#isabel lascurain imagine
zafirosreverie · 3 years
How they are during sex (Pandora)
@readerxxx this is yours
Fernanda Meade:
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With Fernanda, you never knew what to expect, the woman was a box of surprises. When it came to sex, there were only two options, and you loved both. Fer could be the sweetest and most caring person, treating you like you are the most valuable treasure in the world, doing poetry in your body.
Or she could be a domineering succubus, insatiable in her need of you. There was no middle ground, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Mayte Lascurain:
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Generally, May is a terribly innocent and tender person. So it comes as a huge surprise when, in the heat of the moment, she shows you a much more wicked side of herself. There is no trace of the sweet woman you adored so much, in her place, there is an evil muse who loved to torture you and mock your need for her.
Isabel Lascurain:
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With Isabel, you always had to take control, because otherwise, you would never do anything. And not only talking about sex, but about all in general. If you allow her to talk in the middle of the moment, be prepared to listen to her for hours. Usually, you adored that about her, but let's just say it's not the most appealing when you had a need between your legs.
Liliana Abaroa:
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It is always laughter and fun with Liliana. She is a woman full of life and joy that is contagious and the intimate hours are no different. She will always make you laugh and feel safe.
Although this also comes with a wilder side. You'll probably end up exhausted and sleepless that night, because this woman can (and will) go on for hours.
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Terrible gif quiality but I dare you to find good gifs of these women. I DARE you
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cryptodictation · 5 years
'Love of mother': lvaro blackmails David for Benjamin's salvation
David will do anything to save his son (photo: TV Globo / Reproduo)
The main soap operas in the country are about to suffer a break due to the coronavirus pandemic, and going to the final stretch of the first part, the great highlight of this Friday (3/20) is with Love me. The plan lvaro (Irandhir Santos) to put David (Vladimir Brichta) against son Benjamin (Guilherme Hamacek) it is working more than right, and after their first friction during a PWA event, it was time for the villain to send the real and blackmail the environmentalist in exchange for not delivering the boy's crimes to the police.
* Abstracts are the responsibility of broadcasters and changes may occur due to editing decisions.
Indicative rating 12 years
Marco doesn't like Rui's presence. Carla suspects Marco's delay in coming home. Regina invites Meg, Guga, Serginho and Zezinho to live in her house. Madureira and Filipe tell the delegate that Rui declared Rita's death. Madureira and Filipe claim Marco alongside Rui and Rugieri. Rugieri tells Filipe that he was the one who told Rui that Rita is dead. Nanda agrees to date Marquinhos. Anjinha, Carla and their family celebrate Marco's return home. Madureira confronts Marco about his relationship with Rui.
branches six
Indicative rating 12 years
Julinho confronts Afonso and Lola scolds him. Afonso is surprised to learn that Lola can move to Rio de Janeiro. Olga forgives Zeca and makes a plan for Neves. Durvalina confides to Lola about the pregnancy of Ins. Ins confesses to Afonso that he is expecting a son from Alfredo, and asks his father to stay away from Lola. Julinho closes the sale of Lola's house. Lola, Julinho and Isabel say goodbye to their home. Zeca excused himself from his job, and Neves suggests that his friend run for mayor. Karine and Soraia fear Lola's presence. Afonso and Lola kiss. Lola leaves with Julinho for Rio de Janeiro.
Save yourself who can
Indicative rating 12 years
Renzo tells Alexia / Josimara that she resembles a special person she met. To surprise Luna / Fiona by inviting her for a helicopter ride to Rio de Janeiro. Micaela calls Bruno for the opening of the restaurant. Kyra suspects that she is enjoying Alan. Lcia recommends that Renzo see a psychiatrist. Kyra asks Alexia to investigate what Renzo wants with Rafael's approach. Luna / Fiona confesses to To that she is in love with him.
Love me
Indicative rating 14 years
Danilo comforts Camila, and Thelma clears her nervousness. Sandro is tense with the event for the new PWA leaders. Jane is suspicious of Thelma's involvement in Rita's death. Vitria negotiates with Marconi the exit of Farula from the traffic. Lourdes shows Thelma her wall with information about Domnico. Raul worries about the agreement between Vitria and Marconi. Miguel supports Ldia to treat his alcoholism. Sandro and Betina are successful at the PWA event. Davi is surprised when lvaro summons Benjamin to participate in the event. lvaro tells Belizrio to follow Verena. rica congratulates Sandro on his support for Farula. Lourdes accompanies Ldia at her first meeting of the Alcoholics Annimos. lvaro interrupts Verena's show, which faces her husband.
The adventures of Poliana
Indicative rating 10 years
To replace Eric, Dbora decides to put Filipa to dance with Kessya in the presentation. Glria invites Luisa to exhibit her paintings in her gallery. Joo and Bento rehearse for the presentation of music at the school. Branca decides to return to the CLP. Hel calls Srgio to the school to talk about Mrio. Pendleton apologizes to Fernanda for being undone during their meeting. After talking to Ruth, Srgio has a tough conversation with Mrio. Fernanda v Dbora and Afonso talking and gets jealous. In disguise, Waldisney returns the money his mother stole from Branca, and says that it was all a misunderstanding. Branca goes to visit Antnio, and Violeta receives her disrespectfully. Luisa tries to visit Poliana at school, but Pendleton stops her.
My heart
Indicative rating 10 years
ngelo is imagining that he confesses to Ana that he loves her, while they talk, Ana takes him out of his thoughts. Magda understands that Ana is charming and concludes that that's why I fell in love with her. Fernando is preparing a surprise for Ana, and asks for Fanny's help. Nando asks Helena for a break, as she needs to clarify her ideas. Fanny and Leon have a strong argument and complain to each other about things in the past. Fernando is surprised when Beatriz confesses that she has a relationship with Bruno. Yolanda comments to Ramona that the sins he committed, do not let her sleep in peace, and she wants to be a good woman from now on. Ana insists that Fanny reveal the surprise. Fanny tells Ana what happened to Leon, and how much it hurt to be disappointed in him again. Ana tells Fanny that Leon is impulsive and she should forgive him. Fernando tells Nando that he is concerned about the situation he is going through, Nando replies that the important thing at that moment is the surprise for Ana. Leon diverts from Laura's kiss and says that he had an argument with Fanny. Fernando presents Ana with seven rings, each representing her relationship with each child, in front of the little ones Fernando asks Ana to be his girlfriend, she accepts. Helena goes meek to see Nando, but she tells him that she visits Fanny. Isabela arrives meek and Johnny who opens the door, she falls on him on the couch, and confesses that she feels attracted by the boy. Isabela and Johnny are alone in the mansion Lascurain room. Johnny rejects Isabela and says he is in love with Jennifer. Isabela tells Manuela and Soledade that she is tame to see her son. She goes to the library and catches Fernando and Ana kissing. ngelo and Magda go out to dinner together, she asks him for a second chance, proposing that they form a family. Fanny tells Helena about her fight with Leon, and Helena questions her about Lnin. Fanny says that this is a great man, but that they are not boyfriends. Leon tells Laura that after what happened with Fanny, he is sure that she left his life once and for all. Nando tells Fernando that he is confused because Helena said she wants to go back to him. Isabela returns to her home and tells Yolanda that she saw Ana and Fernando kissing and swears that she will separate them. Ana thanks Diana for helping her catch Dorival, as a dangerous plan. The children celebrate that Ana is their father's girlfriend. Isabela looks for a detective on the internet. Jennifer, Johnny and Ana are in “Chicago” to record Dorival's meeting with the lawyer. Ana's plan begins.
Cmplices of a rescue
Free indicative rating
Omar invites the children of the school to the party he will throw at his farm. Joaquim shows Regina the recording he made of her. Marina goes disguised as domestic for Regina's mansion to be able to see Oflio. Joaquim says that the condition for anyone to have access to the audio will be to see Isabela as many times as they want, besides not having to pay for the car repair. Regina yells at me.
Unique love
The broadcaster itself indicated the 12-year indicative self-rating
Until the closing of this issue, the broadcaster did not send the summary.
Betty the ugly in New York
The broadcaster SBT requested the classification for 10 years and awaits a final decision by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Armando and Ricard discover that Ncolas is recovering from the accident at Betty's house and are suspicious. To get rid of Ncolas, Ricardo proposes to Armando that he sacrifices himself for the company and for that he has to conquer Betty. Armando refuses to accept what Ricardo proposes, but then reconsiders, recalls recent events and is convinced that having to make the ugliest fall in love with him. Sofia goes to the company where Charlie works and the attraction between them is inevitable. But despite what they are feeling, they decide not to continue the romance, because it is not correct. Sofia rips up divorce papers and says she'll just sign what her lawyer approves. Sandra's brother comments on the critical financial situation and that her father is considering selling the gym. Wilson proposes a championship of fighters to avoid the sale.
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