#is thst their ship name i can't remember
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boobgoogler · 9 months ago
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Hey. They say it's Yuri day. Happy Yuri day.
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spotforme · 1 year ago
@not-equippedforthis thanks muchly for the tag! (i didn't wanna add to the chain 'cos i feel like i'll ramble, but hipefully this is fine) (also not sure if i should've tagged you, but again, it's fiiine. hopefully)
Three Ships: (sence it isn't specified, i'm gonna assume this means three ships that i would die for/ currently like a lot and that they can be a pairing of any kind)
firstly comes the cracksip so strong that it came to life [by curtesy of the show] it is, of course, bickmettler! the life consuming dynamic of writer & poet, chiken farmer & worm watcher, brown & blue eyed Bicky and Rocky!
the second place (at the moment) goes to Charles and Honoria Winchester! they are so sweet to eachother, trying to help the other through rough times, but they're both alone in their worlds. Charles is the most ace character ever and i love his posh attetude to everything. i have never met or even seen Honoria, but she is adorable (definedly on par with Honoria Glossop on toughness) (i hope it's very clear i'm talking about platonic love here)
third place was a hard choise, but in light of my brainrot, it has to go to Reginald Jeeves and Berthrum Wooster. however one chooses to interpret it, the adoration is always there, and very apparent; witch makes things they do very pleasant to observe
First Ever Ship: i don't remember and don't think i was even familiar with the consept at the time of it occuring. my best guess is propably some my little pony dynamic
Last song: (last song of what? why are these so vague? [i cannot know The Last song] i'm just gonna decide for myself then) the last song i put to mind was Honorable Madam by Daniel Kahn and Vanya Zhuk (at the moment i can't remember how it goes, but it had to be good, i don't think i would think it was if it wasn't)
Last Film: (it would make sense to credit the latest film i watched. now just hoping i can remember what it was) (well as it happens, i have been sitting here, trying to remember if i watched something in the past two weeks, but can't) by gum! it just came to me, the last film i watched was Sisulla Ja Sydämellä
Currently Reading: (i'm not currently reading anything except for this post thst i'm writing) if i had to name one of the books that i have started (because i am not gonna go through of listing them all, that would be a nightmare) the best would be Ammatti-vakoilija (or maybe vakooja? i don't have it with me so i can't check) (originally Spion Für Deuchland, i think)
Currently Watching: M*A*S*H (re-watching, actually), i am desperetly trying to figure out the time-loop situation. and oh boy, it's a lot. three years have already gone by within the first season. i'm also making my way through the rest of granada's Sherlock Holmes
Currently Consuming: i veto this guestion
Currently Craving: water, long sleep and the woods
righty-o then, i should think that's all.
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