#is the tag im going to use for this warband! thats their name :p because they are jolly fine lads and also Oh The Diseases
baalzebufo · 9 months
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got my christmas money a little early this year so I could grab some models for my next plan- a Nurgle warband! all roads lead me back to papa nurgle in the end :p
so this warband is based on the four humors, with four blightkings (one for each- sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic) a rotbringer sorcerer (based on the concept of dyscrasia when the humors are out of balance) and this fella- a lord of afflictions (based on the concept of eucrasia, the opposite- when everythings balanced and good) to lead the bunch
I really wanted to try my hand at doing some kitbashing/conversion stuff and this was a perfect chance since I got some milliputt the other day, and i wanted eucrasia to really stand out among the others. so, he's a full blown rotfly centaur now! or, he will be once I get around to adding all his other bits
I just gave him a grub-like body with my putty to attach his humanoid upper half to the rotfly base. also, chopped off and reattached his arm to change the scythe pose (since it didn't fit with the body I used) shortly after taking these pics I also added some putty to smooth out the saddle- he's gonna have a couple nurglings chilling up there, I think
heres a pic of the rough fix on his arm- i'll probably sand it down a bit when its all cured to try to shape it a lil nicer, but the bulging flesh isnt out of place for a nurgle model anyways
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this is kind of babies first 'actual' mini project- all the others have mostly been just sort of painting on a whim, but ive got a handful of ideas for the characters in this band im excited to put together and try to bring to life!
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