#is Charlie smart as fuck? yes she is ❤️
hauntthebodies · 3 years
1. What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
32. What were they like in high school?
for everyone, please!
1. What’s the one thing they would try to save in a fire?
Aman- material thing? Shit, he’s making sure his car is far the fuck away from it if he can. The rest would probably be covered by home insurance lbr 😭
Avery- they would probably try to save more of their siblings stuff than their own? They don’t keep much for themselves in terms of material items; they’re more prone to buying their siblings things.
Mason- is saving their laptop. The amount of cherished pictures and such on it would be heartbreaking for him to lose
Sloan- would try to save their plush toys 😭 most were a gift so they don’t want to lose them.
Carson- if he doesn’t need to worry about Hati, then it’s the gun safe he keeps under his bed.
Charlie- if it’s not her chinchilla, Powder, then she’s trying to save all her projects equipment or work.
3. How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Aman would probably be able to stay alive for most of it, he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Would make him squeamish tho at having to kill undead/sick people.
Avery dies, and they die shortly after the start of it trying to protect their siblings from their own stupidity.
Sloan would probably die if on their own, might make it longer with a group, but I think the entire ordeal would be so overwhelming for them they have a lot of difficulty adapting.
Mason would be able to survive. He knows a loooot of places most people don’t, and he has no issue hiding out in the woods until it blows over.
Carson would do well in a zombie apocalypse. He’d be a bit more brutal in terms of attitude, but when you have to kill a bunch of fucked up people to survive, I feel like anyone loses a bit of themselves.
Charlie would survive if she stuck with Carson or another group. Her and her brother make a very compatible team, though, so her chances are better with him.
32. What were they like in high school?
Aman was kinda popular? Everyone knew him, he wasn’t really stuck in a specific clique or anything, he hung out with anyone who wanted to. Was on the football team, got voted for prom king but never won.
Avery was even worse than they are now. Combative, constantly arguing with teachers or other classmates over benign and stupid shit. Felt more like they were just taking their anger out on others. Infamous in school for starting a loooot of fights.
Sloan was studious and somewhat quiet in high school. They were well known, being the child of the preacher, but that made people more avoidant than accepting. A lot of rumors about their family and them went around school.
Mason was a lot more awkward! It wasn’t until after high school that their confidence rose. The school they went to was pretty shit, and didn’t have a lot in terms of opportunities. Had a couple decent friends, but Mason moved away as quick as possible after graduation.
Carson was a quiet kid in high school. He mostly stuck around with Charlie, as the two did everything together. Spent a lot of time in the chemistry labs though, and it was a joke around school he was trying to make a bomb (he wasn’t)
Charlie had a very conflicting time in high school, as it was around then she began questioning her gender identity. She never caused any issues within school, and was something of a teachers favorite, though. Super smart, valedictorian of their high school.
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rizlowwritessortof · 2 years
Thank you, readers!
THANK YOU ALL for the awesome (and sometimes hilarious) comments, reblogs and likes for Centerfold!!! You guys make writing so fun 🥰😁 Putting comments/responses below the cut 😊
@sarcasmqueen74 - (Who made the WONDERFUL header for Centerfold)
My pleasure! Thanks for asking me and I LOVE the fic! Smokin' hot 🔥🔥 🥵
So much more fun posting a fic with your amazing edits to help bring it to life! Thank you, my friend! 🥰❤️
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Holy Shit!! I need a copy of this centerfold so badly!! This was hot af!! I love how she was like, "Yeah, I'll have a chat with him." and then almost immediately was like, "N'ah, I'm gonna fuck him!" Lol!! Cause who amongst us wouldn't do exactly that?! 🥵🥵🥵
This was awesome!! Love the detail given to the shoot and the character of Giada - made everything feel realistic and really heightened my need to buy and devour this fictional copy of Playgirl!!
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Thank you, Linda! I WISH we could get a real copy of the fictional Playgirl, can you imagine?? The Ackleconda in full view.... 🤤🤤🤤
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Um wow just um yeah wow..... so hot 🔥
Thank you for reading!! 🥰
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Hell yes I would jump at that chance as well.
This is amazing Riz!!
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Thank you, my friend! ❤️😊
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That was simply chefs kiss
Thank you! 😘
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This is so great! I love the way you captured Ben's cocky little attitude. There are so many GREAT one-liners that I could ab-so-fucking-lutely picture him saying in a situation like this.
And you're gonna see a lot more of me.
Well, princess, perk me up.
Let's see if it'll fit.
(If it'll fit???!!!??? Kill me.)
And he was 100% a Playgirl centerfold. No doubt about it! I love this setup that allows him to be less of an asshole than we all know he is, even if sweet is never gonna be his demeanor.
Brava, Riz.
Charlie!! ❤️❤️❤️ I laughed so hard at “ (If it'll fit???!!!??? Kill me.) “ Thank you so much!
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The premise of this is just perfect. 👏  So smart and hot
Thank you, Ash!! 🥰❤️
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So smoking hot!!  ‘73 was a fine year indeed!
If it gave us a full frontal, naked Soldier Boy, it would be the BEST year! 😁
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😊Thank you for reading!! ❤️
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😘Thank you for reading!❤️
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❤️❤️❤️Thank you!
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That was...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.
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😂Thank you, sweetie!🥰
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