bursa’da kaliteden taviz vermeyen Büyükşehir Belediyesi, standartlarını daha da yukarıya çıkarmak için çalışmalarını sürdürüyor. Bursa’nın daha ulaşılabilir ve yaşanabilir bir kent olması hedefiyle birçok alanda projeler geliştiren Büyükşehir Belediyesi, BUSKİ Genel Müdürlüğü ile birlikte sahip oldukları yönetim sistemi belgelerini yenileyerek kalitesini bir kez daha tescillemiş oldu. Kalite Yönetim Sistemi (ISO-9001), Çevre Yönetim Sistemi (ISO-14001), İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi (ISO-45001), Enerji Yönetim Sistemi (ISO-50001) ve Müşteri Memnuniyeti Yönetim Sistemi (ISO 10002) belgelerine sahip olan Büyükşehir Belediyesi, TSE yetkilileri tarafından denetimleri başarıyla tamamladı. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi (ISO 45001) ve Çevre Yönetim Sistemi (ISO-EN 14001) belgelerine sahip olan BUSKİ Genel Müdürlüğü de yapılan denetimleri başarıyla tamamladı. Denetim sürecinin ardından düzenlenen kapanış toplantısına, Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Mustafa Bozbey’in yanı sıra Genel Sekreter Doç. Dr. Ergül Halisçelik, Genel Sekreter Yardımcıları Mehmet Emin Direkçi, Mehmet Yıldız, Ali Altunsoy ve Mehmet Tözün Bingöl, daire başkanları, şube müdürleri ve TSE denetim ekibi katıldı.
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“TÜRKİYE’DE ÖNCÜ OLACAĞIZ” Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nde uygulanan yönetim modelinin nitelikli ve kaliteli hizmet üretme noktasında büyük katkı sağlayacağını söyleyen Başkan Mustafa Bozbey, yönetim modelinin kente ve belediye çalışanlarına da büyük bir değer kazandırdığını belirtti. Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin kalite yönetim sistemini yeni süreçte Avrupa Kalite Yönetimi Vakfı (EFQM) modeliyle sürdüreceğini anlatan Başkan Bozbey, EFQM modelinin üstün performansın verdiği sonuçların sürdürülebilirliğini sağladığını ifade etti. Gerekli altyapı hazırlıklarına başladıklarını dile getiren Başkan Bozbey, “Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi başta olmak üzere BUSKİ ve diğer iştiraklerimizde EFQM modelinin gerekliliklerini tam anlamıyla uygulayacağız. Böylelikle Türkiye’de yeni bir başlangıcın mimarı olacağız. 30 büyükşehir belediyesinin hiçbirinde böyle bir çalışmanın yapılmadığını biliyorum. Biz öncü ve lider olma felsefesi ile ilerliyoruz. Kalite Yönetim Sistemi ve EFQM modeli konusunda da ülke çapında takip edildiğimiz bir süreci başlatmış olacağız” diye konuştu.
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“KATILIMCILIK VE ŞEFFAFLIK İLKELERİMİZİ DE İÇERİYOR” Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin yönetim modelini, TSE kuralları çerçevesinde uygulama sorumluluğu olduğunu hatırlatan Başkan Bozbey, “Dört gün boyunca çalışmalarını sürdüren TSE denetim ekibine, Büyükşehir Belediyesi yönetici ve çalışanlarına teşekkür ediyorum. Her değerlendirme sonunda bir adım daha ileri gittiğimizi bilmeliyiz. Uygulayacağımız yönetim sistemleri katılımcılık ve şeffaflık ilkelerimizi de içeriyor. İç denetim mekanizmasını da oluşturarak kısa süre sonra Türkiye’de öncü ve lider bir Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi gündeme gelecektir” dedi.
Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Mehmet Emin Direkçi, denetim sırasında bulunan her aksaklığın, yapılan her önerinin birer hediye niteliğinde olduğunu söyledi. Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Mustafa Bozbey’in vizyonu doğrultusunda Türkiye’ye rol model bir yönetim anlayışının ortaya çıkacağını belirten Direkçi, çalışmalarda emeği geçenlere teşekkür etti.  
BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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bursahabermedya · 2 months ago
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Nilüfer Belediyesi Denetimden Geçti: İyi Not Aldı! Nilüfer Belediyesi, yönetim sistemleri kapsamında dört günlük kapsamlı bir denetim sürecine girdi. Bu denetimler sırasında, ISO 9001 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi, ISO 10002 Vatandaş Memnuniyeti https://bursahabermedya.com/nilufer-belediyesi-denetimden-gecti-iyi-not-aldi/ #BursaHaberleri #bursahaber #bursasondakika #bursahaberleri #haberler #bursa
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tekads · 3 months ago
Canon Representative Camera
The idea of ​​a canon representative camera in Iran was first started with the central camera repair shop and the management of Mr. Ghasemi. This center has turned into one of the largest construction centers of this brand in the Middle East in the field of specialized repairs of photographic and video and Canon lenses, by obtaining numerous international certificates. In 2016, Ideal Camera Company was established with the support of the central camera repair shop and with the aim of organizing digital camera sales services and provided its own warranty cards. This company also prepares and distributes insurance policies for cameras to cover damage caused by impact, water erosion, and power fluctuations. In 2014, the services of this company were approved by the organization for the protection of consumers and producers and succeeded in receiving ISO 9001, ISO 10002 and ISO 10004 marks. At present, Ideal Camera Company, as the official representative of Canon, provides after-sales services for cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment of this brand, consulting on buying, selling, warranty, insurance, issuing special customer cards (VIP Card) and finally training. The work of the purchased product and the description and introduction of Canon camera menus are shown for free.
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pickyourpop · 4 months ago
Prime Sites for Sale in Mysore: Discover Your Perfect Property Today
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Prime Sites for Sale in Mysore: Discover Your Perfect Property Today
Sites for Sale in Mysore you hunting for the proper belongings inside the captivating town of Mysore? Look no further! We offer a variety of excessive sites inside the market that cater to all of your goals, whether or no longer you are attempting to assemble your dream domestic, invest in real property, or, boom, an employer venture Sites for Sale in Mysore.
Why Choose Mysore?
Mysore, famed for its wealthy cultural and historical history, lush greenery, and colorful lifestyle, is only sometimes a lovely place to live and a promising investment possibility. Sites for Sale in Mysore With its strategic place, splendid infrastructure, and growing actual property marketplace, Mysore offers numerous options for potential belongings clients.
Our Property Listings
We provide several preferences of sites for sale in Mysore, collectively with the following:
Residential Plots: Ideal for households and individuals searching to collect their fine domestic in serene and ordinary surroundings. Choose from several sizes and locations, from quiet neighborhoods to bustling regions close to services.
Commercial Sites: Sites for Sale in Mysore Perfect for entrepreneurs and corporations trying to establish a presence in Mysore. These net sites are strategically placed to maximize visibility and accessibility.
Investment Properties: If you are trying to make Sites for Sale in Mysore investments inside the burgeoning actual belongings marketplace, we were given diverse plots with promising returns and future increased functionality.
Why Invest in Our Properties?
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We Are One Of The Best Property Consultant In Mysore And Bangalore
Pickyourprop is a professional property advisory firm focused on sellingidential and commercial properties raised by prominent builders and developers. Sites for Sale in Mysore Headquartered in Mysore, equipped with a team of expert property consultants and management professionals with related expertise in their field in the Real Estate sector.
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Major Roles of ISO Certification in Bangalore to a Business Sector
Enhancing Credibility and Reputation
ISO Certification in Bangalore enhances the credibility and reputation of a business by demonstrating its commitment to high-quality standards. When a company is ISO certified, it signifies that the organization follows internationally recognized standards, which can lead to increased trust from customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. This trust can translate into better business opportunities, higher customer satisfaction, and improved marketability.
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
One of the significant roles of ISO certification is ensuring that a business complies with relevant laws and regulations. ISO standards are often aligned with regulatory requirements, helping businesses to stay compliant and avoid legal issues. For example, ISO 14001 focuses on environmental management, ensuring that organizations adhere to environmental laws and regulations, thereby reducing the risk of fines and legal penalties.
Promoting Efficient Operations
ISO Services in Bangalore promotes efficient operations by encouraging businesses to streamline their processes and eliminate waste. Standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management require organizations to establish systematic processes that ensure consistency and efficiency. This leads to reduced operational costs, improved resource management, and enhanced productivity. Businesses that adopt ISO standards often find that they can achieve their objectives more effectively and efficiently.
Facilitating Market Access
ISO certification can facilitate market access by breaking down barriers to international trade. Many countries and industries require suppliers to have ISO certification as a condition for doing business. By obtaining ISO certification, companies can demonstrate that their products or services meet international standards, making it easier to enter new markets and expand globally. This is particularly important for businesses looking to grow their international presence and compete on a global scale.
Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
ISO standards focus on meeting customer requirements and improving customer satisfaction. For example, ISO 10002 provides guidelines for handling customer complaints, ensuring that businesses can address issues effectively and maintain good customer relationships. By adhering to ISO standards, companies can ensure that their products or services consistently meet customer expectations, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Supporting Continuous Improvement
ISO certification supports continuous improvement by encouraging businesses to regularly review and improve their processes. Standards such as ISO 9001 require organizations to implement a continuous improvement process, which involves monitoring performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making necessary changes. This ongoing commitment to improvement helps businesses stay competitive, innovate, and adapt to changing market conditions.
ISO Consultants Services in Bangalore plays a crucial role in the business sector by enhancing credibility, ensuring regulatory compliance, promoting efficient operations, facilitating market access, enhancing customer satisfaction, and supporting continuous improvement. By adopting ISO standards, businesses can achieve higher levels of performance, gain a competitive edge, and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth. The benefits of ISO certification extend beyond compliance and quality, contributing to the overall success and reputation of an organization in the global marketplace.
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documentationconsultancy · 10 months ago
Satisfied customers are essential to success in the competitive business world of today. Satisfied clients not only make repeat purchases but also act as positive word-of-mouth promoters for the company. However, maintaining high levels of client satisfaction necessitates a disciplined approach. This is how ISO 10002 is used. The ISO 10002 implemented system provides a tried-and-true framework for achieving this appropriately. This article describes that how it helps organizations resolve concerns and complaints of their customers, and the six best practices for handling complaints.
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pharmawalksjobs · 6 months ago
Bharat Parenterals walk-in interview for Production, QC, Engineering, Regulatory Affairs, Legal on 24th & 25th June 2024
Bharat Parenterals Limited, a pharmaceutical company based in Gujarat, was established in 1992 by Mr. Ramesh Desai. With a vision of producing high-quality yet affordable medicines, the company has achieved recognition as one of the fastest growing Pharmaceutical Companies in India today. Being WHO GMP, ISO 10002:2014, and ISO 9001:2015 certified, Bharat Parenterals Ltd. has come a long way in…
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pmkplastik · 1 year ago
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TÜRKİYENİN EN ÇOK PVC PENCERE KAPI ÜRETİMİ YAPAN FİRMASI - ÇAPA AS YAPI Dünya'nın dört bir yanına SIFIR SORUN PRENSİBİYLE gönderim sağlıyoruz!!!! Ürünlerimizin teslimat süreci PMK PLASTİK güvencesiyle EN HIZLI şekilde yapılmaktadır. KALİTE BELGELERİMİZ; DVGW, SKZ, AENOR, GOST, EMI, TSE gibi ulusal ve uluslararası kalite belgelerine; ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 10002, ISO 9001 ve ISO17025 sistem belgelerinin tamamına sahip sektörünün tek firmasıdır. FIRATPEN ÜRETİCİ BAYİ GÜVENCESİYLE, İSTANBUL İÇİ VE YURT DIŞI SATIŞLARIMIZ DEVAM ETMEKTEDİR. Not: İstanbul dışına işlerimizin yoğunluğu nedeniyle sadece büyük ölçekli işlerde ağırlık verebiliyoruz. Gösterdiğiniz ilgi ve anlayışınız için tşk ederiz.
Fiyat bilgisi için lütfen +90 532 363 84 69 yada +90 532 160 27 69 arayınız.
CNC makinalar ve deneyimli personelimizle kusursuz imalat Fıratpen Üretici Bayi olarak, TOPTAN FİYATINA PVC DOĞRAMALAR, İstanbul'un her noktasına hizmet veriyoruz. PVC Doğrama imalatı, PVC Kapı - Pencere Üretim Merkezi En iyi fiyatlar, En kaliteli malzeme ve En hızlı teslimat!!!
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etkinyonet · 1 month ago
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esgagile · 1 month ago
The Benefits of ISO Certification to Companies
Agile Advisors provides ISO Consultancy in Sharjah, an organization's dedication to quality, efficiency, and ongoing progress is demonstrated by its ISO (International Organization for Standardization) accreditation, a widely accepted norm. Obtaining ISO certification can provide organizations with a number of advantages, including increased legitimacy and operational improvements. ISO standards encourage businesses to use methodical procedures that minimize waste and maximize resource use. For example, ISO 9001, which emphasizes quality management, assists businesses in streamlining processes and identifying inefficiencies, lowering costs and improving performance. ISO standards are essential for sustainable growth because they promote regulatory compliance and build stakeholder confidence by encouraging best practices in fields including environmental management, information security, and occupational health.
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We as an ISO Consultancy in Agile Advisors, Customer loyalty and satisfaction increase as a result of this dependability. A foundation for efficiently handling complaints is provided by standards such as ISO 10002 for customer satisfaction, which enhances the general customer experience. Because ISO accreditation is widely recognized, it is simpler for companies to enter foreign markets. ISO accreditation is a requirement for conducting business in many sectors and geographical areas, which creates new avenues for collaboration and opportunity. Organizations may identify and reduce risks using ISO certifications, such as ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety and ISO 27001 for information security. By following these guidelines, businesses can lower possible liability and improve worker safety. Consistent quality in goods or services is ensured by following ISO standards.
As an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, An ISO-certified business distinguishes itself from rivals by showcasing its dedication to quality and standards. Customers may use this trustworthiness as a decisive element when selecting service providers or suppliers. Employee participation and training are frequently necessary for implementing ISO standards. This inclusion raises morale and increases output by encouraging a sense of pride and ownership. With an emphasis on environmental management, ISO 14001 assists businesses in lessening their environmental impact. This accreditation appeals to stakeholders and consumers who care about the environment and helps with regulatory compliance. Beyond the advantages of operations, ISO certification gives a business a competitive edge and boosts its reputation, which opens doors to foreign collaborations and markets.
Being an ISO Consultancy in Sharjah, ISO standards emphasize regular audits and evaluations, motivating businesses to continuously analyze and enhance their operations. This culture of constant development guarantees the company's competitiveness and flexibility in shifting marketplaces. ISO certification establishes a defined foundation for quality, promoting openness and confidence in supply chain partnerships. Because accredited companies follow globally accepted standards, suppliers are frequently more eager to work with them. ISO certifications assist businesses in adhering to a range of regulatory and sector-specific requirements. This proactive strategy enhances the company's reputation and decreases the possibility of non-compliance fines.
In our role as ISO Consultancy, an organization's commitment to excellence is demonstrated by its ISO accreditation, which is more than simply a badge of honor. The benefits of ISO certification are numerous and extensive, ranging from increasing operational effectiveness to improving consumer trust and worldwide marketability. By using ISO standards, businesses may align themselves with international best practices and create the conditions for long-term success and growth. ISO certification is an internationally accepted standard that shows a business's dedication to effectiveness, quality, and ongoing development. Providing dependable, superior goods and services assists companies in streamlining their operations, cutting waste, and raising customer happiness.
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
Bursa'da Nilüfer Belediyesi dış denetimden geçti
Bursa'da Nilüfer Belediyesi dış denetimden geçti
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Bursa’da Nilüfer Belediyesi, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü’nün gerçekleştirdiği dış denetim sürecini başarıyla tamamladı.
BURSA (İGFA) – Nilüfer Belediyesi’nin yönetim sistemleri, dört gün süren kapsamlı bir denetime tabi tutuldu.
Denetimler kapsamında ISO 9001 Kalite Yönetim Sistemi, ISO 10002 Vatandaş Memnuniyeti Yönetim Sistemi ve ISO 14001 Çevre Yönetim Sistemi standartları değerlendirildi. İlgili müdürlükler ve saha çalışmaları, TSE denetçileri tarafından detaylı bir şekilde incelendi.
Denetim sonuçları, Nilüfer Belediyesi Barış Meclisi’nde düzenlenen kapanış toplantısında açıklandı. Toplantıya Nilüfer Belediye Başkanı Şadi Özdemir, Başkan Yardımcıları ve birim müdürleri katıldı. Denetçiler, denetimler sonucunda tespitlerini paylaştı.  
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Nilüfer Belediyesi’nin çevreci uygulamaları, dijitalleşme adımları, sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri, sosyal sorumluluk projeleri ve kültürel çalışmalarını başarılı olarak değerlendiren denetçiler, bu projelerin sadece Bursa’da değil, Türkiye genelinde örnek teşkil ettiğini vurguladılar.
Nilüfer Belediye Başkanı Şadi Özdemir ise denetimlerin bir fırsat olarak görülmesi gerektiğini belirterek şunları söyledi: “Ölçemezseniz yönetemezsiniz. Süreçleri ve çalışmaları daha ölçülebilir hale getirmek lazım. Denetlenmek, iyi çalışan sistemler için bir ödüldür.” Başkan Şadi Özdemir ayrıca, Nilüfer Belediyesi’nin dijital altyapı, çevre yönetim sistemleri ve kalite sistemleri konusunda Türkiye’de örnek alınan bir belediye olduğunu vurguladı.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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qualityzercom · 1 year ago
معيار شكاوى العملاء ورصد وقياس رضا العملاء ISO 10002 و ISO 10004 | كوالتيزر
قياس رضا العملاء ISO 10002 و ISO 10004: يعد نظام إدارة رضا  العملاء مطلبا أساسيا لأي شركة تتميز بسمعة علامتها التجارية وتحاول الحفاظ عليها. يضمن القياس والتقييم المستمر لرضا العملاء تلبية التوقعات، وأيضا اتخاذ خطوة إلى الأمام لتوفير فرص للتحسين في المستقبل، والقضاء على الشكاوى وتوفير أهمية تنافسية.
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pickyourpop · 4 months ago
Is Buying Plots in Mysore a Right Idea?
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Is Buying Plots in Mysore a Good Idea?
Mysore , known for its historical enchantment and cultural richness, is increasingly gaining attention as a viable destination for actual property investment. If you’re taking into account buying plots in Mysore, proper right here’s an in-depth look at why it might be a legitimate choice:
1. Economic and Developmental Growth
Mysore has been experiencing regular economic growth driven by various sectors, including schooling, tourism, and enterprise. This increase contributes to an excellent environment for actual asset investments. Additionally, the city is witnessing infrastructural developments that decorate its enchantment and ability for destiny appreciation.
2. Affordable Property Prices
Compared to vital metropolitan areas like Bangalore, asset costs in Mysore are noticeably much less costly. This allows buyers to accumulate land at decreased prices while cashing in on potential destiny price increases because the city keeps increasing.
3. Infrastructure Enhancements
Recent and ongoing infrastructure tasks in Mysore, which include advanced street networks, upgraded public delivery structures, and new offerings, contribute to a better first-rate existence. These dispositions can purpose extended calls for residential plots and, therefore, better asset values.
4. Educational and Cultural Hub
Mysore is home to esteemed instructional establishments and a vibrant cultural scene, making it an attractive location for families and people. buying plots in Mysore The city’s reputation for fine training and cultural richness adds to its attraction, probably building a name for residential houses.
5. Future Prospects
The metropolis’s increased trajectory includes several planned tendencies and government tasks to improve Mysore’s infrastructure and financial landscape. Investing in plots now may be positive, as one’s inclinations can also be a reason for massive appreciation of property values.
6. Regulatory and Legal Considerations
Before shopping plots, it’s miles critical to recognize nearby rules, zoning legal guidelines, and belongings titles. Conduct thorough due diligence and discuss with criminal experts to ensure a clean and stable transaction.
7. Investment Potential
If you’re considering purchasing plots as funding, assessing elements like apartment yield and resale cost is vital. buying plots in Mysore Research cutting-edge marketplace tendencies and destiny increase projections to ensure your financing aligns with your economic desires.
8. Quality of Life
Mysore offers a more relaxed and peaceful way of life than large cities, with good weather and a rich cultural ancient past. This makes it an attractive choice for those seeking a tranquil dwelling environment.
We Are One Of The Best Property Consultant In Mysore And Bangalore
Pickyourprop is a professional property advisory firm which is focused on selling of residential and commercial properties raised by prominent builders and developers.Headquartered in Mysore, equipped with a team of expert property consultants, management professionals with related expertise of their field in Real Estate sector.
First and only Mysore Born real estate consultancy Company registered under RERA
First Mysore based real estate consultancy company to achieve ISO 9001 and 10002 certifications
Free legal advise and Professional approach towards customers
Free consultation & unbiased advises and Free project marketing
Buying plots in Mysore can be a promising investment because of the town’s financial growth, low-priced property fees, and ongoing infrastructure upgrades. However, conducting thorough research, understanding local regulations, and recalling future developments are vital to making a knowledgeable selection. buying plots in Mysore actual property market could yield tremendous benefits with careful planning.
Do you need an agent?
Buy or sell your plots, Homes, or Flats with our agents, who have Been experts in the real estate industry for 7 years.
For more Information visit : Buying plots in Mysore
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