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ex-princessvania · 2 years ago
cole saying boys compilation
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hello-crafties · 8 years ago
“Why are you wearing Dan’s shirt?”
Words: 2k ish Summary: Phil wears Dan’s shirt and Dan likes it (also i can’t think of anything better to say) wattpad link soon
„Why are you wearing-I’m wearing the same as usual guys.“ Phil mentally cursed himself. Reading a question out loud before thinking it over in his head was a stupid move and he knew it. Count in the fact that he was wearing Dan’s shirt. „I can’t be here naked! Don’t want you to report me for nudity.“
He did what he could to shift everyone’s attention anywhere but his clothing. The fans still didn’t want to let it go. He tried to talk about a new anime he and Dan started watching and then about how he was excited for the new season of American Horror Story. Thankfully the time to end his liveshow drew near so Phil said his goodbyes and turned it off.
„How did I not realize? So dumb, oh my god.“ Phil muttered to himself as he got up to make some dinner. „Dan?“ he yelled at the younger boy who was holed up in their office. Probably editing another video they made the day prior. „Yeah?“ came a muffled reply. „Have you eaten anything? I was going to start making dinner. Mexican maybe?“ It was quiet for a few seconds and then Phil heard loud footsteps almost running to him. Dan stopped himself mere centimeters before the glass door. „Whoah. That was close. Anyway.“ he opened the door and skipped to Phil. „I wanna help youu.“ Dan’s smile was too infectious. Soon, Phil was smiling too and nodding. „Okay, can you get the ingredients from the fridge?“ „On it Philly.“ Phil’s smile grew wider at Dan’s childish behaviour. He was too adorable for his own good. No, he couldn’t think about his friend like that. It could only end in a disaster. „Uh, Phil? U okay there? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.“ A hand was moving in front of Phil’s face. He blinked a few times and then laughed. „Sorry, spaced out for a bit.“ He clasped his hand on Dan’s shoulder and moved towards the stove. He felt the younger’s suspicious stare but didn’t turn around. What was wrong with him? He thought those feelings were buried deep in his heart, so deep they wouldn’t be able to get back at all. But they did, in full strength and when he didn’t expect it. Taking out a pan he started putting in the ingredients, then turned around to ask Dan something. „How much-oh my god!“ Dan stood right behind him. Phil put his hand on his chest in an attempt to calm down. „You scared me! I was going to ask how much spice you wanted in it.“ he said handing Dan the jar. Dan took it with a small smile and then proceeded to pour some into the mixture, bumphing into Phil’s side and humming a random tune while doing it. Phil, as expected, laughed and joined in with a somewhat similar tune. What neither of them expected was the amount of spice that ould pour out at once. Suddenly there wasn’t just a little bit of spice in the pan. No, there was a not-so-small pile that they wouldn’t be able to remove from their food. There was a moment of silence before Dan broke it. „Shit.“ That sent the both of them into a fit of giggles. After a few minutes, when they’ve calmed down, Phil looked at Dan with amusement in his eyes. „Takeout?“ „Takeout.“ Dan grinned. But before he took his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie he scanned Phil with a curious look. „Is that my shirt?“ The older boy blushed. „Err, maybe?“ Dan laughed at this. „You’re unbelievable. Chinese or pizza?“ „Pizza, maybe?“ Phil muttered. The brown eyed boy then took out his phone. „If you ruin it…“ „Should I take it off then?“ Feeling bold, Phil lifted up the hem of Dan’s shirt, showing a bit of his bare stomach. Dan gulped. „Maybe later.“ He winked and left the kitchen. Phil was confused. What was happening? Did they just flirt with each other? That wasn’t something they did. It was all friendly banter, but not this. This made Phil blush. Of course this whole thing was mostly Phil’s fault. It was him who was wearing Dan’s shirt. It was just really comfortable and smelled like Dan. Phil found it lying in front of his bedroom and instead of just throwing it into Dan’s room he put it on. The younger boy was out for the day and Phil was feeling a bit lonely. The sofa crease was empty and no one was humming some random tune that would get stuck in his head later. Wearing the shirt made him feel like Dan was right next to him. It was weird how he couldn’t go a day without his best friend. He took his personal space and heart and didn’t even realize it. This was the point where Phil would admit he was in love with his best friend. The thought appeared in his head but as it came so did a big red light, as if screaming how wrong that thought was. He knew it was wrong. He couldn’t be in love with Dan. He couldn’t lose his best friend. But that suggestion Dan made felt more sincere and sexual than anything. It didn’t feel like a joke. Phil decided not to get his hopes up or think much of it. He started cleaning up the mess they made, needed to take his mind of this kind of stuff. He was done soon and with a clearer head made his way to the lounge. Dan sat there in his sofa crease scrolling through tumblr with a bored look. Phil smiled lightly and went to go sit on the other side of their sofa. When he was reaching for his laptop, already too comfortable to move more than necessary, the bell rang. Probably the pizza. „Dan? Can you go get that? I just made myself comfortable.“ „But Phillll. I’m in my browsing position! And you just sat down, it will be easier for you to get up! C'mon, please! Phiww…“ Dan started whining. „Dan! Stop being so lazy!“ The bell rang again. „I hate you.“ Phil murmured and got up to go open the door and pay for the pizza. When he got back to the lounge Dan was still sitting on the sofa but now without hs laptop. He actually sat up and was looking for something they could watch while eating their dinner. „What were we watching the last time?“ Phil put the boxes on the table and threw himself on the sofa with a sigh. He didn’t answer Dan’s question, instead just reached for one of the boxes. The younger boy swatted his arm. „Why did you do that?“ Phil was rubbing his hand with a hurt look on his face. „Because I know how you eat pizza. You’re going to ruin my shirt!“ „So should I go change or what? Stop with that nonsense Dan, I’m really hungry.“ Phil tried to get the boy again but was stopped by Dan’s hand that held his own. „It’s simple. No need to change. Just take the shirt off.“ Phil looked more than surprised but quickly collected himself. „You want to see me shirtless, Howell? You should’ve just asked.“ To make it even better he added a suggestive wink. To his surprise Dan just shook his head. „I don’t want you ruining my shirt. Just take it off, jeez.“ Phil nodded and took it off, shivering at the sudden loss of warmth. To hide his confused face he finally got his box and bit into a piece of pizza. Up until now it seemed like Dan was flirting with him and Phil let his hopes get too high. Dan chuckled at his friend’s eagerness and took a slice too. In reality he didn’t care if his shirt got ruined, he could wash it later. But this was the only way he would get to see Phil shirtless for longer than a few seconds. When they were in the kitchen and he realized that it was his shirt Phil was wearing, his heart almost stopped. The blush that spread on Phil’s cheeks when Dan brought up that it was his shirt was the most adorable thing ever. Then he got a preview of the older’s bare stomach and his breath hitched. His only hope was that his face was as unreadable as always so their friendship wouldn’t get ruined because of a crush. Dan thought that if he played everything off as a joke they would be safe. Only now he sat next to a shirtless Phil whose nipples were beginning to get hard because he was cold. And it was torture. Dan tried to eat as fast as possible to distract himself so he didn’t have to look at his friend. Just the thought of Phil half-naked was driving him (and his dick) crazy and now he was presented with an irl version of his fantasies sitting right next to him. When they finished their food and put away the boxes they settled back into the sofa. Dan went right back to his laptop and Phil proceeded watching the anime they put on while they were eating, still shirtless. Dan’s shirt he was wearing before was no lying next to Dan where he couldn’t reach. He could have to stretch over the younger boy and that would be kinda awkward. At least Dan thought of it that way since he was pretty sure he would get a boner if that happened. He was already halfway there anyway. Phil’s sudden movement took him out of his thoughts. The older boy shivered. “Are you cold, Philly?” Dan chuckled, putting his laptop away. “Of course I am. It’s freezing!” Phil shuffled and got up to go find himself some clothing. Dan’s time was coming to an end so he braved himself and reached for Phil as he was walking past him. He grabbed Phil’s hand and pulled. This caused the older boy to stumble and fall squealing right into his lap. “Dan!” “Shh. I’m gonna warm you up in no time.” Dan whispered hugging Phil tightly so he wouldn’t run away. Trying to ignore the tightness in his pants he pulled Phil more into him so he could provide as much warmth as possible. Dan put his head on Phil’s shoulder and closed his eyes trying to enjoy this before it ended. He knew he was being selfish but he couldn’t help it. To his surprise Phil relaxed and leaned further into Dan. They stayed like this for what felt like hours. Neither of them said anything, afraid they would ruin the moment. Phil decided to break the stillness by turning around in Dan’s lap so their eyes met, studying each other’s expressions for a few seconds. Dan’s brown eyes searched Phil’s blue-green-ish for something, anything that would mean the feelings were mutual. At the same time he tried to project a bit of his love and lust for the older boy. He hoped that if it was just one sided his friend wouldn’t hate him too much. Dan would miss someone so kind and beautiful in his life. But apparently this wouldn’t be the case because Phil was suddenly reaching out to cup Dan’s cheek and then leaning forward to smash their lips together with a soft groan. Dan immediately kissed back, tightening his grip on Phil’s waist. He bit back a small moan. They continued making out before they needed to come up for air. “Whoah. That was..” Dan struggled to find the right words. “Amazing?” Phil winked and laughed. “Yes, it was. But now.. I think we should continue like this..” With this Phil grabbed Dan and turned them both so they would lie on the sofa, Phil on top of Dan. Before Phil could say anything more, Dan kissed him again with full force. At the same time he bucked his hips up, trying to feel a little more of Phil and his excitement. The older boy let out a frustrated growl and bit Dan’s lip so hard he tasted blood. “Do you wanna know how amazing I really am?” he whispered into Dan’s ear hoarsely. “Phil, are you-ohmygod.”
Much later, when they were lying in Dan’s bed with Dan curled up next to Phil, he whispered “You weren’t kidding, y'know. They really call you AmazingPhil for a reason.”
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