#is2g i try my fucking hardest to stay out of drama but some people just never give up
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exnusquam · 2 years ago
Psa.; Please for the love of all that's holy read this if you want to continue following me.
[mun] it has come to my attention once more that some people are fucking unwilling to ever see my legendary muses as people despite explicitly being written to be that way. Most of my legendary pokemon muses are in human form half the time (with Arceus being in human form 99% of the time), and all of them have the ability to consent, human intelligence, and the ability to communmicate that consent in some way, but since they aren't human apparently to some people that's poke/p/hilia. I guess I can't ship my player character in mass effect with any of the alien love interests either because theyre not human then. fml
My legendary pokemon muses are to be considered people. Because that's what I write them as. That also means that some of them will engage with human characters in romantic situations. If you don't like that, you aren't required to follow, and I ask you to simply hardblock me so you save me the anxiety and hassle over trying to rid you of my dashboard.
I completely understand if someone is uncomfortable with that idea (shipping with inhuman characters in general). But you can just block me and my ship partners and move the fuck on. If youre being blocked by someone because you use guilt tripping, abusive rhethoric and block evasion or because you question someones sanity or mental state because they ship with my inhuman muses, then you're being the problem here.
My shippable legendary muses are ALWAYS
Of human intelligence
Capable of comprehending and using human language
Capable of consenting
Capable of communicating said consent
Capable of taking a human form and maintaining it
If someone else's muse ticks all these boxes as well, then I will be willing to think about shipping with them.
If you have a fucking problem with a human muse being shipped why my legendary muses despite all of this above, then you dont go and harass my ship partners over it, you come and talk to me personally about it, dont be a fucking coward.
My legendary pokemon muses are always always always to be considered people.
I treat them and write them like the greek pantheon of gods.
Like people, flawed, with human intelligence, emotions, and the desire for closeness and intimacy, and if you don't like that, leave.
They are absolutely never animals, and treating them as though they are is fucking disrespectful. Fuck off.
People like you are the reason I had to take years off the rpc prior to returning to tumblr for my mental health. YOU are the harassers. YOU are the abusers. YOU are the guilt trippers. YOU are the puritans. Maybe a reality check is what YOU need. Go touch grass and never bother my rp partners with your bullshit again.
As for everyone else who might just genuinely be uncomfortable for different reasons, and who would like to unfollow: I totally get it. So long as you aren't being a fucking stalker and talking shit behind my back or that of my rp partners, I will absolutely never think bad or lesser of you for unfollowing. All I ask is you hardblock me so I don't refollow thinking tumblr made a mistake and unfollowed by mistake. I'd really appreciate that.
Thank you for everyone who respects me, what I want to write and explore, and my rp partners, and I hope whoever remains will not be uncomfortable with what I write. Should you need anything tagged, never be afraid to ask me privately to tag it. I will always be happy to accomodate in that department.
Thank you and apologies for having to make this post. For any questions, feel free to DM me.
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kellykadesperate · 8 years ago
so a beautiful nonnie of mine asked for more underrated robron moments so here we go:
1)) let’s start with the LEGENDARY yet often forgotten dazzling look on robert’s face when he gets the text from aaron that he’ll meet him at the lodge. it’s INSANE. because if you really think about robert has been a massive dick for a good few months, he’s really fucked up and thinks he’s lost aaron and then suddenly things are going good again and NEWS JUST IN! FOR THE DORK! aaron still wants to rip his clothes off! so he’s ridiculously happy about the fact that he’s managed to get aaron by himself for a few days or whatever and he is radiating !! that single look just sums up everything he feels for aaron, everything he STILL feels for aaron and despite how disastrous the lodge was it still makes me feel all warm and gooey when i think about how EXCITED robert was about going to the lodge with his grumpy grump.
2)) RIGHT NEXT UP, the ridiculously hilarious moment where chas asks robert if he’s seen aaron because he didn’t come home the night before (too busy freezing to death in the woods #poor baby) and robert literally DROPS HIS HEAD and then TENSES HIS JAW before he manages to be all like “good for him” and make out like he’s not just been HAUNTED by pictures of some random having his hands all over HIS AARON. this is all after their ridiculously soft home farm week and robert has broken it all by announcing the immediate arrival of his #drop dead gorgeous wife, and you can see how it feels like a PUNCH IN HIS GUT out of nowhere?? because aaron is single, because aaron is able to do what the hell he likes and he CAN and SHOULD and that’s all he can think about and it’s written all over his face. it’s not worry until chas places it there in his mind, it’s jealousy there and even a little anger too and yeah it’s just everything and ryan kills it in a single look so let’s shout about it more pls.
3)) “YOU DON’T GET TO LIE ABOUT HIM AND WALK AWAY!!!!!” ~ SO … there’s so many ridiculously amazing moments in ssw which we all rant and rave about but this moment literally gives me shivers and it’s not talked about enough! aaron is WORKED UP, like screaming in lachlan’s face (danny kills it as per) and this part just shines through all of it to me. like it’s the crux of the whole thing! lachlan dared to lie about robert? he dared to make up something so horrendous, something so damaging just because — and aaron can’t handle it. he can’t handle the thought of robert being hurt and DESTROYED because of this lie and he CANNOT LET LACHLAN JUST GET AWAY WITH IT. so he does what? he kidnaps the brat and it’s wild and so unlike him in so many ways but it’s all because of the way he feels about robert. he literally doesn’t know what to do with how much he loves robert and so many people genuinely wonder if he does love robert as much as robert loves him and it’s just INSANE because yeah okay robert is more consistent with love declarations and whatever but aaron’s love for him can literally just EXPLODE into something messy and wild like kidnapping a teenager because he cannot risk losing robert. with robert, aaron has this strong sense of justice for the love he feels for him and the fact that it could be STRIPPED from him because of lachlan is not even an option so the creep cannot get to walk away from it all? he has to damn pay for not only trying to scare robert but also fucking up aaron’s heart and making him panic for a second. can we talk about this please? thanks.
4)) THE GIDDY HANDS IN POCKETS ALMOST JUMP THINGY ROBERT DOES IN THE WOOLPACK TOILETS AFTER BEING INTERRUPTED FROM KISSING AARON AND CONFIRMING THAT THEY ARE HAVING #HOME FARM WEEK ~ so like yeah it’s ridiculously soft and it was almost out of nowhere? the whole scene is just madness because aaron goes from this hard angry little dog who is legit fuming that robert is going away to spend the week with his wife because HOW THE FUCK DARE HE? and robert manages to soften him into this gooey marshmallow who just wants to keep kissing his ‘overly decorated in purple’ lover who is literally staying to BE WITH HIM. everything is soft until some random laughs too loudly and they break apart and it’s all this energy whizzing through the air, the chemistry literally sizzles and then robert walks towards the door, listens to aaron say “tomorrow then?” and he sucks in a breath, nods his head and SMILES before saying “tomorrow”!! it’s just wild, and they are just SO EXCITED and it’s mind blowing and yeah … Let’s talk about it Now.
5)) OKAY SO THE AMAZING DOMESTIC “OH HERE WE GO” followed by a roll eye by robert sugden to his soon to be fiancé who is trying to actually initiate deep level shit whilst driving ~ it’s hilarious full stop. it’s just the best and the way robert already KNOWS that aaron is going to get to the whole #deep level shit without even hearing it just literally sums up how well they know each other. it’s honestly sickening how comfortable they are in each other’s company? how rob is like ‘here we go, another lecture by my grumpy gorgeous hopefully fiancé in a few hours boyfriend who wants to discuss stuff i cannot deal with’ it’s just PERFECT and we need to shout about the level of domesticity in the moment!
6)) OKAY SO - the scene where aaron asks liv if she wants to go the theme park with him and robert and she turns him down and his face just drops as he asks “is this because of robert?” like … OH MY JESUS HE WAS SO SCARED THAT HIS SISTER WOULD NEVER LOVE SOMEONE HE LOVES!! he literally starts banging on about him wanting liv to get to know robert and how robert is nervous about it and he is literally rambling because it means so much to him and it’s insane. all my baby wants is a quiet little life with his sexy af little businessman boyfriend and his wayward sister and it isn’t working and he’s trying his damn hardest to just help everyone get along as best they can. like even when she still says no, aaron’s all like “can’t [liv’s plans] it not wait?” because believe it or not back then when it was in the midst of what many referred to as the cold stage, void of any romance, aaron was ATTEMPTING TO BUILD HIS FUTURE AND SET THE BUILDING BLOCKS TOGETHER IN A NEAT PILE, starting with his sister and his boyfriend being close. and it just makes me sob because it’s so soft and aaron is so family entered and has such focus and it’s all about robert and liv and his family and yeah … No one speaks about this moment as much as they should and it’s a crime because it sums up how desperate aaron was to include robert into his family/life.
7)) THE ADORABLE MOMENT OF DOUBT ROBERT FEELS BEFORE HE SHOWS VIC THE ENGAGEMENT RING FOR AARON AND HE SAYS: “WHAT IF HE FREAKS OUT?” - like ??? it’s just ridiculous soft and the way he slouches and looks all torn and almost regretful is so refreshing to see and nearly a little not exactly like robert j sugden. because in all honesty, this is robert, this is COCKY LITTLE 'everyone loves me eventually’ ROBERT SUGDEN and suddenly he’s all unsure and afraid and doubtful over something so big, something he has always deep down struggled to really grasp and that is AARON DINGLE’S LOVE FOR HIM. it manages to knock him down and make him feel small and unsure and it’s just this incredibly brief, incredibly important insight into his mindset and makes him appear so human and works with another layer of his character which isn’t always shown. and yeah, it needs to be shouted about more basically because it can be so easily overlooked but there’s so much behind it.
8)) THE TINEST LITTLE SMILE ON AARON’S FACE WHEN CHAS BASICALLY GIVES HER BLESSING ABOUT AARON GOING OUT FOR A DRINK WITH ROBERT TO “TAKE YOUR MINDS OFF THINGS” ~ like she’s obvs trying not to make it a big deal and failing in the typical mum way by shrugging her shoulders too much and aaron totally clocks onto it and he’s just FLAWED for a few seconds because this is his mum who hates robert flipping sugden with all her heart and soul and now – she’s giving her blessing and actually wanting robert to be around him and it’s wild for him, it’s insane for him to even try and get his head around. so he doesn’t even speak, he just has to nod his head slowly and it melts my whole heart because it means SO MUCH TO HIM and it shouldn’t because … they’re just Mates with a massive capital M but still … you can see the way it makes him feel, this mad blessing from his mum of all people and he allows himself to start believing that maybe this is all going to work out okay and yeah it’s just this soft glimmer of hope amongst such a shit load of drama and it’s perfecto. so let’s scream about it okay?
9)) OKAY SO IT ISN’T THAT BIG OF A DEAL BUT I GROW WEAK WHENEVER I SEE THE SCENE ON CHRISTMAS DAY WHERE THEY ARE GOING TO LEAVE AND ROBERT PASSES AARON HIS COAT BEFORE TAKING HIS OWN ~ shoot me if you think i am being dramatic but is2g there’s something so soft and sensitive and couplely about the moment and it just screams domestic bliss to me and helps add to the canon fact that robert is an absolute GENT and would so do that embarrassing thing where he pulls out aaron’s chair when they go to a restaurant or something like that and he has to then apologise for making aaron blush. anyways it’s just so cute, i can’t get over it and the way it’s just so charming and it’s just a regular occurrence within their relationship (rob does the same with food, like passing it to aaron before eating his own) and yeah … it’s the hight of domestic fiancé bliss and no one can tell me otherwise. let’s scream into the void about it pls.
10)) THE SCEEN AT THE SCRAP YARD AFTER VADAM HAVE GONE OFF TO GET MARRIED AND ROB AND ANDY COME LIKE LITTLE DETECTIVES DEMANDING ANSWERS AND AARON IS BEING HELLA DIFFICULT AND ROBERT LITERALLY SAYS “WELL WE CAN SEE WHERE YOUR LOYALTIES LIE CAN’T WE?” AND AARON IS LITERALLY LIKE … “YOU WHAT?” because holy cow he knows exactly what robert is attempting to talk about, he knows he’s trying to say that somehow because of their sexy time aaron shout rat adam out and he expects aaron to have his back despite treating him like shit, but that is their secret business and he’s hella confused about why robert is so boldly bringing it up in front of andy (who literally doesn’t flinch or question why even after robert looks back at him to almost check if he heard - it’s mad) like the whole thing is just HILARIOUS!!! robert is just so pissed off? because it’s adam who aaron has loyalty to not him, not the guy who he says he LOVES and he can’t get his head around the injustice of it all despite knowing full well it’s not that black and white. he’s just overwhelmed with things starting to get out of his control and the fact that aaron isn’t “dancing” to to his “little tune” and he’s just full on GONE by the whole encounter so has to switch up the game and change the convo real quick because shitttt a little bit of feelings spilled out over the scrapyard gravel and he looked needy and like a little boy who just wanted help with his project from his crush and wasn’t getting any at all and yeah it’s just Gold. the silence after he blurts it out … Gold, the squinty eyed reply from aaron … Gold, robert looking back towards andy to see if he’s even noticed anything … Gold, robert being all awkward and attempting to carry on the conversation … Gold. so can we talk about this a lot more?
there you go, just another ten underrated robron moments we need to scream about a lot more, hmu if you want more from my collection.
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