#ishimiko future au
ohcitron · 2 years
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here’s how yuri can still win
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ohcitron · 2 years
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future ishimiko au doodles. below the cut are my extensive thoughts about these and context. there should be captions on these images as well
these are transcriptions of my handwritten notes on my ipad from finals season edited for clarity + some additional rambling. these are subject to change and the art is from varying times this past spring + summer. this is mostly my mindless self indulgence and “ishimiko but if i did it” - see an ask i answered for character bingo for my other thoughts on ishimiko but if i did it for their high school dynamic/what i wish their themes were - this is mostly about the future
- they are in their mid to late twenties in this au and did not become romantically involved at all in high school, miko kept her feelings to herself and they eventually faded as they got older, they continue to be on stuco together and go to different universities and graduate on good terms but the friendship fades with time and distance
- miko studied law > became a lawyer > specializes in representing children in court, i think this would be good for her.
- ishigami studied econ & business in university > did not like it but finished his degree > took over his mother’s flower shop and enjoys it immensely, makes small clay/wood carving trinkets to sell as well
- i think they would benefit from becoming good friends at the end of high school and reconnecting later after some time apart. with the distance from high school they will be able to tell each other about their stupid middle school and high school selves with some emotional distance, and be able to completely reveal what they tried to do for each other and be able to laugh about it. i want them to be more mature when they date...
- personality differences!!! miko is better at taking compliments and is generally more pokerfaced and is better at understanding situations with more nuance, she has come to terms with her sexuality and i interpret her as bi ^_^, ishigami has gotten more expressive overtime and as a result is now worse at taking compliments. he has also generally mellowed out more and holds less gamer rage in his heart
- visual differences!!! miko cut her hair short for ease. she has glasses!!!!!!!!! this is a shirogane parallel and also just makes sense i think. ishigami grows out his hair and he already dresses kind of androgynous outside of school i think he would just do that even more so. (spins my wheel of various ishigami gender interpretations and makes my au possible for every variant on the wheel) also i forgot to draw glasses on miko for a lot of these oops
- i think maybe they could be long distance discord friends throughout university as well. but i think it would be interesting to have them separated for a bit and later work in the same area and reconnect by chance
- i understand why a lot of media is like this but i just dont think a friend group from high school can sprout three long term “endgame” relationships  (kaguprez and wishful thinking hayachika) they need some time to be alone and explore who they are without each other around i think.. especially when you are as scrambled as ishimiko and you go to an elite private high school
- i dont think they would have kids really miko would be busy and doesnt want to subject her own childhood to another child and ishigami would likely not feel confident in raising a child. they probably will like be in their 40s playing video games together lol.
- maybe they would have chickens and a garden but this is mostly me being self indulgent. i just like giving my favorite characters chickens
those are most of my thoughts for now ! i came up with a lot of this as a last ditch attempt to keep me sane and tethered to this earth during finals season if that explains anything.
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ohcitron · 2 years
guys would u like to see my future au ishimiko delusions ? i promise it is funny...
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