#isnt a thing bodies can do. also i tried to lightly and casually explain what i thought had happened to me to lamp and it quickly became not
nomairuins · 25 days
under the cut bc it is relating to The thang rhat happened yesterday. so umm. idk how to tw it. i thought some very scary stuff happened to my body but none of it actually did but i talk abt it a bit in detaul and its a bit gruesome . and i rambled abt it in the tags for a bit so dont read those either if u r squeamish Andor just dont want to hear abt that rn . apologies
in hindsight now im calming down a bit it is like. funny in a sad way that while i was literally Convinced that my rib had punctured my lung and also my heart and blood was filling my entire body. i Kept on asking the paramedics Is this gonna be really expensive . im sorry. um is this ambulance gonna cost a lot . and when my mom got to the room i kept crying and saying sorry in between my literal gasping for breath and gagging on what i was convinced was blood and uncontrollable shaking bc i was rly rly rly terrified it was going to cost her a lot of money . bit funny. where r your priorities girl...
#i rly and truly thought i was dying i was like. it ws funny bc i had just talked abt my weirdness thing. and i was like. Feeling the blood#getting up to stumble to the living room and my vision was going fully dark and i was literally in my brain like Its bc i talked abt it now#theyre getting me . this abtually is rhe end for me. i got a little too honest and now my pumishment is duing of internal bleeding jn front#of my entire family. of course that didnt happen bc i didnt actually Lay down too hard and my ribs stabbed my insides to death. bc that like#isnt a thing bodies can do. also i tried to lightly and casually explain what i thought had happened to me to lamp and it quickly became not#light and casual so then i changed the subject midway theough. whatever#its rly rather funny tho bc it was literally a moment of like Damn the things in my head that tell me i can never tell anybody about my#problems and i have to keep it all to myself and not seek help for anything or horrible awful things will happen to me and everyone i love#avrually were right . so i have to listen to them forever now If i live past this. but funny. great situation for the terrified man#its fine tho. just a girl momenttt and now its fine#i know i dont come off as someone who keeps their issues to themselves LOL but. well. 1 this is online 2 i treat this more as a diary 3 i#only post abt like. Some of the stuff on here. i do actually keep most of it private bc itisnt rly intelligible to anybody but me. you guys#i dont even talk to u guys abt like. the g. or the website. and those r like base fundamentals of what goes on in my head#but its ok. and im not going to tell anybody abt those ever even mentioning them feels a bit wrong. but theyre the like... Easiest to talk#about one supposes.#a2t#jic
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markleetrashh · 7 years
featuring best friend Haechan
Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of angst
Requests: annyeong!!~ can I have an au where you and haechan are bestfriends and one day he introduces you to mark and u guys start developing feelings for eachother, thank u~~ ^_^
hii I think I resqueted this scenarios to like 4030 blogs but nobody did it so could you do a scenario where your best friend with Donghyuck and hang out with him a lot so Mark thinks you like him but you like Mark?? could you make this fluffy please?
hi there, I love your scenarios so much!! can you please do a mark scenario where he doesn’t know what to say to you whenever he’s around you
A/N: yay another mark scenario hehe (i have so many requests for mark omg) i havent written in a while so i hope this isnt bad!! enjoy reading hehe
Word count: 1,944
There he was, eyes glued to the book he was holding between his bare and smooth fingers. You noticed the way he’d struggle to keep his dry and brown hair out of his face as he squinted to read the words on the pages, and the way he’d nod a little in understanding as he flipped through every page.
The library, almost empty and quiet, seemed to not affect you as you continued staring at him. The patter of raindrops hit the glass panels of the windows as your eyes shifted to see gloomy clouds towering the sky, as flashes of lightning came like a shock.
You were hit out of your trance when you felt a hand flick the back of your head lightly, causing you to let out a small cry. As soon as you saw the familiar figure chuckling in front of you, you hit him back lightly.
“It’s late now, what are you still doing here in the library” Haechan asked as he took the seat beside you, then crossing his arms, a look of suspicion and care on his face.
You sighed as your hands reached out to stack the pile of books in front of you, “Last minute revision for finals, what’s new”
As soon as Haechan heard your sentence, he gave you another flick on the forehead, then shaking his head, “Please go get some rest, you’re already pushing yourself so hard, don’t overwork yourself. Now pack your things, i’ll send you home”
You smiled softly at his words. You love it when Haechan was all caring and protective over you, unlike his usual self where he’d constantly tease and make fun of you. He was your best friend and treated you like one.
You nodded your head, “Yeah yeah okay Mr Lee”, as you gathered all your materials into your bag. Your head shifted slightly to take one more glimpse at him- he was still deeply immersed in the book, pouted lips and raised eyebrows.
Haechan noticed, then turned over to take a look at the young boy who had been sitting there for hours- as long as you were.
Haechan’s lips immediately formed an ‘o’ shape, then turning into a smile. He got up from his seat as he made his way towards the boy.
You noticed them exchange a few smiles, followed by a handshake that they both seemed very familiar with. You frowned in confusion as you saw the two making their way over, Haechan looking like an excited little puppy, the other boy, just smiling nervously as one hand was holding the book he was reading, the other, clenched tightly to his bag.
“Y/N!!! It’s time for my childhood best friend to meet my high school best friend, i’m so happy to see you here hyung!” your best friend blabbered on as you continued observing the other boy.
He bowed slightly towards you, then attempted to reach his hand out to greet you. But immediately dropped his bag on the table, as though forgetting he was carrying it. You saw a light pink shade take over his cheeks as he laughed nervously, “I-I’m sorry, I’m Mark by the way”
You giggled at his silliness, causing him to blush even more, as you gladly took his hand in yours, “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you”
Haechan clapped his hands as he slung his arm around both Mark and you, “Okay now that you two know each other let’s go hehe”
It was as though it was only yesterday that Haechan has introduced you to Mark. You were now in Haechan’s apartment, watching the two boys fight over a game they were playing on the television as you laughed at them from the side.
“Y/N!!! Mark hyung is bullying me, he won’t let me win” Haechan pouted to you as ge crossed his arms, acting like a small child. You saw Mark shrug his shoulders, then gave you a cheeky smile.
Which for some reason, made your heart beat faster.
You tried to hide the pink that was slowly appearing on your cheeks, “Oh please hyuck, maybe you just suck at the game, that’s why he won!”
Mark looked over to smile at you again, giving you a thumbs up.
You felt butterflies in your stomach.
Haechan looked at you disgust as he scoffed, shaking his head, “I did not introduce him to you a few months back to be treated like this. This friendship is over”
You made your way to the couch, where the two were, as you pinched Haechan’s cheeks and cooed at him, “Aw someone’s upset”
He stuck his tongue out at you, then crossed his arm, “Yeah because someone’s TAKING SIDES.”
You shook your head a little, before patting his head, then giving him a small hug, which he, like always, gave in to you and hugged you back.
Mark watched awkwardly from the side, just laughing at the both of you, unsure of what to do.
“You two look cute together…”
Mark’s eyes widened as soon as he realised what he just said, apologising to the both of you and awkwardly laughing. You pushed Haechan slightly away from you upon hearing his words, shaking your head and pointing at him, “Me? And him? No thanks”
Haechan rolled his eyes as he gave Mark a pat on his back, “Please hyung, never in my lifetime”
But you felt your heart sinking. Why’d Mark think of that?
It seemed as though it all happened in a rush. You couldn’t clearly remember how you fell so deep.
You started noticing Mark more, every of his habits, his likes and dislikes, and everything he did seemed to make you happy, the way no one else could.
You’d start blushing whenever you were near him, and as days passed, you found it even harder to get comfortable with him. It was as though something was holding you back.
You realised how you’d get all jealous and upset when Mark didn’t have the time to hang out with both you and Haechan, and how he’s constantly running on mind almost every second, even when he’s right there beside you.
You had fallen for him.
As much as you wanted to tell him and show him, Mark seemed as though he wasn’t trying to strengthen your friendship, as if something was holding him back too.
You noticed how he would always keep quiet and not say any words when he was with you alone, but would be the total opposite when he was with Haechan.
He’d get all nervous and stutter on his words while talking to you, and you also realised how he’d stare at both you and Haechan whenver you all interacted or had skinship with one another.
It seemed as though he didn’t want to be your friend, and that affected you deeply.
Haechan eventually found out your feelings for Mark one day where he caught you staring at photos of the both of you, and how you would always get defensive when he talked about Mark.
Of course, he supported you and your decision, and promised to help you out.
You were resting your head on Haechan’s shoulder in the school library, one of his hands casually scrolled through his phone screen, the other, playing with your hair.
You let out a sigh, “It’s been two months hyuck, i don’t think he has feelings for me, should i just give up?”
Haechan shook his head, then assured you in his sweetest tone, “No, i’m sure he does. I’ve never seen hyung get this nervous to anyone before, just wait for a little while more.”
You frowned slightly, closing your eyes, “Sigh this is so tiring, thank you for being here.”
Haechan let out a small laugh, then pat your head, “Of course, i love you”
“Oh… I-I’m sorry…”
Your body immediately jerked up to the familiar voice, and you were greeted by a blushing Mark, his hand behind his neck as he avoided eye contact with you.
“I thought i’d come visit you two but i- uhh.. sorry to interrupt that moment, i got to go… You two look cute by the way”
Mark flusteredly tried to explain himself, still ignoring eye contact with you. Haechan tried to explain to him, but before he could finish his sentence, Mark was already at the entrance, ready to leave.
This was your only chance.
You got up quickly from your seat as you ran after him, ignoring the glares from the other people in the library. You were confused and it felt as if you were going to cry.
After a few seconds of calling after his name, Mark finally stopped as he looked at you nervously, “I-I didn’t mean to interrupt that-”
But you hugged him, tears flowing down your cheeks.
He stopped at his words, as his body stiffened up from your hold.
“What… Y/N if Haechan sees this he wouldn’t be happy- I’m-” Mark said softly as he tried to push you away, but you held on tight to him, your face in his chest.
“Mark, it doesn’t matter what Donghyuck feels”
Mark stared at you in confusion, his heart beating quickly as he was unsure of what to say. He tried pushing you again, “But… Don’t you like him? And he seems like he likes you too, he’d always talk about you and-”
“Mark i like you, in fact, i love you. For months now. I don’t know how all this happened but i’m thankful that we became friends and you don’t have to return the same feelings as me i just needed to let these all out”
You felt his body soften at your words, then you felt his hands cupping your cheeks as he brought it up to meet his face. You met his soft gaze and you let a small smile, wiping away the tears that had already stained your cheek.
His eyes still showed signs of lost and confusion, but he took a deep breath and said softly, “I like you too Y/N… From the day we met to the day we went to the cafe for a small date. But i noticed how you’d always get so close to Haechan and how you two would hug and tease each other, it’s as though you two are a couple…” he paused to see you giggle, making him blush a little.
“… and Haechan would always talk about how good you were in your studies, and all of your good points. He seemed really in love with you. So i didn’t want to spoil the relationship the both of you had. I distant myself and i told myself you wouldn’t return my feelings but now i’m just… wow”
You immediately smiled at his words, wrapping your arms around his waist again, “Thank you Mark, for everything”
Within a few minutes a breathless Haechan appeared in front of the both of you, his worried expression turning into a happy one when he saw the position the both of you were in, as he pat the both of you on the back, “I’m happy for the both of you”
Mark offered his hand to him, and the two started doing their usual handshake. Haechan looked over to you and gave you a thumbs up, before linking arms with the both of you, “Okay now, let’s go have lunch with the new couple.”
“Oh and hyung… Good luck on dealing with her” Haechan said teasingly to Mark, causing you to hit him slightly, as the three of you walked down to the cafeteria laughing at each other, the way it always was.
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