#is that the acronym ? it’s the cool bug au
proxolagist · 1 month
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bubby design & bug designs
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gee-arid · 9 months
ok, sorry if question is a bit long and if you have answered, please put the link for me to see please. Well... what are the names of the heroes? What was each heroe's first choice? (I mean the ladybug and cat holder). I know that Marinette is with the Fox and Ivan with the turtle, but for some reason I think that if they swap it would combine more (I speak more in symbolism, ivan who cannot lie with the "miraculous of lie"). What is the weapon of each carrier? About the turtle and Ivan, I think a purplish blue would match more (that leatherback turtle). What are the camouflaged forms of each miraculous? Do you have the reason why every person has every miraculous?
A big ask, but thats okay! I'd love to answer! Note that some answers like names and weapons are subject to change, im not great with names and im less familliar with some characters than others so, opinions and other ideas are awesome :)
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Names and weapons, left to right:
Aliase Rouges (red wings), Cartoony sledge hammer
Veilluese (night light), Grappling hook
Bison? Hyland?, Guitar- its electric but doesnt have to be plugged in..
Adora (play on Adore), Frisbee
Ouroboros, Mirror shield (play on the medusa myth)
Tack (to temporarily fasten something together), Big Needle
Captain Stinger (shortened to Sting), Cutlass
Jockey?, Reins? maybe a whip
Alectryon, rooster body (i guess?)
Jack Rabbit (shortened to Jack), Pickaxe
Ridley (a type of turtle), Detatched shields- Bonus purpley-blue version: honestly it works just as well.
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Tora (Japanese for tiger, i think), Sythe
R.A.T (acronym for Rodent Assist Team? idk, funny bit based on pokemons F.E.A.R strat lol, also sounds like a dj name??. also based on his purpose being mostly assisting pedestrians), Glow sticks (almost like a pair of lightsabers, without the deadliness. Basically glowing battons)
Boar, Boomerang (shaped like boar tusks).
Cirrus (a type of cloud, Aroure and Mirelle share the name and the miraculous), Lightning rod/ wind sock
Caprix (Play on Caprine), Chunky roller blades
Gibbon? (a type of monkey), one of those silly stretchy sticky hands
Reasons for each holder are here!
First choices are also listed there, if there isnt an alternative listed, they either had the same idea or no strong preference for a different holder. Regarding swapping holders based on symbolism (i.e. Ivan with the fox, Mari with the turtle) that would be super cool and i may draw them at some point in the future, but wouldn't fit with my au. This is because my bug and cat holders choose them based on preexisting relationships, traits, and talents.
Camouflaged forms are these:
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Struggled with Alyas rabbit miraculous tbh, it doesnt quite fit with my au for it to stay a pocket watch anyway (the Rabbits power being swapped from Burrow in a time sense, to Burrow in a dig way) so i guess its normal activated form would be some kind of keychain? Alyas disguise currently is a tamogachi :)
Nino wears the mouse necklace wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
Max's snake bracelet turns into a smart watch.
Markovs claw connects to his existing claws, and mimics what claws he already has.
Mirelle and Aroure have similar chokers with the charm changed. Aroure has the lightning bolt, Mirelle has the rain drop. They have the chokers replicated by comission with Marinette so they can swap the actual miraculous between them when needed.
Sabrinas sunglasses are prescription. They could also be just normal glasses, no black tint, when appropriate.
Marcs ring, where rainbow, is iridescent!
The butterfly and peacock are still unavailable to our heroes.
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