#is it gonna stop me from making gifsets of him? also no
scoobydoodean · 4 months
BOBBY He's gonna find out, you know. One way or another, someone'll tell him, or he'll figure it out on his own. He's not dumb. He should it hear it from us. DEAN Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please? BOBBY Okay. But you better prep for the B side, 'cause when Sam realizes we're shining him, it ain't gonna be cute.
I must have seen this and the scene where Cas scolds Dean for putting Sam's soul back in giffed 10 times at least while looking for 6.12 gifsets in various archives and I think it's obvious why, given how rancid soulless Sam disk horse can get. It suits a narrative certain fans want to sell to take this out of context and make it look like Dean is being controlling—is babying Sam, trying to keep something from Sam that Sam deserves to know—and Sam is going to be rightfully mad at Dean treating him like a kid. That's such a narrow view that omits so much obvious context and Bobby ends up being completely wrong about Sam's reaction.
For one, Bobby says all this because he's struggling with being around Sam after soulless Sam tried to murder him the previous episode. Bobby's motivation for saying this is that he wishes he could clear the air. Unable to do so, he isn't sure how to explain why he doesn't really want to be in the same room with Sam (and boy is that a reversal from 6.06 where Bobby did not understand Dean's discomfort with soulless Sam and told him to stop being a baby).
For another, Dean's pleading "Can we just leave it alone for the moment, please?" really reveals his motivations for hiding the truth aren't about Sam as much as they're about DEAN needing space to process what soulless Sam did to him. What soulless Sam did to Dean and the way he behaved around him was fucking creepy. Telling Sam everything that happened while he was soulless won't just reveal information to Sam about himself—it requires Dean to reveal painful, personal details of some extremely uncomfortable experiences of his own that he doesn't really want to talk about. As a victim of that behavior, Dean deserves space to work through it. And the way he words it here, it's a request for TIME before they tell Sam the truth, so that Dean can BREATHE and PROCESS.
Bobby is right that Sam figures out he was soulless pretty quickly, but after figuring out Dean didn't tell him the truth, Sam isn't full of anger. He immediately understands Dean's hesitation to tell him the truth and understands it isn't about him.
It's about Dean not wanting to talk about the parts of Sam's soulless escapades where Dean was his victim.
SAM: Dean... DEAN: Yeah? SAM: I am so...so sorry. I can't even begin to say. DEAN: For what? SAM: You know what. DEAN: Did Bobby... SAM: Cas. DEAN: Cas. Friggin' child. SAM: You should have told me, Dean. DEAN: You weren't supposed to know. SAM: What I did? To Bobby? To you? Of course I should know.
Sam says "You should have told me," but notably, it isn't in an angry, accusatory tone. He's gentle. His focus is actually on DEAN and BOBBY and how Sam should know what he did so he can adjust his behavior accordingly for THEIR comfort.
Unlike the fans who love to harp on this moment as some proof of SAM being victimized by Dean (which bothers me for several reasons) Sam understands Dean's hesitancy wasn't just about keeping Sam safe, but was also about Dean being HURT by soulless Sam and deserving to have space to process that—the same way Bobby takes his space by deciding not to go on the hunt when Sam wants to join them.
Arguably, nobody should have been pushing for Dean to be the one to tell Sam everything to begin with. It's really for the best that Cas was able to share the details of what happened with Sam (however unwitting he was when doing so) because I don't know that Dean could have really talked about it. The moment in the car before Sam figures out how much time he's missing is bad enough:
SAM: So you never even tried, huh? DEAN: Tried? SAM: To go live a life...after. You do remember you promised that, right? DEAN: Yeah, I remember. SAM: So, why didn't you try? DEAN: What makes you think I didn't? SAM: 'Cause look at you. Look at this. You're exactly the same. DEAN: Yeah, you're probably right. A long pause. DEAN: I was with them for a year—Lisa and Ben. SAM: A year? DEAN nods. SAM: So then what? DEAN: Didn't work out. DEAN turns up the music.
Absolutely brutal. Sam's assumption that Dean didn't try stings all on its own, but it's especially hurtful (without Sam knowing that obviously) given soulless Sam was part of guilting Dean into leaving them in 6.02, and his actions with the vampire in 6.05 were what put such an upsetting end to Dean and Lisa's attempts at long distance. Regardless of whether you as a viewer thought Lisa and Dean could make things work in the absence of Sam's actions, that relationship ended in a particularly painful way riddled with fear and guilt because of Sam's actions in 6.05, instead of being allowed to end in a more amicable manner that could have provided more closure and mutual understanding. Dean can't say "Lisa and I had a terrible breakup because you let me get turned into a vampire on purpose and then I hurt Ben and I could have killed them and it was all because you didn't care about me or them and I was just a disposable piece of meat to you and now you're accusing me of not even trying to have a home like I wanted for so long because I'm a failure and that hurts like hell." All he can do is turn up the music.
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My reactions to episode 7 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
The only thing I know about this episode is that it's fucked up
Spoilers below the cut!
(TW: loss of a child under the cut)
oh, acid showers. lovely.
oh god the hair melting off the scalp. no WONDER i got warnings for this episode
drowning in acid. Lovely!!!
oh this IS fucked up.
Garvez in the same room! Yay! Crumbs!
Have I mentioned I love JJ and Luke's friendship?
Penelope with all the pretty flowers on her dress!! she looks so good in this scene
Penelope is just straight-up STARING at Luke
Emily reading Tyler to shit over his handwriting? Iconic.
Look I kinda love Tyler. AS HIS OWN SEPARATE CHARACTER AWAY FROM PENELOPE. When he's with literally ANYONE else, he's great.
Tara i see those heart eyes for Emily
"Mr. Sensitive" help i SNORTED
Why is Rossi so against contacting Jill? Forbidding her?
Okay so my theory was correct. The victim at the beginning sexually assaulted the unsub's wife, and this baby is a product of that.
Look Tyler is adorable, okay? When he's interacting with the rest of the team, I love him.
"Just what Garcia told me" I wasn't under the impression that they talked much???? Especially about this kind of stuff.
They're just turning Tyler into their puppy and i'm here for it
Voit's Lawyer! finally!
He's really offering to END his lawyer's ex wife???
ooh that shot through all the car windows is cool
"I just want you to be you" please god tell me she's not saying "clearly you have a way of winning over/seducing older blonde women and i need you to do that"
"I don't wanna be that guy." Yes Tyler!! Growth!!
"just fuckin drive" emily i love you. I also love this friendship dynamic.
JJ: Maybe Penelope can help us find [the connection.] Luke: Penelope! Yes! Let's go see Penelope! I love Penelope! (he loves her it's canon)
"It's why you and I are finally friends" DAMN FATALITY
"finally" with the smirk I LOVE THEM SO MUCH HOLY FUCK
I just know JJ is sitting there like "are y'all gonna stop flirting for two seconds"
"thanks frieeend" I LOVE THEM BY THAT DELIVERY WAS SO FUNNY. Also he touched her arm/back
The way they're calling each other "friend" is literally so flirty.
PLEASE tell me someone has done a gifset comparing "we thrive as frenemies" to "it's why you and I are finally friends."
Also the way that means she literally just called him TREASURE????
I just know that as Luke was saying "thanks frieeeend" he was thinking "thanks, friend, i love youuu"
Hotch, Morgan, and Reid all in the SAME SCENE damn
I love Jill already
Ooh, fiancé not fiancée
"I loved Jason" "He loved you back" I'M IN SHAMBLES ACTUALLY
Emily did you just say that David Rossi ISN'T dramatic???
Tyler and i are JUST as fucking confused
"The next generation of the BAU" really reminds me of how much younger than all of them he is which just makes me feel icky about Greencia all over again
Luke leading the profile delivery! Getting his moment! We love to see it!
Oh shit the doctor is spilling ALL the tea
I wonder if the baby is dead, a delusion
This is dark.
Wait, are the baby AND the mother dead??? Oh that would make sense for why the guy puked when he saw her. It was a skeleton
this really is a luke heavy ep and i am here for it
oh god yeah that's... fucked.
They need to start putting some god damn trigger warnings on this show
Luke looks genuinely SAD for this man.
They can give Voit a corded phone? this feels like a risk of some sort
A kill kit??? we didn't leave that behind last season??
"Do not, for any reason, open it." and ofc he opens it right away
Tara and Tyler friendship!
Oh Jilllll. I wanna hug her.
That scene with Jill walking around touching everything... oh my heart. Aisha Tyler you ate with that.
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
hear me out… washing the impala at the bunker with dean when you’re bored. please and thank you 🫶🏼
literally rbed a gifset of him doing that exact thing earlier today. i’m feral for this scene {and the entire episode} so my brain is running wild rn hehe (also the quote from said episode, “i’m mostly confused” was one of my first handles on tumblr)
pairing: dean winchester x gn!reader
You strolled around the bunker, frankly unsure what to do with yourself without the absolute urgency of chasing down some big bad. Not even a casual case had come up in a couple days, and you were growing a bit restless.
You finally ran into Sam after wandering for a while, catching him as he made a sandwich in the kitchen.
“Hey,” you greeted briefly, walking over to steal a piece of ham.
You chewed on it as he glanced at you with a quirked brow. He chuckled softly, then sighed.
“Hey,” he finally said. “You done eating my sandwich ingredients?”
“It was one piece of ham, Sammy.”
“Sam,” he corrected.
“I’ve been living with y’all for how long?”
He paused, then shook his head softly with a smile.
“You doing anything today?” you asked, hopping up on the counter.
He watched you for a moment. “Not really.”
“Ugh,” you groaned.
“What?” he asked, laughing.
“I’m bored,” you exclaimed. “We’re all cooped up, I need to… I need to do something.”
“I don’t know what to tell you,” he shrugged. “I’m gonna eat my sandwich.”
You sighed hard. “Where’s Dean?”
“Garage. I think he’s washing the cars.”
“All of em?”
“Probably,” he said with a smirk. “Go bother him.”
“Bother him? You think I’m bothering you?”
You scoffed playfully, hopping off the counter. You started walking away, but made sure to get the last word in.
“One of these days I’ll be long gone and you’re gonna miss me like crazy, Sammy.”
He smiled again, not able to get in a word as you left for the garage.
You heard music playing before you even got to the door, opening it carefully and walking inside. You saw him, soaking the impala in soap and water, just a black t-shirt and jeans.
At least he wasn’t wearing the short-shorts this time.
You let yourself watch him for a few moments, never not in awe as to how someone could look so good in a plain black t-shirt. Eventually you decided to stop creeping on him and headed towards him instead.
“Hey,” he said as soon as he saw you.
“Hey. You need help?” you asked, lingering near the hood as he wiped down the windshield. “And by that I mean, please let me help. I’m dying to do something.”
He smiled, nodding towards the suds-filled bucket.
“Grab a sponge.”
You picked up the other sponge from the bucket, wasting no time in scrubbing down the roof of the car. You both listened to the music, slowly but surely getting every nook and cranny of the vehicle. You were working on one of the back wheel wells when Dean grabbed your attention.
“Hey, trade-off,” he said, tossing a newly-wet sponge in your direction.
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t give enough of a verbal warning. The heavy sponge hit you in the leg, knocking you off your balance and making you land straight on your butt. You opened your mouth in a feigned offense.
“You dick,” you said, laughing lightly.
He laughed at you, not even bothering to help you back up. You scrambled up, slamming the sponge on top of the car and grabbing the hose. You called for him, stopping him from laughing right as you sprayed him with the hose, effectively soaking his shirt.
His eyes went wide, freezing in his motions for a few seconds.
“You little—”
He started after you, not stopping even as you started spraying him again.
“No!” you squealed.
He closed in, grabbing you and effectively trapping you against the car. He wrestled the hose from your hand, turning it on you.
“How do you like it?”
You screamed and laughed, trying to push him off. He was relentless, giggling with glee as he soaked you completely. You reached behind you to get the sponge, wringing it out over his head. Luckily for you, it shocked him enough to get out of his grip. Unluckily for you, he quickly recovered and caught up to you before you could get far.
“You’re not getting away that easy,” he muttered.
He grabbed you from behind as you tried running, pulling you into his chest. His arms wrapped around you, holding your arms to your chest. You laughed hard, trying to wriggle away.
“You’re so mean,” you yelled, his grip only tightening.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish,” he said into your ear, clearly proud of himself.
“Whoa,” you heard Sam’s voice. “Should I give you two some privacy?”
You stood up a little straighter, looking in his direction. Dean only slightly loosened his grip.
“We’re washing the car,” you stated as if he didn’t just walk in with fully functional eyes.
He merely quirked a brow. “You two look cleaner than the car.”
“She started it,” Dean said quickly.
You craned your neck to see him behind you, giving him a sour look.
“You threw a sponge at me.”
“You hosed me down.”
Sam nodded slowly, backing out of the room quietly to retreat.
“Not fair,” you said, almost smiling again.
“Very fair,” he stated.
“Let me go,” you laughed.
“No way,” he said, only holding on tighter. “This is your punishment.”
You smirked. “If you really wanted to cuddle this bad, you could’ve just asked, you know?”
“How much you gonna let me ask for?”
“Not much I wouldn’t,” you said, hoping this wasn’t crossing any lines.
He hummed, an obvious smile in his voice, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Apparently, he didn’t care much about a crossed line or two.
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ilkkawhat · 4 months
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[a snippet of a fic in progress from my tags on this gifset]
There’s a part of him that knows he’s still trapped in that room in the depths of the ocean. His escape is just another fantasy he’s desperately playing out, hoping the dream doesn’t turn into another crumpled nightmare he rips out of the carriage and tosses into the never-empty garbage can in his writer’s room. 
There’s the other part of him that’s happy to indulge in the reality that sits in front of him; an old friend transformed into an almost unrecognizable fair-framed man with now baggy clothes that reminds him of their college days in the nineties. Some things never change, and for Barry Wheeler he’ll always have his outlandish shirts, even tucked into baggy cargo shorts. He’ll always have the faith and confidence in Alan that Alan doesn’t have in himself. He’ll always have an ear to listen, a hand to pat his back, a mouth to make Alan’s crack a smile, eyes to keep him in check. 
And perhaps it’s the fact that it’s just too good to be true, that he’s sitting on a couch, drinking beers with his long-lost friend, that makes him worry he never got out. He convinced himself very early on that Barry was a darling he’d have to kill to survive, so the idea of him being here still confuses him, both making him constantly reach a hand to grip his friend, make sure he’s real, but also treading carefully, afraid that the man will just snap and vanish like the shadows on the streets. 
“So, these old coots, you should have seen them, Al. They’d get up on stage and I’d argue it was more of a magic act than a concert! It’s like they would lose fifty years, their voices became so…youthful, and I swear to you the effects team they got claim it wasn’t them, but their singing seems to match the projection of those younger selves that they sound like!”
Alan laughs, more to himself than to Barry at the thought, less at the absurdity and more at the reality of their powers. 
“Funny, that’s how they were in my musical.”
“Your…what? You know what, quid pro quo it’s your turn to tell me a story from the past thirteen years and this is it, baby.” 
“I’m not drunk enough to tell you,” Alan whines, waving his half-empty beer bottle. 
“Nah, nah, nah, you’re not getting out of this one that easily. I can just call them up myself you know, maybe those Old Gods remember the time they got zapped into another dimension to play to the whims of a crazy missing’s writer’s words—I gotta write that down, that’s a good idea.”
Alan coughs, at first thinking nothing of it. He clears his throat, takes another swig of his drink. He’s had this cough on and off ever since he returned, figuring it was just a symptom of his body being in a lake for thirteen years.
“Well, since you’re not in a sharing mood and I am, oh brother, you’re gonna love this one, I got involved in this cult called the ‘Bless—’”
Alan sneezes into another cough.
“—you…” Barry interrupts himself. “You alright there, buddy?”
“Yuh-yeah,” Alan beats a fist against his chest. “Got some frog in my throat or something.”
He pleads for the carbonated waterfall to wash whatever it is away, and his stomach seems to threaten impaling Alan’s throat on something to stop the third beer bottle from diving into it. 
He coughs again, an effort his body doesn’t have enough power to give. He heaves over, coughing harder and harder because there is something in his throat and he needs to get it out. 
“Al?” Barry puts a hand on Alan’s back and Alan pushes into it like backing himself against a wall, still coughing and trying to both reign himself in but still…get it out. 
Barry presses a hand to his chest, which triggers another lurch and this time, something wet and sticky comes out of Alan’s mouth and into the palm of his hand.
It’s not blood.
Unless the blood in his body was black.
“Wha-cough-tuh-coughcough-fuck is-cough-that?” Alan continues to cough and Barry is immediately calling the ambulance. 
“Fuck if I know!” Barry cries out. “Shit shit shit shit! This is worse than that time I dragged your sorry ass outta the club while you were OD’ing on some shit you got into. You're worse than a goddamn toddler sometimes, Al—Hi, yes, my best friend is-is having…I don’t know what but we need an ambulance now!” 
Alan remembers the incident Barry’s referring to, not one of his finest moments. Fighting with Alice, ignoring Barry, putting substances in his body because he didn’t want to be himself. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, tobacco…he’s done it all. 
“I don’t know! All we’ve done is had some beers!” Barry continues to berate the poor operator on the other end of the line because the ambulance hasn’t come fast enough.
It’s not alcohol poisoning, he thinks to himself as the blacknees begins to spread in the palm of his hand. His eyes cross and start to roll up. He feels lightheaded and shaky, but sinks heavily into the couch like a stone. 
“Stay with me, Al,” Barry reminds him, and Alan falls back in exhaustion. 
Barry bailed him out both physically and mentally from the last overdose. Maybe he can save him from whatever this is. 
Barry presses his hand to Alan’s throat, taking his pulse but he seems to fumble over the math when he tells the phone operator that “he’s fucking breathing, okay?” 
Alan’s arm feels melted into the cushion beneath him but he wants to hold Barry’s hand, hold on to something as he feels himself fading faster and faster away into oblivion. The lights in the room are dimming. He sees a shadow growing larger, approaching closer. Edges illuminated like the echoes he would see as inspiration. Shitty time for an idea but he’ll hear it out, maybe it has a clue to what is going on…
Unable to move closer, he holds his hand up to the shadow, and his fingers brush up against something solid, but viscous. It grips onto him, draining all of the color out of his body. He tries to pull his hand back but slimy tendrils spread and form a copy of himself right before his eyes.
“Ew gnoleb rehtegot, nalA…” 
It sounded backwards, wrong, but it sounded familiar. Scratch. Coming back to haunt him. He may have left The Dark Place but The Dark Place never left him. 
“Alan!” Barry’s voice cut through the darkness, his thick form of light inflating and bursting through the black goo-Scratch. He’s not sure if it’s real but he feels a splatter of goo on his face. 
He’s dimly reminded of his thick friend dressed in an oversized parka wrapped in Christmas lights, burning away the Taken in front of him and saving Alan’s life. The blurry thin man in front of him now is almost unrecognizable, unarmed, unprepared for this. 
“Barry…” Alan groans. “Don’t…don’t leave…” 
“I got you, Al, I got you,” Barry comforts him, the phone falling out of his hands and cupping Alan’s cheeks. “Help is coming.”
There are so many people helping you, armies of people. 
There’s no army strong enough to come close to the power of Scratch. And there was no ending in sight he could write to escape it. 
His final thoughts before passing out, pangs of guilt tugging at every pore in his body because he was taking Barry down with him into the darkness.
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milfgyuu · 11 months
I haven't sent one of these in a hot minute! The last gifset had me thinking: Sincr it's 🎃time, how about assigning the typical horror movie roles/tropes to Seventeen? Like, we already know Mingyu is The Hot Girl that Dies First™️ 🤣 (grouping them is also fine!)
HELL YEAH, it's spooky time!!!!! I am popping these under a read-more jusssst in case there are some sweet angels on my blog that may be sensitive to the themes or aren't into the horror genre <3
but if you're into SVT and horror film roles/tropes, read below!
Cheol - is surviving. idc. he's giving Chad Michael Murray in House of Wax like he definitely is kind of the asshole with a seedy past in the movie but it's also the reason he is making it out alive because he's fighting back. mf is running around with a tire iron and a gash down the side of his face and he's PISSED.
Jeonghan/Minghao - is taking things a little too...unseriously. like "why are you guys freaking out? ooooh he's gonna getcha!" probably even finds himself getting caught or injured and laughs when everyone gets mad at him because "it was just a joke, omg u guys". definitely turns out to be the killer in the end.
Joshua - god, sorry, but he's the handsome, sweet, innocent boyfriend of the female lead who gets absolutely gutted by the killer in the first half of the movie. Like he is the letterman jacket-wearing jock bf of Drew Barrymore's character in the original Scream. He was truly a bystander but boy is he pretty.
Junhui/Hoshi - He's just a side character but the whole audience loves him! and then he gets kidnapped and disappears halfway thru the movie so everyone assumes he's dead but just when the killer is about to whack the main character he shows up out of nowhere and knocks them out with a fire extinguisher to save them. he's a hero, baby. he still might get got tho :/
Woozi - can we get fluffy for a sec? i know it's horror tropes but this is Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus, ok? he was kind of a little shit and then he got turned into a cat so now he's chasing around these three idiot kids trying to help them stop the witches from eating all the kids in Salem and he's perpetually irritated at his lack of opposable thumbs bc if he had them, he could just do it all himself.
Wonwoo - he's the dark-knight detective on the case. he's scary, kinda shady, and is likely doing a ton of illegal shit to find leads and force information out of people, but he's not a bad guy. He's been on the case for over a decade and lives off black coffee and cigarettes. definitely makes it to the end and has a hand in taking the killer down.
Mingyu - ok, yes, i still think he's the token slasher-bimbo - like he's the opening kill before the title sequence BUT alternatively, he's the martyr...he's the character you end up loving and then you have to watch as he sacrifices himself so everyone else lives & we love/hate him for it. We weep for him. We write alternate ending fics for him.
Seokmin - Sigh, he's the dad who buys the super-haunted house in a paranormal horror flick. He can't afford to move because he poured his life savings into buying the house. Shit keeps getting progressively worse. His dog chased something into the woods and never came back. His kids are possessed. His wife is floating in the corner and making weird noises. but he's hot - like ryan reynolds in Amityville.
Vernon - bro, he is actually Darry from Jeepers Creepers. I literally can't explain this to you if you haven't watched this CLASSIC and those of you who have seen it...you get it. Like why tf is he ignoring Ms. Dabney????? she's trying to save him and he's like...ok weirdo...i'm gonna go check out that hole where it looks like bodies are being dumped...bye.
Seungkwan - he's not going in that fuck-ass house dude. he's not doing it. he will stand guard with whatever makeshift weapon he can find and he's talking mad shit about everyone and their stupid plan the whole time he's waiting. he is, however, a good friend, and he will run into the house the first time he hears someone scream. is soooo pissed when he finds out it was over nothing and now he's stuck with everyone else in the death trap.
Chan - he is the planner, the optimist, the strategist. he is getting everyone the hell out and he's got the brains and balls to pull it all off. like, my boi is setting traps as if he's Freddie in Scooby Doo. He is pissing the killer off left and right. definitely gets himself in a pinch - almost meets his end - and still, somehow finds a way to live.
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s1 episode 8 thoughts
this was a very stressful episode and it taught me a lot. for instance i Do Not Like Body Horror! and now i know that about myself.
the first thing i wrote in my episode notes was during a closeup of scully and i wrote as follows: "good lord she is so pretty. like so pretty. like it's really not fair" and i stand by this assessment.
the next thing i wrote was simply "big ass coats". this is because they were wearing big ass coats and i thought it was adorable.
when scully took a picture with the big camera she announced that there would be a flash. this is because she is, once again, keeping an eye out for those who need accommodations and would be effected by a camera's flash, which adds proof to my theory that she is purposefully mindful of accessibility needs. may be considered a basic thing but she was photographing dead bodies in an arctic compound so good to know she shall not be distracted from her mission of being based!
after being attacked by a dog, i wonder if mulder has become a cat guy. was he ever a dog guy? he seems like a cat guy tbh. i wonder if this further solidified his viewpoint. discuss with the person sitting next to you which pet each member of our duo prefers.
scully, however, very much gave me dog person energy, and not just because she masterfully examined that dog, it was a theory i already had cooking. however at this point the parasite in the dog was moving and i had to look away because it was disgusting.
the sounds of the two of them arguing in the distance in an arctic base. well. let's just say i found it very empire strikes back coded!
then when they started screaming at each other and pointing guns i was suuuuuper stressed. she literally said if he is infected with a murderous alien then it's NOT HIS FAULT???? don't be mean to him???
also. how many times are these guys gonna have to take their clothes off to inspect each other for aliens. does it stop being erotic after a certain point?
the low poly worms in the jar brought me such happiness. i know they were Evil Worms imprisoned in their jars for their wormy crimes but a low poly creature just makes me laugh every time! they will be doing Very Serious Business and then the worst CGI u have ever seen will cross the screen and take you out of the moment but this is entirely a part of the series's charm imo.
when scully was petting the dog i saw a glimpse into a future in which she has a Big Ol' Dog and it was a good one.
Overall the episode was really well done and stressful and well written and i can objectively say it was one of the best so far BUT my aversion to body horror means i will probably not rewatch it anytime soon (and i know it was tame! but it was still yucky!)
and the scenes in which scully and mulder screamed at each other will stick with me for a long time. i look forward to being at a point in which i can look at other blogs freely without needing to be wary of spoilers so i can reblog the hell out of that gifset.
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golden28s · 11 months
Totally optional, fun Gallavich questions ☀️🌙
thanks for tagging me to the coolest person @callivich 💖
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? i havent read that many gallavich fanfics since i watched the show in like april BUT im loving Africa and ill probably read it once it's finished
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? s7 gifsets are really person to me but also maybe s10 and s11 because they reached the peak of softness
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? maybe that ian would tell mickey "i told you so" when they become parents and mickey turns out to be an absolute incredible dad that will play, sing, dance anything with his children.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? maybe @gallavichonly @heymrspatel and i accept recommendations btw id love to see more fanart
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? id probably write like a series of one shots based on taylor swift songs
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i think that not judging characters, like always be aware of their circumstances and what made them do or say that and that might not justify them but it explains their thought process, it explains why and gives them some sort of humanity to their mistakes idk if this makes sense but yeah that, don't judge a character too soon, try to understand them.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? the secret dating, we know they secretly dated and stuff but i feel like it's actually a really fun concept to play with despite their circumstances in the show, it gives you so many possibilities.
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? the early seasons have special place in my heart, so s4-5 and i think gallavich totally saved s7, i love that part of the season
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would've loved to see ian healing from the grooming and realizing it was grooming, it would've been nice for the character to heal old wounds and start fresh a new life with mickey in a new neighborhood ready to create new memories
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? the just wondering if we're a couple or not scene, we definitely should discuss more the fact that mickey answered too quickly, he absolutely had been calling ian boyfriend in his head
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? im gonna quote noel fisher and as he said: "Ian's been that kind of guiding angel for Mickey so he's going to have to turn into a pretty much kind of a protective angel for Ian"
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they're gonna learn to communicate even more, they were in really good path already. i think the writers didn't have much faith in them in that aspect but the conversation they have in s11 about going back or not to the new neighborhood made evident that they can communicate, they listen to each other and understand the reasons, each other's feelings. so yeah, i think they're gonna get even better at that and also they're not gonna wait that much to become parents. i think they eventually will find new jobs, ian will have his tomatoes and mickey will adore looking at him doing his thing every sunday morning. i really really think they finally found their peace, their home and are gonna be very very happy and disgustingly in love forever because they're also hopeless romantic and want that so bad.
im gonna tag a few people and as always feel free to do it or not <3 @lupeloto @mikhailoisbaby @mickeysgaymom @redwiccanrobin @lyricailove @energievie @depressedstressedlemonzest @juliakayyy
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Hello <3
I've listened to both songs and I love both of them, but I like "Cast your spell uranus" a bit more, because of the lyrics - and drumming of course. I like these lines a lot: "Take me to the tower Make love to the Moon" Just lovely <3
But daaamn, "You can do voodoo" is hella catchy!
So, as I'm in your ask box... Could you tell me your 5 favorites songs by Russ? And why you like them?
okay yes i have to agree with that too, actually! though i love that russ did just about everything on that solo album 'you can do voodoo' is from himself, it was kind of like him making use of his new freedom to do whatever he wanted after he left the band, so that's one of the reasons i love that album. AND it was not long after he did that one that roger asked him to write for/produce his ride a rock horse album, so he must have liked what he was doing too.
i can't think about that anymore without thinking of the story russ told, which i think more or less went like this:
roger: russ, can you write some songs and produce my next album for me? russ: yeah roger: great, i'm going to the caribbean for six weeks, bye russ: NOOOOOO russ: i won't know what key you're gonna sing in! roger: I CAN SING IN ANY KEY
it's better when russ tells the story, the way he does the "I CAN SING IN ANY KEY" in roger's voice, and he sounded pretty close too
AND THEY TOURED TOGETHER TOO in the 80's, russ played guitar for him. i always think about the way, before russ did one of his own songs in the set, roger introduced him and was like "he's a great singer" the way he said it was so. like. awwwwwwwww. sounded so genuine.
this picture was from the same tour:
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(a fan handed the flowers to russ to give to roger and i believe russ has this picture on his wall in his studio)
i THINK that was the first tour he did since he took like a decade off of touring to be with his kids when they were born.
and then they were part of the rd crusaders later for charity.
okay anyway, i ramble a lot and go off topic sometimes
oh my god i have to only choose 5 songs???????? IMPOSSIBLE
okay wait i'll try
no wait, I'LL DO A DOUBLE LIST(still difficult to choose when i love literally everything) and then if you want to listen, you can either choose between the lists or both of them if you want. one from argent and one from russ.
from argent, i'll chooooooooooose:
liar <- i love this one because it was the main one that stuck in my memory after i first watched their set of six video where i couldn't stop thinking about it for months before i actually got into them more(the video the massive gifset of bob henrit drumming was from(also i am once again thanking @burn-on-the-flame forever for showing me argent in the first place, hello i love you)) three dog night did a cover of this, which made it a hit. (they also did a cover of their song 'chained'.)
it's only money <- both part 1 and part 2. this is me cheating in an extra song because they're technically two songs. i just really love the way these sound
thunder and lightning <- i love the sound of this one too, and the lyrics. like, just everything.
gonna meet my maker <- same with this, i love everything, but especially russ's voice in this, i can't listen to it enough. also you can never go wrong with adding harmonica to songs.
tragedy <- CATCHY and CORRECT
and from russ AFTER argent, i'll choose:
winning <- this was about his life, i love the catchiness and the lyrics. santana did a cover of it, most people know that version.
rock and roll lover <- another catchy one. bob drummed on the album this was from, into the fire, and the album before it, barnet dogs
dream on <- this is one of his motivational songs, he loves putting things like that in a lot of his lyrics. he always does a little intro speech for this when he does it live, about how life makes sense when you have a passion and he always encourages people to find one.
just like me <- this is from my favorite album ever, book of love, which is like a concept album about his life. he said this song was a true story.
in to the light <- i love the lyrics of this one too. i actually love the lyrics of every song on that album, he's been helping me so much with my own mental health, it's almost unbelievable how much progress i've made since learning he exists
this is from his website, what he said about that album:
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areseebee · 11 months
The imitating-the-head-movement thing is soo great, tbh, I wonder if he was directed to or if he did that on his own. There's some really brilliant "little acting" in this show that's just so very good. I rewatched the S2 finale, and that scene with Cathy (not her eyebrows!), when she has that discussion with Ma Mary, he's full on beaming at his mother's pathetic claims about how much she's missed him, face completely dropping at Mary's "well you did dump him here quite a long time ago!", the way he says "Mum's had a lot going on" - that was sooo nailing the abandoned child in denial about their parent's lack of affection, brilliant, but also Mary's reaction!! When her eyes stay on James for a second before going back to Cathy going on about her business, you can literally watch Ma Mary's heart break for him! Considering there's some quite silly slapsticky comedy and over the top physical stuff in there as well, in some moments we really get to see how much *serious* acting talent there's assembled in this cast! ("Serious" acting talend in addition to comic acting talent, which is obvious in practically every scene I mean)
[this ask is referencing my tags on this reblog of a gifset of james in 3x07 as he watches his erin fancam footage]
yes, totally agree! there's some really, really top tier "little acting" from the entire cast (face acting, i think it's called? idk, don't quote me on that, i am not a trained actor).
in the same vein as the "little acting," the background acting in derry girls is just so excellent. i remember an interview with one of the main cast members where they talk about how tiring some of the long filming days would be because, even if they didn't many lines, they are always in the scene, reacting or doing something in the background. orla/louisa harland gets a lot of recognition for their/her background antics, but i think james/dylan llewellyn is really, really excellent with his background acting too. and, imo, it leads to a really rich text to work with as a fic writer and makes the show endlessly layered and rewatchable. i still feel like i pick up on new things when i revisit the show.
mine and @derrygirlstrash's fic, making moves, is grounded in only a look that erin gives james in the dark when the gang is sneaking into the protestant boys' room in 2x01. she's concerned about how she "doesn't have any moves," looks back at james anxiously, he very clearly notices, and then his next line is about how "boys like girls who are confident." like! why was she looking at him? had they talked about this together before? he's so quick to reassure her, to make sure she's not worried. boom - we wrote a fic about it.
or in 3x03, when james is about to sneeze on the train and erin is looking at him encouragingly, hoping she'll get to hear about his "hopes and dreams," and michelle is looking between the two of them like she suspects something, like whatever is about to happen needs to be stopped. did michelle really just happen on them kissing in 3x04 or had she been watching them for a while, seeing this develop right in front of her eyes and try to interrupt it? because i think it's fun, my headcanon is the latter and it's based literally on that one look in 3x03 alone. i'm not gonna write it, but someone give me a "5 times michelle suspected" fic!
there's just so much there if you've got an eye to it, so many spaces for fun ideas. it's the way i like to write and think about fic - to find those spaces in a source material, to find those opportunities within it to really explore what else could be there and to better understand who the characters are to themselves and to each other. imo not all source material has those spaces, but derry girls has it in spades.
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softmick · 11 months
was tagged to answer @callivich's questions by @jrooc and @lingy910y! thank you thank you 🙏 also i got rambly and nsfw please forgive me.
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? we drag ourselves hand over hand by jesuisgourde. i read it for the first time pretty recently and i've read it at least five or six times since. there's untagged major character death, okay? there’s uncertainty and hope and grief and anger. it is well written and feels authentic. there’s also sweetness and family and love. it is Fucking Sad. it is painful. but it’s so worth it! no one needs to know how many times i've read the taming of mickey milkovich by @whatthebodygraspsnot it's between me and god. but if you’re into upset mickey acting out and ian being rough and sweet all at the same time and setting things straight and hot bjs, you should also read it. and i have only indecent things to say about and i'm your warm receiver by @metalheadmickey FAVE. i think i commented something about secondhand subspace and i am not kidding. it does things to me.
also cooperative gameplay by grayola. i've only read it twice but i'm new here and it's long so it feels like a thing.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? you may have noticed i will always reblog mickey's brown sweater. haters are WRONG. and the 5x10 dugouts scene because bloody kisses are hot and i love fictional violence. and also that scene in the hallway with that fucking purple robe. i can't remember the episode but it’s the scene where ian looks like he's gonna devour mickey and mickey is just having the time of his life.
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? thinking about mickey and the gallaghers all the time. mickey and carl are besties and they do the dumbest, shadiest shit together. i think they like exploding things and playing with fire and pulling off semi-dangerous pranks. they love to shoot together (ian isn't allowed to come because he's better than they are). they have the same taste in video games and they are insufferably competitive. they're both the biggest softies with animals (the whole cat thing in s1 never happened in this house). actually they're both just huge softies in general. like they're all family oriented but i think lip tried to impose his will cause he thinks he knows best and will try to Teach Lessons. and debbie struggles sometimes because her siblings have been assholes to her at times and i think she might want to reciprocate sometimes. and ian is torn between finally prioritizing himself and mickey sometimes. but i think carl and mickey are just no questions asked generous and showing tf up regardless of how they feel about a situation because that's what family does. and also they are chaos uncles and don't even try to hide it. they're giving the kids sweets at all hours and toy guns and encouraging rough play. when the kids are teens they're the ones giving them their first beers and telling them they're overpaying for weed. they're gonna be on speeddial to pick them up from parties and the police station. i also think that when carl leaves policing (because just no) and ian finds what makes him happy, carl joins mickey in security. mickey and debbie are legit close friends. mickey doesn't like to talk to mandy about his relationship b/c she always takes ian's side or makes assumptions about mickey because of their past. but debbie is a great sounding board and i think mickey is good for her too. they're honest with each other in a very matter-of-fact way. mickey appreciates having someone besides ian really consider him. debbie likes being treated like a capable adult. and mickey respects her and takes an interest in her job. and they both feel strongly about self-advocating, ie not taking any shit. whatever weirdness the gallaghers had about debbie's sexuality mickey DOES NOT. i think they go out to gay bars together sans ian and have beers. and mickey will tease debbie about her taste in women but also be her wingman. he’s surprisingly good at it and can actually pick out good matches for her. they tag team planning family events and eventually rope in tammi. they make the holidays so nice and fun and start new traditions.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? literally anything from @darthvaders-wife. i went to patreon for her uncensored kinktober stuff but her notting hill comic is so good i cry. also really enjoying @gallavichonly's style esp their mickey. the energy is just perfect! and i think about @harukanaaaa's baby ian often. he's so precious.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? 🐙. shameless gave me so many Disappointments and Sorrows that it's taken my fandom consumption to new lows. in a good way! gallavich's canon development is so goddamn tragic that fic writers can put them in any hurt/comfort/sick/angsty/death situation and i will enjoy it and ask for more.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? mickey's floopy hair and million layers and cutoff shirts and his whole Deal immediately read so queer to me. it may just be me. i want his aesthetic. anyway i love gnc/trans mickey. also aging, hairier, and/or chubby husbands. i love cam's abs and noel's tiny waist as much as the next guy but sometimes i want ian and mickey's bodies to be as soft as their hearts. they're so horny for each other i just think they'd both be into there being more flesh to grab and bite. and i want graying hair and wrinkles and glasses and sex that's maybe less acrobatic but just gets nastier and more intimate. also i need ian 'i love smells' gallagher to drag his face through mickey's sweaty armpits more often and give mickey chest hair cause ian loves rubbing against that too. and i want mickey pulling on ian's beard and playing with his leg hair. idk i'm just thinking about their soft bellies and sweat-matted happy trails rubbing together. look i'm a little worked up about them and perpetually horny. someone should stop me because i am embarrassing!! also we need more fisting. as much as we love ian's hands, mickey loves them more and he is not scared. put one inside him.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? why didn't we get them dealing with 3x06? what happened to yevgeny? was he mickey's or not? and regardless, how did mickey and ian deal with losing him? why'd they do svet so dirty? she just wanted stability and family and honestly i think svet+gallavich and svet+kev and v were both promising dynamics. hated the way they wrote fiona out. and then never mentioned her? i wanted more gallagher siblings screen time and i specifically mean ian, debbie, carl, and liam. i still don't understand what happened with the house. carl's money paid for it but in fiona's name. then she gave it to debbie? lip couldn't have sold it no matter who sided with him so what was the point of that storyline? also s10-11 were all over the place tonally.
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steveharrington · 2 years
Hi! I just saw your post about Steve being abandoned by the narrative and I found it so interesting, but I have a question and a wonder on your thoughts.
First, how was Steve supposed to die? I knew he was suppose to die in s1 initially, but I assumed it was at the hand of the demogorgan, but if Lonnie helped Jonathan and Nancy, ig he wasn't there. Was he supposed to die in the pool instead of barb, and she didn't exist in the og script? But that feels a lil too early considering other things hadn't happened yet, so how did he die?
Also, I was thinking about whta you said in regards to Steve getting tortured has an almost light hearted tone to it, and im wondering what you think may have contributed to that tone? He's getting beat up, he's begging for his life, the general is intimidating, what about the scene somehow makes it feel less scary than other scenes? Part of me wants to sya the lighting, since it's in a well lit sterile room, but even in those lab scenes with El in the beginning, it was still scary. Idk what do u think?
so the funny thing is that the duffers apparently don’t even remember how they were going to kill steve, just that he was gonna die and lonnie would take his place during the demogorgon fight before joe keery charmed them too hard and they changed their minds
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(this was apparently said during netflix geeked prior to s2 according to this rotten tomatoes article)
as for the torture scene, i just think they added way too much like…joking around? his whole little spiel about the uss butterscotch and the way he stops to be like “or maybe it’s gelato where you come from 🤣” and the fake out when the guards laugh, it’s all very goofy and kinda going in the direction of a comedic scene until they knock him out and then you’re like holy fuck. idk if the duffers intended that, maybe they thought it would be like a way to subvert audiences expectations and kinda sucker punch us the same way steve gets sucker punched, but it just creates a weird….vibe. there’s also the bit where he and robin are giggling and refusing to answer and when they suddenly start pulling on steve’s nail with pliers it just becomes insanely dark insanely fast, to the degree where i saw a gifset of that scene recently and i thought like wow that last gif (plier fingernail bit) looks like it belongs to a different gifset just from how quickly the tone changes. in scenes where el is getting tortured or hopper is getting tortured it’s treated So Seriously there’s absolutely zero comedy there are zero jokes or bits written in, which makes sense! it’s torture! but for steve i really think they struggle to write him in any mode but comedic and it just strikes a weird tone
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
okay first of all im not convinced that rudy didn't buy tickets only bcuz louise annoyed him about it and he vaguely recognized the bands name from one of his dads old records FJDMDNSMSMSJ
why doesn't tina get to go to the old man concert w/ gene louise and their friends 😭
love how both concerts that tina mentioned going to were boyz 4 now concerts and that BOTH of them were actual episodes in the show. this is why catching up on bob's burgers lore is so important. these are the things you'd miss!!!!
NOOO NOT THE KING BREAKING HIS PAW this is a code red emergency
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT QUINCE BURGER BANGER NAME‼️‼️ have the bobs burgers writers seen the hawk and chick bb/eeaao comparison gifsets. do they even know that they made me cry. i want you to know how much i love and support you even if you stop fighting monsters with me someday and do taxes instead. okay sorry i got distracted
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okay MAYBE i missed them saying that the concert had paid entrance or something but this is a block party?? could they not just go downstairs and watch the band outside. like it might not be premium seats but at least they'd be going to their first concert ?
most normal louise and rudy interaction
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why is tina being the voice of reason here LMAO like at least google how to capture an injured raccoon or something
OH ITS NOT THAT HARD. GOOD WHEELS ON THIS THING obsessed w/ teddy in this subplot(??) i missed him
i feel like this episode has the same problem as the st patrick's day episode where despite the episode's title and description trying to make the subplot the main focus of the episode its also Clearly the subplot to a more important storyline. which is fine bcuz they're both entertaining in this episode but its gonna be confusing as hell in the future trying to find this episode 😭
"maybe it would be easier to watch the concert from the street" IM SAYING LIKE?? literally what was louise's plan here. im obsessed with her
girl. all this for like six pieces of candy
THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO STRESSFUL im shaking im so worried about little king trashmouth... if anything bad happens to him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. that would literally be bury your gays. to me
not bob having another burger related existential crisis ☹️☹️
bob has failed to realize he could cook literally ANY other food if he really wanted to. but i will admit he likes cooking the burgers. and tbh?? what he described sounded like an autistic dream so maybe he simply does not understand the vision like me and u bob. maybe he just doesn't get it
"is that magic marker?" "what makes you say that??" "my.... eyes?"
actually where the HELL did they get those shirts they're too big to be louise's but wayy too small to gene's this is the actual mystery in the episode. possibly maybe tina's old shirts or something??
today we learned that linda buys her wine from the liquor store on their block which was Probably obvious but cool to see it confirmed
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also kinda funny to say this when big bob is Literally in next weeks episode and seems happy enough running his diner.... like bob have you considered maybe you LIKE cooking for people and thats okay?? your dad does too. some people are happy to do one thing forever and thats not like a Problem unless you're unhappy
awww they're such cuties dancing together
"Well there are moments, you know... when the band locks in, the crowd is with them and everything they ever loved about playing music comes flooding back in a rush of pure heavenly emotion. All that crap."
"But... all these decades later, they still have them? The moments?"
"You tell me."
😭😭 WHY DID THIS PART OF THE EPISODE MAKE ME WANNA CRY I HAVE TO GET A VIDEO OF IT OR SOMETHING. WHAT THE HELL too real for creative people..... omg. this season has a lot of moments like that about the creative process like gene's song etc
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THIS EPISODE WAS VERY CUTE?? very silly subplot w/ linda and the raccoons and then louise and gene and their friends. bob's little crisis in the middle there got to me harder than anticipated (i think they could have easily made that into its own episode but considering they've done similar concepts in the past i dont hate that they didn't flesh that out as much as they could have. we already KINDA know where bob is coming from here) and the ending clip with bob singing was soo silly im gonna need to post that too. fun episode!
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cornflowershade · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thank you for tagging me @lamonnaie!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself Sonia (she/her). 24. I love getting to know people & chatting about shows so lets goooo
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched Bad Buddy in one week, in late October 2022. I owe it to @airenyah honestly. I think I found their blog through an SPN post and clicked over for that reason. In my scrolling, I happened upon a lovely gifset (wish I could recall who made it) of InkPa. It was the scene where they're outside and Pa says anyone taller than her is fine and hops down off the sidewalk. :) Love that scene. Anyway I reblogged it and in the tags was like WHAT IS THIS I MUST WATCH IT. To which airenyah gave me a whole blessed reply telling me the show name, giving a small synopsis/what to expect from my first thai drama & telling me where I could watch it. I immediately watched the series and adored it. I've seen it twice thus far.
favorite ship(s) PatPran & InkPa :)
favorite character(s): Okay I adore all the main 4 but I'm gonna go with Pran. I love him. There's just something so soft about him and how on earth do his eyes communicate so much?? I think I relate to his messy little overthinking and silently in love brain—very "me the first time i had a queer crush and simply wallowed the whole time bc it was impossible" lol. Also, he's always making the funniest facial expressions which gets me every time. I could go on about everything I like about his character (for instance how clever yet sometimes oblivious he is & how he gets all annoyed lol). Though I do question his sense of interior design and that smiley face obsession.
favorite episode(s) Honestly I'm not certain if I have one?? It's all so good! I do really like their "whoever falls first loses" era though. Wait actually?? My favorite ep might be the early one where Pat thinks he's hitting on the "girl" across the hall and they end up running into each other on the roof. Also both of the beach episodes.
favorite scene(s) *pastes in the entire show* Okay okay I'll try to pick a few:
~ The scene where Pat is staying over and he and Pran are lying in the dark, counting down to say in unison whether they have a crush on Ink. Idk I remember that scene having an emotional impact on me. Pran's face??? Then when Pat asks "would you like me?" and Pran says "I hate you" and then he yanks the blanket away but you saw him crying?? ahhhghrhghgh
~ The scene in the darkroom with Ink and Pa. I remember getting so emotional. Pretty sure Pa's dialogue and acting made me cry. "I do [like you being nice to me]. I like it so much that I thought I was special to you." ARE YOU KIDDING ME ASDFGZ. And then Ink says she is special to her!! And it's so sweet!!
~ OH and how could I forget. This should be at the top of the list. I realllly like the scene where Pran stands up to his mom and they have that emotional fight in their front hall. That whole thing is just. AHHHHHH. AHHH. AHIOFJEIOsdJIO. SIJDGRIOGJRIGJORE
~ And the scene at the stairs where Pat yells how much he loves Pran in front of Pran's whole faculty. :)
(Also any scene where Pat & Pran are being silly. Like their dumb little chopstick fight :p omg or the designing the bus stop at night scene)
one thing you would change about the show if you could Ohhhh I don't know! Maybe I'd throw in a few more InkPa scenes :)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? Ahh fun fun fun. Get ready for some fanvid recs! (What else do you expect from me, a fanvidder.)
• Just My Type (Pat x Pran) by samyvids • Physical (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Enchanted (Ink x Pa) by rheaprodz • I really like you (Pat x Pran) by dkyth73 • Rebels (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Dandelions (Pat x Pran) by hylian fanvids
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? I've made two fanvids for Bad Buddy, as well as one song cover haha. I'll stick to the fanvids here. :)
• All I Need (Ink x Pa) • That dimple is illegal (Pat x Pran)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) Physical by Dua Lipa. The fanvid using that song is my all-time favorite BBS edit, so hearing the song reminds me of it.
idk anything else you want us to know? Uhhhhhhhh. I mean I could ramble about BBS and why it means so much to me for a long time haha. Should I do that? I guess I'll do that.
Okay so BBS was the first Thai drama I watched. I was still feeling a lot from the SPN-finale/confession scene era (yes that happened 2 years prior but it's SPN okay iykyk) which had me especially sad about and aware of media censorship etc. etc.
On top of that I was still working up the courage to leave this group chat of childhood friends, some of whom liked to complain about media "making everything gay" etc. (Amazing how you can not know people are homophobic for the entirety of your childhood bc the topic just never comes up lol.) Which was of course upsetting to me for multiple reasons. However the universe decided to do something nice and Heartstopper was released. That series felt really huge to me, but after it was over, I was left with this feeling of like... what else is there to watch? Where else will I ever find a queer ship this canon where they're also the main characters?
That's when I came across BBS and it gave me this realization that OH WAIT we aren't limited to western media and OH LOOK there's so many great shows that I didn't even know about!! And they keep making them! Also it was a queer story where the main obstacle wasn't being gay (Plus, Asian leads!!). And BBS itself is just such a standout show. First of all, I love a good comedy and the series made me laugh so much. It's heartfelt but full of ANTICS [like yes lets have fun! Lets not take everything too seriously!], and Pat & Pran & Ink & Pa are just such wonderful and lovable and real feeling characters—who have this lovely friendship too—and the show is just! Such a fun ride. <3 I recall watching the series and feeling like my world just got a little bit bigger. Anyway Bad Buddy goes all in for everything it does and it's such a joy.
Tagging @airenyah and @distant-screaming and @feralmuskyscentedhoepran if you haven't done this yet and would like to!
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dominic-sessa · 7 months
life update!!
i finally have some free time and havent properly posted something in so long so i thought id write up something!
first of all i want to say that ive successfully fixed my bingewatch problem in late january!! i hate to say it, but seeing how many movies i saw last year in my letterboxd wrapped really concerned me 🫤 i wanted to make an effort to make use of my time properly (after starting a new job and all) and i thought i wont let myself waste time bingeing horrible b-movies just so i can bump up the percent watched in someones filmography (its kinda tricky doing it so i made a resolution to only watch movies which interests me if i want to see more of someone)
with that said, i ended up not watching anything on weekdays and eventually think that staring at my phone for more than an hour wasnt my thing anymore (at least in the context of doing it EVERYDAY). so that may be one of the reasons why the turnaround for my hyperfixations got slower (which i think is good!).
ALSO, i do want to mention that because ive been watching less films recently i initially thought it would be great for my gif making hobby since i wont feel the pressure of wanting to gif so many movies at one sitting. i tried this in early feb and.. well... lets just say that it takes time for my very old laptop to make gifs (i had it since college during the pandemic so it was really used!). i only screen record scenes i want to gif because i hate having to wait to download AND even if i had hq clips it would take my laptop so long to render. so making something lq and having to wait 30mins just for a single gif wasnt doing it for me (bcs i said i wanted to make more use of my time).. so thats the reason why i havent posted anything lately (I REALLY REALLY wanted to make a gifset of josh whitehouse in valley girl but the quality just ended up stressing me 🫠)
and for my last update, as u can tell from my reblogs on queue, i just saw daisy jones and the six and LOVE josh whitehouse and he really got me playing the guitar again 😭😭 (i still think its a miracle!!!). ive been practicing some old pieces i used to perform when i was in high school during my 5-9's and i just had a bizzare idea of getting into the piano. i only ever played classical before, so i always had a problem doing improvs. i spent some time looking at videos on youtube and found out improvs on the piano were waay easier to play and understand, so im gonna buy a keyboard very very soon (which im so excited for)!!!! learning how to do jazz improvs on keys would probably be my new hobby and making gifs would probably be back until i get a new laptop (which at the moment is very low priority 🥲)
SO THERES THAT! Now heres an audit trail of my jan-feb hyperfixations!
still on a tom blyth high since late december 2023
dom sessa: after watching the holdovers (seriously this time)
sam claflin: i wanted to get out of the coriolanus blackhole so i ended up reading finnick odair fics 😭😭 i found out he was the lead in daisy jones and the six so i watched that! my hyperfixation didnt last tho!! i have love rosie on my watchlist but got side tracked bcs of... *drum roll*
JOSH WHITEHOUSE -i find it crazy how most of my hyperfixations are englishmen. but yes. my sweet pookie. i love him. i will try not to talk much bcs if i start i wont stop. but tldr i didnt binge his filmography so i was on his youtube channel for quite some time and spent 15mins a day there... thats maybe the reason i got into playing the guitar again? love his music videos AND love how he plays flamenco. i play classical on the guitar and am a tarrèga girl so i never bothered to learn flamenco (tarrèga hated it) . but knowing just that made me want to at least remember some pieces i used to play just so i can play again... THEN i found out he has a new movie coming up with...
malcolm mcrae: ngl his pretty face caught my eye (special shoutout to anya! literally the power couple)... my first thoughts were like 'ohh i wonder what his character is like in triton'. but then i found out hes in a band SO i was thinking ok hes in a movie w josh so theres probably gonna be something music in it. i then looked up his band and love their songs!! theyre only a duo which i think is p strong (u dont need that many ppl in a band rly!) and i watched some interviews they had too!
KANE RITCHOTTE: my babygirl. my darling. idk what to say abt him. his songs with malcolm are always so magical. ive been playing gods in the details on repeat since early feb. hes my favorite more* member. the literal musical god. im praying hell sing more songs. ALSO i was suprised he did a cameo in daisy jones and the six with malcolm (they were the one who taught some of them how to play their instruments!! i was in awe bcs malcolm was the literal billy dune. LIKE sam claflin really copied his playing style which is so neat!!)
thats all!! thanks so much if uve read up until this point ily and pls lmk what uve been up to as well 🫶
take care <3
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lydiaas · 1 year
Two things JJ lives by or represents him in canon: ‘deny deny deny’ & being a ‘field player’ And yet in this season he never once denies that there’s something going on with him and Kie & at the party he explicitly tells John B he’s going to ‘keep the boat ready’ for him. This field player is staying behind or relegating himself to a stand alone ‘ B team’ automatically even though it goes against his norm.
In summation he won’t deny his feelings but he also can’t face them head on right now. 😂 [No one can convince me he was afraid of Mike—he was afraid of his feelings for Kie & upsetting her via her parents.]
I also saw another ask where you reference JJs ‘yeah’ to Popes ‘liking it or not’ I’ve always been shocked I’m not seeing a lot of convo about it bc I loved that moment. To me that moment and once they get back shows that Pope isn’t what’s gettin in the way. JJs insecurities as well as Kies parents ‘societal pressures’ are more on the forefront with JJ.
That was a lot. Sorry! 🙃😩
I've been thinking about "deny deny deny" a lot as well because this season really was the one where he was forced to stop denying himself. It's part of what makes the jiara arc so satisfying. We've seen JJ be this guy who pushes down all the big feelings he has. He sets his feelings for Kie aside for years because of John B and Pope and his dad and because he doesn't feel good enough and because he thinks she deserves more. We see him pretend not to care in S1 and S2 but in S3 he starts to crack. That time they shared on poguelandia gave him the opportunity to stop denying that there was something real there. He has accepted that there are actual feelings and instead does his best to throw up walls to keep her away.
Your observation about him always being the field player and taking a backseat this season is SO GOOD! He did that at the anniversary party (and agree, he wasn't scared of Mike but scared of making things worse with her) and also in how he chose to go get her from Kitty Hawk even though it meant him being left behind (which is kind of what this gifset is about).
I think the conversation with Pope weighed on him but not nearly as much as settling back into the Cut did. We see him dreading their return before the almost kiss but he lets himself be reassured by her ("We're gonna handle it together") and I think Pope interrupting and the following conversation was like throwing cold water over the thing blossoming between them. It's the first real reminder that there are complications there and he can't just be led by his feelings. Once they get back to the obx everything just keeps stacking up.
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mischas · 11 months
I was reblogging the 1×02 gifset when I remembered something. When Luke and his friends see Marissa run away (crying) from the model home, they also see Ryan running after her... a bit later. It's kinda incredible to me that Ryan said all of the stuff he said specifically to make her go away yet when she did, he couldn’t help but go after her. I don’t think even he knew what he'd do (stop her? comfort her? Take it back?) but he had to do something. It's kinda instinctive - by all means, he could've let her go because even if he did stop her, it wasn’t like he was ever gonna see her again. But nah Ryan HAD to be Ryan and I think that's glorious
I think about this a lot!! What was he gonna say! Or do!! Just like Marissa taking a chance without thinking, he's doing the same. It's just a connection they don't want to miss!!! And like you said, right after he's said those things with the intention of making her leave, the implication is he wants to take it all back. And in 103 I think he tells Seth he wishes he could (or Seth infers it). Something about Marissa coming to see him and "it didn't seem right" because he was leaving. There's a lot of implication there imo. And when Ryan talks to her in 103 we don't get to hear what he was gonna say because she clams up and chose to follow Julie's advice in getting Luke back (and is still hurt from the things said in 102). They are so fun to watch in this era (the best era).
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