#is this guy stalkin me
xxxgerardwayfan66xxx · 10 months
some1 gave me a book ??
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ravene · 1 month
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Something I drew on Opentoonz. This isn't an animation frame, just did this to prove to myself that I can draw on opentoonz / as a test
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jadeneppy · 2 years
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wildfloweroutlaw · 1 year
Long Kept Secrets
pairing: Arthur Morgan X Female Reader
drabble: fluff, mutual pining, something sweet and simple.
summary: Arthur invites you along on one of his adventures, and it becomes harder and harder for him to keep his feelings to himself.
a/n: this is just a little something to dip my toes back into writing. I have nitpicked tf out of this and i still don’t really like it, but here it is!
word count: 3k
You found yourself standing on the edge of Clemens Point, staring out over the peaceful water, and sipping your morning coffee slowly. The heat and humidity were actually tolerable this early, making this your favorite time of the day. Behind you, the rest of camp was beginning to come alive, some strolling from their tents groggily, some gathered around the coffee pot. However, you noticed one individual was missing.
Arthur was always up before you were, and on days that he was in camp, he was the first person you said good morning to. You and Arthur had been friends for years and if you were truthful with yourself, you wouldn’t mind being more than that. You had always found him incredibly handsome, and once you had broke through the tough guy act, you discovered the man was incredibly kind hearted and sensitive. Arthur also possessed a dry sense of humor that was very funny, given you could tell when he was joking. He was even charming in a strange way. Despite this, you never let yourself dream too long about a relationship with Arthur, he he always seemed to be romantically unavailable at best.
Your eyes combed the camp once more, searching for Arthur’s familiar form. You spied his horse at the hitching post, so you knew he couldn’t be far. Your eyes finally fell on his tent, the flaps closed. How odd. You gulped down the rest of your coffee, and began to make your way across camp, offering polite good mornings to those who had just awoken. As you approached Arthur’s tent you began to second guess yourself. If he’s tired maybe I should let him sleep… or maybe he just wants alone time.
Still, you wanted to make sure he was feeling okay and you raised your hand to knock on the wooden post, standing just in front of the tent flaps. Before your knuckles could ever make contact with the wood, Arthur emerged from the tent, careening into you.
Startled, he muttered curses and grabbed your waist to steady you. Instinctively your hands found his chest. For an instant the two of you were pressed close. “I’m so sorry Arthur!”
Suddenly realizing it was you, and where his hands were, he released his grip on your waist quickly and backed away a bit. “Christ woman… you stalkin’ me?”
“I was just coming to check on you, you’re normally the first one up.” How quickly he had put distance between the two of you was not lost on you and was almost enough to make you roll your eyes.
“You were comin’ to disturb my peace and quiet, you mean?” His hands found his gun belt out of habit.
“More or less.” You shot him a big grin, which earned you a soft chuckle from Arthur.
That damn smile. It was enough to drive him crazy. He drove his thoughts away as quickly as they appeared. “Well I was comin’ to find ya anyways. Want to go somewhere with me today?” He shifted from one foot to the other and found himself praying you’d say yes.
You would go with him anywhere he asked, but of course you didn’t want to seem too eager. “Where to?” You placed your hands firmly on your hips.
“Up to Roanoke Ridge. Got something to do up there.” Arthur toed at the dirt to calm his anxiousness.
You crossed your arms, a smirk playing on your lips. “Hmm… well I’ll have to check my schedule.” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the eye roll Arthur gave you. “I guess I could make time for you Arthur”. Your words oozed with sarcastic sweetness, or was it really sarcastic?
“Well don’t I just feel special! Go get dressed woman, I’ll get the horses ready.” Arthur felt an almost childlike excitement in his chest. He always enjoyed your company and looked forward to when the two of you got to spend time together.
You nodded and began to scurry back to your tent, calling over your shoulder, “don’t forget to eat breakfast!”
Arthur was pretty sure you were the only person who cared about his well being, always chasing him down making sure he had gotten enough to eat and lecturing him on taking better care of himself. He ran a hand down his face and shook his head before stalking off to ready your horses.
You went and put on your favorite outfit, the one that fit you just right, and went to meet Arthur at the hitching post. You found him brushing down your horse, talking to her in a low and gentle voice. Your horse didn’t like many people, men especially, but she was quite smitten with Arthur. She’s not the only one, you thought to yourself.
When Arthur heard your approach he slid the brush back into your saddle bag and turned to greet you. He nearly choked when he saw you were wearing that outfit he loved so much. Steering his eyes down to the ground as quickly as he could, he cleared his throat, “You ready?”
You flicked the brim of his hat as you walked by him, “yep, if you are.” You started to get on your horse and as usual, Arthur assisted you. He was painfully modest with his hand placement and kept his eyes hidden below his hat.
Arthur mounted up and pushed his horse into a trot out of camp with you following closely behind. “I’ll lead the way… I don’t think I trust your navigational skills.”
You feigned offense and fell in beside Arthur once the two of you were clear of camp. Arthur began to tell you what exactly the two of you would be doing in Roanoke Ridge, saying there was some sort of rock carving. You didn’t much care what business he had, you were just happy to be along for the ride.
At first, the two of you fell into easy conversation accompanied by your usual banter. But the further you got away from camp, the quieter Arthur got. Some might think that was normal, but you knew him better than that. Yes, Arthur was generally a quiet man, but once it was just the two of you together he was normally chomping at the bit to catch up with you. He might just want some silence. So you settled in for the ride, taking in the views and making the occasional comment, usually met with a short response. It seemed Arthur was a million miles away.
When the two of you rode through Butcher’s Creek, you garnered some less than friendly stares from the locals. “Feelin’ at home yet?” Arthur asked you, taking in the little ragtag village.
You let out a giggle, happy to finally have some of Arthur’s normal personality back. “They must have just forgot to roll out the welcome wagon.”
Arthur let out a soft chuckle, turning to look at you for the first time in a while. He hoped you hadn’t noticed how deep in his own mind he was, but you know him too well. He hoped you were at least still having a decent time, despite his poor company. He allowed himself to study your face, spending a moment to take in all your beautiful features before breaking the silence, “We’re headed up towards Elysian Pool. Ya know it?”
You nodded, “yeah, sorta.” You could feel his eyes burning holes in you, and you attempted to shoo away the bumps that pricked your skin in response.
“Good. I heard the Murfree Brood has gotten real bad around here lately, so stay near me and don’t go wandering off or nothin’.” Arthur pointed his finger at you as a warning, knowing your habits.
“Yes sir.” You let out an exaggerated sigh at the man’s gruff protectiveness. Not that you had planned on straying far from Arthur, you wanted to soak up every minute of alone time with him, even as strange as he was acting.
“See, now that’s more like it.” Arthur flashed you a smug smirk, which only made you roll your eyes, put your heels to your horse and ride past him.
Once you arrived at Elysian Pool, you both dismounted and Arthur began to survey the cliff side. You stared out over the water, studying the lovely waterfall. When you looked back over your shoulder, Arthur was quickly writing something in his journal. You crept up behind him trying to get a peek at the contents of the pages. You would consider you and Arthur to be close friends, but you had only ever gotten to see inside his journal a handful of times. You wanted nothing more than to just flip through the pages to get a glimpse into Arthur’s mind.
Without ever turning around, Arthur finished his writing quickly and snapped the journal closed, shoving it back into his satchel. “C’mere and look darlin’.” He reached behind him and placed his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to his side.
That nickname, It was enough to set the butterflies in your ribs to fluttering. Arthur didn’t use it often but oh how you loved it when he did. You quickly shooed your thoughts away and commanded the butterflies to be still. You followed Arthur’s gaze up to the side of the cliff where an incredible carving resided. “Arthur, how’d you know this was here?”
He gave a shrug, “Asked around. Apparently they’re all over the country. This weird ginger headed fella wants me to send him the coordinates to them. I’ve found a couple already, I uh…. thought you might like to see too.” He made no move to pull away, letting his hand linger on your back as he watched your face light up. He knew he would do anything it took to see that look on your face.
You marveled at the carving, briefly wondering how long it had been there and who had done it. “Arthur, I’ve never seen anything like it!” You turned to face him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “Thanks for bringing me along, it’s been a while since just the two of us to do anything together.” You suddenly noticed how close you both were, just a few more inches and you would be pressed flush together. The thought alone made your heart pick up a bit. Beside you, the sun was beginning to sink low on the ridge line, reflecting off the water to cast beautiful red-orange rays across Arthur’s face.
Arthur cleared his throat, and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Course…It’s getting’ late. You want to ride up to Annesburg and get a couple of hotel rooms?”
A couple? “Or… we could just camp out here.” Truthfully you were just looking for an excuse to share a tent with the man, but you also genuinely enjoyed your camping trips together. You both always had so much fun, and it was nice to be away from everyone else.
“I-I don’t know about that y/n. You did hear what I said about the Murfree Brood right?” He studied the landscape, kicking at the dirt anxiously, hands still deep in his pockets.
He’s nervous, you suddenly realized. “It ain’t like you to be scared Arthur.” You placed your hands on your hips and studied his face intently. You couldn’t quite figure out what he was so antsy about, but you were going to.
“I wouldn’t be if I was alone…” He finally looked back to you, “I don’t want nothin’ happenin’ to ya is all.”
“And nothing is going to happen to me. Not when I have my very own big tough gunslinger to protect me!” You playfully poked at his side, earning your hands a gentle swat which only served to make you laugh. “Please, Arthur?” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
He scratched at his beard and sighed softly. If you asked him to sell his soul to the devil with that look on your face, he knew he’d agree happily. “Fine. But when the Murfrees come callin’ I don’t want to hear no cryin’.” He warned you with mock sternness.
After some mild arguing on where to set up, the two of you finally settled on a secluded spot just on the other side of the Kamass river. Arthur pitched the tent and got the fire going while you retrieved both your bedrolls from your horses. Arthur’s tent was really only made for one person, but the two of you could squeeze, and you’ve done it before. Once you got them situated you went and plopped down at the fire beside Arthur, who was cooking some meat on the end of his knife.
“Here.” He took his knife and held it to your mouth, watching as you gingerly took the meat between your teeth, sliding it off his blade. He felt his face heat up and cursed himself for the thoughts that entered his mind. He sheathed his knife and began to rise, turning to hide the blush creepin up on his face. “I’m gonna go lay down, alright? Get me if ya need me. Unless it’s the Murfrees, you’re on your own with them.”
You simply nodded, watched him enter the tent, and waited a little while. After mulling over the idea for a moment, you decided it was best if you just asked Arthur straight up what was going on with him. You were friends weren’t you? That’s what friends did. You dusted yourself off and made for the tent. You ducked to crawl inside the small structure, finding Arthur sitting up, reading his journal on one side. He snapped it closed and set it aside. He was just about to ask if you were turning in already when you sat yourself practically on top of him. “Is everything okay? With you I mean… you’ve just been acting like something’s been on your mind all day.” You placed your hand on his knee softly.
Arthur looked down at your hand, then back to you, then decided his lap was suddenly very interesting. “Yeah… yeah ’m fine darlin’.”
You reached up and grasped his jaw, directing his eyes to yours. “Arthur, you know you can tell me anything… right? I know something is bothering you so if you want to talk about, I’ll listen.” Even in the dim lighting of the tent, he looked so very handsome, his sea green eyes staring back at you.
Arthur quietly studied you for a moment before he took your hand from his jaw and held it in his own. He stared down at both of your hands before he intertwined his fingers with yours. “Actually… there is somethin’ I’ve been hopin’- well… meanin’ to talk to you about…”
You tried your very best to focus on his words and not his big gloved hand cradling yours while you waited patiently for him to go on.
Arthur scratched at his beard with his spare hand, eyes glued to his lap where both of your hands lay. “I was thinkin’ that uh- Well I thought that maybe… I uh- I don’t really know how to say it. Darlin’ I-“
You leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his lips for a few heartbeats before pulling away again. “Is that what you were trying to say?” Arthur stared back at you, speechless. For one horrible moment you thought you had really misread the situation.
A bright red blush had crept up Arthur’s neck and painted his cheeks. Speak you damn idiot, he cursed himself and cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking, “yeah… more or less.” He let out a soft chuckle. “Y’know I practiced what to say the entire ride up here and still couldn’t get it right somehow… sweetheart I am a fool. But I care about ya more than you know… here.” He opened his journal to a filled page. It was a beautiful sketch of you, he had been working on it for a few days now, his favorite yet. Beside it was something he had written just this morning in his tent.
I know I’m sure I want to ask her to be mine… I just ain’t real sure how. How could I ever put into words what she means to me? How could I ever explain that she’s what keeps me going most days? If I do tell her how I feel- which I fear I must, it grows harder to hide each day- I do not know what she would think. She is beautiful and lovely and everything I’m not. Most of all, she has been my constant friend for years. I know if I confess my feelings to her, it will jeopardize our friendship. I pray to whatever God there might be that I don’t scare her off, whatever happens. Not sure I could bear that. I don’t dare dream that she will return my feelings, or else I am a bigger fool than I thought.
For a moment, it was your turn to be speechless and you hoped the dim lighting was hiding your blush better than it was Arthur’s. “Arthur… This is… I’ve wanted that-you… for years if I’m being honest.”
Arthur wanted to kick himself. He could have done this years ago? “Why didn’t you ever say nothin’?”
“Why didn’t you?” You deflected the question right back to him.
“Like I said… I am a fool sweetheart.” He placed his calloused hand on the back of your neck, searching your eyes for any sign of discomfort. When he found none, he leaned in and placed a deeper, more passionate kiss than the one you had given him earlier, and you returned it tenfold.
You were the first to break the kiss, “looks like we are just a pair of fools then.” You pressed your forehead against his, eyes fluttering closed. “I’d like that… to be yours Arthur.”
Arthur smiled, really smiled, for the first time in a while. You always made him feel like a real person, not a weapon nor a tool, that’s why he took to you so quickly to begin with. But now he felt it more than ever, it was like he was smiling deep within as well. He guided your back down to your bedroll, laying down by your side. “I’d love to be yours too sweetheart, if you’ll have me of course.”
You cradled his jaw before placing a kiss to his nose. You snuggled deeper into Arthur’s large frame, exhaling softly.
Arthur held you close, held you like he had always dreamed of. He wrapped his strong arms around your frame, loving the feeling of keeping you safe. “Goodnight darlin’.” He kissed your temple softly.
“Arthur… you really think the Murfrees will bother us here?” You murmured sleepily against your cowboy.
He chuckled softly, “they better pray they don’t. You just worry about sleepin’ sweetheart, I gotcha.”
You smiled, feeling safer than you have in years. You let yourself drift off to a sound slumber.
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riotlain · 2 years
Hi!! I got brainworms! The batboys with a drummer bf!! Maybe he’s apart of a band or just does it for fun but the idea of the boys chilling and/or jamming out their bf won’t leave my mind
ok i made somethingg similar to this minus the drummer aspect so you can read that here 🫶🫶
i know nothing about playing drums so keep that in mind 💀💀
Dick Grayson
Hey canonically plays guitar pretty sure
Once he finds out you can play the drums he'll show you his guitar skills!!
Show him any songs youre learning please
Will probably also learn the songs so can play them with you
Will show up at every concert (usually as Nightwing if its nighttime to make sure youre ok)
Buys your merch. Like always the first one to get it
Has bought you an electronic drum set like mf is loaded
Jason Todd
Also canonically plays an electric guitar (theres one in his room in one of the comics!!)
Please play a song with him. He wont ask tho. You have to ask and he'll act like he doesn't care but he does
I feel like he doesnt play often bc of the whole Red Hood stuff
He'll play when he can ok
In a band? Hes there.
Like you never see him at any concerts or gigs but he's probably there
He texts you after
Probably has atleast one of your band's tshirts
Tim Drake
I dont know if he plays anything but i can see him also learning to play the drums
Probably not the best but he's trying ok💀
He more of a singer tbh
Loves when you show him any songs youre working on
Teach him how to play some songs please
If youre a band he likes to be there in your practice and just listen
Goes to your concerts most the time. When he cant go he feels so bad 😭😭
Multiple shirts and shit of your merch
Damian Wayne
Canonically plays multiple instruments (lil shit)
Will learn how to play the drums when youre not watching
Will play songs with you when he isn't busy
Sound proof room with instruments in the manor for yall
Your guys audience? All of his fucking pets😭😭
In a band? He's there as Robin fuckin stalkin and lurkin and shit💀
He will text or call you after your lil show
"In the batmobile." "Are you picking me up?" "Yes."
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saintsir4n · 11 months
2. boy toys
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"I'M tellin' you Keke, I thought one of them was gonna ruin my car, the way they were swinging', it was so close," Carson had been retailing the events of the fight since she returned from her lunch break. She would do anything to avoid her work.
"You and that damn car," Keke laughed, filing the nails of a customer.
All the other employees listened in enthralled by the story.
Carson shrugged, "It's my baby."
"Yeah, got you so distracted, you forgot to eat on your break."
"I'll get something' later," Carson waved her off, "but seriously, Vince was so mad."
Keelie never liked the man, so she was happy to hear that especially because he always hit on Mia, "Oh really, how mad?"
"He looked like he was 'bout to burst, you know how quickly these white folks turn red," Carson giggled along with the rest of the room.
"As quickly as I snap my phone," Keelie mused, receiving a nod from the woman in front of her.
"Ain't that right," Carson grinned at the noises of agreement from others.
Her story was quickly cut off when the door opened up, revealing a familiar face.
Everyone turned to see the pretty blonde who looked like he ended up on the wrong side of town.
"If it isn't Brian Earl Spilner," he cringed at the use of his name. Carson gestured for him to come over to the counter, and so he did, not before gingerly waving at the older women who gawked at him, "Ladies keep your paws away, he's not a bite to eat."
"He sure looks like it," they heard someone say, making everyone laugh.
"You stalkin' me now?" Carson teased, leaning on her hands as he neared closer with his winning smile.
He rose a brow, "Why would I say yes to that?"
"Well, Jesse did say you sounded like a serial killer so it's not outta the question," he playfully rolled his eyes at that answer, before he noticed what she happened to be sketching.
"These are good," he nodded at her work, making her show off her pearly whites, much to the amusement of everyone else, who watched the interaction. "Is there somewhere we could go to talk?" he asked a little quieter.
Keelie rolled her eyes, hearing him, "You guys can go to the back, but you got 5 minutes and then I'm draggin' you out."
Carson sent her a small smile, then grabbed Brian's hand as she rounded her station.
"I've got my eye on you Elton John," Keelie called out.
Brian glanced back, "Is it because I'm white?"
"No because of your talented voice," she quipped, making Carson pull him to the back.
Brian licked his lips as he scanned her outfit, he hadn't seen it all before because he and Vince were too busy scrapping. She looked good, better than good, then again she always did. Her hand was so soft, contrasting his. Callus' seemed to kiss his whenever he drove.
Carson was a little nervous when she closed the door and dropped his hand, staring at him as he smiled down at her.
The room was cramped, filled with tiny lockers, a mini fridge and a small couch, but the pair decided to stay close to the door. Correction, Brian was so close to Carson that she was practically caged in, she had no choice but to lean against it.
"What did you wanna talk about? You gettin' fired so quickly, must be a record for you right?" she mocked, folding her arms.
His eyes sparkled as he said, "Help me."
"Why do you think I should?"
"Because," he leaned in, drawing a wide-eyed look from her, "You're the reason I'm eatin' those crappy sandwiches every day."
She couldn't help but smile, she was so annoyed that she was. Between his curly hair, dreamy eyes and cheeky grin, how could she not?
"So you admit they're bad and you're stupid for eatin' them anyway," she remarked, trying to shake the heat kissing her cheeks.
"Worth it," he shrugged, not looking away from her.
Although, he came to the nail salon to ask her for a favour, just simply talking to Carson was a bonus. Barbie was another one of the nicknames he heard people call her, and he understood more when she corrected them and said Bratz doll instead.
"What do you expect me to do anyways, hypnotise Dom?" Carson's voice pulled him from his trance.
"Just tell me where the next race is," he didn't ask, he needed to know.
And to her, Brain wanted to prove something.
Carson raised a brow, "And why would I do that?"
"So you can watch me win."
"I'm enterin' that race, you think you can win against me? Dom? You just got outta your trainin' wheels, boy you gotta at least think before doin' somethin' like that."
Carson was putting a lot of money into the race and was hoping to get a lot out of it when, not if she won. The money made from the race would fund the new paint colour, engine, rims and a new stereo.
"Look, if I can win against Dom I get his respect," Brian explained, earning a small scoff from Carson.
"And me?"
"A date."
Carson swiped her tongue around her cheek, "Cute, but it's gonna take a lot more than one win to do that."
He chuckled, "We'll see."
"I guess we will, but give me your phone," she gestured and he started to smirk.
"Already?" he teased, drawing a sigh from her.
"Phone now," she demanded. Brian liked this feisty side of her and didn't hesitate to pull out his phone and give it to her. He goggled at her acrylics, liking the black and pink pattern, knowing she designed it. She typed in her number, called it and then hung up when she felt her phone vibrate, "Here."
Brian took back his phone, smiling when he saw the new contact:
Summer <;3.
"I'll text you the place," she said, pushing the door open, immediately seeing a bunch of women glance away and whisper amongst themselves.
"And I'll be there," Carson wasn't expecting him to kiss her cheek, but he did, "Bye Carson."
His smile didn't falter when he waved goodbye to a dozen women who were eager to wave back as he left the shop.
Carson groaned when she realised how happy she felt and then turned to smug-looking Keelie.
"So... is Justin Timberlake, gonna be comin' 'round more?"
Carson shrugged, "Maybe."
"Oh, he sure is."
"Yeah yeah, and Mia says hey," Carson teased, earning an eye roll.
if you're a fan of my account, you know I'll try and add many filler scenes to books that are solely based on canon because the original dialogue can be quite tedious to read all the time. i want brian and carson to feel brand new and fresh. they already flirt like crazy and we all know how both canon and fanon brian can be when he's interested in someone.
you'll be seeing our girl racing soon. what do you think the outcome of the race will be?
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fanficsforfun · 1 year
Out in the woods
Paring: Merle Dixon x shy female reader
Era: Woodbury
Word count: 1,9k
Warnings: sexual content (kissing, teasing, breast play, clit rubbing, thigh fucking, penetration)
Summary: You follow Merle out on a supply run, wishing to be alone with him. That wish gets fulfilled as well as you naughty daydream of him
Author's note: I wrote this two months ago and simply forgot it existed 😅
You noticed Merle leaving the town on his own and decided to follow him. It wasn’t the easiest thing to sneak out from Woodbury, but somehow you managed to do it anyway. You walked very quietly and carefully behind him, but eventually your good luck ran out: you stepped on a dry branch that snapped off with an alarmingly loud crack. Merle tensed, stopped and turned quickly in the direction of the sound. You scrambled to hide, but the movement and the sound gave you away. 
"Hey", he yelled, his tone intimidating. He had immediately realized that the one who rustled in the bushes was a living person, not a walker. And of course he wanted to find out who it was, following him around.
You didn't manage to take more than a few steps before Merle caught up with you.
"Merle, it's just me!" You squealed, a startled look on your face.
“Ya really shouldn't sneak up on people like that, girl! It'll get ya killed”, Merle grunted and lowered his prosthetic arm.
“Sorry!”, you giggled nervously and after a brief moment of hesitation continued: “Maybe this will make up for my mistake.” 
You walked up to him with your heart racing, and kissed him as you had wanted to do ever since you met him. It was a much bolder move than you ever thought you were capable of, especially considering the circumstances, but you just had to do it. The kiss surprised him but then he just smiled, and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing you back.
“I didn't see that comin’, darlin’”, he laughed. "I thought ya hated the sight of me!”
“Nah, I didn't. I just was afraid of you… at first anyway”, you admitted, relaxing a bit in his arms. He’s not exactly the friendliest-looking guy around, with the prosthesis and all, so no kidding you were a bit wary near him.
“Hm, right. But what the heck were ya doin’ out here by yourself?” He asked. “Were ya stalkin’ me or somethin’?”
You blushed hard, tensed up again and looked away. He’s gonna get mad, you were sure of it. Of course he’ll get mad. He was minding his own business, you shouldn't have sticked your nose into it. And it wasn’t just that. This little stunt of yours was really dangerous. You shouldn't be out in the woods alone, armed with nothing but your knife. But Merle didn’t seem angry. Instead, he chuckled.
“Oh, I see. Well, I don't blame ya, girl. I mean, how could ya not? I'm pretty handsome, if I do say so myself.”
There’s that smug trash-talking mode again. Not something that you were expecting to happen, but you loved it. And it made you feel a bit easier.
“Oh, shut up”, you giggled, your face burning hot.
He chuckled again, a smirk forming on his face as he pulled you closer.
“Ya like me, don't ya? Ya like me quite a bit. Riskin’ yer life like this for me.”
“I do”, you admitted, still embarrassed over your own actions. It's not a big deal to steal glances or seemingly accidentally touch him while passing by at Woodbury but to actually follow him out in the woods? That's something else. But Merle had noticed how you responded to him, how you seemed to be following him around all the time. He never thought you’d go this far though.
“Tell me hun, what changed yer mind ‘bout me?”
“I don't know... Getting used to you? Not to say that I wouldn't still be a bit scared of you”, you giggled nervously.
It felt so crazy, being so close to him, him actually touching you which you had dreamed about for a month already, the whole time you had been at Woodbury.
“Maybe that's part of the charm”, he smiled at you and traced his hand with the prosthesis slowly up and down your back. You shivered a bit at it.
“Maybe”, you admitted.
Then, not breaking the eye contact, he leaned closer and asked teasingly: “What were ya hopin’ for, when ya followed me out here, darlin’? Wanted to have some fun, huh?”
You gasped, your stomach clenched at his words and a rush of arousal went through your body. 
“I, um”, you tried, but apparently it was too hard for you to say out loud that you hoped to get laid by him.
Merle laughed at your reaction, then, leaning a bit more forward, he whispered in your ear: “I'll take that as a 'yes'.”
You shivered again and almost moaned, you couldn’t believe how horny this God damn redneck had got you. And how badly you wanted him.
“Please”, was the only thing you managed to breathe out.
He chuckled.
“Please what?” He asked with a sly, amused smile.
“Touch me”, you whispered. ‘Fuck me’ would have been too much for you to say.
“Oh?” His smirk growed wider, and he asked quietly: “How bad ya want it?”
Your breathing was ragged already though he had only barely touched you, you were wet and needy but had no idea how to speed things up. 
“Bad”, you almost whined.
He smiled, and lightly pulled you closer. You could feel his cock pressing against your belly, the mere feeling of that making you even more horny. He kissed you again, and then, finally, his good hand started moving, slowly, down to your hips.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” His voice came out low and teasing.
A moan escaped from your lips as his hand got down to your butt and squeezed it. You couldn't help but arch your back, leading to you pushing your hips against his crotch.
Merle chuckled again, continuing to play with your butt.
“God, lady, is this all you've been thinkin’ ‘bout since ya followed me out here?” He asked while spinning you around and moving his good hand to the button on your jeans. The other he wrapped around your torso. “Or since ya came to Woodbury?”
“Uh-huh”, you mumbled affirmatively, trying to hold back from squirming. Not so that you could have moved much anyway, his strong arm kept you still. You were so impatient to get more of it, you wanted him to stop teasing and hurry up. But he was taking his time with you.
“And ya never said a word”, he said, faking disappointment while beginning to work on the zipper. “Ya should have, darlin’. Then I could have helped ya out much sooner.”
He grinned, and after the zipper was open, pushed your jeans down.
“I- I didn't dare”, you admitted, your voice shaky as his fingers teased on your thighs, not too far away from the edges of your panties.
“Oh, why not? Am I really that scary?”
“Well, kinda”, you giggled while his hand left your thighs and got up to your chest, now playing with your neck, still gently.
“Ya know, I think ya actually like me being so scary”, he murmured. 
You moaned as a response as his hand moved lower and cupped your boob, massaging it on the top of your clothes. He leaned closer, placing a kiss on your temple and then on your neck, his lips softly brushing the sensitive skin. You shivered and this time couldn’t help but squirm, practically grinding against him.
“Easy, hun, easy”, Merle soothed you between the kisses. But there was no way you could take it easy. You were too horny and this wasn’t enough.
“Merle, please”, you whined when his hand just didn’t want to leave your boobs. “Please, I need more…”
“Oh yeah? How ‘bout this, then?” He asked, sliding his hand down right between your thighs.
You hummed, though it was a shaky, needy hum. 
“Feels good, don’t it?”
“Yeah”, you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut as he slowly rubbed you. It was so good you could barely take it. Your head fell back against his shoulder, your moan turning into a whine as he increased the pressure.
“I figured. I haven’t seen anyone this wet in ages”, Merle chuckled.
He kept playing with you until you were getting close, but then he just stopped and pulled his hand out of your panties, a sly grin on his face. “I think it’s time to get down to business, huh?”
He let go of you and started to unbuckle his own pants. He quickly pushed them as well as his undies down. You had turned towards him and your expression must have been worth seeing because he smirked.
"Haven't ya ever seen a cock before?"
"I have", you noted. "It's not that..."
Merle grinned. "Turn around, hold onto that tree."
You complied, and he stepped behind you, pulled down your panties, and for a moment just fondled your backside. Then he pushed his cock between your thighs, teasing you with slow thrusts. His cock rubbed your clit wonderfully and you couldn't help but rock your hips against him.
“Yer really all wet down ‘ere, darlin’”, he hummed. “So sweet.”
Maybe it was your responsive body, or maybe the fact that he hadn't fucked anyone in way too long time, but Merle couldn’t hold himself back any longer. So he guided his cock to your entrance, pushing in with one firm thrust. You squeaked and gasped.
"Shh, not so loud. We don't want ‘em walkers to find us, do we?"
"Sorry", you groaned. He was so big, or maybe you were so tight, that despite the horniness, it hurt. Thankfully, he gave you time to adjust.
"It's okay, don't ya worry, girl", he murmured soothingly. “Just take it easy…”
Merle actually waited until you had relaxed before starting to move. And he was surprisingly gentle. Throughout the act. He held himself back, he would have loved to fuck you harder, but you were so shy, you seemed so inexperienced based on how you reacted to him, and he didn't want to scare you. So he was as gentle as he could. And when your pussy clenched around him, your walls spasming and contracting as you came, a little whine escaping your lips, he felt real pleased with himself. And when he reached his own release, it was nearly as intense as yours.
Afterwards, Merle pulled out of you, his breathing ragged.
“Now that was really somethin’”, he smiled, turned you around and pulled you into his arms. “Ya did so well…”
You smiled a bit, feeling satisfied but exhausted. Your legs were like spaghetti and at the moment you didn't even dare think about how you would be able to walk back to Woodbury. So you just closed your eyes and pressed yourself against Merle, who held you tightly. 
“Hmm, did I get ya all worn out, huh? Poor girl”, he teased playfully. 
All you could do was to make a tiny noise to let him know you had heard him. However, Merle didn't let you rest for very long since you were still in the middle of the woods and it wasn't a good idea to stay there. Even though you were incapable of thinking much of anything while getting dressed again, his mind was already working on how to get you back to Woodbury safely and undetected.
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breadonthestreet · 7 months
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You stalkin’ me or somethin’??/j
And hello the first place and second place losers!! (/j): @mcchaoticgrimreaper and @33tomatoes
Jokes on you guys though, my favorite, @idonoiyo is coming up! He might be fourth and out of frame but he’s there!
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A vanilla extract incident
I am at a party. It's a party for college freshmen, and almost everybody there is like me, a newly minted college freshman. The host has a name like Jeremy or Chad or Andrew, and I have no idea why he invited me.
He's a college sophomore, and I'm pretty sure he took a look at my Facebook profile and decided I was one of the roughly 12% of freshmen he'll get along with, or maybe one of the 12% of freshmen he'd actually be able to tolerate for an evening, or maybe even one of the 12% of freshmen who might make for interesting conversation if he sees fit. Who knows.
We are watching a movie. There is some sort of problem with the DVD player and we keep having to stop the movie and restart it. I think it's a French film. It's one of those pretentious, artsy ones that goes from black and white to color and vice versa whenever the artist feels like it, to show that it is Art and not TV, and the protagonist just called his son "the little bastard" and then went to jail.
"I wonder what the title is in French," I say, to demonstrate that I am a cultured, literate young man who appreciates film.
"Le fils de la chienne," says some dude standing next to me, who looks like a cross between Nietzsche and John C. Reilly.
"God, I love fucking with Americans," he says, and giggles, and I know in my heart that I am being fucked with. I am at a sophomore's party, picking up sociological tidbits like jellybeans out of a bowl and contemplating their implications.
"You know what else is in French?" this dude says, noticing my confusion.
"No, what?"
"Fuckin' vanilla extract." He giggles again, pleased with himself for making a scandalous joke. On the TV, the father is singing a jaunty ditty on his way to prison.
"How can vanilla extract be in French?"
"Uh . . . it's in France," he says.
My mind fills with admiration. This is a party for college freshmen, and this guy is standing next to me, and we are talking about France and vanilla extract.
The DVD player coughs and gives up. We stop the movie, and get up to get more DVDs from the closet. The closet is filled with cans of Coca-Cola and cases of beer. There is a bottle of Jack Daniels in a cup of ice. No one I know drinks.
The movie goes on. I am trying to figure out how to fit a vanilla extract pun into the conversation. I do not succeed. The sophomore cannot tolerate me for another minute and says "fuckin' stalkin' me" or something to that effect and goes back to his group of friends, who are making the most of the anime movie by saying the lines along with the characters in all the right places.
I sit on the floor, perplexed. I am at a sophomore's party and my only conversational gambit has been vanilla extract. I seem to recall a time when I had grown beyond such things. These are new times. There is a new moon. We are post-apocalyptic now. I don't know what this means. I am here, and I am not sure why. I'm not sure why I am here, but I'm still here. Like vanilla extract. Like Earth. Like me.
I try to go back to watching the movie but it's really bad and there's no getting into it now.
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just-bendy · 2 years
Hello do you guys like sweets? If so *offers cookies*
Hey Sammy what's your deal with stalking the other Bendy?
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SUNNY: I LOVE sweets! Wow, thanks fer the cookies! This is a real treat~!
SAMMY: He has something of mine, and I want it back. I'm just waiting for the perfect opportunity to take it. Just one offering won't do. I'll need the rest.
SUNNY: Hey, what do they mean by "stalkin' the other Bendy?"
SAMMY: Nothing for you to worry about. Eat your cookies.
SUNNY: Ya don't hafta tell me twice!
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zealctry · 8 months
❛❛ seein’ yew everywhere , gotta think yew stalkin’ me now. ❜❜ Saint teased with a raised brow.
his hand comes up to rub at the nape of his own neck, as if to ease the tension from the over-used muscles. Hidan pauses, rolling his neck from side to side, expression shifting to something dangerously toeing the line of petulant. still, he looks ( resentfully, at that! ) at the man. the quasi-pout intensifies! fuck him and fuck his silly little jokes.
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          “ damn. gotta shave some inches off of you, I swear. this shit is painful. ”  you know. looking up that high. freaking man is a freaking tower! must be some freakish variant of growth hormones; or steroids; or both. but what’s a guy supposed to do? speak to his fucking clavicles?? ( not a bad sight, per se, but that is way off the point. )    “ if you’re seeing me everywhere, I guess you should stop fantasizing about me so much, and I promise - the hallucinations will go pop! ”    like bubblegum, or soapy water. pop! hear that? the sound of something once deemed important, disappearing. . .. .  
a chuckle. after all, ain’t it all in good fun?
          “ unless you like it. then by all means, carry on. far be it from me to resent you that small pleasure. ”
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clovercalloway · 11 months
We Best Love: Episode 2, "Why are we here, just to suffer?"
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Well, damn, now I have no idea what'll happen next. I usually expect something like this to happen near the end of any romance, but they just went and did it.
Will they reach the second base in this episode, then? Who knows.
They already kissed, now we just wait for that sweet tension.
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I swear, the more I watch this intro the more gay it looks. Like, I can feel the tension in the air.
Meanwhile, Shi De is a hopeless romantic, he can't be more obvious with that monologue. Like, it's impossible.
He keeps saying things like "look at me" as if that isn't the gayest thing to ever say in any fictional show when you refer to another guy.
[EAW: Now I know what this reminded me of. Warning: kinda MHA spoilery but w/o context , @bossman ]
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Idk which one is gayer, I'll be honest
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Shi De, you're the one that kissed him underwater OUT OF NOWHERE. Are you really in the position of asking that?
"What's wrong with you? Why did you kiss me?" TELL HIM, SHU YI!
He says that Shu Yi wasn't coming up. Boy, that's the lamest excuse I've heard. Please just follow Bruno Mars advice and say this instead.
Now he's asking about Yu Xin, like he's tired of Shu Yi pining after her for so long (the jealousy, guys... Alexa, play Heather). But Shu Yi is all "you stalkin' me?".
I know he asked that as a joke.
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Is Shu Yi fucking serious?
"So you can defeat me". Sweetie, that's not-
Not the reaction I expected. Like, I used to watch Ladybug but this guy's too much. How is he somehow more oblivious than Adrien? Is barely episode two. Lord, please don't tell me it gets worse. I'll need ice cream if he starts acting more dense than he already is.
Anyways, Gao Shi De tries to comfort him but Shu Yi tells him to get lost and our boy obeys.
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He went back into the water, istg...
I can only picture Linkin Park in the backhead of his mind playing very loudly. My son is in his sad arc.
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He's being very dramatic and thinking "boy, I need to get over it".
Well, he actually says a lot more, trying to be deep and all that, but I was very distracted by his dramatic self.
Tho he's right that it's worse when the unrequited love is a friendship. Little does he know, for Gao Shi De the unrequited love is hitting hard.
Oh no
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He seems into it
Well, idk what'll happen next, but whatever it is, please don't let this pretty lady be a rebound, what you need is to dwell in your own feelings, even if it doesn't feel right at the moment, because it's better to learn how to live with those emotions and then manage them, that way you will be mature enought to fall in love in a better- who am I kidding, his ass is not listening
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Fang Zheng Wen tries to talk to him, but then Yu Xin appears and invites them for lunch, but Shu Yi says he "doesn't wanna be a third wheel".
I feel you, man. You don't have to force yourself to be in that uncomfortable situation.
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It's a green flag if someone notices what you're trying to say without saying it. He was uncomfortable and at least someone not only noticed but also did SOMETHING about it.
Like, no hate to Zheng Wen but it's obvious the atmosphere is not pleasant for your friend, you should say or do something.
Speaking of being proactive, Shi De went and showed him a recording of him at the pool, in a low moment as we know he got a taste of that unrequited love.
Shu Yi is again asking the right questions ("why do you follow me all the time", "what do you want") that would give him a clear answer if he wasn't so dense.
The nerve of this guy. He's blackmailing him with the video.
"You have to be on-call and obey me." Sounds fruity, LET'S GO!
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Modern marriage proposal, they call it.
So the only way to break this deal off is for Shu Yi to beat him, anything counts. Shi De tells him that and Shu Yi looks excited.
"I'll beat you hard" This isn't getting less gayer by the second.
"Tomorrow in my house" I'll count those as dates.
Skip to the next morning and now they're arguing over going on a car or a MRT.
Bro is blackmailing him with the video again, so they end up being late and Shu Yi pretends to be mad about it.
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You are not beating the stalker allegations.
"You have it so you can put pranks on me?" Why are we here, just to suffer?
While Shu Yi keeps being his oblivious self, Shi De invites him for breakfast.
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Class is boring and Shu Yi falls asleep on his shoulders, so adorable.
Still, you'll have to lend him your notes, man.
Classmate over there is telling Shi De to wake him up and our boy refuses. Let him have this moment, dude.
"But he's not even from this departam-" "Shut up"
After class, Shu Yi suddendly wants to have lunch.
Well, Yu Xin is there and Gao Shi De can tell that his boy is not feeling good.
So now both of them are hiding, but
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"How long do you have to hide from her?" He's not wrong
Obviously is gonna be awkward but is better to do it sooner rather than latter or it'll be worse and he'll end up losing his friends without wanting to.
And Shu Yi knows this, but he says it still hurts. And that's totally reasonable
But then "if she finds out, we can't be friends anymore"
No, man. If you can get pass that, you'll just have an even stronger friendship. If not, she at least will know it and will try to explain how you're still important to her, even if her love isn't the same as the love you say you feel. The only thing actually puting your friendship in danger is the dreaded miscommunication.
"Why do I tell you this" Cause he's your future husband
And, of course, because is nice to say things. Bottling up your feelings will only hurt you more on the long run, you need to face them head on.
Gao Shi De agrees with me, a total w
"You can't just put [love] back into the shelf"
Then he says Shi De wouldn't understand. Boy do I have news for you...
Shi De says he DOES know and Shu Yi is curious
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This is too much. This is Wei Ying levels of oblivious.
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Shu Yi, stop ruining my ship, you're part of it.
Shi De's classmate keeps looking at him like that meme of someone pointing with their eyebrow raised and a big rainbow at the side.
Wait, I had an idea
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Sorry, I had to
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Sharing a meal is fruity activity, says science (at this point it's just me thinking these are dates, because if they're not, I'm even more curious about how a REAL date between these two would be).
Well, now the classmate, the same one from before, keeps butting in and acting as if this couple's existence is a personal offense.
But his dislike seems more inclined towards Shu Yi. [EAW: is this guy 🌈 too?]
Now our main couple and their closed ones (even tho the guy with no name may only be a classmate) are all in the same table, and this dude keeps making passive aggressive comments, but Shu Yi bro defends him and says that Zhou Shu Yi doesn't lose, not against Shi De, and if he did, it was on purpose.
Thanks for exposing him, man.
And guess who comes in
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Welp, a lot has happened in just one meal, right?
Of course, Shu Yi leaves immediatly. And Shi De follows.
At an arcade, Shu Yi's friend is asking him why are they so close now? Is it another prank for Shi De?
No, my man, but you should ask Gao Shi De, at least he knows more about his own feelings.
Suddendly, and idea.
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Did you really never think of this? Were you so caught up in trying to rile him up that you didn't actually do any basic competition? You really are something else.
Playing montage!
This is even funnier because for Gao Shi De, I bet he shares my mind and totally thinks of this as a date
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Meanwhile, Shu Yi
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"Your days are numbered, you little-"
Shu Yi does his litle finger gun at Shi De and I'm like don't worry, you already shot him, just look at how his eyes are hearts when he's with you.
Welp, we have a flustered Shi De.
It's obvious who keeps winning again and again. But in case it wasn't clear with episode 1, it's Shi De.
Shu Yi leaves, ready to be "tortured" again tomorrow, and Shi De is totally smug because he got what he wanted, at least. A nice time with future bf.
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Cute aggression, they call it. Typical of future life partners.
Perfect opportunity to commit theft, says Shu Yi, but he's caught instantly.
Both begin to wrestle for the phone and for being caught and then somehow this happens.
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The way I had to pause (the video and myself) after this. Gods, my mind is not pure and I'm going to hell.
Also, I snorted hella hard.
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Yu Xin is me fr
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I know it's basically the same scene, but this is just too perfect for a meme
Yu Xin apologizes saying "I thought you and Gao Shi De were together". Give them a few months. If it depends on Shi De, it could be weeks. If it's on Shu Yi's hand, maybe we'll need like three years at minimum.
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It's usually "from their limited perspective, it can be seen as fruity" but man, from my non limited perpsective as someone who witnessed those moments, this is still fruity as f.
Yu Xin has the right energy but not the right idea and keeps insiting that Shu Yi confesses. Shi De gets tired of watching this uncomfortable circus and leaves with Shu Yi.
"Are they really not dating?" You both are his friends and know him well enough, I do not. And even I think this is very very rainbowish.
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Well, Yu Xin, they are on a date so does this answer your question?
"Why do you add spicy if you can't take it?" "Cause you like it" This is a gem.
"I just know you too well" It's nice to know that at least from Shi De's perspective this is a rivalry more than an enemies relationship.
Shu Yi thanks him for getting him out of there, and says that Yu Xin and Zheng Wen are really compatible and make a perfect couple.
"What would you do if the one you love loves another person" says Shu Yi, having dealt with something similar to rejection but accepting it.
After eating they go out but Shu Yi starts feeling bad and Shi De takes him to a doctor.
"Try to separate them and take adantage of it" says Shi De and Shu Yi gulps hard. Try to run but you won't get far, kid.
So that was episode 2! Aside from the doctor being a bummer and not letting me and Shu Yi live (or well, die), it was fun. They're not even in an official relationship yet, but sure feels like it!
"If you want to die keep eating spicy hotpot" Hey doc, I'll die but I'll die happy, ok?
Shu Yi, man, like, besides the obvious hints through the whole episode, he literally kissed you. Like, how dense can you be?
And to @bitacrytic, oml, thanks a lot! Tumblr was being a b*tch and didn't let me answer your comment. And yeah, so far I'm invested. But also busy. I hope to finish the post for episode 3 sooner.
The most probable case is that I'll be uploading these blind reactions weekly, but only if I'm less busy those weeks. [Jokes on me, adult life is hard.]
Anygays, hope you enjoyed this. (I surely did.)
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kotriyas-pizza-tower · 4 months
They just look at Noise with a disappointed expression before continuing.
“From what she said she wanted me to do puzzles to find her.. She didn’t say puzzles this time, but she most likely will next time.”
Starry puts the popcorn that they were holding on the ground next to them before crossing their arms.
“I’ll guess I’ll tell you guys once she talks to me again, but it may be obvious since from what you said I drifted off.”
- Star Anon
Noise looks dissapointed that he didnt get as much of a reaction as he hoped. He rolled his eyes.
"FUCK- She didnt do that wi' me- She jus' showed up! Thats probably bad-"
"Of-a course."
"Oh Dio..."
"So your tellin' me that not ONLY are we no longer in Starsight and in a white void or something- But we also have some weird sorceress gal stalkin' Starboy????"
"Yeah! I guess!!"
Doise shrugged dramatically.
"This is-a your-a faults."
Peddito said, eyeing the gremlins.
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
“... Ken, did you stalk me here!?” Oh shoot-- “Daisuke?” he looked at the other, “No I was just passing by--” “Dude. Cut it out” Daisuke squinted his eyes, “You came after me because of Noel, right? Are you jealous or something?!” “J-Jealous?!” Ken gasped. “Look, we’re friends no matter what you say or do, but I don’t need you stalkin’ me.” “Daisuke, I…” “If there’s anything you wanna say then say it to my face! I can’t read your mind, ok?!” “... Daisuke.” “What?” “Noel Leblanc has a fragment, I saw him later that day when we faced Hikari-san’s second cousin.” “Noel… had one?” He looked at Ken with widened eyes, “You must be kidding! Noel wouldn’t do that!!” “Do you know anything about him though? You know me for six years, wouldn’t you believe me…?!” “I didn’t know you back then and I even had given you a second chance… Because you were showing that you had learned the lesson! So what matters if I know him for a few months or six years!?” “Daisuke, please.” “I… I trust you, Ken. But you shouldn’t stalk me thinking that Noel will suddenly turn into a dangerous digimon and kill me. He won’t, he’s a good guy. I sense it.” “Well, Daisuke-san’s gut feeling never was wrong,” Wormmon commented. “Daisuke’s good at spotting shady people” V-mon shrugged, “He didn’t notice Ken was the Kaiser before because Ken knew how to use his public face against him.” “... That’s what I fear” Ken frowned, he didn’t want Daisuke to be angry right now - -especially today -- “That he’s just good at manipulating people with his public face…” “If he turns out to not be who we thought he was… We will stop him, for everyone’s sake. And for his own sake too” Daisuke smiled, then he put a hand on Ken’s shoulder, “So don’t worry about it.”
Sorry, you thought Daisuke would fight Ken that badly? Hehe~
(prev for case 21 AKA Ken's birthday special case)
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Maniac [03]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Laito: ーー And you’ll never believe what Subaru-kun did next...
Yui: ( Laito-kun’s talking to me a lot today. I’m so happy... )
( Huh? Over there, is that...? )
Ayato: ...
Laito: ...Ah. ...Hey there~!
Ayato: Che...
ー Ayato leaves again
Laito: ...Um, where was I again? And then right after, Kanato-kun...
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( I guess things are still awkward between Ayato-kun and him... )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Laito:  ーー So, what do you think Shuu did next? Well...
ー They cross paths with Ayato again
Ayato: ...!
Laito: ...!!
Yui: ( A-Ayato-kun...!? Even though we parted ways just earlier...! )
Ayato: Fuck...
ー Ayato leaves again
Laito: ...Haah.
Yui: ( He went quiet... )
ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Laito: ーー Then ultimately, Reiji...
Ayato: ...! Are you guys stalkin’ me or what!? 
Yui: ( A-Again...! I wonder why we keep running into each other today...? )
Laito: ...Aren’t you the stalker in this scenario?
Do you want to eavesdrop on our date together that badly? 
Ayato: Don’t spout that disgustin’ crap! Che...You’re gonna make me gag.
Laito: ...
Yui: ( Laito-kun, he went completely silent... )
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: ( We made it back to our room and all but... )
Laito: ...
Yui: ( Laito-kun has been like that this whole time. )
( Okay! )
→ As to be expected of brothers (S)
Yui: I-It’s really amazing how you kept on running into each other by pure coincidence! As to be expected of brothers!
Laito: ...Heeh?
Yui: ( I-I dug my own grave! )
→ I wonder... (M)
Yui: I-I wonder what Ayato-kun was up to?
I wonder if you guys were in each other’s head to be crossing paths that often?
Laito: Are you trying to imply...that the two of us are similar?
Yui: N-Not exactly...
Laito: ...Haah.
Yui: S-Sorry...?
Laito: ...Geez, I’m not mad or anything. 
But I have to confirm something, you see...?
Yui: Eh...? 
ー Laito suddenly pins her down 
Laito: Nn...!
Yui: ( Ah...! My shoulder...! )
Laito: Phew...Nn, nnh...
Yui: No...Laito-kun...!
Laito: Call my name more...Nnh...Nkuh...!
Yui: ( The spot where he bit me is burning...! )
Laito: Haah...Do you still think that Ayato-kun and I are similar?
Would Ayato-kunー Ever be able...to love you so tenderly? 
Yui: Haah...haah...
( I feel like he was more aggressive than usual though... )
Laito: Say...Who cares about other guys at this point?
My fangs belong only to you after all...
Yui: ( Laito-kun seems kind of shaken up...Like he’s less in control than usual... )
( I have to think but...I’ve reached my limit... )
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usermischief · 2 years
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♜Pairing: Briles ♜Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Brett Talbot, Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Jackson Whittemore ♜Tags/Warnings: wall sex, anal sex, locker room sex, college au ♜Words: 3681 ♜Kinktober - Wall Sex a/n: This is a sequel to bad habits but you don't necessarily have to read it to understand this story.
old habits die hard
"Absolutely not."
Isaac blinks, staring at him a little dumbfounded. "But—"
"The last time you," Stiles says, pointing from Isaac to Danny and ultimately to Jackson, who looks highly offended, "tried to set me up on a date, I had to report a stalker." At that, all three of them have the decency to look a bit awkward — even Jackson, which is saying a lot. The guy restored and hardened his ego in London before coming back to the US to study. Stiles was extremely surprised when he ran into the three of them at the campus coffee shop at six in the morning. He thought all of this had to be one giant coincidence, but it turns out that Isaac and Jackson ended up living together in London with Danny and his family moving there after the whole Alpha Pack debacle — and now, they’re back in the States. 
Probably only to be a pain in his ass. 
Danny shakes his head. “You can’t be hung up on Number 28 forever.”
“It’s time you throw the hoodie out.” Jackson tosses his lacrosse ball from one hand to the other. 
Stiles stiffens. “No.”
“You don’t have to throw the hoodie out,” Isaac says, glaring at Jackson. They all know why he held onto the hoodie and what it means. They all know what Stiles went through. The topic came up pretty early in conversation when Jackson wanted to drag them to a party he and his fraternity was planning. The fraternity Jackson and Danny are members of is known for parties that include a shitton of drugs, so Stiles that he wouldn’t join them and why. Even though he’s been pretty good about staying away from drugs and alcohol for almost three years, he really doesn’t want to push his resolution. 
Jackson lets out a breath. “Okay, you don’t have to throw it out.”
“But you gotta move on.” Danny twists his lacrosse stick, studying Stiles through its net. 
It’s not that he’s still crying himself asleep over Brett, but he can’t forget him. Not really. And yes, the hoodie probably makes things a lot more complicated. Still, it helps him during hard nights — when the nightmares come and the temptation is high. The hoodie doesn’t smell like Brett any longer, and even though it’s not as big on him any longer since Stiles built a few muscles himself, it still feels like a warm hug, like coming home. It makes him feel safe. 
Stiles scrunches up his face. “Why do I have to date?” he asks, gesturing towards his friends again, “not one of you is in an established relationship.” 
"But we have sex regularly."
Isaac smacks the back of Jackson's head hard enough that even Danny winces. "Shut up, Whittemore." He turns to Stiles with a sigh. "I’ve been livin’ with him for four months now. He’s a good lad.” 
“I wanted to do a background check,” Danny tells him, sounding almost a little offended that he wasn’t allowed to. 
“Cyber stalkin’ my roommate is a bit too far, innit?” Isaac sounds exasperated enough that Stiles is pretty damn sure this conversation must’ve happened at least five times already. Which means they are pretty serious about the whole thing. Sighing, he returns his attention to Stiles. “You don’t have to marry him. I was just thinkin’ that you might be good for each other even if you’ll only hook up.” They weren’t this insistent about the girl who ended up stalking him, so maybe giving this guy a shot is worth it — even if there won’t be any sparks, they could end up becoming friends. 
Something he desperately needs more of since the ones he currently has constantly get him into trouble. 
Stiles massages his eyebrows then he sighs. “Fine.” He sure as hell hopes he won’t regret this. “But if he ends up being a creep, I will turn you into a fur coat.” 
“You’re recyclin’ jokes,” Isaac informs him dryly. “I think you should take a nap.” 
— — — 
Stiles chews on his hoodie string as he walks toward the lacrosse pitch. It's the first game of the season, and he has no idea who is part of the new team. After his high school lacrosse experience, Stiles decided that it's better to stay far away from this sport. 
It's unlucky that all of his friends are into lacrosse. As is the dude Isaac is trying to set him up with. The only good thing about this is that Stiles can see him before he's going on a date with him. If he figures out his name, he'll be also able to do some research on the guy. 
Isaac's head pops up, and he waves him over. Perks of being friends with the captain and co-captain. That means he usually gets the best places to sit. 
"So?" Stiles pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
Isaac tugs the string from Stiles' mouth. "Number 21," he says, nodding in the direction of the pitch."He's about to snatch the captain title, so, Jackson's mood is accordingly." 
"And you want me to date him?"
"He's a great guy." Isaac shrugs, nudging him with his elbow. "Seriously. This will not be a Malia disaster." 
Stiles squints at Number 21. He's tall, which is very nice, and by the looks of it, he easily runs circles around Jackson. Of course, his mood is terrible. If this works out, Jackson will be a pain in his ass about dating his direct competition. But that’s just Jackson. He’d never make Stiles stop dating anybody unless they’re a truly terrible person. 
Stiles pulls his shoulders up. “I can’t imagine Coach would replace Jackson as a captain.” 
Number 21 misses his shot completely. 
Isaac huffs and tugs on the net of his lacrosse stick. “Is this dude trying to make an ass out of himself?” 
“You sure this is the same guy you wanna set me up with?” Stiles quirks a brow, smirking a little. “You made him sound very different just yesterday.” Because apparently Number 21 is super hot and extremely talented in lacrosse. Sure, everyone’s got a bad day, but that shot is one even Stiles would have made — and that’s saying something. 
Jackson yells something across the pitch, but Number 21 pulls his helmet off and turns around. 
Stiles takes a step back. “I— I gotta go.” He takes another step back, forgetting the bags on the ground, and in his haste to get away, he almost falls onto his ass. Wouldn’t that have been wonderful? Exactly what he would need right now. 
“Wait— what?” Isaac stares at him in confusion. “Why?” 
“I just…” Stiles gestures vaguely in the direction of Brett fucking Talbot crossing the pitch in long strides. “Listen, I’m sorry. I just gotta go.” Without another word, he spins around and all but runs past the bleachers. He can’t do this. Nope. Nope. This is the worst fucking thing that could have happened to him. 
“Stiles, hold on!” That’s Isaac calling out for him, probably confused at the spike of panic piercing his scent. 
He shouldn’t run. It’s so stupid that he cannot face Brett after almost two years of being apart. He should be over it. They weren’t even dating. But Stiles still has Brett’s hoodie, and he never said goodbye — neither did Brett. When Stiles returned from rehab, his father had told him they were moving. So, they did. He had bought a house in the middle of nowhere Minnesota. Stiles finished his senior year in a small town with a population of a thousand if he counted the animals. It had been three months of fucking torture, but he’d finished school at the top of his class, got his scholarship for Yale, and ran into Isaac, Jackson, and Danny. 
Meeting those three again has already been so much of a coincidence, how is there anything left for Brett Talbot? He never mentioned Yale. He considered community college. Looks like Satomi finally got through to him. 
But couldn’t it have been another fucking university? 
Nope. Nope. Absolutely not. 
Stiles slips through the doors. If he’s quick enough he can cross through the lobby and get to his car before Brett manages to sniff him out again. The stench of the locker rooms should cover him long enough — and once he’s home he’ll look into other universities. There is absolutely no way he is going to face Brett and get his heart broken again. Zero. Zilch. Nada. That’s going to throw him back way too far. 
He has to burn the hoodie. 
Or mail it back. 
Oh god. Fuck. Brett probably knows Stiles kept the hoodie. He most likely wants it back. 
“Stiles!” Brett grabs him by the back of his sweater and yanks him back. 
Before Stiles knows what happens, he finds himself shoved into the locker room. A lock clicks. “This is— I totally can explain this,” Stiles says, his voice a bit higher than he would have preferred. Whenever he dreams about meeting Brett again, everything is a lot happier, he doesn’t run away like a deer catching the scent of a hunter, and Brett is not almost strangling him with his sweater. He’d very much prefer the imaginary scenario right now. 
Brett adjusts his grip and slams Stiles against the door. “I fucking knew it.”
“Okay, listen… I—”
But Brett cuts him off. By kissing him. On the mouth. Hard.
What the fuck?
Brett pulls away again, grip loosening on Stiles’ sweater. “Sorry,” he whispers, pressing his hands next to Stiles’ head. “I’m sorry. It’s just… Isaac had your scent all over him. It was driving me insane.” 
Stiles curls and uncurls his fingers, unsure what to do with his hands, and laughs nervously. “Well,” he mutters, and he’s not even fucking sure what the hell he wants to say. 
Brett lets out a long breath. “I fucking missed you,” his voice is quiet, hardly a whisper, and he leans their foreheads together. It’s quite a shock. The last time they’d seen each other, Brett could hardly look at him. Now, it’s almost like he cannot possibly bring himself to create any sort of distance. “I thought I was over you, but then I caught your scent on him.” There’s a laugh cutting through the silence of the locker room. “God, I hated him. So much.” 
Stiles hears people yelling in the distance over the blood rushing in his ears. “Isaac didn’t mention that.” And he doubts the locker rooms right before the first lacrosse game of the season isn’t the best time or place to talk about this and the past and them. 
Brett laughs softly. “I was a piece of shit.” 
“Pretty sure Isaac doesn’t hold a grudge.” Stiles raises a hand and cups Brett’s cheek. “I’ve missed you.” And it only now hits him how much he really missed the other boy. There’s been something between them. Undeniably. Brett would have never let him keep his hoodie if there have not been feelings involved. Stiles wouldn’t have kept it for almost two years. 
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Brett says, wrapping his arms around Stiles’ waist to pull him closer. “When I heard you moved away…” he trails off and shakes his head. “The moment I caught your scent on Isaac, I looked everywhere for you, and then he told me he had a friend, and he’d like to set me up with them.” He presses closer and crowds him against the door. “I hope it’s you. I knew it was you.” And he kisses him again. Almost desperately. 
Stiles kisses him back with all he has, curling his fingers into Brett’s brown strands. There’s no way he’s letting him go again. No way in fucking hell. Stiles parts his lips to meet Brett’s tongue. 
Brett grabs his ass, grinding against him. 
“Wait.” Stiles breaks the kiss, pulling away, and clearly inviting Brett to kiss his neck instead, “wait, wait. The lacrosse game—”
“Starts in thirty minutes.” Brett sucks the skin between his teeth and then kisses the spot. “We have time.” 
Brett kisses his way back to Stiles’ mouth, playfully biting his bottom lip. “I’ll make it worth your time.” He wiggles his brows and kneads his ass with a fucking smirk — knowing there is no way in hell Stiles can or will say no. How could he when he’s wanted this for years? When he dreamed about this? When he couldn’t get over that one time they fucked? He never stopped wanting Brett. 
He grabs Stiles by his thighs and hoists him up in a very rude display of strength, pressing his back against the door.
Stiles crashes their mouths together and parts his legs for the werewolf’s knee. A moan catches in the back of his throat as he grinds against Brett’s thigh. Someone is going to come to look for Brett if he isn’t going to be back on the field anytime soon. As much as Stiles would like to, they really do not have the chance to drag this out. “Please,” Stiles moans into the kiss, “please, tell me you have lube in your gym bag.” 
Chuckling, Brett pulls away. “Who do you think I am?” 
“You don’t want me to answer that question.” 
Brett squeezes his ass. “I see the bleach blonde hair and tattoos don’t mean you're a whole new person.” 
Rolling his eyes, Stiles pokes the werewolf in the side — very delighted about the fact that Brett twists away from him. Looks like someone’s ticklish. “Get the lube, Talbot.” Stiles will file that information away for later. 
After one more kiss, Brett pulls away and hurries across the room to ruffle through his bag. Stiles watches him briefly, biting his lip, trying to work through his relief of seeing Brett wanting him still, of having Brett back, of getting the chance to start over new after ruining everything the first time. Then he fumbles with his belt and jeans and grins when Brett is pulling him away from the door, muttering “doorknob” before slamming him against the cool wall right next to it. His mouth is on Stiles’ neck, sucking skin between his lips and teeth, working a mark into Stiles’ skin that has Stiles moaning, has his fingers stumbling over opening his pants. 
But he manages and pushes his pants and boxer briefs down. 
Brett kisses the abused skin and looks down. There’s a grin on his lips, but his hand brushes past his dick, focusing on the edge of a tattoo and dragging his index finger over the tail of a black phoenix inked into his skin. He traced the dark lines up and up, over his hip where he grabs him and spins him around.
Stiles laughs. 
Brett swallows the sound with a kiss. One hand curls around his throat, two fingers pressing against his cheekbone. Two different fingers covered in lube massage Stiles’ hole. They don’t have time. Not enough to drag this out. Both fingers slip inside up until the first knuckle. 
Stiles moans into the kiss, pleasure zips up his spine despite the uncomfortable feeling of the stretch. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit much at once. But they don’t have time, and Stiles doesn't mind it if it stings or hurts. He doesn’t mind it rough. He doesn’t mind pain. It’s something he learned during rehab. So, when he got the urge to hurt himself, Stiles made an appointment with a tattoo artist. He doesn’t crave it, doesn’t always gain pleasure from it — but right here, right now, things are different. 
They don’t have time, and Stiles wants to feel everything Brett does so he knows this isn’t a dream. Whining softly, Stiles presses against the finger. “Please,” he breathes into the kiss. 
Brett doesn’t need to be asked twice. He moves his fingers, scissoring them, searching for that bundle of nerves that’s promised to turn Stiles’ brain into mush — and he finds it, quickly. Stiles moans, holding onto Brett’s arm with his left hand, fumbling for purchase against the wall with the other. 
They don’t have time, but Brett massages his prostate until Stiles begs him to stop because he’s way too close to coming already, until he doesn’t trust his legs to hold him any longer, until breathing  
Chuckling, Brett presses his lips to Stiles’ ear. “You’re so fucking hot,” he whispers, and he pulls his fingers out, kissing Stiles again to distract him from how empty he feels. Brett nudges Stiles’ foot, a silent command to spread his legs further. 
And he does, breaking the kiss to catch his breath, shifting around until his shoulder is pressed against the wall and he could look over his other. It’s a bit awkward. It’s also uncomfortable. This doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to happen. They need to get it out of their systems. They need to know they’re here, they’re them. A promise of a future. A promise of together, of you and me, of us. 
Brett rips a condom wrapper with his teeth and rolls it over his dick. It’s less messy, Stiles knows, but he doesn’t like it. The bottle of lube is opened again. Stiles cranes his neck further, watching Brett’s hand add more lube to the condom as quickly as possible. When he’s satisfied, Brett drops the bottle of lube and the wrapper then presses the head of his dick against Stiles’ ass. 
Stiles takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as Brett grabs his hips again; one hand’s wet, the other is not. It’s an odd sensation that is quickly replaced by Brett pushing into him. Stiles groans, crossing both arms over the wall to lean his forehead against it. He breathes through the pressure, pushing against Brett. It’s perfect, and it’s too much, and there is a zap of sharp pain that makes him curse.
Then Brett is inside of him, pressing his closed mouth against the nape of Stiles’ neck. It’s a gesture he would appreciate on any other day, but they don’t have time, and Stiles doesn’t want to have Jackson complaining for the next two weeks that he stole one of the team’s best players. He also doesn’t want to be the reason Brett might miss out on becoming team captain. 
He raises his head and reaches back, curling his fingers around Brett’s wrist. “Fuck me.” 
Brett doesn’t need to be asked twice. He pulls back and snaps his hips forward again. It rocks Stiles’ whole body. He moans, scrambling for support with both of his hands. Brett wraps one arm around Stiles’ waist, slipping his hand under his shirt. His fingers press against his abs, thumb finding the rest of the phoenix tattoo, tracing it absentmindedly. Brett wraps his other hand around Stiles’ dick, just tight enough that Stiles fucks into it with every of Brett’s hard thrusts. 
Stiles isn’t going to last long. Not like this. Not with the brutal pace Brett fucks him with. He promised himself never to get addicted to anything else ever again, but this? Fuck. Stiles has been addicted to Brett, and it’s never going to stop. Especially not now. There’s no way. Stiles moans, and he couldn’t care less if anyone hears him. Them. Because Brett is moaning too, and sometimes, Stiles catches his name rolling off his tongue.
“Brett,” Stiles breathes, grabbing the other boy’s forearm because he doesn’t trust the wall, or maybe, he doesn’t trust himself enough to hold on, “Brett.” He can’t catch his breath for long enough to say it. 
But Brett understands him anyway. He tightens his fingers on Stiles’ cock, jerking him off in tune with his thrusts. 
Stiles presses his cheek against the cool wall. His body tightens. Brett drags a nail over the lines of ink near his hips. He fucks him, cock hitting that bundle of nerves inside of Stiles. There’s no doubt he tapped into his werewolf strength, just a little, just enough to shock Stiles to his core with every thrust.
And then his orgasm hits him. Despite having built for a bit, Stiles is overwhelmed by the explosion of pleasure. His thighs tremble, and he’s not sure if he could stand without the wall and Brett’s arms around him right now. 
Brett comes not long after him, dick twitching deep inside of him, and weight pressing Stiles further against the wall. They’re holding each other up for as long as it takes to catch their breaths and regain control over their bodies. 
It doesn’t take too long.
Because they don’t have a lot of time. 
Brett pulls out, and Stiles whimpers at the feeling then swats at the other boy when he presses a kiss to the top of his head. His steps are soft. Groaning quietly, Stiles leans his head against the wall and looks down at himself. His hands are clean so he grabs his sweater. Clean as well. 
A shower turns on in the other room. 
Stiles pushes himself away from the wall and pulls his pants up. He can’t wait to sit for the next 90 minutes. He’s working on his belt when Brett walks back, drying his wet hand on his pants. He grins, and Stiles is a little jealous of all that werewolf stamina. “Asshole,” Stiles mutters, for no reason at all. 
Snorting out a laugh, Brett kisses him again. It’s a bit softer now and Stiles can’t help but close his eyes. He curls his fingers into the jersey, pulling Brett closer. He’s not going to fuck it up this time. He’s not. Smiling, he pulls away. “I still have your hoodie.” 
Brett kisses the corner of his mouth. “Good,” he whispers, leaning their foreheads together, “because it’s still not a present.” But they both know Brett is not going to ask for it back.
Stiles runs his fingers through Brett's hair. Some habits are impossible to quit, but Stiles doesn't mind. Not this time.
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