#isaac mcadoo x afab!oc
et-mberg · 1 month
Affection (Isaac McAdoo x fem!OC)
This one may be short, but I still believe it to be adorable.
Thank you to everyone who liked my post about being interested in possible Isaac McAdoo content.
If you would like to read the actual fanfiction (that has only just begun) – you can find it on Wattpad, titled “David Bowie Eyes”
Rhea Ripley as “Bowie” Roscoe
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Just recently Bowie had begun to train with the Boys.
She could no longer work in martial arts, therefore she was much less physically active.
But now, that she could do more extensive training again, having finally fully recovered from her brain surgery, she had to make use of the opportunity.
Sure, she was no footballer, but she certainly could run, do weight training and more similar physical stuff.
She was glad, that not all her hard work in the past had gone to waste during her recovery.
It was after the most recent workout in the gym, when she was sweaty and ready for a shower, that she was approached by the resident Frenchman, “Ma Cherie, I need a favour.”
An eyebrow of suspicion raised and her voice cautious, she agreed, asking what he wanted.
“I have been invited to a wine tasting event by a potential sponsor. I would like to take you with me”
“Okay? Why invite me?”, she was still very much suspicious.
Richard was a flirt, always has been, it was simply a part of him and it did not bother her, it was rather flattering and did good for her self-confidence, but never before had he honestly invited her to something like this, or something without at least one other person from the team.
“We French believe, that beautiful women by our side bring luck”
“That still doesn’t answer my question.”
That sentence was followed by a loud “Oi!” from Captain Isaac McAdoo.
The amount of “Oi!”s yelled by the guys to get someone’s attention was astounding.
A determined look on his face, well, more determined than usual, he made his way over to Bowie and Richard, the second of whom he did not knowledge for the moment, taking the former’s face gently between his hands.
His voice was stern, possibly somewhat angry, even though his words were most certainly not, “You’re fucking beautiful, Bruv. If beautiful women bring luck, then there is no one else he could take to be luckier.”
Isaac’s next words addressed his teammate, looking at him, but not taking his hands from Bowie’s reddening cheeks, “She’s coming with you. Tell me the dress code and I’ll get her something.”
Isaac looked back to Bowie.
After a determined – that man truly was determination personified - nod, he took advantage of his 13 centimeters height advantage to press a kiss to her forehead and walked away without another word.
Richard was quite amused when he asked, “what just happened?”
Bowie, incredibly confused and flustered, simply answered him, that she would apparently join him before taking her change of clothes and walking off to take a shower, knowing that her boys had enough respect for her, to not peek.
And knowing that Roy and Isaac would hurt anyone who tried.
The Richmond players had better things to do, to even think about that, anyway – an animated discussion:
How did those two think, that they were not together?!
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