#isi it's me cal in case you're confused
themonstercals · 2 years
9, 10, 16, 25, 35, 37 and 54 for Cyrlen? :D
Thank you for the questions!
This makes me so happy to bring up Cyrlen again :D Dusting off the poor boy.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Cyrlen's favorite color is gold! He likes accenting himself with it, and also thinks that it looks really good on Dorian. His favorite animal is a horse! (If you remember my fic you know I'm kidding. He actually doesn't necessarily have a favorite animal, but he admires birds the most for their freedom.)
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
There's a lot of knowledge stored up in Cyrlen's head. He's a major nerd on a whole lot of different facets of knowledge. Something that also doesn't come up a lot is that Cyrlen is a really good cook. He doesn't cook much because he doesn't eat much when he's stressed. It's hard to be inspired when you're not hungry.
Oh! He's also a relatively good dancer. But he usually will not dance outside of practices with the Dalish or on any other occasion except for when he's alone.
16. Are they religious?
Surprisingly, despite being the First, he's not religious. Not that he necessarily doesn't believe in the gods - he just doesn't believe they need worship. He finds all religious text fascinating, and loves learning about it. But he doesn't worship them.
The reason why is definitely related to some trauma.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
I could be boring and say it's him caring about others too much that he puts himself in too much danger, but I think when it comes down to it, Cyrlen's biggest flaw is that he's selfish. He doesn't even really like other people and doesn't usually try to get to know them or understand them.
He definitely likes to keep to himself - but through Inquisition he is sort of forced to get to know and understand others, which definitely helps break him out of his shell.
He's definitely a know-it-all. Maeron would definitely agree.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Cutting remarks about elves, saying his name wrong, talking down to him - it's pretty easy to annoy Cyrlen. Maeron could think of thousands of ways to annoy his brother. It definitely depends on who you are. If you're a stranger - ignoring Cyrlen and talking over him will definitely get you on his bad side.
If you're someone like Dorian and you get annoyed at something and take it out on Cyrlen? He's going to give it right back. Most times, though, if you're close enough to get Cyrlen annoyed and see his face scrunch up with it, then it means he loves you.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
It's extremely difficult for Cyrlen to utter those words. Before Maeron came into his life, he didn't love anyone or anything. And even then, before Inquisition, he didn't think he'd ever love anyone outside of his brother.
Cyrlen says "I love you" in a thousand ways without saying it - taking care of others, cooking meals, etc. But saying those words are very, very difficult for him. He'd never say it unless he meant it with every fiber of himself.
54. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle?
This one is really fun! Cyrlen has thick, wiry hair. At the beginning of Inquisition, it's close and well kept to his head (because Maeron cuts it for him.) But as Inquisition goes on, it kind of gets away from him a bit. Near the end, he's grown it out and put it into long, elegant braids. His favorite style is his current style because he loves being doted on and loves people playing with his hair.
Thanks to @midgemsx for helping me out to answer this last question!
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