#is werid who opley ignorant poeple can be and not realzie
muxas-world · 3 months
This tweet is a perfect example of the subtle racism and xenophobia F1 fans (Twitter and Tumblr too) use to speak about Checo and his fans. It's crazy how some of you don't realize it.
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Most of the drivers on this grid are there not just for their sporting caliber, but also because of their commercial appeal. This is a money sport, and commercial success is a significant factor when signing drivers. Checo is not an exception to this rule, so when discussing him, always remember that many others are in the same position, but he is singled out, particularly because he is a POC rider. If you don't realize how problematic that is, I don't know what to tell you.
2. Why does it bother you all so much that the only Latino rider is being supported by Mexican and Latin fans? Why does the idea of someone having our support seem worse or less than the support of European or American fans? You all imply this by saying people support him only because he is Mexican and not because of his driving skills, while European and American fans do the same with other drivers. There are fanbases full of people stanning drivers because of their looks. So why should Latin American fans be treated as if their opinions and support are less valid than others? If you all don't understand how racist that is, I can't help you.
3. Referring to his fans as South American (when Checo is Mexican and the majority of his fanbase is from Mexico, which is in North America) shouldn't need explaining in the context of the world we live in. Using that kind of tone to talk about the identity of a Mexican driver and confusing his nationality is racist. I'm not saying you have to like Checo Pérez (I'm not his biggest fan because of some of his past comments and driving), but there's a difference between disliking and being hater of someone and being ignorant. Maybe you don't get how it's racist, but that's the thing with subtle racism—it’s not obvious, but it’s still racist and xenophobic.
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