#is me . if chuu-tan has no fans that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the chuu-tan i am against the world. i love chuu-tan
posebean · 2 years
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あたしヴァンパイア いいの?吸っちゃっていいの? 「もう無理もう無理」なんて 悪い子だね 試したいな いっぱいで吐きたい まだ絶対いけるよ
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lilac-melody · 2 years
overanalyzing the Heroine Tarumono opening and what it can mean for the story because I’m bored and I love fairytales
I am in love with fairytales, so of course, I’m dug up my research and knowledge into fairytales, and after much (over)analyzing, I have come to a-many conclusions.
L’Oiseau Bleu - The story of two spoiled children who are told by a fairy godmother that they have to journey to find happiness, where they search high and low for the Blue Bird of Happiness, risking so much, before finding it within their home all along.
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I think that’s what these are trying to convey- the sign above them specifically says “L’Oiseau Bleu”, and has the blue bird symbol- as well as the blue bird in the cage within their own room.
The lesson? Hiyori, becoming their manager, wants them to become friends and, despite them thinking they are happy because they’re idols, they need to find true happiness beyond the glory and fame they receive. Which is why they seem to be watching an after party of sorts in the second image. They’re happy, but it’s not where their true happiness lies.
As per the tale of L’Oiseau Bleu, they find true happiness not in other people or superficial love (their fans, who would undoubtedly dislike them if they let their true selves show) within each other.
The tale also tells how the two rich ones must not be too sucked into their life of luxury, as even turning a diamond can hide one’s ugliness in beauty, which the opening does dive into.
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There is also the end scene, in which the spoiled boys “creates great happiness for another by giving his pet bird, which seems much bluer than before, to the sick child”
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I think what this is meaning is that Hiyori, who set them out to find happiness, will be rewarded greatly for her efforts, with them returning the kindness. The three do end up becoming friends, after all, and she will find her own happiness.
And what of Chuu-tan?
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I think, and I could be wrong but bare with me, but I think Chuutan would represent the “luxuries”. Chuutan, being a die hard fan of LIPxLIP, provides them with reason to be selfish and horrific. She buys all their merch, she gets angry if they give fanservice to another girl. As such, she only likes them as LIPxLIP, not as themselves. Such thinking can lead to them hiding more about themselves, and prevent them from being able to reach happiness.
Another thing I noticed, which is still playing on my mind, is that there is a “Sleeping Beauty Blue Bird Variation”.
It follows the typical Sleeping Beauty story. In this one, there is Volante, the Fairy of Courage, Grazia, the Fairy of Joy and Beauty, and finally, Syrene, the Fairy of Love.
I bring this up because there’s a brief scene in which Hiyori is wearing a beautiful tutu, which seems very out of place. We can understand the fairy godmother one, being the one to get LIPxLIP into finding happiness, and her outfits of her being a servant, being less fortunate than LIPxLIP.
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Not to mention, right in front of her, are a small bundle of roses, which, in said playwright, rather than a spindle of a spinning wheel, is what the princess pricks her finger on to fall into her 100 year sleeping curse.
Is this a coincidence? Maybe so, but hear me out here.
I think Hiyori’s family represents the “Courage” fairy- always being rowdy and supportive of her for her dreams, bold.
Juri and Chizuru represent “Joy and Beauty” fairy, helping Hiyori with her problems and being an important aspect to her high school life. Beautiful in their own right, and providing her with happiness when no one else in her class would.
And Aizou and Yujiro represent the “Love” fairy. Not only do they help her prepare for her dates when they come up...
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But they’re the ones, similar to Syrene, they take her to where she lays until her true love can come along, where she is bound by love.
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In her coffin, she was laid in roses, wondering where her prince could be.
And it’s through Aizou and Yujiro helping her find her true love and supporting her through that, that she is, just like the original tale, is rewarded with her happiness.
Did I get way off topic and read way too deep into this? Yeah.
But hey, I had fun with this, I love this sort of stuff.
Let me know what you guys think~
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