#is that not...do most folks not make a circular motion???
dissociacrip · 4 months
i saw that one disability-related post a while ago about dental care but i can't find it again so i'm gonna mention a few things as a (mild to moderately) mentally & physically disabled person, whose teeth hurt when i eat sweet stuff now + i've had a root canal due to a fall + i'm learning to take care of myself, that may or may not help other folks with their dental routine
note: i am not a dentist & this info is mostly what i've gleaned secondhand from dentists, so yeah, i am not an expert in any capacity
water flossers aren't as effective as regular flossing (doing both is actually what's most effective) but they're better than nothing & helpful in cases where coordination problems or other issues might prevent regular flossing technique (i imagine this also depends on the quality of the water flosser)
if you use one of the plastic pre-made floss picks things, rinse the string off in-between each time you use it to floss one side of a tooth, it's tedious but it mimics moving to a new (clean) part of the thread like you do with regular floss
if you get an automatic toothbrush, get one that does circular rotation rather than just vibrating or whatever, as this mimics the tools they use in a dentist's office + imitates the circular motion you're expected to make with a standard toothbrush (which is also hard with coordination issues), i got one that does this pretty cheap from walmart (it's an oral-b but i forgot the specific type) + it automatically times it for you
if you have white spots on your teeth that are uneven with the shade of the rest of the tooth those are potentially white spot lesions due to demineralization; whitening products can make this worse rather than help it, but some products can help with remineralization such as mi paste topical tooth creme, which contains calcium and phosphate (i have yet to try this myself but it seems to get suggested by a lot of dentists, orthodontists, etc. for white spots on teeth & it's also supposed to help with sensitivity and tooth health in general because the white spots are lesions so it's not purely cosmetic!)
it's advised to not rinse your mouth immediately after brushing as this potentially dilutes & reduces the effects of the flouride (if you use fluoride toothpaste), stuff says to wait at least 15 minutes or so
just giving your teeth a quick scrub (even if it's without toothpaste and just water) is better than not brushing your teeth at all
if you have trouble seeing a dentist for financial reasons, try to see if there are income-based or charity dental services in your area, sometimes dental schools also provide low-cost/free dental care
that's all i can think of for now, i wish i had more advice for people who struggle to be able to brush their teeth at all in general but this is all i got unfortunately :(
additionally - you're not bad, useless, gross, or a failure if you struggle to (or can't) maintain oral hygiene; this stuff is much easier for some people than it is to others & those who take it for granted like to forget that, no one deserves to be mocked or looked down on for being disabled & struggling to/not being able to do """basic""" stuff like this!
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daveykimy · 9 months
old-timey folk remedies (& folk magic?)
I've been neglecting this tumblr for awhile (TBH I forgot) But I'm back to my slow journey of reconnecting with my Chinese side of my ancestry and I got a treat for you all! Here are some old timey Chinese folk remedies.
TW: gore
The best part of chatting with your elderly members of your family is when they start spilling stuff from the past. I love it when my grandma and grandpa starts recounting folkloric shenanigans they did and the small folk remedies their parents and grandparents gave them. These remedies are all oral traditions, as it's the norm for most Chinese folk religion-related things. From a time when your average person didn't have access to a physician, doctor, or hospital. Or when the did, they couldn't afford to visit for non-urgent reasons.
-TO REMEDY DIARRHEA: when you buy pomegranates, save the peelings and dry them under the sun. They can be simmered in water into a tea and given three times a day to those with an overactive bowel.
-TO GET RID OF WARTS: roll a blunt out of well dried mugwart leaves that was collected and hung on the front door during Duanwu Festival (dragon boat festival). Light the blunt and place it just close enough above the wart that you can feel the heat but not so close that it burns you. Make circular motion around the wart with the lit blunt while gently blowing on it. Do this when you wake up and before you go to bed. Repeat daily until your wart disappears. Collect the ashes of the blunt every time and rub it onto the wart.
-A SALVE FOR BURNS: obtain a dead newborn baby mouse, place it in a jar of sesame oil and seal it. Bury the jar in the earth near the hearth. Check on it often, and when the oil has become a putrid liquid, it is ready to be used to treat burns.
- TO HELP RECOVER FROM A FLU OR COLD: roast a tangerine, unpeeled, just until it is soft and hot. Eat that between meals and it shall help you recover fast.
-FOR CONSTIPATION: drink a shot of sesame oil. easy.
-FOR MIGRAINES & HEADACHES: rub tiger balm on your temples in a circular motions. You can put two slices of fresh daikon (the giant white asian radish) on your temples for 15 minutes.
-FOR FROST BITE: simmer dried eggplant stalks and leaves in some water and strain. Let it cool just a little and soak your frost-bitten feet or hands in it. Repeat daily and it should heal fast.
-FOR PSORIASIS: Mix some dried powdered orange peel or orange zest into some sesame oil. Use it as a salve on the affected area.
-FOR IBS OR STOMACH PROBLEMS: take 2 hawthorn berries, 3 dates, and 7 peppercorns and crush them all together. take it with a shot of vinegar.
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aamalaaa · 2 years
golden | myg
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pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
genre: established relationship au, domestic fluff, just fluff and fluff
warnings: talks of anxiety (brief and not current)
word count: 1.4k
a/n: I was on a road trip and was inspired, it gave birth to this! It’s a bit cheesy but oh well, I do love me some side of cheese with my main cheese.
//: for maximum effect play the lakes by Taylor Swift<3
Life’s always been so fast paced, you never really have the time to stop and catch your breath. You’ve never been very good at ‘seizing the moment’ your anxiety always making you nervously anticipate the future. Which admittedly, made you very wary at the idea of a, very loosely planned, road trip when your boyfriend had proposed it to you. Yet, you said yes. You’ve always wanted to learn how to live in the present, be spontaneous. What better time to start than now, with the person you love and appreciate the most?
Yoongi’s always managed to calm down your anxiety. He makes you want to try new things without fearing the unknown as much as you would’ve before you got to know him.
The windows are almost all the way down, and the car’s going relatively fast but still within the speed limit. A soft folk song plays on the sound system, the sun is shining brightly upon you, painting you both golden. You’re wearing a baby blue sundress, appropriate for the sizzling hot summer day. The wind in your hair has soft strands flying all around your face, but you honestly can’t be bothered to tie it up. It’s nice, you feel alive, present, for the first time in a long long time, maybe ever.
Yoongi has one hand resting on your bare knee, stroking it softly in circular motions with his thumb. You shift your head slowly, meeting his gaze for a second or two, smiling tenderly at him. He smiles back just as affectionately, warming you up from the inside, more than the current temperature ever could.
Is this what seizing the moment feels like? You think that if it is, you’d like to experience it a lot more often. Maybe everyday,
Maybe Forever.
You stop to have lunch at a beach not too far off from the highway, the ocean’s beautiful. You stare at the waves crashing on the shore and gaze in awe at how the sun reflecting on the water makes it seem like the most beautiful diamond, shinning just for the both of you.
You feel fingers tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and lean into the touch closing your eyes for a moment before stealing a glance at the stunning man beside you. Yoongi already has his gaze locked onto you, an indescribably fond look in his eyes.
You lean in and softly, almost shyly, press your lips against his for a few seconds, barely moving as the back of his index finger lightly caresses your cheek.
“Where to next, mister?” You ask after breaking off the kiss somewhat reluctantly, grinning from ear to ear, your expression matching the one etched upon Yoongi’s face.
“Further South.. I heard there’s a beautiful place maybe two hours and a half from here.”
You nod.
“If you want to, of course” He smiles shyly, a smile you’re absolutely and irrevocably enamoured with.
How could you ever refuse him when he’s looking at you like that, like you hold all of the world’s secrets in the palm of your hands.
“Of course I want to! What’s so special about this place?” You inquire, not that it would make any difference, you’d follow him anywhere.
“Nothing much, you’ll see” He mumbles, earning a light chuckle from you.
You spend a few minutes leaning against Yoongi’s torso, between his thighs, watching the tide, his strong arms wrapped around you. You bask in the warm breeze, taking in every details about this particular moment and locking it away in your head to revisit every time you feel like the world doesn’t make sense, that it suffocates you and that everything is out of your control. Because sometimes it is, and maybe that’s okay.
When you stop again a few hours later, you don’t really understand where exactly Yoongi has taken you. The sun is shinning brightly high up in the sky and the dashboard clock indicates 2:56.
“Alright we’re almost here.” Yoongi states, observing your surroundings.
“We’re in a gravelled parking lot, in a forest, in the middle of nowhere, Yoongi.” You deadpan, confused. The man simply shrugs.
“Yeah.” He opens the door and grabs a tote bag from the backseat. Min Yoongi, a man of actions, not so much words. A man you love deeply, even if it annoyed you a bit at first. Love is about patience, acceptance and compromise above everything else. You figured that out with Yoongi, as a team. You learned a lot of things during your time together.
You sigh, grab your phone and step out of the car too, deciding to trust him. He must’ve had a good reason to bring you both here. He closes the door and walks around the car, sliding his large palm against yours, intertwining your fingers. You think maybe, they were meant to fit so perfectly together.
You both make your way through a forest path riddled with tree roots, branches, rocks and leaves. It isn’t exactly easy to walk on but you have Yoongi’s hand guiding you gently through it, grounding you, making you feel safe, protected. You find yourself being incredibly grateful once again to the circumstances, your ex lovers, the people that came and went, the failures and the joys that led you here, right now. The love of your life by your side, your anchor, the man who held your heart in his palms oh-so carefully. Love isn’t perfect by any means, but nothing is, and maybe that’s the beauty of it all, really.
When you get to the end of the path, you gasp, taking in the wondrous glade before your eyes. Your eyes water, memories of a similar day, years ago, in a glade similar to this one. The first time Yoongi had said he loved you, even though you could already tell by his action and how he always listened.
Yoongi never needs words to convey how he feels. But you do, so he always makes a conscious effort to communicate how he feels verbally and you try to be more attentive to his subtleties.
He leads you to the middle of the glade, lays a blanket and motions for you to sit down, which you do, still amazed by all the thoughts and efforts he must’ve put into this. For you.
He sits down next to you, hand resting above yours. He stares into your eyes intently and a small gentle smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
“This place is stunning..” You delicately caress his cheek with your free hand. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, you know that,” He leans in slowly and kisses you so tenderly you’d think you were made of fragile glass, ready to break at any moment. It might be the most intimate kiss you had, ever. It’s up there for sure.
He breaks it off and brings his forehead to yours, closing his eyes in the process. You do the same.
“I had something to ask..” He trails off. You listen intently, waiting for his question.
“I had all this speech planned but..” He strokes his thumb on the back of your hand. “That’s not you and me. We don’t rehearse or plan things when it comes to us. So I’m not gonna do that.”
You open your eyes and smile bashfully, a little confused.
He goes on. “I love you, you know I do. So much,”
He takes a few moments to think about his next words.
“So be mine yeah? For now, this life and if we’re lucky enough, the next one?” He asks, breath a bit shaky.
You stare at him, mouth agape.
“What do you mean by that? I’m yours already Yoongi..”
He takes a deep breath.
“I mean, be mine, marry me?” He inquires softly, just shy of a whisper. And if your heart could jump out of your chest and start a marathon, you’re sure it would take on the challenge. But it can’t, so it just beats rapidly and irregularly.
“A-are you serious right now?” You gulp, voice barely getting out of your throat.
He rolls his eyes, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
“No I’m kidding,” He tuts. “Of course I’m serious kitten.”
He intertwines both of your fingers together, and at that moment, you manage to get it together, if only a little.
In an instant, your lips come crashing onto his, the fast series of movements making you dizzy. You kiss him fervently, trying to pour all of your emotions into it. It could never be enough.
After a while you separate and rub your noses together, giggling like school kids.
“Of course I will, ” You whisper.
Yoongi’s smile is so bright, you think you might go blind.
“In this life and if we’re lucky, in the next one too..”
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transflynnscifo · 1 year
ohh ok moon mod again, sending as an ask both so I don't have to spam the others but also I do have more questions actually! mostly abt gameplay, bc if it does genuinely go on sale (i saw it's at like $10 rn omg?) i might look into buying and playing it myself
ill bullet point these lmao
what exactly is the gameplay: turn-based, open world, fighting game where it's open-world but not im not sure how to put it, puzzle solving, etc? I'm assuming it's like a fighting game that pulls you in a small arena, but elaboration is appreciated :0
does it,, go on sale on steam or is it purely for the switch it goes on sale? if you know, i totally understand why you might not
thank you once again :'D !!
hello hello!! thank you for asking!!
tov's gameplay uses a "linear motion battle system" which is reminiscent of a fighting game, but you have 4 characters fighting agsinst the enemy. you control one either on semi-auto (which leaves you Locked onto your target), or manual, where controls are harder but it means making a Huge fancy combo out of your controlled character!
the game is open world consisting of the following: the field, towns, and dungeons. you walk around the field (you may encounter enemies as you make your way in the world), you interact with npc and whatnot in towns, while you travel in dungeons and encounter enemies there too.
theres a lot of freedom in how to manage your party members in battles, including the skill system, equipable weapons, battle settings where you can tell the ai how to attack/where to move/etc, and you can even toggle which Attacks they can use. its pretty flexible and each character fullfils different roles! judith for example is aerial combos but is also close combat that you canbhave fun running with!
fights themselves occur in a small circular space when an Encounter happens which does remind a bit of an arena! but only boss fights take a while to beat. some dungeons have a tiny bit of puzzle solving and whatnot but even if you get stuck we have folk online who have put out solutions readily.
honestly the most puzzling aspect of the game is one thing it has kept from Ye Olde style of jrpgs: needing a guide if you want to 100%. not even just to 100%! the game has a few infamous instances of missable sidequests, events that have a limit as to when you can trigger them at latest. one of which is ACTUALLY a judith sidequest. i have done a 100% playthrough twice and i personally did not mind it much but in that regard i am not reliable, i like the challenge of it LMAO
i have good news for you: steam is where it almost always goes on sale! now i have to say that apparently its the steam port that has had the most difficulties with lag and all but ive only played less than 10 hours on the steam version so far. i would say its fine but its definitely better suited for a controller though o7
on the steam version someone managed to create a little file you can put into the steam files that lets you have character outfits from unused and cut content, or even outfits that did not make it from the ps3 version of the game (karol, a boy in the party, had a literal keroro outfit. huge frog outfit really changes the atmosphere of some scenes its hilarious)
feel free to ask more if desired :D
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carefulnowprincess · 2 years
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Gif credit goes to the original creator
Daemon Targaryen x House Cole Fem Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You are a noblewoman of House Cole, married to your husband of five years when a faithful evening you find him dead next to you in your bed. Taken by Prince Daemon Targaryen and swept away and forced into a possible turmoil marriage, are things on the surface as terrible as they seem?
Warnings: Mentions of death, short hair Daemon, Daemon being his usual dick self, mentions of pregnancy, brothel, public nudity, a dabble of ring kink, sexual teasing, cheating, public sex, unprotected PIV sex (wrap it up folks), fingering, praise kink, orgasm denial, an appearance of Caraxes, Daemon is sweet on you and only you
Length: Over 2k
A/N: I am BEYOND FLATTERED at how much this chapter blew up, you're all so amazing and I cannot wait to do more! A huge shout out to @middimidoris for beta reading, they are the blood of my blood as Kahleesi would say. Enjoy! ;)
Please read chapter 1 here
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Chapter 2
Four Years Earlier 
The laughing, rowdiness, and public nudity of Flea Bottom’s most notorious brothel made you nervous. What is a woman of your status doing here anyway? It’s not like your husband wouldn’t fuck you. Women never get a say what they want, but you were both in the marriage to calm the nerves of House Cole and you would take the sex sometimes out of complete necessity. However, it had been almost a year to the day that you both had wed and instead you chose to climb into the bowels of hell itself. 
The brothel reeked of ale, sex and sweat but it was still an exciting thing, surprising you even after a quick glance around. Making your way past a crowd of three women and two men fucking each other you went deeper and deeper into the inferno of the building. You were not looking for anyone in particular, be it man or woman, just someone to fuck you right as the thought of bringing a babe into this cruel world with your husband made you want to vomit. Further and further you walked as you felt hands creep to touch your shoulder or whisper filthy things into your ear. 
Your senses heightened when you reached a dark circular room that was surprisingly quiet of moans. Seeing the people coupling in such a way surprised you, only thinking you would find debauchery in such a place. You felt wetness begin to pool between your thighs wishing to join in with them when you took notice of a man leaning against a wall. He appeared tall, lean but you were unable to see his face, concealed by a cloak. His shapeless face turned towards you, walking in such a way that dripped with power and confidence yet you did not recognize him. He folded his arms and looked down at you. Only seeing a smirk and a strong chin, he finally spoke.
“You look nervous girl, tell me, is being here some sort of fantasy for you?” He asked. You felt your cheeks heat up and shook your head.
“Not in the slightest. I’m just here because–”
“Let me guess, your husband couldn’t fuck you properly if he tried,” the man motioned with an arm. You weakly shook your head.
“I–well, yes to a degree but, I just want to feel something, with anyone. Sex during a loveless marriage is pointless,” you sighed. You did not know why told this stranger so much but you had to get it off your chest.
The mysterious man hummed in response and closed the gap between you both, hastily backing you up against the cold stone wall as he placed a hand near your head, the other slowly pulling back the hood of his cloak to finally reveal himself.
You breathed out as you stared into the eyes of someone you would never think to come face to face with.
“Prince– Daemon,” you whispered. He gave you a cheeky smile, his white blonde hair slicked back save for a bang that hung on the side of his forehead. He was positively gorgeous with purple eyes that shined feeling like he was staring into the very essence of your being. 
“It is I indeed. Didn’t think you’d find a prince here, did you?” He asked.
You snorted. “Actually, I would not be surprised to find you fucking half of Westeros in here,” you commented. You should have held your tongue as your mouth has gotten you into trouble your whole life, even with your family and husband.
Shockingly, Daemon give a small chuckle as he swiped his hand through his hair. 
“Fucking is a pleasure, you see. In here, I can have whatever I want with whomever I want,” he said. Studying your face, your heart constricted, beating loudly in your ears. A glide of his fingers moved over your bottom lip with a large ring showing the Targaryen sigil as you attempted to breathe. His face was so close to yours that you were not sure what to do next, only focusing on the feeling of warmth between you both and the wettening of your undergarments.
“And what is it that you want?” You asked quietly.
Daemon brushed his thumb against your bottom lip as you swallowed.
“I want you. It’s not every day I get to fuck a noblewoman,” he said. Your eyes looked down at your clothing, revealing finer garments. He must have taken notice of your clothing when you entered the room.
“Now, what would your husband think of you, the thought of a prince of the Seven Kingdoms fucking his wife?” He asked as his other hand twirled with your fallen hair.
“Who says he has to know,” you responded. Daemon pressed his thumb further into your mouth. Your tongue immediately darted out to taste his skin. He gave a small smile in response.
“Bona's nykeā sȳz hāedar,” he whispered, lips finally meeting yours. The air felt heavy as you breathed, his hand cupping your cheek and pressing your back further into the wall. His body encased yours as his lips moved at a rapid pace. It was all want and no take before he pulled away to search your eyes. Your breasts heaved up and down and Daemon took notice of it, his cock twitching in his loose pants. 
“You are wearing far too much clothing,” he said before his lips were on yours again, this time, letting you take the reins. Your kiss was slow and deliberate, tasting him for what you did not know would not be your last. Tongues danced with each other as other moans throughout the room were briefly heard. Daemon’s hands moved down your body to your neck, tickling you for a moment before his lips found your throat. You moaned out as he lifted your body into his hands, grabbing your behind as he made easy work of pulling down the top part of your dress with your tits spilling out into the low light. Daemon squeezed them harder than you had expected but you enjoyed the feeling nonetheless. Your head felt weightless as you leaned back against the wall with his tongue gently biting and swirling around your nipple, moving his mouth to give the other just as much attention. 
“Fuck, my prince,” you moaned out as your hand reached down to card through his locks. He kneaded at a breast before his mouth took more from your lips, kissing you with want. Is this what fucking was meant to be like you thought but your mind was quickly elsewhere when Daemon reached behind you to unthread your dress, yanking it to reveal your nude body to his. Another smirk graced his lips.
“The gods have gifted me with such a beautiful thing,” he complimented you, teasing at your nipple. You moaned at the feeling before you reached forward and pulled at his shirt to reveal a hardened and sculpted body with little hair. He watched your reaction before reaching for his pants to step out of, now seeing his cock fully erect. It was a sight to behold, larger than any other man’s you had seen. 
“See something you like?” He asked. You felt your cheeks heat up with desire and nodded with a small smile. 
“I see a prince with want,” you said. Daemon moved towards your body once more, cupping your cunt with one hand while the other touched your chin. His eyes bore into you knowing what you needed.
“And I see a woman with a desire to be fucked, to feel flesh on flesh with someone who can give her what she wants,” he whispered into the shell of your ear. His fingers felt the wetness on your mound, rubbing gently between your lips. Your knees wanted to buckle to the floor but he wouldn’t allow it, stepping in between your thighs and opening yourself to him. A finger slipped inside of you to tease your entrance.
“You fall apart easily don’t you, but not with your husband I imagine. A shame really,” he commented casually, dipping his finger in and out of you. You moaned as your head fell forward against his arm, gripping your hands onto his body. Another finger slipped into your cunt, brushing against you with expertise as he looked down into your face.
“You’re going to look at me when you cum and you’re going to say my name,” he stated and you hastily nodded your head in agreement.
“Ao rȳbagon sīr sȳrī,” Dameon muttered. You did not know what language he spoke, but his fingers increased speed before moving his thumb to your clit to circle. Moans were swallowed by his surprisingly soft mouth, taking you in for all that you had to offer to him.
“Dae– Daemon, I’m going to–”
“Cum then, I want to hear my name on your lips, let everyone know who’s making you cum and why it is not your husband,” he chuckled. He studied your face, moving his fingers rapidly and adding a final third digit to your entrance. 
Your breath held in your lungs, the fire that burned inside of you igniting to let you orgasm. You came, saying Daemon’s name in a barely audible moan. He grabbed your jaw and held it to stare into your eyes.
“Louder I said, let all of Kings Landing know it’s me,” he said as he dipped down to bite at your ear. His name cried against your lips, head leaning back against the cool wall as you breathed out coming back from the stars you had visited from your release. Your cheeks felt flushed as Daemon removed his fingers from you, swiping a taste of your juices into his mouth. He hummed in satisfaction.
“Gods, you taste delicious,” he said before offering you his finger. You happily sucked on it as Daemon reached for his cock to stroke with your cum, groaning at finally touching himself. He wanted to focus on you but damned if he was not a selfish man.
Nimble fingers of yours reached in between your bodies to touch his cock, stroking the wetness of you on him. Daemon groaned at the feeling.
“Let me suck your cock my prince, I want to,” you said as your fingers teased the head of his shaft. He grabbed your hands and removed them to place above your head, his knee lifting to brush against your still sensitive center causing you to shiver.
“I’d rather just fuck you. I can’t wait much longer,” he said, taking one of his hands and stroking himself again. You nodded as he switched positions, his back now to the harsh wall. He lifted your body up and you felt his cock graze your entrance causing you to moan out as you wrapped your legs around his torso.
“Now my dear, when you cum, I want you to look at me again and say my name, understood?” he asked. You nodded before you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him harshly before you felt him slide into your cunt. You hissed at the stretch of him but soon both of you moaned in unison at the feeling of being united.
Daemon muttered in another language again and pulled his lips from yours. 
“Your cunt is so tight, fuck,” he said, moving slowly with you at first. He gripped onto your behind, his own ass rubbing uncomfortably against the wall but to give him some strength to fuck into you. 
“My prince, you feel amazing,” you muttered between moans. Daemon chuckled briefly before swallowing another kiss from you. His tongue moved against yours gently at first. He had not had such a good fuck in quite some time, surprised at how well you took him. Desires became wants, his cock slapping in and out of you at a faster pace, hitting you at such an angle that you could almost be soaring the skies above Westeros. 
Daemon’s hand gripped onto your cheek, pushing your skin up as he held your face close to his, breathing in each other. 
“I could take you as my wife you know, instead of that bastard you call a husband,” Daemon groaned. Your eyes slipped open to look at him eye to eye, mouth agape with an escaping whimper. He laughed quietly.
“Is that something you desire?” He asked. Your eyes closed again, pretending to ignore the seriousness in his tone of voice.
“Fuck– you would have me so easily? By the gods if he were to die, I would not reject your offer,” you moaned. Your head was in the clouds as you leaned back. Daemon took the offer of your neck to bite gently, not caring if it would bruise.
“Consider it done,” he said, pumping into your cunt faster.
“Oh fuck Daemon I’m going to–”
He lifted your head to his and stared at you with cold eyes.
“Open your eyes, look at me,” he bit. You could barely muster your eyes open, his cock piercing into your cunt as he moved his thumb to your clit to edge you even closer to your destination.
“Tell me, if your husband was dead, would you marry me? I could make you a queen” He said. His finger held just above your clit causing you to whimper out again.
“I–you’re not a king though,” you responded.
“I will be, trust me. Now, answer my question or I’ll take the desire for myself only,” he said harshly.
You wanted to cum desperately as he continued to fuck into you. Opening your eyes you nodded and cried out as his finger found your clit once again to rub.
“Yes, yes, fuck I’ll be your queen—”
You screamed out his name as you came, scratching his back with your fingernails. He soon spilled his seed into your cunt, bucking up into you wildly with groans as he felt your cunt choke his cock. His forehead was slick with sweat as you both leaned against each other trying to catch your breath. Letting you down onto wobbly legs, he turned your body around to face the wall and pressed both of your hands there with his softening cock sitting against your backside. Daemon brushed your hair aside, kissing at your ear, neck and finally on your shoulder. His fingers found your mound, pushing his cum back into your entrance while the other hand reached out to thread your fingers into his. You gasped at the feeling of him touching your cunt so soon again.
“I will be waiting for you then. When your husband passes, I will swoop in and take what is mine and treat you like a queen you rightly deserve to be,” he whispered. Your body felt like it was still on fire as you felt the cold air of the room when you turned around to survey the rest of the room and the fucking of others.
Prince Daemon was gone, leaving you nude as you covered up your body.
By The Seven Gods, what have you done?
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The journey to Dragonstone took longer than you could have imagined, the rain not letting up until Caraxes landed. The beach of Dragonstone was dark as you stared up from your hooded cloak. Daemon came up behind you and gripped your shoulders as a final crash of thunder was heard in the distance.
“Welcome, my queen to Dragonstone.”
Valyrian Translations:
Bona's nykeā sȳz hāedar = that’s a good girl
Ao rȳbagon sīr sȳrī = you listen so well
OK OK, what did we think of chapter 2? We finally got some background on how they met and it'll only get steamier from here.
Since this blew up please let me know if you would like for me to add you a tag list!
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rina-writes · 3 years
Season’s Greetings
Warnings:  Fem!reader, smut (18+ minor dni - male!oral, penetration, suggestive language), fluff
Summary: You are visiting Jack’s hometown, Louisville, for the first time and it’s also Christmas. This means you are feeling a bit of pressure to make a good impression on Jack’s family, but Jack’s mind is on other things.
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You felt Jack’s clear blue eyes on you. Your gaze was fixated forward. You worried what you might miss if you turned your head for a second.  His sedan, an expensive black rental that he requested last minute from the airport, was moving at a pretty decent clip for the suburban area. Your eyes were darting around looking for small animals and young children who could jump in front of the car. If you were in your own hometown or one of your usual haunts with Jack, you wouldn’t be as paranoid. However, out here, you didn’t want  a single thing to ruin today.  Being this stressed was exhausting. It didn’t help that your boyfriend was watching you more than he was monitoring the road. You pressed your lips together and sighed,
“Eyes on the road, Jack.” You said calmly making him laugh.
“What makes you think I’m staring at you?” Jack teased, winking at you.  “You’re cute, but not that cute.”
You turned toward him, rolling your eyes dramatically. “I am that cute, actually.”
Jack turned to look at you and grinned. “Yeah, you are.”
His toothy grin warmed your heart. Suddenly, you realized this was what he wanted this whole time: For you to look at him, banter with him, and tease him like you usually do. He was an attention whore, but so were you.  It had been a year since you and Jack started dating, but you two were still obsessed with each other. After all, in that year, you probably spent the equivalent of about three months together in person.  With him traveling for work and your personal commitments, it was difficult to meet face-to-face.  When you did, you spent most of the time in the bedroom.  If you weren’t in the process of love making, you were cooking and eating food.  Outside of music, Jack thoughts were controlled by his stomach and his dick.  You couldn’t judge: you weren’t much different.
Jack’s large, pale hand gripped your knee through your dress. His palm enveloped your knee, his fingers stretched to tickle the top of your leg.  He moved his hand in a circular motion, not so subtly bunching the dress up in the process. You knew it was a matter of time before that hand started to head north towards your heat. You squeezed your thighs together instinctually, causing a low chuckle to rumble in his chest. There was a twinkle in his bright blue eyes as he spoke,
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dressed like this. You look so innocent.” He smiled, “I kinda like it.”
You stared down at the dress.  You were sure you had one similar when you were kid.  It was a bright red a-line dress with a v-neckline that didn’t go too far down, but gave your chest a bit of oomph. The material was thick and long sleeved, with a bit of glittery detailing on the sleeves and the hem of the dress, which extended past your knees.  You were wearing your most fashionable black snow boots so you would be able to walk around in the snow. Just in case you got sent on an errand or volunteered to help out with something in the yard.
“It’s new.” You confessed. “I wasn’t sure what to wear and this seemed…festive.”
“Relax, mamas.” Jack’s voice had it’s usual calm pitch as he tapped leg comfortingly. “My folks are happy to have you for Christmas.  Just be yourself.”
“I am!” You argued. “I’m just being the best version of myself.  I have prepared for everything.  I even have a plan if you hit that squirrel over there since you aren’t paying attention to the road.”
Jack laughed as he noticed the squirrel clearly on someone’s lawn with no intention of moving.
“You worry too much.  You met my folks and my brother already.” Jack smiled, glancing at you. “And then love you just as much as I do.”
“For now…” You folded your arms.  “And I would like to keep it that way.  That’s why I got the perfect gifts and wore the perfect outfit and ---”
“How long have you been planning this?” Jack asked, concern evident in his voice. “I mean, my family is super chill. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It’s a huge deal!” You raised your voice slightly. “This is my first time meeting your extended family, and probably the longest time I’ll spend with your parents. I want to make a good impression.”
“Hmm, good thing you left your hooker dresses at home.” Jack nodded thoughtfully.
Your mouth fell open and you shoved him playfully.  Jack broke into a smile, revealing his façade as he chuckled.
“You never complained about my hooker dresses before.” You retorted.
“Yeah, cause I’m a slut too.” Jack laughed, making you laugh more.  “Seriously though, baby, you look great.  A little bit like sexy Santa Claus, but you look great.”
“Santa Claus is fine,” You nodded. “I don’t want to look like the Homewrecker Who Ruined Christmas.”
“Huh, I missed that one on the Hallmark Channel.” Jack joked, making you laugh.
There was a silence as the laughter died down and Jack focused back on the road.  You weren’t quite sure how much longer you had to drive, but you were getting more nervous by the second.  Jack pulled his hand back to lower the heat in the car, shifting in his oversized sweater.  It was a black sweater with a white polo underneath tucked into his tan slacks.  You both looked like a bunch of preppy kids on their way to country club’s Christmas party, but at least your aesthetics matched.  As you were thinking about your image again, you realized Jack also had something on his mind as he spoke once more.
“Give me the number.” He requested cryptically.  There was no change in his expression, but he knew that you knew exactly what he wanted.
Your eyes shot over to him warningly. “Jack, we’re going to see your parents.”
“Come on,” Jack cooed. “It’s been four months. I need this.”
“You know when we get there, you’ll just want more.” You groaned. “Do you not remember the hoe conversation from fifteen minutes ago?”
“Number.” Jack said forcefully. Then his expression softened and he pouted. In a soft, cute voice he added, “...please?”
“Three.” You sighed out your response knowing you couldn’t say no to cute Jack. Cocky dominant Jack could get a slap to the face, but cutie Jack was too precious. That didn’t mean you would make it easy though.
“Three?!” Jack yelled back, his eyes still on the road. He twisted his lip to the side as he mumbled, “Fine, if that’s how you want to play.”
You smiled to yourself as you looked out the window.  You propped your chin up with the help of the arm rest attached to the door.  You waited for his first guess.
“Black.” He said, finally.
You thought about it and then shook your head. “Nope, good guess though.”
“Red.” Jack guessed quickly after, clearly feeling proud of himself.
“Nope, another good guess, but wrong.” You grinned, now feeling confident.
Jack groaned. He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, tracing your silhouette. His eyes seemed to linger on your chest for awhile before a smile broke out on his lips.
“Dark purple.”
Your eyes widened as you tore your eyes away from the window.  You frowned at him, folding your arms.
“You saw them this morning, didn’t you?” You said, accusingly. “I don’t have any other dark purple ones.  You must have saw them.”
Jack grinned, clearly proud of himself. “I didn’t actually. I noticed the girls had a bit of lift.”  He took one hand off the steering wheel to point at his own  chest. “You gotta be wearing the purple one. The lacy one that makes ‘em look yummy.”
You blushed softly. “How’d you know I got the matching underwear for it? It’s been sold out for months. I  finally got it during the Black Friday sale.”
“You’re so nervous, I figured you would probably wear a matching set under there.” Jack laughed. “Just in case, you know, you get put in the ambulance and they have to rip your clothes off. You’d hate for my mom to see you in terrible underwear.”
You laughed. The thought did cross your mind.  Not explicitly, but it was something your family always said.  As a result, you always wore good undergarments when visiting someone’s house or going to a special event. It also made you feel confident.  This was one of your favorite bras because of aforementioned reasons, but the unique violet color made it difficult to match. You were over the moon when the panties were back in stock. Jack knew you so well.
“Well-played.”  You commented.
“Mhmm.” Jack said, his face turning a bit serious. “You know what my prize is…get to it.”
“Jack…” You bit your lip, whining. “We’re going to your parents’ house.  I don’t think…”
“I won.” Jack’s voice was filled with confidence as he smiled you. There was also a finality in his tone.  He was commanding you in the gentlest of ways.  You felt like you were going to melt right there. His eyes met yours with a mix of pride, lust, and adoration. You were compelled to do it despite your reservations.
“You did win fair and square,” You confirmed, convincing yourself.
With a sigh, you awkwardly maneuvered in your seat. Lifting your butt up, you bunched your dress to your waist.  You tried to ignore Jack’s constantly glances between you and the road, clearly trying to sneak a peek. With a bit of wiggling and a few grunts, you slipped your underwear off.  You bunched the garment into a ball and tossed it into Jack’s lap.
He glanced down quickly, to pick up the garment in one hand. He unrolled it with a flick of his wrist and brought it to eye level.
“Oh my god, what if someone sees you.” You chastised him, glancing around at the empty roads.
“Relax.” Jack cooed, putting it in his pocket. “God, these are tiny.  Probably barely covered your pretty little…”
“Alright, alright.” You cut him off, pulling your dress down as far as it could go. 
“Kinda wished I saw them on.” Jack admitted. “Next time…I’ll keep them safe, don’t worry.”
Jack reached over to let his thumb caress your cheek softly. You realized you had been shifting back and forth, rubbing your thighs together.  You suddenly stopped at his touch.
“Seeing you all prim and proper and knowing your panties are in my pocket is going to drive me wild.” Jack’s voice was a bit raspy, making you swallow.  He was definitely horny.
“Jack, behave.” You warned. “I want your family to like me. The last thing I need is to start with a negative reputation.”
“I can’t make any promises.” Jack grinned, putting both hands on the wheel again.
“I don’t expect you to.” You huffed. “Not the way you write about our sex life in your songs.”
“Oh come on…” Jack rolled his eyes. “I don’t talk about you that much. Besides, I never say it’s us, it could be metaphor or a former flame. They won’t know it’s about you.”
“I don’t know…” You folded your arms.  
After being shown many pictures of Jack’s childhood home, once the car turned the corner you recognized it immediately.  Your heart dropped to your stomach, seeing the amount of car parked around the house, clearly for the Christmas dinner.
“Trust me…no one is going to know.” Jack laughed. “I don’t even know if they listen to my music.”
“Wow, you really do have big, beautiful eyes and nice behind to boot.” Jack’s cousin said, looking you up and down.  “Does that mean you were also ‘waiting for him on the hotel balcony, doing a handstand in your birthday ---’”
“Ricky!” Jack interrupted, as if he could feel your anger rising with each lyric being recited back to you. “I think Aunt Helen is calling you to help with the ice cooler.”
Ricky slapped his forehead. “Oh damn,  I forgot. Be right back, Y/N.” He said, giving you a finger gun before running towards the garage.
You glared at Jack, who was doing a bad job of pretending to not make eye contact.
“What was that about not knowing which songs are  about me?” You whispered harshly.
“Babe, you’re my muse.” He put his arm around you. “What can I say?”
This exchange with Jack’s cousin  was your greeting when you emerged from the car.  Jack had parked up front and opened the door for you.  You stepped out as gracefully as you could, pulling your long black jacket close to your body.  The cool air seemed to shoot right up you dress and between your legs with nothing to protect you.  It was a cruel reminder that you lost the guessing game.  You moved toward the trunk  to pull out the gifts you bought, truly feeling like Santa with your sack of presents.  
You heard someone barreling over toward you and naturally assumed it was Jack’s brother.  To your surprise, it was Ricky, a distant cousin you heard a couple of stories about here and there.  He looked nothing like Jack, he was a bit tanner with dark straight hair and a more stocky build. You would have bet money he played football in high school.  
You had practiced what you would say if small talk did arise and was happy to put it into action.  As you expected, Ricky recognized you immediately and went in for a hug.  He made a comment about how he heard so much about you and started teasing Jack about hiding you away.  It was then that he started to make comments about you through Jack’s music. Some of it was not about your relationship, but a lot of it was spot on. Before you realized it, your boyfriend’s catalog was being recited to you. You feel like a witness being interrogated by Sherlock Holmes.
You shrugged out of Jack’s arm, playfully as you huffed away.  Jack chuckled and followed after you. “Don’t be like that, baby.” He cooed.
“If this is what the rest of the day is going to look like, I’m just going to go home.” You threatened emptily.
“I promise, he’s the only one without tact.” Jack reassured you. “He’s just trying to rile you up and get me in trouble, that’s all.  He’s a joker.”
“Still,” You looked pensively towards the house. “Even if he’s the only one saying it out loud, I feel like I’m already building a negative reputation.”
Jack cupped your face in between his hands.  They were soft, but his hold was firm as he cradled your jaw. He pressed a hard kiss to your forehead before placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
“You don’t have to worry about that. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever brought into this house. There is no doubt in my mind that they are going to wonder what dark magic I used to make you fall for me.  You are going to knock their socks off by just being you. Don’t let my cousin make you worried for a second. Got that, beautiful?”
You blinked away tears and gave Jack the brightest smile. “Yeah.”
“Good.” Jack pecked your lips again before pushing you towards the front door.  
You were greeted immediately by his mother who hugged you tightly.
“Merry Christmas, darling.  I’m so glad you’re here.” She said, warmly.  
She was wearing an “ugly” Christmas sweater along with most of the older people in the family.  There were a few young folks dressed up like you and Jack, so you didn’t feel out of place.  Her eyes darted down to the giant bag in your hand making you blush.
“I can put these under the tree. I tried to get something for everyone, plus a few stocking stuffers.”  You explained, feeling self-conscious at the amount that you brought.
“You’re very sweet, Y/N.” Jack’s mother said as she gestured towards the large decorated tree.  “Do you need help carrying it?”
The carrying of the bag wasn’t too bad. It was the fact that everyone was in the living room and you had to walk through the crowd to get there.  You gulped.  You smiled and shook your head.
“I got it.” You confirmed. “Thank you though.”
Jack immediately dashed to your side. “I’ll help you unpack, Santa.” He teased, winking at you.
With Jack next to you, the short walk to the tree was a lot more bearable.  You were introduced to all of the guests as Jack smoothly navigating the conversation while you continued marching forward.  Once you stood in front of the tree, you let out a sigh of relief making Jack laugh.
“There, the worst of it is over now.” He whispered, smiling at you.  He kissed your temple.
You unloaded the presents one by one.  You were grateful this dress was so long because the air tickling your folds was distracting.  You tried to focus on the moment:  inspecting the ornaments and layout of the tree.  You saw some homemade ones, your eyes lingering on a couple with Jack’s name scrawled on it.  You also noticed a large volume of them at the bottom of the tree indicating that a lot of young kids helped decorate.  With both of their sons being older, the Harlow family still seemed to have youngsters to spoil with Christmas traditions.
Jack caught your eye on some of the ornaments and began to explain each one.  Seeing him up close to the lights was magical.  His hair looked reddish brown in the glow, his blue eyes looked almost gray, and his lips looked very pink. You were tempted to knock him down under the tree just to stare down at him as you kissed him passionately. You forced yourself to focus on the stories of his childhood. His voice was smooth and buttery which made you visibly relax.  The rest of the room was melting away. You weren’t quite sure how long you were sitting on the carpet, the heat of the lights warming your skin.
“Come on,” Jack said, standing up. He extended a hand toward you to help you stand up.
“Where are we going?” You asked as you stood, already missing the warmth and safety of sitting next to the tree.
“I’m going to give you the tour.” Jack grinned.
You walked around the first floor, passing by the kitchen.  You inspected the spread of food, typical American fare: a ham, mashed potatoes, potato salad, some kind of vegetable dish, and lots of sweets for later. You passed pictures of young Jack and his brother and other imprints of life that could be found in their walls.  You smiled as you touched the markings that shown how he had grown over the years.  You laughed at Jack’s stories behind dents in walls and peeled paints.  Most of what you saw backed up your imagination from Jack’s previously told stories of Kentucky.  
Once you made the lap back to the living room, Jack removed his sweater and placed on the back of a chair. He looked great in his polo, as usual.
“You still good?” Jack asked, giving you a thumbs up.
“Yeah.” You nodded, smiling.
“Alright, let me take you upstairs.” Jack pointed upward and you nodded once more.
He grabbed your hand and started to lead you up the stairs.  Ricky perked up as though hearing your foot press against the step awoken some thing inside of  him. He smiled and called out to you both loudly,
“You crazy kids better leave the door open.” He warned.
If it wasn’t embarrassing enough, Ricky was sitting on the couch in the middle of the living room. It felt like everyone turned to watch you both.  You blushed deeply, unable to think of a witty retort or an explanation.  Luckily, Jack was happy to take over for you.
“You would like that, you sick puppy.” Jack shook his head as though he felt bad for him.  “Listen mommy and daddy are going upstairs right now, try and play with the other kids alright.”
“Jack!” His mother admonished him, covering her mouth to hide a chuckle.
Ricky roared with laughter, obviously the type who could take what they dish.  The rest of the group laughed, some albeit a bit awkwardly, before resuming conversation.  Jack continued to walk upstairs, pulling you along with him.  Once there, he made a beeline for his old room.  You were thrilled at seeing Jack’s old room.  It wasn’t that long since he had been in there. Probably under five years since he had officially moved out.  However, it was completely different from his room in Atlanta.
His childhood room was decorated.  His walls had a darkish colored paint on all of the walls except one which was white.  The paint was mostly covered by posters from music albums, movies, and his own lyrics.  You smiled seeing his small book collection, running your fingers against the spines as you walked past. Jack leaned against the doorframe. He was looking at his room with nostalgia, but also with a newness thanks to you. He was curious what items you gravitated toward and was happy to answer any of your questions.
Jack slowly walked in, pushing the door closed. Your eyes shot over to him.  You pressed your lips into a line that showed your disapproval.
“We really shouldn’t do anything, Jack.” You said, looking at an old snow globe that you were flipping up and down.
“I’m 23 years old.” Jack reminded you, resting his hands on your hips. He pulled you into his chest and kissed your forehead. “I am also a very horny 23 year old with his girlfriend’s thong in his pocket.  Why can’t we have a little fun?”
“Because, almost your entire family is downstairs.” You argued. “Don’t you feel any shame?”
“Yeah, but not for this. As long as you’re quiet, I think we’ll be fine.” Jack grabbed your chin. “But the real shame is denying them the pleasure of hearing the beautiful sounds you make.  They always send a chill up my spine.”
You folded your arms, stepping further away from his bed. You shook your head before turning it to the side to look away from him. Jack pressed your bodies closer together, his hands now snaking around your waist to grab your behind and pull you into him. He grabbed you hard making you gasp softly and meet his eyes.
“Make those beautiful sounds for me, baby.” He kissed your jaw as he whispered in his ear. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”
You felt weak to his touch. You closed your eyes and allowed his hands to roam your body. Jack slowly led your to the bed. Your back connected with the mattress, your  arms sprawled out on either side of you. His hands went up and down your thighs.  Jack was muttering to himself.
“God, the kid that used to live in this room. With his way too long curly hair, his big glasses and even bigger dreams would have killed to have such a beautiful girl in his bed.” Jack reached up to caress your cheek. “You’re my dream come true, baby.  Damn, look at you.”
His hand ran down your neck, down the valley between your breasts to rest on your stomach.  His eyes were filled with lust, but there were specks of adoration.  A strange feeling welded up inside of you. On the one hand, you were aroused. With Jack’s knee pressing so close to your core, you were resisting grinding against it for friction. On the other hand, you were touched by his confession.  Jack always talked with an air of confidence. He never doubted himself. To hear that there was something he thought was unattainable, even in his youth, was shocking. More so, that it was someone like you.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck.  You looked at him through your lashes and smiled. “I’m yours, Jackman.”
There was a silence before Jack crashed his lips on top of yours. In between kisses and gasps for airs he finally muttered. “I think I almost nutted in my pants.”
You giggled softly and reached down between you two. You grabbed his crotch.  “Let’s check shall we.”
You started to sit up, but he gently pushed you back down. 
“No, we’ll make this quick.  Just lay back and enjoy, sweetheart. ” Jack said, keeping his promise.  “Since my princess is already disrobed from the bottom down, I better catch up.”
He unbuckled his pants quickly. He undid the button of his pants  and dropped his waistband just enough to reveal his member. It was thick with an angry red tip already dripping with arousal.  You licked your lips, sitting up on your elbows to get a better look. There was something about seeing Jack dressed in frat boy chic of a polo shirt and tanned pants, with his dick out. You wanted to roleplay as a sorority girl and give him head next to a keg…or something.  You’d hash out the details later.  You had plenty of time for games, this was business.
“Baby, please you’re drooling.” Jack grinned, proudly. “Unfortunately, we don’t have enough time for you to taste it today. Maybe later.”
He pressed his knees on the bed either side of you. He held his member in one hand, teasingly stroking it. You spread your legs making him smile wider. He pulled out his wallet to pull out a condom, earning an eye roll.
“Must you always be prepared?” You huffed. “At least pretend to look around for a condom or something. It almost seems like you planned this.”
“I’m always ready for you, baby girl.  You do something to me.” He caged your between his arms and kissed you deeply.
Your lips met his with the same intensity.  All of your inhibitions seemed to fade away.  You were enjoying the thrill of making love in his childhood bedroom.  You felt like a high schooler, trying to keep the sounds of your movement quiet to not reveal the passion to others.  
Jack reached down, not breaking the kiss, to grab his member and gently rub it against your thigh. You sighed in his mouth and he swallowed it, a smile evident on his lips.  He moved closer to your warmth with teasing taps up your thigh along the way.  Once at your entrance, his tip felt heavy pressing against your lower lips.  He pulled back to look at you.  His eyes were dark now and he looked as if he was holding back everything in him to make this pause.
“Ready, Y/N?” He asked, saying your name so softly and so tenderly you had bite back a moan.
With your lower lip trapped beneath your teeth, you gave him a quick nod.  Jack loved your enthusiasm and showed his appreciation by entering you.  The first half of his shaft went in quickly and he immediately clasped his hand over your mouth. You moaned into his hand, your eyes wide and excited. He felt so good inside you.  He stretched your walls making you feel full, but you knew that you could take it all.  You looked at him expectantly, your hips naturally trying to pull more of him  in by leaping off the bed.
“Patience, princess.” Jack cooed.  “This bed is creaky as hell, we gotta be careful.”
You nodded, but Jack knew better than to uncover your mouth.. The moment he bottomed out inside of you, your legs wrapped around his waist, your hands gripped the comforter and your head tossed back.  You were definitely a sight for sore eyes, your chest heaving up and down as your little muffled moans escaped through his fingers.  Most of your lower half was off the bed to avoid the aforementioned creaking so Jack placed his free hand in the small of your back to keep you up.  The hand alternated between grabbing on one of your butt cheeks and going back to supporting you every few thrusts.  His movements were fast and sharp. He knew that if he wanted you both to orgasm quickly, he needed to be rough and hard.  He could see tears welding in your eyes from the force and sheer pleasure.  He always felt guilty making a mess out of you  knowing how hard you worked on your makeup.  He just hoped that after being together for this long you would have known to wear waterproof stuff. 
Jack felt the familiar clench of your walls around him. Your legs’ hold on him got tighter and your hands were clamoring for him, settling for the arm connected to the hand silencing you. He bent down to get a better angle, allowing for his mouth to be closer to your ear.  Now you could hear his soft grunts and moans carefully.  He was muttering incoherent nonsense. You could extrapolate a few things: how amazing you felt, how much of a good girl you were, how glad he was to ruin you. It sent chill after chill up your spine.  Just his deep breathing as he tried to hold back was making your toes curl. It was so intimate and close.  Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, blurring your vision as your orgasm shook through you.
Jack was a champ, continuing to thrust at the same intensity and speed despite his release. You could feel the violent spurts as a warm puddle inside of the condom which only made you clench harder.  You placed a hand on his back to tell him that you had enough and he slowed his movements.  It was gradual as you both came off of your highs. Once your breathing slowed down, he removed his hand from your mouth.   He pulled out of you, making quick work to dispose of the condom.  The box of tissues on his nightstand were a life saver. He used the tissues to wrap up the condom, clean himself up, clean you up down below, and then gave your a few to wipe off any smudged makeup.
You tidied yourself up in the mirror while Jack straightened out the bed. He cracked the window to vent out the smell of sweat and sex that was lingering in the air. You did another once over you both and smiled looking at Jack.
You waltzed over to him and zipped up his fly.  You let your fingers stay on the zipper as he leaned down for a peck on the lips.
“Missed a spot?” You teased.
“You always got my back, mamas.” He kissed your forehead. “Although, usually when my zipper is between your fingers, it’s going in a different direction…”
“Haven’t I given you enough?” You rolled your eyes.
“More than enough, but I’m a greedy bastard.” Jack grinned.
When Jack’s mother came upstairs to check on you both, you were innocently sitting on Jack’s bedroom floor together, looking at his old yearbooks.  You looked up nonchalantly, as though you didn’t hear her footsteps from the moment she walked up the stairs.
“We’re going to sit in the family room to open presents before dinner in ten minutes.” His mother announced before adding in a sing-songy voice. “Wrap it up, kiddos…”
“Yeah, we’ll be down soon, mom.  Thanks.” Jack smiled, his arm around you as he looked back her.
Once she was gone, he gave you a mischievous grin.  “See, she didn’t even notice.”
“Listen, there’s like 100 stories across many cultures about how someone gets lucky and then tries to push their luck.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “They all die in the end.”
Jack shrugged. “Good thing I got lucky in more ways than one.” He pecked your cheek.
Just as you were about to compliment his sweet comment, he pulls part of your underwear out of his pocket while wiggling his brows at you.
“Why do I tolerate you?” You asked laughing.
“Cause I’m so gosh darn cute.” Jack smiled before adding, “ …duh.”
Opening presents with his family was fun.  You sat politely on the floor with the other young people as gifts were passed to their expected recipient.  Your presents were a hit. For the family members you did know, you got them items that had come up in conversation.  For the ones you kind of knew, you got things based on what Jack had told you about them.  For the remaining folks, you had back up general gifts like lotion, candles and other knick knacks.  Those presents, you addressed as “For the person who like to smell great…” and other hints like that. They all found it to be creative and thoughtful.
His family also bought you a few gifts as well.  Of course, you were most excited for Jack’s. You had went the sentimental route with your gift for him.  You commissioned 5 artists in Louisville to paint five of Jack’s iconic stage moments into a mural. It was 25 by 32 inches and required you to enlist Urban for his help the night before to sneak it into Jack’s parents’ house for you.  Jack teared up a bit and so did some of his relative, so you considered it a big win.  
You could tell Jack was proud of his gift  as he handed you the bag.  There were a few goodies inside.
The first item was perfume. It was from your favorite brand  and in a very large bottle.  You didn’t even know they sold this size.  The second item was a simple necklace with your favorite symbol on it (think like a heart or a butterfly -- whatever you like). It was platinum and diamond encrusted.  It was the kind of necklace you could see yourself wearing every day and happily had Jack put it on you right there and then.  For your last item, you opened it and upon seeing the Rolex brand, your jaw dropped.
“Jack no…” You shook your head.  “...I don’t even want to look.”
“You know I gotta have my girl matching me.”  Jack was sitting next to you, and reached over to help you open the box.  His left hand stayed near the box for you to see how similar the watches were.
Yours had the same sky blue face with white gold band, but the band and face were slightly smaller.  They was also a bit more glam on the face with a few more diamonds by the 12, 3, 6, and 9. You were at a loss for words so, luckily his family hooting and applause filled the silence.
“Take it…” Jack whispered to you, sensing your reluctance. “...I’ve been saving it for awhile.  Thank you for being with me.  I know it isn’t easy, but you’re mine and I want to show you that I’m proud of that.”
You nodded, feeling yourself tear up and kissed his cheek.  You wanted to thank whatever grandma or aunt transitioned to the next present so you could sob quietly on the side. It only made you more sappy when Jack patted your head as you rested it gently on his shoulder.
The drive back to the hotel was much more relaxing than when you were driving to his parents’ home.  You were very grateful that Jack politely declined his parents’ offer for you both to stay with them during the holidays.  Although you had a lovely time, you definitely felt like you could breathe more now.  Jack seemed to be more relaxed as well, but you guessed it was because you were acting like your usual self.
“Thanks again for my watch, baby.” You cooed, reaching over to put your hand on his knee. 
Your watch was glittering with the help of the passing streetlights as you drove more into the downtown area of Louisville.  Jack grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. 
“Looks so good on you, mamas.” There was pride in his voice. “I swear I’m going to drown you in the best of the best.  Spoil you rotten.”
You cupped his chin in your hand, your fingertips tangling themselves in his beard. “I’ll spoil you too.  Maybe not with all the fancy things, but I can think of a few other ways to ruin you for someone else.”
Jack’s eyes darted towards you.  “Yeah? Like what?”  That was a challenge and you happily accepted.
You let your hand drop to his lap again, this time right on his crotch.  His legs widened naturally as he groaned. You palmed him through his pants, feeling him harden almost instantly. You took your time undoing his belt, unbuttoning his pants, and zipping them down.  Once his dick was freed, a low guttural moan left Jack’s lips.
“You know, five hours ago you were very concerned about me keeping my eyes on the road.” Jack said, adjusting his hips.
“And you should…” You said, slipping your seat belt underneath your arm.  “Don’t worry about little ol’ me.”
The moment you started to lean over to the driver’s seat, you heard his indicator flick on.
“I’m pulling over.” His voice was so deep it sent vibrations through your hand.  You grinned, continuing to lean down.
It was difficult leaning over with the seatbelt on. It was pushing into your stomach and the bottom half of your chest. But no pain no gain.  You had a mission.  
You stroked him lightly, rubbing you thumb against the tip.  You leaned as far as you could, sticking out your tongue to measure how much further you had to push yourself.  By the time, you had his tip in your mouth, Jack had pulled into the parking lot of a Walmart.  He pushed his seat back a little, reached over to undo your seatbelt, and, as you scrambled closer to get more of him in your mouth, he put a hand on top of your head to guide your movements. It was a lot more bearable for you, resting your chest on the space behind the gear stick with the rest of your body laying flat, feet up against the door. Now, you could get to work.  He threw his head back on the head rest and closed his eyes.  
He let out a breath as you took even more of him in.  He wasn’t always a fan of head. He made that clear to his partners, but also made a couple of comments about it publicly. But you were really changing his mind.  Your head was gentle, but sloppy.  You used your hands. You  weren’t afraid to use your saliva as lube to give your hands more slip. Your fingers added the right amount of pressure to the under side, massaging the prominent vein in a way that made him feel like his soul was leaving his body.  
When you pulled back abruptly, he opened his eyes slowly in a bit of frustration.  That dissipated when he saw the eager look in your eyes as you continued to pump his cock with your hand, your tongue occasionally jutting out to give his tip tiny little licks.
“What do you want, princess?” Jack asked, rubbing your head lovingly.
You smiled. “I don’t want my hard work to go to waste…”
You sat up again only to shuffle over to his seat, bending down to step over the gear shift to sit in his lap. You were going to face the windshield when he guided your hips to turn you around.
“I wanna see that beautiful face.” His voice was huskier than usual and you loved it.  Once you sat on his lap, he quickly added.  “And the girls too. I missed them earlier.”
He pushed up your dress to just above your bra.  He pulled your breasts out with ease. The smushed cups of your bra propped your breasts up right to his eye level, your nipples standing to attention at the cold air.  Your expression and your exposed frame was enough to send him over the edge. 
“Am I in heaven?” He asked, before  he reached in the back seat to grab his bag.  He was fumbling for awhile to get to the condoms in the front pocket.  It probably would have went faster if he hadn’t gotten distracted by sucking on one of your nipples. You didn’t mind so much. You entangled your fingers in his curls and let the moans roll out of your mouth.
He put on the condom and you happily sunk down on top of him.  If Jack thought his younger self would have fainted at the sight from this afternoon, this one would have put young Jack in the grave.  Your breasts danced in front of his face, your stomach slightly bulging at the bottom thanks to his member, and your pretty pussy squeezing for dear life while on full display.  He slapped and squeezed your behind a few times just to make sure he covered all the bases as he captured your lips for a kiss.
“I’m gonna finish way too early…” He confessed, clearly frustrated.  “...slow down, baby.”
“I can’t…” You choked out, your voice shrill.
“Please…” Jack grabbed your hips, attempting to halt your movements.  But damn, you were strong.
“Feels too good and I’m close too.”  Your cheeks were flushed as you admitted. “Something about doing it here…I can’t take it.”
Jack made the mental note as he put his hands back on your behind.  “I can’t argue with that, princess.  Go on, use Zaddy to the fullest.”
“Oh!” It was definitely a shout more than a moan as your hips regained speed, now with the help of Jack’s thrusts from below.
It didn’t take long for you to orgasm and from Jack’s stilted movement you guess he came around the same time if not a few seconds earlier.  The sound of both your breathing was the only thing in the car, not realizing the engine had shut itself off much earlier.  Jack kissed you sweetly, his hand resting on the back of your neck.
“That was sinful.” He muttered on against your lips.  “You really are spoiling me.  Won’t be able to f*ck anyone else, that’s for sure.”
“Good.” You gave him a coy smile as you pulled yourself off of him. 
He fixed your bra and pulled down your dress before tapping your thigh as a sign for you to move to the passenger seat.  He cleaned up himself, with the help of a pack of tissues you had in your purse.  
“You want anything from the Walmart?” Jack asked casually, as though nothing happened. He had already fixed himself up and looked completely normal.
You looked at him incredulously, your thighs still sticky from your arousal.  From the passenger side mirror, you could see that you looked exactly like some who just had sex with her boyfriend in a car.  You were in the process of removing your makeup with a wipe that you also had in your purse. After all, despite your protests, you knew your boyfriend. You had to be prepared for anything. 
But, really, Walmart?  What were you gonna get a juice or something? 
“Actually…” As you thought about it.  “...I kinda do.  Wanna get some snacks or something?”
Jack grinned brightly.  “Yes, mamas”  He leaned in to kiss your cheek.  “I think you’re perfect for me.”
“Ditto.” You stuck out your tongue, before opening the door to sneak out the car. You loved teasing Jack whenever he said really gushy stuff.  The best was a simple “same” or “ditto” to make him give you the annoyed glare you relished in.
Jack exited the car as well.  He watched you speed walk towards the Walmart, looking back comically every second to show him you were messing with him.  He laughed, shouting at you,
“Keep that attitude up and I’ll do you raw on top of this damn car.”
His voice practically echoed it was so loud.  You blushed, your eyes widening. Sure you were a freak, but one in the sheets.  He was ruining your reputation in the streets.
You gasped loudly, “Oh my god!”  You started frantically waving around to the empty parking lot. “He’s kidding, he’s kidding! We’re good citizens!”
Jack laughed, walking faster to catch up with you.  His hands shoved his pocket, with the lucky one absentmindedly  playing with your thong by wrapping it around his fingers.  He could get used to this and, thankfully, so could you.
A/N:   As always with smut, do lmk if I miss anything with the warnings. Also, I wrote a double smut! That was fun doing two small smut scenes instead of a big one. I originally wrote this inspired by the idea of having sex in his childhood room, but the car one came to me while I was editing.  Jack is an amazing muse tbh. I really enjoy writing for him because his personality is *chef’s kiss*.  Can’t wait to read more fics and write more as well :D
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dangercocktail · 3 years
Late Night Television
Tossing and turning for the better part of the night, Isaac glanced at his phone with the dryness of an insomniac’s eyes. Somewhere after 3 am and he was failing miserably to fall asleep. Sighing in annoyance mostly at himself for not taking edibles or something stronger before bed, he roused himself and threw a pair of basketball shorts over his underwear. Isaac wandered out of his bedroom to the rest of the house. 
Stopping briefly to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, Isaac scratched his relatively flat stomach as he made his way to the couch, scrolling through images on his phone. Flipping on the TV, he began highlighting his favorite streaming service when the screen distorted and the input changed. The television had switched to basic cable channels.
“These still exist?” Isaac thought as he took a sip of water. The flashing lights of the television illuminated the room in brightness that almost hurt Isaac’s eyes. On screen, a workout video demonstration was in progress as an extremely fit man insisted viewers call as soon as possible to order the program. 
“No thanks,” Isaac said out loud, pressing the input button on his remote. The flashing lights disappeared and the cool black of streaming channel icons returned. Guiding the remote’s button through them, he began to select one when the screen distorted again. The fitness instructor was back and the volume on his TV began climbing up on its own.
“You there at home!” the man bellowed. “You’re thinking to yourself, how did I get like this?”
Isaac looked at the remote in growing frustration and muttered, “No, I’m thinking what the fuck is wrong with my TV?”
“Well I’ll tell you, it’s because you’re always on that couch,” the television fitness instructor said. “Lazy, feet up, never going for the goals you know you should be!”
As the man said ‘feet up’, the recliner in Isaac’s couch sprang open, leaning Isaac back into the couch and suspending his feet in the air with such speed that it made him audibly gasp.
“The fuck?” Isaac uttered, slightly unnerved. He chalked most of the weirdness he was feeling to being exhausted. As he started to lean forward to push the leg rest down, he heard the man on screen continue.
“And that’s why you’re soft, you’re practically glued to that couch. You lack the discipline that my program can provide. Sure, sure, it started with a few pounds, some extra cookies here, another slice of pizza there, and you started getting soft in the stomach,”’ the man said as other fitness models behind him began doing pushups. Isaac stopped attempting to close the foot rest and immediately leaned back into the couch. It physically felt impossible to not do so. As he sank into the cushions under protest, his stomach began slowly swelling, starting with his lower belly pushing out then wrapping around his belly button like a doughnut. In the span of about ten seconds, he had gained fifteen pounds of belly fat. 
“What the hell?!” Isaac panicked, grabbing at the small ball of fat in his lap. The man on the screen continued.
“But it didn’t stop there, did it? Bad habits breed more bad habits, they’re like rabbits that way,” the man said, his onscreen fitness models moving into sit ups. “Those extra cookies and slices of pizza turn into daily routines; you found yourself seeking out the worst kinds of food that turned that initial fifteen pounds into fifty.”
While Isaac still marveled in shock at the small belly doughnut of fat in his hands, it began swelling through his fingers. The doughnut blossomed and spread around his sides as it moved like a bag filling with pudding. Love handles wobbled into existence and began inflating as the fat moved up his ribcage laying a foundation of frosting-like fat across his torso. It reached his chest where his nipples, tingling with the movement, widened slightly and became puffy. His chest itself developed a slight pudgy layer but then the growth stopped. 
“How is this happening…” Isaac murmured in mounting disbelief, looking down at his larger body. His legs and arms were slightly thicker and his belly now rested like an overinflated basketball in his lap. He grabbed his belly and shook it, the jiggle and wobble of it shaking his love handles and sending slight vibrations through his chest. He tried scooting forward with force to escape the couch but couldn’t get the momentum, his tubby belly making it harder than before to lean forward.
“And ladies and gentlemen, I know it didn’t stop there for you. It’s all too common. Once you’ve gotten a little weight on, you feel like the game is over. That you’ve lost. And that’s when you really binge, because why not? That’s when you become one of those sad people at the buffet, plate after plate after plate, because you’ve given up completely…”
“No…” Isaac uttered as he heard his stomach gurgle again. With a strain and then tear, he felt his ass inflate rapidly, ripping through his underwear and then his oversized basketball shorts. Isaac felt his body rise on the couch several inches as his butt grew, expanding beyond the expanse of the one cushion he was on and starting to lap onto either side, one cheek wedging up against the armrest. As he felt the growth of his behind begin to slow, the mammoth momentum picked up in other areas. 
Isaac’s belly began inflating again, his lower belly stretching and swelling as it began overlapping his crotch, deepening his belly button as it rounded further from Isaac’s view. As his midsection grew to the size of a bean bag chair, Isaac’s chest also began inflating, his nipples puffing up further and widening in a circular motion as his chest jiggled into their own bags of teardrop shaped pudding, rising in the air atop his belly and wrapping around under his armpits. Isaac frantically grabbed at all parts of his body in some vain attempt to hold the fat back but everything was growing unrestrained. As he grabbed and prodded, his own fingers swelled up, the knuckles and individual portions of his fingers disappearing into swollen hot dog like appendages. With a final glance before his belly swelled too big, he saw his feet begin taking on a bee stung appearance as they filled with fat as well.
As all the rest of his body settled into its now obese proportions, Isaac felt a heaviness enter his neck. 
“No no no…” he exclaimed, putting two fat hands on either side of his face. Isaac’s cheeks inflated with fat, merging with a roll that had already started on his neck. As he moved his hands all over his face, he could feel his jawline slowly disappearing as it officially merged with his still rounding neck roll.
The man on the TV continued.
“Now I don’t want to alarm anyone right now. But I seriously believe that if you don’t call this number right now and start this program, there’s no telling what your future may hold. You might end up one of these people so lazy and big they can’t get off their couch, a huge caricature of the potential they once had, a literal ball of fat,” the man said as Isaac looked on in horror. The man seemed to be staring directly at him through the TV screen.
Isaac scrambled to grab his cell phone and call the number. Casting about wildly with his eyes for his phone, he saw the edge of it wedged between his thigh and belly, almost completely obscured. With a heavy huff and a push of effort, Isaac leaned forward to grab it.
His hand fell over a foot short. Issac couldn’t reach the edge of his now massive belly nor touch his own belly button, much less the phone resting on his thigh. And that was when what the man had said fully sunk in. With another gurgling in his stomach, Isaac’s eyes went wide as his body began expanding again, the couch creaking under his massive form as he felt himself expanding in all directions, the fat of his neck melding into his shoulders as he began to grow into a human sphere. His thoughts turned quickly though, as his brain underwent its own change as his body inflated. The horror of his bodily change slowly drained from his mind as a new thought began to take over...‘I’m hungry.”
“So act fast folks, this offer won’t last….”. 
With that final statement, the TV clicked off.
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hufflautia · 3 years
“we’re not just friends and you fucking know it.” and/or “would you just shut up and kiss me already”
Warnings: Smut. 18+ only.
Hufflepuff watched as Slytherin shut the door behind them. He's mad, she thought, suppressing a smirk. This is gonna be a long night.
Slytherin walked over to where Hufflepuff was sitting. She mindlessly drummed her nails against the wooden table, not bothering to meet his gaze. She knew his eyes were on her. They always were.
"Why did you bring me to your room," Hufflepuff sighed. "We're missing the reunion."
Slytherin ignored her question. "What kind of bullshit was that?"
She tilted her head, feigning an innocent look. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I just told Gryffindor that you and I are friends."
He leaned in with his hands resting against the arms of the chair, trapping her in. His hot breath kissed her cheek as he spoke.
"We're not just friends and you fucking know it."
When they had made the mutual decision to have sex with no strings attached a couple of months ago, Hufflepuff was fine with it. But there was an instance where she had waken up earlier than he did and her eyes were drawn to the way soft puffs of air left his lips. And then she began laughing at his jokes more. More than once, her heart raced uncomfortably fast at the feeling of his lips dragging torturously slow over her bare skin. She brushed this off and reasoned that other people would have a similar reaction. But it got to the point where she laid in bed at night with the sweet lull of sleep nowhere to be found, for she could not stop thinking about him. It was then that she knew she had done the exact thing she had forbade herself to do. She had fallen in love with Slytherin Lestrange.
Slytherin never seemed to realize. He couldn't even notice the difference in the way she kissed him or the fact that her eyes clung to him when he laughed or flashed one of his signature smirks that she had initially found to be annoying; she now considered it to be one of his most endearing qualities.
But now Hufflepuff was fed up. It was annoying to love a guy who was totally oblivious. So when Slytherin brought her to his room at the hotel they were staying at for the class reunion, she was gonna make it hurt. She wanted him to feel how frustrating it was to be with someone who was clueless.
"Friends with benefits, maybe." Her tone was icy. "But nothing more than that."
An unreadable expression washed over his face and Hufflepuff furrowed her eyebrows. What was that?
"Okay," he said slowly. "Then why didn't you say that?"
"Are you kidding me?" She sat up in her chair. Their faces were inches apart. "Did you really want me to tell Gryffindor that we're fucking?"
He smirked.
"If it'll let him know that you're mine."
The word sent a searing hot sensation through her body, the heat between her legs becoming harder to ignore. But she refused to let him have the satisfaction of knowing the effect he had on her.
"Why are you so pressed about this anyway," she said, changing the subject. "It's only Gryffindor."
"Gryffindor," he growled, the tenor of his voice making her uncomfortably needy. "You mean the guy who's been trying to make a move on you since fifth year?"
"That was years ago," she exhaled before she stood and walked towards the window. She gazed upon the view. "This is our class reunion. He's probably gotten over his little crush by now." Hufflepuff ignored Slytherin as he walked up behind her. His torso pressed against her back.
"He definitely didn't," he glowered, "and we both know it."
A teasing smile pulled at her lips. "Good for me, I guess. Maybe I'll pay him a little visit later tonight."
Hufflepuff had to bite back a laugh when she felt him tense up - it was so easy to rile him up sometimes. Her smile faded when he slipped his hands around her hips.
"I'll ignore what happened with Gryffindor," he said coolly, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. His hands slid under her dress, and Hufflepuff hitched her breath as they slowly traveled towards her cunt, leaving a touch of fire. The air in her lungs seemed to disappear at his next words.
"Because he's not the one fucking you senseless every day."
Her resolve began to crumble as his hands skimmed along her inner thighs, coming dangerously close to her clothed clit.
"He's not the one whose name you cry out at night," he continued. "He doesn't know how to touch you, where to touch you. He doesn't know how to make you scream." Hufflepuff gasped when his thumb met her clit. Her head fell back against his shoulder as he made slow circular motions over the bud, giving her the pleasure she craved. His erection pressed against her back as she whimpered and mewled under his touch.
A whine escaped her throat when he suddenly drew his hand away. Confused, she opened her eyes and turned. His hands were still on her hips as he watched her, a smirk on his face.
"Gryffindor," he drawled with dark eyes, "isn't the one who memorized every curve of your body. He's not the one leaving you begging for more. He doesn't know how good your tight cunt feels around—"
"But you do," Hufflepuff breathed. "It's you who knows how to make me feel good." The corner of his lips lifted smugly. Her cheeks were flushed as she gazed up at him. "Now would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
Slytherin stepped closer until their chests touched, their breaths meeting each other in the middle.
"Admit we're more than friends," he murmured, "and I'll do more than just kiss you."
I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN SOMETHING THAT SMUTTY BEFORE OH MY GOSH I CANT COUNT HOW MANY TIMES I LAUGHED BC SOMETIMES I LAUGH WHEN IM NERVOUS. is it bad that i listened to Call Me By Your Name while writing the ending:'). i actually have written something smuttier when i was drafting this fic for someone who requested sly and huff's first time. i havent finished but that's 10x more smutty than this.
This had more angst than I expected lmao I would've continued writing but this fic is long enough already and I also liked how it ended. But if I HAD continued, I would've addressed the angst situation and continued the story with something like this:
A somber expression washed over Hufflepuff's face, and she looked away. Slytherin furrowed his eyebrows, not expecting this reaction. He gingerly touched her hand.
"What do you want me to say, Slytherin?" she murmured, keeping her gaze on the floor. [would've written something that flows well to the next paragraph and insinuates that Hufflepuff is like "what are we to you?"
He didn't respond immediately, [would've written something that signifies his confusion, like he didnt understand what she was asking but then he does]
"I..." [would've written more dialogue but I don't have any ideas rn. i was about to realllyyyy think about this and then i stopped myself and was like jess stop it this isnt an official part 2, just wing it, ur getting way too ahead of urself]
-something happens where sly says you like me and huff is like ???? HOW. DO U KNOW. and then sly brings up this time when huff kissed him softly and she gets defensive-
"You kissed me back!" she retorts.
"I did," he said coolly.
She blinks, making the connection.
"You did," she repeats.
^basically insinuates that yes,he kissed her back, so he lieks her too and huff just realized that (via the "you did") and then i wouldve thought of a way to transition that and make it fluffy and then they fuck but i leabe the ending ambiguous like how i had left the original story. also i kinda hinted that sly liked her too by including this line: "An unreadable expression washed over his face and Hufflepuff furrowed her eyebrows. What was that?"
And that's the end, folks! Hope you enjoyeeed
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Breaking The Ice
Chapter Three
"He's picking up speed so fast!"
Reki held his fists up, clenching them in anticipation as they all watched the race take place on the screen before them. Tonight was Joe's time to shine but it seemed that his competitor wasn't going to give him the spotlight that easily.
"I've never seen her skate before. She's amazing..!" Langa beamed watching as Flag Girl used the edge of a small cliffside that led a path downward to perform a frontside noseslide. Once she was a little closer to the bottom she kicked her board up to get a little bit of air and landed out in front of Joe, taking the lead."
"It's been quite a long time since she's been in an actual beef herself so when word got out that she was finally racing again it's all that S has been talking about for the past week," Cherry explained while silently judging Joe's performance; arms crossed over his chest. 
They were talking for good reason. For as long as most of the younger skaters could recall the woman would often be the one to wave the flag to signal the start of a race or just skate around in the area with a friend or two but now she was out there challenging one of the founders of S and it was clear that she had been holding out on them.
"Why has she been holding back all this time?" Reki wondered, seeing that they were nearing the factory soon. "If she's this good I figured she would have been showing off a lot more."
"I don't get into people's business but I believe it had something to do with an injury that took place a while back but while she was building up her confidence again she still wanted to participate in other ways hence why she is known as Flag Girl now." The flower blossom man spoke before making a disapproving comment about the way Joe calculated his turn. 
Before entering the factory, Joe had used the last rock wall available to kick off from and pushed his body forward as much as the strength in his legs would allow him to cut in front of Flag Girl once more. You'd think his legs would cave in from doing that more than once but it turned out that his muscular body was able to handle the force a lot more than most could. 
Shifting her eyes around, Flag Girl spotted an extra cable hanging from the ceiling and jumped up on top of the handrail to reach out and grab it. Holding onto her board with her other hand, she swung up onto a beam and placed the board under her feet again while standing on the floating structure. Grabbing onto both cables that held up the small beam, Flag Girl pulled herself back to give herself enough momentum so she could swing her body forward with more force. Riding the beam around in a half-circular motion around the room, she was able to catch up with Joe who had just jumped the first staircase and was nearing the second set. She turned the beam in a vertical position long enough for her to roll off of it and fly down in the direction of the finish line. It was a close call with her and Joe neck and neck but to the crowd's excitement, Flag Girl was able to win her first race now that she was back in action again.
"You had me worried there during that last section." Flag Girl turned to the man beside her, catching her breath and wiping the sweat from her brow. Felt kind of good now that she was cooling off.
"I wasn't expecting you to be so reckless but, hey, these folks love a good show," Joe smirked, not at all upset that he lost. The blonde turned out to be a much better competitor than he thought.
While more people came up to congratulate Flag Girl, Joe went to meet up with the rest of his buddies, finding them just as hyped as those down in the factory.
"Who would have thought the woman was such a beast?" Shadow commented with Miya saying that she was already better than him.
"Your posture is poor as always." Said Cherry as he spotted Joe approaching the five of them. "I thought I had Carla tell you the best stance to be in while approaching those sharp turns, but do you listen? Of course, you don't, you reckless buffoon."
"There's just no pleasing you, is there Miss Priss?"
Joe went to swing his leg out from under Cherry's feet but with a quick sidestep and calling out to Carla to hit the man's other leg that he still stood on, Joe ended up on the ground after losing his balance from the force. The two adults often bickered like children instead of acting their age but would then turn around and enjoy a drink together from time to time. They were certainly a strange pair.
"I wonder how much upper body strength she had to use to pull herself up onto that beam?" Langa questioned himself, causing the redhead beside him to sigh and shake his head.
"Don't even think about it." He warned, already knowing what his friend was considering. "You don't have to copy every trick someone does and besides what she did was most likely a one-time thing." It had been badass though so he didn't blame Langa for wanting to try it. He would have attempted it himself if there was a guarantee that he wouldn't slip and break a bone first.
 "I don't copy every trick." Langa tried to defend but even he knew he had a habit of trying out the more dangerous stunts that he would see other skaters perform. He wasn't sure how he was able to pull off certain moves since a lot of them were different from the snowboarding techniques that he's grown so used to but it was still really fun and having his best friend there with him made it an even more exciting adventure.
The skatepark that Miya texted the others to meet him at was one quick train ride away near the pier where a lot of surfers would hang out at. Shipwreck Paradise was an indoor ocean-themed skatepark that Miya started coming to again after it was recommended by his manager to practice his skills. He had come here a few times before with his former friend and almost didn't come back but he honestly missed this place and the chances of running into Takashi here were rather slim. He had gotten here early to have more time to work on a new trick so, by the time Langa, Reki, and his sister walked in he had already begun to work up a sweat. 
"That place is so cool looking!" Koyomi was referring to the outside of the building that was made to resemble a shipwreck to go with the theme. The inside was made to look like you were under the sea with a few other structures of ocean creatures here and there. She had only been to the local skateparks that were in her neighborhood so she was glad that Miya wanted to meet someplace different. There were so many ramps that she was itching to try.
"Miya! Hey!" She greeted while the other two stayed behind to pay for a couple of lockers to hold all of their stuff.
"You guys are late," Miya replied, pausing to take a sip from his water bottle. "What level would you say you're at in boarding?" 
"Level? Well, my brother has been teaching me a lot more tricks ever since I nailed my first ollie and I think I'm getting the hang of it! Slowly but surely." 
Miya didn't expect her to be much of a challenge but still wondered how far she could have possibly gotten with a slime like Reki coaching her. He supposed the older teen had some talent but he was still lacking. It sounded like she was a level two at best. Koyomi was asking him where they should start when Reki came and stopped her from going any further.
"Hold on Koyomi, you still need your helmet and pads."
"Do I have to wear them?" Koyomi frowned as Reki began pulling out her gear from the duffle bag that he carried. "You hardly wore that stuff."
"True but it's mandatory here so we don't have much of a choice." He would have preferred not to wear them either but at least they were able to bring their stuff from home instead of having to pay for a helmet they would only use for a short time.
Telling Koyomi and Miya to go on ahead while they put their stuff away, Reki walked off with Langa in the opposite direction hoping that the younger two could have a little fun together.
"I knew they were close in age but somehow I didn't picture Miya and Koyomi hanging out one day," Langa spoke, adjusting his helmet as they walked. He felt that it would only slow him down but today they weren't racing or anything. They were just here to have fun so he didn't mind all that much.
"We only got involved with Miya because of S and my sister still has no idea about it so if it wasn't for us I suppose they wouldn't have crossed paths." Reki looked over his shoulder, watching as the younger two got on their boards.
Miya wasn't the kind of person to become buddy-buddy with someone right away. He could be an arrogant brat but he could also be a good kid and he trusted that Koyomi would be able to see that too. He never pictured them hanging out either but maybe it was about time the two of them did.
"He's going so high!" 
"I want to do that too!"
Langa had wanted to go on one of the bigger ramps that the park had and was testing how much air he could gain from soaring up so steep. From the group of kids gawking at him from below it was safe to say that he had no struggle while testing his limits. Reki stood on top of the upper platform of the ramp admiring the light blue-haired male himself. Langa had told him that he would often imagine himself still snowboarding even while skating. He had unintentionally combined his two favorite hobbies in life and his hard work was paying off. There were times when Reki could still see snowflakes falling around Langa and his breath would get caught in his throat from the sight almost every time. He didn't quite understand why that was. He just knew that seeing his best friend having so much fun would often bring out a smile on his face.
"You should give it a try now." Langa panted, having grabbed Reki's hand to help pull him up where he was standing instead of falling back down to the center of the ramp.
"I got this." Reki beamed with a closed-eye grin before getting into a starting position. Taking a deep breath, he pushed his foot down on the nose before taking off down below and soon flying up on the other side. He still wasn't quite able to get the amount of air that Langa did but he was doing a lot better and he had started regaining his confidence again since his last beef with Adam. The man hadn't shown up to S in the last few weeks but he wasn't concerned about it.
"You're doing great Reki!" Langa called from the other side so that he would hear him. He never realized or cared how skilled he was. He only cared that Reki was with him and back when he wasn't answering his calls or texts and wouldn't even come up to the roof to have lunch together like they usually did; Langa felt crushed. He knew he had broken his promise not to skate against Adam but he hadn't been as intimidated by the man and thought him to be a worthy opponent. Langa didn't understand why Reki felt like he wasn't good enough. Reki had always been an amazing skater in his eyes ever since that first day when they bumped into each other on the street and the redhead did an ollie right over him. Reki was the one who got him into skateboarding in the first place and he couldn't be more grateful to the other boy for changing his life for the better.
“This is the trick my brother started teaching me.”
Moving forward at a steady pace, Koyomi placed both of her feet on the nose of the board and bent her knees a little while holding her arms out on either side of her. Now that she was in a position to jump, she did so and had her board flip through her legs before clumsily landing her feet back on the deck. It wasn't perfect but she was able to land the trick without slipping and landing on her butt or knees this time so that was good enough for her.
"Almost had it! Did you see Miya?"
Taking another sip from his bottle, Miya gave a slight nod. It looked a lot like the gingersnap move that he showed Reki how to do not too long ago. Did he have to rely on a kid to teach him a few tricks before he was able to show his sister how to do it? 
"Isn't that move a little advanced for you?" Miya wondered, setting his bottle down to the side and placing one foot on his board; inching it back and forth slowly as he continued to listen to her speak.
"Maybe." Koyomi shrugged. "I don't necessarily do things in order now that I have all the beginner stuff out of the way. I just find a new trick that I think is really cool and my brother either teaches it to me or we learn it together if he doesn't have it down yet himself. I'd love to learn a whole lot of other moves if I can."
They always had such a good time together. She didn't want to stop skating with her brother but sometimes she wished her friend would give it a try at least once so she could have a pal to skate around town with but she still wasn't interested. At least she had been supportive and helped patched her elbow up that she scraped when she tried to jump a stair set at school and bailed in the process. That had been embarrassing.
Seeing that there were some stairs in the distance and knowing Miya was ready to take off again, she nudged his arm with her shoulder before pointing at what caught her attention.
"Do you know how to jump those? I haven't had the chance to practice on big sets much but it looks cool when I see others do it."
"Of course I do," Miya answered with a slight roll of his eyes, adding that it was child's play.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that you're supposed to be some advanced skater." Koyomi rubbed the back of her neck, feeling embarrassed for a moment but it went away as quickly as it came. Now she wanted to see him skate. "If you're as good as you claim to be, how about you show me how it's done then?"
Miya wasn't necessarily interested in watching her slip up since he had a feeling she was going to try it after him, but it was just one set of stairs and he supposed that he could work it into his favor. 
"Alright, I'll show you." Miya agreed to her delight. "You said that you haven't had a lot of experience with them, right?"
"Just the ones in front of my school and the ones at the skatepark near our house but they were shorter than these," Koyomi answered, thinking that maybe it was a good thing she had her pads on if she planned on trying to go over them.
Nodding his head, Miya had her follow him towards the stairs while he made a deal with her. 
"I don't know if it'll give you motivation or whatever but since I know you won't get it right away, I'll buy your lunch if you can nail it at least once by the time Reki and Langa meet up with us but if you can't, you have to buy my lunch. Deal?" Miya let a small smirk form as he held out his hand, already knowing that she would accept.
There was a good chance that she might not be able to pull it off in that amount of time. She had been busy lately learning other tricks so she's become a little rusty when trying to jump a set of stairs. The bandage on her elbow was proof enough of that. But, whatever! She was up for the challenge and there was no way she was going to let him win by default because she was too chicken to take him on.
Grabbing his outstretched hand, Koyomi grinned and said that it was a deal.
"You're on!"
"I can't believe they sell poutine here," Reki spoke as he shoved a few fries into his mouth from the shared dish he ordered with Langa. He had tried poutine recently himself and found that he really liked it. He knew that it was Langa's favorite food so Reki let him eat more of it while he turned his attention to the hamburger that he also ordered.
"Is that all you want?" Koyomi questioned Miya who sat beside her, nibbling on a chicken nugget while checking his phone to see that his manager had messaged him, asking if he was interested in doing another interview. He had ordered a small box of the nuggets along with a soda which didn't look like much compared to the pile of food the other boys had ordered.
"Just be glad that you didn't have to pay a lot."
She supposed that she should be grateful for that. If only she could have had a little more time! She knew that she could have landed it without slipping off her board but the sound of her brother calling out to them and asking if they were ready to grab a bite to eat signaled that their little bet was over and she had unfortunately lost much to her displeasure.
While Koyomi worked on trying to jump the stairs without landing wrong, Miya kept practicing the same trick as earlier and already had it down for the most part. He just wanted to perfect it now. He had kept an eye on Koyomi and watched to see how she was doing whenever he would get back on his board. Even after showing her the best way of doing it twice, he already knew the outcome. It was an easy win but it seemed to push her to keep trying. Much like Reki who rarely backed down from a challenge either. He wasn't willing to throw her a bone just yet but maybe she was at a higher level than he originally thought.
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poweroverflowing · 2 years
Decided by Destiny
You watch as the storybook characters play out their scripted lives, day in and day out.  As though fettered, they stick to their routines; they fulfill their roles - or lack thereof. They do what must be done to keep the main beats of their storybook life going. But what happens if something new and different were to be introduced by an outside force? Will they continue on as if nothing happened? Or will they instead break? Perhaps you might be inclined to find out. [Grants Reason +1]
“Gee, it sure is boring around here...” Odin muses to himself, downtrodden in expression while he watches the common folk go about their day. The town is packed with people, yet not a single one of them seemed to have much of a soul. He strides around for some time, looking for something--anything--he feels he can really interact with. He tries waving in the face of a woman walking her children, yet receives not a reaction back. He gives a man at a fruit stall a poke on the arm, yet he continues on repeating the same line every fifteen seconds like a broken record player. Hands on his hips, and he’s stumped. The man blows out a puff of defeated air, eyes searching the area for something to do. “Is this what happens when humans are born without being given a name? ...Do they all lack a soul...?” 
And then, an idea. A crazy one, but it’s Odin. Crazy is just about what you’d expect from him, “I know! What this town needs is a villain! An antagonizing force to disrupt their mundane lives!” Now who could that be? Odin’s normally the one to play the hero, not the bad guy! But another quick glance around reveals that nobody else would be willing to step up to the plate. He sighs, figuring that with no real people to see him, it wouldn’t hurt to expand his depth of character a little bit. Without any passerby to stop him, he’s free to dash on over to the town square. Up and onto the fountain he goes. His boots get wet doing so, but from the point of interest he begins to pace in circles and decree, gazing out into the crowd with great fervor, “Hear me, puny mortals! This village is now being occupied! MWA HA HA! You heard me right! I, the greatest evil doer who ever done did, will henceforth be making your home my lair of doom! All will fall before my dark powers, so be prepared to--huh?” 
There, in the distance! A tuft of blonde hair, known to Odin like the back of his hand. It’s Ophelia! Yet it can’t be! She should be back in Nohr, reveling in the peace of a hard-fought war. But then again... He got here through a devilish trickster in Ophelia’s home country. It’s entirely possible that she stumbled upon the same book as he, and wound up entangled in the same mess. The father’s face scrunches up as he thinks on this for a while, stopping his circular motion in its tracks. Ophelia’s smarter than that, much smarter. There’s a chance this might not even be her! He has to test her, and what better way to do that than to keep up the act and engage her as a villain? 
“AHEM,” his voice darkens, really trying to sell the bit, “You, way in the back! Don’t think I’ve failed to detect your presence! Did you really think a Chosen One would go unnoticed in my heinous lair of nefarious flames?! HA HA!” Down he leaps, slowly pacing for the Nohrian mage. Odin is too wrapped up in his fantasy to notice, but the townspeople are beginning to react to the spectacle. Many stop what they’re doing to watch by the sides, while some even cower in fear as he approaches. Soon he’s within normal talking distance, yet in typical Odin fashion, insists on still yelling, “So we meet at last! I am Oberon Dark, Damnable Dealer of Superdeath. You must’ve thought yourself a genius paragon, but I am afraid you’ve walked right into my trap! Using my most wicked move, Cyclone of Ghastly Torture, I will end this valiant fight!”
Right. End the fight that’s... Only beginning. It can probably just be assumed that Odin means he’ll beat her with but a single move, but you ought not to put it past him to just be skipping to the good part. He readies himself in a stance, holding his arms up wide to emulate the eyewall of a tropical storm. He begins to inhale air, making a sort of ‘FWOOOOOOH’ sound. This is an indication that he’s both charging up the move, and giving Ophelia the chance to deliver her line.
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hrh-prince-butt · 4 years
lazy mornings
have some disgusting tooth-rotting fluff. as a treat <3
“We should probably get up.” 
Alex groans, making no effort to move. He is laying so comfortably, his head resting on Henry’s chest, one arm draped across his body. Henry’s hand is in his hair, following his curls in little circular motions with his fingers. Alex doesn’t see a reason to get up, ever. 
“Alex, love,” Henry tries again, though he doesn’t seem thrilled at the prospect of starting the day, either. “We can’t stay in bed all day.” 
“Why not?” Alex demands, his voice muffled as he presses his face against Henry’s bare chest. Neither of them is wearing any clothes, he notices with delight. 
Henry sighs, tugging playfully at Alex’s hair. Alex opens his eyes, squinting at the sunlight pouring through the bedroom window. 
“It’s 10 AM, already,” Henry notes, lifting his hand from Alex’s head to look at his watch. 
Alex lifts his own hand to Henry’s, lazily intertwining their fingers. “So?”
“Our friends are coming over later.” Henry moves both of their hands to his lips and gives Alex’s a soft kiss. “Did you forget?” 
“Ah, fuck,” Alex swears under his breath. He had, in fact, forgotten all about that. “That’s not until much later, though,” he argues, lifting his head slightly to look at Henry. He lets his non-occupied hand glide over Henry’s chest, giving him his best and most charming smile. To his satisfaction, Henry practically melts under his gaze. “We can stay in bed a little while longer, can’t we, baby?” 
Henry huffs and tries to look annoyed, but he can’t quite stop the smile tugging on his lips. It makes Alex smile too, and he has the sudden thought that if he isn’t kissing Henry on those beautiful lips within the next two seconds, he will drop dead. 
He hoists himself up on one elbow and leans in to kiss Henry, who drops his hand in favour of wrapping his arms around Alex and pulling him closer. Once they’re both out of breath from kissing, Alex lets himself fall down onto the bed again, regarding his boyfriend with a giddy sort of grin. He looks so fucking beautiful, sprawled lazily on the bed, aesthetically grazed by the sunlight that fills the room.  
I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, Alex thinks to himself, his grin only growing wider. I get to wake up next to this beautiful fucker every day. He is about to open his mouth and offer some embarrassing sentiment about how lucky he is, when Henry sits up, rubbing his face with a yawn. 
“I really do need to get up now,” he says, smiling briefly at Alex before standing up. “Nature calls.” 
While Henry is in the bathroom, Alex manages to untangle himself from the sheets and get out of bed, though it’s in a much less graceful manner than Henry. He rolls over the edge, and lands on the floor with a thud that startles a disgruntled yelp out of David, who had been blissfully asleep until now. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, before immediately feeling stupid for talking to a dog. He swore he would never become like those crazy pet-obsessed white folks who celebrate their dogs’ birthdays, but there are pictures on his phone of a certain beagle in an adorable birthday hat that proves just how badly he has failed at this. He 100% blames his boyfriend. It’s kind of incredible how many little quirks and habits he and Henry are accidentally picking up from each other. 
He can hear the water running from the shower, so he figures it will be a while before Henry is out. An excellent opportunity to surprise him with breakfast. Not that he really wants to get up and cook right now, but the smile on Henry’s face will be worth it. 
By the time Henry comes into the kitchen, his hair still damp from the shower, Alex has set the table, ready with scrambled eggs, bacon and sausages, and is pouring a cup of tea into Henry’s favourite mug. The mug itself is really nothing special, but he knows the value it holds to Henry. It was custom-made by Bea, and sent to him during this year’s pride month - the first pride month where he was able to be openly and authentically himself. It has the words gay as a maypole written underneath an illustrated rainbow. 
“God, this smells bloody incredible,” Henry says, and there’s that smile Alex loves so much. 
“Morning, sweetheart.” Alex sets down Henry’s tea, as well as his own cup of coffee, on the table in front of them. Henry sits down, eyeing the sausages hungrily, but before he can scoop any food onto his plate, Alex comes up behind him, putting both arms around him and leaning down to kiss the top of his head. “Love you,” he mumbles against Henry’s still-damp hair. 
Henry leans his head back to look at Alex, with eyes that are a fucking bottomless ocean Alex can’t help but get lost in. “I love you too.” 
They eat breakfast mostly in silence, but it’s the comfortable sort of silence that doesn’t need to be filled. Henry frowns a little when Alex gets out his phone to check the news, but seems to decide it’s not worth arguing about, and instead pulls over a book from across the table and starts reading. He’s still reading when Alex has finished skimming headlines for anything interesting. 
Alex watches him silently for a few pages worth of reading. Henry is too focused to notice, his brows knitting closer together in concentration. Every once in a while he chuckles or sighs or rolls his eyes and Alex’s heart swells with affection. 
It gets a little frustrating eventually, though, not being paid attention to, so he reaches out for Henry’s hand, the one that isn’t holding the book. “Baby,” he whines, and Henry looks up, with an eye-roll that’s now directed at him instead of the book. 
“Oh, sorry, love,” he says, a smile playing on his lips. “I forgot you go into panic mode when you go ten minutes without receiving attention.” 
Alex huffs indignantly, but he doesn’t really have anything to say in his defence. “So, give me attention then,” he says.
Henry finds a little flap of paper - a post-it note with a short to-do list scribbled on - and puts it between the book’s pages like a bookmark. “You’re a menace,” he says fondly, putting down the book.
“Thank you, darling,” Alex says, winking dramatically. 
That earns him a laugh from Henry, soft and crystal-clear and the most beautiful fucking sound Alex has ever heard, and he’s once again overwhelmed by the feeling of holy shit, I am so fucking lucky. This time he doesn’t waste time, he just says it, not caring if it makes him sound stupid and sappy. 
“I’m the luckiest person in the world,” he says, realizing with embarrassment that he actually does care a little bit about sounding stupid and sappy. He can feel his cheeks go red and he quickly looks away, down into his empty coffee mug. “I mean, you have a nice ass,” he mumbles. 
Henry touches a hand to his chin, nudging it up so he’s looking at him again. To Alex’s annoyance, he’s grinning smugly. “You have a nice ass, too.” 
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shinsurou · 4 years
omg omg omg I absolutely love ur work\(//∇//)\
And I have a question! Do u think u could make daddy! Suna giving reader lesson after they didn’t behave? Thank u🌞🤌 also ur poggers 😼
omg thank you so much! i really appreciare it. and folks you heard it here first, ams poggers hehe! ☺️✨
pairing: suna rintarou x f!reader
warnings: face slapping, impact play (spanking), spitting, ddlg, over use of the word bunny ig
words: 747
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“Tarou, please, ‘m so sorry,” you whined but were quickly cut off by another harsh slap across your face. Tears puddle in the corner of your eyes again while Suna softly caressed the red spot on your cheeks with his thumb.
“Bunny, this hurts me more than it hurts you, but how am I supposed to teach you a lesson when you can’t even address me right?” the hand around your throat tightens while Suna gave you a stern look. A low chuckled escaped his throat when he felt you swallow hard at his words.
You tried to speak again but Suna wouldn’t let you. Congratulations, daddy’s fuming.
The grin on his face grew once he had decided on your punishment.
“Open,” his voice echoed through your head, you earned yourself another slap when you did respond fast enough.
With tears now streaming down your cheeks you obediently opened your mouth only for Suna to pucker his lips and spit right into your mouth. Greedily you swallowed the foreign fluid and then present your empty mouth to him. A content hum from Suna filled the room.
“What a good bunny you can be if you want to,” he said mockingly. His hand around your throat let loose before he fully removed it. Relieved that you air flow wasn’t restricted any more you took a deep breath.
“Let’s do a ten count and call it a night,” confused by his words your head rolled to its side while you gave Suna a confused look. Only a ten count? And then call it a night? Nothing more?
“Oh, after what you did today you think you deserve to be split in half by my cock?” he chuckled amused while pulling you over his knee. The perfect curve of your ass presenting itself to him. Without hesitation Suna landed a rough hit on one of your cheeks.
“One,” you counted, biting your trembling lip, and hoping that if you are being extra good now that he might change his mind. You know it is hard for Suna to resist you, especially when you do exactly what he wants you to do.
Suna landed another harsh slap on the same spot on your ass, the sting jolting through your body and a painful whine slipped past your lips. Luckily Suna decided to ignore your little sound and let his hand harshly meet your cheek a third time. Your soft skin was already irritated, most likely leaving one big bruise later. How are you possibly able to take ten hits when three already broke you so much.
Another slap.
Another one.
“Seven!” you mewled unable to take anymore. Suna clicked his tongue, clearly disappointed. He really poured all his love and strength into each slap and soon enough your ass turned into an angry red colour.
“Only three left, you can do it bunny,” he tried to encourage you, but you just shock your head.
“D-daddy, it hurts too much, I can’t.” you hiccuped turning your head to look at him. His darkened eyes met your teary ones, and it took you a second to spot the mocking pout he wore on his lips. There is no use in trying to get out of your punishment early, you wouldn’t learn your lesson if he gave in now. Gently he petted the irritated skin with his palm in a circular motion. He whispered a few encouraging words to you before lifting his hand again and roughly brining it back down on your ass. However, he had a little mercy on you and hit the neglected cheek.
You thanked him internally. By now you were a sobbing mess, your tears mixed with the drool that was dripping from your mouth. Your own tears started to sting and you to squeeze them out only from the to burn on your skin, yet it’s moments like these you enjoyed the most, which gave you the pleasure you needed.
Another slap tore you back into reality.
And one last time.
Quickly Suna scooped you up, so that you are sitting in his lap and facing him. He started to kiss away all of your tears and carefully cupped your brusing cheek while whispering all the praise he got to you.
“Did we learn our lesson?” he questioned while you snuggled up to him.
“Y-yes daddy, I won’t do it again.” You babbled quietly while the comfort of your husbands embrace engulfs you.
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shinsurou © 2020 | all content and it's right belong to me, please don't repost or modify
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Let No Man Steal Your Thyme - Chapter Seven (nsfw)
Hopefully you’re as excited for more of this as I am to share it! It’s nsfw pretty much straight off the bat, so please make sure you’re old enough to consume that (18+).
We have some feels ahoy before the plot picks up again.
I’m envisaging maybe two or three more chapters, but it might go longer. I’ll do a full re-edit before I post it up on AO3, so you folks are technically my beta-readers! Thank you :D
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six (nsfw)
When dawn came creeping in through the still-open curtains of Draco’s soulless bedroom, Hermione rolled over, just barely-surfaced from sleep. Naked — which was unusual for her in bed — and better rested than she could ever remember being, she sighed and yawned like a kneazel in the sun.  
Her breath caught a moment later when she glanced to her left and saw the way Draco lay fast asleep on his back, his lips softly parted, white hair tousled, and with the duvet pulled halfway down to expose his gorgeous, marble torso. His left hand rested on the pillow beside his face with his fingers softly curled, and his right lay splayed on his stomach. Chest rising and falling softly, he didn’t stir as she shuffled to place her head on his shoulder, but about fifteen minutes later, while she was trailing her fingertips across the uppermost scar on his chest, he inhaled deeply and blinked awake.  
With a wordless hum, he smiled, raised his right arm for her to duck beneath it, and drew her close to him. “Wasn’t sure you’d stay, Granger,” he mumbled, and oh, his voice was delicious like that — all husky and vague with sleep.  
“Why ever would I leave?” she chuckled. “Comfy bed, nice apartment, great view of the city…” she looked up at him and added, “Oh, and only the most handsome man in all the world beside me…?”
To her delight, Malfoy flushed hot and looked away, but he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. She popped up onto one elbow, chasing after him, and kissed the slight indentation in his cheek that was almost a dimple, until he turned his head back and kissed her shyly, almost affectionately. It suddenly felt as if he were trying to fend her off with a barrage of little retaliatory kisses, and she loved it.  
“You want some breakfast?” he asked when she drew back, still giggling like a teenager.  
Breakfast had definitely not been the first need to which her body had drawn her attention, and a moment later, he blinked again and saw it too. Hermione sank her teeth into her lip and tried not to squirm under the new intensity kindling in his silver eyes. 
“Oh,” he smiled, and this time it was a broad, sly, confident smile that made her insides twist in anticipation. “Oh I see,” he purred, and he stroked his left palm down from her shoulder to caress her bare breast, thumbing teasingly over her hardening nipple, and then he leaned over to take it between his lips. He sucked and then raked his teeth over the sensitive bud, and she yelped and bucked, falling helplessly back into the pillows amid a wild mass of curls.  
For a while, Draco did little more than simply worship her all over with his touch, peppering in a few kisses and sucking a mark on her collarbone that would last for hours. Finally though, his fingertips found their way between her thighs and she parted her legs for him.  
“Oh, Granger,” he whispered in reverent surprise when he discovered how wet she was. “Look at you. You’re practically dripping…”
She whimpered when he ran his fingertips through the wetness around her sex, and reared her hips up until he pressed her back down into the bed. “Shh, Granger,” he crooned. “I’ve got you.”
Then, resting his head on his right hand to create the impression of casual nonchalance, he propped himself up on one elbow and began to work her gently with the fingertips of his left hand, all the while watching her intently.  
She could feel the power of his gaze on her body as she writhed and gasped, chest heaving, magic sparking along her veins in response to his touch. “God, Malfoy —” she choked when he eventually slipped two fingers inside her, only to withdraw them again a second later. “Tease…” she griped.  
Draco raised his eyebrows and didn’t stop his slow, decadent, teasing rhythm. He didn’t speed up though either. “Mmm?”  
She cracked an eye open and stared at him. He looked like a vision — a reclining Classical statue come alive — and were it not for the intense, watercolour flush creeping up his icy chest and neck to give him away, she might have thought him utterly indifferent, utterly unmoved by what he was doing to her. As it was, he kicked the duvet down a moment later to reveal just how interested and how hard he was, and rolled half atop her. There was a darker spot in his tight boxer-briefs that made her mouth water.  
With her left thigh clamped between his, Malfoy leaned over her, pressing his lean, muscular body against hers and rolling his hips against her for a little friction. He dipped his fingers inside her again, and this time, he stayed there, buried knuckle-deep inside her. With his fingertips pressing against her inner walls, he began to pulse the pressure against her, matching it with caressing circles with the pad of his thumb against the underside of her clit. In no time at all, heat began to wash through her, over and over, building with the speed of a great wave.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you?” he crooned right before he bit her earlobe none too gently.  
A guttural grunt left her and she arched upwards into him. One handed, he shucked his underwear down just enough to free his flushed cock. A cool bead of pre-come dripped down onto her inner thigh almost immediately and she almost sobbed at the sensation. “Please, Draco… please,” she gasped, shaking, teetering right on the edge but needing just a little more.  
“Come for me then, Granger,” he said, picking up the speed of his fingers inside her just a little and brushing his thumb across her clit in a circular motion until she thought she was going to die from the intensity of it.  
White hot tendrils coiled around her spine and between her legs until it all crashed over her and she arched and came with a broken cry.  
Draco didn’t wait. He slid her legs further apart while she was still convulsing with pleasure, and seated himself inside her. “Oh… Fuck… Granger,” he hissed through clenched teeth. “Oh fuck, you’re perfection… gods, you’re so tight, you’re —”
“Move, Malfoy,” she murmured. “Please… I want… I want you to… to… oh gods, yes, like that…”
Malfoy held nothing back. What began as a languid roll, deep and intense, rapidly gained momentum until he was sweating, and with each thrust, she clenched tighter around him as sparks still danced across her vision. He bowed his head, slamming into her, and as she hooked her knees up to let him catch her even deeper, he choked out a grunt and his hips faltered. Pressed tight against her, he spilled deep inside her with a near-silent snarl of pleasure.  
When the peak of his orgasm had rolled through him, he slumped forwards onto her chest and braced his weight on his elbows. Through the crackling of her magic along her nerves, she realised that he was kissing her collarbone and shoulder, and then when his breath tickled her neck, she giggled and squirmed and he drew back with a soppy smile on his face.  
“Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t realise that the great Hermione Granger was ticklish.”
“My biggest weakness, Malfoy,” she whispered dazedly. “Don’t tell anyone.”
“Really? And I thought First Editions were your greatest weakness.”
She laughed. “Close second, perhaps.”
“Well, at least your birthday present will be an easy one,” he said, making no move to withdraw from her or to stop kissing her shoulder and what he could reach of her chest.  
“I think I’ve found your weakness, Draco Malfoy,” she murmured quietly a few moments later.  
“What’s that?” he asked, even as he pressed his lips to her jaw and raked his teeth over her pulse.  
“Not just kissing,” he said, rolling his hips one final time before sitting up and withdrawing. “Kissing you.”
She couldn’t help but smile at that.  
Draco's eyes dropped between her legs and she twitched as he ran a fingertip around her entrance. “We made a mess,” he murmured, apparently fixated by the sight of his seed slowly sliding from her onto the sheets.  
He nodded and she followed him from the bedroom to the en suite, tying her hair up in a bun and locking it in place with a fairly hefty charm. At the tingle of magic in the small, icy bathroom, he glanced back and his breath caught audibly.  
“What?” she asked, freezing with her hands still raised at the back of her head.
Draco looked like he’d been thunderstruck for a moment and then he relaxed and laughed, stepping back over to her and taking her waist in his hands. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered fiercely, kissing her mouth and then bringing his palms up to cup both breasts, kneading them gently, rolling her nipples briefly between his thumb and finger before holding her close. “That’s what.”
Their shower took three times longer than it should have done, and Malfoy came once more, and Hermione twice, before they were drying themselves off and thinking about breakfast.  
“I don’t have anything other than my dress from last night,” Hermione pouted. “And before you suggest it, I’m not wearing nothing, Malfoy. Your flat is bloody freezing.”
“You could borrow something?” he said. “I keep a few spare shirts here at least.”
With a smile, she crossed to where she’d bared his beautiful body the previous night, and picked up the crumpled white shirt from the pale carpet. “This will do for now,” she said and watched his eyes darken.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he muttered. “What am I supposed to wear then?”
She shrugged. “One of those spare ones, I guess?”
After she’d tugged it on, she drew the collar up to her nose and inhaled. The fabric skimmed just down to her hips, and once she’d pulled her underwear on, she looked up to find that Draco had rather pointedly busied himself in the wardrobe.  
“What’s for breakfast then?” she asked. “I have to be honest; it doesn’t look like anyone lives here… Do you even have any food?”
“No.” He chuckled and turned around as he slid his arms into a cornflower blue shirt that did startling things in contrast to the grey of his eyes. “I don’t come here often, it’s true. If you give me a few minutes, I’ll apparate home and grab some ingredients.”
“You’re going to make me breakfast?” she asked, unable to keep the surprise from her voice.  
Instead of being offended, Malfoy twitched his lips into a lopsided smirk. “I have it on authority that I make the best pancakes in England, Granger.”
“Oh? And whose authority might that be?”
“Well then,” she said, and turned to head into the living room while he finished buttoning up his shirt. “I can think of no higher praise. I’ll help myself to a book, and await your return, if I may?”
“Make yourself at home, Granger,” he called from the bedroom. “I won’t be long.”
The air warped, and he vanished a heartbeat later.  
Alone in Draco Malfoy’s flat, Hermione took a deep breath. Effervescent excitement suddenly coursed through her and she bit her lower lip. She’d had partners and a few one-night-stands since leaving Ron, but she’d honestly never had sex like that in her entire life. It wasn’t just that Malfoy clearly knew what he was doing, and had been only too happy to focus on her pleasure as much as his own — if not more so — but there was a rightness to it all that she couldn’t define. Gone was the self-centred, noxious youth he’d been at Hogwarts, and in his place stood a quiet, thoughtful, sincere man in his thirties. He’d always been pretty — even back at school — but Malfoy had truly matured into something exquisite that left her dizzy and, she realised with a jolt, happy.  
Her magic felt comfortable here too, as though it had found its equal in Malfoy’s own magic, and was perfectly content in its presence. The constant vigilance of the War had long faded, but as the ex-minister for magic, she had had some run-ins and security issues before, regrettably even in the bedroom. Now, however, her magic seemed calm, restful, almost sated.  
To distract herself, she meandered around his flat for a while, though she hadn’t been exaggerating when she’d told him it was cold. Goosebumps shivered up her legs and she cast a quick warming charm as she crossed to a bookshelf in the living room and paused to peruse the titles. To her surprise, there was a single Muggle volume among them; Great Expectations.  
It fell open willingly in her hands to a page in chapter eight, and her eye was drawn down the page to a slight darkening of the paper. It was as though a fingertip had been traced over the text repeatedly. Had Malfoy thumbed through to this passage repeatedly then? Her eyes skimmed the paragraph and she inhaled softly.  
Under her breath, she read it aloud, “Though she called me “boy” so often, and with a carelessness that was far from complimentary, she was about my own age. She seemed much older than I, of course, being a girl, and beautiful and self-possessed; and she was as scornful of me as if she had been one-and-twenty, and a queen.”
Hermione stared at the passage and pondered its significance to Draco.  
The soft shimmer of the air in the living room behind her made her jump and she whirled around to find Malfoy standing there with a small cardboard box in his hands. “Ah,” he said when his eyes took in the book she held. “An old friend.”
Hermione goggled openly at him, the open book held loosely in her fingers. “You’ve read Great Expectations?”
“Mmm,” he hummed, turning away and moving into the large kitchen. “Many times.”
“But… why?” she blurted artlessly as she closed it with a snap and slid it back onto the shelf. “I mean, Dickens is a Muggle author. You didn’t even know who Emile Brontë was at Theo’s!”
“Oddly enough,” he said from the kitchen with evident sarcasm, “I find a lot that’s relatable in Estella as well as Pip. And I found that copy in the library at the Manor. I believe it belonged to my mother.”
“Well,” she exclaimed from the doorway in a dry, playful tone. “Though I find myself compelled to point out that Estella’s behaviour isn’t exactly her fault. Pip himself says she was raised by Miss Havisham to hate men.”
“True,” Malfoy said, shooting her a pointed look over his shoulder before he stooped to fish out a frying pan from a low cupboard.
Ah.  The knut dropped and she admitted, “Ok, yes — I can see how being raised to hate an entire group of people just because your parental figure told you to might have a certain resonance for you…”
Malfoy’s lips twitched in wry confirmation.
“Have you ever seen the 1946 film?”
Malfoy paused at that and then frowned. “No.”
“Next time, we go back to mine. I’ve got it on DVD. It’s a classic.”
“If you say so,” he said, looking a little anxious — probably due to the mention of unfamiliar Muggle technology, she reasoned — but there was a curious light to his silver eyes too.  
“Unless, of course,” she said carefully as she came over and peered into the box without looking at him, “You hadn’t intended for there to be a ‘next time’…”
Already pale, Malfoy somehow managed to go a shade lighter — or perhaps greyer — and he swallowed thickly when she glanced sidelong at him. “I… I had hoped…”
Guilt shot through her chest and she smiled. “Good. So had I. Now, what can I do to help with breakfast?”
Malfoy closed his eyes and drew in a long breath through his nose, as if steadying himself.  
Instantly, she rounded the corner of the kitchen island where he’d plonked the box down, and brought her hand gently to his hip. “Draco?”
He looked down askance at her through his white-blond eyelashes. Evident relief mingled with the last remnants of his uncertainty, and she thought vaguely that it was like being stared down at by some kind of mythical creature. Wary and defensive, he observed her hopefully, and her heart cracked a little.  
“I’m serious about this,” she said and laid a hand flat on his chest. “I never would have expected it, given… everything, but… this feels right, Malfoy.”
He shifted his attention from the box of ingredients and turned to face her, bringing both his hands up to frame her face before sweeping them back over her wild hair. Wordlessly, he stooped and kissed her.  
When they drew back, his eyes were bright, pupils huge and dark, and he was smiling again. “You can make tea then, Granger,” he said in a rough voice. “Top cupboard to the left of the sink.”
He watched her walk away from him, eyes lingering on the hem of his shirt where it skimmed her thighs. He obviously enjoyed the sight of her wearing nothing but her underwear and his rumpled clothes from the night before, but then, to her slight surprise, Malfoy collected himself and proceeded to make pancakes from scratch, and the only magic he used was to heat the pan.  
Leaning on one elbow, seated on a bar stool beside him at the kitchen island, with maple syrup, lemon juice and sugar, and a stack of thin, delicious pancakes between them, Hermione let her fork dangle between her fingers and looked up at him. He hadn’t touched the maple syrup, but he had made significant inroads into the stash of lemon juice and sugar.  
“So…?” Hermione said carefully. “Are you going to tell Scorpius about us?”
His jaw clenched momentarily at that, and he sighed. “I should,” he said. “I don’t want him hearing it from a tabloid or another student. He should know that his father is seeing someone, but…” He broke off with a little wince that had nothing to do with the sharp lemon.  
“You’re worried about how he’s going to take the news?”
Malfoy nodded. For a while he didn’t speak, but she could see words brewing and left him to figure it out. Eventually he croaked, “For eleven years, it’s just been us two and the house-elves, and my mother. I… He’s had so much change with starting Hogwarts… I’m afraid he’s going to think I’ve abandoned him or something.”
Hermione’s vision swam as tears swelled in her eyes. “Oh Draco,” she breathed, spine slackening in sympathy for him.  
He offered her a tight-lipped, slightly watery smile, and said, “He’s everything to me, Hermione.”
“I know,” she said. “I know. I don’t want to come between you and your little mandrake…”
Draco snorted. “If you ever call him that to his face, he’ll probably sneak a flobberworm into your dinner…”
“Let him try,” she laughed. “Seriously though, Draco, take your time. I obviously want to meet him properly, but I don’t want you to feel any pressure, alright?”
Draco reached across the table and took her other hand in his. Again, she noted the nicks and scars on his fingers and the slight spatter of stains that Snape had after years of being potions master. She didn't bring it up, but she wondered all the same.  
“Thank you,” he rasped. “I…” he took a huge inhale, held it for a moment, and then released it. His shoulders slumped and he bowed his head a little without letting go of her. “I really want this… this thing between us… to work, Granger.” Looking vaguely nauseous though, he added, “But… I’m terrified of fucking up.”
Sliding off the stool, she abandoned the remnants of her breakfast and came to stand behind him. Resting her cheek on his back she snaked her arms around his middle where he still sat on his stool, squeezed him gently, and to her relief he laughed softly.  
“Just be honest with me, Malfoy. Whatever it is, promise you’ll always be honest with me, and you won’t fuck up.”
He nodded. “I promise.”
Chapter Eight
To be continued! Don’t forget to let me know what you think, and help a relative newbie (at least to contributing anyway) to the fandom out by reblogging!
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tu-mint · 3 years
A/N: Sooo I’ve been meaning to share my Mortal Kombat stuff on here for a while, I wanted to wait for the movie to come out first 😅🤣
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TW: mentions of torture & sexual assault
In which Shang Tsung and the Black Dragon are officially put down and Earthrealm's defenders are able to return home, but Raelynn is stuck in her thoughts, but one of the young Kombatants is able to help her reconsider the negativity in her mind. (Based around MK11 & Aftermath but w/ a twist?)
Raelynn knew this all too well. With her entity as a half god, a change in time would do nothing to erase the horrifying memory in her mind back in the Black Dragon's dungeon -- at least, that's what it felt like. Hours upon hours of nothing but brutal beatings, each kick, punch, and swing as harsh as the last. While it wouldn't have hurt too much being that she was stronger than the average mortal, the bindings fused with the dark power of Shinnok's amulet extracted much of her godlike strength and left her as a helpless bait to be shredded and mauled at by the jaws of vicious and starved predators, desperate to take a leap at the prey before them. It still seemed unbelievable how she was alive even after all the bruises and cuts and blood...but she managed. After all, those shallow wounds were all but nothing comapred to--
The demigoddess shivered involuntarily and inhaled sharply. Thankfully, everyone aboard was too immersed in their own activities to notice her sudden actions, but she knew she wasn't stable enough with where her thoughts were treading. Her eyes searched for her son who was currently speaking in a group of the younger Kombatants. A yellow strip of cloth with an intricate design she couldn't make out was fastened around his bicep, and she wondered where it had come from until her eyes peered at the young male he stood beside. Takeda, son to Kenshi and pupil under Grandmaster Hasashi, was missing the usual yellow band that adorned his head as a reminder to those that he was a member of the Shirai Ryu clan. His short onyx locks blew freely but he didn't seem to mind all that much, instead grinning down at Haru who wore the cloth proudly. Cassie and Jacqui mirrored the telepath's reaction, the blonde pulling out her phone and snapping a picture. The sight warmed her heart and she was thankful the young fighters didn't look upon her son with irritation, but rather genuine care and happiness. When Haru had told her of the adventures and stories spent with them, a pang of guilt struck her for the early misjudgement on her part, believing they were just frivolous juveniles that only gained their high positions due to the status of their families.
Wishing not to allow her brooding to draw unwanted attention, Raelynn slipped silently to the back of the ship. Her efforts did not go unnoticed by Raiden who stood near the hull of the ship, but he decided against speaking with her in that moment.
He recalled the time he had found her, bound like a dog and covered in welts and lacerations big and small. She was curled into a ball, shaking and burying her face into her knees. It was then Raiden became aware of the state of her clothing, torn and barely covering her form as if someone intentionally ripped and pulled at it to expose more of her. Immediately he slipped out of his own robe and pulled it across her trembling form, respectfully averting his eyes. As he helped Raelynn stand to her feet, his eyes widened as countless more bruises and marks made themselves visible, tiny splotches of smooth brown skin barely surviving. These people had clearly put her through a very long, thorough beating, and it was evident that they were in no means hoping to show mercy. No, they wanted her dead. Raiden had teleported into the SF ship and rushed her to the infirmary room. People cleared the way immediately and knew better than to question his sudden appearance as he brushed past them while carrying the barely conscious woman to a bed near the back. He knew the Kombatants would be able to handle themselves well, so he stayed and began the healing process.
It was during this time he realized that Raelynn was no mere mortal, but a half god created by the hands of Cetrion. While it was difficult at first for him to fully trust her said intentions due to her creator's betrayal upon the Elder Gods, he had seen her heart's purity during the mission. The thunder god knew that she was making the best of efforts to redeem herself of past mistakes, and Liu Kang recognized this as well. A twinge of concern fell upon him just then as he knew that she still had much she needed to recover from. Whether she would eventually open up to him or not didn't matter, he would be patient and assist her as best as he could.
Raelynn took a seat upon the thick wooden rail and swung her legs over to face the bloody depths of Netherrealm's ocean. She wasn't afraid of falling nor coming across any odd sea creatures knowing that she had flying abilities, but of course she also wasn't dumb enough to try and test her strength or reflexes. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked on at the overlapping waves, allowing her mind to space out and roam. Her fingers tapped on the rail in a rhythmic pattern, and she suddenly was reminded of something. Her hands came together and moved in a circular motion, stretching further until the form of her solar powers had become a guitar. She clutched the neck and hugged the body of the instrument under her other arm smiling to herself.
Upon visiting the islands of the Pacific in the past, she had learned about the aspect of music through vocals and tools that produced a pleasant audio. The demigoddess found that these brought her a sense of peace and tranquility, and immediately she wanted to learn the ways of this fascinating revelation. What came as an interest to her in the beauty of music was the endless techniques for a new sound, new sensations, new reactions, and day by day, there was always the creation or discovery of another. She allowed her fingers to delicately pluck and strum a mix of chords, a tingle settling in her chest at the euphoria beginning to wash over her. Her hands moved on their own accord, finding a steady tempo and following a pattern with an occasional switch. The nerves that built up in the pit of her stomach had eventually disappeared into wisps of nothingness. Her eyes began to slowly close and she hummed quietly wanting no attention to be drawn to the back of the ship. It seemed to work decently, until-
"Wow, you're part god and a singer? Gotta say I'm definitely jealous."
The woman’s fingers froze in place already in position to strum a new chord. She craned her neck just enough to glance over her shoulder at the intruder, already knowing it who it was. “My life is nothing to be envious of, Specialist Briggs.”
Raelynn heard footsteps tread closer and tapped on her guitar. The younger woman climbed onto the rail and threw a leg over the other. They sat for a moment in silence, staring off at the deep scarlet waters swishing and rolling about. “I owe you an apology, Specialist.”
Jacqui’s eyebrow quirked and her eyes fell upon the half god. Raelynn took her silence as a sign to continue. “I apologize for my behavior towards you and your friends throughout most of the mission. Even after I had caused harm upon your lives and nearly killed your fiancé, you still ensured trust in me. That I could never understand, but-"
"It wasn't easy." The half goddess shifted her attention to the soldier. Her face was impassive as she watched the waves. Raelynn couldn't tell if her expression was a good or bad thing, but she decided against trying to get her hopes up. A great deal (if not all) of her acts under Cetrion were cruel and groundless, and she held no anguish up until the time she had to come face to face with the truth of her doings. It tore her day and night, and meeting Hajoon had her convinced that she would be able to leave the life of corruption far behind and start fresh. Of course, the facts couldn't be hidden forever, and the half goddess found herself back in the deep hole of falsehood, surrounded with nothing but fabricated offers to a better life. She scoffed mentally. That opportunity was officially closed off to her. It seemed as though disaster was always a few steps away, eager to ruin her chances at something sound, and risking it a third time was nowhere near appealing.
"There were many instances where I questioned why the Chosen One defended you to such an extent, especially after it was SF that provided for your recovery." Jacqui's voice had brought her out of her thoughts. "Trust me, I was beyond ready to blast a hole or two through your head a hell lot of times." She paused. "But spending time with Haru and hearing your whole deal...I understood you." Raelynn's brows raised slightly, not expecting such a considerate response.
"I couldn't imagine a life finding out that the one who was supposed to be my caretaker, my protector, my safe haven, was actually the one who robbed me of all that. My mother..." Her words trailed off and she peered down into her lap. She tightened her jaw and bit her lip to keep from releasing the tears awaiting just behind her eyes. Raelynn almost reached her hand out in an effort of comfort but stopped, not wanting to ruin the intimacy in the moment. Jacqui lifted her head and continued. "Man, it would kill me if she'd ever done something like that...growing up believing that everything was all good and sweet, and everyone just hated her for doing what I thought was the right thing, thinkin' it was my own folks who were the crooks trynna steal me away and take my power from me..." She scoffed. "Seein' my dad as a revenant then manipulated by Kronika was betrayal enough, and it hurt like hell. Point is, I realized that you truly had no malice in you. You were just takin' orders and tryin' to keep your mother—uh, Cetrion, happy."
And it was true. Raelynn trusted completely in the virtue goddess as any child would their guardian. She worked vigorously in carrying out the Elder Goddess' wishes, longing to eventually gain any sort of praise or affection, but it was rare that those occurrences came to past. Most of her upbringing revolved around unanswered questions and the constant urge to do better, trying at all costs to win approval. But like a fool, she allowed her heart to get the best of her, put her through the worst of hells just to seek out a foolish desire that would never be anything close to genuine. That's what messed her up in the first place, and she couldn't—no, would not dare to do something as stupid as that again. It was only her and Haru. Nobody else.
"I am...appreciative of your understanding, Ms. Briggs," Raelynn spoke after a long moment of silence. "You and your comrades are owed a huge debt on my behalf."
Jacqui chuckled and shook her head, then turned to look at the demigoddess. "You're damn right we are!" The two women shared a laugh on the rail. "Actually, I believe there is a way to pay back this debt."
"How so?"
"Well, Takeda and I's wedding was put on pause due to this whole mission, and it cost a lot to find decent live music. Cassie offered, but we're trying to have a simple proper wedding, not a drunk karaoke session. And you have the voice of an angel—well, a god in your case. If you can strum a few chords and sing a few notes for a few hours, I'll consider you free of deficit."
Raelynn cocked her head and raised a brow. "That's...that's all?" She figured the woman would request of something more extravagant, like a prolonged lifespan or giving her supernatural abilities. Jaqui nodded and crossed her arms awaiting an answer.
"I...very well, Ms. Br-"
"Jacqui. That formality stuff is weird if it's not comin' from General Blade." The demigoddess was taken by surprise again. She gave a single nod and looked on at the waves which now fell into to a more mellow and calm pattern.
Perhaps it wasn't just Haru and her against the world. Every person aboard had their story, their differences, their fall outs, but they were able to cast it all aside at an effort for peace upon a world that did almost nothing for them in return. Some aspects of the Earthrealm were odd, she thought. It was going to take a lot of time to get used to these people, but maybe, just maybe...
There was a sense of hope.
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The Tray of Fears
Warnings: death threats
"I am going to give you a list Hero," Villain spoke as she paced around the room. "It is quite long, so pay attention."
"Speak," Hero spat from where he was tied to a chair. The position was so awkward and uncomfortable that his legs were cramping. He never thought that Villain was intelligent enough to cause pain in sitting.
"Speak?" Villain echoed and raised an eyebrow. She strolled closer and smirked. "Are you actually trying to boss me around? Stupid. You really are stupid." She made a tsk sound and walked over to her Tray of Fears as she so affectionately called it.
The Tray of Fears was made up of syringes with various drugs, torture tools that included a tazer and a few knives, and even a tarantula.
Villain took a syringe and filled it with a clear liquid. Hero quickly read the bottle, but didn't know what it was.
"What's that?" He asked.
"A paralytic drug," Villain murmured, staring intently at ths syringe. She filled it up to 13 mg, most likely a high overdose, but she didn't care. He was going to die anyways.
Hero jerked backwards. No, no, no. He could not let her give him that. Being paralyzed would make him vulnerbale. And being vulnerable was not what he wanted to be. He squirmed against his restraints, only to add more pain to his body.
"Now, now," Villain said in the best motherly-tone she could muster. "You don't want to exhaust yourself. Besides, the pain hasn't even started."
Her attempt at soothing him only made him more frantic. He pulled so hard against his bindings that the chair began to hop. Villain scoffed- an ugly, evil sound.
"You look like a bunny," she knelt down in front of Hero. "Little Hero pretending to be hippity-hoppity rabbit in his play. So cute, and so endearing." She spoke in a mocking tone that made Hero shudder. Then she spat on him, cruel and disrespectful.
Villain stood up and jabbed the needle into Hero's neck. He supressed a scream. The pain that initially flowed through his veins was replaced by a cold sensation. Panic struck him. He moved his neck in a circular motion, he had to atleast be able to move that.
But, like the rest of his body, the muscles cramped up and his head dangled uselessly.
"Wha' you gonna do?" Hero slurred. Great, now his tongue was paralyzed.
"Slowly, very slowly kill you," Villain murmured as if she didn't care if Hero heard or not. Unfortunately for Hero, he did hear. Loud and clear. If only he could just move, the fear of dying wouldn't be affecting him so strongly.
Dying? Would Villain actually be able to stomach killing someone? He sure hoped not, but deep down, he knew that lives had no value in Villain's eyes- not even her own.
"I wonder how it feels," Villain spoke, "to be paralyzed. Of course I did not test that drug on myself. Did you know that I performed many experiments on some poor, innocent civilian's lives? Poor, poor folks. It was tragic."
"But," she continued as she began to sterilize a knife. "I did enjoy their screams." She turned to Hero's limp form, twirling the knife in her slender fingers. Her dark blue eyes sparkled maliciously. Hero couldn't help but think about how pretty she looked, even though she was literally about to kill him.
"I suppose you are wondering why I am going to run you through with this," she tossed the knife in the air, shooting Hero a grin.
Hero gulped, or tried to. The swallow got stuck in his throat and he began to choke. Villain went around and slapped his back.
"Overdoses are lovely, aren't they?" She murmured. She placed the blade on the spot she punched. Hero stopped breathing- this was it, his death.
But death did not come. Only a sniffling sound.
"V-villain?" Hero managed through his closed up throat.
"I-i," Villain stuttered and let the knife clatter on the floor. "I can't," she whispered and ran out of the room.
Hero could only imagine what cause her to fail to kill him.
And boy did he hope that it would slowly break her until she was just a writhing mess of emptiness.
Neither of them realized, that the Tray of Fears was actually a magical being. One that harmed whoever tried to use it for wrong, making them scared to do their task, but taking control of its next victim.
So when the paralytic drug worked its way out of Hero's system, he stood up and examined each tool.
From that day forward, he was known as a villain.
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mirdance · 3 years
Love Will Teach Us the Way
I wasn't sure if I'd post this to tumblr since I'm just getting started on this platform, but why not! Participating in the Mysme RBB (@mysme-rbb) has been such fun. It was a pleasure to work with Rose. The lovely Ami and the story idea all belong to her! You can see both Zen and Ami staring lovingly into each others eyes in Rose's beautiful rendition of the story. The story on A03 Check out the art to this piece here: Instagram Twitter Summary: Zen plays the part of a wandering minstrel in As You Love It. Even though he isn't playing the main role, he is busier than ever as the sole provider of music for the entire play. He hasn't been able to spend much time with his beloved, even missing out on her birthday, much to her dismay. To make up for it during rehearsal season, he wanders to Ami's favorite spot on campus to serenade her an old ballad. The song Zen sings is based off a 17th century British folk song called Love will find out the Way. Original Lyrics Tune
Zen has had to wear many a unique costume for the spotlight, varying from zentai suits to bear furs to tree branches.  To gain fame in theatre, one must be willing to do the extraordinary and go beyond his comfort zone.  Aka listen to the director’s whims even if he looked absolutely ridiculous.  For William Stilspear’s As You Love It, the costuming was no different than most of his other comedies, save for the absurdly tight tights.  Sure, most bards wore tight tights, but did they have to be this tight?  Zen adjusted the band around his waist once more before buttoning up his shirt.  Even the old guy playing Fairy Number Five was starting to complain, and that dude never complained about anything.
Such was the life of the beautiful and famous.  Zen sighed and checked himself once more in the mirror.  He’d rather not present himself to his beloved in such a way, but he barely had time to visit her before dress rehearsals.  If only he were dressed as a gallant knight.  Unfortunately, for the upcoming charity play, he was one of the only performers who could sing.  This stuck him with the part of the wandering bard.  He wasn’t trying to be ungrateful, but the pants for the bard were even tighter than the other parts.  Not only that, but he’d had to practice guitar day and night.  His lovely Ami understood, but…he still felt bad, nonetheless.  How could a boyfriend miss his girlfriend’s birthday?  He was literally the worst.
He grabbed his guitar case, slung it on his back, and left the dressing room.  The show would present on Ami’s campus, and while he had initially thought it would provide them some much needed time together, he’d only had time for quick kisses before her classes.  (Much to Yoosung’s disdain, as he and Ami had a few biology classes together.  He’d been the reason Ami and Zen even met, but his complaints in messenger about their so-called ‘make out sessions’ were getting on Zen’s nerves.)  Today he knew she would be studying on her break between the Chemistry and Biology building.  The buildings were connected by a hallway that morphed into a floor to ceiling glass dome.  Inside were all kinds of artistic pieces the Fine Arts Department worked together with the science departments on.  There was an old piano no one touched in the back.  He had Yoosung make sure it was in tune a few days prior, not that Yoosung knew anything about music.  Zen had to trust the sounds he’d heard over the phone and hope for the best.
Once he arrived at the dome, he made sure to stay hidden from sight.  The area seemed rather empty of students, save for a couple yawning ones on the couches.  Good.  Not that Zen didn’t want an audience for this, but part of him also wanted the moment to be intimate.  He tip-toed around Ami’s study area.  She was heavily engrossed in the textbook laid before her, and Yoosung was busy whispering questions and showing her a worksheet.  Thank you, Yoosung.  Zen would have to make it up to him later.
Zen made it to the back of the dome without incident.  He sat at the piano and ran his fingers along the keys.  The top was dusty, but everything seemed to be in working order.  He pulled his case off his back and readied his scene.  First, he plucked the strings of his guitar, testing the sounds of the dome and the echo.  He wanted the music to fill the dome while she studied, unknown to his presence at first until she discovered something was up.  He began humming along, adding a few ooos and aaahs until he broke into his song.
Over our mountains
And over our waves
Under floods that are deepest
Which Neptune obey
Over rocks which are the sharpest
Love will teach us the way
He was quiet at first, but his voice nonetheless vibrated through the air.
Where there is no home
For the fireflies to lie
Where no one can roam
Or have freedom to fly
Where the bird dares not venture
Lest herself fast decay
But If love comes, it will enter,
And will teach us the way
Papers rustled in the distance before the clopping of shoes grew louder and louder until she reached him.  Perfect.  He winked and stood from his seat to go over to her.  She looked exhausted with her hair frizzing about her head from the recent harsh rains.  She needed to take care of herself more and sleep more, but he certainly didn’t help with his late-night texts.  He couldn’t help but be drawn to her aura.  Though she would beg to differ, he thought she looked more radiant today than ever with her backpack slung over her shoulder and a pencil in her ear.
He circled her as he sang and played until he returned and rested his foot on the piano seat.  She chuckled and crossed her arms as her cheeks slowly reddened.  She was a shy gal, probably a bit embarrassed by the sudden attention, but he loved seeing her undone and flustered.  He never wanted it to be too much, but today was special.  He wanted to make up for everything he’d been doing wrong, for not loving her enough, for not holding her enough.
You may esteem me
A boy for his might
Or you may deem me
A coward running flight
But if she, whom Love does honor,
Be hidden from the day
Set a thousand armies upon her
Love will teach us the way
He set his guitar to the side and cracked his knuckles for prep for the main crescendo: finishing the song on piano.  It wasn’t the most beautiful song, but he loved the lyrics.  He had to practice it for the play, and it just resonated with him and their situation for some reason.  Even though they were busy and couldn’t see each other, even though they’d been bickering, love would guide them and make them stronger.  He ran his fingers across the keys.
Some try to lose me
By having me confined
Some do oppose me,
Poor thing, to be blind
But ne’er can they break me
Do the best that they may
Blind Love, if so they call it,
Will teach us the way
With no where to sit, Ami dropped her things onto the floor next to him and hoisted herself up onto the piano.  Zen’s heart almost burst as she crossed her legs and leaned towards him.  It was the perfect setting for a masterpiece, and he had to tear his eyes from her chiseled legs to meet her gaze.  (She really did have killer calves, okay?  He couldn’t help himself.)  He cleared his throat and continued.
You can train a hawk
To stoop to your fist
You can train a dog
With prey coexist
The lioness, you can move her
To give her to prey
you’ll not stop the lovers,
They will find out a way.
He finished the song with his left hand and reached out with his other to caress her hand.  “They will find out a way,” he whispered to her before he enclosed his hand around hers.  He brought it to him and gently kissed her knuckles.
The air was quiet a moment as his breathing grew heavier.  She squeezed his hand and grinned as she jumped off the piano and into his lap.  He threw his arms around her, and she did the same.  No words were needed.  They could simply bask in each other’s presence for the moment and lean on each other.
“I’ve missed you.”  Zen broke the silence and grazed his lips across her neck.
“I know.  Me, too.”  She leaned her forehead into his shoulder and sighed.  “I’m sorry for getting emotional the other day.  I know we’ve got a lot going on.” He continued kissing up her ear.  “No, I’m sorry.  I should have put my foot down with the director.”
“You’re both very very sorry,” Yoosung’s voice cracked in the distance.
Ami laughed into Zen’s chest.  Zen was pissed Yoosung had ruined the moment, but he couldn’t be too mad at the guy since he’d helped so much.  Zen ran his fingers through Ami’s hair and kissed her forehead.  The bells outside rang, and Zen jolted with a groan.
“I’ve gotta get back,” he said, leaning over Ami and rummaging through the pocket of his case.  “I have a surprise for you, though.”  He placed a velvet ring box in her lap.  Her legs tensed, and Zen could hear her breath quicken.  Even though he had places to be, he gave her a moment, rubbing her back in circular motions.  She gingerly opened the box to find a stage ticket to his show and a note.
The missing part to this box can be found at my show
Will you say yes or no?
Let me have your answer tonight, princess~
Ami sat frozen with the paper between her fingers, and a grin painted her face.  “I…I…”
Zen stood, carrying his love, and placed a deep kiss on her lips.  “Now, I know how you don’t like to be placed on the spot, so I’m giving you time before you’re really placed on the spot.  Midnight has struck, and this bard has to run to rehearsals.”  He placed her on the ground and wrapped her into a hug.   “I hope I’ll see you later,” he whispered into her hair.
With that, he threw his things together and left in a hurry, leaving a dazed Ami behind with Yoosung to clean up.  Zen had other things to prepare in addition to the play itself, and he could spare no moment longer.  His heart raced into his ears as he sprinted to the theatre, and his unfortunate pants only made the run more uncomfortable.  He knew the director would have it out for him in front of everyone, but Zen didn’t care.  It was foolish, and he was stupid and young.  Yet he could only smile in anticipation for the night, and hopefully, for the ring that would grace his love’s left hand.
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