#is this how the peeps find out i speak welsh and french?
sleepy-achilles · 6 months
Did you know cody is dusty Rhodes son?
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Nid fi. Pam nad yw wedi dweud wrthym?
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buttercupbuckk · 4 years
Heya peeps. I got bored and I'm in a marauder-ing mood, so, here you go! I hope you enjoy.
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Fluent in French, but it's his first language so he often gets words muddled when he speaks English - he has to look to Moony too often for help.
He didn't eat ice cream until 3rd year - on their first weekend at Honeydukes.
Sirius regretted to inform the boys that he was lactose intolerant, he claimed: 'how was i supposed to know?', to which Prongs replied: 'ice CREAM, Pads, CREAM!'
In 5th year, he started buying two Gryffindor Quidditch jumpers every term, because he knew how often Moony wore his old ones on the night after full moons.
He can't cook for shit - do not let that man near a kitchen, damnit. He set the fridge on fire the first time he went to Peter's house!
He has glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the top of his bed in the dorm.
He LOVES fluffy stuff. He has fluffy socks, blankets, pillows, ect.
Stabbed himself in the eye with Andromeda's eyeliner pencil - it's why he refuses to wear the stuff.
Didn't know any normal swears until 1st year - when he met Remus Lupin.
Has and will dare Peter to eat a whole pot of gravy from the kitchens.
When Remus became a Prefect, he would sneak into the bathroom to take bubble baths.
Asked Dumbledore out on a date on a dare, the man winked and said: 'maybe next time.'
Has broken a total of four (4) pairs of James' glasses.
The Potter's absolutely adore him
He broke his ankle trying to climb a tree in 6th year because Wormtail was stuck and too scared to come down.
Buried his mother's favourite china plate in the garden before he ran away
His first tattoo was a moon that was enchanted to show the phases of each night - so he would never forget, no matter how far he went
Despite his Animagi form being a dog - his Patronus was a wolf; which got a few giggles from James and Peter
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He is, without a shadow of a doubt, Welsh. But he stopped speaking infront of the boys when James repeatedly asked him to say the names of some towns.
He only speaks Welsh when he gets angry, and this happens at least once every 2 months.
He spent the first 3 weeks of first year wondering why they used such stupid words for passwords
For ages 5 to 9, he wanted to be a Hufflepuff because he adores Newt Scamander.
By the way, he would risk his life for Newt Scamander
He introduced the boys to Queen, Star Wars and Elton John
He can't actually eat chocolate, so his comfort food is macaroni & cheese OR garlic bread, but never together
Fucking hates jigsaws - he nearly killed Peter when he suggested they do one.
He knows full well that Sirius abuses his privileges as prefects - but he never bothers to say anything
He taught James and Sirius how to swear, well it was more like they picked it up from him.
He has a radar for when the other 3 do stupid shit without him
He didn't know the boys were going to become animagi
He found out when he saw Padfoot on his bed, fast asleep. He thought: 'who's dog is this?', before he noticed a little scar on his snout - exactly the same to one Sirius had on his nose.
The first time the boys were with him on the full moon, was the first time it wasn't mentally painful.
He's actually terrible at Scrabble - but don't tell James.
Taught himself how to braid hair for Lily and Sirius.
He's scared shirtless of snakes - it's why he screamed in first year when he saw Slytherin decorations.
Minerva McGonagall is his role model.
Has a scar on his bum from when Prongs had to shove him with his antlers to calm him down on a full moon. Sirius still laughs at them.
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He knows how to make daisy chains, and he loves to do them in summer
He can't swim properly - the best you get out of him is a funky dive and a pathetic float
Cried when Darth Vader revealed himself to be Luke Skywalker's dad.
Dyed his hair purple once in 7th year - didn't change it until Lily pushed him into the Great Lake, threatening to make him do extra Head Boy meetings
He enjoys cleaning, he finds it destressing
You will not catch this boy dead cleaning their dorm though - that's been a lost cause since 2nd year
Makes Peter a cake evwry year for his birthday, without fail
He can't bake for shit, but Peter still eats his birthday cakes without complaint
He has a mild addiction to Disney films. By mild, i mean he can sing every song from Cinderella without thinking twice
He has gone through approximately 42 pairs of glasses from 1st to 7th year.
Accidentally sat on McGonagall when she was in cat form
His antlers grow from his head when he gets angry - this is extremely difficult to hide during Quidditch
Up until 5th year, it took him over an hour to get from the Great Hall to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Still calls it 'Remus' furry little problem' without fail
When he first held Nymphadora - he nearly dropped her on her head. Andy hasn't let him touch her since
An Ace at Transfiguration, much to Minerva's liking.
He's bloody awful at CoMC and DADA
Joined Flitwick's choir in 1st year, quit in 3rd
He doesn't actually like Butterbear.
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Sleep talks, has done since he was 6.
Oddly silent, and he earned himself the nickname 'Creeping Jesus', in 4th year.
He was ginger when he was a baby, but it faded into blonde
He hasn't got freckles, but he has cute moles dotted around
Didn't like being a rat animagi until he found out he could sneak into the kitchens at night to eat
The first time he called James a horrible name, 'asshole' for example, James cried for 2 hours before Peter apologised
Had braces from 2nd year till 5th
He kept getting sweets stuck in between them
He never gets a hangover - no matter how drunk he gets
He has awful memory. He couldn't remember his last name until McGonagall called it out in class
Hates beaches because of the sand and the seagulls
The only one in the group that hasn't passe dout on a roller-coaster - much to Sirius' dismay
He used baby shampoo until he was 13
His favourite film is, and always will be, The Parent Trap
He was once chased down the hall in rat form by mrs norris in 6th year.
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