#is much nicer although i dont actively ship it
wienertit · 1 year
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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Post recall: Bastion (And torbjorn)
Bastion was travelling with torbjorn after the engineer found him in the woods. Torbjorn received the recall and deceieded to use bastion's programming to find the nearset overwatch base. It was slow work, as bastion is as slow as a lame donkey but they made it to an old Oslo base. Long overgrown and untended to, torbjorn still managed to get a computer up and running long enough to capture a video showing his turret destroying part of the rest of the base.
This was both to send a message, and to destroy the evidence it may have captured about when and where torbjorn had moved, as some people may want to pay him a visit. After all you dont get to his age without gaining a few enemies. Despite only just having got to the base, they needed to move as soon as the video was released. Watchpoint Gibraltar was a long walk from where they were and whilst torbjorn could call in a few favours to get them there faster, but it was risky. That was why they sent the video.
A small turret faced left, firing right then straight on, it would be inverted and polarised to further confuse any one who may intercept it. As it showed where they were walking and they weren't hiding the location it was taken, so anyone of his old comrades would know: North east. Oslo base norway. Slow. May need back up. It was a detailed message, hence the destruction of the base and the comms.
Bastion would prompt too much fear in a civilised area, so they were confined to the wilderness. Not impossible, yet it made back up harder to reach and with no comms it was a waiting game of how long it took to find anyone.
Days later bastion was still walking along the same path, although it was different, he wasn't scared because he had his friend with him, ever busy gathering sticks for a nest from the large snow capped trees. He has enjoyed seeing all the different things around. Thankfully they weren't at "BASE: OSLO" long as it was too quiet and these woods were much nicer in his opinion.
Torbjorn treated Bastion like a curious child. A metal, deadly, curious child. And as such he had so far shielded him from the sight of his turret. Asking bastion to politely step outside and guard the door while he destroyed the Oslo base. He wondered how the metal baby would react to a ship coming in, wondered how he'd react himself, it's been a while with no overwatch activity After all. A few hours later they spotted a large ship in the distance and torbjorn didn't have to wonder any longer. The low hum of the aircraft was steadily getting louder and it came lower and lower to the ground, passing over them to the clearing a mile over. As it passed over, torbyorn could have sworn he saw tracer wave at him from the cockpit, at that he turned round to see Bastion set up in turret form, at the edge of the trees, waiting on his orders to attack "well now, did that hunk of junk scare you?" He laughed as he patted Bastion's barrel, shaking his head. A sad series of boops answered him and he took it as an apology, continuing with "that's friendly, we dont attack it. Now come on, we've got a little further to go".
Just before they made it to the clearing, torbyorn instructed Bastion to wait in a ditch out of sight for a second, not to take any noise, and wait for him to call it over. As torbjorn walked out, Lena opened the doors and Winston greeted his fellow comrade, "good to see you again my freind! I'm so glad you answered my call" he shouted with a smile on his face
"Aye, good to see you too!" Torbjorn answered slowly walking up to the open door "I could never leave for too long" he said jokingly, as he got up to Winston. He then leaned through and said his greeting to tracer and talked for a while, but had to stop suddenly as he remembered why he was here alone.
"Agh! I forgot abou' the kid!" He yelled, cutting tracer off slightly, they looked at him in shock
"Wait, you brought a child out here with you? What would ingrid say?" Asked Winston
"Not one o' mine ya' bafoon" torbjorn said, getting up and moving over to the edge of the clearing before yelling "Bastion! You can come out now!" And getting confused stares from his companions. All torbjorn said in answer was
"just wait, he'll come"
a few slow footsteps later and bastion poked his head out of the trees a few meters down, his bird sitting on his shoulder area, and started walking over to the frantically waving dwarf who said "Hey buddy! Sorry to be so long, these are my freinds" and turned around ignoring the fear on Winston's face and, tracer hiding behind him, very slowly reaching for her pistols while bastion was distracted by following torbjorn. He subtly gestured for her to stop reaching for her weapons and come out from behind Winston to meet him, "no need for that! Come say hello to my new kid" and tracer nervously walked towards the omnic while looking at torbjorn like he's insane. Upon seeing Lena, Bastion beeped a few times in greeting and held out his hand so the bird could look at her closer, "Aww you ain't so bad are ya?" She cooed, holding out her fingers for the bird to inspect, "well, hiya bastion, nice to meet you" she said as she drew her hand back to wave slightly at the omnic's blue screen a few high pitched melodic beeps sounded and tracer just giggled and turned back to torbjorn, "now if only all your kids were this nice!" She teased. Walking back over to the ship, She continued "Now come on, we've got to head back we've had a response from the cowboy"
Bastion liked the girl, she was nice to the bird and to himself, he wasn't so sure about flying in the ship, but so long as he had the bird he would be fine.
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