#is there any bon clay fics tho?
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I feel like i gotta ask this cause I'm friends with a bunch of SISSYS....
When we gonna get a Bon-Clay X Reader 😔


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Question Meme
///Yo I was tagged by both @askmonsterpiece and @askhummingbirdhanako so I’m gonna answer a bunch of stuff rn I guess.
Post the rules
Answer questions by person that tagged you.
Write 11 questions of your own.
Tag 11 people
Gonna slap this shit under a readmore cuz it’s long.
askmonsterpiece questions first!
Why did you pick your muse? Well, I’ve been a big fan of OP for nearly a decade and have always related to Nami? That, and she’s cute and my gay ass draws her all the time anyway so might as well have a reason to lmfao.
Do you cosplay? Yes, who? No, do you want to? I do! I’ve been doing casual cosplays for a few years now. I have cosplayed Luffy (well, fem!Luffy), Nami (Enies Lobby arc outfit, featuring @ask-captain-usopp as Sogekingu), aaand Mirai from Kyokai no Kanata. I think I’m probably forgetting one or two cosplays but whatever lmfao... on a slightly more embarrassing note for a few years I used to co-run and work at an annual Maid Cafe event at my college, which is coincidentally how I met @ask-captain-usopp.
Do you like writing as well? Gimme the deets I love to write! I actually minored in writing for my Bachelors. I have plans for a novel buuuut so far all I’ve really done is write short stories and fanfiction lmfao (No One Piece fics yet though.)
If you could swap art styles w/someone who would it be? Oh man, I’m so not used to digital art, it would be rad to swap with @unlucky-marine for a while tho--like pls show me how you draw on your phone, my life would be so much easier Q u Q
Can you cook/bake? I love to cook and bake! I don’t bake as much as I used to, mostly cooking these past few years. My favorite thing to cook right now is this chicken bacon spinach alfredo recipe I found a few months back--hmu if you want the recipe it’s super easy.
When was the last time you gave yourself a compliment for all the great work you do? I’m the type to regularly give myself a pat on the back for getting stuff done, so yesterday after I did like 3 loads of laundry.
Do you have any pets? Yes!!!! I have an old man cat named Maximus and a beta named Shouto. Maxy is a shorthair maine coon mix, and Shouto is a red and white fantail. If you ask me for pics I will send you 1 billion.
Would you ever eat chocolate dipped oreos? I’ve tried them before, they’re a bit too much for me haha.
What’s the dumbest lie you’ve ever told? Uuuuuh in middle school I convinced a small child that was annoying me that I could see what he was doing because all girls had eyes in the back of their head--he believed me. I traumatized a grade schooler that day.
Are you the type to make a funny face back when your friend makes a funny face at you? I am the master at ugly faces. I often make them for no reason what so ever.
Do you prefer your hair long or short? I like my hair long, but I have chronic migraines and the weight makes it worse--I’ve settled with mid length.
askHummingbirdHanako questions!
What Hogwarts house would you put yourself in? I think the last time I took the sorting hat quiz I went to Hufflepuff, which is fine with me tbh.
Favorite One Piece arc so far (including filler arcs!)? Thriller Bark is my fave!!!! I’m a sucker for anything Halloween themed.
If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose? I’ve been wanting to go pastel pink for a while, I have a few wigs of that color and they’re super cute.
Fruits or vegetables? Fruit me up bby
Do you collect figurines? If so how many do you have? I do... they’re all OP and they’re mostly various figures of Nami.
If you could choose to have ANY Devil Fruit power, what one would you want and why? I would love to have Kanjuro’s fruit power--being able to draw things to life would be hilarious and I’d get into so much trouble
Saddest One Piece death to you so far? I mean, nothing can compare to Ace but to be honest I was really concerned that Bon Clay was dead for a while which I simply could not handle.
What would your ideal vacation be? Where at and what would you do? I’d like to go to Iceland or Ireland and just chill out with some nice scenery tbh.
Favorite season of the year? FALL!!!!!!!
What do you think of Halloween? Are you excited for it? BOI. BOOOOOOI.
A song that fits your mood right now. ahahahaha lately I’ve just been listening to this
SO--I’m tagging....
(not 11 people because I’m lazy)
@ask-captain-usopp @ask-offduty-borsalino @ask-marine-mitsu and @unlucky-marine
(if you’ve already done this and/or don’t feel like it don’t worry!)
1. How old were you when you really got into One Piece?
2. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
3. What’s your favorite smell?
4. Would you prefer to live in a rural area with lots of trees and few people, or an urban area with few trees and lots of people?
5. Do you have any weird skills or talents?
6. When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
7. Name one ridiculous feature your dream home would have.
8. What’s your favorite anime outside of One Piece?
9. Favorite Disney Movie and/or Miyazaki film?
10. Favorite One Piece outfit of all time?
11. You’ve stumbled upon Franky’s magic money making machine, you now have infinite cash. What are the first 5 things you do?
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