#is it Lucifer the sexy unhinged femboy
aliveafterparadise · 10 months
Michael: Okay, let me just get this straight -
God: You are definitely not straight but okay, go ahead.
Michael: You want me to be the vessel through which I dispense Divine Justice, a taxiarch, and a psychopomp delivering souls to the Inferno all at the same time?
God, smiling: Correct!
Michael: That's like three job titles in one. What's the compensation for my labor?
God: Well, I'm God! Sooooo your payment is living in Paradise for etetnity where your every need is met and you get to luxuriate in the simplicity of living! Um, so long as you do my bidding at any time I ask and don't question me too hard or all the time about it.
God: . . .what if I throw in my intelligent, beautiful femboy son that is halfway to being unhinged and will worship you like you're me as long as you do the same for him?
Michael, putting on the armor and grabbing the Flaming Sword: Hi, I'm Michael, I'll be your Heavenly Host -
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