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viannanirvana · 6 years ago
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Man if you followed me back when I posted my first picture on my gram, you’d know I’ve always been a dancer. I started in the industry and I may have inspired a lot of ladies but I’m here to tell you I didn’t “draft” any of you who asked how to start of in this industry because it’s not something I recommend. I just learned the ropes and did what I need to in order to survive because I never had shit. They know who’s talented and who isn’t, who’s could be a puppet, or who’s just for the time being “a good time”, don’t ever let your dignity run away from you because everyone’s told you you need money to survive because you don’t. In today’s world, they’ll manipulate you and your talents/hard work for a collateral in return, diamonds aint shit when the earths crust is about to snap. #thestrippermemoirs #ishouldwriteabook #loltheyllkillmethough #nopunintented #newageshift #👁 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1MeEpBeBX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a8oqdyomatxn
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volopresspublishing · 6 years ago
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Veteran scribes or authors-to-be, Volo Press has your back! #storyediting #copywriting #copyediting #bookcoverdesign #interiorformatting #ebookpublishing #paperback #libraryofcongressnumber #ISBN #copyrightapplication #ishouldwriteabook https://www.instagram.com/p/ByETozegBYV/?igshid=19lt2lrk3r3t8
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monstermom5 · 6 years ago
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Amazing how your profile says you think before you talk when clearly you don’t know how to speak to women.....I’m good but thanks for the offer dummy. #onlinedatingchronicles #ishouldwriteabook https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu4FJhrnJ0J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h1njgnwk9qvg
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lighthousedann · 7 years ago
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OMG! I can't believe it was 37 years ago today that I married my first wife, who I bought off of her mother for $50. (It didn't last long. Not sure why) Check the photo ... LMFAO, yes, that's "Dann". #IShouldWriteABook #GoodreadsAuthorLightHouseDannVerner #AmazonAuthorLighthouseVerner #StarvingAuthors (at Dawes Crossing)
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edsywedsy · 8 years ago
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Saturday - inspiration day. Sat on the sofa looking at books for inspirations while the mister was making breakfast. Then it got me to thinking of writing my own recipe/inspiration book. Hmmm... Maybe it's about time... 🤔🤔🤔 🤗😝😍❤ #sweet #sweetsugarboyed #sugarboyed #inspiration #saturday #ishouldwriteabook #oslo #norge #norway
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myrawrmily-blog · 6 years ago
I should write a book.
Have you ever had that thought?  
I should write a book.
It seems so easy.  I’m an intelligent person (so says I) and people would totally want to hear what I have to say about *insert topic here*. 
The last few months I have thought to myself, I should write a book on marriages.  Now, stay with me here, I know most (if not all) married couples think they are the be all and end all of good marriages, and admittedly during the first year of our marriage I thought I knew everything too.  Then things got harder (turns out every person ever was right about that one) and I still thought, I should write a book about that.
Well, as mentioned previously, Hubby has Asperger’s.  Most people when I say this give me a very sweet (If condescending) look, tilt their head to the side and say something along the lines of, “Oh wow.” Assuming my life is somehow insanely hard because of this.  Don’t misunderstand me, I know a lot of people who live with someone with Autism and it is insanely hard.  I get why people do the head tilt.  I do. It just makes me a little irked right off the bat because Hubby’s Asperger’s has made our marriage incredible.
For those of you who don’t know what Asperger’s is, it is a high-functioning form of Autism.  That means Hubby’s brain is wired very differently than other peoples, but it’s more in social ways, not practical everyday ways. Example.  Hubby can take care of himself completely fine.  He can cook, clean, clothe, work and provide for himself. However, Hubby can’t look you in the eye for longer than about 3 seconds.  If he’s never met you before that gets reduced to about 1 second. It’s not a big thing, but it’s big enough.  
Story time!  The first time we spent any time together as “more than friends” in college I realized Hubby wouldn’t look at me.  I assumed this meant that he just didn’t like me (as would most people I’m sure) so I got a little upset about it and then moved on. Then, Hubby asked me out on a date. I felt kind of blind sided because I thought the guy had next to no interest in me, so I was confused but excited! I said yes and we went out.  Part way through our date I had enough.  He wouldn’t make eye contact and would constantly turn away mid-conversation to stare off into space.  I thought he was the rudest guy I had ever been on a date with.  So, in my not so nice way, I told him off.  I don’t remember exactly what I said, but it was something along the lines of, “Why can’t you just look at me when I’m talking to you?”  Hubby said, “Well, I actually have Asperger’s and it makes me really uncomfortable to look at anyone.  I’m really enjoying our date though, so you know.  You’re easy to talk to.”
Well I’m a shmuck!  That was the first thought that went into my head.  The second was, I wonder how he drives to school every day. Because I was a completely uneducated moron.  I knew nothing about Asperger’s and assumed it was the exact same thing as having full blown Autism.  It isn’t (in case you didn’t catch that from my subtlety there) and I have spent the better part of 8 years learning that.  All my preconceived notions have been challenged (thankfully I didn’t have that many to start with) and I have made a discovery.
Every married person should have Asperger’s.  
Don’t @ me.  
I have discovered that Asperger’s has fixed, prevented and encouraged almost all forms of communication in our marriage.  Hubby does this unique thing that is totally foreign in today’s culture of taking everything I say at face value.  This might sound naïve, but it really has revolutionized my thought process.  
I came out of a relationship prior to dating Hubby where mind games ran rampant and every day was a new adventure in deception.  This meant that when I started dating Hubby I would always ask him, “Really?” every time he told me something.  I was used to someone who didn’t say what they meant and expected me to figure out what they were fishing at.  It was exhausting. I didn’t even realize how exhausting until I met someone who didn’t do that.  
I want to be clear.  This took years of Hubby constantly repeating, “Yes, really.  I really mean that, I don’t mean anything else.”  It’s hard to change habits, expectations and assumptions overnight. But now, when I say something or Hubby says something we don’t look for the hidden meaning or the subtext because (and listen closely) THERE ISN’T ANY. It’s hard to believe sometimes and I still default to my old habits when I’m tired or stressed (like now, when Momma and Poppa are permanent residents in our household) and will ask Hubby, “Are you sure?” or “Really?” a few times until he looks at me with that let’s not start this again look and I smarten up.
It sounds like such a small thing, but when the person speaking doesn’t have subtext and the person listening isn’t looking for subtext, the conversation goes a lot smoother.  The speaker isn’t annoyed that the listener isn’t catching what they’re saying and the listener reading into things that aren’t there.
This is when Mominlaw usually interjects and gives me the proper psychology terms for what I just said, because there are legitimate studies on this like communication in marriages (what??) but I can never remember those psychological terms, nor do they really mean anything to me.  I’m simple. I need simpler terms.
I should write a book…
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capturing-france · 8 years ago
Specialized Programs
So, I’m in a specialized Health Sci. program at my university.  We are a very small cohort with only 40 people.  With that said, we are all really good friends and have every class (besides electives) together.  Obviously, our specialized classes are very small so we have some very interesting conversations and debates.
In my Genetics class this morning, we were talking about gene therapies and cloning, and how we feel about it.  There was a general consensus that gene therapy is an incredible advancement of medicine, to a certain degree.  At what point does it cross over into borderline unethical? What about nuclear transfer, or embryo splitting? Cloning humans? Designer Babies? The list goes on.
Obviously, this topic sparked a great debate.  We argued that cloning humans is most likely not a very wise choice to make, but we know it’s going to happen.  Some scientist will be the first to clone a human, which after today’s lecture, we determined that is nearly possible. And then it will be the beginning of the end.  We talked about how cloning has been accomplished in agriculture, as well as animals such as sheep (Dolly!), cattle, and surprisingly, you can clone your beloved bet cat, dog, or horse for a small fee of $25 000-$85 000. 
However, the best part of this lecture was the debate on why we should or shouldn’t clone. The overachievers (yes, that’s me) sit in the front row, and we talk among ourselves quietly about key points, and make jokes along the way.  Our prof asked us if cloning was “scary”, and of course my friend and I agreed that it was “hella scary”. We are treading into the topic of creating humans with more desirable traits (hello, eugenics all over!), that would most likely dominant in society.  Meaning, that these people will be bred to withstand environmental pressures, radiation, and diseases.  They will ‘out-live’ “normal” people.  Thus resulting in the conversation of the world already being over populated.  Too which, my friend and I decided that there will be in fact too many people, and we will eventually need a new plague! (obviously we were joking, but it was still hilarious in the context of this class).  Our prof heard us and called us out on it, which she does every lecture because we are just ‘those people’. But not to worry, because she is a fabulous prof and we always make her laugh! Which lead to another deep conversation on why we shouldn’t clone in the first place-- for these exact reasons!
It’s lectures like these, that make the stress of school a little more bearable. The small classes, the AMAZING professors, and the great people you take these classes with are just some of the perks. Being in this program has a lot of pressure.  We are the first 100 graduates and the bar is set quite high. Most of us have aspirations to attend med school following this degree. We have incredibly difficult courses, assignments, and midterms, and most of it is due on the same day.  We were chosen to be part of this program, and only the top 40 applicants make it in. This program has already taught us so much in just a short amount of time. I am forever thankful to be part of it.  Also, in case I didn’t make it clear, lets just forget that cloning is a thing, it’s a very scary thing to think about. There are movies on this, we should tread into these topics. 
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pussyb0t · 10 years ago
Brought to you in part by badbitch.gov
Well since jesus is black and jesus is the answer for everything, the color of the dress is black and since of course jesus ALWAYS has to look cute as fuck he complements himself wit blue so its black and blue. Stay blessed have a good night
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capturing-france · 8 years ago
Are you serious?
I come home, it's 11:30pm and my bedroom has been TRASHED. The clothes I had on my bed have been launched all over my bedroom, underneath my comforter there was a pizza sub IN THE FUCKING BED, my blue ray remote is left in a random bag in my room? And there's been another account added to my Netflix. There's garbage everywhere and all my stuff has been moved. Needless to say, these children will NOT be able to watch tv in my room anymore. Not impressed.
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statusgucci · 11 years ago
That's what's up
Everybody on this Earth was created as an equal, whether you're a CEO of a billion dollar company or a beggar on the street. So when you think about being the best, don't think about being better than everyone else: one, that goal is limited, and two, there's actually no such thing. When you think about being the best, think about being better than what you were before, because that goal is limitless. And in the eyes and mind of society, which shouldn't matter to you anyway, you will be perceived as the best or well on your way there. 
But what's more important is to stop once in a while and acknowledge and accept the fact that you are indeed different from who you were before, and NOT have the thought, "I'm still not good enough." It's nothing but discouraging. You were good enough the moment you decided to make a difference for yourself, which indirectly leads to a difference for your immediate environment, and always for the better :) 
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capturing-france · 8 years ago
When you’re just a hot mess...
I have one sock on, one missing? Laying across a chair, downloading workout apps, while eating a shit ton of Timbits and candy. BUT I’m not crying so there’s a positive of the day! 
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dirrrtybl0nde · 11 years ago
My life is literally a series of unfortunate events.
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