#is wip wednesday a thing??
mudandmire · 3 months
WIP Wednesday - Ghost
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Azriel made a deal with the Mother thirty years ago: his service in return for Eris's life. Azriel leaves no impression on the world anymore, no footprints or sounds. The only thing he leaves behind are rivers - endless erosions of blood through the stone he bore the day Eris died. His obedience, in return for Eris's survival. There is no other way.
There are no footprints in the snow. This close to the border Autumn has with Winter, the clouds hang low to the tops of the conifers. Thick, grey blankets heavy with the flurry of flakes that fall fast to the Autumn floor. Everything is dusted with it, the shells of leaves, the shrubs and weeds that carpet the ground—every burrow is sealed away. Somewhere high in the mountains, the jaws that cut the line of the territories, he waits.
Azriel stands unmoving in a clearing. His feet make no imprint, his breath no steam. The watery, pale light frosts over the scene before him, where even the vivid jewel patterns of autumn fade to grey tones. His chest rises and falls, the only movement apart from the dry bones rustle of barren boughs against each other in the canopies.
Every sense is at attention. The hunter, the executioner—both have been called to this ceremony. He just happened to get here early.
His wings twitch when he hears boots in the snow. The crunching of new frost, hurried footsteps and the scuffling sound of a struggle. All that greets him when he inhales deeply is the crisp scent of cold. A familiar smell from his youth in Windhaven. It burns through his nose all the same.
"Fuck—stop struggling." There, a voice through the trees. Gruff, like it was spoken into the collar of a jacket. He can sense the strain in the words—they're dragging something.
Azriel's head tilts just so. The movement is eerie under his hood, predatory. A wolf cocking its ears. His hands remain behind his back under the fold of his wings. Patience, after all, is part of the fun.
Again, a voice reaches out to him, brought on the hissing tendrils of his accompanying darkness—his shadows.
"I thought you said the faebane would be enough!" It's a normal voice. The rounded vowels of the Autumn Court, and a slight rasp in the throat like he'd been strangled one too many times.
"I—shit, I did. That's what she told me."
The other males scoff is ugly, locked up from the chill this far up the mountain slope.
"That's the last time I let you be in charge of the sedative."
Azriel's tongue swipes out, wetting his chapped bottom lip. He can taste the tang of their stress in the wind; bitter like ripened sweat. He feels the pound of their pulse through the breadth of the snow covered ground if he shifts his feet just so. His eyes close. He won't look, won't cheat. Not yet. Besides, he knows all he needs to know about these males: their heads, the nervous trembling to their blue-tinged fingers, the darting of their eyes to every spare corner of the forest. Cornered, disturbed, unafraid to lash out.
He knows that whatever it is they have, has no right being sedated. Hauled like a sack of rice to a little, forgotten corner of this Court and disposed of to no one's eyes under the unsympathetic grey blanket of sky.
No one's eyes, except Azriel's.
He shifts, finding the thread of the males pulses through the ground. Beneath him, the coating of snowfall lays pristine.
The shuffling grows closer, as does the grunts of exertion. Azriel can smell them now, the acrid tang of their sweat and the fetid scent of their breath. Day old alcohol, still lingering on their lips, high in the rosiness of their cheeks.
"Here, we'll do it here." The one with the rasp says. Azriel keeps his back turned at the hollow thump of a body against the earth.
It's pulse is there; weak, but still thumping. The antsy rabbiting of a heart that knows it needs to fight.
His shadows still. Unnatural in its right; the shadows are constantly moving, shaping, bouncing where the light grows and shrinks its domain. Now, they go preternaturally quiet, the buzzing in his head fades as they slink around his shoulders.
This, this, they whisper. We do not know what to make of this.
Azriel nearly rolls his eyes at them. It is not the first time they've had an assignment like this. In now thirty years it certainly won't be the last.
He figures now is as good as any time. The males seem distracted, their muscles loosened with ease, warm with adrenaline and the thrill of getting away undetected.
Foolish, foolish souls. They are not worth the blood on Azriel's blade.
This, this. His shadows hiss again, a rising chorus of confusion and spite that sparks embers in his blood.
Azriel turns, silent as the flakes fall, and freezes.
Bright, copper hair spills out onto the snowdrift. A streak of an auburn ribbon in the ever-white world, this in between space of bejeweled autumn and pale winter. His face is turned, right half buried in the swell of the drift. A bruise, like a roiling thundercloud, blooms along the left side of his cheekbone up to his temple where it disappears into his hair. He's pale, skin nearly translucent where it's pressed to the cold snow, blue at the lips. The only color that remains, not leached from his body or under his twitching eyelids, is the copper shock of his hair and the purpling, violet-green contusion on his face.
This. The shadows round his shoulders, his wrists, legs, the tips of his wings and hum.
The first male, the one who seemingly botched the sedative, stretches his back.
"Mother's tits," he curses, blowing hot air into his cupped hands. "Let's get this over with so we can get somewhere warm." His dark, brown hair escapes from behind a pointed ear.
Azriel hasn't moved, hasn't drawn a single breath. The entirety of him is motionless, even his shadows don't dare to make sudden movements. His gaze, under the shade of his hood, is locked on the spill of copper hair. They map upwards from there, tracing it like the curves of a river until they land on familiar, but unknown territory.
There's a hollow in him. A space once filled but now not. It echoes when he brushes against it, that old, familiar pain rising up with a gasp and a bite to his heart. Tripping, tumbling, till it knocks against the bones of his rib cage and continues to beat against them. He can faintly feel the bond. This close it's drawing him in: two ends of a book closed together, and he craves it desperately.
Azriel sucks in a breath, harsh and cold, shocking him enough to blink his frozen stare away. Burned cinnamon, and the delectable smell of that nutty, slightly earthy scent greets him.
This, this, this. It's grown into a chant, his shadows moving in the strange, halting way they do when there's an end—a goal.
Eris Vanserra has been brought here to die.
Azriel of the Mother has been ordered here to kill.
~~~ This is just a fun lil something I thought I'd share. I've been pondering it for a while, but honestly I just got so caught up in all the logistics and if it would match the lore that I lost interest and passion completely. It's only been recently that I've come back around to it because I said screw it - I like this concept, I want to explore it. If it doesn't match the lore or timelines - to hell with both of them! Fanfiction is for fun! I know SJM lore is important and whatnot, but I'm a little kid playing in a sandbox with my bucket and shovels - there is nothing but limitless potential here :D ~~~
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inflomora-art · 7 months
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wip wednesday steddie 🖤
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disjointed-art · 1 year
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Steddie and their emotional support snacks
Sometimes safe food is the only option when faced with the interdemensional bullshit that is Hawkins and the upside down.
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ekingston · 10 months
DONT post morgana w/o warning!!! i will go FERAL
apologies anon but i’m not usually in charge of these things. case in point my current WIP:
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clearly my brain is not done with her yet
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campbyler · 1 month
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one thing about will is he is going to be propositioning fr
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waveoftheocean · 2 months
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long time no wip wednesday 🙈 (been thinking abt atsumu's demon design ever since it dropped holy moly)
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blairbeau · 8 months
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Sexed up abusive lesbians 😔💖😝
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
AHHHH I’ve been rereading some of my past posts (they were created for me and god am I happy I created them) but they have also put this thought into my head.
What if Omega Steve is the only one able to carry Eddie out because he has been doing everything in his power to not be seen as “just another weak omega” on his free time. Working out, purposely preparing for this moment. He needs to be useful. He needs to be needed. And these needs all stem back from his lack of physical and emotional intimacy. He does have some with Robin, and Robin only but Robin is a beta and doesn’t know how to handle an omega so Steve just doesn’t act like one of those Omegas even though it’s in his nature.
Now he can’t deny all of his nature, he does tend to act “motherly” and protective of those he loves and does other smaller things that aren’t that noticeable. In summary, Steve has and most likely will always be in control. (Which is fine but it’s a rare trait in omegas)
But what if in this universe you don’t find out your second gender until you were closer to eighteen. The youngest being sixteen but that was more rare than anything. Which means in season one neither Nancy, Steve or Jonathan are presenting. Along with this, it’s a well known fact that chaotic situations before presenting is a bad thing as it can affect how your omega/beta/alpha is for the rest of your life. (Basically if they are going to be feral, protective, closed of, or any other traits but to a higher extreme that can lead to complications)
So the younger kids are safe as they are no where near presenting but Steve, Jonathan and Nancy are all in the danger zone. All of them are being actively watched at all times by doctors that were assigned to them. (They each get their own) and when the time comes they all start presenting.
First Nancy, she presents as an Alpha (which was effected by the stressful situation, the doctors did the probability check and testing and she was supposed to be a beta) but other than that she is completely fine and an average alpha considering the circumstances.
Then there is Jonathan. It doesn’t take him long but he presents as a beta. And he’s also completely fine considering the circumstances. Besides having a bad anxiety disorder he’s good.
And finally Steve. Steve who is extremely late with presenting. He doesn’t present until after the events of season three. The doctors think it may have had to do with the unknown drugs that were forced into his system.
Steve’s omega is definetly fucked up, and similarly to that of Nancy Steve was supposed to be an alpha. But in the chaos and trauma his secondary gender switched completely but still holds some “alpha traits”. And he is now always on watch just in case. Along with this he can’t have any heats, which means he’s essentially unable to have children.
Time skip back to him struggling in the upside down. Robin can’t carry Eddie, she’s so tiny and can barely hold herself up. Nancy possibly could but she looked just as exhausted, her own Alpha overwhelmed with how much charge she had to take. And poor Dustin is sobbing, Steve doesn’t think he has much choice. And before any of them can stop him he lifts Eddie (who is an alpha) up and carry’s him out. All of them are shocked, and slightly alarmed as something triggers and Steve’s omega has finally done what the doctors said it would. It goes feral.
It takes a couple of doctors but he’s safely detained while he heals and his omega pretty much takes over completely. The doctors describe it as a form of coma, where the main person (Steve) has been forced to go to “sleep” for a while by his omega as a form of protecting him from anymore trauma. And with the amount of trauma he’s gone through they predict he won’t ever wake up.
But thanks to Steve, Eddie is still alive. Sacrificing himself in the process. Both him and Eddie are in comas and after a year when Eddie wakes up time starts to move again.
Eddie gets taken care of and the doctors come to him after a month of being awake (without telling anyone else) to see if he could test something for them. And by test they mean they want them to go into the same room as Steve’s omega and see if that helps trigger him back awake.
The first session (this goes on for numerous sessions) they see a flicker of Steve return to himself but bla bla bla summary of what I’m trying to come back to is that Eddie and Steve have numerous sessions together where Eddie’s alpha helps Steve’s omega out.
Teaches him how to nest, gives him more physical intimacy that an omega needs (except a heat of course) and starts to bond with Steve who is slowly coming back to each day Eddie comes. It gets to the point where Eddie has to move from his room to Steve’s to stay with him full time while they both heal because his Alpha has bonded with Steve’s omega.
I feel as if I’ve rambled enough but this was an idea I had!
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steddieasitgoes · 4 months
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When The Buzzer Sounds | A Steddie Big Bang Fic | Coming Soon
Written by: Steddieasitgoes | Art by: @hellfiredemon
Steve's so engrossed in his conversation with Eddie he doesn’t notice the change in music or the enthusiastic cheers of the people around him as they shift their gaze from the court up to the giant Jumbotron above. In fact, it isn’t until Robin is jabbing her own boney elbow into his ribs does he stop talking to asses what the hell is going on. A move he immediately regrets when he realizes what has nearly 20,000 eyes focused on the oversized screens.  The Kiss Cam.  The cameraman stands a few yards away from them, feet solidly on the court with no urgency to move on until he gets what he wants. This isn’t the first time this has happened to them. And it certainly won’t be the last. Whenever they’re in public they’re always SteveandRobin so inseparable they must be dating.  He’s prepared to see his and Robin’s freckled face projected up on the Jumbotron. To give into the routine they have down pact — Robin’s playful retching, Steve’s bewildered shake of his head, the two of them both mouthing “we’re siblings” because it works better than trying to explain their platonic soulmate-ism to a stadium that can’t hear them. Though, maybe this time Robin will go off script and announce that she’s a lesbian — if only because a familiar blonde has returned to the court.  But it’s not their freckled faces that grace him when he looks up. It’s his face, yes. Perfectly combed and styled hair, a smattering of moles, and hazel eyes a little wider than usual staring back at him. But it’s the face to his left that shocks him. Unruly curls frame a pale face. Big, wild, brown eyes stare at him in bewilderment like a deer in headlights.  Shit.  “Um, Steve?” Tearing his eyes away from the Jumbotron is an arduous (another win for Robin’s word of the day calendar) battle Steve almost loses. Not because he’s not strong enough, but because the thought of meeting Eddie’s bewildered eyes head-on is enough to send him running. Still, he does just that, schooling his face in something that, he hopes, resembles a neutral expression.  “Don’t worry, they’ll move on,” Steve says, only half believing the words himself. His first-hand experience with the kiss cam says the exact opposite, but he’s not about to tell Eddie that especially when his words have him nodding in relief and sinking back into the black leather seat. The camera is still pointed at them when he looks away from Eddie. Their faces are still projected onto the massive screens and the stadium of onlookers starts a mix of chants and boos — encouragement and disappointment that they’re not participating in the time-honored, tradition. At least everyone in his row is silent, not even Dustin makes a move to join the onslaught of harassment from strangers which is further proof of what a colossal mess they’ve found themselves in. 
The year is 1998 and Lucas is set to make his NBA debut. Nothing is going to keep Steve from being there to witness this monumental moment. Eddie apparently shares the same sentiment and the two find themselves in the same place at the same time for the first time since they blurred the lines of their once-solid friendship four years ago at Dustin's wedding.
Surprisingly, Steve and Eddie manage to fall back into their friendship easily. That is until their playful conversation at half-time gets interpreted as flirting and the two find themselves the latest victims in the dreaded Kiss Cam tradition. With a stadium watching and his own desire taking over, Steve must decide if kissing Eddie "for the bit" is worth jeopardizing their rekindled friendship.
Who knows, maybe a peer-pressured kiss will be the spark to get them to talk about that night four years ago when everything changed.
Project #009 for @steddiebang2024 | 15K Expected Word Count | Mature
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fuctacles · 28 days
Congrats on starting T!!!! It was a hard choice between cat lady Stevie and wereshifter BC I love them both but I'd love a WIP Wednesday snippet of the wereshifter AU plz and thx and again congratulations 🎉
thank you thank you thank you! Here's a 500 of the wereshifter au:
<< 6 | 7 | 8 >>
Something is wrong with Steve Harrington.
And not in the Upside Down trauma and multiple concussions way. No. He has his chin on Eddie's table, his big literal puppy dog eyes staring up at him as he writes down everyone's favorite foods, drinks, and snacks. And it wouldn't be that weird, hell, Eddie wouldn't even notice it, if there wasn't something wrong with him as well.
Because his instinct reaction to Steve's position is to start scratching at his head. It's almost muscle memory now because Dog-Steve would do that a lot; put his head on the table and observe what Eddie was doing. Steve seemed to slip into that mindset without even shifting, his eyes closing in contentment at the scratch.
Eddie can only stare, both fascinated and horrified, at Steve's tiny smile. His hand stills, bringing Steve back from wherever he was, his eyes widening before he jolts up.
"Shit, sorry!" His ears instantly turn red. "I wasn't— Sorry."
Eddie rolls his eyes. He's hit by the memory of that night when Steve told him he's allergic to dogs. Poor guy must have been terrified by his own needs and body reactions.
"Don't be sorry, dude." He stands up so they don't have to look at each other when he asks the next question. "When was the last time someone like, hugged you?" And then, to weaken the blow, he adds: "Do you want more coffee?"
"Uh. Yes, please." Eddie pours the remainder of the coffee between their two mugs and starts cleaning up the coffee maker to make another pot for Wayne later.
"Robin hugs me." He says while Eddie's back is still turned. "Joyce too, whenever she sees me."
Eddie hums, choosing not to point out that he said who hugs him and not when they last did. And he might be no hug expert, but two people he doesn't see that often does not sound like a lot. Wayne gives him a side hug every now and then when catch each other before leaving for school or work. He gives him a gentle kick before each performance fro a good luck. His band hugs a lot when they're riding the high of playing, both music and DnD. And the weed high, of course. Gareth gets cuddly every time.
He grabs their mugs and motions for Steve to take the notebook they've been planning the shopping list in.
"Let's go to the couch."
They barely settle down, their coffees put on the tiny table in front of them, when Eddie's shifting closer to where Steve's trying to keep his distance. He spreads his arm over his shoulders and pulls him in, and Steve is too surprised to resist, almost stumbling into his chest.
"There you go. Get comfortable, okay?" Steve is tense against him, so Eddie reaches fo the notebook and pen to give him a distraction.
"Now you write," he decides. "How much soda do you think we need? Oh, and we'll need solo cups."
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fluffyfangirl · 4 months
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cuddly boys. sleepy boys.
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astrobei · 6 months
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 7
Hello! I am really chugging along with this story I have 5 chapters done (including this one). It was supposed to be 4 with 4 on the Harrington Pattern but somehow, I got an extra chapter here and only 3 on The HP. Still not sure how I did that.
Here we have Chrissy because sometimes you just need another omega friend who gets it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve came home and flopped face first on to the sofa. He wanted to call Robin, but he knew she was hanging out with Vickie tonight. So he had been given a replacement handler for night as management wanted eyes on him because there was always some kind of drama at these things.
It wasn’t a date date, but now they were on the same page, there was major cuddling to be had.
He rolled over and threw his arm over his eyes.
After a moment or two of serious moping he opened the clutch to get his cell phone out. But stopped when he noticed the sparkle of the diamond. He pulled it out instead and held it up to the light. In his minds eye he could see Eddie smiling at him as he handed the lost diamond back to him.
Steve sighed heavily. He had met a lot of alphas in his line of work, but none of them had the effect on him that this one did. Yearning didn’t even begin to cover the depth of emotion ripping through him in that moment.
He rolled off the sofa and wandered into the kitchen, his heels clicking on the hard surface. He really should have taken off his shoes at least. He sighed heavily and grabbed his phone from where it was charging on the counter.
He swapped it for his burner client phone. He unlocked his personal phone to see a sweet picture of Vickie and Robin cuddling together on Vickie’s bed.
He smiled at the absolutely giddy expression on his best friend’s face. It also hit him with a longing he didn’t want to name. He could. He just didn’t feel like sobbing in his kitchen on a Saturday night.
Steve removed his shoes, kicking them off to the side so he wouldn’t trip on them in the morning and then wandered to his bedroom, eyes on his phone.
He unclasped the dress and like he told Eddie it would, it slid to the floor in a graceful heap. All he was wearing now was the gold thong he had worn under the dress. He shimmered out those as well.
He then carefully removed the remaining diamonds in his hair and put them in his jewelry box. He paused with the last one. The one he had been hold onto this whole time. Eddie’s diamond.
He went digging through his vanity until he found a small felt bag that had once contained a small bottle of perfume. He put the diamond into the bag and hung the bag on his vanity mirror.
He went to his closet and rifled through it before finding the pajamas he was looking for.
It was a pair of soft, light grey, satin pants and button down shirt. He never undid the buttons though. He pulled on the pants without underwear. He didn’t have the energy to go hunting down a pair just then. Then he pulled the top on.
He flopped on his bed and wiggled happily at the silky slide of the pajamas on his bare ass. He was still scrolling through his contacts, trying to find the right person he could talk to about this. And then he hit on the perfect person.
He hit dial and waited until it rung through. “Chrissy!” he greeted warmly.
“Steve!” she cooed. “How was the gala? Tommy has been raving for months that you got to go and he didn’t.”
Steve chuckled. Tommy wanted to go because his favorite band was Corroded Coffin.
“Senator Lombard was a wet blanket,” he pouted. “Another alpha was just being nice to me and he got super territorial.”
“Bleh!” she hissed in sympathy. “Who was your handler tonight? I heard you gave Robin the night off.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, she finally asked Vickie out and I didn’t want her to wind herself up and talk herself out of it. Again.”
“Oooh,” Chrissy said. “I get that. She just doesn’t believe what a catch she is.”
“The dilemma of the century,” Steve agreed. “To answer your question, it was Troy who was handling me tonight.”
Chrissy blew a raspberry. “Troy isn’t the bottom of the barrel, but he’s definitely the scum on bottom of the barrel.”
Steve shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “He did his job, Lombard was put on my pre-check list and he got me home in one piece.”
“So why are you really calling me, cher?” she asked after a moment of silence. “Alpha prostrating is stupid but nothing you haven’t handled before so what’s on your mind?”
He flopped on his stomach and ran a hand through his hair. “You remember I told that the senator was pissed because an alpha was nice to me?”
“Sure,” Chrissy said. She paused for a moment. “Oh! Were they cute? Is that what’s got your panties in a twist? Super cute alpha was sweet to you and now your ovaries are ready to explode?”
“Tommy’s going to kill me,” Steve moaned.
There was silence on the line for a beat too long and Steve pulled his phone away from his ear to make sure the call didn’t disconnect.
“Wait, Eddie Munson was your hot, nice alpha who made your client so jealous and possessive you put him on your pre-check list?” This was said a question, but to Steve it sounded more like a statement. One he couldn’t refute.
Not that he wanted to. Eddie was hot.
“Yeah,” Steve said around biting his thumb. “I had diamonds in my hair and one of them must have fallen because suddenly he was handing one back to me.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy cooed. “This sounds like an ice cream and wine girl talk. I’ll be over in ten, sweetie!”
Steve let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, babe. See you soon.”
He rolled over on his back and clutched the phone to his chest. He couldn’t wait to tell Chrissy all about Eddie. He kicked his feet in the air as he giggled.
Steve paced back and forth in his front room as he waited for Chrissy to come over. It wasn’t as though she lived far away. She lived like two floors below him.
She was younger than he was by about two years. Like Tommy and Carol everything was happy town with her boyfriend Jason until she presented and was found out to be infertile.
Jason and his parents fought hard to have her put in the Church to be a celibate nun. But thankfully for Chrissy her dad had more sense. Not her mom though. Her mom had gone so far as to drive her to the local nunnery and drop her off.
But after a talk with the Mother Superior and a call to her dad, they made the arrangement that Chrissy would finish up her schooling at the nunnery and then when she turned eighteen she could choose to stay or take one of the other two options.
When Chrissy chose Starcourt, the money was split between the nunnery and her dad.
Money that he then put aside in case she just wanted to walk away from escort business and live her life. The money would be used for whatever she wanted and that included school.
As far as her mother was concerned, Chrissy was still at the nunnery and was just refusing to see her.
Steve thought it was delicious revenge.
The knock came part way through his revery. He leapt over the sofa and ripped open the door.
“Well someone is comfy,” she cooed. As if she wasn’t dressed similarly. She too was wearing fuzzy pjs. But hers were bright pink and had a horn on the hood of the top.
Steve tugged the hood down over her eyes and teased, “And aren’t you the cutest thing?”
Chrissy blushed and pushed on him playfully with her shoulder, her hands were full of ice cream and a bottle of wine.
Steve grabbed the wine. “Cupcake prosecco? Looks yum!”
Chrissy grinned and held up her other prize. “Cookie dough!”
Steve kissed her cheek and led her inside. “You’re the best, sweetie. You didn’t have any plans for tonight?”
She shook her head. “Nope, no clients either.”
Steve reared his head back. “Uh oh, that doesn’t sound promising. Is your handler, Amy not scheduling you right?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I think it’s because I’m nearing the end of my contract and because I have money waiting for me, management is thinking I’m going to bail so they’re trying to stave of the inevitable.”
“Boo,” Steve hissed. “They shouldn’t be allowed to that. Plus, I thought you were staying?”
Chrissy blushed. “I am!” she insisted when he raised an eyebrow at her hesitation.
“Uh huh,” he teased further. “Sure sounds like it from here. You got someone who you want to snuggle up close with when you retire?”
Chrissy ducked her head. “Not anymore.”
Steve was almost to the sofa when that brought him up short. He frowned at her a moment before his face cleared with understanding.
“Don’t say it...” she warned.
He pouted. “But I thought that’s what this was about; us both complaining about our lack of love lives and eating and drinking our feelings?”
Chrissy sighed. “I hate it when you use puppy dog eyes. It’s too fucking effective.”
Steve grinned. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, baby...” he sung at her.
She giggled and raced him around the sofa to nab her favorite spot on the far left side.
“You cheated!” he squealed. He set the bottle on the coffee table and padded into the kitchen for a bottle opener and two wine glasses.
He popped the cork and poured their glasses. “Spoons!” he said as he was most of the way sat down.
He put the wine glasses on the table and dashed back to the kitchen Chrissy’s giggles fast on his heels. He grabbed the spoons and raced back.
“Tada!” he cheered.
Chrissy set the tub of ice cream between them and dug in.
“So Eddie Munson, huh?” she said around her spoon.
Steve took a large sip of his wine before he he told her about his night. “Like I knew he was hot before now. With Tommy and Dustin both being fans it was hard to not see the guy everywhere.”
“But he’s hotter in person?” Chrissy prompted.
Steve blushed and swirled his drink thoughtfully. “I guess. But he’s so sweet and funny and yeah it doesn’t hurt that his legs look like they could go on for miles in those tight leather pants. That his chest feels out the even tighter see through mesh top he was wearing...”
He buried his head in his hands. “I was lucky wearing scent suppressants is required for each job otherwise the whole fucking gala would have been able to smell my reaction to him.”
“Ooh...” Chrissy said. “I bet you got a little wet for him, too, didn’t you?”
Steve brought his knees up to his chest and scooted away from her.
“Oh my god!” she giggled. “You totally did. This strong, hot alpha made the Steve Harrington wet.”
“I take it back,” he huffed. “You can go away now.”
Chrissy slapped his knee. “I will not! It’s a little...” she pursed her lips trying to find the right word. “Spicy.”
Steve covered his face again. “Oh god.”
“Stevie!” she said gently pulling his hands away. “It’s not a bad thing. I know it’s hard when most of our job is about sex, but babydoll...the fact that you can still have that reaction to a hot alpha means you’re not dead inside, okay?”
Steve sighed. “But I made my client mad at me,” he whimpered.
Chrissy set down her wine glass and moved the ice cream to the table. She scooted as close to him as she could. “No you didn’t.”
He turned his head away from her, but she grabbed his cheeks and gently brought them around.
“You did nothing wrong,” she insisted. “I mean it. Eddie was the host and the two of you were only being friendly. Yeah, you got hot and bothered under the collar for this alpha, but it was up to the alpha you were with to decide how to behave and he chose to be territorial and rude. You aren’t his property. You aren’t anyone’s property, babe.”
Steve nodded. He let out a low breath. “The way Eddie smelled, Chrissy. I had never smelled any alpha like it before. It was warm and spicy in the Christmas way and not the spicy as in a burning mouthfeel way.”
She opened her mouth to reply when he suddenly shifted gears. “So tell me how long you’ve had a crush on my best friend.”
Chrissy went bright red. Scarlet even. “Like forever. Which is decidedly unhelpful. Like I know it’s impossible while she’s still your handler, because Starcourt would never let a handler date a former escort. But she’s so funny and sweet and smart...”
“That you just want to eat her all up?” Steve teased.
She swatted him playfully. “You’re just saying that to get back at me for the wet comment.”
He raised his eyebrows suggestively. She hit him again and he yelped in protest.
Steve picked up his glass and drained the rest of the liquid. He poured himself another glass and held out the bottle for Chrissy, but she shook her head.
“One glass is enough for me,” she muttered.
After a moment of swirling his wine Steve said, “Stay. After your contract is paid in full, Chrissy. Just stay. You love it, even if Robin Buckley was an option, you know you would be happier here than anywhere else. You shine as an escort, sweetie.”
Chrissy picked up her glass and downed the rest of her wine. “Fuck it. Yeah, I’m going to stay. I do love this job. It’s amazing.” She looked at the bottle a moment. “And what the hell, pour me another!”
Steve cheered and emptied the bottle into her glass. She laughed as it almost splashed over the top.
“To being Starcourt escorts for life!” he said as he raised his glass.
She clinked her glass against his. “Here, here!”
They gulped down their drinks and dug into the ice cream again, laughing and talking.
Steve smiled. Maybe tonight wasn’t the disaster he thought it was. He was so glad to have a friend like Chrissy.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva
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disjointed-art · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
“The kiss” but make it vampire au steddie
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This may or may not go with the new Lexi fic that I had a hand in suggesting👀
Also if you missed it my shop went live on Saturday and lots of stickers, keychains & 32 different print options are there! Found here
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inflomora-art · 1 year
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steddie for wip wednesday <3
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omaano · 1 year
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Remember Wolffe from early March? Now he's getting his pack! All because I really just wanted to draw Comet with that hair in particular :3 (I just really want him to style his hair after the tail of his namesake, while braiding it back for bucket reasons, ok?)
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