#is there a cleaner version of that halloween picture somewhere?
grinchwrapsupreme · 3 months
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some extremely important pictures of gundham from the despair arc
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
Hiii your writing is just so lovely! can I request song domestic iida x reader you know just some good good fluff 🥰
🍀hello sunshine! I'm not sure if you were trying to attack a song to this ask? But I'll just do headcanons anyway
Domestic Iida headcanons
Fluff, wholesome, domestic
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He would be very excited to go furniture shopping with you- to the point the has multiple magazines to show you different items to compare
^ makes a drawing estimating what could go where. "No y/n the table would fit there, but if we swap the lamp and the plant-" etc
His alarm is your wedding song but the instrumental version ♡
He takes any opportunity to brag about his s/o, "yes we have been married for 873 days, 2 hours, 8mins..."
Has your wedding photo on his desk in work, in his wallet, fuck probably in his car aswell-
If / when you want kids, he is happy to have a bio child or adopt. If he were to adopt he would try and find siblings so they can stay together :)
He makes plans every other friday for date night, doesn't matter how busy you both are you will sit down and have a nice meal and or go out somewhere
Has a cleaning schedule you must follow
Does suffer from OCD, so please try and be mindful of that
He loves cooking dinner with you after watching a cooking conception show
He loves the photo gallery you have both been adding to over the years of your relationship, just how you both have aged over the years
Always has baby/child furniture incase you have to babysit for a friend
The house to go on Halloween. Full size branded sweets :)
Has a coupon book, keeps track of everything
Matching outfits? Matching outfits
Will buy you things simply because, he doesn't need a reason to spoil his s/o
You both are the most "adult" couple out of the dekusquad. Like you both would be the first to own a house and cars, whilst Todoroki is still trying to figure out the difference between petrol and diesel
Baby proofs everything, safety comes first
His the parent to send his kids to school with fancy lunches, like those ones where the sandwiches are cut into shapes, it tastes the best since it was made with love ♡
Has those fancy soap dispensers that dispense like flowers or hearts
Has those roomba cleaners
Would like a pet, probably a dog
Lets you go wild in your hobby room. You want cheetah print walls? Sure why not
He adores if you take the time to involve him in your shenanigans, face mask? Yes please, going on a run? Let him get his shoes, online shopping for things you don't need? No- that's the limit, unless he has a coupon!
Never misses an anniversary, something as simple as your first "I love you" to your 5 year wedding anniversary
Wants to have a healthy, educational birthday party for your kids, but understands if they want a candy land theme...
Your children get anything educational they want, they want to learn a language? Private lessons, took interest in basketball once? Yep now you play for a fancy team, but they want to play video games...okay but in a timely manner
Little farmers market dates with the whole family ♡
The photo album for your children is always done professionally. But you did make a second one for the silly pictures and ones you have taken yourself :)
This boy loves matching pyjamas...awe
Uncle Tensei is the best babysitter, Tsuyu is a close second.
Said a "trampoline" was an unnessisary purchase- ends up jumping with you on it after the kids went to bed
Little baker Tenya wanted to make his own family recipe for something to pass on for generations- please my heart
All in all he follows in your foot steps but if you seem to get a bit too crazy, well that's why he married you :)
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Once again domestic anything melts my heart ♡
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I Give Up - part 25 (A Baekhyun Series)
Genre: Fluff / slight Smut (Mature 18+)
Characters: Baekhyun X You
I Give Up -  part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6 , part 7 , part 8 , part 9 , part 10 , part 11 , part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28 FINAL,
I Give Up Deleted Scenes Masterlist
The Notebook Kinks 1   Pink Heart Days
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”I know who your boyfriend is. End it NOW or his career is over for good. I have pictures and a buyer.”
Your hands were trembling as the small piece of paper rattled in your grip and you could hear Baekhyun calling your name over the phone. His tone grew more and more alert the longer you remained silent until you forced your throat to make a sound to let him know you had not disconnected the call.
“Where did you go? I thought the call got dropped.” Baekhyun whined sleepily into your ear and you swallowed away the dryness in the back of your throat.
“B-Baekhyun someone–” you could hear the nervousness in your own voice and his whining stopped as he listened to your voice for a moment.
“I-I found something that someone put inside my notebook Oppa– its – oh God, its bad, someone knows about y-you and me.”
There was a rustling sound on the other end of the line and you wondered if it was just the sound of him sitting up in his bed or if he was moving around.
“What is it?” His voice was louder, harsher. The playful sweet tone long gone and with his serious tone you knew the seriousness of situation immediately.
“I-It’s a note…a threat to ruin your career if I dont b-break up with you.”
You heard a low grown from the back of his throat. The sound he made when words failed and his frustrations won out. Your lip was aching from how hard you were biting down on it and you could feel your emotions building inside your chest, threatening to overcome your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, maybe I was c-careless, or maybe someone saw something..” your memory was scrambling now as you tried to pinpoint a moment when the two of you were together out in public – where someone might have seen something, but you came up blank.
“No. This isn’t your fault. This will never be your fault. This is me. This is on me–” you stared at your bedroom wall across the room as you heard him speaking in a forced calm tone into your ear.
“Baby, can you do something for me?” The sweetness in his voice was back and your lip trembled when you heard it. You sniffled a small bit to try and control your reaction and you whispered your words into the phone.
“W-what are we going to do?” You felt useless and small with your question.
“Baby I want you to listen to me and do exactly as I’m telling you okay? Can you do that for me love?”
“What–what if something happens because of me?”
“Nothing’s going to happen. It’s going to be okay. I know you’re upset, I can hear it in your voice, but just listen to me and do as I say and I promise you, it’ll be okay. Do you trust me? Do you trust Oppa?”
His voice was so steady and strong as he spoke in your ear that you felt the power of it wash over you–a wave of soothing relief blanketed over you as he promised that nothing bad would come to him, nothing bad would come onto you as a result of this threat and you wanted with everything in your being to believe him. Because you did trust him. You trusted and you loved him. This was an unfamiliar situation for you, but perhaps he was right. Perhaps if you just did as he asked this would simply go away.
“Yes, I trust you.” You finally spoke after a moment of thought and you heard the sigh from his lips.
“Good girl,” he smiled with his words and you let out the tiniest chuckle as he very obviously praised you like a child.
“Okay I want you to put the note back inside the notebook exactly where you found it, and close it. Don’t touch the note anymore, and don’t touch the notebook any more than you absolutely have to.”
His instructions were steady, and serious sounding and you found your hands moving lightly to place the note back inside the top cover and you lightly touched the corner with the tip of your finger to close the notebook again. You then grabbed a tissue from the box of your night stand and used it to grab the book as you waited for his further instructions.
There was the sound of too much movement on the end of his line and you knew he was no longer in his bed. You could hear a hum–a sort of rumble and when you heard the steady ticking of his turn signal you realized he was driving. Completely exhausted and in the middle of the night, Baekhyun was out driving his car somewhere because of you.
“Baby I need to make a quick phone call on my other phone can you give me a minute? Don’t hang up okay?” The sound of his car grew muffled and you heard his voice as he spoke. You could register only every other word he spoke but his voice sounded all business and he was talking fast.
Before you knew it, he was back on the line and his voice was issuing out new orders for you to follow. You were to put your notebook back inside your bag, get dressed and head downstairs toward the back of the alley that lined the dry cleaner to the building behind it.
The entire time you were getting ready, he stayed on the line with you asking questions about what you had been doing with the notebook today, and with who you had been with.
“So you studied with what’s-his-name–”
“Youngshik” you supplied, well into mode of an investigator now rather than a panicking victim of a threat as you had been when you first found the note.
You heard a long sigh from Baekhyun at the mention of your classmate’s name.
“–and then I called you and what’s-his-name left for the restroom. Right?”
You could only shake your head that Baekhyun still had the capacity to be petty even in times like this.
“Yes, and while I was on the phone with you–” you agreed, trying to move past the chain of events that you had already been over with him twice now.
“–and I was super charming and funny and I made your heart flutter–” Baekhyun added to your narrative, you chuckled as you continued your version of the events that happened today.
“And then Rina showed up all of a sudden with her stupid face.. and she was touching my notebook.”
You weren’t above being a little petty as well and you heard him let out a thoughtful hum in response.
“No matter how many times I look at this I think it was him.” Baekhyun finally said and you tried not to roll your eyes that he would nearly instantly blame Youngshik when Rina was the only one you saw actually touch the notebook .
“Well … I think it was her.” You said with the challenge thick in your voice.
“What possible motivation would Youngshik have to do this?” You tried not to sound defensive but Youngshik had been nothing but helpful towards you this year, and you entire conversation in the library had never once strayed from class work.
“Well he likes you, for one.” Baekhyun’s voice dropped an octave and his tone took on a condescending sound as it he was explaining something completely obvious to a dimwitted toddler.
“Oh, and Rina doesn’t like you?”
“Has he asked you out already? Be honest with me because I saw the way he was looking at you that day after you both got off the bus.”
“That’s irrelevant…I told him I had a boyfriend and he dropped it instantly. Besides didn’t she offer to give you a blow job during a crowded Halloween costume party?”
“Ahhh so he did ask you out! I knew it. This was him. He must have followed you that day and figured out who you were dating… This asshole – Give me about fifteen minutes alone in a room with him – that’s all I need.”
Something had sparked inside Baekhyun and you could practically see the machismo radiating through your cell phone as he sneered his words. You knew he wouldn’t drop his main suspect anytime soon. But that didn’t matter because you were sure Rina was behind this.
“What did the note say again? ‘Break up with him or else’ right? That doesn’t sound like Rina..she’d ask for money… what would us being apart help her? She knows I wouldn’t fucking touch her.
Rina would go for the money and even then Rina is…. too smart for that. She’s greedy and she’s a bit of a slut but she knows what she can get away with. She also knows that SM has deep fucking pockets and that this multi-million dollar group has some big scary lawyers behind it that will rip her to shreds if she so much as thinks about blackmailing a member for anything–”
You had to admit, investigator Baekhyun had a little bit of a point. You also had to admit how sexy and cool he sounded right now as he worked out the clues out loud. And he didn’t seem like he was done figuring out his puzzle.
There was an audible scoff that sounded through the line as you carried your shoes, grabbed your backpack and began tiptoeing your way through your home with Baekhyun chattering along in your ear.
“–’break up with him’…no, no.. you see that part right there, that’s not for me. That’s about you. The person behind this is after you. They want us apart not because I’m famous, but it’s some attempt to get at my very sexy girlfriend.” His voice dipped lowly and you wished he could see you rolling your eyes right now.
“It’s stupid, it’s not very well thought out– there’s not even a hint of the alleged pictures they have or anything. There’s a definite dick behind this. Trust me…I have one…I know the kinda shit men pull when they’re thinking with their dicks. And I think that the person attached to this dick in particular is–” his voice had risen steadily the more sure he became of himself and was practically shouting now.
“Shh, you’re too loud,” you whispered. “I’m trying to sneak out of my house.”
“–what’s-his-name..” Baekhyun’s voice dropped down to a quiet growl as he named his prime suspect again.
“If not him, then it might be a crazy fan of course…we have our fair share of those, believe me.” He added in a flippant chipper tone that didn’t at all fit the gravity of the situation.
Your shoes were on and you were out through the side door silently and seamlessly without being caught by your sleeping parents.
The night air in the alley was chilly and you zipped up your jacket and pulled your hood down tight around your face as you gasped and shivered into your phone.
“It’s cold out, are you dressed warmly?” Baekhyun nervously fluttered through your ear and you hummed on the line as you controlled the shivering in your voice so he wouldn’t worry.
The alley was deserted and you made your way down the way to the building attached to the back of the dry cleaners building where your eyes searched for any signs of Baekhyun’s car.
“I don’t see you Oppa, where are you?”
“What color is your coat?” He asked quietly.
As you walked along the street you passed parked car after parked car, all dark and quiet when across the street you saw a flash and heard an engine that caught your eye. An unfamiliar car that did not belong to your boyfriend parked down the block came to life and was moving in your direction. You froze on the spot as the car pulled up in front of you, stopped quickly and the passenger door swung open.
You looked into the eyes of a woman you had never seen before and she was moving around you, reaching for your backpack and opening the door for the backseat and trying to rush you inside.
Your nerves were heightened and you found your legs stubbornly refusing to budge as you stared into the eyes of the, rather young looking intimidating foreign woman who stood before you, dressed in important looking business attire. A glance at her waist revealed what you were positive was a weapon of some type and your heart was in your throat as you felt her take your backpack roughly and toss it into the open door of the car.
“I’m sorry we must skip our introductions but Mr. Byun has instructed me to retrieve you safely and bring you to a secure location–”
She was speaking fast and her accent was heavy. A sense of urgency in her voice and you could see her eyes darting around the deserted street looking for any signs of company.
“Oh umm… he said the password is hot dog. So please hurry and get in the car.”
“Baby? Baby??” You could hear the distant sounds of his voice and you realized that you had dropped your phone during your surprise. It laid at your feet on the sidewalk, illuminated and calling to you in his voice.
You quickly reached down to grab it as the woman watched you expectantly.
“Umm, yeah sorry Baekhyun, I’m here. I just dropped my phone.”
“Is Hilda there? Did you get in safely? Nobody saw or followed you?”
“Hello?? Hot dog! Hot dog! Am I saying it wrong? You should get in already! This place is not safe.”
Hilda was losing her patience and you felt her move behind you to give you a shove.
You fell forward into the car with a humph and the door slammed behind you.
“Why didn’t you come get me? This woman is… unexpected.”
You saw her sitting in the passenger seat and she didn’t give any indication that she may be listening to your conversation… still you didn’t want to risk offending her when she was armed and so scary.
“Ahhh Hilda?” You heard Baekhyun giggling on the line. “She’s cool isn’t she? She’s the only woman on that security firm and I thought it might be better for her to pick you up instead of one of the guys. She’s so serious too. Do you know she’s never laughed at my jokes? Not even once?”
Baekhyun continued to ramble in your ear as the car made its way down darkened city streets and you began to wonder where you were being taken when an abrupt turn from the driver had you nearly flying across the slippery leather. A grunt as you regained your balance sounded out and you caught the dim lighting of an enclosed parking garage through the heavily tinted windows of the car.
This definitely wasn’t the dorm. You didn’t recognize the garage at all and you could barely make out parked vehicles in large spaces that flew by your window. The driver turned again, rising up level after level until the lighting of the garage disappeared and you caught the view of the open night sky.
When the car finally stopped moving you grabbed ahold of your backpack and gripped it tightly as the door was opened and Hilda waited for you to exit the vehicle. She now had a large black bag slung over her shoulder. The driver of the car remained seated in the driver’s seat, buckled and ready to drive away. It appeared only you and Hilda would be exiting here.
“Baekhyun, where am I being taken?” You couldn’t suppress the apprehension you felt all over as you stepped out of the mysterious car onto the rooftop of a parking garage that seemed to be attached to an unnamed city building.
“Are you on the roof already? It sounds like the car stopped moving. Don’t worry, I’m here already, I’ll see you inside okay?” His voice was sweet and reassuring and you heard him hang up the call. The phone went silent and you shoved it deep into your jacket pocket. Your eyes looked around at the few cars parked in various spaces and recognition hit you four spaces down where you saw his car. The sleek expensive design of the tail lights fit in with all of the other foreign cars and you half wondered where in the world he had brought you.
You smiled to yourself and loosened the grip on your bag, amazed that just the sight of his car could bring you so much peace and comfort.
Inside the building there was a grand lobby and a curiously awake doorman who gave access to a tastefully decorated hallway lined with doors on one side and elevators on the other.
You had no idea where you were, and you had no choice but to trust your boyfriend and follow the silent woman who swiftly walked three steps ahead of you.
The elevator ride was unbearably silent and you hardly felt the assent and the stop before the doors were opening and Hilda was walking fast again.
Down the hallway marked with a simple number 7 on the walls your eyes searched and you heard a noise ahead of you.
Someone had opened a door and you saw a familiar sight. The top of Baekhyun’s head as he peeked his head around the parted door. You could only see the light brown of his fluffy hair and one of his eyes as he watched you coming down the hallway and you giggled to yourself at his attempt at discretion. He was a terrible spy.
“Mr. Byun we can see you.” Hilda spoke the obvious in her heavy accent and you let out a small chuckle when his head instantly disappeared behind the door frame and the door clicked shut behind him.
In front of the door you heard an exasperated sigh from the woman who raised her hand to knock twice without a hint of amusement on her face and you stared at the door for much too long before he finally pulled it open.
“Oh Hilda, you’re here!” His chipper friendly voice called out in a sweet tone reserved for women he really wanted to impress and you looked back at Hilda’s face to see her lack of reaction.
Baekhyun’s expecting eyes and wide beautiful smile faltered a bit at her serious face and you saw the signs of a pout making its way along his lips.
His attention turned to you and you watched his expression soften considerably, an exhale through his nose with a slow blink of his eyes and he was grabbing your hand as he pulled you into the room.
The room was actually a home. You looked around curiously and you quickly slipped off your shoes at the door, walking along expensive looking hardwood floors into a living room with huge glass windows lining the entire wall. The decor was modern and lovely. The kind of furniture and fixtures one would see in a magazine.
What was this place?
“Come, lets sit here and have a look at your notebook.” Baekhyun motioned to the dining room where you set your backpack down and Hilda began unpacking things from the bag she brought.
Baekhyun was already sitting and he patted the pulled out seat next to him lightly waiting for you to comply. You saw the smile on his face but you also recognized the tension in his eyes. His leg shook under the table and his other hand sat in a tight fist on top of the table.
The brevity you’d heard in his voice during the drive over was clearly for your sake. This threat was serious and he was holding it together to keep you from feeling the effects of his nerves.
“Oppa, what is this place?”
Hilda was putting on gloves and she was getting to work unzipping your backpack and peering inside at your things.
“It’s in the notebook on top,” you said to Hilda who nodded as she pulled it out of the bag slowly.
Baekhyun’s eyes were on the notebook as the woman opened it and the note sat face up, under the top cover. It was upside down but Baekhyun could read it where it sat and you saw the tension in his jaw as he registered the words. His nostrils flared and he blinked rapidly a few times. Seeing his reaction in person was different than over the phone. On the phone he could hide his emotions and put on a chipper voice, but you knew him well. He was worried. Whether scared of a scandal itself or the effects of one on his career and the future of the group you weren’t sure exactly, but Baekhyun was definitely scared of this.
“It-It’s my place.” He said after a moment, realizing he hadn’t answered your question. “I bought it a while ago for my mom and my grandmother to live in when they come to the city. They don’t come very often but my mom is coming next week…to meet you.”
Your reaction must have been one of surprise because he cleared his throat and you felt his hand on your knee below the table.
“T-That is if you’re free some time this week. She really wants to meet you… I admit I talk about you to her sometimes.”
Hilda had a small black case out that she had pulled from her bag and you both watched as she applied a fine black powder to the surface of the notebook, highlighting fingerprints all over the surface of the front and the back. She applied what looked like clear tape over each small black smudge and placed each piece of tape into a bag. It looked like a scene from a movie and you watched in silence as she worked.
After she was finished she began leafing through other items in your backpack for any other notes. You felt your stomach drop when she pulled out a smaller notebook and began leafing through it in front of Baekhyun.
The pages in this book were lined with a different kind of notes. Things you had written for your own personal use…private things with small doodles lining the margins. Mostly nonsense but even from where you sat you saw it.
His name…and your name…written in pretty writing with hearts and fucking butterflies and other childish decorations. You knew the further into the book she would get, the worse it became as you remembered writing your own name with his last name. It had been harmless. It hadn’t ever been for him to see, yet as Hilda turned the pages to reveal where you had actually written Mrs. Byun Baekhyun about twenty times, you felt the overwhelming desire to throw yourself through one of those big glass windows that lined the living room wall.
Your face felt hot and you were pretty sure you hadn’t taken a breath since she pulled out the book. You heard his leg stop shaking under the table and you felt the stiffening of his body and a sharp inhale of breath sounded out next to you that made your head turn to look at him.
His eyes were wide, his face was flushed and he was staring down at the flipping pages as Hilda reached the end of the book and found no further threats.
“Umm..t-that..” you mumbled out and he pulled his eyes toward your face as you began speaking.
He was staring at you with his pink lips parted and his cheeks and nose flushed. His ears were even red.
“That was just…messing around…mindless doodling really, it’s not–”
You winced as you saw his face change the longer he looked at you and the shocked expression transformed into the kind of Baekhyun-smirk that you knew signaled complete trouble. He was amused. He was flattered. You were never going to hear the end of this and as his lips pulled back into a genuine smile that he didn’t even try to hide you groaned as you looked away.
“I have to take this.” Hilda spoke up suddenly as she held the note and your attention was pulled away from your cheeky boyfriend who was holding his teasing tongue for the sake of the security woman.
You nodded and she pulled out a new pad of paper from her own bag to begin gathering names and phone numbers of the individuals you were with today. People who may have had access to your bag and its contents and you realized that having been in a busy college campus all day made the window of possible suspects quite large.
“We have a few known troublesome fans who frequent that school, a few who we have dealt with before. I will run the prints against those for a match. The two people you have indicated, Go Rina, and Kim Youngshik….we may have to investigate a bit more. I will be in touch.” She was standing suddenly and you and Baekhyun both mirrored her movement.
“Right, thank you Hilda. I trust you will get to the bottom of this.” Baekhyun was speaking and you felt his arm across your shoulder as he pulled you into his shoulder with a bright smile.
His voice suddenly dipped as he spoke his next words.
“Mrs. Byun Baekhyun here and myself will be eagerly awaiting the results of your investigation.” You wrinkled your nose as you looked at his face, catching only his profile that he kept carefully focused on the curt, disinterested woman who was leaving you behind to deal with your boyfriend yourself.
The door clicked shut and a thick silence filled the space you and Baekhyun occupied.
A small shimmy out of his arm freed you from the firm grasp he had held you with and you cleared your throat, willing the blushing in your cheeks to settle down. You knew you were avoiding his eyes, but you weren’t quite ready to answer the questions he was about to ask.
And you knew him. He had plenty of questions. Most of them would merely serve to feed his considerable ego and frankly, it was late and you were tired.
How were you going to get home anyway? Your ride just abandoned you and it was much too late for any of the buses to be running.
A blanket of warmth over your back made you stop fussing with your backpack and you felt his arms wrapping around you.
Moving too slowly, you felt his face over your shoulder, his cheek brushed against your ear before moving to settle against your neck. You heard the inhale as he breathed you in and the sensation, so warm and affectionate made you close your eyes.
“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of it myself–”
His voice was a low whisper and his hands moved over your belly, up higher to just below your breasts and he pulled you in closer to himself. Your own hand moved to cover his and you felt the ring he wore on his finger. The ring that matched your own.
Could his words be true? Had baekhyun really considered the idea of spending the rest of his life with you in the same way as you had with him? You were both so young and your lives only beginning…but the more you were with him, the more you came to love everything about him, the more you wanted it.
The forever.
Such an absurd dream, yet so tempting to fantasize about over and over again. Silly little domestic things that you were sure would be impossible.
Making dinner together. Cleaning the house, him doing the floors as you dusted the shelves. Hanging new curtains and pictures on the wall with him, he would pound the nails and you would make sure it hung level and in the right spot. Raising a puppy together, a cute little thing that would be happy living in an apartment with frequent walks and trips to the park. Starting a family together – naming your first born after his grandfather and him singing the most beautiful lullabies to the tiny baby that had his smile and your eyes.
“But maybe I want to take your last name. I’ll be the pretty trophy husband to some big-shot Doctor. You can work while I stay home. I hope you plan on taking care of me. I’m too sexy to be the breadwinner.”
You tried not to laugh at his teasing as his fingers curled against your rib cage, making you squirm in his arms.
“I can’t believe she had to look in that book in front of you.” You were pouting now, grumbling at the embarrassment you felt.
“I can’t believe you drew so many hearts. I had no idea you had this side to you…you’re so fucking cute.” He had given up the tickling in favor of inching his hands down your shirt where he slipped his fingers below the fabric to run along the skin along your hip bones.
His touch was intimate and when you felt his hand slip inside the waistband of your jeans and flirt along the top of your panties you didn’t fight the drift of your eyes or the way your head fell back onto his shoulder.
“It’s late Oppa, how will I get home?” The responsible adult that lived somewhere inside your brain was fighting with the lust that you felt trying to take over and you remembered that you had a final exam in two days. You remembered that he had a schedule in the morning that he needed to rest for.
You heard a whine from over your shoulder and you knew you’d find his bottom lip jutted out if you looked at his face.
“We’re already here, can’t we just stay. Just for the night, let’s pretend…”
You spun, pivoting on your sock covered feet within his arms and you found his face in front of yours, his brown eyes; tired yet lovely, watched you with a playful shimmer and you caught the slight uncertainty in them.
“–just for tonight…let’s pretend huh?” His eyebrows danced on his forehead and you looked into his eyes as he laid out his cards for you to see, asking you to play along just for a while.
“What are we pretending exactly?” Your whisper was cautious, but the tiny smile on your lips was telling.
His eyes glanced down at your lips before he licked his own. The words on his tongue just out of your grasp, threatened to tumble out the longer he stared at your face until he broke.
“The fantasy… this place… our new home together. Mrs. Byun Baekhyun, the most beautiful bride in the entire world and her dashing…painfully handsome groom…” “–just for tonight, we can have this. Let’s dream a little shall we?”
“You had a hard time spending the first night with me because of how you’d feel the next night when you were alone, what makes you think this is a good idea?” The voice of reason. The one that told you how dangerous this fantasy could be, was rearing its ugly head again and you watched his face.
“It’s the worst idea.” He relented and you smiled as his hands tightened their grip around your waist. He was so warm and inviting your own arms wrapped around his waist as well and you held on tight.
“What if we get too greedy because of this?”
The protest on your lips was minimal, and at this point with the way his hands were slipping below the fabric of your shirt and playing around the strap of your bra you were finding it hard to focus on what had even been the source of your worries.
“I’m already as greedy as I can be when it comes to you.”
You watched the sweet smile that built on his face as you lightly raked your nails across his back and his face dipped to capture your lips in his. His soft lips played against your own at a languid tender pace and when he pulled away with a deep breath and a smile your eyes opened to find him watching your face with a trancelike feeling.
“And I want you to be greedy with me too,” he whispered his heavy request against your lips and you felt yourself caving.
What could be so bad about pretending a little bit? Just for the fun of it. Because if there was anything you enjoyed the most about Baekhyun, it was the fun.
“What do you say? Be my wife for the night? I’ll be your husband and we can live in a sweet little dream, just the two of us.”
“Just for tonight–” you sighed in response.
“Yeah?” He asked.
How in the world had you ever resisted a single thing this man had asked of you was beyond your comprehension, because you were nodding your head with a bright smile and he was reaching down for your hand, the one with the ring, as he lifted it to his lips to kiss lightly before he let out a happy giggle from deep within his chest.
“Oh my god I can’t believe we got married! We didn’t even invite anybody! I’ll be kicked out of the group for sure now. Chanyeol’s going to be so mad at me.” You felt him tugging you away from the dining table and further into the living room as he spoke animatedly.
“Where are we going?”
“Don’t you want a tour of our new home my darling?” Your feet dragged as he pulled you along and your eyes caught sight of a picture that sat in a frame on top of a modern narrow table against the wall of the living room.
Your face smiled back at you and you recognized it as the selfie you had sent him after you aced a test last semester. You remembered how excited you had been when you snapped the picture and sent it with an excited message.
Baekhyun was talking quickly as he showed you the living room, being sure to add that the high ceilings might make you dread a high heating bill in the winter, but that this unit was especially energy efficient and had many environmental extras that would offset the cost.
“Although–” Baekhyun peered up at the high ceiling now with a bit of a frown on his face.
“If one of those lights goes out, it’s just going to have to stay out forever because your husband is scared of heights.” You followed his gaze at the many recessed decorative lights that scattered across the grand ceiling and you laughed.
“Not to worry…we can just call a repairman if that happens.” He said after a pause.
“We’re not calling a repairman every time a lightbulb goes out Baekhyun–”
“Honey. Call me honey, I’m your husband not your co worker.” He interrupted you and you caught your small slip with a grin.
“Honey– We don’t need a repairman for a lightbulb, I will change them if you hold the ladder and catch me if I fall.”
“I guess I should buy a ladder.”
Baekhyun’s tour continued and the further into the home he took you, the more you realized how perfect this place felt. It was comfortable and designed exactly to your tastes and had some amazing features that wowed you. You had to admit, Baekhyun had fantastic taste in his choice of furnishings and the artwork on the wall was sophisticated, clean, and absolutely gorgeous.
Baekhyun insisted that in each new room, a super hot kiss was necessary to effectively break in the new place and you both found yourself too giggly to ever do it properly. That didn’t stop you from trying though.
You caught him watching you as you took in the marble vanity in the bathroom with matching His and Hers sinks, a plethora of cabinet space, and even a pair of toothbrushes, one in blue, and one in red, your favorite color.
Whenever you looked back at him, having been particularly in love with some new pretty thing in the home, he merely stood with his arms over his chest and smiled a wide satisfied grin in your direction.
When you opened one of the cupboards in the bathroom, a stack of small hand towels caught your attention and you began to reach for them to further inspect what looked to be monogrammed initials in the fabric when he suddenly closed the cabinet door and pulled you out of the bathroom entirely for something else you just had to see.
“So…do you love it?” He asked sweetly by the end of the tour and you looked back at him incredulously.
“Are you kidding me? Its perfect. Every single thing about it is perfect, I love it so much Honey!” Your smile was genuine and part of you was having trouble keeping the game in your mind as you got caught up with just how much you loved the home he had picked.
“I knew you would.” He said after a bit and you ticked your head to look at him, your own enthusiastic smile faltering just a touch.
“A-Are you sure you bought this place for your Mom?”
You had to ask. You couldn’t hold the nagging suspicions you had inside for any longer and his own smile hiccuped for a split second as his eyebrows twitched on his face.
His mouth opened and no words came out for four whole seconds. You narrowed your eyes now.
“Heyyy–” he drew out the word and you raised an eyebrow at the glitch you’d seen in his response.
“O-Of course its for my Mom…what–” He scoffed and swallowed quickly as he licked his lips and broke the eye contact with you that already seemed shaky at best. “–pfft…what do you think? Who else would I buy it for?”
His words were a whisper and he breathed in a deep breath as you stared at him now, quite sure he wasn’t being entirely truthful with his denial.
“Okay…” you said carefully and slowly, opting to just drop it and have this one rare night with him instead.
“Come on, let’s get ready for bed. I’m tired and you have an early schedule tomorrow.”
The relief on Baekhyun’s face was as obvious as the exhaustion you saw there and you both got ready for bed together, sharing a cup of water after brushing your teeth, and you borrowed a t-shirt to sleep in. You noticed he picked a t-shirt that matched yours and he made jokes about the married couple sleeping in matching pajamas.
The bed was soft and comfortable. It felt remarkably similar to your own bed in plushness and you wondered how he got even that perfect after only having occupied your bed for actual sleep a handful of times. Still, the man seemed to be paying attention to what you liked. Whether he wanted to admit it or not.
As soon as you climbed under the warm covers he found you and his arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders, cradling you in his warmth and love.
The security you felt pulled you under quickly, but not as fast as it seemed to work its magic on him. You heard his breathing even out and he fell asleep just behind your head almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, having finally succumbed to the exhaustion you knew he had been fighting all evening.
So you closed your eyes and gave in. Your only night as a pretend married couple had come to a sweet end and you decided then that you very much looked forward to your future with this man.
The man you loved with all of your soul.
Morning came too soon.
The sun rose and shone through the windows cascading just over your head in a not entirely unpleasant way, but enough to wake you up. A glance at your phone told you that you had about one hour before your parents would wake up and you keyed in a quick text message, letting your mom know that you were off early to the library to study for your final exams. Hopefully she hadn’t checked your room last night. The lack of phone calls or texts from her told you that you were most likely safe.
Your motions woke him and you felt him shift in the bed next to you, groaning out sleepily his arms flexed and he pulled you into him.
“Not yet,” he said in a thick voice and his body pressed into you. You felt the effects of the morning just below your hips and his hands roamed over your body slipping below the shirt you wore as he ticked his way up to cup your breast lightly. You felt it, the desire surging inside of you with a powerful force and you quickly turned around within his arms to claim his lips with your own, not at all caring about the sleepiness in his mouth or yours, you wanted him suddenly and urgently.
His kiss responded to the urgency in your own and when you moved to straddle his hips you heard a surprised grunt from him. He was still sleepy and hadn’t quite expected your enthusiasm. But his body was responding quickly and you felt him harden below you as you rocked your hips over him. His hands were gripping tightly around your hips now as he pushed his hardness upward, between your legs, stopped by his boxers and your panties, the friction alone brushed against your core, sending wave after wave of desire and want through you.
You wanted to feel skin. You want to feel him against you and inside you and you wanted it faster than it seemed to be happening. Your frustrations led you to bite down on his collar bone, a bit higher than you normally would and he groaned out at the sensation. You knew you would leave a mark on his pretty skin but your mind was occupied as his hands were pushing his boxers out of the way and your panties aside to slip the his arousal into your wetness.
You sat up and you sank down and froze with the overwhelming sensation of him filling you completely and too quickly. After a moment you felt his hips buck and you lifted again to give in to the movement he craved.
The love was hasty and sloppy and fed a need both of you had been too exhausted to give in to last night. Noisy and rough now that he had you alone and you were both free to make as much noise as you wanted and the endeavor left you both sweaty and panting on a bed that had been very much broken in effectively.
The come down was slow and your mind jolted to an alert state when you heard a beeping sounding out from somewhere near the livingroom.
He sat up suddenly, having heard the same sound and his eyes widened as he looked at you. His appearance, well, he looked like he had just been fucked, if you were being honest. His hair in complete disarray, sweat along his hairline and marks along his skin along his neck, his lips were pink and swollen and his face completely flushed. In short, he was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, but the look of shock and now terror were misplaced on that pretty face.
“What day is today?” He said, no–demanded in a panicked tone and you racked your mind for the answer.
“Date! Date! What is the date!?” He was panicking and the sounds of the beeping had stopped as you both heard the tell tale sounds of the front door being opened.
An unholy sound came from deep within his chest. A cross between a horrified growl and a gasp of an animal in the throes of death and he bolted from the bed faster than you’d ever seen him move before.
He did a small panicked dance as he skittered around the room, looking for, yet not finding what he was searching for and he finally reached for the sweatpants he had discarded near the bathroom door the night before.
“Not next week, Not next week. This week. Fuck–FUCK!” He was swearing and talking to himself.
“S-She told me she had to change the week but it was during practice and I forgot…and now she’s here, about to walk in on us – oh god I think I’m going to vomit. Why aren’t you moving?” He was talking fast and soft as he ran his hands through his hair quickly and moved toward the bedroom door.
“Who who who??” You whispered from the bed.
“My mom!”
I Give Up -  part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6 , part 7 , part 8 , part 9 , part 10 , part 11 , part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22, part 23, part 24, part 25, part 26, part 27, part 28 FINAL,
I Give Up Deleted Scenes Masterlist
The Notebook Kinks 1   Pink Heart Days
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