#isn't there a line about going straight to jail after being fired? am i hallucinating that one?
the-acid-pear · 4 months
Honestly I wonder where the Freddy's need to not let any single fucking employee ever leave even comes from. I mean with the Phoneys I understand it they're making those guys to work (although a lot of the time they're barely doing their job at all like I'm juuust saying Bono was kinda slacking as a boss) but fuck are you gonna gain for tying an employee to the brand eternally? Is it a matter of "you're going down with the ship" because if they're complicit in the crimes they can't call them out? Is it just overall hate towards any living form? Like when they're evidently throwing up searches to find rogue employees it's like. Call me crazy but I feel this is a bigger lost of revenue than it is a gain. But I guess when you see them as objects instead of people this behavior is only natural because if my bridge just up and left I'd be like no sir I'm getting that cunt back.
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