#is there ever gonna be like. a tag for the actual lineup stuff ovdjchv
velvetgons · 6 years
yoonbin as your boyfriend
warnings; probably swearing i’m not sure!! 
word count; 3.6k 
requested; no :) whoops! but requests are open if you have any :) 
a/n; i’m working on a request right now so i should have that finished this weekend!! thank you for being patient (also, to gif makers: if tumblr removes the attached credit please let me know so i can credit you!! most of the time it keeps it attached but sometimes it removes it so :// i’ll add credit just in case!!) 
gif credit; hayoonbin on tumblr :) please tell me if you want it removed!!
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ok!! we’ll start with how you met;
say you happen to be friends with a certain Loud Boy named jihoon who’s insistent on widening your friendship circle so it doesn’t ‘embarrass him that he’s your only friend!’
(secretly it’s because he genuinely cares for you and wants you to have a wide friendship group but he’s taking that to his grave)
so he takes you to different Friend FunctionsTM and it’s all going good u know
you’re talking to so many people and you’re conversing and actually having full length conversation about people’s different interests
and jihoon is so proud because! that’s his best friend! there they go! making friends so quick!
but seriously everyone’s so welcoming that you’ve almost formed some kind of friendship with every single one of his friends there
except for this one guy who’s kinda just awkwardly sat there?? and you’re about to approach him to get a full house of friends when you start to think that he looks lowkey bored n irritated
so you’re like haha nope! not going there! it’s been a great night and i am not prepared to be publicly embarrassed by one (1) boy!
and so you go to jihoon n you’re like “alrighty my friend my buddy it’s been a great night but i am tired now and i have completed your task of making friends so goodnight!!!”
but he’s all “not so fast snake! there’s someone you haven’t spoken to yet :/” and he’s gesturing back to the boy with the stone face
and ur first reaction is “jihoon wtf how do u know who i’ve communicated with” but he dismisses that so ur second reaction is “he is very scary i am not going to talk to him ://”
but jihoon is so persistent he’s all “i know he’s intimidating but he’s just awkward i promise!! he’s like a spider, even more scared of you than you are of him :)”
so he just walks you over, drops you there, gets the boy’s attention, and then is like “wowie do you hear doyoung calling for me because i sure do!!” and then he abandons you
he just deadass leaves you there with this scary boy who is now looking at you very expectantly while you just stand there staring back at him
so you mutter a lil introduction of ur name and he kinda. just nods
and so u look at him like ?? bro what
which is when he gets the message and he’s like “right yeah sure i’m yoonbin”
so now you think he’s scary and dismissive and he’s STILL looking at you and not saying anything?? he’s just. sitting there and looking at you like ur some kind of book that he’s really focused in on
and you’re looking around for jihoon because?? you need help!! you are very scared!! you feel like a small animal under threat!!
so just when you’re about to run away because you truly are very intimidated this boy looks panicked at you being panicked so he’s like ‘no!! omg!! they think i don’t like them!! yoonbin we: did it again’ but externally he just kinda “hey uh sorry 4 being weird n all but. do u wanna sit down so i can make it up to you :-)”
and oh boy now that you’re lookin at him ur starting to notice that he’s honestly pretty cute
so ur like “haha yeah sure i’ll have a seat :)”
and truly your friendship just grows from that
for a while ur still kinda sceptical and withdrawn around him because you still think he hates you a lil bit from the way he stares at u all the time
and he’s always really overtly polite with you? so whenever you speak it feels so formal? like he can’t really be bothered to be having that conversation
which upsets you because :(( cute interesting boy doesn’t like me :((
and he’d notice in one of the many times you spent alone together (because jihoon is convinced that yoonbin likes you)that you seemed to genuinely think that he didn’t like you??
and after a while he’d kinda…slowly try and bring it up!
like. “hey…uh…i just wanted to let you know that my face really does just look like this…all the time…it’s my resting expression…i do like you :(( i am: sorry”
and you’re like “oh my god!! no!! i’m sorry i made assumptions!! it’s nice to know you like me though ♡^▽^♡”
and then the door slams open?? and jihoon is barrelling in??
both you and yoonbin freak out because “what the fuck jihoon??????? where did you even come from???”
and he’s like “aha!! not important! what’s important is that yoonbin finally confessed his feelings for u!! we love a couple!!”
it’s honestly like you can physically feel yoonbin sigh internally as he tenses up next to you
and you’re like “oh…this is: not what i expected”
but then jihoon is confused because he’s like “uh i was listening in and i heard u say that u knew he liked u so don’t pretend not to know! i already know that you think i don’t know what i do actually know”
and ur like “ok first off jihoon, i don’t know what you mean at all, and second of all,, yoonbin told me nothing :/”
meanwhile yoonbin is just. stood. very still
and jihoons like “oh! haha,,, my mistake! i’ll uh leave you kids to it then :O”
which means yoonbin has to stutter his way through a long paragraph that summarises his Mood for the past couple months of knowing u which essentially boils down to ‘yeah i like you as more than a friend’
and ur like ‘oh….wowie….i like the way this is going…’ and then u just kinda mumble a lil “ask me on a date then!!” because you assume he isn’t listening
but he hears! oh boy he hears! so he stops rambling and laughs at himself because ‘u fool, u baboon, she wants to d a t e’
and then he’s like “:)) ok :)) pls go on a date with me!!!!”
and wham! an overly complicated way of explaining how u two started dating
so. now that you’re dating. it’s like he’s a completely different person??
he’s relaxed enough now to act however he feels like acting with you in the moment
sometimes he’s all (^∀^)and giggly and talks about a lot of different things while you nod and try and capture as much as you can from him!!
but sometimes he’s (  ̄^ ̄) and wants things to be quieter and chilled out and would much rather listen to you talk about different things while he nods along occasionally
but he’d always make it clear that despite this he is listening!! he totally does care!! he’s just tired and doesn’t have the energy to be communicative!!
i feel like yoonbin is also really caring?? and it would probably come across as him being a bit overprotective at first because he isn’t fully sure how to communicate how much he cares about you
so if you’ve had a bad day and you’re telling him about it he feels like his mind is going a million miles an hour because he just? wants to fix it and he doesn’t know how to other than to directly try and sort any problems out for you
like if you’re arguing with family/friends, he’ll try and find common ground to fix the issue for u, or if you’ve got a lot of school work and it’s tiring you out he’d be like ‘i will do ur homework for u’
so you have to sit him down and say “hey!!! i know you’re only doing it because u love me but i promise i can sort out my problems by myself and you don’t need to stress yourself over them :))”
and then he gets the hang of it you know!! if you have a problem he’s like “do you want me to help or do u got it??” and if you’ve got it then !! well done you’re so talented he’s impressed !! and if you don’t then it’s okay !! he’ll help he doesn’t mind !!
i think he’d still be quite a protective person but i think he knows where the line is between being protective and wanting to take care of someone and being overbearing and interfering where he isn’t supposed to
and by protective i just mean if someone was flirting with you he’d be really cautious to not overreact but also to pay attention to how you’re responding, so if you start to look uncomfortable he’s ready to argue with the other person
or he checks that you’ve eaten, slept, and drank enough often just to make sure you’re okay all the time
i also think that despite how he’d have a lack of energy to really converse with you sometimes he’d still wanna be with you almost all the time
whether that’s by texting you through-out the day ((lowkey he just wants updates on your day and gives you responses about that and not his day))
or having long ass phone calls where you talk about plans, or how you’ve been or things you’re interested in
but overall he would just like to be in your presence, even if it’s just having a movie playing while he gets to cuddle up to you
that’s another thing!! he loves having you cuddle up to him!!
i mean he’s all for spooning or having you lie on his chest n stuff but if you kinda clung onto his arm or grabbed his hand or did a lil run up to hug him when you first see him!! oh boy his heart speeds up so fast he thinks he might actually be having a heart-attack
he’s also hand-holdings biggest fan like. if ur not holding his hand 24/7 in public and private then what’s the point?
i think the only public affection he’d actually be cool with displaying is hand-holding and having his arm kinda slung across your shoulder or around your waist
he’d like to always have some kind of contact with you in public just because he would ~lowkey~ get jealous pretty easily and it makes him feel more at ease to know that other people can obviously see that you guys are together
but the hand-holding would be for u just so u know that he’s right there if u need him for whatever reason in public
in private i think it’d take him a lil while before he got comfortable with displaying proper affection
but after he did i don’t honestly think that he’d be flustered very easily? i feel like once he was comfortable enough to kiss u whenever and stuff he’d find it pretty natural for you to kiss him randomly too
having said that, forehead kisses are his ultimate favourite
if you’re shorter than him, then it’s the biggest flex on your height to give u lil forehead kisses (and! you can’t be mad because he’s being cute)
if you’re taller than him (i just immediately assumed not because he is Big) then he’d lean up to :-* and it doesn’t phase him at all just because. that’s still his baby and he’s still gonna smooch
also. even though he gets jealous easily he wouldn’t ever think it was your fault? like, he doesn’t care what you’re wearing, what you’re acting like, but if somebody in public flirts with you he is ?? stressed
but he knows he can be intimidating so he’d just glare at them until they got the message and left
and you’d reassure him like “ily!! and no other people who flirt in public!! i pinkie promise!”
also full disclosure if you ever did that he might just. drop all his uwus
this would also be a reoccurring theme if you ever did something mildly cute because!! he cannot handle how soft it makes him feel
he is also your biggest hype-man!! if you finish one (1) question on your homework before being like “nah ok i can’t do this right now” and he’d still be like “omg but u did one question that’s so intelligent of u no one else could ever!”
he’d make fun of you pretty often too but not in like a mean way he just has to do it to make sure you don’t get too big for ur boots u know
if you fell over or anything he’d pause for a minute to help you up, make sure you were okay, before proceeding to roast you within an inch of ur life
but if anyone else did it then he’d get all Stone Faced because uh?? they’re not allowed to do that?? he totally is but anyone else…being even jokingly mean to you…not on his watch
he’d definitely end up being the type of boyfriend that all your friends think is this cool, nonchalant bad boy type that’s soft for you only
and they’re just. wrong. so wrong
he’s the sweetest boy and he’d constantly check in with you for reassurance in social situations because?? is he making people uncomfortable again?? what’s he supposed to say when people ask him why he looks mad??
i also fully believe that yoonbin would always be as considerate as he possibly could be of your feelings in arguments
like he seems as if he’d be the type to kinda scoff and shrug off what you’re saying while he talks at you about his opinions
and i do think that’d probably be his immediate reaction in arguments but then he’d do this heavy pause where he’d kinda close his eyes and sigh really deeply before he’d look back at you and say “let’s actually talk about this because we’re acting like children right now”
and if you kept trying to argue he’d just. calm himself as much as possible while he tried his hardest to understand where you were coming from with whatever point you had without getting mad or arguing back at you
which would eventually make you stop and talk calmly because you’d just feel dumb yelling at him and getting rational responses
if he was ever tired or frustrated or anything that made him just snap at you (whether you were arguing beforehand or not) he’d feel so guilty later
and he’d come and find you after he’d gotten back to senses and he’d be so apologetic
if you were still upset, he’d ask if there was anything he could do to make up for it after apologising a thousand times, or if you just wanted him to give you some space
if you accepting of his apology and kinda just like “i get it!! ur tired and i shouldn’t have pushed you :)” he would. be very thankful that you understand but would also be a lil upset because. you didn’t deserve the way he treated you right then?? why would you just accept that??
so, that’s also a Big Thing for him
if he – or anyone else – disrespected you/didn’t treat you the way you deserve and you brushed it off he would be so, so upset
he just thinks the world of you and wants you to think that of yourself too so seeing you so unbothered by people not giving you everything he deserves makes him literally determined to prove your worth to you
the type of boyfriend to leave lil sticky notes on mirrors that just say, “you’re the cutest!!!!!” or “omg ur like. hot” and he would straight up deny it if you ever asked about them
he’d be like “:o omg u probably got someone sneaking in!! that’s wild idk who would leave such cheesy messages ;)”  
and even though you know he ain’t slick ur like “wowie me neither,,, hope to find out one day……i wonder if he’s cute….”
back onto the earlier topic, like i said: he’d be so considerate of how you were feeling in every situation
if he knew you weren’t feeling too good he’d always ask whether you wanted him there or whether you needed some space, always reiterating that he won’t be offended by either answer
and even though he always wants to be making sure you’re okay and wants to spend every second of every day with you, he’s definitely the type of person who sees the value in alone time
he needs alone time!! you need alone time!! and he isn’t scared to let you know that he just needs to spend some time clearing his head and being in solitude, and he’d be respectful if you wanted the same thing
he also very much thinks that both of you should have social lives outside of with one another if that makes sense?
like, he encourages the both of you spending time with your friends without one another because he thinks it’s important that you’re both still getting that time where you can just. be dumb and say dumb stuff and inside jokes that ur friends already get u know
but also!! he would love to know that you trusted him enough to tell him things that you do/don’t tell your friends
he just loves that feeling of intimacy of being able to share personal things with one another and not feel judged or uncomfortable
and if you ever told him that you felt safe with him oh boy!!! he could swear his heart actually burst in his chest!!!
if you were ever in a situation where you just didn’t feel fully comfy/safe (such as: walking home late at night, etc.) and you mentioned it, even in passing, to him he’d insist on you two having a system so he can help you out
like, if there was a certain person that made you uncomfy when you were around them, you’d have a lil emoji that you would text him so that it didn’t seem suspicious and so he could get you out of the situation !!
(you’d have to do this at some point and he’d check his phone to see the emoji and he’s !! on high alert because ur just like. across the room from him and he’d take big ass strides over to you and curl an arm around your waist to let you know that he’s right there!! you’re all good!!)
and with the walking home late at night, even if he didn’t already know you were uncomfortable with it, he would just overall dislike the idea of it because he worries about you!!
so especially if he knew you didn’t like it either, he’d be a lil bit on edge if he knew you had to do it
which is why it’s easier for both of you if he just comes to meet you whenever you have to walk back in the dark
but i think if you ever went to him with a problem/something that made you feel unsafe because you trusted him he’d genuinely feel so!! warm and complete inside because he’s truly reached the level where he could make you feel nice and safe!! which is really all he ever wants for u
yoonbin will not, under any circumstances, wear matching couple clothes with you. it is not happening. he will not ever do it. it’s not a thing
however! he starts wearing this necklace all the time,, and being his s/o ur curious as to why
so you ask him like “:O it’s so pretty!! why’d you start wearing it??”
and he’d be really nonchalant about it and just shrug before being like “it’s actually a locket :)”
so you assume it’s a picture of his family or something so you ask to see the inside and he’d do this big dumb grin before he nodded
and you’d reach over to open it up and oh boy oh boy!! it’s a lil candid picture of you!!
so ur first reaction is “bro u literally never told me this is so cute,, and also: why……..”
to which he really would just shrug at you before mumbling the smallest lil, “i like feeling like ur close to me 24/7 u know”
and your heart! oof it’s: burst
now! onto the quick fire round:
yoonbin is anti-tell-your-partner-what-to-wear (mostly because he genuinely only thinks about what you wear in a “wowie that’s my actual s/o??? i am. floored” type of way) but! he will get pressed if you go out in little clothing in the cold because “you’re going to get sick!! and then i will be forced to say i told you so!” so long story short you have to take a jacket with you or else he’ll rant about how difficult it is to get rid of colds again :/
also. he blushes when you compliment him. and it’s something he threatens to fight you over if you ever tell anyone (which you won’t because it’s an endearing lil thing that he does for u!!) and so obviously you compliment him all the time because of it
he really wants to know something substantial about things you’re interested in!! like, if you’re into film, he wants to know about technical film stuff so he can understand what ur talking about. if you’re into writing, he wants to know about your newest piece of writing and why you’re writing it.
he just firmly believes that repaying you for all the support you’ve shown him in his training is super important!!
doesn’t have any big qualms about you showing skin-ship with other people but hand holding is!! yours and his thing and he gets bitter if you do it with someone else
so: overall, i think yoonbin would take a lil while to fully grasp how relationships and being with someone actually works, but like. as soon as he does he’d be a pretty picture perfect boyfriend to be honest
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