#is this a tem / tart solidarity post?
bitbrumal · 1 year
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                             HEADCANON         ↤  ayaks  ::  ''''LUST FOR BATTLE''''  ↩
ayaks headcanon that was part of a sex values headcanon under a readmore but really needs its own post bc wow does it underlie much of him:
while he would prefer a steady, trusted partner who he can really... UnLeash HimSelf with. that's not in the cards, & he's not like. hopeful or optimistic. it's not a dream he's bothered with; it's just... emotional intimacy is not something he strives for.
in a way of course he does, because it's a human need that when repressed will rear its head in uglier ways—& there we find him tasting people's blood despite the risk of disease. chasing the high of adrenaline instead of arousal, the intimacy of violence instead of an embrace.
in the non-virgin verse that i thought would be more canon, he sleeps around to scratch the itch & doesn't fully notice that he wants something more, because... that all goes into the pile of. human-y shit that As A wEApOn he totally has no use for. it's in the 'discarded' pile of his internals. he'd have to Experience it to have cause to let himself feel it again. otherwise, it remains a done & dusted topic.
in fact, my 'virginal chad' interpretation of yakyak is basically bc he puts all of that stuff into battle & avoids, subconsciously, like the plague—anything that would remind him of what he's lost. intimacy. he was a soft kid & he still is, now he's just what a soft kid becomes when they have to be hard or else die. by which i mean he wouldn't have been the type to fuck heartlessly, even if he would've been capable of hook-ups & the like. he'd like to sleep with ppl he likes, a sharing of affection that passes into the physical - even if not romantic per se or even all that deep. it would've been fun, lighthearted, & meaningful the way joy gets to be meaningful.
as it stands now, honestly i imagine you'd have to rile him up & pin him down in battle & turn that tide into sex yourself, & that'd open his eyes ( if. y'know. he's into you as a person before that point DF;LKJASDF ). otherwise i think he just deflects the fuck away from his own reaction to the concept, so thoroughly compartmentalised that he won't even suspect himself. just, no emotions at all re: sex & no need to scratch the physical itch with something other than battle. so he thinks he's not interested. he would certainly not be shy or flustered, but if you want to do it outside of battle you'd have to... coax. pace yourself? look he has reflexes & you're cornering a part of him so deeply buried he only has coping mechanisms to respond with so be fucking careful lol.
eyes my shipping partners
smn: do u know how to fuck? yak: ofc lol smn: oh?? :eyes: yak: wasn't intentionally lying but is a virgin, just doesn't consider himself one. too old for that, virgins is for puberty.
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