#isa carnivore
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sisyphus-prime · 1 year ago
I told a coworker about my body horror scene plan for a deer in my dnd campaign and they're fucking like "God, no, god." And im like :3
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jagarts · 9 months ago
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my fairy tail oc, isa ! 🌱
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she has plant magic….carnivorous plants…but she’s a sweetheart tho :3
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her guild emblem placement and a scar
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v3nusxsky · 2 years ago
Part 2 to the running fic!! I need the kids protecting both Larissa and her Librarian from Queen Regina and driving her out if the school. Possibly breaking the bond with her mother in the process so she can be free 🤔
Loving the request for part two so I had to run and write this @in-a-carnivorous-plant and requester this is for you <3
Not a mother in my book|h&c
*Authors note~ I have missed writing for this realm. Reader is based off my oc Isadora saige of storybrook daughter to queen Regina of storybrook*
Trigger warnings~ magical violence?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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Previous ~ Larissa held you there until you came round just protecting and processing the whole event. Who would've knew her fated love with be a secret princess? She looked down as you slept her index finger tracing your features of your face watching as a content sigh escaped and you snuggled impossibly closer. Yes this maybe a fucked up way to find out. But you had eachother now. And she promised herself there and then that you her darling Isa wouldn't ever have to run again.
For months things went almost back to normal, you were lulled into a false sense of security. Only thing that was a major change was you and Larissa becoming official. You were a little scared to finally come out but at least you still had your shield of "Normie Nora." Thankfully everyone at Nevermore was happy to see the hard working headmistress and lovely librarian so happy and in love. It created a warm atmosphere and it was almost infectious to be around.
Truthfully this was the happiest you'd ever been, it was exactly the stuff from the books Princess Belle would read to in her time as a captive of your mother. The types of love that seemed truly too good to be real, yet the bond that had formed between you and your Rissa reminded you ever second of the day that this was real. You'd both do anything to protect it and each other, no matter what.
You still lived in fear of your mother, feeling her emotions against the bond every now and then was just her way of reminding you that this life you built for yourself wouldn't last. She would make sure of that. And you knew that this was far from over, but you and Larissa would fight it together.
You had nights where you woke up with nightmares of the torture you'd been through as a young child. Larissa would hold you and comfort you through every single one, reminding you that you're safe and so very loved by all at Nevermore. Your true identity remained a secret between you and your lover, and for once you felt at peace with who you were. Larissa knew all the dark secrets your mind held, all the abusive you'd had inflicted on you or bare witness to. Things that no child should ever feel or see. It was understandable why you lived in fear of Queen Regina, and so very sad that the King was no longer around to keep his wife's temper at bay. As a child you should've been cherished and doted on, especially as a princess and only heir to her kingdom. Yet she did the complete opposite, but that's what made you the woman you was now and Larissa wouldn't change you for the world.
You noticed the strength of yours and your mothers bond increasing. Panic flooded through you alerting Larissa and causing her to immediately head to the library.  "Darling? What's wrong?" She murmured coming to wrap your shaking form in her arms. You didn't even get the chance to respond when on of the students that had the gift of foresight game barging in, words tumbling from their lips in a panic.
All Larissa managed to make out was that the Queen would be at Nevermore. The time frame was hazy but judging by how your eye's widened in fear, this bit of information was what had caused your panicked state. She thanked the seer and dismissed them, focusing her attention on you. You looked like you were going to pass out. "Isa" she whispered only low enough for you to hear, "she won't hurt you darling. I won't allow her to hurt you, you're safe with me okay?" What was meant to be reassuring words caused you to sob uncontrollably, Larissa didn't understand the horrors that would unfold.
Just as you were about to try and explain you were met with a telepathic student informing you that they could hear too many thoughts for it to just be Nevermore. It was instant that you wiped your tears and turned to Larissa, "she's here, Larissa you need to take the students away. She won't hesitate to hurt them. Please Larissa. If she hurts me I don't want them or you to witness it. She's my mother and therefore my problem. I shouldn't have brought you all into this. I'm so so sorry Ris." You were shutting down and pushing her away, she could not only feel it but she could hear it in your tone. You were terrified.
You didn't get a chance to finish pushing her away because your mother stormed her way into Nevermore throwing anyone who stood in her way with magic. You could feel her anger radiating through the bond, you instantly sprinted out of the library to face her. Your adrenaline was pumping and you hardly registered Larissa being hot on your heels. "Mother! Put her down. You want me not her" you roared your temper flaring at seeing Wednesday Addams pinned to the wall with her magic. You knew just how that felt and felt sick as you watched her almost lifeless body fall to the floor and Enid scurry over to hold her lover.
Regina's eyes bore into your own, a battle of wills was about to happen all you could do is silently pray your will was stronger. After all you had a lover to fight for. "Isn't it the disobedient and disrespectful daughter of mine" she all but tsked at you, "Isadora why must you do this? And for some silly school and a the tall freak hiding behind you. Is she not brave enough to face me dear Isa." She was taunting you but not only you but your lover. You were too far gone in anger and frustration to realise you cover had been blown. "They don't love you Isadora, it's a lie, come to mommy. Come back to being Princess Isadora saige and come home. Leave these freaks here"
Her words about the school and your girlfriend was all it took for your magic to lash out attacking your mother. "They aren't freaks mother!" You all but screamed as she fought back, the students around you not liking seeing their beloved librarian being hurt by her so called mother. Yet they simply looked to Larissa for the permission to aid you in your fight, they wouldn't move till she allowed them.
The skill you both held was simply amazing yet scary in the same breath. Your mother was powerful, that was common knowledge but to see how you defended yourself and the school with such eloquence and grace was truly stunning. This went on for a while, Larissa could feel you growing tired when your mother seemed to push just that little harder, suspending you into the air with her magic, creating leather binds to stop your flailing limbs and restricting the air making its way to your lungs. Your eyes went wide in panic, the familiar feeling from your childhood was most unpleasant. The students around you gasped at the display shouting their displeasure at the queen only to be ignored.
She taunted you, "oh my darling Isadora, you can't protect them now. Shall I fix this problem for you dear?" As she stalked towards your girlfriend you gasped out "ris run!" Larissa held that same look of panic as you did, powerless as she stalked toward her hand outstretched ready to take a heart. Her heart. You all knew what she was capable of, and only you had known what your grandmother had done to your mothers first love, the thought of the same thing happening to Larissa broke you, especially when you were so powerless to stop it. With a quick gesture to the students they descended on your mother in a surprise attack.
Her knights outnumbered by the students allowed a fair number of them to attack her, the surprise faltering her magic as you dropped to the floor im an ungrateful heap. The students doing their best to hold her off, you had wolves, vampires and even some extremely talented mind controlling students. Your secret weapon was about to come out. The one gift your mother never knew off because it was truly too exhausting to use. You dragged yourself up of the floor with the help of two students and moved to make eye contact with your mother, thankfully she'd never reached Larissa thanks to the students, it was lovely to see how much they adored her. You held her gaze and whispered one word, "pain" which caused her to fall to the ground in the most un queen like manner screaming in pain.
You took the moment of weakness to put a shield of sorts around everyone before approaching your still withering mother. She was begging and pleading with you to make the student stop and truthfully you knew they found this to be exhausting to do so you signalled to Larissa to give the order as headmistress knowing if you did it the student would think you were just trying to protect them. When the pain subsided your mother lay gasping for air with her eyes wide, it had been so long since she had been bested and by a teenager? That must have wounded her pride.
You pulled up the bond you shared with your mother, the line was dim and thin, you requested Miss Addams come to you and she did so pulling a little dagger from her boot. She then under your command severed the tie. Your mother gasped in a different kind of pain, shouting and swearing about how you had ruined everything and you were no daughter of hers, you hardly deserved the title of princess, all stuff you'd heard for years. That's when Larissa chirped up from the safety of the shield, "you're not a mother in my book, believe me I've seen many non of which are as bad at it than you." That one comment seemed to really aggravate the queen and she transported herself home to her castle.
Letting out a breath, you dropped your shield before collapsing on to the ground. Exhausted and heartbroken, but you were no longer tied to your mother. Larissa came to hold you in her arms whispering words of praise and comfort, knowing how hard this must be for you, all you could think of was the students. "Ris, students mmmkay?" You mumbled incoherently earning a small smile from your lover. "They are all okay love I promise. And so well you be. Come let's rest, I've sent the students off for the day to relax" her words registered slowly. How had you missed her sending them all away? With a glance you saw no one but her. Freedom was a strange thing, but you couldn't wait to experience it with her
Word count~ 1903
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igetthedisneybox · 6 months ago
Any headcanons about Bubo Marquez and Isabela Madrigal in your au where he's her brother-in-law? I feel like the two are probably friends.
So, one of many things we can both agree on with Bubo, is that he's weird.
So he fits in perfectly with the Madrigals, but especially Mirabel and Isabela, the two resident "weird girls" of the family.
When he first started dating Mirabel, everyone--and I do mean everyone--in the family gave him a shovel talk.
Isabela's talk specifically revolved around which carnivorous plants she'd feed him to if he broke her hermanita's heart.
Instead of being intimidated, he was very interested in the plants, and actually offered some additional plants he read about that he wanted to be eaten by.
After that, the two became thick as thieves.
Isa is very much like: I've only had Bubo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I'll kill everyone in this Encanto and then myself.
When Bubo told Mirabel about his awful family, Isa found out and tried to get them kicked out of the Encanto. When that didn't work, she just overgrew their garden with weeds XD
She became very interested in seeing Bubo and Mirabel stay together. She ships it hard.
When Bubo was planning to propose to Mirabel, he asked all the Madrigals for permision, not just Augustín, as was traditional.
When he asked Isa, she tossed a flower in his face with a "FUCKING FINALLY"
They act like they've been besties their whole lives.
They like to gossip about the other townsfolk together. Not in a mean way, but in a fun way.
They call each other brother and sister, which confuses some people, until they clarify by marrige.
Bubo is Mariana's favorite aunt/uncle, so Isa always has him babysit for her.
And vice versa, as Isa is Lidia's favorite.
So, long story short: yes, they are friends XD
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thealmightyemprex · 9 months ago
10 Miyuki facts
Miyuki isa trickster goddess ,often shapeshifting ,messing with perception ,or using any other trick she can think of to lure humans to her lair
Miyuki is part Snow Monkey.Miyuki has often been called out by humans for being part monkey ,yet being a carnivore.....She responds by turning the human into fruit and eating them anyway
Miyuki is the most ravenous of the Goddesses ,with a hunger for mortals that rivals Fatima,Senga , Amara and Jolene.Miyukis lair is littered with bits of cloathes of the various humans she has devoured
Miyuki is one of the few Goddesses with an active religious cult and she doesnt take it that seriously though she has grown fond of her cult ,.....it doesnt stop her from casually eating them
Miyuki does sleep with mortals,mostly women from her cult who she weds and eventually devours .Is very open to her brides about her desire to consume them while they are eager to be devoured
Miyuki's closest relationship to another Goddess is Fatima ,who she is in a bit of a friends with benefits thing with .
Is one of Delilah favorite mates due to her ability to make her laugh
Miyuki is the only Goddess who had no desire to be Queen Goddess
Miyuki is hated by the Goddess Eldora ,who Miyuk loves to pull pranks on
Miyuki is believed to be asleep but is actually awake but keeping a low profile,only her cult knows shes awake
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries
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greenvillainredemption · 8 months ago
Carnivore Isa vs Vegetarian Antonio fight!
Isabela: Why is there a vegan diet but no meat-an? I don't want to eat my babies!
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prankprincess123 · 3 years ago
Dolores/Mariano Headcanons:
Dolores became so accustomed to falling asleep listening to his poetry from across town, that without super-hearing allowing her to do so she can't fall asleep
On one of their first dates she falls asleep mid afternoon listening to his poetry. When she wakes up she's super embarrassed and frantically reassures him that she loves it and spending time with him, but she just hasn't been sleeping well since everything happened. He thinks it's adorable
That night he just 'happens' to work on his poetry across the street from where she's temporarily staying. She falls asleep easily for the first time in weeks
He may be a total himbo, but between the impromptu nap and what she said during her confession, he can add 2 + 2
Even after everyone regains their powers he'll frequently sit under her balcony to read or work on poetry
Once they're married he'll whisper it to her as they cuddle in bed
Despite her "slow down" response to his first proposal, they're so smitten that it's barely been a month before Camilo and Maribel have created a betting pool for when they'll actually get engaged
Isabela wins the bet
Between courting and engagement theres only about a year before they get married
During their courtship at some point they kinda have to adress the fact that he was in an arranged betrothal with her cousin. Somehow this spirals to the 'five babies' comment.
Dolores was totally just messing with Isa when she claimed he said it, and he almost falls over laughing at hearing the story
Despite never actually saying anything along those lines, Mariano does want a big family though. Given that she's effectively the second of six kids in her family and is used to the chaos, Dolores is totally agreeable to the idea
But at the same time, Dolores is one of six kids in her family, and no one ever moves out of Casita. They agree that they definitely want multiple children, but they'll see how big the family gets and how things go, and adjust their plans accordingly
At one point during their engagement Antonio is suddenly very clinging to her, and practically growling at Mariano. Turns out that one of his friends in town mentioned that their older sister moved out after getting married, and it sent him into a panic. They're very quick to reassure her 6yo brother that she's definitely not moving out, and Mariano is instead moving in with everyone. This calms Antonio down, but he's still wary of the situation.
Resultingly, Mariano has to be reassured that he will not be mauled by a jaguar for taking Delores across town for a picnic.
Their Serenata is a poem he wrote for her and had her papa and tio Agustin help him with music for. She pretends to be surprised, and that she hasn't had all the words memorized for weeks from hearing his nervous rehearsals.
Isabela is obviously in charge of flowers for their wedding. She has to be talked down from several slightly unhinged ideas in the planning process, but Dolores doesn't want to stifle Isa's newly re-found creativity, and Isa wants to make sure its Dolores' dream wedding. The compromise is that Isa can go wild, so long as it's within the wedding colors, not carnivorous or otherwise dangerous in any way, and not going to get pollen/sap/anything staining everywhere
Dolores has never really seen Mariano wear colors before their wedding, when he surprises her with embroidery on his shirt in her signature red. Mirabel practically squealed when he sent her a note requesting her help with such. After they're married he always has at least some red in his outfit
Pepa manages to hold back her tears and the rain till everyone's inside, but there's definitely sun-showers for most of Delores and Mariano's wedding day
He obviously takes the Madrigal name
At some point during the reception Camilo manages to get ahold of some aguardiente, and the results are a hysterical mess to say the least. He swears off alcohol permanently, and frantically apologizes to his sister the next day fearing that he ruined her wedding, but everyone including the newlyweds are still laughing at his antics so much that his words are drowned out
Mariano takes to his new role as house-husband instantly. It's not much different than town himbo other than that everyone now knows he's 110% off the market. Within a few years he decides he enjoys being a stay-at-home-dad even more
She finds out she's pregnant the first time by hearing the baby's heartbeat
That's also how she found out about both brothers and Mirabel, and will find out about her neices and nephews, but it's a little different and earlier when the sound is coming from her child.
That said, with her second child it does throw her for a minute when she wakes up and can hear two new heartbeats suddenly, before realizing that only one is from her, and that she's going to be an aunt for the first time too
Their oldest is a few years older than the next cousin, but by the time they have their third kid the nursery is pretty busy
They debate for a few years about having a fourth kid before agreeing to try
Madrigals come in groups of threes though, and multiples run in the family
They're thrilled. Shocked. But thrilled. Everyone is thrilled.
Casita expands the nursery
Her brothers and cousins tease them that they were playing with fire in trying to break tradition, thus why they end up with double the kids of anyone else.
The 'playing with fire' teasing only gets worse when the youngest of their triplets ends up being a pyromancer...
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hourglass-dreams · 2 years ago
More Encanto Headcanons because why not🕯
Isabela absolutely adores insects, snakes, lizards, etc.. She wasn't able to express her interest in them for most of her life so when she got to, you can bet she started keeping a bunch of little critters as pets. Her carnivorous plants take care of the ones that try to eat her creations 😈
The funny total opposite, Mariano is fucking terrified of big bugs and snakes, he will practically jump in Dolores' arms if he sees one while Isa will just laugh her ass off.
Bruno gave Mirabel a music box when she was 4 years old. After he left, she never played with it again because it made her sad and she forgot about it.
Before they got to know each other, Félix would play the guitar and sing a song he wrote about admiring Pepa from afar around the village.
Not gonna lie, I like the "wine mom Pepa" headcanon though I'm not sure if that fits in with the culture since wine isn't a big thing in Colombia, correct me if I'm wrong.
Dolores is attuned to the sound of everyone's heartbeats, it helps ground her when things get too loud and overwhelming. (For instance if she's there is a lot of conflict or there's just a lot going on, she can focus on Mariano's heartbeat since its usually slow and calming. She can also focus on others as well) on the other hand. There are situations where this doesn't work. If everyone's heart is pounding all at once without a single calm one, of course she's going to be just as stressed.
Camilo is A LOT like his father in that he's a major goofball and a prankster like Félix used to be when he was younger. He can also handle very emotional situations well for his age (this mainly came from growing up with Pepa). Despite this though, he's closer to his mother. 💛
Though she hates to admit it, Luisa will get muscle strain if she works too hard for too long and will be in immense pain. So to prevent this from happening as often as it did, Julieta will give her fresh food while she is working. When the family all come back home, Isabela will grow Luisa's favorite plants and make tea with them. And basically give her a personal spa treatment 💕
Speaking of tea, on discovering how much she can grow, Isabela started to grow tea leaves along with lavender, chamomile flowers, jasmine, mint leaves and other things of that nature. So she makes tea from these plants. Sometimes her and her mom with have a little mother-daughter day where they just make stuff together. It's adorable 💖
Pepa and Dolores do have a close relationship, but Pepa often worries that her storms scare or hurt Dolores because of her gift. Pepa's emotional storms only scare Dolores if they're directed at her, that probably means she's in trouble 😅
Antonio was vegan (or tried his best to be) for about a year but then he witnessed how violent the food chain can be. 😅 he asked his animal friends if they were bothered by him eating animal products and they were basically like, "we eat each other so.. nope." He just won't eat meat in front of whatever animal it came from, it still feels wrong to him.
Alma did not trust Agustín whatsoever when him and Julieta started dating. She thought he was a distraction and taking advantage of her (which is ironic considering the whole town started to take advantage of them but anyway.) It had to take them marrying and building onto the family for her to respect him.
Félix on the other hand had it a little easier. Alma saw how he was able to calm Pepa's storms and how charming he was. (Which of course was opposite to Agustín's awkwardness).
After Julieta and Pepa got married, you can bet Alma tried to persuade Bruno to find a woman and marry as well 😅. Bruno was always exponentially nervous when it came to talking to women. Almost every woman thought of him as the creepy harbinger of doom so that didn't help.
I don't really have any headcanons in place of Bruno's sexuality. If one day I'm like "nevermind he's ONLY into guys" then cool but right now, he's just into whatever I think he'd be into. Right now it's women because women are great 😅
Speaking of girls, Isabela thought she was bisexual for a long time until she started dating Maya, then she looked back at all the times she dated guys and she discovered that she never liked them the way she liked girls ^^
Maya was the opposite, she always thought she was lesbian because only ever wanted to date girls until she started interacted with guys more, then she realized that she has romantic and sexual feelings for both. So she's bi 💖.
Isabela and Maya both thought Alma was going to hate their relationship. Isa expected her to shut them out of the family but nope. Alma is wary of their relationship but mainly because she's worried about their safety. She isn't hateful but she knows there are a bunch of people that go out of their way to cause harm. She doesn't want that for her granddaughter or Maya.
Isabela still has phantom pains from the Hanahaki Disease. She'll feel like something is growing in her lungs and get worried that Maya doesn't love her anymore only to be reassured that she does 🌸
Bruno often uses his rat novelas not only as an escape but as a way to process his thoughts and emotions. The characters feelings may reflect how he's feeling in that moment. When he got out of the walls and started playing these for his family, he didn't think they would notice but they did, especially Mirabel, his mother and his sisters. So whenever a plot in his story is very sad, one of them will pull him to the side and ask if he's okay even when he is 💚
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rae-arts777 · 3 years ago
I Stan protective Isabela over Mirabel
Isabela: My little sister Mirabel is so annoying.
Someone: Mirabel is annoying.
Isabela: 💢💢 *ties them up with vines* WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY BABY SISTER?! 💢💢💢 do you want to know what the inside of a carnivorous plant looks like?
Mirabel: ISA NO!!!!
Mirabel: this is my boyfriend!
Isabela: please to met you, Mirabel, be a doll and get my coat
Mirabel: of course! *heads off*
Isabela: Now listen here you small dick bitch. You EVER. Break her heart, or hurt her, and I’ll use my powers to make your life hell, that you will fear the very grass you walk on in fear that I might be controlling it…waiting….waiting to make you pay.
Mirabel: Im back!!!
Boyfriend: *screams*
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pulchinelle · 2 years ago
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Crisanto Roosevelt & Chiron Solmani Gorgon
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Name: Crisanto Roosevelt
Voice Actor: ///
Nickname/s: Cris, Isa (close friends)
Twisted from: Flora
Gender & pronouns: male, he/they
Age: 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: 21rst march
Star sign: Cancer
Hair colour: auburn, woth little green and light magenta
Eye colour: Hazel
Height: 6'4
Homeland: Reliktian Forest
-Dulcea(Little sibling,8 years old)
Personality: Shy and hesitant to speak out, Crisanto often prefers the solitude of his personal garden to the crowded halls of his Academy and inviting over his friends. Incredibly talented with pets and plants alike, his calm aura and personality seems to allow him to befriend any creature he comes in contact with. Crisanro is also very sensible and empathetic towards others, always knowing the right things to say to cheer others up.
Affiliation: Hourglass Station Academy
Occupation: student
Dorm: Magixella ( @fumikomiyasaki )
Grade: 2nd year
Best subject: Botany and Herbals
Club: Gardening Club
Favorite food: Honeycombs
Likes: practicing his spells, caring for magical creatures, poetry
Dislikes: petty people,littering
Hobbies: Potion-making
Talents: helping people calm down
❁Crisanto is a flower fae variant named Nymphs, hence why when plants near him are damaged he feels pain
❁ Prodigy in Chemistry and making remedies out of herbs, Crisanto sometimes helps Deandra with demonstrations
❁his unique magic "Nature's tune" is very simple yet effective in fights. It allows the user to grow plants from nothing as long as earth is present.
❁ loves summoning magical creatures and often gives other Magixella students tips on how to care for them
❁Crisanto also keeps a few carnivorous plants he is very careful not to let others touch
❁He's still a little bit of a troublemaker, mostly because he is very loyal to his friends and is willing to break rules to help them
❁His wings have leaf-like patterns (since in the drawing you can't see them ;-;)
❁ his friends will receive flower crowns daily (well more like he grows them around their heads since he doesn't like to pick flowers)
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Name: Chiron Solmani Gorgon 
Voice Actor: ///
Nickname/s: Chi-Chi, Prince Solmani (formal title)
Twisted from: Chimera
Gender & pronouns: male, he/him
Age: 16
Sexuality: closeted homosexual
Birthday: July 13th
Star sign: cancer
Hair colour: dark blue
Eye colour: Cobalt blue
Height: 5'4
Homeland: Dragon's Hide
Personality: Snobby and arrogant, Chiron is disliked by many for always using his status as a prince to get whatever he wants, and despite this he is a good student, often boasting about his high grades. Also Incredibly prideful and hesitates to ask for other' help. To the people he likes ad wamts to befriend, the prince is quick to shift personalities and becomes almost sweet. To his close friends he talks often about disliking his grandmother and how he was raised strictly.
Affiliation: Hourglass Station Academy
Occupation: student
Dorm: Magixella
Grade: 1rst year
Best subject: Monster culture
Club: Drama Club
Favorite food: pizza (non spicy)
Likes: ballroom dancing, snakes*
Dislikes:getting his clothes dirty,
Hobbies: modeling
Talents: casting curses
❥Chiron doesn't have a pet/familiar since he doesn't think he knows how to take care of them and doesn't want to ask for Crisanto's advice
❥*Chiron likes snakes and any other reptiles, he's also pretty knowledgeable on their venoms
❥Another secret Chiron doesn't tell anyone is that he still doesn't have a Unique Magic
❥Always speaks with a slight french accent, even confusing words here and there
❥Chiron loves to keep up with fashion trends, and even lends some of his clothes if the person asking can convince them they won't ruin them
❥Is really good at transfigurative magic, sometimes plays pranks on the dorm leader and her vice by turning them into animals or giving them funny features
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gamerbearmira · 3 years ago
Ohh what if Isabela gets annoyed with Mirabel when she's like ten and throws some flower concoction at Mirabel but Mirabel has a horrid allergy reaction or something and she pretty much ends up becoming Poison Ivy?
Dawg?????? That would be so cool omg. I don’t think she’d be a villain and all that, but she’d def come to help Isa a lot! Lots of bonding, they get along more. Although, Mirabel obviously is a bit mad at her for a while, but she gets over it. Also, the villagers that threaten her family. All the sudden a ton of carnivorous plants are in their house…Hm…..ANYWAY yeah, I love this <333 I think of Poison Ivy from the Lego Batman games, just cause I like that version of her 💀💀
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 3 years ago
Since you chosen the blue pill here’s the rest of the Drabble.
Scrappy!sisters Kicking Ass Part 2
Scrappy can feel her blood pulsing in her ears as she dodges a wild swing from one of the many enemies. She throws a well-placed spinning kick to his jaw as a counter.
"C'mon, stay light on your feet, in and out just like mama and Tia Pepa taught you." thought Scrappy.
Block, counter, dodge, attack the opening, slip, counterpunch, shoulder throw, kick, and most importantly, be aggressive and vicious. The familiar fighting motions bring a sense of comfort and excite her brain. Her adrenaline is kicked up to a 10, all her senses are honed to a sharp fine focus, and she doesn't have to worry cuz her oldest sister is watching her back. Yeah, she's totally in the zone now, and she loves it. Scrappy smiles as she watches one of her enemies get taken out by one of Isa's large thorny vines. In her opinion, there's no better bonding activity with your older sister than fighting for your life in the blazing heat of battle. Scrappy is very happy to get one of her best friends and older sister back.
After Isa got rid of her Señorita Perfecta persona, she became Mirabel's number one accomplice in fighting against her family's bullies, much to the dismay of Luisa. You'll now find Isa helping Julieta shorten her workload by threatening people with minor injuries. She recently started throwing Cacti at farmers, trying to take advantage of Luisa's kindness. More often than not, you'll see Isa and Mirabel supporting each other with bruises, cuts, and limps while laughing and joking as they make their way to their Mami. Isa's fighting style changed along with her personality. No longer did she solely rely on simple, dainty, graceful joint locks and throws. Now, she loves to exchange powerful (like their Tia Pepa) yet precise (like their Mami) blows with her opponents in a graceful yet wild way. With help from their Tia Pepa and the rest of the grandkids, Isa can now incorporate her gift into her combat style, making her twice more lethal than before.
Hollow watched the two girls with rapt attention. The fight is truly a thing of beauty, something you shouldn't tear your eyes away from. Hollow couldn't help but deeply analyze the two fighters before her as a fellow fighter. Isabela's unique fighting style is reminiscent of a beautiful carnivorous jungle flower. Pretty yet deadly and, most importantly, untamable. Yet, despite her graceful movements and vicious blows, Hollow noticed that Isabela is very much rooted in one place. Don't get her wrong, Isa still moves around, but she never really goes out of the little area she deemed hers.
On the other hand, Scrap's fighting style caught her by surprise. Hollow has never seen Scrap fight like this before. From what she's seen on previous adventures, Scrap fights with no visible direction or thought. The best way Hollow can describe it is the punch now, think later kind of mentality, and it seems to suit Scrap well. This, on the other hand, is very different. To Hollow's eyes, it looks like Scrap is floating. In reality, what Scrap is doing is just flowing in and out of attacks and enemies like it's second nature. Unlike her sister, Scrap is constantly on the move, never staying in one place, flowing in and out while dishing out damaging blows. What really baffles Hollow is the thought Scrap is putting into her movements. Hollow can see Scrap analyzing and recognizing fighting patterns and deliberately using that information to manipulate her surroundings and enemies.
Scrap's fighting style, actions, decisions, dodges, blocks, redirects, and attacks all flow together to form one cohesive movement. It makes Scrap look like she floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee, Hollow muses. Hollow also notes the sister's impeccable teamwork. Scrap is quick enough to cover her stationary sister's blind spots while constantly feeding her enemies she can't handle by herself. Isabela has the range to take care of any sneak attacks that her sister might not see and lightens the number of enemies so that Scrap can move freely. If Hollow had any emotion left, she figured she would be feeling really proud of the two girls in front of her.
Scrap and her sister's strategy is an oldie but a goodie. Simple yet effective use of Isa's poison vines and Cacti to create a perimeter and prevent swarming; those that got through the vines and Cati are knocked out by Scrap and Isa. Its main goal is to generate enough organized chaos to disorient the enemy while giving enough room for our heroes to fight back. Despite how effective their strategy has been, there are still a lot of enemies bleeding through the perimeter, and the hoard was starting to get smart. After a few minutes of intense fighting, the battle came to a tense lull with the two sisters back to back, surrounded by enemies raring to go. Isa made sure to bring her numerous vines in a defensive position around the girls as they sized up their opponents and caught their breaths. There are still many enemies left, and if the fight continues, numbers will soon trump skill. If you look at the bigger picture, both of them were doing really well, considering they were fighting with just their fist, a couple of vines, and Cacti.
"Mira, I think it's time." Says Isabela
"I agree. Are we switching to lethal force now?" Scrap asks as she draws out her bolo knife.
"Nah, there's no need, but we still need them," Isabela says as she draws her cutlass out.
"Hmm, what do you think, one or two knives?" asked Scrap.
"Two, you'll be able to get more people that way, and I'm comfortable with our current strategy," said Isabela
"Noted, ready to finish this?" Scrap asks as she draws out another knife.
"Let's kick some ass," Isabela smirks as she and her sister charge in.
Many people don't know that Scrappy knows how to kill as brutally and efficiently as Hollow. What did you honestly expect? Scrap came from a family of fighters; her whole family knows how to kill. She doesn't kill for two main reasons. One, Observer, and Hollow do all the killing for her. Two, Scrappy's parents, aunts, uncles, Abuela, and their weapons masters have also made sure to hammer the concept of no killing unless necessary into the grandkids' heads. So despite wielding two knives and a sword in a fury of steel, the worst Scrapy and her sister gave were only cuts; some of their cuts definitely needed stitches, but nothing life-threatening. Since the two sisters took their weapons out, the tide of the battle quickly turned in the sister's favor, and their enemies started dropping like flies left and right.
To say that Hollow and Observer were shocked was an understatement. Both never knew that Scrap could fight with weapons, and to see her suddenly pull out two and use them highly and skillfully was the shock of the century.
Observer sputters in disbelief, "What the actual fuck."
"Hmm, how peculiar, humans don't drop like that after receiving a cut. I wonder what they coated their blades in? Hallucinogens? Poison? Venom? Hollow mused. "This phenomenon surely needs further study. Note to self, interrogate subjects of study later."
"Humph, so what if they have poisoned blades? It's nothing special." Observer grumbled.
Hollow looks at the Observer with a raised eyebrow, "Not jealous, huh."
"Shut up! I'm not jealous!" Observer says while she grits her teeth.
Hollow smirks, "I never said that you were."
"Fuck you. I'll have you know that—" Observer hisses.
A battle cry suddenly cuts off Observer's argument. Hollow and Observer quickly turn their attention back to the battle just in time to see Scrap and Isabela land the finishing blow to the last standing enemy. The guy stumbles before collapsing in a heap, clearly knocked out. Scrap and Isabela take a few moments to catch their breath before their faces break out in enormous grins. Grins turn into smiles and smiles that turn into shouts of joy and excitement.
"OH MY GOSH, MIRA, DID YOU SEE THAT? WE DID IT!!!" Isabela shouts in excitement.
Scrap, filled with the same joy and excitement, shouted, "I KNOW ISA!! WE JUST DEFEATED A HORDE OF ENEMIES!! LIKE ACTUAL BADASSES DO!!"
The sisters quickly put their weapons away before they started celebrating among the sea of bloody, broken, bruised, and unconscious individuals. They screamed, jumped, and hugged each other out of pure joy.
"HEY! Are you guys done yet? I wanna go home!" shouts Observer, clearly disgusted by the sisterly affection.
"Coming!" shouts Scrap as she runs over to Hollow and Observer with her Isa in hand.
"Great job with that fight, you two. I must say, both of you handled yourselves and the situation quite splendidly." Hollow complimented as the two girls approached.
Scrap suddenly stopped and looked at Hollow with shock. Isabela, who nearly ran into her, looked at her little sister with concern, "Mira, are you alright? She asked.
Scrap shakenly turned to her sister and said, "Hollow doesn't give compliments. She doesn't really give anyone compliments. Isa, we just earned a compliment from a certified badass."
Isa's eyes widen at the revelation, and she quickly turns to Hollow, "Thank you so much for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you." Isabela says.
Hollow nods in acknowledgment, "Both of you earned it."
"Ugh, are you guys done being mushy? I wanna go home." Says Observer.
"Oh, speaking of going home, Isa and I won't be going with you guys," Scap says
Observer frowns and asks, "Why not?"
"It's almost time for dinner, and we want to tell our family about the awesome adventure we had today," says Isabela.
"So, can we please have a replay tablet for today's adventure?" Scrap asked Observer.
Hollow questioningly look at Scrap and Observer, "Replay tablet?"
"Yeah, Observer can make a glass tablet that can replay the events of an adventure like a movie, epic camera angles, and everything. She does this if she thinks the adventure is cool enough to be documented," states Scrap.
Observer scoffs, "Why do I need to make a tablet for to—"
"Pleeeeeease. Scrap begs. Pretty please with those gummy bears that you like on top."
Observe sighs, "Fine, but I won't make you another one if you break it." Observer says. Observer's eyes glow yellow for a couple of seconds before a glass tablet falls into her hands and hands it to Isabela.
Isabela takes the tablet and says, "Thanks for letting me come along today. I know you're not fond of any of the Madrigals except for my sister and Hollow, so I really appreciate it."
Observer grunts in acknowledgment while opening a portal to the Scrappy's universe, "Yeah, yeah, here's your way home."
Scrappy gives Hollow and Observer her biggest smile and says, "Thanks for today, guys. I really had a great time today. I'll see ya later!" As she runs back into the portal while waving at them.
Isabela starts to follow her sister but pauses at the portal entrance. She quickly turns around to call out to Hollow, "Hey Hollow! I just wanna thank you and ask if you wanna come over for dinner?"
Hollow looks confused and ask why.
"Cuz you helped mi Mami shorten her workload the other day when I couldn't. Also, our Julieta likes you and wants to get to know you better and maybe have a friendly sparring session or two." Isabela says with a smile.
Isabela saw a look of apprehension on Hollow's face and quickly reassured her that she didn't need an answer from her right away. "Please think about it. If you wanna come over, just let my sister know, and we'll be happy to have ya. Thanks again for everything, guys. See ya." Isabela says before she walks through the portal.
Observer and Hollow watch the portal close. Hollow leans over to Observer and teasingly says, "I never knew you could physically change your color to turn so green with envy."
"Hollow, I swear to God!" shouts Observer.
Sorry, it took so long to finish this, but I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed the Drabble. Thank you so much for your praise and compliments on my last work. I genuinely appreciate it. Fun note, this entire work is four and a half pages long. So I’m very sorry for the long ask box. I hope I was able to add more to scrappy’s character and background.
♾/10 it's so beautiful, so majestic, I love it.
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stephanidftba · 3 years ago
Things I noticed in Encanto
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Image description: a teal skirt with colorful embroidery of flowers, a toucan, and the name Mirabel laying under a desk-type sewing machine. End ID.
Mirabel embroiders her own clothing, another thing that sets her apart from her family
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Image description: Isabela in bed, swinging her long hair to cover Mirabel at her door in the background. End ID.
Isabela literally blocking Mirabel out
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Image description: close up of Abuela’s waistband, where a butterfly decoration hangs with 2 pocketwatches and a key. End ID.
What is this and why is Abuela wearing it?
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Image description: Mirabel sitting on her bed with Antonio’s present in her lap. We can see drawings on the wall, Mirabel has colored on the wall itself and drawn colored tiles on the wooden floorboards, and drawn animals on the ox of Antonio’s gift, as well as Mirabel’s own embroidered outfit and bag. End ID.
Mirabel is super creative! She decorates so much, she created the candleholders for each member of the family (though she didn’t place them in a great spot), she sewed a stuffed animal for Antonio... This might fit in thematically with how she feels hidden and unnoticed and wants to be seen.
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Image description: close up of Mirabel. End ID.
This is just after Julieta says “Bruno lost his way in this family” and it got me thinking that Mirabel’s green glasses could be a parallel to Bruno’s green eyes and how they’re the “family weirdos”.
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Image description: a recent family portrait of all the Madrigals (except Bruno), Mirabel has her arms crossed and is smiling uncomfortably as Luisa has an arm wrapped around Mirabel’s chest. End ID.
Thank you Luisa for making sure your little sister was in the shot!
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Image description: Luisa holding a number of boulders above her head, lit in red light. End ID.
Immediately after the break in ‘Surface Pressure’, Luisa’s voice and animation are totally free of any type of aggression, she’s just sad.
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Image description: Pepa shoving Felix and Mirabel apart (at the beginning of ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’). End ID.
Pepa’s hands are on Mirabel’s chest and Felix’s FACE. Pepa is not happy with her husband right now!
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Image description: Dolores singing that her love would be “betrothed to another” immediately followed by flowers appearing in front of her. End ID.
Does this count as foreshadowing? We don’t know for sure at this point in the movie that Dolores likes Mariano...
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Image description: Pepa looking nervous, stroking her hair. End ID.
I’m choosing to believe that this is a stim.
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Image description: Camilo serving Pepa tea and helping her breathe deeply. End ID.
Camilo being a helpful son to his anxious mom is ADORABLE, but what I love almost as much is the raindrop wallpaper and weathervane on the table!
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Image description: Isabella creating a vine of sundew as she sings “Careful, it’s carnivorous, a little just won’t do.” End ID.
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Image description: close up of Isabela, her pastel pink and purple dress covered in blue so dark it’s almost black, with splashes of red and yellow powder. Her black hair has yellow-green powder in it. End ID.
Isa feels free to not be perfect and goes HARD in the other direction, and I love that for her. Making carnivorous plants, dyeing her clothes dark colors, I support alt girl Isa.
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Image description: Bruno awkwardly getting off a horse, ending up backwards. End ID.
Where did Bruno get a horse? Did he explain who he is to the townsfolk? Did he just take it?
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Image description: Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel smiling at each other having just put potted cacti in a planter box. End ID.
Mirabel planted Isa’s accidental cactus! She loves her sister!
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Image description: Casa Madrigal half rebuilt, captions show “the seasons change in turn”. End ID.
How long did rebuilding take? Where did everyone live? Did Pepa and Felix have to talk Antonio out of sleeping in the forest with the animals? Did Dolores sleep well with regular hearing?
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Image description: the new front door to Casa Madrigal, with all 12 Madrigals on it.
The new door even has the papas!
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Image description: the final family portrait, with all 12 Madrigals (and Antonio’s jaguar). End ID.
I will never be over Casita being a little shit, Agustín’s arms, and Isabela trying to catch her little cousin <3
If anyone wants to talk to me about any of this, please feel free.
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wikluk · 3 years ago
For the song lyrics ask game
Trying to tame a pistol
-from the song redhead by caylee hammack and Reba McEntire
trying to tame a pistol
Well, the idea I have for this one took me by surprise XD
Imagine la Familia Madrigal trying to tame... Isabela!
So, Isa's experimenting and she got a little bit out of control. Her plants are everywhere and it unnerves all people, not only the townspeople but the family as well, because aside from flowers and innocent cacti, Isa also makes the carnivorous ones and the dangerous ones, sometimes not even aware they're not the best idea.
She also gets a little too wild and over the top with her behaviour. Not pretending to be calm and silent and perfect, she now overdoes it the other way, being utterly chaotic, almost absurdly so.
So the family... tries to tame her.
(They probably fail, for the crack's sake.)
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blueflyingturtleontheway · 3 years ago
Ah yes, What Else Can I Do, or, how they translated it into Polish… To Want Means To Can 🙂
A quick word of explanation, “to want is to can/be able” is a common Polish expression, to which the closest English equivalent would be “where there's a will there's a way”.
No, the translation doesn’t make any sense, let’s get it over with.
+ I have to say I like the line “it’s incredibly beautiful despite so many flaws” over “It's not symmetrical or perfect”
* And here the pain begins
- Because I just- I know why the translators chose these lyrics, they fit the melody, rhythm and movements, sure, and there really isn’t a way to translate “what else can I do” to fit all those standards and yet… I can’t say it’s a good translations, because it’s simply not! It changes the meaning of the whole song and frankly doesn’t make any sense! Because Isabela didn’t want to do it, didn’t want to change, at least not consciously and the whole point is that it came out by accident and now she’s exploring her powers and there was no “want” involved! I can only comfort myself by the thought that it hurt the translators just as much as it hurts me
- I… They just gave up now, didn’t they?
- Come on this isn’t in any way close to the original T_T
= I like the line “Go sis don’t worry (about anything)!” It doesn’t make sense in this context though
+ I like “People let me live” it’s a good line :>
- No plant metaphors for us 😔
+ “Let’s hear a completely new call of completely new days” sounds even more epic than “I wanna feel the shiver of something new”
- Yeah all the lines around it are bad tho
* I mean “Cause if not us then who? Who could rival us?” is a really cool line and “sound-wise” it flows very nicely… I just don’t know how they got that from “Careful, it's carnivorous, a little just won't do”…
- WHY DID THEY GAVE MIRABEL “Oh well, don’t say anything, it looks like this is how it was supposed to be, a gift like that is a test from the fate” OVER “You just seem like your life's been a dream Since the moment you opened your eyes” I HATE IT HOW
+ Isa sings straight up “Maybe it’s already too late” so nice I guess
+ Okay but I can’t be completely broken, because right after that mistake they give us this masterpiece “All I know is that you no longer want to be a dream You’d want to rise much higher (Will I manage to rise?) Over sun and the stars fly!” [original: “All I know are the blossoms you grow But it's awesome to see how you rise (How far can I rise?) Through the roof, to the skies, let's go!”] which is pure poetry I love it
* Would’ve been even better if they’d mentioned the dream part in the previous verse like they should’ve but I guess I wont complain
+ I… Did they translate the song from the back to the beginning? Because here the lines “You’re capable of more if you start appreciating what life gives you (Go sis don’t worry!)” fit perfectly and I guess they wanted to keep the paraphrase that happens in the original, but this line just didn’t work when they used it the first time
+ “Let your imagination run free Throw them on their knees” is cooler than “Show 'em what you can do Show 'em what you can do”
Phew, okay so to some it up, Polish What Else Can I do, or rather To Want Means to Can is a pretty good song… as long as you don’t know the original lyrics. And ignore the whole context. And half of the song. Okay so maybe it’s not that good ejiowfewjowe I don’t know, there are a few moments I like but… that’s it. The rest is just. Bad. And I’m very sorry to the translators because I know you guys are fantastic I mean, the whole rest of the movie is amazingly translated, so I guess they had to trip somewhere…
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casitafallz-a · 2 years ago
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Decay AU | Mellow Flowers
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Isabela didn’t like the looks given to her, her little happy bubble was slowly shrinking before the anxiety she had grown accustomed to filtered right into place even as Luisa seemed to duck away out of sight or as her Tia and Tio also padded away. It was like she was in trouble for something and…Isabela knew she had only used her gift inside her room and not a vine beyond natural plant supports; she hadn’t broken any rules…had she?
Camilo laughed, seemingly amused by something before he was yanked away by his father.
Her heart thumped faster in her chest, her eyes flickering to Dolores whose expression was winced in sympathy before her eyes flickered down with a short nod downwards. Isabela’s gaze followed before she realised…why everyone had disappeared or gone quiet.
Abuela’s face was lined with quiet rage, a different type from the other week but… there and directed at her if she could hear the upkeep of Abuela’s breathing correctly and how her eyes were burning into her like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
“A-Abuela?” She swallowed, her hands on the pot felt very unsteady with how sweaty her hands had gotten in the last five seconds, the vivid bold colours of pollen desaturated considerably but didn’t disappear given it had stained her shirt and skirt and the cactus in her pot shrunk down as if it was starving for water. Probably, her mouth had become very dry.
“Your room, now.”
The words from Abuela’s lips were short and sharp but Isabela’s confusion didn’t go even as Abuela marched behind her though Isabela felt a welt of tension in her gut as she gripped the door handle.
If…if Abuela didn’t like the cactus or pollen…. She was not going to like her room. Abuela’s reaction…Isabela realised was going to be rough. Swallowing down her fear, she hesitantly opened the door and led the way in.
Inside her room had become a jungle of vivid blues and greens, the walls blue from the simple colour change of the petals, her Palma de cera trees stood tall and nearly touched the fake sky above, and sundew was coiled around from each Palma de cera though it wasn’t the only carnivorous one in sight either and not to mention the ones that had very sharp leaves. There was no rose or pink flower, only a swamp mass of colours that…felt so right and yet now, it felt terrifying to have made it, especially out of context.
“What have you done to your room?!” Abuela’s voice rose, though Isa found herself shying away from her tone. “Have you lost all ounce of control? What is all of this? Not only have you ruined your clothes…your room is…” she seemed lost for words and not in a good way either with the expression on her face.
Shakily, Isa dropped the now dead cactus pot onto a blue bush before it rolled out of sight in the mass of foliage.
“I…I was just…experimenting.” Isa spoke up, her voice quiet and soft “I…I thought that…you might like to see and…and…” she trailed off, uncertain of how she could explain herself.
“Given what happened two weeks ago, experimenting is the last thing you should be doing with your gift, Isabela.” Abuela shook her head distastefully though seemed to take a second to take a breath, “why put others at risk with your experiments? Don’t you know how dangerous come of these plants are?” Gesturing to a hanging pitcher plant before pointing down to where some decay had formally been, were a few purple bell-headed plants. “belladonna… Isa. What if Antonio accidentally came in… that could kill him if he so ate two of those berries, or worse, a single leaf?”
Isabela swallowed thickly, her gut tensing before the plants mentioned she withered away. She hadn’t….intentionally meant to create deadly plants they were just…part of the creation process. Logically, all plants had the potential to be deadly if utilised wrong. But… Antonio wasn’t going to be coming in; he no doubt would keep his distance from her room so Abuela’s argument on that…didn’t feel justified.
“He knows the rules about my room,” Isabela weakly pointed out, rubbing her arm though shrunk away at her look but thankfully, didn’t make a comment on that before she surveyed her room and she shook her head again with distaste to what she was seeing.
“Get your room back to…some semblance of order. I will not accept you losing control of your gift.”
“Yes…Abuela.” Isabela nodded glumly.
“And of all times to start messing around, you chose now? You could have upstaged Mirabel’s new room far too easily… did you do this on purpose?”
“No.” Isabela shook her head, “I barely knew what you were doing. No one talks to me… I didn’t know you were planning on unveiling it so soon! If I knew… I would have waited. I just got…overexcited.”
Abuela took in a heavy breath but nodded. “Fine, just…be more aware of your surroundings next time, Isabela. Don’t let that happen again.”
There was…relief that Abuela wasn’t too mad about that part of this…mess she had put them in with her…poor timing. She just…hated her gift.
No matter what she did.
Hearing her door click shut, Isabela was…glad to be alone. Her shoulders dropped before she swallowed the lump, fighting the urge to cry.
All the excitement she had felt had drained away, leaving her now to feel the follow-up of…expending her gift along with the shame that bubbled under the surface. She sniffed as she trod towards her bed before flopping across her mattress; kicking off her shoes.
She didn’t know how long she lay on her bed, but she felt her moping now was well-earned, she hadn’t slept--couldn't-- but a part of her just wanted to sleep the rest of the day away and hope tomorrow was better.
Hopefully, Mirabel would be too happy about her room to notice her absence if she could get away with eating in her room. Could…could she even make her own food? Veg? Fruits? Isabela deflated the idea swiftly. Not like it mattered. Abuela probably wouldn’t want her to try. Consuming food she had made with her gift… she could imagine that going down as well as her room even if she suggested it.
Nothing of her gift would…help.
It ached to come to that conclusion because… all they were ever good for was their gifts…aside from those without or had inconvenient gifts. Without her gift… what would she be good for in this family?
The town… she knew they thought her good for decoration and a pretty face for sure; Mariano wasn’t the only one to like her and… there had been a few people she liked but didn’t dare make obvious given their profession that Abuela wouldn’t approve of or in one case, the wrong gender. But, without her gift in town and bound to the family’s needs, she was useless.
It was an unsettling feeling. But the town didn’t know of her sin so…she liked to think she could still win one of the men she did like when Abuela lifted the ‘No Boy’s’ rule. Mariano was just…never her type. She was a burnt-out candle against his burning match.
What could she…possibly do now? She still had nothing going for her in the family and nothing to do. Life had been about working in town. She…knew she liked her new lease of possibility and everything inside of her wanted that; to be a girl in colour… and bright.
And happy.
Lost in a moment of bliss to forget her grievances and pain she had brought before and to create like a goddess of flora and bring a new light to her gift that Abuela should have been happy about.
Now she couldn’t even have that.
All of that to be locked up inside her with the chain of guilt and shame, with a pretty smile and a pretence of being okay because being upset… just make you look like you were trying to curry pity from everyone.
It ached.
A soft knock echoed on the door though she didn’t answer, she heard it open anyway. Abuela?
“Isabela? Can I come in?” Tio Felix asked.
Isabela sighed heavily, pushing herself to sit cross-legged though didn’t look his way but nodded nonetheless out of politeness. At least it wasn’t a second round of scolding or… her parents. She didn’t want them to be mad at her or worse, disappointed in her.
They had Mirabel to look after right now. She couldn’t deny it, Mirabel did deserve her own room… and it all should have been done sooner. She just wished she…could have still been a part of it as part of the family, right?
Isabela swallowed thickly as her Tio sat down at the end of her bed though she still refused to look at him, her hair acting like a curtain that separated her from him more than her door.
“I...I know you’re upset,” Tio Felix started with, “I know that…you weren’t thinking. You weren’t trying to take any attention away.”
“I wasn’t,” Isa mumbled. “No…no one told me about Mirabel’s new room to start with or…or when it was going to be done…”
“Aside from chores, Isa. You barely leave your room, how could we have told you?”
Isabela said nothing. It wasn’t hard for someone to knock on her door. Again, she could have…she should have made nice decorations or had some part in making Mirabel’s room nice. She supposed they didn’t want to risk her around doors…less remind her that her flowers and plants were far too dangerous. No one had asked for her gift yet.
“Can I…see the cactus? You did look…very happy with it”
“It’s dead.” And soon the rest of her room would be as well. Once she plucked up the energy to do so, she just...felt so drained now. Emotionally and physically. Abuela would no doubt check in and make sure everything was…back to normal…or orderly.
She didn’t want the pink flowers. She could…definitely try and keep some of the new elements.
“I see…” Tio let out a heavy breath, “I...I didn’t know you could do more than flowers. It is amazing.”
Isabela’s head shifted, peeking through the gaps in her hair again. “Abuela doesn’t think so.”
Tio’s friendly face fell a little. “Isa… don’t let what she says to be the pinnacle of your use of your gift.”
“She says I’m out of control.” Her voice broke a little, “I…I didn’t think I was…I just…wanted to explore after…after the cactus. I thought…she’d like that I could do so much more…”
Tio shifted to sit a little closer to her though his face was passive in the corner of her eye though her dark curtain. “Isa… it’s been two weeks since…what happened. She’s still handling a lot in the fall-out still. I’m not saying you shouldn’t explore your gift—“ he added, seeing her look, “but…perhaps it’s something you should have done more slowly…or waited until later to properly get into it.”
Isabela turned her head away. “I got excited. Why am I not allowed to get excited? Why does she have to see the bad in my gift because of one time?!”
Tio Felix’s hand came to her shoulder. “Because, Isa, you’ve scared your Abuela. She’s terrified at the possibility of you slipping up again… and this—“ he gestured to the room, “this to her looks just like that.”
Isabela shook her head, “But this isn’t at all like that…. I did this all on my own… no one to get in the way. I didn’t break any of the rules. Why am I being told off? I don’t understand!” She couldn’t keep the rise in octave though she felt anger, it was more muted as she tried to suppress the tears. “I didn’t do anything wrong…”
Tio’s hand rubbed down her back though Isabela liked it; she didn’t realise how much she missed physical affection until now… it…felt nice that at least Tio here was trying.
“It’s…not about you breaking rules.” Tio spoke slowly, clearly choosing his words “for the last two weeks, you’re doing your dues and head down. This is…sudden to us in terms of your behaviour. To Abuela. I can’t speak for her but this isn’t something she expected from you and certainly not this close to what happened.”
Isabela sniffled softly. “I just…thought she might like the fact I made new stuff… better than just…pretty things. I…could be much more useful than decorations.”
“I think that’s a conversation you need to have with her…later down the line.” He urged. “Until then…why don’t you explore your gift in a…smaller way?
Isabela wiped her face onto her arm, smudging pollen across her face but almost immediately, her eyes stung. “Oh god, right into my eyes! Why did I do that?!” Isabela hissed before she felt the edge of a material being pressed into her hands.
“Here. Blink rapidly and don’t rub”
Isabela complied, her eyes tearing up though she was glad to feel the stinging go down after a moment but her eyes continued to water and itch. “Ugh.” She wiped her eyes onto the bedsheet—now she could see what it was. “Thank you.”
Tio Felix nodded his return, face still melded in concern “Will you be okay when I leave, Isa?”
“Aside from…almost blinding myself…yeah. I’m going to have a nap. I don’t want to go down for dinner.” She didn’t want to be stuck with Abuela’s looks or the awkwardness of anyone else who had seen her faux pass earlier.
“Are you sure?”
“I messed up earlier… I wouldn’t put it past people to think I did it purposely. I don’t…want that attention when it...should be Mirabel’s happy day. Tell her I’m napping because I almost blinded myself.”
Tio nodded his lip curling softly to a kind smile. “Tomorrow, assuming you can read… I’ll get you some books from town. Maybe you can fill some hours with some study?”
If her eyes were so itchy, Isabela would have perked up instead of rolling around to press her face into the bed sheets.
“Okay, Tio.” Her voice muffled against it though, putting up a thumbs up.
“Don’t scratch your eyes.”
 Julieta had noticed the absence of Isabela at Dinner as they ate. The happiness broadcasted by Mirabel was obvious as Pepa’s rainbow as she ate and it lifted her heart to see her daughter’s happiness as she talked through redoing one of the walls with the Encanto maintains and butterflies. Julieta knew Mirabel had personalised her space in the nursery; chalk on the floor, the pictures on the walls and the ‘hola’ on the wall that was painted to look like a sun were nice.
But it had always been limited.
Now Mirabel has a whole room that was otherwise her canvas.
Julieta knew Agustín was probably going to get together a list of paints but that would be his project tomorrow with Mirabel no doubt. She was looking forwards to seeing what her daughter would do.
But the absence of Isabela tickled at her a little in the wrong way and she didn’t like feeling that way; all of her children should be here now regardless of how earlier had been.
Her eyes flickered back to Felix. He had said Isabela had gotten pollen into her eyes and wanted to sit dinner out. She had wanted to go up and check in but… a part of her felt Felix was just letting Isabela take that break with a soft lie but Felix never lied so… it was uncomfortable not knowing.
After a moment, she set her knife and fork down and pleasantly excused herself from the table, feeling her mother’s questioning looks as she got a new bowl and headed up to Isabela’s room.
“Isa?” She knocked once.
“It’s open” came the dull reply.
Julieta blinked at the sight of… a chaotic room greeted her though Isabela was sitting at the bottom of her little stairs to her bed, hands over her eyes looking very…irritable. Her clothes were stained and she could imagine it was going to be a pain washing all that colour out.
“Mami?” Her hands dropped from her face, squinting towards her before Julieta let out a heavy sigh at the clear signs of swelling around her eyes and the redness t her skin around her face. Felix wasn’t lying, which was a relief but…she should have come here sooner.
“Are you okay?”
“My eyes are burning,” Isabela complained.
Julieta set the plate down, her hand coming to her daughter’s face though touched along the swollen parts that felt hot to touch. “Pollen did all of this?”
“No…” Isabela winced as she pulled her head back, “Poison ivy… I didn’t realise where I put it and…I touched it and my eyes were already itchy…” She trained off but Julieta could see where she was going before she plucked the bowl up and filled up a spoonful.
“I got a spoon of soup, take a sip, it should all clear up.”
Isabela leant forwards and Julieta pressed the edge of the spoon to her lips before her daughter slurped it before the swelling began to reduce and the bloodshot in her eyes vanished once she could properly see.
“Go wash your hands so this doesn’t happen again.” Julieta encouraged.
Isabela licked her lips but thankfully got up and headed out, leaving Julieta alone in the…jungle.
It was somewhat unsettling to see a room so vastly different to how she had last seen it and it looked…very unlike Isabela. There was a beauty to it and no doubt all of Isabela’s creations. It was a marvel but… the whole change was unsettling given what she had seen to what she expected of her eldest following what had happened.
Two weeks ago, Isa had almost killed Mirabel. It gave an aching weight in her heart to see how that now affected everyone. Not just Isabela or Mirabel. There was some unity and change but there was also a distance and awkwardness as well. No one knew how to work around or with Isabela as a factor. Julieta didn’t know either and that settled guilt on the fact she didn’t know what to do. It felt like she was choosing between her daughters.
Care for the daughter that had been at the end of an assault, who had been bullied and she hadn’t known about or should she care for the daughter that had snapped in anger and now was sitting with regrets of her actions. Then there was the other daughter that was stuck in the middle.
Julieta didn’t want that terrible choice. She didn’t like Mama suggesting to take the reins over Isabela either because then what did that mean about her?
Could she take that and still be a good mother? If today had proven anything, they had fallen far behind with Mirabel and her needs. She needed to be a better mother.
Julieta rose to her feet, setting the bowl down and left, closing Isabela’s door after her and headed back to the table although she eyed her youngest's happy face with a soft smile before she looked to Agustín. She had to talk to him… they had to come to this choice together. She couldn’t bare the weight of those choices on her own after all.
You know the temptation to go dark was there but.... i wanted to balance the angst here because i don't want to dive too dar too quickly, this is going to carry on for a while and i don't want to cheapen the character development this soon and it's a poor reflection to Isabela if 'she goes too far over Abuela not liking her room' bc that is how the family would see it; they won't see her struggles as deep as they should at this point in the timeline.
if people follow her Decay AU on my tumblr, then this is something that happens over a course of 18 months (might change here in the fic though?idk) so I'm taking this as a sorta slow to explore these characters and also putting isa in hot water a few times as well bc the process of this is not about waiting it out either. It's an emotional mess full of highs and lows. This is a high, low and a little mellow point for isa.
I felt that Felix in the best person to talk to her after; to keep her from wallowing into the darkness too long and the girl needs some hope in her family. That doesn't mean it'll be all clear sailing but... ultimately she needs that to keep going. Not to mention, Felix has dealt with Pepa's gift for decades so it doesn't phase him but he's probably the least bias of the family; i feel like he sees more than he lets on. But again, he knows some restraint on how to handle the situation with his in-law and niece and that he can't pick sides in this.
I didn't want Abuela to be over the top in her reaction; she's horrified and has assumed isabela's gotten out of control and wants her to reel all that back and start acting like she should to earn her trust back. (I tried to keep this reaction close to how canon!Abuela saw her now look as well). This change is like a slap in the face and she doesn't like the fact that isa is capable of making deadly plants. That aspect she's scared of most; she wants Isabela back to who she was before the attack, not for her to keep 'changing' to someone she doesn't recognise. how can she trust that change when she almost killed someone? (at least that's my take). Abuela did take the poor timing reasoning quite well bc...well isa did have a point; they didn't tell her so that's on them, not her but she'd to be a little more aware of her surroundings next time. I did want her to still have some reasoning here.
I am interested to explore how Julieta's faced with the handling of trying to be there but not knowing for who and when, more so now the display of changes in isa's gift is unnerving; it's not what she creates (don't get me wrong, it's something she's impressed with), it's why Isabela created it in the first place. She doesn't know it was out of joy and happiness and unfortunately, it's something she's picked up from Abuela that it might be an indication of Isa's lapse of control, making her worry if she should let Abuela take control over Isa or not. Julieta's terrified of that option and she hates she's considering it but her family's a mess and... she sure as heck doesn't know what to do about it.
What do you think?
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