#isnt there relief in seeing a story where our special friends die but it mattered in the end and death was something meaningful
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animentality · 1 year ago
I know everyone wants stories with happy endings, and they all hate when the main characters die, and insist well what's the point of the story then, it didn't matter at all! they died!
I don't know. do the stories of those who die at the end not matter at all?
because if that's the case, I have news about the stories told by everyone who has ever lived in this world.
we all die at the end. we are all doomed by the narrative.
but our stories still matter.
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tumblunni · 7 years ago
Man it REALLY sucks that the only place you can’t take screenshots is in the cutscenes. SO MUCH GODDAMN PLOT HAPPENED!! I’m gonna try and sum it up! basically ORESHIKA GOT REAL
* Okay so to recap what’s happened before: we’re a magic cursed clan of zombie doods who need to defeat Abe No Senmei to break the curse. We can each only live for two years, so the game is built on hundreds of generations of this family marching into death over and over again until eventually some great great grandkid might get a normal life back. But oddly enough it isn’t actually as super dark as expected, cos you dont really have any personality or bonding scenes with the family members. I kinda stopped getting very upset after the first three generations, now theyve just become a bunch of numbers that i have to selectively breed to make a better next generation. Seriously its been OVER 150 CHARACTERS SO FAR and I’’m only around 2/3rds through the game! And like the plot also seemed super simple and it didn’t feel like anything was gonna happen to anyone outside of the backstory?? I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO GET SO REAL
* Abe No Seimei is a cool smarmy ass jerk villain with a neat design and a weird ancient japanese hand puppet. like this really funky cool wooden mask thing with a giant wig that I legit thought was an actual demon attatched to his arm until it started having clickitty clack face animations. I got REALLY UNUSUALLY SAD ABOUT THAT! Cos seriously abe no seimei is just.. weirdly.. nice...? He keeps telling you how to defeat him, he waits to do all his evil plots when you’re there to watch him, he literally sends you letters to come to his grand feasts celebrating each evil plan. And its so fuckin mysterious and getting to know him is really the only thing driving the plot forwards, cos none of your characters have actual voices. And like.. he’s this immortal guy who seems like he wants to die, and he’s deliberately playing the villain so you guys will be motivated enough to find out a way to do it. And like HE HAS ONLY ONE FRIEND and its HIMSELF DOING A STUPID PUPPET PAL VOICE. i’m really abnormally upset that onigashira isn’t really alive! His cute comedy sidekick doesnt exist! MR SERIOUS VILLAINMAN IS DOING THAT VOICE ALL ALONE IN HIS STUPID SAD HOUSE why do i want to hug this horrible jerkface
* Okay but then the other mystery we have is the character Nueko, who’s a weird demigod of some sort who can reincarnate in human form. She’s the one who gave us our magic zombie powers in the first place, she’s got the power to DIE HORRIBLY REPEATEDLY AND FEED PEOPLE HER BLOOD in order to cure them of deadly diseases and bring them back to life and stuff. And this actually becomes a gameplay thing! You can repeatedly bring her back as a new human reincarnation, and then her special skills let her shield allies from damage at the cost of basically going poof back to the heavens again. Its a really useful relief from the punishing permadeath! While not being overpowered cos she can only save one person per dungeoncrawl, and you cant reincarnate her again for a while afterwards. Anyway she keeps popping up every now and again like ‘hey guys i slept off that last death’ and being a super helpful badass team mom and such. But then THE PLOT STARTS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE Cos it turns out she’s got ~magical anime amnesia~ and doesnt understand her demigodness any better than we do. But wtf why does this evil sorcerer man keep implying he knows some secret about her...?
* THE PLOT TWIST SHE’S HIS MOM HIS MOM and seriously I LOVE ONIGASHIRA SO MUCH its like Nueko: What did you say?! Onigashira: *literally looks out the fourth wall* Did you hear it, kids? He totally said “waaaah, mummy, I missed you so much”, right! Literal actual player prompt: Yes/No Bunni, of course: SLAM THAT YES And oh god its just so extra funny cos Seimei actually doesnt even deny it?? He cracks a semi genuine smile and just looks embarassed, its so weird cos its like the only time he hasnt been all smug grumpy asshole. And I mean if it is indeed true that Onigashira is just a puppet, then the whole thing was his genuine feelings from the start.. ... though also DOES THAT MEAN SEIMEI CAN SEE THROUGH THE FOURTH WALL its weird how thats MORE SCARY than the literal demon doing it! like i feel like the game wants me to be scared of onigashira but he’s just SO CUTE AND FUNNY and I really dont want him to be imaginary okay. can we adopt him after we defeat seimei :(
* BUT ANYWAY UMM Yeah, Nueko is actually his mum despite looking younger than him! He kinda inherited her reincarnation power in a broken way, cos he’s half human. Instead of experiencing multiple lives whenever he chooses it, and getting to nap in the clouds in between, instead he just CANNOT DIE NO MATTER HOW MUCH PUNISHMENT HE TAKES. Seriously he introduced himself by setting himself on fire, burning to a crisp and then growing back his skin right in front of us, just to prove it! I can honestly relate to this guy going mad if he’s had to put up with this super crappy immortality that he never even asked for. And also its gotta sting to see that his own mum gets to stay more youthful looking, lol. i mean he’s pretty bishie too right now, but I’m assuming he’d actually continue to age and thats gotta suck!
* Oh and there’s this really cool element that all the bosses that Seimei summons to figth you become new powerups for Nueko! Its an early clue about their connection- at first she’s like WTF WHY IS THIS HAPPENING, but then it turns out these bosses actually originally were her familiars and she left them to look after her son. So they’re still loyal to her original command until she defeats them in battle. Also the WAY these familiars get used is EXTRA SUPER COOL! They’re sealed in magic tattoos all over her body, so she gets more sweet ink every time you reach a storyline milestone. And then she doesn’t just summon them or just boost her stats, she friggin GROWS MASSIVE MONSTER ARMS ALL OVER THE SHOP! Like I was so worried when her design looked all fanservicey at first, but then she’s never degraded in any way and she gets this super disservice power lol. I can’t imagine any smut fanfiction with her! “Yes hunny i will take off my bra and then BRING OUT THE CRAB ARMS” She grows fuckin CRAB ARMS! And snake heads for legs! She can shoot different demons out of all of her limbs and grow giant horns and wing hair and breathe fire and holy fuckin shit yo. And she’s really fuckin terrifyingly stoic badass even before she unlocks her powers! She could probably crush your head in her palm and not even need the crab. basically I Love Strong Mom
* Oh and apparantly Nueko’s husband was another god who got erased from history? Literally nobody is able to say his name, it comes out as garbled scribbled out text. And at the moment its ambiguous what happened, but it might be possible that he was actually sniped out by his fellow gods for being TOO GOOD. Like, he wanted to make peace with demons and give a bigger share fo divine power to humans, and everyone else was all ‘BUT THE STATUS QUO’ and stabbed him in the back. possibly? Maybe? ITS ALL SO MYSTERY!!
* so ANYWAY ANYWAY a required other thing for explaining the EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE MOMENT is that there’s this duo of minor helpful npcs i never mentioned before, cos i honestly didnt think they were gonna be important there’s this justice-powered cute princess who’s determined to do political stuffs to clear your clan’s name and let you back into your former land, though all you really see of it is that she makes a few sentences of progress every time you get back from a story dungeon. And then there’s her grumpy ass bodyguard who’s kinda your rival? he’s always hating on you while she always supports you, and its like he’s jealous cos he has a crush on her and doesnt want commoners talking to his precious princes. And blablabla ‘i am the only one strong enough to protect her GRARR i need to get stronger how did you defeat me’ yadda yadda. Except you dont even get to fight him, again its just like one sentence every story dungeon where he says he was totally gonna rescue the magical artifact you beat him to. Even tho he doesnt do it no matter how many years pass, lol So yeah we like.. didnt really even know them very well, but also they felt like this comforting constant that would never leave? GuesS WHAT THE EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE BIT WAS
* Okay so HEY SEIMEI KIDNPPED PRINCESS LADY HAHA JUST AN ORDINARY DAMSEL IN DISTRESS PLOT we’re TOTALLY gonna successfully get her back, this is probably just filler... HA... HA... HA...
* The rollercoaster of emotions begins! Hey onigashira might actually really be alive! Apparantly this puppet mask is haunted, or something? like onigashira is the name of a whole set of masks that give you super power if you wear them, but turn you beserker loopy demon man. Though they dont seem to be sentient or anything and also like nobody else seems to be able to wear them without losing their humanity?? So like did seimei escape the curse by wearing it as a hand puppet instead? or is the puppet not connected to the masks at all? Or is it gonna be something lame like seimei was never in control of his actions and the puppet is sentient and is the real baddie? COS I LIKE HIM BEING THE CUTE COMIC RELIEF YO Oh, wait, like.. maybe its something like seimei is possessed by the mask but the mask isnt really alive and like.. doing ventriloquism is just his random symptom of this ambiguously defined madness? Like instead of going beserker it made him ‘give in to his instincts’ in a different way, so he stays mostly in control but involuntarily expresses his true hidden feelings through the puppet. Hence why it is the best and cutest goofball who encourages him to be honest and hug his mom. OR JUST I DUNNO I JUST KNOW I HAVE MY FAITH SLIGHTLY RESTORED THAT CUTE SIDEKICK MIGHT BE REAL AND I CAN ADOPT HIM
* but hey guess what happened right after that happy moment of wow cool yay in the middle of me being like ‘yay seimei is so cool yay onigashira is actually gonna play a bigger plot role than just a sidekick and may actually be his own separate character’ SUDDENLY THEY KILL THE SAMURAI And like OHHH NO they dont even JUST kill the samurai I was still thinking the moment was cool!! Seimei throws a second mask on him and curses him to fight the party and i was just like WOW YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD and WHAT A COOL BOSS FIGHT CONCEPT And like I was proud of myself for sweeping the fight super quickly?? I just thought he’d be fine once we got the mask off??? BUT NO HE’S FUCKIN DEAD WE COULDNT UNDO THE CURSE WE JUST HAD TO KILL HIM AND THEY SHOW HIS VERY GRAPHICALLY BLOODIED CORPSE and like his whole plotline got cut off with no resolution?? he only existed to die here?? THE WRITERS NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF LETTING HIM CONFESS HIS PRINCESS LOVE. AND HE ALSO NEVER MADE UP WITH US AND LEARNED FROM HIS RIVAL PLOTS he just died really sadly and then like FOR THE SECOND TIME ONLY IN THE ENTIRE GAME we had an actual dialogue choice to decide the personality of our hero first time: lol onigashira mommy jokes second time: pick one of three ways to try and soften the blow as you tell the rescued princess that her childhood friend and crush just died horribly :(
* :(
* the one I picked was telling her he died saving her, not that he was the one being mind controlled to threaten her. :(
* look can i just headcanon that he became a guardian spirit like my characters can do if they get that rare random event. or like.. geez.. why couldnt nueko use her ressurection powers on him if she could do it for us?? they should have at least had a line of dialogue saying something like ‘it cant be done cos his soul was corrupted by the demon power’ or something...
* also seimei I am fuckin pissed. you have been promoted from trash boss who i kinda wanna give a hug to the same thing but without the hug now. you dont even deserve your sweet sidekick! IM TAKING YOUR DAMN PUPPET PAL, SHITTY POOP MAN i fuckin SWEAR if this game doesnt end with me ripping that puppet out of his hands i am gonna throttle a bitch
* ALSO I FUCKIN SWEAR IF THEY PULL A ‘PUPPET PAL WAS THE REAL VILLAIN AND SEIMEI WAS BRAINWASHED’ I AM GONNA DOUBLE CHOKE YA inm gonna fuckin build my own puppet with animatronic stranglin’ hands
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lifeisblessings-blog1 · 8 years ago
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HOW A PERSON CHANGED HER LIFE & GAVE A NEW REASON TO LIVE & LAUGH ! This is a story of my life which seems quite filmy & most of the people might just make fun of it but yeah it actually happened and my life changed completely.. So it all started 1 and half years before.. That was the most painful phase of my life. Thinking about those days still scares me. It haunts me! I was in a relationship with a guy for 3 years. We knew each other since childhood and slowly that friendship turned into some kind of special connection. He was a perfect kinda guy for me. Everything was going smoothly and but as we know that happiness doesnt last long,he was changing slowly and slowly but i couldnt see those changes. I was so much into him that i couldnt see any flaws in him. He used to insult me infront of everyone but still i was quiet,i was quiet becaouse i thought that he loves me truely. He knows me,he understands me which was the biggest mistake of my life. I was the topper of my class and he was 2nd rank holder. Oneday some of my friends told me that he has affair with some other girls too but i didnt believe them.. Even my brother knew about us and he tried to make me aware of him several times. But i refused to believe it ...I guess that was some kind of 'pyaar ka bhoot' types..Guess i did'nt want to believe it becaouse i knew,i knew that if those things will come true , my dreams will break into pieces and my life will be ruined totally.. Then one day i saw something which made my heart bleed. I saw him kissing a girl,and that girl was my best friend. I was shocked like totally. I thought as if my world just turned away. When i asked him what was all that and then we had a huge argument and he slapped me infront of so many friends.. I directly went home and i saw that my elder brother suddenly fell ill and my parents were taking him to hospital. I didnt evn got time to cry for my loss.. Then we got to know that my brother had a hole in his heart.. My parents took him to many places but doctors failed.. One month later we took him to london where our aunt was staying and then the doctors cured his disease. My parents were busy in taking brother to one doctor to another so they could'nt see what i was going through. On that interval of 1 month i was completely changed.. I used to sit in my room whole day crying,overthinking. I had no social life. I was so busy in maintaining my love life that till that time i had lost all my friends. I was all alone. I had no hope left. My studies was completely ruined. I even thought of ending my life and i even tried it several times but i guess life had somthing more written for me.. That time was a dreadful one. My parents got into financial crisis becaouse of my brother's disease. I couldnt even share my problems with them.. That one guy had ruined my life. He used to walk with another girl infront of me and seeing that i used to die million times from inside.. One day i was sitting in my room watching TV , there i saw a program named " Suroon ke rang colours ke sang " . It was a musical tribute to Sri. Gulshan Kumar ji . There i saw a person whose smile was so enchanting,they were two brothers named,Amaal mallik and Armaan malik. As soon as i saw Armaan i found some kind of connectn idk what was that. But at that time i was not in that state of mind that i could think deeply about any matter. Then without knowing who he actualy was i changed channel. After somedays i heard a song ' khwahishein' frm movie calender girls. As i am a music lover since childhood i spent those painful days of my life just by listening to music. And Suddenly when that song played especialy that line, " KAHAN LE AAYI YE KHWAASHIAN , KI DARD KI HAI YE BAARISHEIN , HAI GALTI DIL KI YA..HAI WAQT KI YE SAAZISHEIN " I was completely shooked within inside. Those lyrics were relatable and i found that voice realy different from others.. But i didnt paid much attention to it.. And After few months i heard a song " MAIN HOON HERO TERA " and trust me guys when i saw that video my eyes were struck,i got goosebumps and i literaly started crying loudly. Idk what actualy happened but yeah that was some kind of connection between me and the singer in the video. His eyes were so intense,his smile could light up the whole world and most of all his voice,it was like witnessing some magic. That was real,yet unreal.. That moment when i saw him my heart beat increased more rapidly. I searched about him and got to knw that he's ' ARMAAN MALIK" and i downloaded his songs,his live videos,his interviews,read his struggle. I got to know so many things about him. I never got so anxious about any other celebrity but he had somthing in him which was attracting me. That was not his look only,i guess god had sent him into my life to cure my pain,to take me out of depression. When i read his struggle,his hardwork i got more motivated.. I forgot everything that happened in the past and started to chase him everywhere. His journey motivated me to follow my dreams,his voice gave me relief to wipe out even my tears. His smile made my life even more brighter. He didnt know me but i got so much into him that it didnt matter for me. Idk when he became my topmost priority. Searching his live videos on YT and reading his intervies had become my daily job. I got addicted to him. Whenevr i heard his voice i move into diff zone,that heaven wala feeling. He took away all my pain and added a new meaning to my life. For others he might be a star but for me he's my whole world. He's that one person who have made my life beautiful by his presence. So many people thought i'm mad but these days nobody else opinion matters for me,the only person who matters is him... And now my life had moved into new direction. Jo jindagi ruk si gayi thi usko ek jeene ka sahara mil gaya tha.. And tha sahara was Armaan.. Fangirling him not only took my sadness away but also gave me new reasons to live.. I started my life with new enthuasiasm and trust me i'm so much happy rn. I feel so proud of myself that i came out of that trauma and rn i'm living my life with a new joy.. And this has been possible only because of him.. If i could bring a smile in his face once in my life toh bhi i'll think that my life is successful. I cried millions of tears before but he gave me million reasons to be happy.. Yess armaan didnt know that i even exist but my love for him increases more and more as each day passes by.... So this journey as his "ARMAANIAN " is a motivational and beautiful journey which made a simple girl to follow her heart and dreams. He isi'nt just a idol for me,he defines my life. His voice isnt just a source of joy for me but it's a reason for my life.. So in short Armaan Malik is a life changer for me.. [Such a heart piercing story💘. Left teary eyed. Guys in course of life we meet many people...Some leave us and some becomes so important & takes that special place in our heart. Love❤ is the most beautiful feeling in the world..But always remember ! If anyone ever cheated you...that dosen't mean he/she has found better than you , that means that particular person lost best one ! One who loved with all heart💟. That person dosen't deserved her...and glad to know she has now genuine reason to be happy for. IDOL - FAN love is so pure and innocent. That unconditional love💞. May God blesses her😇 & may she gets everything she wants for herself. May The happiness and satisfaction she gets Fangiriling his idol always makes her Smile😊 . Always remember...Life is not worth ending for someone. Life is a blessing... Live , Fight and learn beacause that is what makes you strong.]
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