#is that how her names spelt idk
chiptunepacifist · 5 months
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Live and Learn or sumthin idk lol
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problemswithbooks · 11 months
Shark Genitals & World Building
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So, I've seen this Q&A a few times now and it really got me thinking about Fish-man biology.
Now, to be clear, I think it's pretty clear Oda isn't being entirely serious. When you look at how he designs his characters he goes for whatever is fun. He's not doing extensive research on whatever aquatic species he slaps on his fish-men or Merfolk characters. This is why for a lot of them, if you look up what they are mixed with they rarely share much if anything with the animal he's picked.
Saying a character has two dicks is funny, so Hody has two dicks--that's all.
But taking the answer more seriously the idea that at least some (because they do vary so widely from fish-person to fish-person) have changed genitals because of their added fish anatomy is interesting from a world-building perspective.
As someone who has a special interest in animal biology and has watched a lot of documentaries I can say that fish have really diverse breeding strategies. So, I guess, if Hody can have two dicks because he's a shark, I wonder if this could be true for any other fish-people and merfolk.
We see that at least some fish-people do have children the same way regular humans do, but to my knowledge we don't see any pregnant mermaids. Given how much larger Neptune is then his wife, and how massive Shirahoshi is, I think it makes sense that perhaps like many fish, Otohime laid eggs that were fertilized separately (this is actually how goldfish mate).
It could be possible that the way mermaids or even fish-women have children depends on the father. If they are not compatible in size they can reproduce Ovuliparity (the way I imagine Otohime did), or if they are of similar size they either go the more human route or, after copulation they lay fertilized eggs (like the skate cases often called mermaid purses you find washed up on the beach).
There's also something to be said for the variations fish have with gender. Some fish are capable of changing gender. It's more common that female fish become male (protandry), usually the largest of a group replacing the dominate male in the group. This happens mostly with coral reef fish like wrasses, groupers and parrot-fish.
Meanwhile, anemone fish, like clown fish change from male to female. When the one female dies the remaining male will become female, while an outside male will become that new female's mate.
Then there are Black Helmet fish which are both simultaneously and take turns releasing eggs and sperm when they spawn.
So, if fish-people and merfolk had similarly diverse genders and ways of reproducing I think that'd just be really neat. It could also lead to some fun misunderstandings between fish-people, merfolk and humans.
Of course, I don't think Oda ever put that much thought into it. He just does whatever he finds fun character design wise. I mean, it's not like Arlong has barrels like Sawsharks do, and Jinbe looks nothing like a whale shark. On top of that the story isn't really focused on that type of world building. Nor do I think he could really showcase something that deals so much with sex--even if it is fish sex.
Still, makes for some really great head-canons.
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diah-the-demon · 3 months
Also smth rlly weird happened earlier
My neo nazi neighbours somehow support my transition?????
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bottomoftheriverbed · 2 years
I sent a mothers day card to my nan and i was not expecting it to be so difficult to work out how to address it. I ended up with Mrs [first initial last name] but that still feels wrong because it's like way to formal for a mother's day card from your grandchild but using [first name last name] feels rude idk. Maybe i should have done Mrs [First name last name]?
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m1sa-w1sa · 5 months
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Animal Party!
The harbingers finding out you had a pet
(Some of the animals are tigers lions bears sharks etc etc, characters might be a bit OOC cuz this is kinda a crackfic but if yall want more srs ones lmk)
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For him Lets say you had a pet bear it would go kinda like this, since you and him live in a big house you wanted a big backyard, he never knew why but he Never said no, his siblings could run around there so when he came home from work you were not anywhere to be found.. until he heard you call someone a “goodboy” from the backyard, his bow was already drawn as he would have a stern expression on his face until he saw you with a bear. “[NAME]…” “So i forgot to tell you…” “WHY DIDN’T YOU THEM ME SOONER?! HE’S SO CUTE!” overall tatamis loves the bear
For Scaramouche you had a cat a fluffy white one, this time you went over to visit him with your cat just hanging out in her purse “Took you long enough-… What the fuck is that..” “Its [CATS NAME]…” I deeply feel like scaramouche would be jealous if the cat took to much of your attention but would warm up to the cat, not enough to not show at least a HINT of jealousy
So You had a spider for this (if you dont like spiders then imagine something else) and again you went to visit her, Arlecchino actually does like spiders (or just insects in general based on voice lines) so wheb she sees one crawling on you she was surprised that you had one just hanging around, She doesn’t mind it and also gets close to the spider, Leney (idk if i spelt his name right) almost killed it becuase he thought it was creepy😞
You have a silly little snake!!! This can go either way you visit her, she visits you..OR she sees it slithering around and she calls you over “[NAME]! WHAT THE FUCK—“ “Signora! You found [SNAKE NAME]! Thank you!!” Signora would be surprised and confused..how can you live with that…THING?! Why is it built like that… Signora is ALRIGHT with your pet she isn’t to fond with it but would take care of it for you
You have a cat! Not the small one a BIG one so.. a lion for him you TOLD him you had a cat..just not what KIND of cat “Pantalone do you want to see my pet?” “Of course [NAME] it cant go that bad..” It went that bad, when he came to visit you and saw a whole ass LION he froze when did you get the beast?! “Ha..[NAME] you said you had a cat..” “I know! This is [LIONS NAME]!” “Why didnt you say that you had a lion?” “It was less fun..” hes alright its pretty tame, (might get a little jealous from all the attention the lions getting…)
Simple way to put it, you have a shark said and done same with Pantalone you TOLD him just not that detailed in your words “Dottore you like fish right? You wana meet mine?” “Sure, I suppose it wouldn’t be that much of a hassle..” Well when he cane over he wondered why your house had a pool in the backyard, until he saw the fin sticking out of the water “See Dottore? This is [SHARK NAME]! “You said you had a fish” He doesn’t really care for it because he doesn’t go swimming often or study the oceans yet but he isn’t going to tell you to give it away
You had a swan, a elegant animal it was plain and simple so there isn’t that much convincing that the animal WONT hurt them, You and Columbina have hang outs (aka dates..) by the pond, She only REALLY opens her eyes around you (she wears the mask so she wouldn’t fall in love with someone else again but your a exception) and saw that you had a swan with you she was like a kid in a candy shop in her eyes it was a perfect animal for someone as perfect as you! She loves your swan and has a good relationship with it
You had a hamster (a FAT one) it was just in your hands eating sunflower seeds (ofc it is..) as you were going to find your beloved Sandrone “[NAME] whats the dust in your hand for?” “Its my Hamster!” “What..” Sandrone is sarcastic so she does make jokes how its a fucking FATASS but she secretly thinks its cute and would do anything for that little fur-ball
You have a fox! I feel like when he found out you didn’t know he was off today, so you were outside playing with your little fox friend while he looked at you, even if his face was covered he had a small soft smile who ever knew that his s/o could be so cute..but he doesn’t know much about taking care of animals so he loves hearing you talk about it and slowly warms up to your fox!^^
Last but not least! You owned a monkey (or a spider monkey) but you and your monkey go EVERYWHERE together so its not hard for him to figure it out, since you two starting dating he was introduced to your monkey, he doesn’t mind that silly little fella he just wants to spend time with you and sometimes when your off doing errands or something else, your monkey just hangs out with Peirro, one time, Peirro had the monkey on his shoulders while in a fatui meeting (I feel like any of them would take your pet to a metting when there good with them, besides the shark… sadly)
(We are finished! I really hoped you enjoyed this!!^^ Tags: @jadestone2 )
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ihaveforgortoomany · 24 days
Reverse 1999 and child soldiers (just rambling) (global friendly)
It doesn't take long for anyone to realise most of the cast (excluding awakened, entities like Voyager and AlienT, and people like Eternity) are young: ranging from most being 17-16 with adults around their 20s and Shamane currently being the oldest (excluding the above) at around 40. (Edit hes 45 thanks for clarifying)
Alright you say, this is a gacha game ofc the characters would be around these ranges and we hope every patch to get character that is above 40 (wdym someone like Tooth Fairy isn't 30? Same for Kakania and Isolde, how are they 19 and 18 respectively?For example). Hey I would like more older characters too, but I think the ages are partially intentional if we look into lore on a thematic level.
Ok. We already know the Foundation, Laplace and now Zeno (though it was ofc from Lilya) they produce child soldiers, workers and scientists:
Vertin is the Timekeeper at 12
Sonetto probably became a field investigator around 14-16 at best (correct me if we have a better frame of reference)
Ms Moission in her character profile apparently was a field investigator at 14. (I spelt her name wrong I think)
Mesmer Jr started working at the age of 12
As of the release of the Zeno anecdote we know Lilya around 14 was already in field missions and has seen the state of war.
(Probably could include X, Horrorpedia here but I don't have much info)
What am I getting at? Characters being young in their fields of work is completely intentional, one due to the Storm in the case of the Foundation as the first had taken nearly the entire workforce (plus Child Labour Laws) so in desperation to maintain numbers and order the age to become investigators, soldiers and scientists became much lower. I don't know if the SPDM existed before the Storm but the way it functions primarily serves to replenish those lost workforce.
And two: the perception of arcanists and the importance placed on the manifestation of their arcane skill as young as possible.
We see this in the case of Mesmer and Isolde/Trista.
Mesmer Jr once she was tested to see if she had her arcane skill immediately was set to manage mentally unstable patients at the age of 12. (She alongside Vertin probably needs the most therapy)
For Trista this was the seance her mother brought to at the age of 3, dying as a result and leading to her mother with Isolde to delay by 3 years. (Acting as if that was a mercy which it really is not)
There is an emphasis on an arcane families and arcanists maintaining their societal status/ relevance through children developing their arcane skills as soon as possible plus the idea of childhood and working is flipped on its head with the presence of arcanum.
Ok idk if worded that bit correctly but in short: our idea of when a child should be working (which is never) or the time someone should be in teaching before they get into a profession (TF, Kakania and Madam Z) is warped and absent in R1999. For Kakania, shes 19 but I would argue this is because of how she had dropped out and decided to be an unlicensed doctor. Most characters being younger is the result of arcanum being present in the world.
Moreover there is a general theme of lost childhoods/ forced to grow up fast in the younger cast. Exclude characters like Ezra, Matilda (so far) and Spathodea since they are relatively fine/ not deeply traumatised. Everyone else, Vertin, Sonetto, Mesmer Jr and characters like Eagle, Monlicht, Oliver Fog were forced to grow up fast despite their young age.
Summary: characters being in younger age ranges either being literal child soldiers or certain adults being relatively young is the result of the devastation of the Storm alongside the different perception of age in the arcanum world, there the manifestation of your arcane skill seems to be used as a sign of maturity and readiness to be thrown into work (Mesmer and Isolde being put om their respective career paths at a very early age) (or your Constantine celebrating the erasure of Child Labour Laws)
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mattluvsmarni · 5 months
Fanfiction Truth
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Summary: You knew Matt for as long as you can remember, but what you didn't know is how he'd react after catching you reading fanfiction about him.
Warnings: smut with a plot, p in v, making out, slight humiliation, swearing, unprotected sex.
A/N: This is my first fic on here. Idk how i came up with this i just thought imagine if his s/o in the future were to see the things that are written about him and ofc my mind went to filthy places. anyways i hope this fulfils ur expectations, enjoy lovlies!!
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You lay on your stomach aimlessly scrolling through Pinterest for the last 3 hours, you adjust yourself, sitting upright , and shaking your arms to let the blood flow again. you and Matt were supposed to hangout but he's running late. you pick up your phone to check if matt has texted– nothing. You find yourself thumbing through posts trying to stay busy.
You come across a post reminding you of a comment section about matts fanfictions. You drop your phone to pick your laptop up again, search his name in tags, and scroll judging by titles until you find one. 
as you read, you can feel your eyes slightly watering and the light coming from the screen suddenly being a bother, 
Her and Matt are in a club. 
The lights are low, they’re intoxicated, his hands on her hips, not an inch of space between they’re bodies, they’re moulded into one.
 her head thrown back, he's breathing in her ear. 
his hands running up and down her body. 
you sit back, your thighs pressed together. this is matt, your matt, the matt on his way to innocently hang out with you right now. and this is what you’re doing? You stare at the screen for another minute contemplating your choices , but you're already wondering what's going to happen next. 
he snakes his arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. 
she can feel him growing in his pants. 
she can feel her arousal soaking her panties, as she tries to squeeze her thighs together while continuing to grind and sway, 
 He's teasing, toying with the hem of her skirt. She tightens her grip on the material around his biceps, as her nails dig into the skin of his around her waist.“Matt, please” she breathes.
“Please what” he teases
“I need you, please.” 
‘“In any situation your manners are still in use, such a good girl aren't you?” he coos.
“For you? Always.” she admits, spinning around to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Yeah?”, He chuckles, “you’re going to have to hold out for me until we’re home though.” he mockingly pouts, smoothing his hand down your back to lightly squeeze your ass.
This was getting you all hot and bothered. you’d be lying if you said you weren't imagining present day you and Matt. 
Matt and you unintentionally ended up at the same college, after he made your early school years more horrible than it already was. Now being ‘older and wiser’ which he claims to be he finally grew a pair leaving him with a want to rectify his history with you . This includes hanging out from time to time, trying to form a healthy friendship, and seeing where it goes from there. 
but reading that and always having nothing other than your fingers to help you get off. Makes everything you just read sound so perfect. You’ve had your fair share of fantasies when it comes to Matt. Seeing it all spelt out and in front of you made you in need of something real. You just wanted to drop to your knees in front of him, and beg to please him. Have him laugh in your face, call you pathetic, and shove his dick down your throat. 
"Fuck" you whisper shout, running a hand through your hair, your thoughts were out of control. You slam your laptop shut. pacing around your room, up till your movements are interrupted by a notification on your phone. 
I just pulled in 
After taking a minute to exercise your breathing. You slip on your slippers running down the stairs, the buzzer goes off right before you can hit the button.
Letting him in, you notice the bag of snacks in his hands before looking up at him to see that small, but genuine smile. He pulls you in for a quick hug. "Sorry Chris needed me to take him to eat before I came over."
You can't even look him in the eye and he's apologising for running late. "no, no you’re good, come on up." you exclaim, shaking your head of all unwanted thoughts.
lying on your backs facing each other. you guys fell into a chain of laughs and good conversations with your playlist playing in the background. "I'm glad to finally have you sitting here listening to my music."
"Stop acting like I hog." he gasps, "I let you play music."
 With a quirk of your eyebrow, he quickly adds, "sometimes."
"name one time." you insisted.
Turning his head in the other direction. He tries to pretend he's in thought when really, he's trying to hold back a smile. 
"Mhm exactly" you strongly emphasise, "I'll never understand why though my taste is significantly better than yours."
"yeah?" He argued
and that one word took you back 2hrs, reminding you of what you read earlier.
You sat up clearing your throat, "yeah."
"Let's not lie to ourselves."
"Denial is the sickest disease" rolling his eyes at your comment. He goes to gather all the trash into a single bag, Brushing you off with a distasteful grumble.
"Can we start looking for a movie to watch?" He asks
"Of course! start looking." you call out on your way out to grab a soda for the two of you.
You walk back into the room to Matt and inch away from the computer screen, his eyes quickly moving from one side to another. 
"Here" you chuckle, handing him his drink
"Who needs movies when we could just read these" he suggests.
Every bone in your body goes rigid. You completely forgot to clear the tab. "Wait, hold on, give me a second." you frantically try to reason, lunging forward in an attempt to take it out of his hands.
But he’s quick to drive it out of your reach.
"No, you wait, and give me a second, I'm almost done." he says, bringing a finger up before your face to punctuate his words. 
A wave of embarrassment washes over your entire body, you sit back trying not to look anymore suspicious. Your pursuit at trying to stay unbothered fails the minute you start to think about what part he's reading. 
Matt seems so invested and you’d give a million bucks to know what was going on in his head right now. The only sound between the two of you was the music now lightly playing. He continues his scrolling, smirking for a split second, now you’d also kill to know what drove that reaction out of him.
You can hear the pounding of your heart, as he finishes up closing the object of your demise to look up at you. You avert your eyes, taking sudden interest in your feet. 
“I've always heard of these but never got around to actually reading one though.” he says finally breaking the silence 
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth not knowing how to respond.
"Why were you reading them anyway?" he questions, inching closer to your place at the edge of the bed.
"I saw a comment section on it the other day" you're 100% sure it's visible how hard you’re breathing.
"There's no need to be embarrassed. I'm just surprised. It's not something I expected from you." he assures. 
"What’d you think of it?" he asks, placing a hand on your unclothed thigh, and smiling triumphantly when he hears your breath hitch. 
"I didn't get to really read it" you say lying through your teeth.
"Come on we both know that's a lie he says with a look of disbelief. ‘It's written all over your face, you’re telling me you didn't imagine me and you in that club." He asks, trailing his hands up your thigh . 
"Because I did. It was you who I imagined wearing a flimsy little black dress. Under colourful lights. It was your body that was backed up against mine." he says, and you can feel his breath on year neck.
Your eyes flutter closed as you angle just right for him to mark. 
He brings his lips to your neck leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses.
You couldn't bring yourself to care how evident your need for him was anymore. Not with that confession of his. Not when he was touching you the way you’d only dreamed of in the company of yourself.
"I want you to let me have my way with you, have you under me. For you to be begging me to let you finish." he says, his hand now almost right where my body needs him the most.
"Or I could just back off completely. And continue to be your plain old buddy Matt."
"Your pick sweetheart." He threatens, removing himself from you. 
"Matt!" you instantly whine at the loss of warmth. Quickly reaching for his hand to place it back on your thigh, 
"the first option" you huff out. 
He chuckles, slowly bringing his hand up to your clothed clit pressing his finger to it tracing along the wet patch that's gathered and I forgot how to breathe. 
His touch is light and barely there but i still can't will myself to breathe. I wish he'd give more and as careless as it makes me, I want it. 
"tell me. What exactly was the first choice again?’"He begins moving in a slow and tangible circular motion. 
you open your mouth to respond, but all that comes out is a jumbled cross of a gasp and a hum.  
He slows down his movements even more. coming up to pinch your nipple through your shirt. "I asked a question."
"Have your way with me until I'm begging you to let me finish." you rush out, throwing your head back, and bucking up your hips looking for more friction. It was embarrassing that you were already losing it and he’s done nothing.
“You don't have to tell me twice” picking back up his speed. A barely there whimper escapes my lips.
He's leaving more kisses all down to where his teeth skim the sensitive skin between your neck and shoulder. Marking all along your skin.
 he finally dips a finger inside your underwear. Seeing for himself how much of an effect he’s actually had on you. 
“So fucking wet like I knew you’d be.” His cock twitched against the constricting material of his pants as you audibly moan at his words
Inserting a finger. You throw your head back from the sudden relief as he works you perfectly. Your body had a mind of its own in this moment, moving with his fingers.
“Yeah go ahead and ride my fingers. Show me how good I make you feel.” He growled into your ear
Pressing his thumb to your clit as he curled his fingers in you, and that was all you needed to come undone all over his fingers.
Watching you try to catch you breath and the way your lips were still parted had him bringing his fingers dragging them across your lips to spread your wetness along them
You made direct eye contact as you darted your tongue out to taste yourself, that small action alone did so many things for him
Tempted, he licked his own lips reflectively mirroring your actions. 
Overtaken by his temptation he smashes his lips against yours, your hands fly to his hair taking advantage of your surprise he’s quick to slip his tongue into your mouth tasting you like he was a starved man you moan into the kiss as he brings you up to straddle his lap.
The kiss was hungry and fast eager to satiate the want you both were obviously feeling he was gripping your hips to help you move in circular motions as you grinded down on him you’ve never felt so in need of something more than you were right now he felt the same it was written into his lips and the way it aggressively moved against your own. 
Your patience was wearing thin. And his dick was begging to be freed. Your fingers reached down to press on the button of his jeans then to look into his eyes for any signs of disagreement. There wasn’t any. “I don’t want to finish on anything other than your dick right now.” you admit as you go to unbutton his pants.
“Fuck” he curses, halting your movements by quickly flipping you both over so that his chain was now dangling over your face. He wasted no time reconnecting your lips, only pausing to pull your top off and making quick work of your bra. 
His lips moved down swirling his tongue around your hardened nipple “Matt” you breathed, as your body melted completely into his touch. “Please” moving over to give the other one the same attention “I know baby, I know” he assured
Leaving a path of kisses all the way down to the waistband of your shorts. “Up” he spoke. Lifting your hips so he could get rid of your shorts and panties. Next came his shirt and finally those cockblocking jeans.
His pants and boxers now a pile of nothing on the floor. He started slowly stroking his member, aligning it with your wet and ready entrance, amused at the moan you let out when he had barely pushed it in yet. “Quit the teasing.” you whined
 He pushes himself in “holy shit you're tight”, he grits out and you immediately clench around him causing a groan to escape his lips.
You felt light-headed by the amount of pleasure you were feeling at the moment.
Matt. Right here, was everything to you right now. It was something that was gonna be inked into your brain forever.
With a roll of his hips and the arching of your back he was buried deep in you, and it had you seeing stars.
Matt loved the position he had you in where he could see every single reaction he pulled out of you. "exactly where i wanted you" he says with each thrust. "and you're taking me so, so well."
The tip of his dick continuously meets the sweet spot inside you, sending you closer to the edge
"oH OH" you quietly moan
"Come on don't hold back, i wanna hear you" he grunts, "is this what you imagined when you were reading those filthy things about your friend?"
you moan in response. he continues his merciless pace, as he brings a thumb to your clit.
"Fuck, fuck matt i'm close." you warn just as you feel the nearing of your second orgasm.
"go ahead baby, cum for me" his thrusts and thumb both gaining speed
as if your body was waiting on his permission, your vision fades to black while you feel your body arch off the bed as you let yourself go
"fuck yeah" he moans, his movements getting sloppy as he paints your insides white
you both lay there after he collapses next to you and pulls you in after you've both caught your breaths
"so am i staying here tonight" he questions breaking the silence
you can feel his chin moving on top of your head as he speaks, "no we can't remember that was established."
"I think it's a little too late to be talking about not crossing lines, considering you just let me fuck you." you could just imagine that smug look of his right now feeling all proud knowing he's got you
"fine just this once" you sigh in defeat
"yup just this once" he mocks as he gets up to your bathroom looking for a towel to clean you both up.
"i'm serious" you demand loud enough for him to hear only smiling to yourself now that you're out of his sight.
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A/N 2: That pic of Matt on the tour bus will always have me in a chokehold.
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6okuto · 3 months
hai everypony. used some of u and ur ocs as my muses for a little (big) (rough) spread :3 So u know u r perceived and enjoyed.
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if ur surprised because we don't talk um. i recognize ur user and or did some tag lurking so. hey... um. Hey...... tags and notes under the cut!
@khalixvitae - KHALIX ! do not know this guy At All but i decided to mix things up and use him!! if u have any thoughts to share abt vil i'm all ears! >__<
@sweet-milky-tea705 - JAYCE! yasenia. smoking duck gif. is anything else needed 2 say... i didn't forget her ears i just. upside down. hair. and. giuspelazpe
@koyukiki - Leon Kennedy. LMAO he's literally the most random guy on here. "why hoseok da bus driver" vibe LIKEHEEBFHSB but u know. hiii koyuki!!
@shobvrry - wehehehe... hiii friend,, little shoto for u!! :3 do u like the placement of frozen joke bear. get it. bc. because. he. and. get it
@dira333 - kENMA!! this is evidently Not the thing i wanted to give u but. this has taken a while and i actually want 2 redo the other thing so. haii dira!! \o/
@satorisoup - tHe Only self ship other than me on here. based it on ur existing self ship comms and picrews.. R ur eyes green. like. ..IMCRYING . ROCK ON LENE!
@last0bread - !! azalea has SUCH a cool + unique design!! she's also quite satisfying to draw?? LOL. i also like doodling flowers so thanks for letting me do that :3 🩷 /silly
@mustddart - oh my god i didn't know u changed users and just got so scared. I rock w these guys. i don't know their dynamic i based it solely on this post (& it being percy) but I ROCK W THEM!!! U r one of the people i recognize by user btw. Hiiii stay awesome!!!! 🩷🩷
@luv-indigo - SOOO lovely!! loved reading about nadine and seeing her in each step ^__^ !! i recognize u by user too. Haiii all ur art and ocs r super nice and cool!!! 🙆🏻‍♀️🩷
@vaultureculture - bro i am rocking w this design so hard. elvia is stunning like okkk???!! leander i see u. i get u 🙂‍↕️🔥 phlomis is also Awesome i love the dynamics and story going on IM ROCKING SO HEAVY!!
@kandy-katz - omg. i did the chibi first and by the time i got to the last empty space i realized sol was the only one who was a sole (haha) chibi and !! 😭 i felt so bad bc his full design is SO SO cool so he's here twice. HE'S AWESOME!! 🩷🙆🏻‍♀️
@dreamtydraw - smoking duck gif. apple bag trio.. lOVE THEM!! 🩷💌 wasn't originally gonna do all 3 but i saw this pose and thought it was silly and fun.. yeagh. all ur ocs are always so lovely and unique!!! everypony reading this go check dreamty on itch.io and play all 5 games NOW!!!
@evanox - SARA RAAAHHHH!!!! saraahhhhh!!.???? haha get it. ...just looks like i spelt ur name wrong. Let's carry on. MAEHWA!!! 😭🩷🩷 worked off jayce's art I hope she looks ok. sage is drunk and saying something stupid /affectionate Idk what.. hehe she's lovely!!
@anonymous-eggy - Big Fan of masks and i love this one. HIS DESIGN IS SO FUN!! i finished drawing them the fastest fr fr i want that shirt so bAD and their hair is so nice yeahh i rock w az HEAVY!! 🩷🩷
@someiicecube - cannot overstate how heavy i rock w esther. u hooked me at an awesome stunning design and reeled me in w reading too many romance books and wishing it was him. so me. SO COOL!!! 🩷🩷
da process........
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yeahgh. 👍 i wud like to draw some for real in the future but actually if i draw anything in the next few days my brain will explodeo.
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
Sword AF S2E4 (kinda) Spoiler !!!
"Can you help me find the please?" Damien reminding bug about his Paladin oath because Angela wants to kill Damien's NPC!!! They're so f*cking hilarious!! God I wish to see his flabbergasted look!! The whole moment actually!!!
She got annoyed when he laugh at her for just simply wanting to go outside. And I literally learned what that oath was about but if Bug won't do the killing, he technically still keep his oath?
This duo just really makes me happy.
I thought it was so fucking hilarious that she just straight up wanted to kill Tungo! (Tongue-o? idk how that name is meant to be spelt) Damien was so baffled LMAO
That whole bit was so fucking good, Bug and Furnace talking about killing Tungo and Furnace deciding not to, just to turn around and ask Tungo if he had any tokens and to "Give. Them. To. Me.." after just talking about murdering him lol
Her not wanting to say please for the tokens to Tungo, (the receiver of pleasure) and just LEAVING?? SHE LITERALLY OFFERED TO KILL HIM AGAIN AFTER! (she really ignored her Paladin oath just to piss off Damien LMAO)
I fucking love it when people get under Damien's skin! (good naturedly, of course) He's always so quick with his retorts and seems really in his element and less anxious when he gets to 'fight' with people <3 (that's a huge reason I love them so much, she really gets under his skin when she wants to, I LOVE IT)
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
Yay more Goofs with Snoots! | DoD bit my Versions part 02 + OC!
(Burn scar warnings)
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(Wanna see Part 1? Go to this link here)
Welp, part 2 is done now & I'm gonna tell you about it.
so from left to right we have: Starflight, Sunny, & a new goober named Sulfer!
Sulfer (The Skywing on the right) is a OC of mine who's apart of a AU these designs are apart of. If you wanna learn more about him, there's a link at the bottom here. VVV
Now here are the changes I made for the last 2 of the DoD:
Gave Starflight HUGE ears bcs I imagine Nightwings being based on bats more. (Also bcs he's blind now so now he need to use echo-location (idk how it's spelt sorry) which prob has been heightened due to him living in a frikin cave for so long-)
Sunny has some weird frill things near her neck, this is based on how some lizerds irl (I think) have some weird frills which puff up & make em bigger. However considering Sunny's is fluffy (bcs NiGhtWiNg DnA), it isn't as beneficial + she's a gremlin.
I kinda gave Sunny more colors (primarily on her belly which are faint but there) bcs teh sun does produce light & light produces colors which we can see. So just though that be neat.
Starflight has slightly bl00dshot eyes, mainly bcs you know what had happened between him & the volcano. (Which why he wears the blindfold now. (I know he isn't wearing it in here but JUST LET ME IMAGINE HIM GETTING HELP TO TAKE IT OFF FOR A BIT BCS SWEATY!)
Gave Sunny a 2 toned eye color bcs I weirdly imagine her mother being a misfit dragon (by that I mean the blue-grey eyes that my Sunny habs) also bcs blue fits well with any warm color imo.
Yes these designs are infact also in the same group as the designs I did for the 3 first DoD members. However these are NOT REDESIGNS! But AU designs bcs in my AU the tribes have more pizzazz & diversity. Also Sulfer is not in the Canon, he's a OC of mine apart of this AU I made which also changes bits of the lore.
Anyways enough rambling/yapping. Hope you enjoy this, or not. I'm necc is currently hurting rn & I just wanna end this so it's ending now.
Characters (the 2 dragons on the left) belong to Tui T. Sutherland but designed by me. The Red fella on the right belongs to me however.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 7 months
The main problem with HH/HB isn't just the writing, Viv and her fetishes/favoritisms, world building, character designs, and all the controversial shit, it's the fucking concept of both shows
Sorry if I'm being vague at first I'll try to explain it the best I can
This is mainly targeted twords Helluva Boss but I'll also include some Hazbin in it too
So, y'all know the concept of Helluva Boss right? Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona run a business where they kill sinners rivals in Earth, right? Well if you just think about that you'd know how fucking stupid of an idea it is for a show
I'm just convinced viv one day was like
"Hey! I should make a show with a bunch of horny demons who kill people in real life!"
Without putting even AN INCH consideration through it, she just made the show and was soooo surprised with all the backlash of it
The whole point of I.M.P is fucking pointless, there no point of getting revenge on people in real life cause when they die...omg, THEY'LL GO TO FUCKING HELL, STUCK WITH THE SAME PERSON WHO HATES THEM FOR ALL OF ETERNITY
And sure, there is like a 0.001 percent chance they'll go to heaven, but may I remind you they also share the same hell as Hazbin, and the angels can visit hell, so it wouldn't make a fucking difference cause idk they'd probably piss off the person who paid the I.M.Ps that killed them
As for Hazbin, the plot isn't bad, for once Viv has a good idea, but that doesn't mean it's not shitty, from the first episode it was doomed, this mainly has to do with the extermination
So as y'all know in Hazbin in the first episode Charlie explains how there's an overpopulation so evey year the angels just like fucking kill then all, that's where it doesn't make sense!!!
First of all, how can there be an overpopulation since hell (or I guess pentagram) is very, VERY HUGE, what's the need for an extermination?? Besides when Charlie sang Happy day in hell there where like a shit ton of background characters already getting murdered, hell can literally handle their own overpopulation 💀💀
Second of all, they're already dead, WHERE DO YOU GO AFTER YOUR DEAD?? In the finale where Sir Pentious (sorry if I spelt his name wrong lol) got killed by Adam, he was shown ending up in Heaven with Sera and Emily, so if that's what happens when you get killed, it basically means EVEN IF SINNERS GET KILLED THEY'LL STILL AND UP IN HELL AGAIN, VIV, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Third of all is how people are born into hell, it's not really deep as people make it to be, since there's like a lot sex they could just like...yknow?
The whole extermination wasn't thought through and only used as a poorly written plot point for the show, and not to mention they never said why Adam moved up the extermination, which makes me pissed off given they don't even bring up again and probably won't cause Adam is dead (thank you Nifty 😭😭)
Aaanyways that's all I gotta say, I might update this if I forgot anything lol
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meia-stounor-194 · 17 days
ooc: js an intro for my pjo oc !! this is an rp acc for her, interact plz !!
hey, i’m meia stounor. cabin 194 (Melpomene)
some background info: i grew up poor with my father, an aspiring actor. he never made it. when he married my rich step-mother, they both changed. they both hated me, so i ran away at 11 and found CHB. i literally waited FOR. EVER. to find out my mom.
weapon: bow and arrow, but i’m not the best
powers: my words. quite literally. i mean, muse of tragedy, my words make people so sad they cant function. not as cool but… yeah
lesbian, any pronouns.
born in russia (can speak russian)
16 (09/09/09)
adhd and dyslexia (obvi) but also sprinkle a bit of autism in there. kinda anemic (dont tell the infirmary)
fatal flaw: lack of self-control
hobbies: playing cello, violin, lyre, bass, guitar (im very talented with stringed instruments) but i also enjoy reading and writing. and theater, obviously
favorite play: julius caesar or hamlet
number of times banned from infirmary: 4 (stealing fentanyl. maybe they shouldnt have it in such clear sight?? huh??)
number of times banned from capture the flag: 5 (cheating or… well, idek)
number of times banned from the Aphrodite cabin: 1 (trying for 2) (dont ask how)
i’m usually in w the Demeter kids (aka my gf, Dreena)
do NOT bring up opera. i WILL start a 24 hour rant about how much i absolutely ADORE it.
favorite song: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: No. 37, When I Am Laid In Earth “Dido’s Lament”
favorite album: the magic flute
trying to get chiron to lift my ban from leaving camp in the middle of the night!! sign the petition on the door of the big house b4 chiron sees it!!
ALSO, i am OBSESSED with cherry coca cola !! stealing it from cabin 12 is my favorite hobby lolzz
(what i mean by that is i will leave in the middle of the night for my night shift at the tattoo parlor. i usually will have a new hair color too. and money.)
and if u ask “who gets a tattoo in the middle of the night??” idk why either. they js do. americans, right?
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aexolilly · 4 months
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imma do all of these in one day here we go
1: trina!! ❤️❤️
2:like act 1 marvin
4:charlotte or cordelia
5:trindel!! 🎀
6: holding to the ground or days like this
7: what more can i say ( im so srry..)
8: anything with sill goober mendel
9:everyone hates this parents. just the song is funny to me.
11: Jason, his character kinda changes his perspective of love soo..
12: probably give trina a song/scene on her perspective of mendel in the first act (BEFORE PLEASE COME TO OUR HOUSE OR BREAKING DOWN)
13: mendel, i was like, he’s so silly, then i read about how he just lusts for trina and im like. OH. okay- that’s. and that’s how I changed my mind in him.
14: probably anything with like Jason since act 2 I could probably be his older friend from school or whatever like idk-.
15: def cordelia or charlotte or trina any of the ladies are good but TRINA DEFF
16:trina or cordelia (food ladies cause me love food!!)
17: Jason or maybe trina since we don’t really have much of them in act 2 but also act 1s perspective of both of them i need
18:probably Jason’s barmitzavh (srry if I spelt it wrong-) and how Jason wanted it in Whizzers hospital room.
19:Jason or anything with trina cause I am a trina fangirl- 😍🥳
21: already did this with a friend who breaks down often was I’m breaking down. But for many of my other friends probably please come our house or days like this since those are bops.
22: act 2
23: trina? I’d probably talk about how cool she is
24:annie from annie, i see her being friends with jason.
25: cordelia or mendel
26: whizzer and Trina’s relationship in march of the falsettos or falsettoland (past musicals)
27: I have this on my insta “life is never what you planned, life is moments you can’t understand”
28: marvin saying “baby, you know I-“ to trina LIKE WHAT WHY ARE YOU CALLING HER BABY STILL???
29: when trina takes the photo of the rest of the people . HER LEGS JUST MAKE ME LAUGH.
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30: more children. like during miracle of judism, like the girls that get named would appear.
and that’s it for the 30/1 day challenge:)
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ajxrn-archive · 5 months
Random Paimon theory, I've been thinking about genshin lore a lot so why not post this? I need to look further into lore as someone wanting to be a lore player, and don't know too deep lore regarding the gods and stuff atm so forgive any mistakes.
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Long theory ramble underneath the cut!
I just watched a YouTube video mentioning the meaning behind the triquetra in genshin. Normally, it stands for a trinity of something, often the holy trinity. The guy mentioned the moon sisters theory, but I’m setting that one aside because I don’t know about the moon sisters and seelie story very well and the theory doesn’t hold as well imo.
On paimons outfit, there is a reverse triquetra. This usually signifies the opposite of whatever the normal triquetra means. The guy in the video mentions that we don’t know what the triquetra in this case would be, unless we look at the Genius invokation TCG game. There seems to be something called an Omni-element, which uses the symbol of the triquetra on it. It’s a combination of all elements, and is meant to be a sort of “light” element in genshin.
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So if the triquetra stands for light in genshin, what would the opposite of that be? Darkness, or, the abyss. This ties into my own observation I made about Paimon. Now we all think she has ties to the heavenly principles & unknown god (asmoday), but what if Paimon isn’t a light being from celestia? What if she has closer ties to the abyss? So how does this hold up?
First, her name. Paimon. Paimon was a demon king who had close ties to Lucifer. Why would she have a demon name? The archons as well as the unknown god (asmoday sounds like asmodeus) have demon like names as well, which makes it even more compelling.
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(^taken from Wikipedia)
Now let’s look at Paimon’s eyes. We all know what the abyss looks like now, having seen it various times. Why do Paimon’s eyes look eerily similar to the abyss? Why does nobody talk about that, actually? It’s really intriguing. She definitely has something going on and I’m curious about it. What conflicts this theory is the fact Paimon looks insanely similar to the unknown god as well. She definitely has ties to celestia, but why the abyss symbolism? Was she banished? Perhaps she sinned?
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I haven’t ever seen anyone mention this and I think it’s really cool :( Paimons eyes look eerily similar to the abyss and it makes me question a lot of stuff, hence this theory post in the first place.
Another addition to this is Mona’s voiceline about Paimon, stating how she just can’t get any information about her, just like how Mona can’t get information about traveler, but this is because they aren’t from teyvat. However, Paimon IS from Teyvat, as her memories were wiped by Irminsul like everyone else’s during the Sumeru quests. 
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(It sort of leads me to think something similar is going on with the Abyss sibling, since they apparently are from Teyvat, despite actually being an outsider, making them not be one of the descenders?)
Oh you know what’s weirder? The Chinese name for Genshin: 原神 (Yuán shén) means original god, like I mentioned earlier. However, if you flip the characters with eachother, it’s spelt: 神原 (Shén yuán) which HAPPENS to mean abyss in Chinese? Interesting…
Something is definitely going on with Paimon and I am really interested in finding out. Honestly, I really hate the Paimon = unknown god theory, but I do believe Paimon has a connection to her or is maybe a former god/deity herself? Especially because of the whole “original god” and “abyss” name thing, which sort of ties into genshins logo having Paimons circlet/halo on it. (Which could just be because she’s the mascot but shh let me have this)
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anyways! What do you guys think? (Please be nice about this Ive only been playing since April last year and idk too much in-depth lore stuff!! This is just a fun theory I thought over. A GAME THEORY)
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sirazaroff · 9 months
How do you feel about RT'S rule of having one trait only for faunuses?
(Idk if I even spelt that right)
So if I recall...this condition was created due to limitations for the team, and I don't mind it honestly. They turned a technical limitation into a creative one, and I'm all for character designs like that. You only have ONE animal trait to play with so what will that lead to?? It's fun. Good for exercising your creative muscles.
At times it does make it hard to tell who is what animal depending on which trait they give the person. Initially I couldn't figure out what faunus Adam was cause his lil baby horns are hidden in his hair. His name suggests bull but his horn say baby goat lol. But then it's also like. Comical. Like every time there's been a bunny rabbit it's always ears we see. Why just the ears? What about their tail or some paws? How about different types of ears to imply different types of rabbits? Short ears, one that's crooked, long hare ears, floppa ears.
Something I did like that they did with this was the idea of some faunus hiding their lone trait versus others who didn't. 
In Arrowfell, there's this mouse faunus named Mikado who is initially wanting to hide their ears, but is then encouraged to keep them out in the open. I know we've seen this sort of topic being explored in the main series (blake hiding her ears and velvet choosing not to), and seeing it again in this game was nice. Something that's interesting to explore every now and then.
But yeah my only thing is it would be nice to see different traits called out for an animal type. Like if someone is a bear, one faunus could have their ears, another could have paws or fangs, etc. Just diversify it a bit so it doesn't look copy paste. I don't really hold RT to much standards cause I know they don't have the money, but if they did, this would be my request on that.
Thanks for stopping by~
I know this has nothing to do with the question asked, but are there such things as mythical/folk lore creature based faunus? Like imagine a unicorn, griffin, Selkie, fairy, etc. I mean if this is a fairytale like world then why not?
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 months
Would it be possible to request Junko enoshima with a S/O that she loves more than despair, if you want you can even put a yandere spin on it but honestly that's normal for Junko isn't it.
(okie dokie! Coming right up!)
Better than despair
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•Lets start off with how you gotta be a absolute legend for you to get junko to love you more than despair (idk why I almost said hope help—) She spoils you ROTTEN if you look at something or even if something glazes your fingers it’s instantly yours, no objections, no buts, its yours. ‘Babe! Look at this cute bag! You totally need this!’ ‘But Junko I already have like..10 expensive bags in my closet..’ ‘TO BAD!’ Yes, she still gushes about despair but if it was that over you, then she would actually pick you and if you question it she would gush about how it brought her despair by not even choosing it anyways! She loves you lots and she shows it in words, touch, and buying you things that you make you more valuable than Bayakuya (i think i spelt his name right..) For example if you get put in the killing game then she would MAKE SURE that you wouldnt get killed, yes you made friends..blah..blah.. BUT! She loves you more than these..hope filled ultimates.. She is VERY protective of you, not letting anything happen to you on her watch she would make the whole world burn for you if it makes you happy, she would kill for you and make the person that hurt you suffer, and if you just want someone dead then why not?! She still does love despair! So lets say you tragically died, she wouldnt say that she feels so much despair as you bleed out, no she would actually be sad and it doesnt FEEL good to watch you bleed out in your final moments, just cradling you in her arms while the light drains out of your eyes giving you one last kiss on the lips while you can still feel it
(I HOPE U ENJOYED!!! If you requested i will still get to your post!)
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