#islet is i presume a miniisland
i was listening to a podcast this morning and they were talking about extinct animals and for one thing it made me go why doesnt the doctor save extinct animals. dont talk to me about tHe LaWs Of tImE you cant tell me the end of the dodo is that much of a fixed point that you cant jump back a century or two and catch some dodos in a net (theyre really easy to catch thats why they were so easy to hunt to extinction theyre not afraid of being predated) and give them to a zoo now for preservation. anyway so thats one.
for two they told me about the greak auk which looked like "if a puffin was a threat" personally i think it mostly just looks like an auk that is big but i can concede that that maybe is just exactly the thing that would make a puffin threatening. anyway they talked about how it went extinct and i havent factchecked this because the story is too good and also it's doctor who so my facts dont need to be watertight for it to be a good episode.
so how this bird went extinct, after like regular human stuff that humans do like hunt it for its down to make pillows, there were three men on some island or something in britain and they caught a great auk and they kept it. just like. for fun or profit reasons unknown but they kept it for three days and then a storm came. and so these men did what anyone would do im sure and conclude this WASNT actually a bird it was a WITCH and it had BROUGHT THE STORM UPON THEM. so they beat it to death with sticks.
and thats how the last great auk died, "caught by men, murdered for witchcraft"
i think this would make a GREAT doctor who episode. we're going to save the last great auk
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