vanyashay · 21 days
CLOSED STARTER @isabellaxrossi
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➥ "Isa!" It's accented, playful, and not any cause for concern, even if the call was sudden. She just happened to be on the other side of the basement, probably engrossed in her own work. Vanya had been working on this new formula all morning, shifting around the index cards on his corkboard that held the different elements to his struggle. Now, he was finally asking for a second opinion, feeling confident that his brain's ramblings finally made sense enough for someone else, especially one who worked with him, would be able to tear through. Perhaps he's even missing a variable or two, maybe he's placed one too many. It's a puzzle to him, one that he's intent on solving, or else all his promises don't mean shit.
This would surely change the game in terms of uppers, a drug unlike any other, and only half the addictive qualities some of his favorites held. Maybe he should have been focusing on the products already set out for the two lab monkeys to make, but Vanya was never one to do the same thing over and over for long. "Lunch is on me if you can help me, please?" He's about ready to turn around and pout.
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worldburnrp · 1 month
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{ @isabellaxrossi }
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the townhouse was a pristine whitewash. spanish tile, in the emblem of the royal crest, led up to the entrance way. bare branches in mid bloom. brilliant red rose buds. it was not giselle who answered the door but a man in livery. suit-jacketed with no crease of human inhabitants and a brilliant shine to his shoes. he gave a polite bow as he always did with unrecognized visitors. his english was broken. tinged with a heavy spanish accent. “princess asks that avoid coming to door, but she does answer letters. yes?” giselle, aware of the safety protocol, stopped mid-step outside of the doorframe, expecting the standard fangirl or press agent.
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